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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Celebrities / The Messiah Returns Worldwide (25229 Views)
March 1, 2023:on This Day- We Sleep Not. Happy Birthday To The Messiah Of Africa / Akon Reacts To Davido’s MTV Ema’s Best Worldwide Act Awards / Dabota Lawson's N5 Million Butt Investment Gets Huge Returns (Photos) (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by budaatum: 2:37am On Mar 28, 2023 |
Richwallet: Sigh. |
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 4:18am On Mar 28, 2023 |
Click here to go to the beginning page. Computer Coders at work. https://www.nairaland.com/7609169/lese-majeste Languedoc Saints: St Sarah, St Martha, St Mary Magdalene, St Mary Salome, St Mary Jacob, Lazarus, Maximus and Sidonius et al The three Marys in Southern Gaul proves the history that my family founded Christianity falsely credited to the Roman Church which came centuries later. In the Eastern Rome early Christians were persecuted by the Greco Roman Egyptian practicing Edomites yet in Western Rome there was royal protection for the three Marys provided by the Fisher Kings, Celtic Lords and the Benjamin Frankish kings. The three very brown skin women preached the Gospel of Christ throughout the Mediterranean, feeding the poor and teaching children. James the brother of Jesus had a church going in Glastonbury England, which was the first church on Earth, out of it came King James the brown skin King who had the Latin Bible translated into English. The three Marys and Sara the daughter of Mary Magdalene and Jesus was also brown skin. The Old Church as envisaged by Henry Spelman in the mid-17th century. The church is alot older than Rome and Constantinople who only accepted Christianity to save the Roman Empire which was pagan and persecuted early Christians.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 9:53am On Mar 28, 2023 |
Countless proof that in the ancient world that passed on to the Medieval World the Devil was always painted dark skin or black skin.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:30pm On Mar 29, 2023 |
The Askenaz who are sons of Gomer and great grand sons of Yapeth land was Central Asia to what is known as Western Europe. The Ashkenaz converted to Judiasm while they were the Kharzah Empire and allies to the Byzantines. White people did occupy Europe in great number and they coexisted with the Semitic people who brought urban civilization and built kingdoms in Germany, France, Scottland and Britain. These were Hebrews those who had crossed over meaning they were mixed with Ham. Some of these Hebrews were dark brown and some very light brown. There was mingling with the brown nobility by the whites which to ever lighter shades of olive skin tone. I will demonstrate a few olive skin tone nobility so you can see the progression. Here are the brown skin supposed orphans.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 1:27am On Mar 30, 2023 |
The Brown Skin Nobility. There was a genocide of brown nobility during WWII. This occurred before in the Spainish Inquisition when parents of brown skin Jews were sent to confess and die while the children put aboard ships dropped off in West Africa. I will touch on this later.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:18am On Mar 30, 2023 |
Palestinians are brown they are not Israelites and the Judeans that were dispersed but they are Semitic and are native to the Middle Eastern region. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSff-Ip1kZs Khazars Askenasksi created White Supremacy during the Antebellum Slavery period in the U.S. Many wealthy Jewish families that gained their fortunes from owning slaves such as the Darwin family grafted many doctrines that outlined various nations of human beings as subspecies. They placed the Negro in the category of a brute savage incapable of higher reasoning thus only suitable for servant. 78 percent of the slave owners were Khazar Askenaskis and the other 22 percent were their offspring by very lightskin Negro bed wenches, i.e Concubine such as Sally Hemmings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQM4ebFILv4 Germans did not create White Supremacy nor the Nazis party. It was only after the war that they victors switched the story. Hitler's disdained towards Jesse Owens is that he was an African Hamite and not a brown skin Judean. Nazis scientists knew that the Hamite had been mixed in with the American hidden Jews to cause confusion. By having Jesse Owens as the world champion hailed as a Negro they were deceiving the world to the true identity of the brown skin Nobility. The Palestinians are brown skin true Semitic people and they are being treated with antisemitism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSff-Ip1kZs 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:39pm On Mar 30, 2023 |
On behalf of the Brown Skin Semitic Hebrew nobility that founded the Holy Roman Empire Tuetonic Knight Adolf Hitler conducted all sorts of physical examination of Askenaski Jews to prove definitely they are not Semitic or even Judean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeBz4x9_-2M The poster removed the video right after this post went viral. Only a rare man becomes a Templar who walks the way of the Cross. The Germans were a very strict religious people who were in the beginning under Emperor Charlemagne who established a very devout religious society. Hitler's movement was a Positive Christian movement, the Nazis party was intent upon restoring Germany as a religious society. The Germans were and still are a very literal minded people and low context culture then and now. The medical experiment done on the white skin Khazars Askenasks who claim the identity of brown skin MiddleEasestern Jews was proven that they were not biological Jews nor German. The Germans intended to remove all people who were not ethnically German in order to restore their religious society. Many disasters have been committed in the name of religion worse than any war for racism or land. The world has been in spiritual war way much longer than race and besides racial wars were really over perceptions of spirituals differences. American slave owning Khazars Askenasks calling themselves Jews and New Christias created White Supremacy. It was American Antebellum slave owners who organized poor Southern Whites into the terror group known as the Klu Klux Klan. The Southern White Jewish slave owners preached racist theology as well politically passed Black Codes into law limiting all non White persons to servitude status. Pseudo science books were written to justify the harsh treatment of non Whites. The German people are innocent. Although best known for On the Origin of Species, Darwin does not address human evolution and race until his 1871 book, The Descent of Man, in which Darwin applies his theories of natural selection to humans and introduces the idea of sexual selection. Here his white supremacism is revealed. Over the course of the book, Darwin describes Australians, Mongolians, Africans, Indians, South Americans, Polynesians, and even Eskimos as “savages:” It becomes clear that he considers every population that is not white and European to be savage. The word savage is disdainful, and Darwin constantly elevates white Europeans above the savages. Darwin explains that the “highest races and the lowest savages” differ in “moral disposition … and in intellect” (36). The idea that white people are more intelligent and moral persists throughout. At one point, Darwin says that savages have “low morality,” “insufficient powers of reasoning,” and “weak power of self-command” (97). Darwin’s specific consideration of intellectual capacities is especially alarming. He begins with animals: “No one supposes that one of the lower animals reflects whence he comes or whither he goes,—what is death or what is life, and so forth” (62). His remarks soon expand to humans. “How little can the hard-worked wife of a degraded Australian savage, who uses hardly any abstract words and cannot count above four, exert her self-consciousness, or reflect on the nature of her own existence” (62). Darwin writes that Australians are incapable of complex thought, and insinuates that they are akin to lower animals: His perspective on non-European races is incredibly prejudiced and absurd. Modern evolutionary scholars and teachers tend to ignore or omit that component of Darwin’s theory, but it hasn’t gone completely unnoticed. For example, Rutledge Dennis examined Darwin’s role in scientific racism for The Journal of Negro Education and found that in Darwin’s world view, “talent and virtue were features to be identified solely with Europeans” (243). White supremacy is clearly embedded in The Descent of Man, regardless of Darwin’s brilliance or the accuracy of the rest of his theory. American Slave Owners Created White Supremacy. 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:00am On Apr 01, 2023 |
Are Italians brown people? Of course, the original Italian had brown skin especially the nobility with varied ethnicities. People can have brown skin with straight hair, curly hair or kinky hair depending upon their ethnicity yet one is no less Italian because Italians are brown skin. The above point of view is very unbias and scientific and a great write up.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:29pm On Apr 01, 2023 |
Noble Italians of brown skin featured on coinage. Noble Spainish lady of brown skin.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 3:20pm On Apr 02, 2023 |
Portugese are brown skin. Just about all the ethnic groups of Western Asia and the Middle East are brown skin. The Whites migrated from the colder Central Asia and settled in the wilderness of Europe. The brown skin people were the builders of Western civilization which includes the Greek,Roman, Persian, Islamic and Syrian and Egyptian Empire. The founders of Kemet were the black skin Hamites who ruled Upper Egypt during Greek conquest of Lower Egypt. Egypt gets it's name from the Greeks not the Hamites and during their rule the Nobility were brown skin. Yes these brown skin Edomites referred to the black Kemet people are Aethiopia or burnt face. Many assume it's because the Greeks were white yet this is false.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:05am On Apr 04, 2023 |
Silicians are originally brown. This was before any mixing with the Moors who conquered Sicily and ruled it for hundreds of years. Some of the Moors bastards were a browner shade perhaps but still brown.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Kingpharamond: 6:53pm On Apr 04, 2023 |
Trust when I say that this post is the most important posting I ever created on Nairaland. It's already been banned on Facebook before I ever tried posting it there. White Supremacy is an American invented curse. Europeans never had a segregation system based upon race espesially Germany. I have a French friend who grew up in Paris who is Afro-Comgolese and she said the first time she experienced racism was in Atlanta, Georgia USA. Josephine Baker the famous artist from my hometown of St. Louis, MO never moved back to U.S after living in France because she was tired of American White Supremacy. There are two ethnicities of Whites, which created White Supremacy?
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Kingpharamond: 9:38am On Apr 05, 2023 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JZ_bdc6qUM Twins one brown and one white. Many Whites share the Sangreal or Holy Grail with us and members of Jesus's bloodline. When the Knights Templar came to America in the 1300s they were brown and white men. The book of Enoch says that Yapeth would help Shem the Son of Man bring Ham to his heel. Then the unification of Mankind would be complete and peace will reign.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Kingpharamond: 4:45pm On Apr 05, 2023 |
1 Like 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 9:25am On Apr 06, 2023 |
The Brown Skin Anti Christ. More Noble brown skin Italians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naQiJtBZF1Q 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 10:55pm On Apr 06, 2023 |
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 4:35pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Keep Jesus Brown.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 6:12pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Syrians are Arabs and they vary from Olive skin to dark brown. As we can see most of the Middle East, Iberian Peninsula, the Greek Ises, Western Europe, Persia, India and lower Egypt has been ruled by brown skin Semitic people forever. Of course this is Shem's territory. I would like to insist that Brown is its own race and not in betweens of Black and White.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 8:43pm On Apr 08, 2023 |
This ancestral evidence is undeniable and it appears that Duchess Meghan, born in Los Angeles, is a descendants of English Brown Babies that were adopted by Black American families. Duchess Meghan's resemblance to her ancestors is remarkable. 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 11:04am On Apr 09, 2023 |
... A Brown skin Nobilty ruled over much of Europe in the Dark and Middle Ages surrounded by Whites because of the forceful migration of the Yapeths caused by Hun slave raids during the 2nd century, then again when the Mongols terrorised many Yapeths into Poland and Hungary during the 8th century. The Hebrew Edomites ruled the Greek and Roman Empire and they began as brown skin people. The Hebrew Israelites ruled Judea before they migrated into Europe different times and different groups of them. Tons of hidden old photos because the newish looking photos of White nobility is obviously forged. 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by HarshBitterTrut: 3:10pm On Apr 12, 2023 |
Out of the approximately 95,000 U.S. Occupation babies born in Germany shortly after WWII, there were approximately 5000 of us, Post WWII Afro-German children or so-called Negro mulatto babies, better known in the United States as Germany’s “Brown Babies.” In 1952, the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) deemed that we formed a special group, presenting a human and racial problem of a special nature. Our national and cultural heritage were seen to be in direct contrast to our skin color. The parents of Brown Babies were killed because they the brown skin German Nobility financed Adolf Hitler's recreation of the Holy Roman Empire. 1 Like 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 1:14pm On Apr 13, 2023 |
The Crown Prince of Germany is brown skin standing next to the pale skin Adolf Hitler. HISTORY Nazis & Nobles by Stephan Malinowski review — why the German nobility rallied to Hitler.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:37pm On Apr 13, 2023 |
Harsh bitter truth. Brown skin Saxon Nobility. Brown skin English Nobility. 1 Share
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 4:13pm On Apr 13, 2023 |
Charles IV of Luxembourg ( German Karl IV , Czech Karel IV.; May 14, 1316 , Prague - November 29, 1378 , Prague ) - King of Germany from July 11 , 1346 , King of the Czech Republic from August 26 , 1346 (under the name Karel I , crowned September 2, 1347), Holy Roman Emperor from April 5, 1355 . He is brown skin clearly not black or white.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:00pm On Apr 14, 2023 |
Portrait of King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland (1630-1685)
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 8:58pm On Apr 15, 2023 |
John of Gaunt, Plantagent, Duke of Lancaster, ancestor of George Washington, was a son of Edward III, King of England. In addition to being an ancestor of George Washington through his mistress Katherine Roet , he was an ancestor of U.S. Presidents Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John Quincy Adams, Herbert Hoover, Woodrow Wilson, Zachary Taylor and Jimmy carter. He was the father of Henry IV, King of England.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 12:34am On Apr 17, 2023 |
Maria-Magdalena of Waldeck-Wildungen German countess
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 12:02am On Apr 18, 2023 |
Miss Butterworth of Belfield Hall, 1650-70
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 2:12am On Apr 18, 2023 |
A Gentle Reminder That Jesus Was A Brown Middle Eastern Judean. Prophet Muhammad was a Brown Middle Eastern Arab.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 3:38am On Apr 18, 2023 |
More royal ladies all 3 are various shades of brown skin tone.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 8:52am On Apr 18, 2023 |
Ferdinand III (Ferdinand Ernest; 13 July 1608, in Graz – 2 April 1657, in Vienna) was from 1621 Archduke of Austria, King of Hungary from 1625, King of Croatia and Bohemia from 1627 and Holy Roman Emperor from 1637 until his death in 1657. A portrait of St. Louis who is King Louis XI a Benjamin Frankish King of the Franks. Brown skin Nobility ruled Europe and they were descendants of Israelites.
Re: The Messiah Returns Worldwide by Richwallet: 1:53pm On Apr 18, 2023 |
Frankish Kings and the house of Capet was very dark brown.
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