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12 Question For Every Christian by Ade3000yrs(m): 5:32pm On May 21, 2023
12 Questions for every Christian

Regardless of our Religious believes and our opinion... I want us to shed more light on these few questions... And please lets give an informed contribution respecting others opinion and views on this subject.

Many things are going on around the subject of the kingdom of God and someone is getting paid while someone is not, some country get paid and some get nothing all in the name of the kingdom of God yet our questions remains unanswered.

I have spent years preaching the bible growing up and have attended lots bible schools and bible academic program but you see as you advance through life we see somethings differently. I must say first that am uncompromisingly a Christian who believe in the redemption professed to the world by Christ.

Here are my 12 questions for every Christian.

1. When people die, we say Rest in Peace...
Where then is heaven?

2. Is heaven not in having peace from living a life of goodness and kindness and a life of legacy to make our little difference in the world?

3. Does heaven have anything to do with a known and unknown place for a selected group of people, tribe or race or chosen persons?

4. Does it imply that USA, Europe, Arab countries and Asia is heaven and Africa is hell full of dramas and the rejected souls?

5. Africa has nothing to do with the patriarchy and origin of Christian and Islam but why is it that most money made from religion is still from this impoverished African countries?

6. Does preaching heaven by our religious minds means Africans cannot be technologically and digitally empowered? ☝️🤔

7. Is heavenly race about being heavenly minded and earthy useless?

8. Many of us with the same mouth and heart we use to say our prayers to God we still use it to conceive evil and say negative things about our fellow country men... Why is it so? Are we worshiping a god of deceit or another enstranged god that is unknown? ☝️🤔

9. Why the hypocrisy, hates, racial and tribal divides?

10. Why don't we allow peace and goodwill a space in our life?

11. Is the Church supposed to be a place to hoodwink, deceive and steal from the people instead of a place meant to give back to the people and instill values?

12. Lastly, will Jesus ever come? What do we truly understand by the coming of the Lord and coming of Jesus... Because I believe your Jesus only comes when you live a life that conforms with the goodwill of your fellow country man because we tends to have more people waiting for Christ to come than people who spend their life demonstrating sacrificial and empathic values and goodwill for your fellow country man.

We have suddenly turned heavenly affairs to a lazy man gospel where people are made to believe God is a kalokalo and MMM money doubling business where people would get favouritism and rewards they do not deserve.
We have make people believe that a man can survive solely on miracle and reap where we did not sow and get alert you dont work for.

Preaching Lazy man gospel everywhere. Giving testimony of buying a car, getting a visa approval testimony? We want to caboosh and pray everything humanly possible and impossible into existence. Hmmm honestly I just don't know what to say.

I want to believe God chose to turn a blind eye on African case because we have chosen to be lazy with the brains and human resource God has blessed us with as all we parade in Africa is stomach infrastructure religion. We talk down our good African values and heritage but we are overly ambitious and enthusiastic about what we don't even understand.

God is a God for all both past and present, near and distance.

This remind me of the Falz song featuring Demmie Vee Hypocrite

Re: 12 Question For Every Christian by Lukuluku69(m): 6:04pm On May 21, 2023
Op, when you get to know the purpose of your being, the posers you raised will fall in place like a jigsaw puzzle. Until then, men will continue to befuddle you, deceive and manipulate you for their own gains alone.

To know the purpose of your existence, you have to be like a kid. Unlearn many things, relearn some/many. Sieve through it all, then hold on to the Truths therein. Then and only then, you will be truly free of Man made Doctrines masquerading as God's intent and your purpose.

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Re: 12 Question For Every Christian by Dtruthspeaker: 6:23pm On May 21, 2023
12 Questions for every Christian

Regardless of our...

In all that you said, the truth is that you are only complaining because of the hardship of living in Nigeria, hence your many useless questions.

And secondly, you take church going to mean Christianity. Christianity means lovers of God and God takes care of those who love Him, thus, we do not care about such foolish questions because God has already set everything in their places.
Re: 12 Question For Every Christian by Nobody: 6:31pm On May 21, 2023

In all that you said, the truth is that you are only complaining because of the hardship of living in Nigeria, hence your many useless questions.

And secondly, you take church going to mean Christianity. Christianity means lovers of God and God takes care of those who love Him, thus, we do not care about such foolish questions because God has already set everything in their places.

Re: 12 Question For Every Christian by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:49pm On May 21, 2023
True disciples of Christ don't say
"Rest in peace"
When someone dies we say exactly what Jesus told his disciples
"our brother is sleeping in death"
John 11:11
The dead aren't conscious at all {Ecclesiastes 9:5-6} so it's unscriptural saying "rest in peace" to a dead person.

If you want to know more about true disciples of Christ Jesus feel free to approach Jehovah's Witnesses in your neighbourhood!

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Re: 12 Question For Every Christian by Ade3000yrs(m): 10:46pm On Mar 07

In all that you said, the truth is that you are only complaining because of the hardship of living in Nigeria, hence your many useless questions.

And secondly, you take church going to mean Christianity. Christianity means lovers of God and God takes care of those who love Him, thus, we do not care about such foolish questions because God has already set everything in their places.

This is to say your a lost soul suffering from canine or feline rabies... Instead of you to attend to the subject and question raised you felt it's wise to attack the messenger like a maavvvd dooovg suffering from rabies... You must be one of these religious fanatics and extremist we have our there giving religion a bad identity...

My question and reply compared to your mugxwump petty talk from wherever hole u live or your replying me from is evidence that you need to visit the hospital for proper medical care.

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