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The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) - Romance (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) (5952 Views)

Exploring The Hidden Past(pictures Included) / Yvonne Nelson Has A Very Bad Past (pictures) / She Shot Her Shot (and He Said Yes!) Pictures included (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 12:40am On Apr 20, 2024
the world is actually getting more healthy and safer for mankind,during the middle ages the known world was hit by a plague called the black death,it took away 50-60% of the population of the entire known world,that was when mankind believed the world has came to an end but it didnt,there was a time a simple infection like small pox will kill millions but not now,the world is much more safer and healthy
lol you must be joking. there is a saying that our ancestors lived longer than us today. today men are weaker, less masculine, less confident, not brave etc. there was no cancer 250 to 300 years ago, no hiv aids, no bird flu, no sars ,no ebola, no covid 19 and so many more no junk food no canned for people consumed fresh foods that was not filled with presevarives and syntethic sugar yet you think the world is getting healthier. look let me tell you, there has never been a time in world history where we had more diseases in the world than the 21century this is a fact.

the bubonic plaque wiped out most people in europe because the same system that runs the world today and manufacture diseases where at play during the 1300s and that system is the same vatican. they where behind the black death but that is a story for another day.

the phamercuetical industry is one of the most evil industries in the world today, manufacturing slow poisons that treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
our ancestors used herbs and had cures for all diseases unlike today they tell some sickness dont have cure which is a lie.
herbs have been proven to be the best form of medicine even till this day. so we are not getting better as a matter of fact we are devolving.

the world currently is gearing towards a 3rd world war and all the ballistic missiles acummulated by different countries and weapons of warfare will be unleashed towards mankind. this is inevitable, and then the destruction of all religion will follow and all mankind will be forced to worship a thing you have never known before. it is coming,..we are heading for the end.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 12:43am On Apr 20, 2024

When i was in sec school we were told that they are only nine planets.

Now we know that there are millions of planets and there is also a multiverse which is made up of different universes.

So many truths have been hidden from us from time immemorial.

I believe UFOs exists, and we are not alone.
they lied to you and me in school about the 9 planets. as I am talking to you now pluto the last planet is not longer classified as a planet because the light from it has gone off. the earth is the only realm physical life form exist and there is no proof of another. if there are millions of planets can you name them? can you give proof? if not you are just delusional.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 12:45am On Apr 20, 2024
Psalm 82 vs 6
We are gods and children of the most high God
Gods do not die dont be delusional.that is referring to the saved who will inherit eternal life.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 12:46am On Apr 20, 2024

Either you don’t want to disgrace me and win 500 dollars…. Or you have no point .

I told you to prove me wrong, you don’t have any evidence. The Bible is a lie, so why should I rely on it … don’t you have any other proof?
the bible is proof enough, if you doubt it then bring evidence it is not.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Uchesis: 8:35am On Apr 21, 2024
they lied to you and me in school about the 9 planets. as I am talking to you now pluto the last planet is not longer classified as a planet because the light from it has gone off. the earth is the only realm physical life form exist and there is no proof of another. if there are millions of planets can you name them? can you give proof? if not you are just delusional.
Have you been to outer space before?

so according to you, earth is the only planet in the whole universe?

Your brain need resetting. No offence
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Johnwrite(m): 9:38am On Apr 21, 2024
The truth of the matter is just that everything is so complicated about life, if the bible is a written story who then have such knowledge and intelligency to predict the future, which I know the Bible talked about end time and the signs which is actually happening today or could it be a man who traveled to the past and the future, the bible contains many ancient stories and also talk about the end time which is actually happening today (THE FUTURE)
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by okoroemeka(m): 10:42am On Apr 21, 2024
lol you must be joking. there is a saying that our ancestors lived longer than us today. today men are weaker, less masculine, less confident, not brave etc. there was no cancer 250 to 300 years ago, no hiv aids, no bird flu, no sars ,no ebola, no covid 19 and so many more no junk food no canned for people consumed fresh foods that was not filled with presevarives and syntethic sugar yet you think the world is getting healthier. look let me tell you, there has never been a time in world history where we had more diseases in the world than the 21century this is a fact.

the bubonic plaque wiped out most people in europe because the same system that runs the world today and manufacture diseases where at play during the 1300s and that system is the same vatican. they where behind the black death but that is a story for another day.

the phamercuetical industry is one of the most evil industries in the world today, manufacturing slow poisons that treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
our ancestors used herbs and had cures for all diseases unlike today they tell some sickness dont have cure which is a lie.
herbs have been proven to be the best form of medicine even till this day. so we are not getting better as a matter of fact we are devolving.

the world currently is gearing towards a 3rd world war and all the ballistic missiles acummulated by different countries and weapons of warfare will be unleashed towards mankind. this is inevitable, and then the destruction of all religion will follow and all mankind will be forced to worship a thing you have never known before. it is coming,..we are heading for the end.
would you want to be a man in the 12th century eurasia when geghis khan and his Mongols killed an estimated 10% of the population of the known world roughly 60 million people without provocation?will you like to live in India during the battle for the Mauryan empire that saw almost a million casually in one battle or to be Europe when the legionnaires of Rome and Hannibal of Carthage was engaged in the punic wars and other wars with the parthians that 100,000 men can be killed in a single battle in carraeh,or maybe you will like the Vikings the Huns,the visigoths,the ottomans the moors,the Saxons ,the Normans and crusaders these are violent bloodthirsty people that kill rape and plunder without provocation and to live outside a walled city is a death sentence,do you know there was a time a 40,yr old man is considered an old man?do you know that the casually of native indians killed by small pox introduced by the conquistador in south America surpassed the casualty of aids,COVID SARS,bird flu nomkey flu combined?we live in a world with order,peace law and justice were the death of 5 children in Palestine is headline news and you can go down the street and buy drugs if you are sick,just goggle the world bloodiest battles from Egyptians vs hyskos to the siege of Stalingrad and tell me if you will like to live in such world, honestly I will not.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:19pm On Apr 21, 2024

Have you been to outer space before?

so according to you, earth is the only planet in the whole universe?

Your brain need resetting. No offence
take a powerful camera and zoom into the night sky you will see that all those so called planets are nothing but stars you can actually see them from here. the people who told you about planets have never been there before. pluto was once called a planet but today pluto is no longer a planet because the light switched off , no see the star they call planet pluto again. so mr foolish, dont quote if you have nothing in your head.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Johnjustice: 1:25pm On Apr 21, 2024
I want to explore an aspect of my research that I haven't touched on

I've been trying to gather information about the humans that were here before the great reset 300 years ago; their culture, way of life and technology.

Admist all the information I've gathered so far, there is one that I failed to identify. It has been here all along staring us in the face and I never noticed until recently.

The best way to hide the truth is in plain sight and this one is no exception.

Get ready to have your mind blown.
Just 300 years ago, a lot of tribes have emerged in Africa...are you saying Africa is not part of the geography you are researching on, or are you saying the reset happened in Africa too?

300 years ago was about the ending of slave era, well documented history.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Johnjustice: 1:26pm On Apr 21, 2024
Every history before the camera is fabricated

Some of you might get triggered by the above but I'm fairly confident that any history before the invention of the camera is practically fabricated.

The camera was not invented in the 1800s like we were told, it was simply reintroduced in the 1800s along with other supposed inventions.

Megalithic structures all over the world show evidence of advanced knowledge of mathematics, geometry and engineering. The Puma Panku stones show evidence of laser technology. The location of stone henge show evidence of an advanced form of transportation. The so called Baroque art which I'll soon get into show evidence of an advanced form of printing.

It's historically incongruent to suggest that the camera was never invented until just less than 200 years ago. This is a lie from the pit of hell.

So why lie about the date the camera was invented? Simple. When you make the date for the invention of the camera very recent, it allows you to fabricate centuries of stories that cannot be debunked by photographs or videos.
What if Stonehenge was formed in its location and didn't need moving?
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Johnjustice: 1:31pm On Apr 21, 2024

The sculpture below is called Modesty. It is said to have been sculpted in pure marble by Antonio Corradini in 1752 during the Baroque period.

I'm showing this sculpture because it's impossible to create even with our current technology.

The attention to detail here is beyond shocking. It's practically unbelievable.

Sculpting stone to look like bending skin is incredible. Sculpting stone to look like rippling cloth is incredible. But sculpting stone to look like translucent cloth covering skin is practically impossible.

Yet we are told this was done without power tools. Conveniently it was done before the camera was invented so we have no way to see how it was actually sculptured.
I tend to disagree, to design sculpture you don't need power tools per say, you need hand tools, artistic tools to carve sculpture have existed for more than one thousand years...the Benin artworks, some are older than 2000 years ago...even sculptures built in Benin City, around the Oba palace and in homes, have been found and a lot dates back thousands of years.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Johnjustice: 1:36pm On Apr 21, 2024
The true creators of the Baroque and Renaissance art

The true creators of these marvellous works of art that I posted and others like the monalisa aren't the men our history books tell us. Most of those names are fabricated. There are never any photos of them, or videos of them sculpting or painting these artworks as their lifetimes conveniently predate the invention of the camera.

The true creators of these artworks were the advanced human civilizations that were wiped out during the great reset around 300 years ago.

This is why their works marvel us; we haven't reached their level of technological advancement.
It's art...they had good artiste that period of Renaissance. We have better technology now, GPS, space crafts, infra red, electromagnetism transmission systems, video calls etc...
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:49pm On Apr 21, 2024
would you want to be a man in the 12th century eurasia when geghis khan and his Mongols killed an estimated 10% of the population of the known world roughly 60 million people without provocation?will you like to live in India during the battle for the Mauryan empire that saw almost a million casually in one battle or to be Europe when the legionnaires of Rome and Hannibal of Carthage was engaged in the punic wars and other wars with the parthians that 100,000 men can be killed in a single battle in carraeh,or maybe you will like the Vikings the Huns,the visigoths,the ottomans the moors,the Saxons ,the Normans and crusaders these are violent bloodthirsty people that kill rape and plunder without provocation and to live outside a walled city is a death sentence,do you know there was a time a 40,yr old man is considered an old man?do you know that the casually of native indians killed by small pox introduced by the conquistador in south America surpassed the casualty of aids,COVID SARS,bird flu nomkey flu combined?we live in a world with order,peace law and justice were the death of 5 children in Palestine is headline news and you can go down the street and buy drugs if you are sick,just goggle the world bloodiest battles from Egyptians vs hyskos to the siege of Stalingrad and tell me if you will like to live in such world, honestly I will not.
whats your point exactly mr man, wars as been happening through out human histroy and still happening now. are you saying there is no wars even now as we speak. israel just killed dozens of thousands of innocent people in weeks of this very 2024 and you think you leave in better times?. america nuked japan with an atomic weapon the type the world has not seen before whose effect is still felt over 60years later.instead of a ban to be placed on atomic weapon, many countries developed even more. the world has never seen the typed of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons created by man to kill his fellow man untill recent times. there is a stone in georgia unites states, where the goal of the elits is to kill off 6.5billion people and maintain the world populatuon under 500million and this is very possible given the kind of nuclear chemical and boiological weaponry man has created and you think the world is headed for the better lol.

let me educate you. there where electric cars in the 1800s even before there was.
gasoline engine cars, there where flying cars 200 years ago before now.
300 - 500years ago or even longer man had the knowledge of hernessing electricity from the atmosphere freely, all these have been hidding from us to enslave us.

people lived far more healtheir live than our own generation because we eat the most unhealthy processed, toxic and artificial foods in human history. the number of people with cancer is only increasing and not decreasing even when billions of dollars is budgetted to fight it. we have never had soo much obesse people than in recent times in history, more diabetic people than ever before.

your grandfathers and mothers knew how to heal malaria with natural herbs, they knew how to cure snake bites with natural remedies. they knew how to heal almost any illnes with natural remedies with out side effect. that is why they live longer. today phamerceutical drugs are nothing but poisons. that is why they have side effects.

today you cant find the isolated people in the Amazonian forest to be obese, diabetic, suffering from cancer or hiv or bird flu or covid or even malaria. these people are perfectly healthy and strong. but we in the city suffer from all kinds of sickness because we take in toxins as food and poisons as drugs.


Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Uchesis: 9:22am On Apr 24, 2024
take a powerful camera and zoom into the night sky you will see that all those so called planets are nothing but stars you can actually see them from here. the people who told you about planets have never been there before. pluto was once called a planet but today pluto is no longer a planet because the light switched off , no see the star they call planet pluto again. so mr foolish, dont quote if you have nothing in your head.
You dey craze for head.

Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 11:56am On Apr 24, 2024

You dey craze for head.

empty brains with no thinking facaulty throw insults when they have nothing meaningful to say.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Adaisback(f): 8:59am On Apr 25, 2024
this is a fools statement. the world is coming to an end right in front of your eyes. we are not gods... a higher being created the human race, and thats why man has been loking for that God through several religions of which christianity is the only logical religion.
you are very intelligent. Even the guy that created this thread is an occult guy. The guy spoke about so many things like prison planet , and cages but refused to acknowledge the fact that Jesus have already told us that this world is not our home and so I hold
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by thrillionaire(m): 9:59am On Apr 25, 2024
this is a fools statement. the world is coming to an end right in front of your eyes. we are not gods... a higher being created the human race, and thats why man has been loking for that God through several religions of which christianity is the only logical religion.
you speak foolishly. We are gods. Christianity isn't logical and is certainly not a religion.
Everything about Christianity is by Faith.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 12:27pm On Apr 25, 2024
you speak foolishly. We are gods. Christianity isn't logical and is certainly not a religion.
Everything about Christianity is by Faith.
you are the foolish one. if we are Gods ,why do we die? why do we suffer sickness and get killed by a tiny mosquito?.

christianity is logical because its ideologies are reasonble and they make sense a lot.
the commandments are well known and agreeable to all mankind.

to love your neighbour is not by faith, to avoid commiting murder is not by faith, to abstain from stealing is not by faith but by descipline, dedication and selflesness. this is what christian life is about so stop thinking foolishly

1 Like

Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:47pm On Apr 25, 2024
you are very intelligent. Even the guy that created this thread is an occult guy. The guy spoke about so many things like prison planet , and cages but refused to acknowledge the fact that Jesus have already told us that this world is not our home and so I hold
that is what they do. they give you so much truth to get you attracted and hooked and then sell you propaganda and lies afterwards. especially lies about christ and christianity.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by thrillionaire(m): 1:50pm On Apr 25, 2024
you are the foolish one. if we are Gods ,why do we die? why do we suffer sickness and get killed by a tiny mosquito?.

christianity is logical because its ideologies are reasonble and they make sense a lot.
the commandments are well known and agreeable to all mankind.

to love your neighbour is not by faith, to avoid commiting murder is not by faith, to abstain from stealing is not by faith but by descipline, dedication and selflesness. this is what christian life is about so stop thinking foolishly
Lol I didn't say you were foolish childt, but your emotional response just removed all doubts you're indeed foolish, especially because you also called someone's standpoint foolish earlier.

Go learn more about Christianity - the walk of Faith. Can't argue with a nepios.

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Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 1:58pm On Apr 25, 2024
Lol I didn't say you were foolish childt, but your emotional response just removed all doubts you're indeed foolish, especially because you also called someone's standpoint foolish earlier.

Go learn more about Christianity - the walk of Faith. Can't argue with a nepios.
I gave you logical anwers which you cannot rebute not emotional. your response goes to show you have nothing in your head, you arent even making sense. so keep quiet next time you see you masters talking.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by thrillionaire(m): 3:41pm On Apr 25, 2024
I gave you logical anwers which you cannot rebute not emotional. your response goes to show you have nothing in your head, you arent even making sense. so keep quiet next time you see you masters talking.
You're not worth my time. Bye dumbo
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 3:49pm On Apr 25, 2024
You're not worth my time. Bye dumbo
exactly what empty brains do when they run out delusional ideas.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Uchesis: 10:10pm On Apr 25, 2024
empty brains with no thinking facaulty throw insults when they have nothing meaningful to say.
Who started the insult?

Abegi shift
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 11:03pm On Apr 25, 2024
Who started the insult?
Abegi shift
you can go and rest now dumbo
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by Uchesis: 8:59am On Apr 26, 2024
you can go and rest now dumbo
You piece of rubbish
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by okoroemeka(m): 5:24am On Apr 27, 2024
whats your point exactly mr man, wars as been happening through out human histroy and still happening now. are you saying there is no wars even now as we speak. israel just killed dozens of thousands of innocent people in weeks of this very 2024 and you think you leave in better times?. america nuked japan with an atomic weapon the type the world has not seen before whose effect is still felt over 60years later.instead of a ban to be placed on atomic weapon, many countries developed even more. the world has never seen the typed of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons created by man to kill his fellow man untill recent times. there is a stone in georgia unites states, where the goal of the elits is to kill off 6.5billion people and maintain the world populatuon under 500million and this is very possible given the kind of nuclear chemical and boiological weaponry man has created and you think the world is headed for the better lol.

let me educate you. there where electric cars in the 1800s even before there was.
gasoline engine cars, there where flying cars 200 years ago before now.
300 - 500years ago or even longer man had the knowledge of hernessing electricity from the atmosphere freely, all these have been hidding from us to enslave us.

people lived far more healtheir live than our own generation because we eat the most unhealthy processed, toxic and artificial foods in human history. the number of people with cancer is only increasing and not decreasing even when billions of dollars is budgetted to fight it. we have never had soo much obesse people than in recent times in history, more diabetic people than ever before.

your grandfathers and mothers knew how to heal malaria with natural herbs, they knew how to cure snake bites with natural remedies. they knew how to heal almost any illnes with natural remedies with out side effect. that is why they live longer. today phamerceutical drugs are nothing but poisons. that is why they have side effects.

today you cant find the isolated people in the Amazonian forest to be obese, diabetic, suffering from cancer or hiv or bird flu or covid or even malaria. these people are perfectly healthy and strong. but we in the city suffer from all kinds of sickness because we take in toxins as food and poisons as drugs.
my point excatly is in fact and evidence not emotional thoughts,just check the global life expectancy from 1200-2024 and you will easily see that the average life expectancy in 1200 is 30-40yrs and now it is 70-90 yrs,there is a reason for that,don't you know there are time when to have tuberculosis,small pox, syphilis,malaria,,yellow fever,thypoid,etc is a death sentence until the discovery of antibiotics and antiseptics,,there are times when a journey from Rome to Britain is a harzadous journey that will take months and you will be lucky if you reached alive but now this is just a journey of an hour by flight,the wars you are saying is happening now is child's play and laughable in comparison to the level of casualty in ancient battlefields,the total number of American soldiers killed in the Vietnam war in the 1960s was roughly 55,000 men but the battle of Agincourt in 1415 saw such mortality in a single day of battle between the English archers and french knights.
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 8:03am On Apr 27, 2024
my point excatly is in fact and evidence not emotional thoughts,just check the global life expectancy from 1200-2024 and you will easily see that the average life expectancy in 1200 is 30-40yrs and now it is 70-90 yrs,there is a reason for that,don't you know there are time when to have tuberculosis,small pox, syphilis,malaria,,yellow fever,thypoid,etc is a death sentence until the discovery of antibiotics and antiseptics,,there are times when a journey from Rome to Britain is a harzadous journey that will take months and you will be lucky if you reached alive but now this is just a journey of an hour by flight,the wars you are saying is happening now is child's play and laughable in comparison to the level of casualty in ancient battlefields,the total number of American soldiers killed in the Vietnam war in the 1960s was roughly 55,000 men but the battle of Agincourt in 1415 saw such mortality in a single day of battle between the English archers and french knights.
I stated facts not emotions except you choose to ignore the obvious. what you said about life expectancy is pure fallacy. let me shock you, antibiotics is nothing new at all even goats know them and eat them. search on google who discovered antibiotics and they will tell you a white man did it called fleming in 1920s which is bullshit. the average green plant especially the one you call grass that is cut and thrown away has more healthy antibiotic than tetracycline. this has been known for thousands of years and wasnt discovered in the 20s. the sun alone is antiseptic let me not even go there. so all you wrote is based off propaganda. herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years and still in used today and has proven to be more effective than pharmerceutical drugs fact!!. I gave an example of uncontacted people who dont suffer the illnesses we suffer today in the city and yet these people dont have hospitals and pharmacies yet they survived for generations until now. why are they not dying of syphilis, typhoid, malaria etc as you mentioned it being a death sentence. yet these people are healthy and strong.

today we see the young getting sick with illnesses formally associated with the old such as stroke, colon cancer, diabetes, heart failure and arthritis. this proves the fact that we are not living a better and healthier life style than our ancestors.

in the bible we see how people live well over 200yrs old and even more. we could read and see how men fought with lions and killed them for sport. these tells you men weren't just healthier but lived longer.

travelling in the ancient world was never a problem, alexander matched his men on foot, on foot!! from macedonia to babylon and all over the persian province, continued to israel and then to india on foot, I repeat on foot. no one died of trekking. today not a single human can try such.

we can travel faster today on flight but the chances of survival if anything goes bad during flight is nearlly zero thus increasing the dangers and casualites of air travel. the ancient world never had it like that so what you stated is fallacy.

the vietnam war casualties was from 966,000 to 3mllion people not 55,000, except you think only soldiers are human beings. the ancient world never had it like that. the bomb of hiroshima and nagasaki saw over 300,000 dead in a single day and more followed in years later. so please dont bring up that aginicourt bullshit up again.

1 Like

Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by correctguy101(m): 4:50pm On Apr 27, 2024
I stated facts not emotions except you choose to ignore the obvious. what you said about life expectancy is pure fallacy. let me shock you, antibiotics is nothing new at all even goats know them and eat them. search on google who discovered antibiotics and they will tell you a white man did it called fleming in 1920s which is bullshit. the average green plant especially the one you call grass that is cut and thrown away has more healthy antibiotic than tetracycline. this has been known for thousands of years and wasnt discovered in the 20s. the sun alone is antiseptic let me not even go there. so all you wrote is based off propaganda. herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years and still in used today and has proven to be more effective than pharmerceutical drugs fact!!. I gave an example of uncontacted people who dont suffer the illnesses we suffer today in the city and yet these people dont have hospitals and pharmacies yet they survived for generations until now. why are they not dying of syphilis, typhoid, malaria etc as you mentioned it being a death sentence. yet these people are healthy and strong.

today we see the young getting sick with illnesses formally associated with the old such as stroke, colon cancer, diabetes, heart failure and arthritis. this proves the fact that we are not living a better and healthier life style than our ancestors.

in the bible we see how people live well over 200yrs old and even more. we could read and see how men fought with lions and killed them for sport. these tells you men weren't just healthier but lived longer.

travelling in the ancient world was never a problem, alexander matched his men on foot, on foot!! from macedonia to babylon and all over the persian province, continued to israel and then to india on foot, I repeat on foot. no one died of trekking. today not a single human can try such.

we can travel faster today on flight but the chances of survival if anything goes bad during flight is nearlly zero thus increasing the dangers and casualites of air travel. the ancient world never had it like that so what you stated is fallacy.

the vietnam war casualties was from 966,000 to 3mllion people not 55,000, except you think only soldiers are human beings. the ancient world never had it like that. the bomb of hiroshima and nagasaki saw over 300,000 dead in a single day and more followed in years later. so please dont bring up that aginicourt bullshit up again.

No you did not... None of us did actually..

We only read and in other sacred books, there are many other ridiculous "no need to be verified claims" as they're totally unverifiable.. shocked

Man (the one we both know o) living up to 200 and more and still be healthy? Plus man fighting lions and bears and killing them barehanded? Don't make me laugh abeg....

Travel was a problem back then and even with the problem of accidents it is better and more efficient today. Who's to say people didn't die enroute due to various reasons I'm too lazy to start mentioning back then.

Even the environment is and remains an hazard...

Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by okoroemeka(m): 6:00pm On Apr 27, 2024
I stated facts not emotions except you choose to ignore the obvious. what you said about life expectancy is pure fallacy. let me shock you, antibiotics is nothing new at all even goats know them and eat them. search on google who discovered antibiotics and they will tell you a white man did it called fleming in 1920s which is bullshit. the average green plant especially the one you call grass that is cut and thrown away has more healthy antibiotic than tetracycline. this has been known for thousands of years and wasnt discovered in the 20s. the sun alone is antiseptic let me not even go there. so all you wrote is based off propaganda. herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years and still in used today and has proven to be more effective than pharmerceutical drugs fact!!. I gave an example of uncontacted people who dont suffer the illnesses we suffer today in the city and yet these people dont have hospitals and pharmacies yet they survived for generations until now. why are they not dying of syphilis, typhoid, malaria etc as you mentioned it being a death sentence. yet these people are healthy and strong.

today we see the young getting sick with illnesses formally associated with the old such as stroke, colon cancer, diabetes, heart failure and arthritis. this proves the fact that we are not living a better and healthier life style than our ancestors.

in the bible we see how people live well over 200yrs old and even more. we could read and see how men fought with lions and killed them for sport. these tells you men weren't just healthier but lived longer.

travelling in the ancient world was never a problem, alexander matched his men on foot, on foot!! from macedonia to babylon and all over the persian province, continued to israel and then to india on foot, I repeat on foot. no one died of trekking. today not a single human can try such.

we can travel faster today on flight but the chances of survival if anything goes bad during flight is nearlly zero thus increasing the dangers and casualites of air travel. the ancient world never had it like that so what you stated is fallacy.

the vietnam war casualties was from 966,000 to 3mllion people not 55,000, except you think only soldiers are human beings. the ancient world never had it like that. the bomb of hiroshima and nagasaki saw over 300,000 dead in a single day and more followed in years later. so please dont bring up that aginicourt bullshit up again.

your theory that uncontacted people lived healthy and longer is obvious due to their more physical lifestyle ,low calorie diet and absense of modern diseases,I mentioned previously how the native indians in south America was nearly wiped out by diseases introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese,these people have no natural immunity to these diseases,if you introduce smallpox or chicken pox to the isolated people of north sentinel island they will be gone in a year,to live in an era with no police,no law,no UN,no ECOWAS ,just a collection of squabbling city states and power hungry warlords will make it certain there will constant wars and that means death,hunger and misery,I have read an archeology report on age estimation on ancient skeletal remains using the degree of wear on their teeth's as a template to estimate the age,the wears are caused by stone particles in the flour that is used to bake bread which is the staple diet,the stones came from huge granite milling stones that are turned by animals or river mills and used to grind the wheat,corn or barley,now imagine living in a world like that were your very teeth is been eroded by the food you eat ,apart from the teeth do you know what further damage it will do the body?when last did you see stone in your food,?this people lived in an era were almost everybody is covered in lice,fleas,mites and bed bugs because there is no insecticide for that and they are encouraged not to bath that it brings bad luck,now imagine living in a mud wattle house with your family including the pigs ,cows and nobody has taken a bath for years,imagine that
Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by EMILO2STAY(m): 6:13pm On Apr 27, 2024

No you did not... None of us did actually..

We only read and in other sacred books, there are many other ridiculous "no need to be verified claims" as they're totally unverifiable.. shocked

Man (the one we both know o) living up to 200 and more and still be healthy? Plus man fighting lions and bears and killing them barehanded? Don't make me laugh abeg....

Travel was a problem back then and even with the problem of accidents it is better and more efficient today. Who's to say people didn't die enroute due to various reasons I'm too lazy to start mentioning back then.

Even the environment is and remains an hazard...

yes I did present facts, these facts are not just what the bible said but archeology confirms what the bible said. indeed humans lived healthier lives and where stronger thousand of years ago. the smithsonian institute are well known for hiding gigantic human skeletons found around the world. especially in america. giant human skeletons have in fact been discovered in different places around the world, proving the bible to be true. this proves that humans are devolving and not evolving. the evidence of a world wide flood which our world today which 70% is being covered by water is evident of that fact alone, this flood destroyed the ecological system of the earth causing a reduction in the quality and quantity of oxygen in the artmosphere leading to devolutuon of life. not to talk of ancient cities that are found under the ocean all around the world plus petrfied giant human bones and foot print which are way bigger than any existing human today. this alone is evidence enough that humans where healthier ,stronger and lived longer. and killing a lion with bare hand for these guys is nothing if you know this truth

till this day some of the megalitic structures found around the world are still a puzzle to modern scientist and engineers as to how they where made and moved without modern technology and equipment, and still cannot be made with modern equipment. yet this structure are thousand s of years old. the pyramid of giza which is about five thousand years old is still one of the wonders of the world. a structure that aligns perfectly with three stars in the sky showing a great mathematical and astronomical knowlege which cannot be replicated even today.
you seem to know nothing about the world you live in. like michael jackson said before he was killed with pharmerceutical poison , propofol,.. in his words " your history books are lying"

the only advantage modern transportation system has now is "speed and comfort" aside that nothing else. however this speed has increased the rate of death casualties compared to ancient times. modern tansporrt system is simply a death trap simple.

over 100 people just died yesterday in a tanker explosion and you dey yap gibrish.


Re: The Hidden Sounds Of The Past (pictures Included) by okoroemeka(m): 9:51pm On Apr 27, 2024
yes I did present facts, these facts are not just what the bible said but archeology confirms what the bible said. indeed humans lived healthier lives and where stronger thousand of years ago. the smithsonian institute are well known for hiding gigantic human skeletons found around the world. especially in america. giant human skeletons have in fact been discovered in different places around the world, proving the bible to be true. this proves that humans are devolving and not evolving. the evidence of a world wide flood which our world today which 70% is being covered by water is evident of that fact alone, this flood destroyed the ecological system of the earth causing a reduction in the quality and quantity of oxygen in the artmosphere leading to devolutuon of life. not to talk of ancient cities that are found under the ocean all around the world plus petrfied giant human bones and foot print which are way bigger than any existing human today. this alone is evidence enough that humans where healthier ,stronger and lived longer. and killing a lion with bare hand for these guys is nothing if you know this truth

till this day some of the megalitic structures found around the world are still a puzzle to modern scientist and engineers as to how they where made and moved without modern technology and equipment, and still cannot be made with modern equipment. yet this structure are thousand s of years old. the pyramid of giza which is about five thousand years old is still one of the wonders of the world. a structure that aligns perfectly with three stars in the sky showing a great mathematical and astronomical knowlege which cannot be replicated even today.
you seem to know nothing about the world you live in. like michael jackson said before he was killed with pharmerceutical poison , propofol,.. in his words " your history books are lying"

the only advantage modern transportation system has now is "speed and comfort" aside that nothing else. however this speed has increased the rate of death casualties compared to ancient times. modern tansporrt system is simply a death trap simple.

over 100 people just died yesterday in a tanker explosion and you dey yap gibrish.
you cannot compare the death rate now relative to the earth population against for example what it was in the 1800s,for example the current earth population is roughly 8 billion souls but in the 1800s it was estimated at 1 billon and with that 1 billion souls came the Napoleonic wars of 1803,this war saw a total casualty of 2-3 million soldiers killed or injured and also similar number of civilians ,this war between revolutionary France and Europe saw some wicked bloody conflicts in the history of mankind for example the battle of wagram has 75,000 casualties,battle of Leipzig has 127,000,battle of Borodino 95,000,battle of eyipu 30,000,battle of Waterloo 50,000 in a single day ,battle of Austerlitz 36,000,these are just a few of numerous bloody confrontations that took place not counting the men lost from cold and starvation on the retreat from Russia,all this was when the earth is one billion people,now we are 8 billion a hundred dead is now headline news

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