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Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Sisib15: 4:57pm On Jul 01, 2023
Everyone has a frienemy, no one wants to admit they are the enemy sef. SMH

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by TeeFriz: 4:58pm On Jul 01, 2023
There is this guy whom we went to university together, graduated together, met in the same hood after education. We were both working and living in the same area even after school. We used to hangout, do so many stuff together. One time we were house hunting, I saw a suitable place then took him to the place to pick a space since he was also hunting for a better place. This guy told the landlord to chase me away and refund my money that he'd like the particular apt I paid for just because we had a little beef( he went behind me to rat me out to a girl I was trying to hook up with). Thank God the landlord knew the genesis of the whole house hunting thing and how I introduced him to the landlord. The man refunded his money and told him never to come close to his compound.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by OvertheTop(m): 5:01pm On Jul 01, 2023
There was this guy back then In school.
He hardly come to school but one of the bigger boys in school.
I was the most brilliant boy in my department.
Him and his boys normally come to me during exam time so I can tell them answers.
I will meet this guy to tell me how I will be making money like him but he will tell me later.
Do you know after the final exam.
This guy and his friends blocked me and didn't talk to me again.
The sensible people that I would have followed in school, I didn't follow them again.
I was foolishly following those animals thinking they will teach me how to fish but I ended up being used.

grin grin grin

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Red02(m): 5:06pm On Jul 01, 2023
This guy comes to my house regularly and we we've known for over twenty years but he hid the fact that he is building a duplex from me. It's from the wife that I got to know he's completed the two wings duplex . He tells me every other thing in this world regarding himself. I'm thinking there's a reason he's shielding me from knowing it because it's a massive building from what I heard.

Yet he hasn't by mistake, ever made a passing mention of it to me and we are very very close. A mutual pal recently told me that we he discreetly saw the house , he was shocked because it's massive and he immediately told him not to tell me.

I've never envied nor get jealous of him. I see him as a brother .

Humans are really deceptive.

He didn't want to lose that friendship with you, he kept anything that'll make you see him highly or disrupt your vibes.

Thats what intelligent and subtle people do to protect certain interests

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by chukkystar(m): 5:08pm On Jul 01, 2023
We have known for a pretty long time, but recently I discovered there is more to it...
He is currently dating my ex girl, he calls me just for gossips but when opportunity strikes my number is invalid.
Anyone I know through him, no matter how much respect they had for me suddenly starts disrespecting me.
We have never visited each other not for once.
he will never speak good of me to anyome.
Divulges all what I tell him to others and tries to make me an enemy to a lot of people out of fear or what he stands to gain.
something like this happened to me too, I had to cut the guy of and anyone I knew through him cos thats how he has influence over me. He was a very competitive jealous soul that saw everything as competition. Even cult that he joined was to belong as he felt insecure. How can someone make a life-changing decision like entering Cult just to outshine another person.


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Love56743: 5:08pm On Jul 01, 2023
Nothing can replace friends. Just understand human behaviour and you'd realise why people behave the way they do. It's not necessarily because they're bad friends.
Your best friend may be someone else's fake friend. Just be observant, self reliant and know that friends owe you nothing.

Best comments so far


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by chukkystar(m): 5:11pm On Jul 01, 2023
Na wa o... I had this friend that was so rich, i asked him to put me along make i de like am even if its in the long run... Nigga would rather send me 50k for upkeep than show me how to fish, i begged him on several occasion but it was futile, then i new he was a frienemy..
You can't call that person a Frienemy, U don't know what they did for that money na, plus someone that gives You even 30 Naira from their sweat actually cares. Even if the person doesn't help as a Friend, that's no reason he is an enemy. U should have tried getting something and ask the guy for loan to start, that's where U can start from. If he never tried to pull U down he is no enemy

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by HEBEI: 5:12pm On Jul 01, 2023

Stay away from Igbo women, most of them are more worst and dangerous than hardened criminal....

Yet you pretend to be a friend to many of them angry

You are a frenemy shocked
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by mediclife1987(m): 5:13pm On Jul 01, 2023

E dey IG bro😹

Where on IG, that's why I requested a link na
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by todugo(m): 5:13pm On Jul 01, 2023

Stay away from Igbo women, most of them are more worst and dangerous than hardened criminal....
Why bring tribe to the Convo?

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Jozilinn: 5:18pm On Jul 01, 2023
Would always call me to complain about our Boss but in order to save himself, started telling the boss all sorts of garbage about me and even sete up to proove point, never got anything out of me though but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by sylve11: 5:20pm On Jul 01, 2023
You don't have a friend!
The person you think is your friend, may be your enemy in disguise.
Never loose your guard. It's the nature of people to disappoint, same with Friends.

"Knowing what will happen when you put your hands in the jaws of a lion, with friends you'll have no such caution"

Nice one! cool

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by ShootThemAll(m): 5:20pm On Jul 01, 2023
When I was scammed $4000. It was not easy experiencing such, a year after my Youth Service and working for just a year.
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Jozilinn: 5:22pm On Jul 01, 2023
I'm sorry, but your story doesn't make sense..😂😂😂
he dey on colos 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Napata77: 5:22pm On Jul 01, 2023
My own fake friends are so called family including mother, sister, cousins, aunts and uncles. All manipulators, liars and narcissists. Cut them off.


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by gasparpisciotta: 5:25pm On Jul 01, 2023
1. He quietly told the guy selecting players for our football set not to choose me

2. He was also interested in a girl I was already bedding

3. He secretly plotted to take over my seat



Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by benqo01(m): 5:28pm On Jul 01, 2023
We all re fake,infact humans rẹ fake know this and know peace

That is why I hate using the word 'Bestfriend' I can't classify someone as my bestfriend or someone classifying me as his or her bestfriend.

They is nothing like that in my own dictionary

Infact when u say someone is your bestfriend first define the word 'Best' then put it in the 'HUMAN' Aspect

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by todugo(m): 5:30pm On Jul 01, 2023
The day you realize that the friend you do share life experiences with, and even help him when his in need, only to stab u from behind; by telling people that you are a bad person just because you are doing better than him and more successful.

Envy and comparison is the root of all evil angry

My advice to people when making friends is;
1. Avoid making friends with people who constantly talk bad about others cos one day you might be next.
2. Avoid making friends with people who are not at the same pace with ur personal growth
3. Don't make friends with people who are always dependent.( Always ask you for money)
4. Don't make friends with people who lack goals in life.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Wodu89: 5:33pm On Jul 01, 2023
Na wa o... I had this friend that was so rich, i asked him to put me along make i de like am even if its in the long run... Nigga would rather send me 50k for upkeep than show me how to fish, i begged him on several occasion but it was futile, then i new he was a frienemy..

You're full of envy. What a lousy gossip you are. No one owes you shii

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by caandi: 5:33pm On Jul 01, 2023
I realized I’ve had very few fake wannabe friends
Reason is cos I cut them off before they could get to me
This is the reason why spirit of discernment is good
With the help of the Holy Spirit you can always tell when someone is fake and would hurt you in the nearest future
I saw these signs, cut them off and then they came back at me by attacking my mom
I was confused cos my mum ain’t their mate so why attacking the woman?!
Then I realized the envy all along

There’s one my ex course mate I reunited with the drug addict
We were chatting well
Then I complemented her that she’s adding too much weight and she needed to work on herself
I told her I understand cos it was Covid-19 period and everyone was locked in and getting fat

Omorr you needed to see the way this werey attacked me o
Saying no wonder my status nowadays focused around weight gain and fat people
That im body shaming her
That do I have a serious boyfriend? Talk more of husband?
No manner of insult this Igbo smoke dint give me

I reminded her that she was hurling insults at me meanwhile she is older than me with almost 5 years and still single asf…
Meanwhile I was to be engaged soon… she was still shocked and processing the info

Then I blocked her sorry ass.

She’s in her late 20’s now and still single asf and struggling…she used to sleep around in school so no one takes her serious….

Her story long, always missing lectures, I was taking notes for her and always defending her while others gossiped bout her in class
She later dropped out of med school…
I really regretted reuniting with her….

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Sandralight(f): 5:36pm On Jul 01, 2023
There was this guy back then In school.
He hardly come to school but one of the bigger boys in school.
I was the most brilliant boy in my department.
Him and his boys normally come to me during exam time so I can tell them answers.
I will meet this guy to tell me how I will be making money like him but he will tell me later.
Do you know after the final exam.
This guy and his friends blocked me and didn't talk to me again.
The sensible people that I would have followed in school, I didn't follow them again.
I was foolishly following those animals thinking they will teach me how to fish but I ended up being used.
To be honest both of you played each other lol, you were only helping him so you could get his ideas on making money while he was using you to pass his exams.
Sometimes people think they are smart but they dont know the person they are trying to deceive is smarter


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by ComeToJesus: 5:40pm On Jul 01, 2023

He didn't want to lose that friendship with you, he kept anything that'll make you see him highly or disrupt your vibes.

Thats what intelligent and subtle people do to protect certain interests

Is that reason valid enough?
I think there are other reasons bro
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by sylve11: 5:41pm On Jul 01, 2023
A lady I dated at work spent on her and we banged only to find out she was a spy to another guy in same office conveying our office gossip to him ! She even threatened to expose me when I found out then I seized all communication with the Baga ! Bared her on every channel

This is so terrible.... shocked cool
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Dancebreaker: 5:45pm On Jul 01, 2023
Share your experiences...

Here's mine: I'm always happy for him, even when he opened his own store and rented his own space, in fact, I was one of the first person to get there when he celebrated his winnings... I gave him the needed support and encouragement... I realised that anytime I got my own breakthroughs, he never celebrated me or does as if he noticed them...

I later found out he was even jealous of my own winnings despite how true I was to him... I cut off the relationship before I got stabbed in the back... I didn't really know where the envy or jealousy was coming from...
Envy and jealousy are like witchcraft. Nothing good you do for a jealous person will make him/her stop being envious.

Even your kindness/generosity towards them will make them jealous.
See, a typical jealous person likes to believe that they are the smartest, best and most successful. Another person's success or achievement, no matter how little, punches a big hole in their gigantic ego. Despite all their outwards pretence of superiority or success, they actually have inferiority complex.

The only thing that makes them happy is to see others down so that they can feel like top dog.

One example: a couple I was there for over many years achieved a milestone. I was there celebrating with them. In good and sad moments, I was there. When mine came, they both did their best not to come. Giving flimsy excuses.

A few years earlier, I had supported the hubby to achieve a milestone (related to both as a couple). He then begged me not to allow our friends know that I showed him the way. So that it would appear he did it all by himself. I obliged him that and other things that were weird.

But when he and his wife would not come to celebrate perhaps the most important milestone with me, I cut them loose. And not a second too soon. I rebuffed every attempt of theirs to reconnect.

It's better to have even just two friends than scores of leeches and jealous entities.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Wodu89: 5:46pm On Jul 01, 2023
something like this happened to me too, I had to cut the guy of and anyone I knew through him cos thats how he has influence over me. He was a very competitive jealous soul that saw everything as competition. Even cult that he joined was to belong as he felt insecure. How can someone make a life-changing decision like entering Cult just to outshine another person.

Na wa o
Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Villa12(m): 5:49pm On Jul 01, 2023

Do you know the kind of work he does? What if he's a ritualist? Even if he introduces him to what he does, what guarantee does he have that he too will be successful? He expects his friend to help him. That's entitlement. How many people send their friends money these days? Yet he is here calling him a frienemy, trying to paint him bad on a public forum. Someone who sent him 50k for upkeep oooh. Imagine.
he's wrong to call him enemy. Someone who sent you 50k at times. I believe that wasn't the only time he sent him money. He's truly entitled

I guess that friend probably his source of livelihoods isn't genuine. If he can be giving him 50k, i guess he doesn't want him to involve in such deal he's into

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Wodu89: 5:49pm On Jul 01, 2023
I realized I’ve had very few fake wannabe friends
Reason is cos I cut them off before they could get to me
This is the reason why spirit of discernment is good
With the help of the Holy Spirit you can always tell when someone is fake and would hurt you in the nearest future
I saw these signs, cut them off and then they came back at me by attacking my mom
I was confused cos my mum ain’t their mate so why attacking the woman?!
Then I realized the envy all along

There’s one my ex course mate I reunited with the drug addict
We were chatting well
Then I complemented her that she’s adding too much weight and she needed to work on herself
I told her I understand cos it was Covid-19 period and everyone was locked in and getting fat

Omorr you needed to see the way this werey attacked me o
Saying no wonder my status nowadays focused around weight gain and fat people
That im body shaming her
That do I have a serious boyfriend? Talk more of husband?
No manner of insult this Igbo smoke dint give me

I reminded her that she was hurling insults at me meanwhile she is older than me with almost 5 years and still single asf…
Meanwhile I was to be engaged soon… she was still shocked and processing the info

Then I blocked her sorry ass.

She’s in her late 20’s now and still single asf and struggling…she used to sleep around in school so no one takes her serious….

Her story long, always missing lectures, I was taking notes for her and always defending her while others gossiped bout her in class
She later dropped out of med school…
I really regretted reuniting with her….

Hahaha. You made my day. I like the way you write.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by chukkystar(m): 5:49pm On Jul 01, 2023
This guy comes to my house regularly and we we've known for over twenty years but he hid the fact that he is building a duplex from me. It's from the wife that I got to know he's completed the two wings duplex . He tells me every other thing in this world regarding himself. I'm thinking there's a reason he's shielding me from knowing it because it's a massive building from what I heard.

Yet he hasn't by mistake, ever made a passing mention of it to me and we are very very close. A mutual pal recently told me that we he discreetly saw the house , he was shocked because it's massive and he immediately told him not to tell me.

I've never envied nor get jealous of him. I see him as a brother .

Humans are really deceptive.
he doesn't hate You na, he just doesn't want that information to reach You. If anything Ur relationship should be stronger cos he might have felt You would be insecure from pasts experience he has had with others. This is not a valid reason to cut him off, You too can make gains without letting him know that's life

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by chukkystar(m): 5:53pm On Jul 01, 2023

Do you know the kind of work he does? What if he's a ritualist? Even if he introduces him to what he does, what guarantee does he have that he too will be successful? He expects his friend to help him. That's entitlement. How many people send their friends money these days? Yet he is here calling him a frienemy, trying to paint him bad on a public forum. Someone who sent him 50k for upkeep oooh. Imagine.
bro forget that guy, na ungrateful person. Even if person give 1 Naira U suppose appreciate cos na the person sweat. If e easy to fish or give fish why him never do am. People are like that, they can't see beyond their own front


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Aurelius1(m): 5:54pm On Jul 01, 2023
Na wa o... I had this friend that was so rich, i asked him to put me along make i de like am even if its in the long run... Nigga would rather send me 50k for upkeep than show me how to fish, i begged him on several occasion but it was futile, then i new he was a frienemy..
That friend of yours owes you nothing. You're even fortunate to be getting something from him for upkeeps. Be satisfied with the the upkeeps you are getting from him and strive to carve out a way for yourself.


Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by jagorinho: 6:05pm On Jul 01, 2023

He didn't want to lose that friendship with you, he kept anything that'll make you see him highly or disrupt your vibes.

Thats what intelligent and subtle people do to protect certain interests
Spot on!!! He is not sure if envy or jealousy might set in if he discloses to him, the guy really cherish the friendship.

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Re: Share The Moment You Realised You Had A Fake Friend Or Frenemy by Sirchiboy: 6:10pm On Jul 01, 2023

To be honest both of you played each other lol, you were only helping him so you could get his ideas on making money while he was using you to pass his exams.
Sometimes people think they are smart but they dont know the person they are trying to deceive is smarter

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