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Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 10:41am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Caveat: Please never mistake this thread for an implicit or explicit inducement to join Eckankar. If anything here resonates with you, it's okay. If not, its okay still. Everything is always in it's rightful place Update to Caveat: All opinions by posters especially mine are in no way a representation of the views of Eckankar You may or may not enjoy the stories in later parts of the thread. Cheers! Introduction: It is known in other circles that the destiny of man is to grow in spirit to be one with the Logos, the life giving force that gives life and sustains all creation and the pure spiritual worlds. The life force is known by many names including ECK, (in Eckankar), Logos (Greek), Ruh (Islam), Holy Spirit (Christianity) and so on. When one reaches this level of growth, they are known as 'Masters of the Holy Spirit' or 'ECK Masters' otherwise. Think of this as gaining professorship on the Holy Spirit. At this stage, one operates outside religion. Their primary interest is showing man that there is something grander to life which is man realizing himself as Soul. " Man, Know thyself". These men and women which we call ECK Masters come from all walks of life. Sometimes, they have pet projects like Agriculture, engineering, tech, the sciences of men, music and so on. Their signatures are found in any legendary or dismissable development man had had in any time of history. They take the inventors and champions of progress of men to view Prototypes in other planes of existence consciously or unconsciously. They do not interfere with man's way of life except in dire situations. Man is left to learn from his good and bad and is watched with love regardless. I will be posting some artist impressions of them including their names. 2 Likes |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 10:44am On Apr 07, 2023 |
"Much has been written about guardian angels. In fact, there have been so many reports of angelic visitors that national research groups have been formed to record and investigate the phenomenon. Sometimes these angels physically appear in a life-threatening event and then disappear. Other times they appeared surrounded by blue or white light in an inner vision or dream. Sometimes they appear as invisible friends of children. What these appearances have in common is that people's lives have changed for the better through the experience." Many times these guardian angels were 'ECK Masters'." |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 10:50am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Rebazar Tarzs (REE-bah-zahr TAHRZ). The Torchbearer of Eckankar in the lower worlds; the spiritual teacher of many ECK Masters including Peddar Zaskq, or Paul Twitchell, to whom he handed the Rod of ECK Power in 1965; said to be over five hundred years old, Rebazar Tarzs, a Tibetan, lives in a hut in the Hindu Kush mountains and appears to many as he helps the present Living ECK Master in the works of Eckankar. He served as the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. 1 Like
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 10:53am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Rami Nuri (RAH-mee NOO-ree). The ECK Master who is the guardian of the holy book, the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, on the Pinda Lok, the physical world, at the House of Moksha, Temple of Golden Wisdom in the city of Retz, Venus. The letter M appears on his forehead. He served as the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. More about Rami Nuri:
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 10:59am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Shamus-i-Tabriz (SHAH-muhs-ee-tah-BREEZ), also Shams-i-Tabrizi (SHAMS-ee-tah-BREEZ-ee), is the Adept and guardian of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad in the Temple of Sakapori on the Causal Plane. As the Outer and Inner Master of ECK in the thirteenth century, he was the teacher of Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi, Persian poet, sage, and a follower of ECK. More about Shamus-i-Tabriz:
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 11:29am On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: Is he known to the Tibetan people? Is there any evidence of such a hut in the Hindu kush mountain? Five hundred years old in a physical body! Who said so? If Rebazar Tarz is still alive ,why an artist impression of him, and not a real photograph captured with a good camera? 3 Likes |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:40am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: Yes. He teaches a select few and sometimes a crowd even in market squares. Mozart for instance is one of his beneficiary. Mozart attempted to translate the celestial music he hears in his sojourn in the inner planes if existence. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 11:44am On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: Do you have any recent images of this over 500 year old teaching in a crowded market in Tibet or anywhere else? I just saw the one about Mozart in your edited reply. How true is it that he taught Mozart? Never heard that before . Any proof ? 1 Like |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:45am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: These guys are not interested in recognition, validation, fame and whatnots. He could live in the best buildings humans have never seen nor imagine in their lives... |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:48am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: How can you have a 500yr old image of a person teaching? Or do you mean a selfie of himself? Or maybe his Instagram page? |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by BetterChurch: 11:50am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Rebazar Tarzs is a great Teacher and Mentor. I call him RT for short. 2 Likes |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:51am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: Lol, wait till you hear about the others. As he inspired Mozart, so he did diverse inventors and even movies which tries to explain some truths and realities to man veiled as science fiction. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 11:52am On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: Your initial description of him shows he his still alive and over 500years . If that's true then why is it difficult to get a current image of him? 1 Like |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 11:55am On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: 'wait till I hear others' surely can't be proof of him teaching Mozart. Is it? |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:57am On Apr 07, 2023 |
Gopal Das (GOH-pahl DAHS). The Mahanta, the Living ECK Master in Egypt, around 3000 BC, who founded the mystery cults of Osiris and Isis; the guardian of the fourth section of the Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad on the Astral Plane; he teaches at the Temple of Golden Wisdom there. More about Gopal Das:
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:58am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: If we have a time travel machine perhaps... |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 11:59am On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: If he was a celebrity, I am sure he would love to pose for the camera sometime. Anyone can request to see him though in person if they are interested. Time and space are illusions. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 12:02pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: I only asked for an image to confirm what has been said about him ,and never suggested Tarzs is looking for any kind of recognition. 1 Like |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 12:02pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
[quote author=chieveboy post=122353316][/quote] This one in particular was whom I wrote elsewhere in my diverse threads that I met in a dream as a 6 or 7 yr old. Like many others who meet him, I felt he was Jesus Christ. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 12:04pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: There are many others you will not get their images, yet they existed nonetheless. This one though remains meetable. He's very much around. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 12:09pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Sri Harold Klemp was born in Wisconsin and grew up on a small farm. He attended a two-room rural school before attending a religious boarding high school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After college in Milwaukee, Fort Wayne, he was drafted into the US Air Force. There he received training as a language specialist at Indiana University and radio operator training at Goodfello AFB, Texas. This was followed by a two-year stint in Japan, where he met Eckankar for the first time . In October 1981, he became the spiritual leader of the Eckankar, Light and Voice of God religion. His full title is Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK-Master. As Living ECK-Master, Harold Klemp is responsible for the continuous development of the Eckankar teachings. His mission is to help people find their way back to God in this life. Harold Klemp travels to North America, Europe and Pacific Ocean for ECK seminars. He also visited Africa and many countries around the world where he met spiritual seekers and gave inspirational talks. Many videotapes and audiotapes of his speeches are available. In his speeches and writings, Harold Klemp's sense of humor and practical approach to spirituality have already helped many people around the world find truth in their lives and greater inner freedom, wisdom and love. International Who's Who of Intellectuals Ninth Edition Reprinted by permission of Melrose Press ltd. by, Cambridge, England Selected from the International Who's Who of Intellectuals, Ninth Edition , Copyright 1992 by Melrose Press Ltd.
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 12:13pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: Oh! This doesn't help. Anyone can also make similar claim that you have made, and when asked for proof , reply with the excuse of a 'time travel machine perhaps' Your claim about Tarzs teaching Mozart still remain very doubtful. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 12:17pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: Doubt is good. It's the first stage of verification. I had told you that you can meet him of you wish. We in Eckankar do not do blind beliefs. We verify. This is how all religious claims and whatnots should be verified too. Man is created to naturally be capable of expanding his awareness beyond time and space. This is not like a blurry dream that you struggle to remember. Its much more clearer than when you take the best nootropic out there, and much clearer than you best sober moment. 1 Like |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 12:21pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
I have a thread about this one. The venerable Fubbi Quantz! Meeting him, you are quick to bow down and worship because you think you've met God, and he lets you know it is grossly wrong to do so. He lets you know whatever you see is what you are capable and going to become some time. Someone described him in the Book of Revelations incorporated into the Christian Bible as "one like the son of man" |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 1:18pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Kata Daki (KAH-tah DAH-kee). An ECK Master in the Ancient Order of the Vairagi Adepts. . . . Although her true age is beyond belief, she appears to be in her midtwenties to early thirties. She is five and a half feet tall. Her light brown (honey blond) hair often falls to her shoulders, but she changes hairstyles to fit her duties. Like all the ECK Masters, she serves Sugmad (God) by helping others find the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Her pet project is to help people get back on their feet during hardship. More about Kata Daki:
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 1:30pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: This is not about doubt but you mentioning something that one can't verify independently. What other sources apart from Eckankar books, confirms that the being you described is actually existing at this point in time somewhere in Tibet? Any? I don't need to go through any spiritual means to confirm that a being that is living physically somewhere is real. 2 Likes |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by Maynman: 2:28pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
This alien(slave) boy again ![]()
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 2:29pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Paul Twitchell Twitchell, Paul. Mahanta, Living ECK-Master from 1965 until his departure from the physical world in 1971; he brought the modern teachings of Eckankar to the people of the world through many books, lectures and writings; as the spiritual leader of Eckankar, he brought new life and hope to thousands. (Also known as Paulji or Peddar Zaskq). A Cosmic Sea of Words: The ECKANKAR Lexicon by Harold Klemp
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by Maynman: 2:34pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: Tarz is still the same 500 year old in the year 2023? Lol I read an article that was created 4 years ago, and he was 500 years old in it too. Seems the “500 year old” is a catchphrase. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by Maynman: 2:35pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
Rebezar Tarzs, the 500 year old Tibetan Eck Master and “torchbearer” of the Eckankar religion, is a fictional character created by Eckankar’s founder Paul Twitchell. Aside from the unlikelihood that anyone can live to be 500 years old, the evidence that Twitchell simply made up Rebezar Tarzs is quite strong. Hundreds of paragraphs attributed to Mr. Tarzs in The Far Country (an early Eckankar book that Twitchell claimed was “dictated” to him by Rebezar) were found to have been plagiarized from works by other authors. The main source of the Far Country’s content was actually the works of a Dr. Julian Johnson (1873–1939), an American Baptist minister who converted to the Sant Mat religion. Twitchell's The Far Country (1966) is almost entirely copied from Julian P. Johnson's two books With a Great Master in India (1933) and The Path of the Masters (1939). Another Twitchell book purportedly based on the direct teachings of Rebezar Tarzs was Dialogues with the Master. Here the 500 year old Tibetan’s teachings seem to have a lot in common with the peculiar philosophy of Scientology’s L. Ron Hubbard, among other vogue occult writers of the 50s era. Also, soon after starting Eckankar is 1965, we know that Twitchell redacted the names of actual gurus in his published writings with names of Rebezar Tarzs and other fictional characters of an Eck Master lineage. Swami Premananda of Washington DC was one such actual guru (Twitchell lived at his compound for 5 years during the 1950s, before being kicked out for bad behavior). In an effort to distance himself from his actual past, Twitchell replaced Premananda with the colorful fictional name Rebezar Tarzs. |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by triplechoice(m): 2:37pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
chieveboy: What then is the difference between a camera man and an artist capturing the image of the same person? You think he won't pose for a camera because he's not a celebrity or looking for recognition yet this same person has allowed his image to be put down on canvas by an artist to serve the same purpose. Posiing for a camera is not what makes people celebrity ,but what they have achieved or done . And, how do you request to see him in person when he won't allow his authentic image to be captured by anyone? Certain things are not adding up here 1 Like |
Re: Meet The ECK Masters! by chieveboy(m): 2:46pm On Apr 07, 2023 |
triplechoice: On not being a celebrity, perhaps you will understand more about metaphors later. Besides, what stops you from meeting him? I told you he is very much around. This way, you won't need any artist impressions or a nairaland post that is likely fake or fabricated
You must have read where I wrote my experience at the age of 6 or 7 here I met a different ECK master who is not even bases here on the physical world like Rebazar. If I could, I could have drawn him. The mental image of that dream remains even today. I am not born in the late 80s by the way. My dad met with the current spiritual leader of Eckankar in his dream back in the 80s and has a drawing of him. I am not sure if my dad knows much about Eckankar even today. He is a Christian. |
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