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Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. - Religion - Nairaland

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Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 9:46am On Dec 14, 2024
This thread will highlight the dangers of being a Jehovah's Witness. Some of you out there are already aware. But there are some who don't know anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. All you know is what they present to you. So, this thread will serve as a resource for people who must have encountered JWs or have been/are being preached to in order to be converted to the religion.

JWs look harmless and present an image of religious piety. Some of them are honest and simple people while there are others who are the opposite but these ones hide under that image to make themselves look good. The image a JW presents to you is a carefully crafted image made solely to Lure people in. People who only look at image will be greatly Deceived. But people who have spiritual discernment will look beyond the Physical and focus on their doctrines and how the doctrines affect their lives. So, the dangers of being a Jehovah's Witness is heavily tied to their Doctrines and what the doctrines do for them physically, Psychologically and Spiritually.

As an EXJW who has done a very deep investigation on the JW religion, I will point out the implications of being a Jehovah's Witness and I will be very honest about it. The implications will never be revealed to you if you are someone they are studying with to bring you into the religion. As someone who was born into it, there are a lot of things I didn't even Know until I got to the age of maturity enough to understand them. So, here are the dangers/implications of being a Jehovah's Witness.

1) You will be isolated from your loved ones that are not Jehovah's witnesses. In the Kingdom Hall, you will be encouraged to only mingle with fellow JWs. You will be told that everyone who is not a JW is Worldly, they are part of Satan's world and will be destroyed at Armageddon. So, you shouldn't have close relationships with them. They will say they are better friends than anyone you will get outside JW. You will hear this phrase a lot amongst them, The Worst JW is far better than a Worldly. In the beginning, while mingling with JWs, you will be presented with a picture of a Loving environment. You will experience what we call Love bombing. They will be so nice to you. After you have gotten baptised and they have gotten used to you, you will start to see their flaws. You will start to see the Good, The Bad and The Ugly in JW. You will start to see many Cliques that would be condescending to you to the point that you may struggle to fit in.

The JW religion doesn't promote autonomy of personality. You are supposed to behave like they do, talk like they do and think like they do. If you are very good at blending with their kind, you will blend well. But if your personality is authentic and you just cannot behave like a Robot, you will struggle in this religion. So, at some point, it can be lonely if you choose to listen to them when they say you cannot mingle with others that are not JW. You may even have just few friends in JW because of this. There are many EXJWs who admitted that they had a very hard time having friends in JW because of the Cliques.

The isolation the religion brings to your life will depend on how serious you take it. If you choose to be like me who never listened to this Isolation doctrine and went ahead to have friends who are not JWs, you will not feel isolated when you choose to Leave the religion. The isolation becomes worse if you have family that are JWs and you depend on them one way or the other. If you choose to leave, your family will avoid you as their doctrine demands.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Lessonteacher(f): 9:56am On Dec 14, 2024
your are just so correct

they just expect you to throw away yourself and pretend you someone you are not


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 10:02am On Dec 14, 2024
Anyone choosing jw knows them and the point is that they want the Lies they sell.

And we know that they are mostly joining them because they claim to be a cooperative society promising assistance and help to people who join their society.

Clearly, the definition of a cult like Ogboni, Illuminati, Aye, Eyie, etc

So clearly people join them because they seem less blood ritualistic than those other cults


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:04am On Dec 14, 2024
Your Mind, body and Soul will be under the authority of the JW Leadership called the Governing body. As I mentioned earlier, you will thrive as a Jehovah's Witness if you are the type that does not Question and obey more even though it is in Error. What the Governing body decides, even though it leads to very serious consequences and even Death, will affect your Life decisions in fact every aspect of your life will be affected e.g Marriage, Dating, Education, Financial status, Your relationship with God and Jesus, your Spiritual life, e.t.c .

You are not allowed to question anything you see in JW. If you do, you will be called an Apostate. No matter how ridiculous a doctrine or policy sounds, you must be ready to obey their Governing body.

What the Governing body decides surpasses the words of God and Jesus. Their Governing body have claimed that their words are the words of Jesus. Jehovah and The Governing body are the most important personalities. If you question the Governing body, you are questioning God. If you speak against the Governing body, you are speaking against God. Therefore, Jehovah = The Governing body. The JW organisation = The Governing body. If you leave the JW religion, you have left God because the religion is God. The religion is an Idol, elevated to divine status. This is the order of arrangement of leadership and importance in JW below from Highest to Lowest;

Jehovah = Governing body = Jehovah's Organisation
Other JWS in leadership positions in the Bethel Headquarters in the U.S
Circuit Overseers
Jesus Christ
Holy Spirit
Ministerial servants

This order of arrangement has serious implications in the lives of JW of which I will highlight further in this thread.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:10am On Dec 14, 2024

your are just so correct
they just expect you to throw away yourself and pretend you someone you are not

It's mistake of identity!

They were sent to fish out individuals like them {Mark 1:17} throughout the world {Matthew 28:19-30; Act 1:8} so if you're feeling what they teach doesn't go well with you don't be disturbed it's what their commander wants from all his followers:

“If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and keep following me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Matthew 16:24-25

So blame their leader not them! Matthew 10:24-25 smiley


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:19am On Dec 14, 2024
You will be taught teachings that are Serious Errors and you will be forced to accept them whether you like them or not. Fear, Obligation and Guilt will be used to force you to accept Errors as words of God and Jesus.

The Whole JW Religion was formed based on the twisting of the scriptures and the formation of False Prophecies. If you look at the List of importance I posted earlier, you can see the Holy Spirit is very low in the list. The Governing body admitted in their Watchtower magazine that They are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and so they will make mistakes. This statement is what it is. They are admitting that they have no Business with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not teach them anything. They are just forming doctrines solely based on Human standpoint. Human knowledge. Human guesses. Human imaginations. They are not even trying to convince you that the Holy Spirit helps them. Instead, they say they are not inspired. What more do JWS need to show that their doctrines are made up? Based on Human guesses! Is this not why their doctrines change like the Weather?

Knowing this, you joining JW should not expect inspired words of God through the Holy Spirit. All you should expect are errors upon errors and the worst part of it is that You Must Accept Them Whether you like them or not! If this is not how you function as A human, Then the JW religion is Not for you.

As Christians, we are obligated, in fact, we are ordered by the Bible, By God, to test every teaching you are being taught to see if they come from the Holy Spirit. Since JW Leaders have admitted that they have no business with the Holy Spirit and they prefer to teach you their own ideas, What are you doing in that Religion as a Christian who is supposed to be under the authority of the Holy Spirit?


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 10:47am On Dec 14, 2024
You will be given a Bible with twisted Verses, removed verses and manipulated verses which are the very foundation of their doctrines.

The JW Bible is called New World Translation. I created a thread to highlight all the verses that were twisted, manipulated and changed to suit the JW doctrines in the link below;


This JW Bible was produced solely to cater to the doctrines of JWS only which is why it is not listed as a Reputable Bible in many websites. Bible Scholars have called their Bible A mistranslation, An insult to the word of God. If you go through that thread, you will understand why they described their Bible this way. Their Bible was never supposed to be written at all. If you read the thread, you will make the following observations;

1. A very obvious attack against The diety of Jesus Christ

2. Twisting of the words of God

3. Attack against Jesus himself

4. Attack against the Holy Spirit

5. A very obvious separation of Christians from Jesus Christ

6. An attack against the Belief in Going to Heaven

7. A diversion of the eternity of Christians to an unknown destination

8. Fixing of words into the Bible that don't belong there and changing the meaning/message of the verses

If you are very concerned about receiving the truth from the Holy Spirit, DO NOT USE THE JW BIBLE! The JW Bible has its own agenda completely separate from the Body of Christ. It was produced mainly to suit the JW doctrines. Every single JW doctrine is tied to the Manipulated verses. What does this mean? It means the JW Leaders have an issue with the Bible itself and want to form their own doctrines completely independent from the Holy Spirit since they say They are not inspired by him. But they can't form their doctrines with other Bible translations because they will be easily debunked if JWs read them. So, they had to form their Bible where they can be free to twist, remove and replace words as they seem fit in order to fit their made up doctrines.

I challenge any JW to read other Bible translations alone without their publications and see if they can still hold on to their Doctrines. That's what happened to me when I choose to dump their Bible and read other translations alone. Every single doctrine of theirs fell off from my head and my heart when I did this. Every single doctrine of JW were debunked easily.

So Newbies reading this, if any JW gave you their Bible, Go and throw it away! Burn It immediately!. You want a relationship with God and Jesus? Stay away from their Bible! You can go through the thread I created above to see things for yourself.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by paxonel(m): 11:10am On Dec 14, 2024
If your family avoids you because you choose not to belong to their religion, that religion is demonic now

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Lessonteacher(f): 11:24am On Dec 14, 2024
You will be taught teachings that are Serious Errors and you will be forced to accept them whether you like them or not. Fear, Obligation and Guilt will be used to force you to accept Errors as words of God and Jesus.

The Whole JW Religion was formed based on the twisting of the scriptures and the formation of False Prophecies. If you look at the List of importance I posted earlier, you can see the Holy Spirit is very low in the list. The Governing body admitted in their Watchtower magazine that They are not inspired by the Holy Spirit and so they will make mistakes. This statement is what it is. They are admitting that they have no Business with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not teach them anything. They are just forming doctrines solely based on Human standpoint. Human knowledge. Human guesses. Human imaginations. They are not even trying to convince you that the Holy Spirit helps them. Instead, they say they are not inspired. What more do JWS need to show that their doctrines are made up? Based on Human guesses! Is this not why their doctrines change like the Weather?

Knowing this, you joining JW should not expect inspired words of God through the Holy Spirit. All you should expect are errors upon errors and the worst part of it is that You Must Accept Them Whether you like them or not! If this is not how you function as A human, Then the JW religion is Not for you.

As Christians, we are obligated, in fact, we are ordered by the Bible, By God, to test every teaching you are being taught to see if they come from the Holy Spirit. Since JW Leaders have admitted that they have no business with the Holy Spirit and they prefer to teach you their own ideas, What are you doing in that Religion as a Christian who is supposed to be under the authority of the Holy Spirit?

what you wrote here is not entirely true,
the governing body decisions are based on their knowledge and understanding of the bible, according to them

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 11:26am On Dec 14, 2024
You will be baptized under the authority of the JW Cult.

Back in the day, JWs used to be baptized in the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Now, if you you join JWs, you will be baptised in the name of the Father, Son and the Cult. The JW Cult kicked out/removed the Holy Spirit and replaced him with themselves knowing fully well they are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. On the day of baptism, you will be made to make a declaration that somewhat looks like taking an oath. There, you will be asked this question, Do you understand that you are being baptized in association with Jehovah's Organisation?. You will then say Yes. You will not be told the implication of you saying Yes to that question.

The implication is, you are under the authority of the Jehovah's Witness organisation. Everything about you will be controlled by their policies and doctrines. You are under their rules. You have no freedom to choose otherwise. Therefore, you are being baptized under their authority. You will not be told the consequences of leaving the JW Cult should you choose to change your mind.

Why did they remove the Holy Spirit in baptism? Apart from the fact that their Leaders do not operate with the Holy Spirit, they know what it means to be baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit. What they didn't tell JWs is that being baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit means you are under his authority. When you are under his authority, you are Anointed. Ephesians 1 Vs 11 says Because we Christians are united with Christ, we have received an Inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance. Verse 13 then says that Because we heard the Good news and believed in Jesus Christ, he identified us as his own by giving us the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.

These verses above are describing the Anointing process. You become Anointed when;

You heard the Good news

You accepted and believed in Jesus Christ

Because you believed, Jesus gives you the Holy Spirit to mark you as God's own

Then you go and get baptised under the authority of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a part payment for the inheritance that is to come. The Heavenly inheritance

When you are anointed by the Holy Spirit, you will be taught the Truth. You will declare the Good news. You talking about God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Salvation and every other Truth, is because the Holy Spirit is working in you. He is dwelling in you. This is the Anointing process that Jehovah's Witnesses are not taught. Their leaders deliberately twisted everything by saying that only 144,000 are the Anointed, thereby deliberately excluding millions of Jehovah's Witnesses from this loving invitation from Jesus and God. Whereas the verses above tell us that all who believed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and received it are Anointed.

This point will bring me to my next point.

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 11:38am On Dec 14, 2024

what you wrote here is not entirely true,
the GOVERNING BODY decisions are based on their knowledge and understanding of the bible, according to them

Jesus' disciples asked him a thought provoking question regarding how to identify the group with which Jesus will be working invisibly.

Here is it:

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! I have forewarned you.  Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Matthew 24:23-27

So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the BODY is, there also the EAGLES will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37

Please what did Jesus mean by the BODY ?

And who are the EAGLES in this illustration? smiley
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 11:51am On Dec 14, 2024
If you join JW, Your eternity as a Christian is in serious trouble. Their doctrines are carefully designed to divert your attention to something else completely different from the direction God and Jesus wants for you.

You won't understand this until you do a thorough analysis of their doctrines. One example of a doctrine that is deliberately crafted to divert the destination of JWs to an unknown destination is The 144,000 Anointed and Great Crowd, and the Paradise Earth doctrine.

As you can see above, I mentioned the Anointing process that Christians go through when they accept the Good news and accept Jesus Christ. You can see that the verses never mentioned anything like separation of Anointed class and Other sheep a.k.a Great Crowd doctrine. The verses generalised to include all Christians.

If JWs come to your house to preach, please ask them these questions below;

Are you in union with Christ? Is Christ dwelling in you?

Are you part of or do you wish to be part of the people inheriting the Kingdom of God?

When you read Bible verses that concern inheriting the Kingdom of God, do you apply them to yourself or to only your so called 144,000?

What did Apostle Paul say about Inheriting the Kingdom? What kind of form will people be in that are Inheriting the Kingdom? Is It Flesh and Blood or is It the Spirit body that is Inheriting the Kingdom?

Where do Spirits dwell? In Heaven or on Earth? Physical realm or Spiritual realm?

What did Jesus say about His Sheep who are Inheriting the Kingdom? On Judgement day, what did Jesus say he will tell his Sheep and what did he say he will tell the Goats?

Once again, is it Flesh and Blood that will inherit the Kingdom or is It Spirit?

Why did Jesus say Those who will be resurrected will be like the Angels?

Since Jesus said to his Sheep that they will inherit the Kingdom,thus becoming Spirits just like the Angels, and the Goats will face destruction, where will you JWs be since you don't believe in going to heaven? Where will you be? If you are not with Jesus Sheep who are Inheriting the Kingdom as Spirits in Heaven, you will be with the Goats.

This is the destination of Jehovah's Witnesses who don't believe in going to Heaven as their leaders Deceived them to believe. If you join Jehovah's Witnesses, this will be your destination as well. This is the eternity you will inherit because you allowed people who have already admitted they are not inspired by the Holy Spirit to interpret the Bible for you.

If Heaven is your calling, if Heaven is your destination, If Heaven is what you want, Do not Join Jehovah's Witnesses. Only 144,000 are the ones going to heaven in JW. The rest are with the Goats. Their leaders have successfully made them to deny their eternity by misinterpreting Bible verses. They have made JWs to make agreements with Heresies that have serious Spiritual implications. Their Spiritual life is in trouble.

Their leaders were able to Deceive them by quoting selected verses without reading the context of the verses. They also lied to them that even though they are Not Anointed, they can still benefit from the sacrifice of Jesus. They say there will be a Paradise Earth where there will be no death and sickness, etc. The Paradise Earth phrase can't even be found in the Bible. But their leaders forgot that Jesus gave an expo of his Judgement day and mentioned only two destinations, One for his Sheep and the other for the Goats. JW Leaders also forgot that Paul made It very clear that there is nothing like Physicall life in the Kingdom Of God therefore destroying their Paradise Earth doctrine. To make things worse, they also changed some verses that talk about Christians being in the midst of God and his Angels. This point will lead to my next point. JWs have unknowingly made agreements that have serious effects on their spiritual lives. They have made them to deny the heavenly race completely so that they can be with the Goats on Judgement day.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by sonmvayina(m): 12:05pm On Dec 14, 2024

Jesus' disciples asked him a thought provoking question regarding how to identify the group with which Jesus will be working invisibly.

Here is it:

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! I have forewarned you.  Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Matthew 24:23-27

So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the BODY is, there also the EAGLES will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37

Please what did Jesus mean by the BODY ?

And who are the EAGLES in this illustration? smiley

I think Jesus answer was "the kingdom of God is within you"

Why did you leave that out?


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MindHacker9009(m): 12:16pm On Dec 14, 2024
To send a JW like MaxInDHouse to go and hide under their mama's bed next time they approach you just asked them this question:

Where did Jeremiah say this: Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of Him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, 10 and gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me.” Matthew 27:9-10, NKJV.

Matthew instead misquoted from Zechariah 11:12-13, which mentions thirty pieces of silver being cast to the potter in the house of the Lord:
"Then I said to them, 'If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.' So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. And the Lord said to me, 'Throw it to the potter'—that princely price they set on me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter."

This shows that the Judas story was made up but MaxInDHouse a JW knows this about Judas:


Judas committed suicide out of shame and grief both Judas and Peter betrayed him the only difference is that one did due to fear while the other due to the love of money.
So Judas' love for money destroyed him! 1Timothy 6:6-10

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Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 12:52pm On Dec 14, 2024
If you join Jehovah's Witnesses, you will not be part of the Covenant that Almighty God has provided through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Jehovah's Witness Leaders teach Jehovah's Witnesses that they are not part of the covenant of which Jesus provided his sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins. Only the 144,000 Anointed JWs are part of the Covenant. But their leaders did not tell them the implications of not being part of this covenant because all they do is select certain verses and don't bother to read context.

Remember, this Covenant was initially made with the Israelites but now has been extended to all all over the world. Remember the verses I mentioned above explaining the Anointing process. Remember, all who accept Jesus Christ get the Holy Spirit and so, become Anointed. Let's see what the Bible says about this Covenant and I will mention the implications of not being part of It. All of these exclusions made by JW leaders are as a result of the Anointed, Great Crowd/other sheep and Paradise Earth doctrine.

Hebrews 8 Vs 6 to 12 goes on to explain what is involved in this Covenant. Jesus Christ is the Mediator of this Convenant as Jesus laid his life so that we can be reconciled with God. So, if you accept this sacrifice and put faith in Christ and God, you are part of this Convenant unlike what JW leaders teach them. It is because of this Convenant that your sins will be forgiven. When you read the above verses in different translations, these are what you will get from the Convenant below;

Those who are part of the Convenant will have God put his laws into their minds and have them written on their hearts

Almighty God will be their God and they will be his people

They will not have to teach one another because all of them will already know God from the Least of them to the greatest

They will be shown God's Mercy and God will forgive their sins.

Reading the whole verses mentioned, this is a Convenant between God and his people. I am sure JWs will tell you that they are God's people, right? So, the question is, why as God's people are they not part of the Convenant as Hebrews 8 Vs 6 to 12 describes God's people to be? If Jehovah's Witness Leaders are correct that Jehovah's Witnesses who are not anointed are not part of the Convenant, then these are the following implications of not being part of it;

[b]You will not have God's laws put in your minds and hearts. Instead, you will have the Laws of Man , made up doctrines that are not inspired by the Holy Spirit

Almighty God will not be your God and you will not be his People. This is why JW Leaders teach JWS A completely different version of God , saying He is not Omnipotent, he is not Omnipresent, and He is not all powerful and he is not Omniscient. Telling you, they serve a completely different God separate from the Body of Christ. They are also taught a completely different version of Jesus Christ.

They will have to teach one another because they don't know God. JWs are at the mercy of their leaders to teach them about God. Their leaders have made JWS solely dependent on them. If God is with you, you don't need to be taught which is what God said in that verse except you are new to Christianity. You won't be taught because the Holy Spirit is there within you to teach you just as Jesus said. He will teach all you need to know.

You will not be shown mercy by God and God will not forgive you your sins. This one is very serious.[/b]

These are the implications of not being part of the Convenant. You will be a Lost sheep easily toiled with like JWs are being toiled with by their leaders with every wind of doctrine. If you choose to accept the fact that you are not in this Convenant, you don't belong to God and Jesus. You don't have a relationship with them. You are not part of their Divine Arrangement. An Ex Satanist who has become a Christian mentioned JWs as very easy prey to target and attack Spiritually. He said it is because they are outside of the Divine Arrangement that Almighty God and Jesus have made. All because of this Convenant they have rejected. You must be part of this Convenant to have this relationship with God And Jesus. You need this Convenant for your sins to be forgiven. If not, you are Lost and easy for Spiritual attacks!!

This is what you will become if you choose to join JWs.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 2:01pm On Dec 14, 2024
Jesus is not an important Personality in JW

You are going to quickly notice this when you join JW If you are really observant. The words/Phrases that will be mentioned all the time in the Kingdom Hall are Jehovah's Organisation, Jehovah, Faithful And Discreet slave, Armageddon, Loyal, Stick to Jehovah's Organisation, God's Kingdom e.tc One day, just go to their Kingdom hall and write down the words and how many times they arw used.

The repetition of the words and phrases above is deliberate of which I will explain later. It is a Brainwashing technique that is effective and only becomes so if you continue to attend their meetings.

We all know that Christians is derived from Christ. Therefore, everything we do as Christians is for Christ and in turn for God. Our identity is tied to Jesus. Removing Jesus means you don't identify as a Christian.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In JW, It is not so. jWs are taught that their religion is the Way, the Truth and the Life. To explain, they say this by claiming that their religion is the only way to everlasting life. Their religion is the Truth. If you are very observant, you will notice in JW Lingo, they call their religion The Truth all the time like their lives depend on it. Also, they are taught that the religion is the only religion through which you can get Salvation. Not Jesus o. So, the religion has taken the position of Jesus as the way, truth and life thereby becoming an Idol. And when you join them, you will be brainwashed to take the religion as that. If you don't see the religion as the way, the truth and the Life, something is wrong with you and you will be called an Apostate.

To further prove that Jesus is not important in JW, Try this experiment. Discuss about Jesus with a JW. Talk about him with glowing terms, praise Jesus in their presence, talk about his role amongst Christians, talk about how Jesus has been doing well for you and your loved ones then watch their reaction and countenance. The JW's countenance will change. The JW Cult has successfully made JWs become irritable towards Jesus unknown to them. This is why the JW organisation is qualified to be called an Antichrist religion.. They have replaced Jesus and they barely talk about him. This litmus test proves that JWS are not Christians!

My advice, if you want a close relationship with Jesus Christ, you take him as your Mediator, Do not Join JW! JWs are not taught how to have a close relationship with Jesus. They don't talk with Jesus and that's because they are not aware that you as a Christian can talk with Jesus. They don't praise him. This will really affect them in the future when it will be too late because the same Jesus, the King of Kings, will be the one to Judge the world.

Same way Jesus will tell the false Prophets I don't know you, that's how he will tell JWs. Why? Do they know him? Does he know them? Do they talk with Him? Ask A JW if he or she has a relationship with Jesus Christ. In order for Jesus to know you, there must have been an interaction, a relationship, a close relationship. Do JWS have that with him?


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 2:46pm On Dec 14, 2024
Jesus will not be your Mediator in JW contradicting 1Timothy 2 Vs 5 to 6.

As part of the Heresies JWs teach, the Jesus not being their Mediator doctrines has serious implications on JWS of which they are not aware. The essence of Christ being the Mediator is tied to his sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. To reject one aspect of this topic is to reject all. If you are rejecting Christ as not your Mediator, it means he didn't die for you and you do not see him as suitable to be your Mediator.

Jehovah's Witness Leaders teach JWs that although Jesus is not the Mediator for the Great Crowd/other sheep but only mediator for the Anointed, JWs can still benefit from the sacrifice Jesus made only if they follow and obey their Anointed JWs amongst them. This means the Anointed JWS are their Mediators of which their Leaders called the Governing body are included. Can you see the swapping of positions between Jesus and their leaders in this doctrine? Typical Antichrist! This doctrine cannot be found anywhere in the Bible. Ask a JW To show you, you will laugh because they can't do it without embarrassing themselves.

Since our salvation is tied to Jesus as he is the Way, truth and Life, you must accept that He is your Mediator. If you reject him as the Mediator, you have serious problems with your Salvation. Jesus being our Mediator is the sole reason why we pray in the Mighty name of Jesus. A Mediator is someone who intercedes on your behalf. A Go-to person. Once you reject that person, you have no connection with that person. And if you don't have connection with Jesus, you have no connection with Almighty God because Jesus is the Way to God! I don't think JWs understand the gravity of this doctrine.

Since JWs have rejected Jesus as their Mediator by agreeing with this doctrine, Jesus will have no Business with them. What is left for JWs to do is end their prayers with in the name of the Governing body or in the name of the Anointed since they are their Mediators.

The Full Translation of this JW doctrine is You JWS do not have Jesus as your Mediator unless you are Anointed. We the Anointed ones are your Mediator. Therefore, you are at our mercy and you must obey us to get Salvation.

Another translation to this Doctrine is In order for Jesus to be your Mediator, you have to be Anointed. Remember, the Anointing process I mentioned above? Remember the Convenant? Therefore, if you believe Jesus is your Mediator, you are already Anointed contrary to what JW leaders say. PIMO JWs, remember this.

Since a lot of JWs are under serious Brainwashed conditions, they do not get to Analyse their doctrines properly. This is what will happen to you should you choose to join JW. Your Connection to Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life and as your Mediator will be Cut off!


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Sand2022: 2:51pm On Dec 14, 2024
This thread will highlight the dangers of being a Jehovah's Witness. Some of you out there are already aware. But there are some who don't know anything about Jehovah's Witnesses. All you know is what they present to you. So, this thread will serve as a resource for people who must have encountered JWs or have been/are being preached to in order to be converted to the religion.

JWs look harmless and present an image of religious piety. Some of them are honest and simple people while there are others who are the opposite but these ones hide under that image to make themselves look good. The image a JW presents to you is a carefully crafted image made solely to Lure people in. People who only look at image will be greatly Deceived. But people who have spiritual discernment will look beyond the Physical and focus on their doctrines and how the doctrines affect their lives. So, the dangers of being a Jehovah's Witness is heavily tied to their Doctrines and what the doctrines do for them physically, Psychologically and Spiritually.

As an EXJW who has done a very deep investigation on the JW religion, I will point out the implications of being a Jehovah's Witness and I will be very honest about it. The implications will never be revealed to you if you are someone they are studying with to bring you into the religion. As someone who was born into it, there are a lot of things I didn't even Know until I got to the age of maturity enough to understand them. So, here are the dangers/implications of being a Jehovah's Witness.

1) You will be isolated from your loved ones that are not Jehovah's witnesses. In the Kingdom Hall, you will be encouraged to only mingle with fellow JWs. You will be told that everyone who is not a JW is Worldly, they are past of Satan's world and will be destroyed at Armageddon. So, you shouldn't have close relationships with them. They will say they are better friends than anyone you will get outside JW. You will hear this phrase a lot amongst them, The Worst JW is far better than a Worldly. In the beginning, while mingling with JWs, you will be presented with a picture of a Loving environment. You will experience what we call Love bombing. They will be so nice to you. After you have gotten baptised and they have gotten used to you, you will start to see their flaws. You will start to see many Cliques that you may struggle to fit in.

The JW religion doesn't promote autonomy of personality. You are supposed to behave like they do, talk like they do and think like they do. If you are very good at blending with their kind, you will blend well. But if your personality is authentic and you just cannot behave like a Robot, you will struggle in this religion. So, at some point, it can be lonely if you choose to listen to them when they say you cannot mingle with others that are not JW. You may even have just few friends in JW because of this. There are many EXJWs who admitted that they had a very hard time having friends in JW because of the Cliques.

The isolation the religion brings to your life will depend on how serious you take it. If you choose to be like me who never listened to this Isolation doctrine and went ahead to have friends who are not JWs, you will not feel isolated when you choose to Leave the religion. The isolation becomes worse if you have family that are JWs and you depend on them one way or the other. If you choose to leave, your family will avoid you as their doctrine demands.

You want to join JWs, pay attention to the bolded parts. It is better you don't baptize, cos if you do baptize and the above is true, you will suffer the most. You may even attempt suicide. Don't ever make that mistake. If you like them, just be there friends and NEVER baptized. But if they have gotten you indoctrinated, sorry, you will feel this advise is from apostates, not until you decide you want to leave.

But courz it is hard for a new person to know this. Very very hard. The indoctrination is too strong and well thought out.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 3:06pm On Dec 14, 2024

You want to join JWs, pay attention to the bolded parts. It is better you don't baptize, cos if you do baptize and the above is true, you will suffer the most. You may even attempt suicide. Don't ever make that mistake. If you like them, just be there friends and NEVER baptized. But if they have gotten you indoctrinated, sorry, you will feel this advise is from apostates, not until you decide you want to leave.

But courz it is hard for a new person to know this. Very very hard. The indoctrination is too strong and well thought out.

Very True. Never get baptised! That's the trick to escaping JW. If you get baptised, you are finished! Many people did this and ended up lucky enough so they could leave JW with ease.

The Indoctrination starts from the Bible study JWs conduct with the public when they go preaching. I didn't understand this until I left JW. JW Leaders carefully planned everything they do to be an Indoctrination/Brainwashing exercise. I have come across many people who refuse to even engage with JWS because they are aware the preaching alone is a Brainwashing technique. JW Leaders know this., that's why they are always forcing all JWs to attend meetings regularly so the Brainwashing can be effective for many years till a JW dies.

This is why people like us are here to educate the Public on this so they don't fall prey.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 3:47pm On Dec 14, 2024
If you Join JW, You are going to undergo very serious Brainwashing techniques that even Scientists have talked about to be dangerous to your Brain Health.

A Brain surgeon said people who are brainwashed due to religion, when their brains are checked by them, they notice some damage in their Brain. They also tend to suffer from one psychological disorder or the other. The dictates of the religion mounts a certain kind of pressure on the psychological state of a person.

We don't take Psychology serious in this part of the world but in Developed countries, studies have been carried out. The brainwashing techniques of JW creates psychological disorders. In developed countries, there are a lot of JWs on anti depressant drugs and drugs for controlling erratic behaviours. Why? Something is wrong somewhere. They like to boast about being the Happiest people on earth. God's Happy people they say. Why are they facing depression? Why are they unhappy deep down? Why do they love to wear a Mask? During my time in JW, I didn't see happy people. I saw people who were struggling and putting on a Mask. I also encountered a good number of mentally deranged JWS and I used to ask myself why do they act this way or that way?

The JW Religion is very demanding. It demands your time, energy and emotions. It requires every energy from you. Expectations from you are very high. The pressure of the religion creates Bipolar Disorder. There are so many JWS with this disorder. People may not understand these things until they do research. I had to do my own research to make me understand why JWs act the way they do. Because of the pressure in JW, Many of them end up exhibiting different personalities depending on their environment. And this is why a lot of them love double lives. They cannot follow all their rules and doctrines. So, the only way they can cope is to develop multiple Personality disorders. So, no matter how a JW boasts to you that they are the only ones doing God's will, always remember that everything that happens in the world, also happens amongst JW.

The Brainwashing techniques also programs the minds of JWS to accept two contradicting opinions that a normal mind free from Brainwashing will not accept. This is what makes their Brainwashing dangerous. Their Brainwashing has been perfected to the point that if they are asked to kill their loved ones if they want to see them In Paradise, they will do it. What am I saying? They are already killing their loved ones through the No Blood transfusion doctrine which is literally a Human Sacrifice.

So, if you want good Brain Health, you don't want your mind to be messed up, you want to remain Sane, Avoid JW. Sane people are not allowed there and do not thrive in there!


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:49pm On Dec 14, 2024

I think Jesus answer was "the kingdom of God is within you"
Why did you leave that out?

Do you believe in Jesus? smiley
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 4:52pm On Dec 14, 2024
To send a JW like MaxInDHouse to go and hide under their mama's bed next time they approach you just asked them this question:

Where did Jeremiah say this: Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, saying, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the value of Him who was priced, whom they of the children of Israel priced, 10 and gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me.” Matthew 27:9-10, NKJV.

Matthew instead misquoted from Zechariah 11:12-13, which mentions thirty pieces of silver being cast to the potter in the house of the Lord:
"Then I said to them, 'If it is agreeable to you, give me my wages; and if not, refrain.' So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver. And the Lord said to me, 'Throw it to the potter'—that princely price they set on me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord for the potter."

This shows that the Judas story was made up but MaxInDHouse a JW knows this about Judas:

You've missed road o!

Perhaps you should tell everyone here that Jesus is FAKE! cheesy
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 5:02pm On Dec 14, 2024

It's mistake of identity!...

See jw devil twisting the delusion and calling it mistake and pointing it to something else.

Men, God should come and avenge Himself from all these evil jws, Catholics, pastors of lies, atheists etc

1 Like

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 5:05pm On Dec 14, 2024

Jesus' disciples asked him a thought provoking question regarding how to identify the group with which Jesus will be working invisibly.

Here is it:

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! I have forewarned you.  Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. For just as the lightning comes out of the east and shines over to the west, so the presence of the Son of man will be. Matthew 24:23-27

So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the BODY is, there also the EAGLES will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37

Please what did Jesus mean by the BODY ?

And who are the EAGLES in this illustration? smiley

See off point and mad talk from the jw devil. Clearly this is Satan's agent


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 5:08pm On Dec 14, 2024

You want to join JWs, pay attention to the bolded parts. It is better you don't baptize, cos if you do baptize and the above is true, you will suffer the most. You may even attempt suicide. Don't ever make that mistake. If you like them, just be there friends and NEVER baptized. But if they have gotten you indoctrinated, sorry, you will feel this advise is from apostates, not until you decide you want to leave.

But courz it is hard for a new person to know this. Very very hard. The indoctrination is too strong and well thought out.

All because of the promise that they would take care of you.

No different from joining ogboni and illuminati cults.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 5:21pm On Dec 14, 2024

See off point and mad talk from the jw devil. Clearly this is Satan's agent

Mr MAD this MAD that


So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the BODY is, there also the EAGLES will be gathered together.” Luke 17:37[/b]

Please what did Jesus mean by the BODY ?
And who are the EAGLES in this illustration? smiley
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 5:27pm On Dec 14, 2024

Mr MAD this MAD that

Please what did Jesus mean by the BODY ?
And who are the EAGLES in this illustration? smiley

1) Since many of you here are pretending to be normal, it is needful to point out whenI you people start behaving like mad people.

2) Off Point!

1 Like

Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 5:47pm On Dec 14, 2024

what you wrote here is not entirely true,
the governing body decisions are based on their knowledge and understanding of the bible, according to them

Thank you for confirming what I have been saying. Look at the bolded. You said Based on their knowledge and understanding. You also added According to them.

The Governing body decisions are not based on the Bible itself but based on their own understanding of it which is Pure Human understanding . Human wisdom without the help of the Holy Spirit. I thank God you even added According to them showing all their decisions and doctrines are pure Guess works which is why they change like the Weather.

Their decisions and Doctrines keep changing but the Bible remains the same. They have no problem doing Guess works because they have admitted that they are not Inspired by the Holy Spirit. So, you should expect nothing but Errors as doctrines from them. This is why they had the audacity to manipulate and change Bible verses as they like in their own Bible.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:26pm On Dec 14, 2024

1) Since many of you here are pretending to be normal, it is needful to point out whenI you people start behaving like mad people.
2) Off Point!
So Jesus' statement is "Off Point" shey?

Thanks for your time! smiley


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Courz: 6:27pm On Dec 14, 2024
When you join JW, you will not be informed about the true history of the religion. You will not be allowed to question anything you see that is strange about their history. You will not be allowed to investigate the Religion starting from its very beginning. If you do, you will be called an Apostate. You will only be given a Sanitised History of their religion that makes them look good which you must accept without questioning.

When you are being preached to by a JW, you will not be told about their history. JW thrives in secrecy and do not expose everything that you need to know about the religion. You will not be told about how their founder proclaimed False Prophecies that failed woefully. You will not be told about how the lives of JWs were affected negatively after the prophecies failed. You will not be told how their leaders continued to make false Prophecies and strange doctrines. You will not be told how they lost so many members because of these fake prophecies and strange doctrines.

The JW Leaders who were forming these strange doctrines and False Prophecies throughout their history will be talked about in the Kingdom Hall in a positive light. They will be talked about as icons but they won't tell you how they fumbled.

The internet is filled with exposures about their True history. If you haven't joined JW and you are thinking of doing so, now is the time to investigate this religion because once you join, you will be banned from doing so. You will be demonised and made to feel like the worst person on earth should you choose to share their scandals with JWS. They will use fear and guilt to intimidate you. It is a Taboo to investigate this religion outside their website. Their leaders are aware that their Reputation outside is verrrrrrrrrrrrrry Bad! And they don't want JWs to know this.

Now that you haven't joined them yet, use the time to investigate them very well. To get first hand experienceS on the JW Lifestyle, go to EXJW Forums like the ExJW Reddit. There you will find JWS that are still in the religion giving experiences and ranting their lives away as they pour their Frustrations of being in the Cult! Lol. In fact, it is in these forums that you will know JWs are frustrated.


Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by Dtruthspeaker: 6:29pm On Dec 14, 2024

So Jesus' statement is "Off Point" shey?

Thanks for your time! smiley

Satan the topic of the thread is clear go and open your own thread, serpent!
Re: Dangers Of Being A Jehovah's Witness. For Newbies Who Don't Know Them Well. by MaxInDHouse(m): 6:33pm On Dec 14, 2024

Satan the topic of the thread is clear go and open your own thread, serpent!

Ọmọ everyone is mad, Satan, devil and serpent to you nah! smiley

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