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Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by TawaTemi1(f): 1:17am On Aug 17, 2011
While growing up I hate Mathematics but definitely not all the topics there. I like simple topics like Chart, Statistics, etc,lol.
How on earth do u expect me to locate or find X and Y when I am not a Police officer or Vigilante? All these find,locate,what is the bearing,etc brings out goose pimples in me during promotional examinations.

When the time came then to write WAEC shocked  shocked  shocked , I have to spend extra time/days studying hard with mathematics geniuses in my class, my mathematics teachers (I mean all my mathematics teachers from Junior classes to Senior classes.) I even visited some transfered mathematics teachers in their respective schools.

I have this neighbour that we dont talk much, but for the fact that he was a mathematics guru (Mathematics runs in their blood in that family), I became his friend tipatipa over-night. All because of MATHEMATICS, But thank God it paid off cos I had A1 in it.

But believe me, I dare not study mathematics as a major course in the University. I no wan die!

People hates mathematics because:
1. Some teachers are not qualified to teach mathematics
2. It looks/ is abstract
3. The teaching aid/ method is poor
4. The fear of mathematics has been there from Nursery(Tender age)
5. Some students just dont want to know it at all

Till date, I still dont like it much,
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by kandiikane(m): 1:20am On Aug 17, 2011
Was anyone here good at vectors?
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by amblors(m): 1:21am On Aug 17, 2011
I did like vectors, did a bit of it in FM & Physics.
Interesting topic,

my beef was with longitude and latitudes in SS3,lol
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by kandiikane(m): 1:23am On Aug 17, 2011
I think it was one of the things I hated. It was something that looked easy but I just never seemed to get it in my head even if I did by the next lesson it's gone. sad grin
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Nobody: 2:02am On Aug 17, 2011
I love vectors, I remember I had the best score in applied mathematics in Unilag in first year though i was a chemical engineering student then. Vectors is very intuitive because for some reason i found it easy to apply in solving physical problems.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by kandiikane(m): 2:05am On Aug 17, 2011
Well lucking you grin
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by ARareGem(f): 2:25am On Aug 17, 2011
Because they listen too much to other people who say Math is hard. undecided
There is also laziness, bad teachers, fear, prefer watching tv. . .

But I like it. I prefer to solve math than cram a full textbook.
In conclusion, Math is not hard, it's only difficult. You just have to learn the millions of formula. Shikena cool
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by tpia5: 2:30am On Aug 17, 2011
@ tawa temi

oh my gosh, i used to have this friend who made sure she only befriended geniuses.

seriously speaking, she only moved with guys who had brains.

if she found out you were brilliant, she would stick to you like white on rice. Study groups, exam preparation, etc.

i would seriously like to know if she had any male friends who were dolts?
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by tpia5: 2:31am On Aug 17, 2011
She studied some math related course in college.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by dramenda(f): 3:05am On Aug 17, 2011
Theorem: 1 + 1 = 2
n(2n - 2) = n(2n - 2)
n(2n - 2) - n(2n - 2) = 0
(n - n)(2n - 2) = 0
2n(n - n) - 2(n - n) = 0
2n - 2 = 0
2n = 2
n + n = 2
or setting n = 1
1 + 1 = 2

grin grin grin
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by TawaTemi1(f): 3:07am On Aug 17, 2011
@ tpia, lol

Though while in the University (1st Degree), I studied a course that had little to do with calculations. I was really happy though.

My Masters Degree had nothing to do with maths at all!

I love hanging out with geniuses  tongue   wink  grin
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by TawaTemi1(f): 3:10am On Aug 17, 2011

That will make me sleep in my Junior and early senior classes.

And will also pray that the teacher get out of the class fast.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by tpia5: 3:12am On Aug 17, 2011
I love hanging out with geniuses

like my friend too.

wonder how she'd have coped with the average joe. cheesy
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by tpia5: 3:14am On Aug 17, 2011
Teachers blame failure in mathematics on lack of concentration

A cross-section of teachers noted that until students braced themselves and stopped their lazy attitude, their poor performance in mathematics might persist.
The teachers expressed concern over the yearly poor performance of students in the subject in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE), saying that teachers had been doing their best to encourage the students.

An appeal was made to parents to also encourage their children by providing the necessary textbooks needed for the subject and also supervise them to work out the subject after school hours.

Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Misbee(f): 4:51am On Aug 17, 2011
I agree wit Proud Igbo,when d foundation is destroy what can d righeous do.As i am nw if i c sum1 dat wil teach me frm d scratch,am ready because i jst need 2knw it because as a mother 2 be u wil nid it.But no kobo sha o
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by MSabir: 5:07am On Aug 17, 2011
its just that nigerians doesnt wana use their brain in evrything and u cant do maths without ur brains involvement
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Nobody: 5:26am On Aug 17, 2011

its just that nigerians doesnt wana use their brain in evrything and u cant do maths without your brains involvement
I certainly hope u are not Nigerian with your despicable grammar! Maybe you need to use your brain a little bit more also. Just saying!
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by slaughter(m): 6:57am On Aug 17, 2011
The answer as been provided by 1) engineered (2) babalels (3)babe (4)tawa-temi all of u are aperfectly correct but one thing to add, stundent has there own problem but majority of the the fault are from the teachers, i didnt pass through sss class in our days it was form 1-5, i didnt like maths and i was the class captain anytime we hav maths i wil not go out 2 cal the maths woman because that was d practise u hav to go out and cal them.I had made up mind i was going 2 fail maths so i was already making friends with the set behind us which are d sss class so that when i come back to retake d exam i will not be ashamed grin grin,
BUT just 3 month 2 write d exam i met an engineering student in YABATECH who came 2 spend holiday with his uncle just beside my house ,i just found my way 2 this guy because he plays with younger pple around,one day he ask of my score in maths, 4 asking that question i decided 2 run away from him he pulled me back and d lesson started he started from the simplest maths ever i.e 2x2 to the most difficult dont be suprised my pple within just 3 months 2 WAEC he only thought me for 2 months plus then he left i had A3 in maths i never went back 2 retake again.
Now, this is my point , teachers that can teach maths/physics/chemisry/F.maths effectively are NOT NCE,OR B.edu gradutaes but Bsc in maths or B.eng or H.N.D in enginering because they are well rooted in this area unlike education graduates.TEACHERS ARE NOT MADE THEY ARE BORN studying Education at any level does not make u a teacher because the curriculum differs a lot . I hope the educationist will accept this.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Nobody: 7:22am On Aug 17, 2011

@ tawa temi

oh my gosh, i used to have this friend who made sure she only befriended geniuses.

seriously speaking, she only moved with guys who had brains.

if she found out you were brilliant, she would stick to you like white on rice. Study groups, exam preparation, etc.

i would seriously like to know if she had any male friends who were dolts?
I've always believed that most girls find 'dolts' more interesting and worthy of their affections. . .(perhaps because most of them are dolts themselves).

But then if one's 'dolt-ishness' is measured by their grasp of maths, then I regret to say that I'm a bona fide dolt (which is not entirely a bad thing since dolts generally have a much higher sex appeal than geeky effikos). *Chuckles smugly*
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by kpofkpof: 7:27am On Aug 17, 2011
I loved maths, but when we were in senior class and started further mathematics, it took me a while to get back on track.

Ooooooohhhh, How i hate Organic Chemistry- where you have Maths and chemistry joined together especially when it comes to those ionic equations undecided undecided undecided undecided cry embarassed
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by udokpuenyi(m): 7:52am On Aug 17, 2011
I luv Mathematics just like politics and business. My live revolves around the 3 kiss kiss kiss
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by fitzmayowa: 8:46am On Aug 17, 2011
Afta studyin mathematics 4 5yrs at Uni found dere nothing as gud as MATHEMATICS
Mathematics is d best course/subject ever, i wld rather solve maths all day dan read a text book on biology
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by sley4life(m): 9:25am On Aug 17, 2011
i dont think much hate maths. Its the female that mostly hate maths. They dont like to crack their head. As for me,I like maths.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Anvaller: 9:31am On Aug 17, 2011
Reason is obvious. The quality of education in Nigeria has nosedived.

But we are still getting something wrong in Nigeria, All students must not be a lover of mathematics, what saddens me is that a student that is not good at mathematics in Nigeria is usually tagged as a dullard and such students doesnt usually believe in themselves because they actually give in to the society's impression of them that they are dullards which makes them suffer inferiority complex.

It is important to change these mentalities if we want top grow in Nigeria. On the other hand, lets improve our educational system generally and more students will like mathematics.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by TeeJay6(m): 9:40am On Aug 17, 2011

i dont think much hate maths. Its the female that mostly hate maths. They dont like to crack their head. As for me,I like maths.
You dey look for wahala oooooooooo grin grin

I luv maths, but like has been said its all about getting pupils to develop confidence, maths is not like any other subject hence should be taught only by specialists. Most of the teachers just frustrate the life out of the students
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by pynkspyce: 9:46am On Aug 17, 2011
it is the Nigerian style of delivery that makes people fail math. You dont force children to cram, when u do it leads to them despising the whole subject. I excelled in math by primary school, because we had practical applications. my mother allowed me to count money in the market, make sense of the change etc. By the time the further math teacher came around with cane in hand, half of us were just copying each other. and making C grades in math.
I got to university in America, and i ended up in remedial math- the 2nd lowest level of math. To cut a long story short, i was taught by good people who demonstrated the applicability of math in our every day lives. I now have a BS in Applied math & stats, and i am doing a MS in applied math. If u ask me a basic theory, i probably cannot tell u verbatim, but i will express it how i understand.
That's as a result of a difference in teaching styles.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by queenesthr(f): 9:48am On Aug 17, 2011
It's all about laying the right foundation. When you understand the basics, the rest will just flow naturally.
More effort must be put in at the early ages.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by calculusx(m): 10:09am On Aug 17, 2011

It's all about laying the right foundation. When you understand the basics, the rest will just flow naturally.
More effort must be put in at the early ages.

While growing up I hate Mathematics but definitely not all the topics there. I like simple topics like Chart, Statistics, etc,lol.
How on earth do u expect me to locate or find X and Y when I am not a Police officer or Vigilante? All these find,locate,what is the bearing,etc brings out goose pimples in me during promotional examinations.

When the time came then to write WAEC shocked  shocked  shocked , I have to spend extra time/days studying hard with mathematics geniuses in my class, my mathematics teachers (I mean all my mathematics teachers from Junior classes to Senior classes.) I even visited some transfered mathematics teachers in their respective schools.

I have this neighbour that we dont talk much, but for the fact that he was a mathematics guru (Mathematics runs in their blood in that family), I became his friend tipatipa over-night. All because of MATHEMATICS, But thank God it paid off cos I had A1 in it.

But believe me, I dare not study mathematics as a major course in the University. I no wan die!

People hates mathematics because:
1. Some teachers are not qualified to teach mathematics
2. It looks/ is abstract
3. The teaching aid/ method is poor
4. The fear of mathematics has been there from Nursery(Tender age)
5. Some students just dont want to know it at all

Till date, I still dont like it much,

I agree with both of you. Once you understand the fundamentals and basic of mathematics, others will flow in cos all the topics works hand in hand, they are interwoven. I had F9 in my SSCE and GCE but when i came across someone who nurtured me mathematics from the scratch {thanks to the strike then}. We finished Bonday, Godman and so many other Advanced Maths Textbooks.
I was also given the nickname "Calculus" cos i know it from top to bottom. I love Mathematics because it gives you more sense of reasoning and you may not need any lecturer to tell you if you get it right or wrong. Till today i am either called Calculus or Calculator cos everything i do is all about Calculations. The 1st jamb i wrote,after the exam i solved them again @home and scored myself and when result came out i got exactly what i scored myself. Mathematics is a Perfect Subject that i wish i study in higher institution
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by DaDoctor: 10:41am On Aug 17, 2011

Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Ayoobscom(m): 11:12am On Aug 17, 2011
The teacher is entering through the front door i'm jumping out from the back window

but everytime somehow i will pass exams without cheating at least a (D).means if i had endured the cane and the magics i wuld have been a guru, just realized it.
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by MMM2(m): 12:18pm On Aug 17, 2011

becos my high skool maths teacher refused 2 FU-CK me when i waz still in high skool

so dat made me hate both her and mathematics till 2day angry
Re: Why Do Students 'hate' Mathematics? by Ajibel(m): 12:42pm On Aug 17, 2011
Maths is my best subject but my WAEC result for maths is c6 which shows i either don't know maths or like maths,

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