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How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage - Romance (4) - Nairaland

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Ralphlauren(m): 12:37pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

See this idiot. Whether or not you are legally married, as long as she lives in the same house as yourself, she is entitled to a share of your assets. This is what is applicable in all Western countries.

I can't be bothered to share case laws to prove the above.

Why do you think the wealthy sign prenuptial agreements? That's the only thing that protects individual assets and not the availability or non availability of a wedding certificate.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Nobody: 12:39pm On Jan 11, 2023

.i explained...i said they denied her visit visa...yet u said she ddnt go from nigeria...i am tired.... u are right ...i am wrong ...can we forget about it...
Lol as couples meant they didn't go together as married couples. She was later filed for.

Good thing you know you are wrong, very wrong at that. Calm your ego and submit to learn. Shuu! And next time get your fact straight before you post nonsense online.

And oh i think you should be visiting that travel section more often!

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Patented: 12:39pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

It won't make a difference when you travel abroad. She I u will declare Ur marriage before travelling?
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by advanceDNA: 12:39pm On Jan 11, 2023
Lol as couples meant they didn't go together as married couples. She was later filed for.

Good thing you know you are wrong, very wrong at that. Calm your ego and submit to learn. Shuu!

Please go away naaa
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by intruder15(m): 12:41pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

You want to travel out but you don't want to do court marriage. Who is your adviser? Well, none of my business.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by BigBashiru: 12:44pm On Jan 11, 2023

There's is divorce in traditional marriage too. As long as it's a marriage, there's room for divorce. If he is sincere in his relationship, why should he think about divorce?

I agree with you that there's divorce in traditional marriage too.... but it's less likely than in court wedding. In a court wedding a woman knows on the wedding day she can easily divorce...its like gun control....if guns are made more easily available, you will hv more shootings...

I am sincere in marriage too but I think about divorce just like him....Herr is why:

1. From my own end I can keep to the marriage commitment and I'm sure I'd never leave the wife. I mean what I signed up for for better or worse.

2. But the same cannot be said of ladies who often initiate divorces and separation arbitrarily and selfish....so every man must plan in case the woman decides to act in such a manner....

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by FavouredNK: 12:44pm On Jan 11, 2023
Whether you marry her in church or court, the same rules apply in case of a divorce.

So your fear us unfounded and it gives you off as a dishonest person.

If you love someone, you'll treat them right. Na if you dey plan to do bad to your wife you go dey consider all these things.

Exactly what I was going to say, divorce is still possible even if it's only her bride price that you paid so stop all these unfounded fears and marry the love of ur heart. Telling her that you don't want Court wedding will rather make her unsure of the marriage as it may present you as having skeletons in ur cupboard.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Nobody: 12:45pm On Jan 11, 2023

Please go away naaa
Not until you accept you mixed the whole thing up and even downplay my intelligence.

Read your second post to me, then you will realize why i am not letting you off easily grin . You even made a whole PERSEPHONE to apologize even when she knows she is right about you grin grin

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by tdayoojo: 12:46pm On Jan 11, 2023
Whether you marry her in church or court, the same rules apply in case of a divorce.

So your fear us unfounded and it gives you off as a dishonest person.

If you love someone, you'll treat them right. Na if you dey plan to do bad to your wife you go dey consider all these things.
Abi oh. Why is he inviting the devil into a home he has not started even when the devil is minding his own business jejelly because of unfounded fear of unknown. He should go ahead with his marriage plan and leave the devil out of his life.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by zenith114(m): 12:48pm On Jan 11, 2023
If you Plan to migrate to UK �� in 2023 (via study),send a mail I can help you apply to as many as possible schools in the UK for just a token, putting into considerations tuition deposit, tuition balance payment plan, accommodation and jobs.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by techWriter3: 12:48pm On Jan 11, 2023
interesting topic, in my own opinion , court marriage is not for african's, the western people imposed it on us .interesting topic, in my own opinion , court marriage is not for african's, the western people imposed it on us ....

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by blaise26abj(m): 12:48pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

It won’t matter if you are relocating . As long as she is your dependent , you are temporarily tied to her . However they recognize common law wives there . Only thing that not doing court here can save you from there is Alimony . Once you guys have kids , she can still do and undo if she goes gaga . That’s why you must make your choice well with two eyes shining now before you marry .You have to have all the conversations now before you walk down the aisle
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Stalent(m): 12:52pm On Jan 11, 2023
Haven't you heard of prenup. If u are so scared just make sure u sign a prenuptial agreement. Talk to a lawyer for more details.
All these fears na old stories now.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by blaise26abj(m): 12:54pm On Jan 11, 2023
Whether you marry her in church or court, the same rules apply in case of a divorce.

So your fear us unfounded and it gives you off as a dishonest person.

If you love someone, you'll treat them right. Na if you dey plan to do bad to your wife you go dey consider all these things.
I disagree with your assertion that his fear is unfounded . Go and check what relocation is doing to marriages abroad . Especially the women . Atimes the man is more than fair but yet the woman just decides to become evil . No one truly knows the mind of another person . Men too can be unreasonable after relocating . So it will work well for all parties to be well protected . I have said this severally , Most Divorces processes are very bitter events with people fighting dirty no matter the initial cool demeanour when agreeing to divorce .

He has a legit fear so should the fiancée . They just need to talk it through and see how they can allay the fears
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by advanceDNA: 1:02pm On Jan 11, 2023
Not until you accept you mixed the whole thing up and even downplay my intelligence.

Read your second post to me, then you will realize why i am not letting you off easily grin . You even made a whole PERSEPHONE to apologize even when she knows she is right grin grin

Mixed what.... i told u civil partnership without official marriage partnership is recognized in embassies ..that was my point from.the beginning...

I even reminded u the option is on the visa application form when filling....i even told u of of my cousin who did it...

But u kept trying to cling to straws trying to look for slight difference in situation to make ur self right...Going for masters doesnt change the situation...they are still both nom citizens

Madam...please...kidnly read uk student travel section if u have the time..its a long read though.......plenty pple do it.....especially new couples...some pple combine their new marriage certificate....some dont becos some visa officers aren't always nice enough to ask for further proof before denying them .....

..u are trying to invalidate my opinion just to make urself the right one...And i wasnt in the mood to keep explaining.....so i said u are right.. but u are still not happy....

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by go100: 1:03pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

Don't even bother marrying her.
A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by asksteve(m): 1:03pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

Get her attention then tell her u don't want court marriage and give her reasons for your stand.
Simple as abc
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by advanceDNA: 1:06pm On Jan 11, 2023

I disagree with your assertion that his fear is unfounded . Go and check what relocation is doing to marriages abroad . Especially the women . Atimes the man is more than fair but yet the woman just decides to become evil . No one truly knows the mind of another person . Men too can be unreasonable after relocating . So it will work well for all parties to be well protected . I have said this severally , Most Divorces processes are very bitter events with people fighting dirty no matter the initial cool demeanour when agreeing to divorce .

He has a legit fear so should the fiancée . They just need to talk it through and see how they can allay the fears

His fear makes so sense as long as he's traveling abroad with her....even if all he does is trado wedding.... if he lives with her abroad, having kids, and theres proof of their relationship......the law over there can still allow her take his house if they separate and make him pay child support ..... so weda he does court marriage or not doesnt matter..... the law still stands
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by od501: 1:07pm On Jan 11, 2023
Whether you marry her in church or court, the same rules apply in case of a divorce.

So your fear us unfounded and it gives you off as a dishonest person.

If you love someone, you'll treat them right. Na if you dey plan to do bad to your wife you go dey consider all these things.

OP... I beg you in the name of God, don't fall for this reversed manipulation! I beg you.


Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Nobody: 1:09pm On Jan 11, 2023
If you don't trust your wife then don't take her abroad. Marriage is marriage and you may still be liable in a case of divorce.

I hope you know that if your wife is doing much better than you, you can be the one being paid by her when there is a divorce? Spousal support is not for men only.

Only a simp will expect spousal support from his wife after divorce!. Tufiakwa!!!!

1 Like

Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Romanoff(f): 1:10pm On Jan 11, 2023

This is a blatant lie!

The rules what apply to a court marriage, do not categorically apply to a church wedding.

I don't have the liberty of time to comprehensively explain the glaring differences at this very moment, but do yourself the favor of reading up on these things before putting your views out in public.

I'm about 2years old in my marriage and it was through a court process, which I decided upon after months of careful considerations. Are you married? Because most of the retards who comment on marriage threads on nairaland are single people with uninformed opinions.

Both church and court marriage are subject to the marriage act of the federal republic. Please enlighten yourself.

It's the court that gives licence to the church to conduct marriages based on the marriage act.


Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by deavicky(m): 1:11pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.
I smell a rat. Both of u are doing well so what exactly are u afraid of. If also love her as u claim why the fear?. Guy man mind urself.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Morenikeji090(m): 1:11pm On Jan 11, 2023
It's gonna be hard to travel with ur wife to be without court marriage. Take it that's just the truth..
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Morenikeji090(m): 1:14pm On Jan 11, 2023
But it's so hard..... Court marriage got pretty advantages..

Thats not true..... unmarried couple travel abroad as long as they can prove continuous relationship that is not less than 2 years.....

abroad law recognizes civil partnership of two pple living together, contributing and fvcking each other for a significant period of time ...

That said........

If he likes ..he should do only traditional wedding ...she can still fvck him up abroad as long as therr is proof they lived together, fvck, and contributed as couples
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Segun2222: 1:17pm On Jan 11, 2023
If you like follow the women's decision here you go cry when your wife reach USA turn to feminist u go suffer

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Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by advanceDNA: 1:18pm On Jan 11, 2023
But it's so hard..... Court marriage got pretty advantages..

Yeah...its not hard....It just helps to treat each other fvckups when fight start.

there is no exclusive advantage there that cannot be addressed through other means...
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by gulfer: 1:19pm On Jan 11, 2023
If you guys will travel as a couple, your court marriage certificate will be a requirement for your visa undecided undecided undecided undecided undecided
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by GloriousGbola: 1:20pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

You are not going abroad without a marriage certificate and documentary evidence of your marriage
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by Realestatevixen: 1:28pm On Jan 11, 2023
Whether you marry her in church or court, the same rules apply in case of a divorce. Both church and court wedding are guided by the Marriage Act of the Federal republic of Nigeria.

So your fear is unfounded and it gives you off as a dishonest person.

If you love someone, you'll treat them right. Na if you dey plan to do bad to your wife you go dey consider all these things.

E better make you no just marry.

Such an ideal and wise comment. Well done sis
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by ejimatic: 1:31pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.
. If yiu do not do Statutory Marriage both of yiu cannot go abroad as husband and wife . A wedding certificate must be rendered at the embassy for the issuance of the yiur visa as husband and and wife.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by GoAndVerifyNow: 1:33pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

Why don't you manufacture for her a fake reason why you don't want court marriage?

The problem I already see there is that she is also aware of what you are thinking and why you want to avoid court marriage, so might just as well go ahead and explain all your fears to her.

It is now left for her to make her own choice.
Re: How Do I Tell My Fiancee That I Don't Want Court Marriage by jackie35(m): 1:37pm On Jan 11, 2023
I'm in a very serious relationship which will likely lead to marriage before the middle of this year. she's a good lady, very decent, God fearing and has a good Job. We both love each other so there's no point waiting than to marry her. We've talked about it and she loves the idea. Also , i've met her family and her parent treated me kindly.

The issue is, we are both planning to relocate after marriage to any of the western countries, we are both credible financially and i'm very sure we won't get denied but the stories i've heard about women changing after getting abroad makes me want to think twice about the court marriage. I would love to do every other marital right except court marriage.

How do i tell her politely without losing her? please i'll appreciate your advise.

Thank you.

You just told her, because she is a member of this group and she had read this over and over.

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