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The Messiah Returns Worldwide - Celebrities (2) - Nairaland

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March 1, 2023:on This Day- We Sleep Not. Happy Birthday To The Messiah Of Africa / Akon Reacts To Davido’s MTV Ema’s Best Worldwide Act Awards / Dabota Lawson's N5 Million Butt Investment Gets Huge Returns (Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:14pm On Mar 16, 2023
Miriam’s critique of Moses’ wife (Num 12:1) has been used to argue for the Bible’s “color-consciousness, that is, an awareness of physiological differences, including skin color, between ethnic groups.The story begins:

במדבר יב:א וַתְּדַבֵּר מִרְיָם וְאַהֲרֹן בְּמֹשֶׁה עַל אֹדוֹת הָאִשָּׁה הַכֻּשִׁית אֲשֶׁר לָקָח כִּי אִשָּׁה כֻשִׁית לָקָח. Num 12:1 Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Kushite woman he had married: “He married a Kushite woman!”
What does this passage tell us about racial attitudes among the ancient Israelites? To answer this question properly, we must begin by determining what the gentilic כֻּשִׁית, “Kushite” (or “Cushite”) meant in the context of ancient Israel.

The Geographical Meaning of Kush
The geographical term כּוּשׁ “Kush” in the Bible refers broadly to Africa and Africans and more narrowly to the land south of Egypt,[4] as do the cognate terms in Egyptian (kush) and Assyrian (kusu).

In the Table of Nations in Genesis 10, Kush is the eldest son of Ham (10:6) and the older brother of Mitzraim (Egypt), thus placing Kush in Africa in the vicinity of Egypt. In the book of Esther, Kush (Ethiopia) is at the southern extreme of the Persian Empire:

אסתר א:א וַיְהִי בִּימֵי אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ הוּא אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ הַמֹּלֵךְ מֵהֹדּוּ וְעַד כּוּשׁ שֶׁבַע וְעֶשְׂרִים וּמֵאָה מְדִינָה. Esth 1:1 It happened in the days of Ahasuerus—that Ahasuerus who reigned over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces from India to Kush.
In the Septuagint, Kush is regularly translated as Αιθιοπία, Ethiopia, the kingdom south of Egypt (modern day Sudan).

The Identity of the Kushite Woman
Taking Numbers 12:1 at face value, Moses has a wife who comes from African Kush. Who is this mysterious wife?

Midianite Zipporah
In Exodus 2:21, Moses marries Zipporah, the daughter of Reuel, the Midianite priest. Some ancient (and modern) interpreters equate the two, presumably because there is no explicit biblical record of Moses’ marrying a second wife.

For example, the Hellenistic Jewish author, Ezekiel the Tragedian (3rd cent. B.C.E.), retells the story of Moses meeting Jethro’s daughters at the well, but sets the story in Africa. Speaking in Moses’ voice, he says:

But, lo! These seven maidens I espy!
In response to his question as to who they might be,
Sepphora (=Zipporah) replies:
This land, O stranger, all bears Libya’s name,
but tribes of sundry races dwell throughout;
the dark-skinned Aethiops. Yet there is one
who ruler, prince, and sole commander, he
rules all this state and judges mortal men,
a priest, the father of myself and these.

Ezekiel the Tragedian equates equates Zipporah with Moses’ Kushite wife, and Midian with Libya and “the dark-skinned Aethiops.”

Demetrius the Chronographer (3rd cent. B.C.E.), in a more prosaic manner, simply equates Midian in the east with Ethiopia. After calculating the descent of Moses and Zipporah, to show that it makes sense that they were contemporaries, he writes:

And they lived in the city of Midian, which was named from one of the sons of Abraham. For it says that Abraham sent his sons to the East (Gen 25:6) to settle there. And for this reason also, Aaron and Miriam said at Hazeroth (Num 12:1) that Moses had married an Ethiopian woman.
This, however, is not accurate geographically. Midian, מדין, is located to the east of the present-day Gulf of Aqaba, in the northern Hejaz, many hundreds of miles from Kush. The two peoples, Kushites and Midianites, appear to be completely separate ethnic groups.Thus, equating Moses’ Kushite wife with his Midianite wife Zipporah seems unlikely.

I do not like color prejudice I think it's stupid to judge upon color. Those are my truest and deepest feelings about the matter yet I have come across it even in my own family. My mother as totally against skin color discrimination and would not allow it to be an issue among her children who were various skin tones. My father's family however, they were very dark skin and some of them had bitter diskike for light skin or brown skin. My Aunt Bertha De France was the only calming voice who settled the issue for my brother and I, whom were brown skin, who are my father's children, being accepted as members of a dark skin family. Yet little did they know brown skin is the original color of the family before we mixed with the dark skin Indigenous Peoples in the Mississippi Valley.

This brings me to the Cushites who were originally black skin. They invaded India the land of Shem and seized power under King Nimrod also known as Lord Shiva. The Bible says that these Giants,because the Cushites were very tall, they saw the daughters of man were fair skin and mated with them. I removed some of the embellished imagery, sometimes myths are embellished stories to keep them alive in the memory of man so that they can be recalled later. Giants mean the Cushites were extremely tall and mating with fallen angels means that they worshipped false gods which became their offspring's, The Nephilium traditions. However, their descendants became a darker color and this is why Indians became jet black yet they were originally brown as the rest of Shem's descendants. Yet dark skin became hated because it reminded the people of the invading Cushites who dominated and oppressed the Indians.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 7:17am On Mar 17, 2023
Jesus had descendants and so did his family have descendants which became the monarchs of Europe.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Kingpharamond: 1:18pm On Mar 18, 2023
Abubakari II departed from the coast of West Africa from a site in what is now modern-day Gambia with 2,000 vessels filled with sailors, their wives, food, water, and even gold.
While we know for certain that Abubakari II never returned to reclaim his empire, a new voice has emerged with a theory about what happened to him. Malian author Gadoussou Diawara, in his book, "The Saga of Abubakari II" believes that he landed in Brazil and stayed there.

Advocates of a Black transatlantic crossing have offered a variety of evidence over the years to support their claims. And no one can take issue with Carter G. Woodson's observation in his "The Negro In Our History" first written nearly a century ago: "Inasmuch as scientists now claim there once existed on the western coast of Africa a very advanced people who influenced even the civilization of the Mediterranean world, they have little doubt of their having extended their culture across the middle passage. Africa, it will be remembered, is nearer to America than Europe."

Moreover, it is difficult to overlook the African features of the famed Olmec heads of Mexico, some with cornrow hairstyles, or the preColumbian Africoid sculptures collected by Alexander Von Wuthennau and published in his "Unexpected Faces in Ancient America," and in which he noted that "the startling fact is that in all parts of Mexico from Campeche in the east to the south coast of Guerro, and from Chiapas, next to the Guatemalan border, to the Panuco River in the Huasteca region (north of Vera Cruz) archaeological pieces representing Negro or negroid people have been found, especially in archaic or preclassic sites."

There have been similar findings at several sites in Mexico by the Polish scientist Andrzej Wiercinski. One of the pioneering works on the subject is "Africa in the Discovery of America," a three-volume magnum opus published between 1920 and 1922 by Professor Leo Weiner of Harvard University.

He uncovered an astounding array of rare quotes from early European explorers, African loan words in Native American languages, and much more. On page 365 in his third volume, he mentioned: "the presence of Negroes with their trading masters in America before Columbus is proved by the representations of Negroes in American sculpture and design, by the occurrence of a Black nation at Darien (present-day Panama) early in the XVI century, but more specifically by Columbus' emphatic reference to Negro traders from Guinea, who trafficked in a gold alloy 'guanin' of precisely the same composition having the same name as frequently referred to by early writers in Africa."

Before Weiner there was Peter DeRoo, the author of "History of America Before Columbus," who mentioned "ancient Negro arrivals" in the Americas." In the 1970s, Professor Ivan Van Sertima produced "They Came Before Columbus" and Harvard professor Barry Fell published: "America B.C." Both of which furthered the discussion of preColumbian Africans arriving in the western hemisphere. Van Sertima believed that Abubakari II, a man whose empire was larger than the Holy Roman Empire in Europe, "...sailed out of the Senegal river into the Atlantic."

He also believed that an abstract of Columbus' log made by Bishop Bartolome de las Casas appeared to indicate that one of the reasons for Columbus' third journey to the Americas was to verify the claims of King John II of Portugal that "canoes had been found which set out from the coast of Guinea and sailed to the west with merchandise" as well as statements attributed to the native peoples of the island of Hispaniola that African sailors had reached them carrying spear points made of 'guanin."

The English magazine "Historyextra," February 2020, reports that "... Diawara claims the African explorer came ashore in Brazil, somewhere very close to the spot where the city of Recife is now situated. Another name for this area is “Pernambuco,” which is state in Brazil, which supporters of this theory suggest is an aberration of the Mande, "Boure Bambouk," name for the rich gold fields that made the Mali empire so incredibly wealthy. (The Mande languages are spoken in several countries in West Africa by the Mandé peoples and include Maninka, Mandinka, Soninke, Bambara, Kpelle, Dioula, Bozo, Mende, Susu, and Vai.)

The BBC News, December 13,2000, refers to "a research project being carried out in Mali tracing Abubakari's journeys." The article relates that the scholars carrying on this type of research "say the best sources of information on Abubakari II are Griots--the original historians in Africa." Cited in the same article, Diawara says "the Griots themselves imposed a seal of silence on the story. The Griots found his abdication a shameful act, not worthy of praise...For that reason they have refused to sing praise or talk of this great African man."

Other supporters of his voyage have said they found West African loan/tribal names in parts of Brazil. One example, they claim, is the Galibis for a small tribe in Brazil from the Galibis in the Mali university town of Timbuktu. Another is Nahuatl word for sash or waist cloth which is based on the Malinke word "masiti" for the same or similar item.

While Abubakari II's voyage cannot be conclusively confirmed, there is, nevertheless, a long and glorious legacy of Black exploration. Not only in Africa but in every corner of the earth. One of my own books, "Black Explorers 2300 B.C To The Present" is a small step in that direction. But until the stories of brave, bold, and courageous African individuals like Harkhuf, Hanno, Hamilco, DuChaillu, and scores of other men and women are better known, Black history, and the world's history will be incomplete.[quote][/quote]

These Moabite Mound Building Moors were here in the Americas during the 1300s when my.family The Knights Templar arrived from Europe. Obviously they had come here and mixed with the Indians whom some were jet black.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Kingpharamond: 7:07pm On Mar 18, 2023
Jesus wasn't white: he was a brown-skinned, Middle Eastern Jew. Here's why that matters.

He was not Black or White for Jesus was Brown.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by BlackAdam65: 1:44pm On Mar 19, 2023

Richwallet Nairaland is my user name although I am rarely on Facebook.

They block me on every social media because they know who I am and are trying to stop me from telling my testimony.

i would like to ask how did white people and other races came to existance ?
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:45pm On Mar 19, 2023
i would like to ask how did white people and other races came to existance ?

They are Yapeth second son of Noah who Noah was an albino according to the book of Enoch. The book of Enoch was labeled an heresy by the other churches yet the Coptic Church considers Enoch to be one of greatest prophets of Antiquity.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 3:55pm On Mar 19, 2023
The children of Shem were Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram, in addition to unnamed daughters. Abraham, the patriarch of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, was one of the descendants of Arphaxad.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:13pm On Mar 19, 2023
Shem's Children
From the wife of Shem, the nation of Israel was born. This is the genealogy of Shem and his wife from Shem to Abram: Shem begot Arphaxad, Arphaxad begot Salah, Salah begot Eber, Eber begot Peleg, Peleg begot Reu, Reu begot Serug, Serug begot Nahor, Nahor begot Terah, and Terah begot Abram (Abraham), Nahor, and Haran. Shem's descendants today are the Semetic people of the Middle East.

Queen Zalbeth was a fair light brown skin woman.

WARREN, R.I. (AP) — A nearly 150-year-old stained-glass church window that depicts a dark-skinned Jesus Christ interacting with women in New Testament scenes has stirred up questions about race, Rhode Island’s role in the slave trade and the place of women in 19th century New England society.

The window installed at the long-closed St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Warren in 1878 is the oldest known public example of stained glass on which Christ is depicted as a person of color that one expert has seen.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 1:17pm On Mar 20, 2023
All throughout the ancient world the color of the Devil is black. Amongst the Christians, Muslims, Jews and even Yavadas the.Devil was painted black. There is no white Devil until the Nation of Islam. Race Hustlers raise a lot of money teaching hate against White people and I'm not saying there are no evil White people. Yet they take all the money they raise and spend it on themselves and this goes on in many Black organizations that so called fight for Black Liberation. This fraudulent money raising by teaching hate went on in the Nation of Islam in the 60s and 70s and I believe that it continues. We watched Black Lives Matter burn and loot America in a rage against White racism yet receive 100 million in donations mostly from Jews then run off with the money. BLM leaders bought big mansions, fancy cars and went on luxury vacations. I suspect Jews are behind the Nation of Islam as they are Black Lives Matter including the Moors that paint innocent White people as Devils to Black Americans even though the majority of Whites owned no slaves! It was the Jews and Moors that owned Black and White slaves.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 11:00pm On Mar 20, 2023
The Brown Skin Anti Christ.

Moors ranged any where between dark brown and jet black. They were generally very tall and ferocious warriors. Moors are of the Brown skin nobility that ruled Europe yet rather tried to invade and conquer it.


Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 5:25pm On Mar 21, 2023

2 Kings 3
Good News Translation
War between Israel and Moab
3 In the eighteenth year of the reign of King Jehoshaphat of Judah, Joram son of Ahab became king of Israel, and he ruled in Samaria for twelve years. 2 He sinned against the Lord, but he was not as bad as his father or his mother Jezebel; he pulled down the image his father had made for the worship of Baal. 3 Yet, like King Jeroboam son of Nebat before him, he led Israel into sin and would not stop.

4 King Mesha of Moab raised sheep, and every year he gave as tribute to the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool from 100,000 sheep. 5 But when King Ahab of Israel died, Mesha rebelled against Israel. 6 At once King Joram left Samaria and gathered all his troops. 7 He sent word to King Jehoshaphat of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me; will you join me in war against him?”

“I will,” King Jehoshaphat replied. “I am at your disposal, and so are my men and my horses. 8 What route shall we take for the attack?”

“We will go the long way through the wilderness of Edom,” Joram answered.

9 So King Joram and the kings of Judah and Edom set out. After marching seven days, they ran out of water, and there was none left for the men or the pack animals. 10 “We're done for!” King Joram exclaimed. “The Lord has put the three of us at the mercy of the king of Moab!”

11 King Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there a prophet here through whom we can consult the Lord?”

An officer of King Joram's forces answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He was Elijah's assistant.”

12 “He is a true prophet,” King Jehoshaphat said. So the three kings went to Elisha.

13 “Why should I help you?” Elisha said to the king of Israel. “Go and consult those prophets that your father and mother consulted.”

“No!” Joram replied. “It is the Lord who has put us three kings at the mercy of the king of Moab.”

14 Elisha answered, “By the living Lord, whom I serve, I swear that I would have nothing to do with you if I didn't respect your ally, King Jehoshaphat of Judah. 15 Now get me a musician.”

As the musician played his harp, the power of the Lord came on Elisha, 16 and he said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Dig ditches all over this dry stream bed. 17 Even though you will not see any rain or wind, this stream bed will be filled with water, and you, your livestock, and your pack animals will have plenty to drink.’” 18 And Elisha continued, “But this is an easy thing for the Lord to do; he will also give you victory over the Moabites. 19 You will conquer all their beautiful fortified cities; you will cut down all their fruit trees, stop all their springs, and ruin all their fertile fields by covering them with stones.”

20 The next morning, at the time of the regular morning sacrifice, water came flowing from the direction of Edom and covered the ground.

21 When the Moabites heard that the three kings had come to attack them, all the men who could bear arms, from the oldest to the youngest, were called out and stationed at the border. 22 When they got up the following morning, the sun was shining on the water, making it look as red as blood. 23 “It's blood!” they exclaimed. “The three enemy armies must have fought and killed each other! Let's go and loot their camp!”

24 But when they reached the camp, the Israelites attacked them and drove them back. The Israelites kept up the pursuit,[a] slaughtering the Moabites 25 and destroying their cities. As they passed by a fertile field, every Israelite would throw a stone on it until finally all the fields were covered; they also stopped up the springs and cut down the fruit trees. At last only the capital city of Kir Heres[b] was left, and the slingers surrounded it and attacked it.

26 When the king of Moab realized that he was losing the battle, he took seven hundred swordsmen with him and tried to force his way through the enemy lines and escape to the king of Syria,[c] but he failed. 27 So he took his oldest son, who was to succeed him as king, and offered him on the city wall as a sacrifice to the god of Moab. The Israelites were terrified[d] and so they drew back from the city and returned to their own country.

The Moabites have always been enemies of God despite their forced conversion by Arabs they are Semitic and not Hebrews. By mixing with tribes of Ham these Semitic Moabites became dark brown and sometimes jet black. The Moabites are matriochical and make up a good number of Black Americans whom identify with this lineage. They are apart of the North African Illuminati rather syncretized with Islam and pagan Egyptian rites.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:17pm On Mar 21, 2023
Envy is often rooted in low self-esteem – sometimes from very early unmet childhood needs where the person feels inherently not good enough. An envious person may frequently ‘compare and despair’ and find themselves wanting. And so they seek to bring down the object or person who they perceive is making them feel that way. It’s almost as though the other person is responsible for the envious person’s happiness – because their self-image is dependent on things outside of themselves. They feel deficient in themselves and have a constant hunger to fill that deficiency.

By denigrating the thing that makes them feel ‘less than’, the envious person can make the other feel bad, so they can ultimately begin to feel ‘more than’. It’s a shaky way of building self-esteem, but it’s as though the envious person needs to absorb some of the other’s energy in order to feel whole and functioning. Except the ‘feel good’ effect never lasts, and they may need to up the ante to continue to feel better about themselves. Envious people can be competitive. More than that, they can seem to take pleasure in another’s misfortune. We see this kind of envious attack carried out on social media daily, where celebrities’ looks and behaviours are criticised – and the tiniest slip is magnified and vilified.

All of this is painful yet every day they envy brown skin. Extremely gorgeous women and men can be affected by low esteem due to having dark or black skin.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:25pm On Mar 21, 2023
Coveting of brown skin even among Whites although tanning causes skin cancer just like bleeching!

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:54pm On Mar 21, 2023
Indians started off brown skin, fair skin and mixing with Ham made lot of them jet black and dark brown, this new bloodline took over India creating the caste system. Also a lot of Canaanites and Hittites which are descendants of Ham fled into Sindhu Valley after the fall of Babylon. Indians have hatred for their own dark skin color its in their blood due the mistreatment Cushites under King Nimrod afflicted on the original Yavadas or Yahounde.

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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:42pm On Mar 21, 2023
Why There are No White People in the Bible
Dan Bouchelle

Did you know there are no white people in the Bible? Does that surprise you? It’s true, I assure you. Not Adam, Abraham, Moses, Deborah, David, Elijah, Jezebel, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, Paul, or even Lydia or the church in Rome were white. Most of the people in the Bible were Jews of middle eastern origin. The few people in the Bible from the region we now call Europe may have had light-colored skin and would be considered white today, but they were not white in their day.

How can I say this? Because the concept of whiteness didn’t exist yet. Since the beginning of recorded history, humans have always thought in terms of tribes or nations (as in the Cherokee nation or Navajo nation, not a modern nation-state), but the idea of race is a fairly new concept. The Greek word for nation is “ethnos” (from which we get the word “ethnic”) and referred to any group of people with a common language, culture, story, and territory. Some nations were related to others with common historical roots and cultural overlaps. Some nations were greatly different from each other and far removed in every way.

Nations or tribes were categorized in various ways in the ancient world, as reflected in the Bible, but skin color was not one of them. It’s not that the Bible never notes that some nations had darker skin than others, but that is an exceedingly rare thing for the writers of scripture to mention. It just wasn’t considered a relevant factor for identifying people groups.

Skin color in antiquity was more like hair color is for us today. We see it and occasionally mention it. We can even build a few stereotypes and jokes around it. But no one really considers blonde, red, brown, grey, or black hair to be a marker of value, superiority, personality traits, or humanity. It’s just one of those things that can vary among humans like height, body type, or eye color. Humans come in endless varieties, but we are all humans. As N.T. Wright once quipped on a podcast, “In the Middle Ages, no one in Europe would have called anyone ‘white’ unless they had seen a ghost or were dead.”

However, starting in the 15th century, for the first time in human history, skin color began to take on a new significance. Europeans began placing people of different nations on a continuum of skin color, with baseless generalizations being made about people on either end. This way of thinking grew in prominence until the formulation of legal justifications for race-based chattel slavery in the 17th century.

Creating the language of “black” or “white” people was driven by economics and empire. It was an effort to justify the enslavement of people from Africa or the Americas by Europeans as they expanded their global empires and needed cheap labor. What developed was a diabolical but baseless theory of race that classified all nations on some color scale of “red, yellow, black, and white,” which was combined with a developmental scale that put white people at the top, black people at the bottom, and red and yellow people somewhere in between.

All this was just a form of tribalism or nationalism on steroids. All these ways of thinking are mere extensions of self-interest in communal forms that are profoundly anti-gospel. The gospel tells us that all people are children of God equally loved and valued by their creator, who will unite us all in Christ to form one people who demonstrate the diverse beauty of God’s creativity (see Rev. 21:22-22:5).

While slavery had been around from the beginning of recorded time, it was not previously based on skin color. Slaves were people conquered in war or people who had fallen on hard economic times. Slavery was typically not a lifelong or hereditary status. It was an ugly reality, but not as evil as it became when it got tied to the myth of race. The idea that people of certain skin colors were superior or could legitimately own and control people of other colors was unknown in the days of the Bible.

All this means that “whiteness” is artificial—a false story humans have created. It is important to know there is no genetic or biological reality that supports the idea that people with certain skin tones constitute a distinct group with common characteristics. People of all races are 99% genetically identical. Exactly who has been considered white has changed over time. Early in U.S. history, neither Jewish, Irish, nor Italian people were considered to be white, but now they typically are. There was a time when the KKK opposed viewing Christopher Columbus as a hero because he was Italian, they did not consider Italians to be white, and they wanted to keep them out of the USA. Who gets counted as white has been amazingly arbitrary.

Now, in saying that whiteness is not a biological reality, I am not seeking to diminish the impact race has on our world. Race is a powerful myth that has impacted billions of lives for half a millennium. Most of us with light-colored skin and European ancestry have been deeply indoctrinated in the mythology of whiteness (often under other names), and we carry unconscious convictions of white primacy, which we are skilled at hiding from ourselves. We may not tie it to skin color or genetics, but we typically assume that “white culture” (which we can’t define) is better, more evolved, or more refined. We assume that other cultures can be improved by being more like “white” culture, regardless of skin color. We believe this because we have been taught it directly or indirectly. You don’t have to be part of some fringe “White Supremacy” group to be infected with white superiority assumptions.

Why does this matter?

Because the amount of evil done in the name of race is staggering and beyond calculation. It must end.

Because there is a false idea, still prominent in many parts of the world, that Christianity is a white or western religion.This makes it difficult for many people to embrace Christ because they have been hurt by “white” people who claim to follow Christ.

Too often, Christians from the western world have bought into false racial ideas that have directly or indirectly supported white primacy. This undercuts the faithfulness, justice, credibility, and impact of the gospel. Lurking behind the struggle American missionaries sometimes have with trusting national leaders in other countries is the unspoken and unrecognized factor of race.

The implications of the myth of race are massive and complex, and the challenges of undoing the injustices in our world fostered by these arbitrary categories are immense. Yet, the one thing we should be able to agree about as followers of Jesus is that skin color is no basis upon which to judge or rank people. Jesus wasn’t white. Seventy percent of Christians globally are not white. And all people matter equally to our creator.

While we should not try to be color blind, which doesn’t acknowledge the realities of people whose life experience is different than ours, we should reject color bias. We should be relentlessly committed to the equality of all people. The cross should be the end of all claims to the superiority of any people groups.

Our hope is not in any race, culture, nation, or other human source. Our hope is in the God who made us all from the same original couple and who is drawing all people from all tribes and nations, regardless of color or culture, toward the same home in the New Jerusalem.

Various opinions on the subject of skin color which is I have said it's a wile of Satan.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 11:55pm On Mar 21, 2023
When God created us, he did not intend for us to die; he made us like himself. 24It was the Devil's jealousy that brought death into the world, and those who belong to the Devil are the ones who will die.

Every human being was created to be immortal that is viewing themselves as a reflection of God. Wherever you hate yourself you invite the Devil who will use you to cause death into the world. And if you fall into this envious snare you will lose the reflection of God. This is the death of the soul that intangible essence which is immortal.

The Moors and the Jesuits are both hidden orders of Freemasonry Egyptian worship. Freemasonry is the order of Lucifer and Elijah Muhammad also kept its secrets having been initiated before he founded the Nation of Islam. Many Christian pastors are also Freemasons and are apart of the kingdom of darkness. I spare none, even I have relatives who sided with Satan.

No Arab would consider Noble Drew Ali and Elijah Muhammad as prophets of Allah. And as far as what Elijah Muhammad said about not desiring Muslims here in America becoming corrupt like the East well if they are Freemasons then they are the same corruption. Freemasonry is the Devil's order born in North Africa.

Key note: Elijah Muhammad's son Warith Deen Muhammad did create a pure branch of Islam as did a few ministers of the old Nation of Islam who he guided.

Written by Ann Brown

May 17, 2021

The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in the 1930s by Wallace Fard Muhammad and many of its roots were influenced by the teachings of Noble Drew Ali.

Ali founded the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1913, based at his Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey. Ali later relocated to Chicago. He had a following of thousands of converts.

When looking at Moorish Science Temple of America and the Nation of Islam (NOI) side by side, one can see the similarities. In fact, the leaders of the NOI often praise and give credit to Ali. Despite this, there have been tensions between the two groups throughout the years.

There are several similarities of the two movements, from the Fez hat worn by both Ali and NOI leader Elijah Muhammad (who took over the group after Wallace Fard Muhammad’s disappearance in 1934) to both groups naming their meeting places “temples.”

Ali had the male members of his Temple wear a Fez or turban as a head covering; the women wore turbans.

Elijah Muhammad spoke about the Fez hat worn by the Moorish Americans and Noble Drew Ali. “The hat was red. They wore black ones and red ones,” said Muhammad, who himself was wearing a red Fez hat. According to Muhammad, the Fez has been worn by the NOI since the days of the organization’s founder Wallace Fard Muhammad.

“The Fez that the Shriners wear is the Fez of the Moors. And the tassel on it was tied down. It [the tassel] didn’t swing 360 degrees,” explained Farrakhan.

The meaning of the tassel “means the same thing it means when you are graduating from school. That means knowledge,” Muhammad pointed out.

The Fez hat worn by Ali and his followers was a solid color and was not designed with the moon and star that the NOI members wore, according to Elijah Muhammad.

During a speech at the People’s Church Los Angeles in 1960, Muhammad said, “Brother Noble Drew Ali, as Master Fard Muhammad said, was a [devotee] of Islam; he didn’t have enough knowledge in Islam to keep going with it because of the name that he named his organization, which at the time we called it Moorish Americans.”

The use of the term “Asiatics” is common in both groups.

Following the Russo-Japanese war, which occurred in 1905, many Black Americans took pride in Japan’s victory because it symbolized more than a military achievement. W.E.B Dubois saw the outcome as a win for all oppressed people around the world. Activist and religious leader Reverend J.M. Boddy viewed Russia’s defeat as an achievement of the Black race. He declared that the Japanese race “must be akin to the Negro race” and because of their “large infusion of Negro blood in their veins.” Black nationalist groups adopted Reverend Boddy’s view of Afro-Asian relations and “merged the Black and Asiatic identities to serve their agenda,” “Navigating the Pacific: 20th Century Afro-Asian Relations“ blog published by Emory University reported.

When Ali founded the Moorish Science Temple of America one of the major tenets of the movement’s theology was that Black Americans were Moorish Americans and descendants of the Moabites.

Moabites are a West-Semitic people who lived in the highlands east of the Dead Sea (now in west-central Jordan). They flourished in the 9th-century BC, according to Britannica.

“The conception of the Asiatic Black man invalidated claims of inherent racial inferiority, distanced African Americans from the stigmatization of their race and proposed an alternative ancestry marked with prominence,” Emory University reported.

It has been reported that Ali traveled to Egypt where he met a high priest of Egyptian magic. The priest, it is said, trained Ali in mysticism and gave him a “lost section” of the Quran. Ali developed this “lost section” into what is now known as the Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (not to be confused with the Islamic Quran).

Ali used this material to claim Jesus and his followers were Asiatic. Ali used the term “Asiatic” to describe all dark or olive-colored people.

But like the common use of the Fez, temples, the Nation also teaches that the first humans were the “original” or “Asiatic” race, whom it describes as members of the Tribe of Shabazz.

“Prophet Noble Drew Ali was the first one to enlighten our people,” Baltimore community leader Taharka Bey said during a 2020 interview on DoggieDiamondsTV. “The Moors come for the Northwest and South western shores of Africa and [they] migrated into the Americans before the Europeans even thought about coming out of the cave…we are all of Moorish bloodline.”

Bey, who is not part of the NOI, hosts the YouTube show “Moorish Science Temple of America.” Bey spoke of the off-and-on conflict between the Moorish Americans and the Nation of Islam over whether there was a connection between Ali and the start of the NOI.

Although there had been disputes between the NOI and Black American Moors, Farrakhan said the two groups were once close.

“The first time Elijah Muhammad came to New York after I had accepted Islam, it was Oct. 1955. Elijah Muhammad spoke on two men who were the forerunners to him, Noble Drew Ali was number one and Marcus Garvey was number two,” recalled Minister Farrakhan during an interview on Dec 19, 2016.

He continued, “On that day he lifted Noble Drew Ali and said that we should honor him respect him and study what he did as a forerunner…and we never clashed with our brothers from the Moorish Science Temple.”

Listen to GHOGH with Jamarlin Martin | Episode 74: Jamarlin Martin Jamarlin returns for a new season of the GHOGH podcast to discuss Bitcoin, bubbles, and Biden. He talks about the risk factors for Bitcoin as an investment asset including origin risk, speculative market structure, regulatory, and environment. Are broader financial markets in a massive speculative bubble?

Even today, the Nation of Islam’s current leader Minister Louis Farrakhan often honors Noble Drew Ali and his teachings for his inspiring the NOI.

“[We] respect and honor Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey as the forerunners to what we are doing right now,” said Farrakhan. “Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali blazed a trail and were forerunners to Islam and to all the Moors.”

During a 2014 Nation of Islam Saviour’s Day event Farrakhan praised Ali. “Now let’s look at Noble Drew Ali…He’s the first man to bring Islam to us in the way he tried to bring it,” he said. “I thank him. I thank Allah for him.”

The Nation of Islam evolved out of the Moorish Science Temple. They are both Freemason Illuminati groups which Prophet Muhammad said those taking oaths in secret cults were not of him.

Ali traveled to Egypt where he met a high priest of Egyptian magic. The priest taught Ali. Elijah Muhammad uses similar story that Master Fard Muhammad a god on earth taught him mystical knowledge.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:03am On Mar 22, 2023
When the Knights Templar arrived in the Americas these Indigenous Peoples were various nations, some were clearly of Indian and Hamite origin and others were Moabite and Hamite origin.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:05am On Mar 22, 2023

6TH APRIL 2021

The reports that say the Prophet was “white” (bayd/abyad) can have the meaning of unblemished or bright, and not be a reference to skin color at all according to this. Moreover, in other contexts, colors are utilized in a strictly symbolic sense.

A few months ago I posted the following on Facebook: “If you think that an Arab man who lived over a thousand years ago in the middle of the desert had white skin, I invite you to reconsider that.”

I somewhat regret writing that post because the Prophet of Islam is not any Arab man, and even though I did not say that he was, no doubt there was a better way to pose the “challenge.” It is so important for us to shed our preconceived notions and drop some of our racial baggage when talking about anyone who lived in an era so different from our own – especially the person of the Prophet. That was, in large part, the point of that post and point for this article.

However, not all that racial baggage is useless, in fact, some of it may provide a useful lens without which we would be lost in the weeds. That’s because racism, or more particularly colorism, is nothing new in the umma. The society in which the Blessed Prophet was born into had its own kind of color caste that was not only restricted to color but also ethnicity, language, and wealth. Like most caste systems it prejudiced people in many ways, both socially and economically.

But none of this was an issue because it was the norm, it was custom, it was not on the lips of people in the public square, or in the gathering of Mecca’s chiefs. Rather, the Prophet recognized colorism and its evil partner classism as the poisons they were and so, radically, he addressed it and redressed the wrongs it had produced. So this is what I mean by saying that our baggage can also be our lens, because it helps us see – though less perfectly – the kinds of wrongs that the Prophet himself saw.

There is no moral value attached to the color of someone’s skin. The Prophet made this clear. There was, however, something to be said for the quality of someone’s complexion – whether it was bright or dull; there was also something to be said of the character of someone’s face – whether it was pleasant or surly. All of these attributes, bright, dull, pleasant, or surly can be applied to any skin color, from pale white to blue-black and all of them could possibly hint at an aspect of a person’s spirit manifesting on their face.

I won’t seek to answer the question: What was the Prophet’s skin color? For one, I don’t know. Second, this question is only interesting to me out of a sense of love for the Prophet and a need to visualize him and contemplate his countenance in order to feel more connected to him. Not for one second should any one of us think we are out of bounds for talking about this. If it didn’t matter, scholar after scholar would not have devoted book after book to detailing every attribute of the Prophet (physical and nonphysical) that they could acquire. They would not have written about it if it was not important, and sure enough when we describe the Prophet to our children, or our students, or neighbors we often lean on the description of his physical self that we’ve learned about to carry the meaning of the message. For most of us, it is a matter of devotion and love that we care to contemplate the face of the Prophet and make him more real in our lives.

Rather than answering this question, I’d like to lift up the varied reports found in books of hadith that describe the Prophet’s skin color in seemingly contradictory ways. Moreover, I want to talk about the challenges that might arise from describing the Prophet in our modern American context, a context in which his describers were not writing. I also want to highlight that this is not the only complication because the contexts in which these reports were written also suffered from a past that may have been equally troubled by racism and colorism. It’s probably more realistic to say that just as racism still exists in America after the abolishment of our most racist institution – slavery – it likely still existed in these pre-modern contexts as well.

I have often read and heard scholars, teachers, and ordinary believers describe the Prophet’s complexion as white or light-skinned. Today, to refer to the Prophet as white connotes all kinds of images and concepts that the Prophet is unencumbered by and free from. Calling him white does not take into account that whiteness, in an American context at least, takes on a very particular meaning, associated almost exclusively with white people of European ancestry with particular historical markers vis a vis others in American society. People will draw on their experience of whiteness in their own context and as they’ve come to understand it to determine what that may have looked like on the Prophet and how he may have carried himself among others.

Conducting some research I came across a fascinating article on this very topic called “The De-Arabization of Islam and the Transfiguration of Muhammad in Islamic Tradition” by Wesley Muhammad. Although I do not support his definitive conclusion that Prophet Muhammad was a dark-skinned Arab because I do not feel comfortable making such a final designation, Muhammad does provide some evidence for his conclusion. For the purposes of translation, many of the hadith quoted here will be taken from Muhammad’s own translation, which at a cursory glance seem correct, and are in fact found in the collections of hadith that he attributes them to. However, I make no comment as to the strength of the various hadith.

First, we should state the obvious, Prophet Muhammad’s complexion is characterized as “white” or “abyad” in some hadith. The Shamail of Tirmidhi has the following report:

“The Messenger of God had a white complexion, which was slightly reddish, and had a medium-sized body.”

In the Sunan of Tirmidhi he reports a hadith from Anas b. Malik that puts the Prophet’s complexion as a mean:

“The Messenger of Allah (s) was neither tall, such that he would stand out, nor was he short. He was not albino-white (al-abyad al-amhaq), nor was he deep black (adam). His hair was neither very curly nor completely straight. Allah commissioned him towards the end of his fortieth year. He remained in Mecca for ten years and in Medina for ten years. Allah caused him to pass away at the turn of his sixtieth year and there was not found on his head and beard [as much as] twenty white hairs.”

Wesley Muhammad complicates what might be the literal understanding of white-skinned by lifting up an entry by Lisan al-Arab, the well-known Arabic dictionary by Ibn Manzur:

The Arabs don’t say a man is white [or: ‘white man,’ rajul abya∙] due to a white complexion. Rather, whiteness [al-abyad] with them means an external appearance that is free from blemish [al-zahir al-naqi min al-uyub]; when they mean a white complexion they say ‘red’ (ahmar)… when the Arabs say, ‘so-and-so is white (abyad –[al-zahir al-naqi min al-uyub]; when they mean a white complexion they say ‘red’ (ahmar)… when the Arabs say, ‘so-and-so is white (abyad – bayda), they [only] mean a noble character (al-karam fi l-akhlaq), not skin color. It is when they say ‘so-and-so is red’ (ahmar- hamra) that they mean white skin. And the Arabs attribute white skin to the slaves.

Prophet Muhammad was the cousin of Jesus as Arabs are the cousins of Israel sons of Yakov as such our ancestors had brown skin. Shem is brown even according to the Egyptian who kept accurate descriptions ancient races in colored pictures. The Nation of Islam teaches that Muhammad is White and Jesus was White also that Yakub was an evil scientist who made the White Devil. Sounds like the work of evil Moors who are obviously black skin. The Nation of Islam were former followers of Noble Drew Ali Moorish Science Temple of America and they are all Freemasons. The Klu Klux Klan are also Freemasons and we will cover this later and how Freemasons are behind the black and white Dichotomy. Yes Elijah Muhammad founder of the Nation of Islam was a Freemason.

There are multiple reports (hadith) that describe the Prophet’s skin color as brown (asmar) like the following from the Jami of Tirmidhi:

Old paintings depicting Prophet Muhammad as brown skin.

Observe the lineage chart below Prophet Muhammad is related to Jesus both are grand sons of Abraham.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 12:07pm On Mar 23, 2023
In Granada the use, and abuse, of wine and hashish along with prostitution and sodomy extended to all levels of society,” the historian of Moorish sexuality Dr Antonio Arjona Castro has written.

It is well documented that the Moors were of Black skin mainly with few exceptions. They were not the original Arabs who are brown skin and Moors are not to be confused with brown skin nobility of Europe who actually desired the invading Moors out of Spain and Portugal. The Moors were and still are the Islamists with a hidden faith which is Egyptian worship. Sexual deviance is quite common among the Moors even the ones who voyaged and set up civilization in the Americas.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 9:23pm On Mar 23, 2023
14The hair of his head was as white as white wool or as snow,* and his eyes were like a fiery flame. 15His feet were like polished brass refined in a furnace,* and his voice was like the sound of rushing water. 16In his right hand he held seven stars.

Jesus had wooly hair and brown skin so all his senior heirs will have the same features.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:03am On Mar 24, 2023
Mummy portraits or Fayum mummy portraits are a type of naturalistic painted portrait on wooden boards attached to upper class mummies from Roman Egypt. They belong to the tradition of panel painting, one of the most highly regarded forms of art in the Classical world. The Fayum portraits are the only large body of art from that tradition to have survived. They were formerly, and incorrectly, called Coptic portraits.

The Greeks and Romans that ruled North Africa for extended periods of time were Brown skin. Alexander the Great grandson of Esau who was the brother of Yakov and Janus Satunius first king of Rome the great grandson of Esau. Romans were of various ethnicities of brown since the empire covered many lands in Semitic territory. This is why the Judeans were apart of the Greek Empire and also why Christ under Rome said, Give Unto Caesar What Is Caesar, they were literally the same all Semitic people.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 1:36pm On Mar 24, 2023
Mummy portraits or Fayum mummy portraits are a type of naturalistic painted portrait on wooden boards attached to upper class mummies from Roman Egypt. They belong to the tradition of panel painting, one of the most highly regarded forms of art in the Classical world. The Fayum portraits are the only large body of art from that tradition to have survived. They were formerly, and incorrectly, called Coptic portraits.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 5:31pm On Mar 25, 2023
The Bible doesn't say it shall be one Anti Christ but many Anti Christs.

Donald Trump is the bloodline of German Askenaski Jews who bloodline is from Ukraine, Central Asia, Khazar.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 7:12pm On Mar 25, 2023
No, doubt about it the Moors are black skin Moabites from North Africa who had mixed with Hamite women after the King of Egypt had given them the land west of Egypt. They were conquered by the Arabs after making an agreement with them to attack Christendom together. When Arabs came into North Africa they took over pushing the Moors south to Mali which they brought an end to the Ghana Empire forming the Mali Empire.

There is no mistaking a black skin Moor for a brown skin Israelite. The nose of the Moor is very broad because he was conditioned by the African climate.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 4:07pm On Mar 27, 2023
A Prayer for the Defeat of Israel's Enemies[a]
83 O God, do not keep silent;
do not be still, do not be quiet!
2 Look! Your enemies are in revolt,
and those who hate you are rebelling.
3 They are making secret plans against your people;
they are plotting against those you protect.
4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy their nation,
so that Israel will be forgotten forever.”

5 They agree on their plan
and form an alliance against you:
6 the people of Edom and the Ishmaelites;
the people of Moab and the Hagrites;
7 the people of Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,
and of Philistia and Tyre.
8 Assyria has also joined them
as a strong ally of the Ammonites and Moabites, the descendants of Lot.

Cleopatra VII was obviously brown skin based upon the Fayum Portraits which depicted the Noble Egyptians, Greeks and Romans in this time period of 2nd century as various shades of brown.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 11:42pm On Mar 27, 2023
Byzantine Empire was brown skin Edomites and they later allied with the Khazars seeing they were surrounded by the Moors and Mongols. This mixture caused many brown skin Romans to become olive and even white skin tones.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by budaatum: 11:50pm On Mar 27, 2023
The American Indians were primarily Indians from India long ago.

Not true, Rich. And as soon as I read that nonsense, I can't bother with anything that follows.

The only connection between American Indians and Indians from India is the ignorance of the Europeans who named them American Indians.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 11:51pm On Mar 27, 2023
More Byzantines

All brown skin Roman Bishops at the 325 a d Council of Nicea and a brown skin Emperor Constantine.

Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by budaatum: 11:58pm On Mar 27, 2023

A closed mind is a delusional mind.

My mind is closed to baseless conspiracies. It's good way to not clutter ones brain with rubbish.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 12:01am On Mar 28, 2023
The Roman Empire were brown skin Edomites. Constantine did marry a descendant of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, the Queen St. Helena, who is also brown skin. The Roman Empire despite it's wickedness in the pagan stages was the extension of Ancient Sumeria for it included most of Shem's territory and were they also Hebrews. The early church is a brown skin church no black or white people were involved in it's artwork. As you can see these were Negroes that is Hebrews who had spent time in Egypt whose hair had become wooly toiling under the hot Sun and skin dark brown like burnt in an oven.

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