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The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels - Religion - Nairaland

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The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels by Spirit247: 7:55am On Aug 28, 2022
Pure SPIRIT of our CREATOR opened my eyes one Day to see how tiny a Humanbeing is compared to Heavenly Beings. I saw a very tiny insect crept into my Room and was coming on my Bed. As I wanted to kill it, Voice of Pure SPIRIT of MESSIAH said to me "That is exactly how tiny you are when compared to a Fallen Angel. You want to kill that Because it violated your Space/Bed/Home. Whenever you enter into Sin, you enter into the resting Bed of Fallen Angel and it discomfort it just as the insect discomforts you when it climbs on you."

Sin is exclusively the Domain of a Fallen Angels. In fact, it their intellectual Property, it has never entered into anyone's imagination in Heaven till Satan patented it and got some over there to join him. They Originated/Invented/Started/Built Sin and they live in it forever more, Sin was not in Existence until Satan and the rebellious Angels created it; they Sinned. Sin is their Fundamental Legitimate Property that they built and Live in.

So, Man has no Fundamental Right to Sin, Man can never lay Ownership of Sin. Any man that partakes or "enjoy" Sin has entered/Tresspassed into another Being's Domain/Invention/Property and that is what gives the Demonic Angels the Fundamental Right to Brutally Kill Humanbeing is Sin. Man never knew anything thing about how the Invention and Building of Sin.

It is an aberration for any Man to go into it and live there, because Sin is never a natural Habitat for Man's existence and thriving, that is why it always eventually leads to Eternal Death for Man, never unto Eternal Life which Purity(the Real Natural Habitat for Man to Productively Dwell in) leads to.

Due to their irreversible now Corrupt Nature as Fallen Angels, they can Never be Comfortable in anything good anymore except in Sin which is the House that they invented and Built unto themselves. So, whenever a Human being Enters into Sin, it is a great Tresspass into the Domain and House built by a Fallen Angel. All different Types of Sins were different Types of Houses built by these fallen Angels for their fallen Nature to rest in. Entering into any type of Sin gives the Fallen Angel that invented/built it the Fundamental Right to Possess, Own, Brutally Kill and Destroy any Humanbeing who enters into such Sin, just as I easily captured the tiny Insect that Climbed my bed for discomforting my rest. The Pure SPIRIT of MESSIAH told me that: same As I get angry and left with no option than to crush the troubling insect, exactly so does my being in sin discomforts a Fallen Angel in his Domain and they are often left with no option than to Destroy humans that disturbs them like that. Sin is their own Bed! Flee from Sin! Accept JESUS Son of our CREATOR as your Personl LORD and Saviour Today, for tomorrow may be too late!

Are you finding it hard to break Free from Bondage of a Particular Sin? There is a Gurateed Way out before the Demonic Fallen Angel that Owns the Sin that you are trapped in Detroys you. Sincerely invite JESUS to become your Eternal OWNER and then go on your knees and Cry to your CREATOR by quoting the Book of Romans 6:14 where HE Promised you that "Sin shall never have Dominion over You(that have received MESSIAH as your LORD and Saviour)" Conclude by sincerely and most Humbly Requesting that Pure SPIRIT of MESSIAH should Take take irreversible Control of your Thoughts and Permanent Ownership of your Heart which is the Source of your Thoughts in JESUS' Name! This is the Only Prayer that every Heaven-focused Christian Prays until Perfection and full Spiritual Stature in MESSIAH has been attained. HalleluYAH!!!!!!!

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Re: The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels by Spirit247: 7:55am On Aug 28, 2022


Re: The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels by Spirit247: 7:56am On Aug 28, 2022
Be blessed as you read and learn.


Re: The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels by tip999: 8:47am On Aug 28, 2022
Fire fire front page material


Re: The Relationship Between Man, Ant and Sin as Bed of Fallen Angels by Spirit247: 8:48am On Aug 28, 2022
Fire fire front page material
Thanks and God bless you sir/ma.


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