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Do Christians Really Know This? - Religion - Nairaland

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Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 8:41am On Apr 21, 2024
Do Christians really know what the Jews said about Jesus and his Mother?

Most time when I talk to some particularly Christian Igbo tribes, they say their origin is from Jew and they are Jewish.

Do they really know what it means to be a Jew?
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by StillDtruth: 10:17am On Apr 21, 2024
Do Christians really know what the Jews said about Jesus and his Mother?

Most time when I talk to some particularly Christian Igbo tribes, they say their origin is from Jew and they are Jewish.

Do they really know what it means to be a Jew?

We know that the jews are antiGod and antiChrist, so we don't care what they.say.
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 1:48pm On Apr 21, 2024
They are not antiGod, they are anti Christ

We know that the jews are antiGod and antiChrist, so we don't care what they.say.
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by StillDtruth: 2:36pm On Apr 21, 2024
They are not antiGod, they are anti Christ

They are antiGod!
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Kobojunkie: 3:06pm On Apr 21, 2024
Do Christians really know what the Jews said about Jesus and his Mother?
Most time when I talk to some particularly Christian Igbo tribes, they say their origin is from Jew and they are Jewish.
Do they really know what it means to be a Jew?
I am not a Christian but why exactly should any of this matter as far as being a follower of Jesus Christ? Are people meant to be influenced by what Jews think of something? undecided
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 3:16pm On Apr 21, 2024
How? Just because they don't belive what you belived?

They are antiGod!
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 3:25pm On Apr 21, 2024
You successfully typed but didn't pass the message.
I don't understand what you said
I am not a Christian but why exactly should any of this matter as far as being a follower of Jesus Christ? Are people meant to be influenced by what Jews think of something? undecided
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Kobojunkie: 3:31pm On Apr 21, 2024
∆ You successfully typed but didn't pass the message.
I don't understand what you said
Why should anyone care about the answer to those questions of yours? lipsrsealed
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by StillDtruth: 3:35pm On Apr 21, 2024
How? Just because they don't belive what you belived?

I dont know which jews you are talking about for you to ask this question but if it is the same jews who came back in 1947 as God Promised them, then you would know that since Egypt and beyond, they were always antiGod aka atheist because like most humans, they did not want God and so rejected Him, even after all the wonders and miracles He did for them.

But like the true devils and atheists they are, they never acknowledged Him and His works and would have denied it, like atheist deny spirit, if not that the world also stands as witnesses of God's Hands and Power over them.
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 5:54pm On Apr 21, 2024
Atheists are people without religion and don't belive in a devine existance. They belive in God and prophet moses and prophet that comes before him. So you can't tag them atheists

I dont know which jews you are talking about for you to ask this question but if it is the same jews who came back in 1947 as God Promised them, then you would know that since Egypt and beyond, they were always antiGod aka atheist because like most humans, they did not want God and so rejected Him, even after all the wonders and miracles He did for them.

But like the true devils and atheists they are, they never acknowledged Him and His works and would have denied it, like atheist deny spirit, if not that the world also stands as witnesses of God's Hands and Power over them.
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Hamzaay(m): 6:06pm On Apr 21, 2024
That is why you take any shit thrown to u because u refuse to learn
Why should anyone care about the answer to those questions of yours? lipsrsealed
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by StillDtruth: 6:09pm On Apr 21, 2024
Atheists are people without religion and don't belive in a devine existance.

That is a Lie. When people do not believe in a thing that does not exist, they do not have any hatred and scorn for it, neither do they evangelize and try to get people to join them in their scorn and hatred for God Who they say does not exist.

Ever seen a person market to you to hate the alien known as Thanos? No, because he does not exist.

But, when Obii's are marketing for people to hate Bola Tinubu, you can see from their hatred that he is real, even if you were not Nigerian.


They belive in God and prophet moses and prophet that comes before him. So you can't tag them atheists

Did you not see that they felt like killing Moses which was why he got into trouble with God over the water issue because he became afraid of them?

Not to talk of the fact that they murdered the prophets!
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by Kobojunkie: 6:12pm On Apr 21, 2024
That is why you take any shit thrown to u because u refuse to learn
You didn't answer the question. Again, why should anyone care about the answer to those questions of yours? Your questions assume that the opinion of people whom you regard as Jews should matter to others who don't even live by them. Why? undecided
Re: Do Christians Really Know This? by SIRTee15: 9:43am On Apr 22, 2024
That is why you take any shit thrown to u because u refuse to learn

Who and who throws shit at Christians....
The only people who throw shits are Christians are Muslims who seem trigger happy to murder Christians because an atheist drew a cartoon of Muhammed.

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