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Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible - Travel (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Lastmessenger2: 5:12pm On Jul 20, 2022

Prenuptial na for who get serious money and assets to protect. That guy sounds like he managed to get married (same way most people start their married life) and doesn't have any assets to protect.

Why young nigga wey just wan start life wey never even get any assets to protect go dey sign prenup?

you are right bro.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by UyaiIncomparabl(f): 5:12pm On Jul 20, 2022
Why did you bring your plight here?

These bitter boys with no achievements will come and tell you otherwise and call you a SIMP. That's what they know how to do best.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by mrfizy(m): 5:13pm On Jul 20, 2022
If you must marry anybody,find someone in the Uk and marry.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by brandsoncharlie: 5:13pm On Jul 20, 2022

One thing about most of you here is that, in your little enclave, you'd type thoughtlessly and yet think you are right, this post is not even intelligent in the first place because a Judge will throw the daft and nonsense signed trash and start by sharing everything 5050 first, before dividing everything based on who earns more

Now if the Ops wife goes over there, Providence smiles on her and she becomes the wealthy spouse, and during divorce the court says she is to pay spousal support to the husband, would you also say she should have done all the nonsense you typed beforehand regardless of what the court says
Go relax , have u entered a contract before.
Wetin u know about court. Laffs grin
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by UyaiIncomparabl(f): 5:14pm On Jul 20, 2022

That's not the information I'm looking for from you
Your statement is diversionary

Nice one. Just be ignoring them like that. They have no worth. Empty skulls and bitter souls. Marry your wife and japa. God be with you.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Mariangeles(f): 5:14pm On Jul 20, 2022
I planned to marry in 1st week of November 2022 and bring my wife to UK immediately with me
When do I suppose to start my visa application
NB..we don't have any marriage certificate yet
Nairaland help a brother

Let's just hope frustrated nairalanders don't end up poisoning your mind against your wife.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by UyaiIncomparabl(f): 5:15pm On Jul 20, 2022

OK no problem sir. When she reach UK she go japa leave you without anything grin

Why not wait till you marry her before you start the process. Then she bears your name

Can't you mind your business and face front? Bitter soul. Kolanut brain.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by harmony75: 5:15pm On Jul 20, 2022
Congratulations please do it fast a family friend went to meet her hubby after their wedding in naija infact covid sef caused delay. But thank God she finally went UK to meet her hubby now she just had her 2nd baby. All the best all the negative stories will not be our potion.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Technology14: 5:17pm On Jul 20, 2022
Pray to God for guidance. Check my profile for your affordable wireless 4G ptz cctv camera , solar lights and precise resistivity meter for geophysical survey with a year warranty.
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by kenchop: 5:17pm On Jul 20, 2022
No one said he should not relocate with his wife, they only advised him to consider all possible eventualities and how to protect himself from wrong marital trends happening in the UK.
Someone want to relocate with his new wife and someone else is telling him not to, this nairaland self


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Lexusgs430: 5:20pm On Jul 20, 2022

On your free time read about what’s contract law.
Verbal or non verbal agreement is an ingredient in entrying any contract, you just need a lawyer for that document to come through and yes the law court will honor it.
Am not interfering but what the guy said is true

False .......

An unfair contract is not tenable in court.........

You can tender whatever you think you signed, but it shall all be shredded......... grin

Before you argue with me, go and read Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.......... cheesy

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Mariangeles(f): 5:21pm On Jul 20, 2022
I have been noticing this op.. An Ignorant and stubborn simp for that matter...

Uk is a woman's world... If you do anyhow..
Abi suicide no dey?

You, I've been noticing your negative comments.
Every good man is a simp to you.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Coldfeets: 5:22pm On Jul 20, 2022
That's not the information I'm looking for from you
Your statement is diversionary

Dey dia na.

Dem no dey telli pesin.
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by alloy123: 5:23pm On Jul 20, 2022
let her come on a visit and bring her then would not be a big task.
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Gentledove2U(f): 5:23pm On Jul 20, 2022
I think OP should listen to the advice of experienced men here by not taking his wife with him for fear she might demand for her rights in a sane environment.

The better option is to marry an educated lady abroad. They just always have this superpower of bringing out the meek side of every Nigerian man and taming their roaring lion.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by cochexky: 5:24pm On Jul 20, 2022

That's not the information I'm looking for from you
Your statement is diversionary

A word is enough...

Use ur head before them go use am for you.

Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by mayorkent(m): 5:25pm On Jul 20, 2022
Contact me for your tools and machinery

Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Enuguguy: 5:25pm On Jul 20, 2022
As an experienced man living in the US for a long time now is,

1 It's good to take care of your loved one and do anything big or good for her, which includes providing a pathway to a better life.

2. The Western world is completely different from Nigeria where the man dictates and decides.
The woman has soft power here, and is more considered before the man, in the peoples court.

3. You will never know your woman's character until she starts earning in hard currency.
Her character that you know now might take a back seat when her money starts coming.

Now, that's a gamble. She might remain humble or turn to a mountain tiger; that's left to fate.

I've seen couples where the wife never changed and some, where the wife became a huge problem.

Whichever. It's up to you. Our life is all about the choices we make.

What do you make of Akwa Ibom girls vs Yoruba/Igbo girls abroad
Which one stay in marriage and respect their husband
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by outofthebox: 5:26pm On Jul 20, 2022
Reason am o
Na my spouse dey school and I be dependant (just did the court wedding this late last year). When we reach, she start dey show flex.
Jejely, I begin dey apply for job outside her vicinity. I don get one now, pack my things comot fast.

Life is a risk. Right now am trying to get another job that can file for me.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Johnsown1(m): 5:26pm On Jul 20, 2022
You guys should take things easy based on
these wives issues because you are making it hard for us to marry or have a good plans for our future wife abroad.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Guguru102(m): 5:26pm On Jul 20, 2022

That's not the information I'm looking for from you
Your statement is diversionary

You don fall in love,kontinue, experience will teach you contrariwise.


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Light78: 5:27pm On Jul 20, 2022
I planned to marry in 1st week of November 2022 and bring my wife to UK immediately with me
When do I suppose to start my visa application
NB..we don't have any marriage certificate yet
Nairaland help a brother

You have to be careful with your moves. Most ladies change when they are abroad.

It is left for you to decide. I pray things to turn out good for you.

I know many men that did what you are about to do and got locked up out of anger.

Good luck with your decision.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by outofthebox: 5:29pm On Jul 20, 2022

What do you make of Akwa Ibom girls vs Yoruba/Igbo girls abroad
Which one stay in marriage and respect their husband

Bro none. Some of them are faithful but have got a nasty attitude. Some are great though. I just feel it's a big risk especially for those that get a mortgage.
You can die of depression if she leaves you after starting the mortgage plan


Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Mariangeles(f): 5:30pm On Jul 20, 2022
I completely agree with you on this bro... I'm in UK already, and my wife and my baby are both coming in couple of days.....I'm always prepared for the worst.....if she turn to monster, then I will be glad that through her,my daughter have at least enter this country ....and she can live her life the way she wants.....though I trust my wife but human being can be unpredictable... Na my girl future I wan secure not even mine or hers cheesy cheesy

Just don't be a typical Nigerian husband to your wife in the UK, and you'd have nothing to worry about.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Ppp1p: 5:35pm On Jul 20, 2022
If you care about your family I advice you to be careful before taking a woman out to the uk . Think before you decide

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Jefferyhi86(m): 5:35pm On Jul 20, 2022
Another upcoming SIMP
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by madjune(m): 5:35pm On Jul 20, 2022
oga do you think he is selfish if he signed a prenuptial agreement?A mans life is already hard enough to allow a woman to mess it up.

I support the prenuptial document, property executed.
It will help, but only God will save you from the damages of a raging wife here.
Court documents can only ameliorate the pain but, one can't leave completely unscathed.

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Enuguguy: 5:36pm On Jul 20, 2022

Bro none. Some of them are faithful but have got a nasty attitude. Some are great though. I just feel it's a big risk especially for those that get a mortgage.
You can die of depression if she leaves you after starting the mortgage plan

I don't have anything
I don't even have money in my account
I will start life with her
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by dhiqson(m): 5:37pm On Jul 20, 2022
A wise Man gave this ". " The best advice he could possibly get
But as usual, love have blighted his thought process
Mr man learn from people

ohhh guess what, she wasn't all that show off and all. She was the regular churchy kinda girl, but as she tasted freedom.... grin
Op don't mind us jare carry her go

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Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Munzy14(m): 5:41pm On Jul 20, 2022

Just don't be a typical Nigerian husband to your wife in the UK, and you'd have nothing to worry about.
How does typical Nigerian husband act?

Is he from Uk or Nigeria?
Re: Bringing My Wife To UK As Soon As Possible by Samcent: 5:41pm On Jul 20, 2022

You may be looking at love now but it's true. My uncle lost his house to his wife in the UK, he almost committed sucide when everything he worked for was taken from him. His wife later married her dentist and they live in his house.

Marriage may be sweet now but bro in a few years time you would come here wailing. We care about you that's why we are giving you advise.

There are certain advice, most men before marriage, will not bother to listen to because they are blinded by love. But ten years into the marriage, the love would have cleared and reality hits home.
My wish for the op is that he will be among the lucky few that will say happily ever after. Everything in life is a risk. He is free to take this risk.


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