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When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? - Career - Nairaland

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When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by RuddyFusion(m): 7:02am On Apr 29, 2023
My people.....have you ever taken a career break?
When is the right time for one to take a career break and is it workable in a society like Nigeria where everything seems hard and most jobs are not easy to come by.,,......

I'm asking because pleasure at work now has become so intense and it's taking other things away from my life..,..that my regular leave days will not suffice.....

But how do I explain that I just walked away?
How I'm sure that I can quickly get something else once ready to return to work?

Would advice will be highly appreciated

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Nobody: 7:04am On Apr 29, 2023
This thing called career, does it really exist?

Just look for what will serve the masses while putting money in your pocket

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by RuddyFusion(m): 7:08am On Apr 29, 2023
This thing called career, does it really exist?

Just look for what will serve the masses while putting money in your pocket

Your point is quite clear but people have careers and I need advice on the above so I don't take the wrong step

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Nobody: 7:11am On Apr 29, 2023

Your point is quite clear but people have careers and I need advice on the above so I take the wrong step

You are still repeating the word " career "

It doesn't exist oga!

Just do what will serve humans and get some money

Education is mainly for exposure and higher reasoning ability

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Ynix(m): 7:11am On Apr 29, 2023
My people.....have you ever taken a career break?
When is the right time for one to take a career break and is it workable in a society like Nigeria where everything seems hard and most jobs are not easy to come by.,,......

I'm asking because pleasure at work now has become so intense and it's taking other things away from my life..,..that my regular leave days will not suffice.....

But how do I explain that I just walked away?
How I'm sure that I can quickly get something else once ready to return to work?

Would advice will be highly appreciated
In an unstable economy like Nigeria, your focus must be economic stability and to achieve that you must understand how to use the principle of entry and exit. Know when to enter a place and when to leave, but before you leave ensure you have maximize your opportunities.
1 It all begins will having a purposeful vision and a 7-10 years plan of progression
That will make you develop more skills to be strategic in your field or choice of endeavor so that even when you are silent you are noticed
2. That you have a functional wealth creation and wealth management plan that can carry you upon your exit
3. That you have the right networks that can pull strings for new installation for you.

All I mentioned is what politicians don't joke with.

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by RuddyFusion(m): 8:07am On Apr 29, 2023

In an unstable economy like Nigeria, your focus must be economic stability and to achieve that you must understand how to use the principle of entry and exit. Know when to enter a place and when to leave, but before you leave ensure you have maximize your opportunities.
1 It all begins will having a purposeful vision and a 7-10 years plan of progression
That will make you develop more skills to be strategic in your field or choice of endeavor so that even when you are silent you are noticed
2. That you have a functional wealth creation and wealth management plan that can carry you upon your exit
3. That you have the right networks that can pull strings for new installation for you.

All I mentioned is what politicians don't joke with.

You made a lot of points here and I quite appreciate the details.....I have experience and the right skillset in my field and not lacking with interview opportunities anytime I show interest in a role...Although they are beautiful growth opportunities in my current work place, but they tend to overload someone without compensating one properly that's just the issue....

I will take your advice and work on a plan

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Ynix(m): 1:43pm On Apr 29, 2023

You made a lot of points here and I quite appreciate the details.....I have experience and the right skillset in my field and not lacking with interview opportunities anytime I show interest in a role...Although they are beautiful growth opportunities in my current work place, but they tend to overload someone without compensating one properly that's just the issue....

I will take your advice and work on a plan

Yes I understand, nevertheless change is inevitable you just have to have your exit plan during good times so that when bad times comes you and yours are secured


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by RuddyFusion(m): 3:43pm On Apr 29, 2023

Yes I understand, nevertheless change is inevitable you just have to have your exit plan during good times so that when bad times comes you and yours are secured

Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by tunwumi: 12:13pm On Apr 30, 2023

When you have hit the rock and you are stagnant.
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Mitchy49(m): 12:13pm On Apr 30, 2023
No specific time
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Printerscanner: 12:13pm On Apr 30, 2023
My people.....have you ever taken a career break?
When is the right time for one to take a career break and is it workable in a society like Nigeria where everything seems hard and most jobs are not easy to come by.,,......

I'm asking because pleasure at work now has become so intense and it's taking other things away from my life..,..that my regular leave days will not suffice.....

But how do I explain that I just walked away?
How I'm sure that I can quickly get something else once ready to return to work?

Would advice will be highly appreciated

Village people have made a sculptor of you. They have started manipulating the head.

If you take a break, you will break down completely. Don’t try it. Don’t let your village people to rejoice at your downfall. J did it once, I regretted it. Luckily, I am a computer professional, so it was a little not too difficult to get another job, but I am still regretting the break till date. As a matter of fact, I have .......


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Brendaniel: 12:14pm On Apr 30, 2023
After rigging election like Tinubu and shouting emilokan throughout your campaign....

Na joke o, but Tinubu rigged election Sha grin

Back to the topic, it all depends on the individual...


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by BigotedNaptu: 12:15pm On Apr 30, 2023
Once you're frustrated


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by BucketMan: 12:15pm On Apr 30, 2023
That's a bad idea in a country like Nigeria, unless you have other streams of income.


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by GboyegaD(m): 12:15pm On Apr 30, 2023
I would suggest you stage your vacation as a means to free yourself off the pressures in bit. An alternative is to get another job and tell them you will be resuming maybe two months from now. Resign from your job to give you enough time to relax before transitioning into your new job.


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by TechBaron: 12:16pm On Apr 30, 2023
I remember when I resigned my job at the bank trying to get into tech.

Saved up some 1m and designed Tshirts for amazon in their merch program.

8 months down.. The 1m had depleted down to less than 100k and the amazon gig wasn't paying that much.

Omoh. I con dey see shege small small....

Luckily for me, before the shege metamorphosed into shege banza, I secured another job with a small financial institution.

Career break!

Save a lot of money. A lot of it. The Nigerian labour market isn't like abroad where you can get jobs easily.

Make sure you have a side hustle or business that can take care of you. Not one one kobo... I mean a side gif that can pay your rent, feed your family and you still have small change left.

Else..... Career break go turn to compulsory early retirement.

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Alaigbomaster: 12:16pm On Apr 30, 2023
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by seanwilliam(m): 12:16pm On Apr 30, 2023
When you’re tired
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by viodemus: 12:17pm On Apr 30, 2023
whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Try not to relax too long on your break


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Printerscanner: 12:18pm On Apr 30, 2023
whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Try not to relax too long on your break

Relax in Nigeria?


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Printerscanner: 12:18pm On Apr 30, 2023
That's a bad idea in a country like Nigeria, unless you have other streams of income.

Na village people dey whisper to his hears

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by blowjohn(m): 12:19pm On Apr 30, 2023
After u don make like 200 million naira in cash.


Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Nobody: 12:19pm On Apr 30, 2023
When you start doubting your life. And you no longer know if you are coming or going - time for a break!

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by bigdammyj: 12:20pm On Apr 30, 2023
When your body tells you to.
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Cutehector(m): 12:20pm On Apr 30, 2023
when you are done!
Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by Sultty(m): 12:21pm On Apr 30, 2023
don't ask me. i don't have a job 🥲🥲🥲

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by blowjohn(m): 12:21pm On Apr 30, 2023

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by phemmyfour: 12:22pm On Apr 30, 2023
My people.....have you ever taken a career break?
When is the right time for one to take a career break and is it workable in a society like Nigeria where everything seems hard and most jobs are not easy to come by.,,......

I'm asking because pleasure at work now has become so intense and it's taking other things away from my life..,..that my regular leave days will not suffice.....

But how do I explain that I just walked away?
How I'm sure that I can quickly get something else once ready to return to work?

Would advice will be highly appreciated
When it's getting boring
You can try and learn something new in another field

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by obi4eze(m): 12:22pm On Apr 30, 2023
Career break isn't a common thing in Nigeria because of unemployment. It's common in the western world because people need to rest and do some other stuff e.g. child bearing. The job is still available when they return.

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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by tradingknowled1: 12:23pm On Apr 30, 2023
career break in Nigeria?? lol.. only if hunger get break.


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Re: When Is The Right Time To Take A Career Break? by spyder880(m): 12:26pm On Apr 30, 2023
I took a career break, and never returned to my normal paid employment. My work was becoming boring after 2 decades, and I knew that I shouldn't remain in paid employment to my 40s, so I took a long leave to do a contract out of state, when I returned, I resigned.


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