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Vessel Unto Honour (Sunday Message) - Religion - Nairaland

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Vessel Unto Honour (Sunday Message) by Rifalegals: 2:46pm On Aug 28, 2022
Text: 2 Timothy 2:19-21
As believers who profess Christ, a higher demand is placed on us. All we do must bring glory to God. This is imperative because God created us and He redeemed us through the blood of His son- Jesus Christ.

The kingdom of God is likened to a great house with different kind of cups, utensils and vessels just like a regular home. In a home, there are different vessels for different uses. Some for special occasions and special uses, others for everyday use and others for not so special use. The text categorizes it to vessels of Gold, Silver, Wood and Clay.
Gold is precious, it is valuable and honourable.
For us to be useful and honourable vessels in God's hands we must first come to the Lord for salvation. The Bible says that there is no other name given on Earth to men through which we can be saved.
Surrender you heart to Christ. Make Him your Lord and Savior. Accepting Christ is the first step. To become a useful vessel in God's hand, the Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:21. That if one clenses himself from these things, you will become a vessel unto honour, sanctified and useful for the master. To be used of God you must put aside completely through the help of the Holy Spirit everything that defiles. This is not something you can do with your will power. It happens through a process of total surrender to God. It is God who works in you to will and to do of His good pleasure.
Surrender your heart to God. Let Him help you be a honourable, sanctified and useful vessel today in Jesus name

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