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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Marrying A Circumcised Woman (29970 Views)
Circumcised Woman And Uncircumcise Who Enjoy Sex More. / Guys, Share Your Experiences With A Circumcised Girl. / How Can I Overcome Sex Prob With Circumcised Woman (2) (3) (4)
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Marrying A Circumcised Woman by ipex(m): 9:27am On Jan 07 |
Is it advisable to marry a woman who is circumcised? I need an advice please? ipex: 4 Likes 2 Shares
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Samantha125(f): 9:33am On Jan 07 |
Why would women get circumcised in the first place?🤔🤔🤔 35 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by ipex(m): 9:39am On Jan 07 |
She confided in me last night that she is circumcised. I don't know the resultant effect of marrying such person. |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Bookhub: 9:48am On Jan 07 |
ipex: She can still cum, just locate her gspot scrub it wella 48 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by brain54(m): 9:48am On Jan 07 |
Not meaning to discourage you... But it could lead to complications and difficulty during child birth. Also painful intercourse and disinterest/lack of pleasure in sex totally. But don't let this discourage you o. If you love your woman go ahead. Even some women that aren't circumcised still experience what I stated. And she might not experience any of it. Nothing in life is certain. But test run... Or at least talk to her concerning her reaction towards sex. Has she had sex, and does she enjoy it? Ask questions like that. That's if you believe in no sex before marriage. Sexual compatibility is equally important in marriage! 142 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by backtalkG(m): 10:01am On Jan 07 |
Samantha125:cultural practice in most instance 16 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Samantha125(f): 10:42am On Jan 07 |
But what's the reason behind it? backtalkG: 2 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by ipex(m): 10:44am On Jan 07 |
She claim to be a virgin and she's 30. Although I have let her know that I must carry out a check(medical check) before marriage and she consented brain54: 4 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by brain54(m): 10:48am On Jan 07 |
ipex: Personally to me... A virgin at 30 with the circumstances you mentioned is already a warning bell. Is the virginity so important to you to carry out a medical check? My own is be careful not to go for a person that would frustrate you in the other room o! 91 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by dkidd: 10:55am On Jan 07 |
brain54:Na wah for u oo... Op don't believe the above. 7 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by dkidd: 10:57am On Jan 07 |
ipex:You sayyy ![]() A circumcised woman is only different from the uncircumcised when it comes to getting orgasms quickly. While one does so easily the other one takes a lot of work. No low sex drive or anything e be like na them like knacking pass sef just that they don't reach their peak easily unlike the uncircumcised females. Abeg give me her number in case U want run. 56 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Harddiskng(m): 11:04am On Jan 07 |
ipex: Hmm. Make i no talk. Check engine well before you buy any car, test run am, be very mindful (in case she is faking something) that everything is to your liking or else you would regret. Sexual compatibility is not to be taken with levity. It is integral to your happiness and success of your marriage. No buy no testing. Issorite. 25 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by brain54(m): 11:08am On Jan 07 |
dkidd: Read this then come back and argue with WHO... 1 Like |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by spencekat(m): 11:23am On Jan 07 |
Samantha125:Ancient wicked practice those days, I learnt some people are still practicing it. According to the perpetrators, it helps to kill the sexual drive in their girls so that they won't be promiscuous while growing up. Really, ignorance is a disease. 27 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Samantha125(f): 11:37am On Jan 07 |
Makes me wonder what life without any sexual drive is like. spencekat: 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by ipex(m): 11:52am On Jan 07 |
Virginity isn't a big deal to me but what if she's lying. Hence my resolve to check 4 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by FatherStrudel(m): 12:26pm On Jan 07 |
Female genital mutilation is a human rights issue. It's a form of violence against women and girls (VAWG), and violates women’s and girls’ rights to a life of freedom, dignity, equality and sexual freedom. Progress is being made – more countries are creating laws banning the practice, and more communities are working together towards collective abandonment. But there are still many backward, uneducated individual's that think this practice is acceptable. A woman's vagina was created by god to be enjoyed by both men and women. Mutilating this god created honey pot is a sin against god... 19 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by exe0(m): 1:01pm On Jan 07 |
ipex: Well, no biggie but there are certain things that should be established before moving on Female circumcision is different in different cultures; I mean, the extent of incision & excision Thus, the symptomatic presentation is also different Question like: does she feel pain or finds it difficult to urinate should be asked She may also be evaluated by a Gynaecologist Then , there is the psychological side of the equation depending on how old she was when she was circumcised and how it affects her mind and thinking If everything is clear, marrying her is not a challenge And even if there are any issues, you can still Marry her- just that it is good to be aware of the likely challenges you may face and be ready to face them squarely 11 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Angelina996(f): 1:09pm On Jan 07 |
I'm a woman... ...and I can tell you, just because a woman is circumcised does not mean she'd have low sex drive or have complications during childbirth (except in severe and intense circumcision). Infact, she can climax during sexual activities sef. It depends on her personality. When she thinks of sex, how does she perceive herself? You'd be surprised she might end up liking sex more than you can even imagine after her first time. There are ladies that were not circumcised but does not like sex that much. And that she's a virgin at 30 does not mean there'll be any issue in the future. So far all the important compatibility tests are checked okay, please go ahead and marry her. 26 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Gboom: 1:10pm On Jan 07 |
Samantha125:Samantha Samantha, the marriage counselor whining men to get information on how to deal with them 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Samantha125(f): 1:25pm On Jan 07 |
I'm far from being a marriage counselor...😂😂😂 Gboom: |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Myrepublic(m): 1:53pm On Jan 07 |
Angelina996:Are you circumcised? It's not you just being woman. A circumcised lady does feel sex,the way uncircumcised will feel it. Op one advantage about that type is that ,they don't cheat easily, because she no really first dey enjoy the thing. Except na poverty make her go cheat. Complications during child birth,not sure about that. But I heard of some in Delta State,when get children. The major advantage is that slowness to sexual arousal or feelings. You go pre-intimacy tire 14 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by idahme(m): 2:40pm On Jan 07 |
ipex: If the reason why she is a virgin is because she is circumcised bro if its me I won't go ahead, it will continue in marriage but if she has sex drive and decides not to then its fine 4 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by GeneralPula: 2:52pm On Jan 07 |
I’ve knacked a couple circumcised girls back in the days and 2 among those girls are not even Nigerians! They’re always very very sweet in bed and their kitten dey everly tight. To enjoy sex with them & to make them enjoy sex, you must be experienced sexually yourself as a guy! Now, to answer your question… Yes, you can marry her but before getting married to her, give her belle first! And after she don get belle, meet with a professional midwife or obstetrician. They’ll take care of her and let you know the best way for her to deliver! That’s all. It’s not much of a big deal! 2 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by GeneralPula: 2:54pm On Jan 07 |
FatherStrudel:Cho Cho Cho.. Is this what Op is asking you? 5 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by GeneralPula: 3:01pm On Jan 07 |
brain54: Not so true. Complications in child birth is applicable to female gender, it’s not about being circumcised or not.. Lack of pleasure in sex you say? No! They’re like normal women o and they’ll even bang you to stupor self 😃 Painful sex… Once the Puna is wet, nothing like painful. Banging goes easy! A nice pre-intimacy will get the Puna wet.. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Factcheck0001: 3:07pm On Jan 07 |
brain54:bro The best advice to give is to avoid circumcized women, they dont like sex n they see it as a task rather than enjoyment No matter how lit your pre-intimacy game is, once u stroke it in they lose interest n start asking u when u will cum or they start telling u "he never do" Marrying a circumcized woman will frustrate a man sexually n no matter how well u love them your sex life will always b messed up n u will b forced to seek solace elsewhere At op, let her go n move on I dated 2 then n I had to find my way cos d sex life was frustrating, imagine having sex with someone n she's making u feel like u are hurting her 16 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Factcheck0001: 3:09pm On Jan 07 |
ipex:A virgin at 30 n she's circumcized To me that's d "reddest" flag Sex no dey freak her, hope u get it 5 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Factcheck0001: 3:10pm On Jan 07 |
dkidd:have u dated a circumcized lady before? With this your reply, I doubt it 2 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by brain54(m): 3:15pm On Jan 07 |
Factcheck0001: Where I disagree with you is saying he should let her go... Just because she is circumcised. He should first find out the level to which it has affected her. Our parents used to be circumcised in those days and they still had successful marriages. I understand modern marriages requires more and is more complex however! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by brain54(m): 3:19pm On Jan 07 |
GeneralPula:Don't just argue for the sake of argument... Read the link I posted above from WHO. You saying they find sex pleasurable beats the purpose for which they were circumcised in the first place. Although, Alot is determined by the extent of what was taken. Which differs according to culture. How can someone get wet when you are even boring them with what you think you are doing? 4 Likes |
Re: Marrying A Circumcised Woman by Factcheck0001: 3:19pm On Jan 07 |
brain54:in those days our forefathers cover everything up by marrying many wives so as to swing n balance but if u plan to marry one wife n b faithful, bro a circumcized lady is a "NO" for me Many commenting knows little about it, just like a poster said above. D only advantage is that she might not cheat cos she doesn't see any big deal about sex 7 Likes |
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