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How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge - Romance (7) - Nairaland

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Do u have or your woman always have Dryness during sex Or No Sexual urge . / Here Is Why Your Sexual Urge (konji) Is So Strong And Uncontrollable (photos) / How Do You Control Sexual Urge When You Are Single.? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by fof1: 6:16am On Oct 09, 2022
Let me tell u this cold truth. I'm suggesting ur husband is abroad.. From experience, most likely u won't be seeing him in 3 to 5 years.. Also, ur sexual urge is already up of which there's nothing u can do about it..
My advise is for u to get used to a process to make u cum.. Self touch, intimacy gadgets and co. Make I know mention married temporary companion Sha cos it is against our tradition(although 80% times, ur secret remains a secret for life) .. U already in Rome and whatever happens in Rome stays in Rome..

My own is, if u satisfy ur urge, u will die Las Las. If u don't, then u will die Las Las..

6 pages, and na bible hypocrites full am.. That's why this country will remain stagnant..

Stake SATANISM...Run for ur Life and ur Ideals

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Geovanni412(m): 6:20am On Oct 09, 2022

These are the 'educated' morooons our poor educational system is producing nowadays. See how he talks as if he was the one that verified Christianity. As illiterate as the Muslims that burnt Deborah

Is 'morooons' (sic) a word in the dictionary?
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Beremx(f): 6:24am On Oct 09, 2022

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Cutehector(m): 6:31am On Oct 09, 2022
This is how my husband starved me of sex since July due to his nature of his job outside Lagos and he ended up marrying another woman and moving in with her. Oga didn’t care about my sexual urge and he moved on keeping me starved. It is well
sorry. Pls go and satisfy your urges my dear.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Geovanni412(m): 6:33am On Oct 09, 2022
You folks should learn to leave God's name out of the bullsheet you sell people. undecided

Meditation on the word of God? For Pete's sake, God says it is sin to burn with sexual lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28, no amount of meditation will cause you to do that if you don't actively take control of your mind in stopping such nonsense, to begin with. undecided

Meditation on the word of God is good practice for spiritual growth but I don't believe it will stop one from engaging in sexually immoral conduct.
Like you said earlier, the Pastors - we dey always see say dem dey commit one sexual gobe after another. There is this guy, Jimmy Swaggart, he did full annotation of the Bible using history to make it easier for people to read. He had a very large ministry but yet way back in 1989, when he was at his peak with his church, he was caught with ashawo. You can't tell me he didn't meditate all those times. grin.
- https://www.countrythangdaily.com/truth-jimmy-swaggart/
The most important thing is to pray to God thanking him for the day and asking him for wisdom to maintain the discipline you are attaining to get. If you meditate on the Bible in the morning and in the afternoon, you are watching music video by Megan the Stallion. It is just the same as someone who wants to lose weight that goes to the gym in the morning and eats McDonald's in the afternoon.
These Bible folks can be funny...have they ever wondered why King Solomon with all his wisdom still married from places God warned him not to? Was it because he stopped meditating on the word of God or was it because he lacked discipline to stick with the agreement he had with God?
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Beremx(f): 6:54am On Oct 09, 2022


Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Oju4190: 6:58am On Oct 09, 2022
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by FaceTanke(m): 6:58am On Oct 09, 2022
This is how my husband starved me of sex since July due to his nature of his job outside Lagos and he ended up marrying another woman and moving in with her. Oga didn’t care about my sexual urge and he moved on keeping me starved. It is well

Can I help u?
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Cutehector(m): 7:12am On Oct 09, 2022
surely I will. Body no be firewood
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by DissTroy(m): 7:13am On Oct 09, 2022
Long distance relationships or marriages for extended periods are a complete waste of time.
I can understand 1, 2 or 3 months but 6 months for a virile male isn't worth it. Asides the sexual cravings, there's the need for physical touch and interactions.

It's better if you choose a line of work which makes your time and location flexible at any point. That's why remote work works best for family-oriented people who don't want to sleep around.

At least one of you should do it. That way any level of relocation can involve both of you without the income reducing.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Alezy(m): 7:24am On Oct 09, 2022
Do you go to weekly church programs?
I doubt because if you do, your flesh will be kept under as your spirit is being lifted with the word of God but it's obvious the only things you feed your soul with are thoughts of sex and wild imaginations of sex.
Watching sexual videos and all sorts.

If you want to get your mind off it, think and dwell more on spiritual things like the word of God. Gospel songs and if possible, fasting and prayers asking the holy spirit to help ( He can/will help you). That is if you're even a christian.

I don't know where you guys are getting this. And it even have 200 likes. No matter how u go to church, u will still feel sexual as long as it's not a sin to be with your partner.

PS, even when it's a sin, the urge will still come, just that since your mind won't be there, it won't last.


Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by felixawe(m): 7:30am On Oct 09, 2022

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me,

My empathy, it's painful you had such uncontrollable experience. It's normal it happens sometimes..... common occurrence for human to be Hot, but for your case, I think it's a sign of ovulation. Contact your husband discuss your experience with him. Try stay busy to take off your mind, play good music.... Read book, of the whole strive not to remain alone. Other way, go hang out with a close friends overnight.

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Youngpo413: 7:31am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.
I'm very sure you are jobless, go out and work..... A dîçk will be the last thing on your mind.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by terrezo2002(m): 7:33am On Oct 09, 2022
Stop telling these horrible lies using God's name as if you gain His attention from Him by doing so. undecided

There are no demons except the ones you create in your minds in order to elevate these issues your weak minds have not been able to gain full control over. undecided

Jesus Christ made it clear that to serve Him, one must adopt mental self-discipline, or else one's claim to serve God is in vain. As regards the sin of sexual lust, his mention of it indicates what is needed is for one to gain control of one's lust - Matthew 5 vs 27 - 28 - self-discipline. There is no way around that simple exercise that even those who don't believe in God have figured out for themselves. So what is holding you lot back? undecided
The Lord will expose you very soon. False teacher hiding under the cover of Christianity.
Quoting Bible verses to decieve people. You think I don't know who you are and what your mission is?
Your cup will soon be full. If you don't repent, great judgement is coming upon you. Trust me

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 7:34am On Oct 09, 2022
1. Meditation on the word of God is good practice for spiritual growth but I don't believe it will stop one from engaging in sexually immoral conduct.

Like you said earlier, the Pastors - we dey always see say dem dey commit one sexual gobe after another. There is this guy, Jimmy Swaggart, he did full annotation of the Bible using history to make it easier for people to read. He had a very large ministry but yet way back in 1989, when he was at his peak with his church, he was caught with ashawo. You can't tell me he didn't meditate all those times. grin.
- https://www.countrythangdaily.com/truth-jimmy-swaggart/

2. The most important thing is to pray to God thanking him for the day and asking him for wisdom to maintain the discipline you are attaining to get. If you meditate on the Bible in the morning and in the afternoon, you are watching music video by Megan the Stallion. It is just the same as someone who wants to lose weight that goes to the gym in the morning and eats McDonald's in the afternoon. These Bible folks can be funny...have they ever wondered why King Solomon with all his wisdom still married from places God warned him not to? Was it because he stopped meditating on the word of God or was it because he lacked discipline to stick with the agreement he had with God?
1. God has in fact never asked His people to only meditate or ruminate on His Words. His clear instructions to men have been "Obey my teachings and commandments". That same instruction God gave to Adam, to Noah, after the flood, to the Israelites, and also to all followers of Jesus Christ. He made it abundantly clear from the beginning of man that obedience is the only way to honor Him. undecided

So you should ask those who tell you that meditating on what they call the word amounts to spiritual growth where they got that idea from, to begin with since God never said or even hinted at this being a part of His Truth, even in Jesus Christ? undecided

2. Pagans and other unbelievers understand clearly the concept and benefits of self-discipline. They learn these things from their youth and without ever having to read any of the pages of what is your bible. Some don't even engage in meditation exercises of any sort but are convinced that self-discipline is simply common sense. If those in the world can lay claim to such basic wisdom, then why do Churchians drag the name of God about as though God said they cannot have common sense unless He gives it to them? Is He not the same God that gives it to the rest of the world for free? undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Nobody: 7:35am On Oct 09, 2022
I don't know where you guys are getting this. And it even have 200 likes. No matter how u go to church, u will still feel sexual as long as it's not a sin to be with your partner.

PS, even when it's a sin, the urge will still come, just that since your mind won't be there, it won't last.

Where did I say having a sexual urge is a sin?

Can't you see her case is very severe and has become uncontrollable besides she admitted shes partly the cause as she watches sexual contents that trigger the feeling like I rightly pointed out. So which angle is your argument going?

Go back and read my comment. I knew the feelings were not just naturally overwhelming, that she must have had a hand in it, reason I made that comment and she agreed with me.

We need to discipline our bodies by the things we feed our minds.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Kobojunkie: 7:37am On Oct 09, 2022
The Lord will expose you very soon. False teacher hiding under the cover of Christianity.
Quoting Bible verses to decieve people. You think I don't know who you are and what your mission is?
Your cup will soon be full. If you don't repent, great judgement is coming upon you. Trust me
Stop using the name of God to broadcast these lies you continue to spew here abeg! undecided
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Cutehector(m): 7:48am On Oct 09, 2022
I don't know where you guys are getting this. And it even have 200 likes. No matter how u go to church, u will still feel sexual as long as it's not a sin to be with your partner.

PS, even when it's a sin, the urge will still come, just that since your mind won't be there, it won't last.
as in, churchy people are the worst hypocrites on earth. I'd rather date an imperfect lady than a church girl.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Hotguy27: 7:48am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.

Have you discussed with your hubby how you feel nowadays? I suggest you open up with him and explain how honestly you need him to "service" you. He might make plans to intermittently visit you or bring you over to himself.

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Demurray: 7:51am On Oct 09, 2022
This is how you guys kill men in a hotel room after you succeed to grab one dude and tie them up until you drain all those desires you've been nurturing before letting him go...
Today nah Sunday morning make you no kill me with laughter as me don
ready for church na rain wey dey delay me grin

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by descarado: 7:56am On Oct 09, 2022
Fake story by a man. Enough dm.

See as boys rush her topic.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Demurray: 8:00am On Oct 09, 2022

That is more reason it is not advisable for husband and wife to be far apart for a long time. Temptations of various forms will be coming and it takes a strong determination not to bow for any. My wife too has been away on a course for about 2 years now though we see each other about twice in three months. What I will tell you is to keep yourself busy by engaging in a job or business activity. During your leisure times, you can occupy your mind with reading or watching movies.
Exactly in my own case

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Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by colizee(m): 8:01am On Oct 09, 2022
As you look for help make sure its not the opposite sex... Or else woh
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Machinegun91(m): 8:20am On Oct 09, 2022
Ashawo life dey body small
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by chukkystar(m): 8:29am On Oct 09, 2022
She try. So what should a man whose wife has been in a coma for several years be saying then? undecided

Abeg, make una dey reason before una talk! undecided
but her own husband no dey Coma na. She has every right to be Hot, it's part of her Biology. Everything is not Spiritual.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by andrezzy: 8:46am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.

Madam since your husband is not coming anytime soon the best option for you not to Cheat is for you to get your self a good adult toy and do the needful
That is touch yourself when you have an urge or else na cheating you go run into last last
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Geovanni412(m): 9:10am On Oct 09, 2022
1. God has in fact never asked His people to only meditate or ruminate on His Words. His clear instructions to men have been "Obey my teachings and commandments". That same instruction God gave to Adam, to Noah, after the flood, to the Israelites, and also to all followers of Jesus Christ. He made it abundantly clear from the beginning of man that obedience is the only way to honor Him. undecided

So you should ask those who tell you that meditating on what they call the word amounts to spiritual growth where they got that idea from, to begin with since God never said or even hinted at this being a part of His Truth, even in Jesus Christ? undecided

2. Pagans and other unbelievers understand clearly the concept and benefits of self-discipline. They learn these things from their youth and without ever having to read any of the pages of what is your bible. Some don't even engage in meditation exercises of any sort but are convinced that self-discipline is simply common sense. If those in the world can lay claim to such basic wisdom, then why do Churchians drag the name of God about as though God said they cannot have common sense unless He gives it to them? Is He not the same God that gives it to the rest of the world for free? undecided

I thought I was vawulent with Churchians. You, my guy, are next level. grin.
When you talk about common sense- just forget about it. Most churchians no longer use their brains. I was in Christ embassy one day when the Pastor there said that their live healing stream was watched by over 6billion people - that was the last day I ever went there. Pastor claimed that the entire world watched their stream and nobody fact checked her or thought she was capping. https://www.pastorchrisoyakhilomeevents.com/6-5-billion-people-join-pastor-chris-healing-streams-live-healing-services/
On the issue of meditation, I think the concept behind it is that it should make the Christian think more of the things of God and to be led by the spirit.
For me, personally, what I have found to be useful is to carefully examine my beliefs in alignment with reality.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Simplyfun: 9:27am On Oct 09, 2022
Buy a Dido and fvck the hell of yourself. By the time you cum several times you will be alright. Please and please don't cheat on your husband.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Akalia(m): 9:37am On Oct 09, 2022
This is how my husband starved me of sex since July due to his nature of his job outside Lagos and he ended up marrying another woman and moving in with her. Oga didn’t care about my sexual urge and he moved on keeping me starved. It is well
You only told us your own side of the story, we especially myself will like to hear your husband's side. Why would he jettison you only for him to elope and marry another woman just like that, there is something you didn't tell us.
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by bazooka4jesus: 10:17am On Oct 09, 2022
To those that have probably been there or have an idea about it.
How do you handle sexual urges especially if your partner is not available.

It happens that hubby has been away for quite some time, eight month precisely and he isn’t coming back any moment.

These days has just been messy for me as I am always Hot and wet as fhhuckk, whenever I get up from bed, my pant is always soaked. I have tried to suppress the pressure to touch myself or use objects but it seems the pressure is overcoming me, damn I hardly even concentrate on any other thing, my mind is just fhhhuccked up right now, all my thoughts are bordered on dirty wild sex almost all day.

Are there therapists or some kinda experts one can talk to, I really fear for myself.

There’s a WhatsApp group you can join very helpful
Re: How Do You Handle Frequent Sexual Urge by Blackzero: 10:48am On Oct 09, 2022
Do you go to weekly church programs?
I doubt because if you do, your flesh will be kept under as your spirit is being lifted with the word of God but it's obvious the only things you feed your soul with are thoughts of sex and wild imaginations of sex.
Watching sexual videos and all sorts.

If you want to get your mind off it, think and dwell more on spiritual things like the word of God. Gospel songs and if possible, fasting and prayers asking the holy spirit to help ( He can/will help you). That is if you're even a christian.

God bless ur advice, u cant feed ur mind with dirty things and expect to keep ur body under subjection, if you hear, watch and listen to nonsense always, that is is what you will become,feed your soul with better things,

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