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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tabsy: 12:25pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Though the TT issue had been addressed recently on the thread. According to my own understanding: During pregnancy especially for a FTM you are meant to take TT twice. 1st one is meant to be given when you start antenatal and then the next one should be at least a month after (mine had a space of 2months). The third TT would be given 6months after you took the 2nd one (one has to always calculate and know the dates handy) The fourth TT would be a year after the 3rd one which it in 1.5years after the 2nd TT The fifth is a year after the 4th TT which is 2.5years after the 2nd TT. Was also informed that if you miss taken the TT after delivery as noted; one would have to start allover again during another pregnancy. I hope this explains it well enough. jumy16: 4 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tiw78: 12:26pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
FloraEC:Am fine MA..... Doing well. I have not packed my bags yet Bt have gotten the essentials.The last scan I did shows 23rd now so am hoping for whenever between then. Yeah, lots of walking now..... May God help us all |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:27pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
ayabadamilola: That wee wee thing ehh, I kept potty in the room for easy access. Let my henemies not rejoice over me ![]() Hahahahaha, mine was corn and twas remaining one roll, I just took it from the person and ate it laidat. God half mercy 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:30pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
joiful: I'll enter 36wks soon but measuring 38wks according to scan. So you want to leave us and run. Iffahear |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tabsy: 12:38pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Thank You Jesus for strength so far. It has truly been a wonderful experience so far ![]() For all mamas that their LO has gloriously arrived; Congratulations. I pray the Lord will keep you, your LOs and family. You shall not have any cause to sorrow or mourn over these precious ones. The Lord will protect them from every plan of the wicked. Amen. For the soon to be delivered mamas; it shall be a swift delivery just like that of the Hebrew women. Mother and Baby Alive, there shall be no complication in Jesus name. Amen. For the 2nd/1st trimester mama; the Lord will continue to see us through. In His infinite mercies, God will prefect that which He has started over our lives and our LOs. Every part of their body shall form perfectly and the remaining stage to delivery shall be stressfree in Jesus name (I say a big Amen) For the mamas trying to conceive, the Lord has done it and your testimony would be manifested even this year as in 9months time we shall all celebrate with you. The Lord will not break His covenant as He has said "multiply and replenish the earth". Therefore your own children will surround your table and call you blessed in Jesus name Amen. Father thank You for that which you have done in our lives and for this great destinies you have put us in charge of. Father thank You for your love and mercy. Thank You for You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ever ask or think. Amen and Amen. Thank you Cappo Joomie for the checkup tho I think you dint reply my last mail 19 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:39pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Tiw78: Good to hear from you dear. The exercise is essential too, I now climb stairs too. Amen o |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:41pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
flyingangel: 29 is my birthday ooooo, gimme a birthday mate puhlease dear. No problem. May God make it easier for us |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:45pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
VannywealthDesi: But if I don't see the natural I can buy Queens baa. Thanks |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by cindybabs(f): 12:48pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Hello mommas,hope we are all doing great. Congrats to all our new moms. Officially catwalking to my 10th week tomorrow. I thank God for his mercies that am back on my feet. I earlier sent a post where I lamented on how pregnancy sickness has taken over my life and kept wondering when it would stop. My children never stopped praying for me and here I am,strong except when I don't feel like cooking I would feign sickness for my husband who would take over kitchen affairs. Let's keep faith,God is still in the business of performing miracles. Where are my teammates at? 4 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 12:53pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Beryl15: Berra unthrow it ![]() ![]() I want to ask my doc I'd I can skip it. We're forever grateful to Him that giveth life. 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by joiful(f): 12:57pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
FloraEC: Hehe hehe, when DH is seriously praying for June, me sef won't mind June, the most important thing is a healthy baby. Please pack your bags na |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Liftedhands(f): 1:19pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Coldfeet:Seen sis, Thanks. 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 1:27pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
joiful: I want to birth Jun cos I'm tired already. Sleepless night is dealing with me ![]() ![]() I've packed ọ but will unpack again to check if there's anything missing then pack again and unpack again. Kikikiki 4 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Joomie: 1:40pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
jumy16:In addition to what Tabsy said. The first TT dose MUST BE TAKEN AFTER First FOUR MONTHS OF PREGNANCY to ago side effects on the baby cos it's a strong injection. Attached is a pic of my TT card 3 Likes 4 Shares
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Joomie: 1:44pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Godisgracious:It's like that cos the ways of God is different from ours. It's only God that knows the exact date your baby will arrive. During my first, my LMP was September 2nd but scan gave me 29th and 31st of Aug. I was rest assured cos all the dates fell in the same week as Mon, We'd and Fri. DD arrived on my LMP due date. For this pregnancy, my scan date is also different from my LMP but I'm sticking to LMP. 2 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Joomie: 1:45pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Tabsy:Amen. Sorry I've not been in my mailbox for sometimes now. I'll check |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by comtem2011: 1:55pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Joomie:Also, the different dates are always within our delivery window date/ the +2weeks before EDD by LMP. 2 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by mandysmum: 2:22pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
B.S. Where do I begin? This journey has been a roller coaster of emotions for me. I got married last May, and the countdown to a BFP started for me. My in-laws supposedly got a divine message from a man of God that I will have fertility issues and will not conceive on time. You can just imagine the results of such prophecy on me. Thank God for my husband who dismissed them and stood by me. End of May,June and July passed but no BFP. I began to doubt my faith and believe there might be an atom of truth in what they said. August came and I almost fell into despair but my sister talked me out of it. I put on a new face and told myself to snap out of it cuz I was transferring aggression unto my hubby. When end of September came and my period hadn't come as expected,I didn't even think about it cuz many things were happening at once at that time,so it didn't occur to me that my period was late. Things settled down and I suddenly realised I was two weeks late. That has never happened before. I am like clockwork in my periods. I became nervous. What if this was a false alarm? Wasn't it too soon to get pregnant according to the prophecy? So many useless thoughts going through my head. My younger sister was also a monitoring spirit,keeping track of my cycle,all in a quest to get the first grandkid of the family. Na she push me go do test. When the result showed positive,my heart almost gave out. I just sat for hours alone, thanking God for His mercies. I told hubby and my folks... You can all imagine the rest. ![]() Two weeks later,I felt an urging in the spirit that all wasn't well with my baby,so I convinced hubby to go with me for a scan. When the sonographer was doing his thing on my belly,he innocently asked me what I am planning to do about my multit fibroids. I was like you say wahhh?? ![]() The doctor saw the result of the scan,spoke to me about it and gave me the pros and cons of the treatment process. I was to prepare my mind for anything. I told him my baby is here to stay. He shrugged and said let us begin. Treatment started and I was put on total bed rest. No more hopping on okada,no bending down,no anything. Just food,water and sleep. After two weeks of bed rest, I went back to the same scan center for another scan to take with me to the hospital. This time the guy was happy for me and told me all was well,but the fibroids were growing at an alarming rate. I just left that one to God and said it will end well. That was when I discovered this great thread and began to learn from other mamas here. Two days after I got the positive news from the scan and doctor, morning sickness hit me and mehn, it hit hard. I couldn't keep anything down. No food,water or drugs could stay down. I lost weight drastically in three days. My ribs and cheek bones became prominent like those Sudanese refugees. Hubby was bloody scared and wanted me to remove the baby if it was going to endanger my life. The look I gave him shut him up for good. Still, I couldn't eat. My folic acid pills lay untouched cuz I couldn't keep it down. I don't know how I managed to survive that period without going to the hospital for drip infusion. I found a taste for Sprite and that was what I lived on. Morning till night,see me pushing down Sprite down my throat. I managed till I clocked 20 weeks. That was when I had that scare in my compound(I wrote about it early January). We made plans to move out immediately. While the hunt for a new place was on,I had a serious bike accident two weeks after the first incident. Lucky for me,when I fell,I landed on my hip and instinctively used my hands to shield my belly. My right ankle was seriously battered and trust me,the pain is something else. Due to my condition, I had to manage only panadol as the pain reliever. We moved out two weeks after. Imagine me setting up my new home with one leg in serious pains. I had to beg my younger sister to leave her PPA in PH to come and help me. All my in-laws who lived thirty mins away in the same state had not given me a call since my husband told them I was pregnant. 30weeks and I was still battling morning sickness and how to eat. I was still underweight but my consolation was that every time I went for antenatal, the doctor kept reassuring me that my baby was fine and was even doing better than I was. My count down to week 40 began. I didn't trusty my body to hold out that long,so I was praying to God to help me with an easy delivery, cuz I had suffered enough. Thank God for the man I married who made things more easier for me. He was the one who did all the house cleaning every Saturday since we moved into our new home in February. God will bless him specially for that alone. 34weeks came and my most hated SIL came to live with us for logistics reasons. My stress level shot up. My PCV was very low for the first time in this pregnancy. I forced myself to eat,drink malt and milk and took my drugs but it just wasn't working. Up till two weeks ago,my PCV was still abysmally low. The doctor warned me that it didn't bode well for me for delivery, considering my history. I told him God was in control. He agreed with me. I came online one morning and saw a mama's BS, and how her delivery was so easy that it took a total of just 4hours. I began to use that as a prayer point. I wanted that testimony too,after all I had gone through. But my PCV wouldn't allow me to be great ![]() 46 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by jumy16: 2:44pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Tabsy:thanks mama, dat was what he told me, but am just confuse when he first told me till birth, now he said I will take anoda one what makes me not take it today is dat he said he's very tired and he's getting old, dat everything is confusing him...Dnt wnt my case to be had I know.... thank u very much, God be with u.and us all.. 2 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by mandysmum: 2:45pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Double post ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by jumy16: 2:47pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Joomie:thank u ma 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by comtem2011: 2:58pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
mandysmum:Ayam waiting for part tiri ma. 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Adorablewifey(f): 3:00pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
comtem2011:Me too |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by LadyMessi(f): 3:01pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
FloraEC: Ewoooooo! Capoo what did you just say? Wee'd on the bed? hahahahahahahaha . You for no kukuma enter toilet again nah..... Na to just finish everything for where e start, lol. To be sincere, pregnancy hormone wicked. I'm just imagining the look on your face then with your wet cloth. Chi MO! Laughter don almost tear my bra with this your post. Wait o, did you say I should not tell anyone? Ahaha! Nobi dis kind tin them dey cover person o. Let me tell only one person. Mummy Zaynie come and see what my capoo said o 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Liftedhands(f): 3:07pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Adorablewifey:Me tiri. 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Awesomemama: 3:08pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Wemmy017: Congrats ma'am May she always be a source of Joy to you I love how you posted your B.S. against all odds, unlike some lazy mamas like me ![]() ![]() Congrats to all new mums and safe delivery to all expectant mothers Big Congratulations to all those ttcing Your testimony awaits you. 2 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by PrettyLolo(f): 3:15pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
[quote author=talltosyne post=67964246]ROLL CALL: Update yes o, Team August like no other. We keep increasing everyday with sexy mamas coming up with sexy bumps. Team August for supernatural delivery Fellow teamie, how waddling, the Almighty God will see us through. There shall be no loss IJN/insha Allah. Let begin to update with sex and EDD talltosyne ..............2/8/18. Team blue Mamatwinny............12/8/18 Team Blue Oliran........................5/8/18 Team Blue karyss........................20/8/18 Cynate..................... Double Team blue JstBrave..................13/8/18 Sayoddy...................25/8/2018 GenyEbere ..............22/8/18 PresVa Loistee Mitchyy.......................2/8/18....... XX ( team pink) Mamatweenz. .............4/8/ blue divinemandate.............7/8/18 Prettylolo. .....,.............20/8/ blue Shollyzcute comtem2011................24/8/18 Yugoberry ....................3/8/18 onyinyechika08..............24/8/18 chiwanks....................... /8/18 (kindly provide the exact date ma) shhladyj ....................... 6/8/2018 brunnette4real................27/8/2018 Like play like play, we are getting there. Let us all try to complete shopping on time, d first time mama's, shopping maybe a bit stressful. Try to avoid last minute shopping. I've packed my hospital bag, so as not to forget anything like d first time. God will provide and enrich our pockets. We shall all carry to term, there shall be no loss IJN/inshallah. Our prenatal is still much important, check out exercise for thirds trimester including yoga, it's helpful. yes ooooo...... some weeks to go! i can't wait to carry my prince charming. The lord is our strength. teamAUGUST 1 Like |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by PrettyLolo(f): 3:25pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
mamatweenz: YES ooo..... gently and slowly we are moving to the permanent site. I can't wait to carry my prince charming. The Lord is our strength. more trekking |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tabsy: 3:27pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Okay. It was more of a reply to your previous message tho. Joomie: |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Tabsy: 3:33pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
You're welcome ma'am. Amen to your prayers and may God be with you and yours. Please it's very good you ask questions for clarity sake especially when you feel confused with the situation.. I hope the TT issue is no longer confusing for you. jumy16: |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by mandysmum: 3:35pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
Part 2 BS 37weeks+, I found out I will be in the east for an important reason and will most likely give birth while there,so I made all arrangements and travelled with hubby at 38 weeks+. I quickly got recommendations for a good hospital and got myself acquainted with the staff and doctors. They are very wonderful people, infact. My EDD was 06/06, so I relaxed myself for the coming two weeks,while trying to boost my blood level. But my baby had other plans of her own. On the morning of May 30th(Biafra day), I woke up and waddled to pee. After wiping,I saw blood stains. I have never bled,not even spotted at the beginning of the pregnancy, so what was this one na? I came online and threw the question to the house and some mamas advised me to go to the hospital. I and hubby rushed down,praying that we would not meet any violent group on the road. We arrived safely and I was ushered to a room to be checked. I never saw what came next. Vaginal examination is a bitch,mehn! I almost slapped the midwife in shock. She calmed me down enough to confirm that I was in labour and was 3cm dilated. She relayed it to he doctor and was advised to go home and wait till I feel strong and regular contractions, and return to them. I didn't wait to be told twice. My nyansh was already traumatized by that chooking of hand inside. Throughout that day,I was waiting expectantly for the contractions to hit hard but nothing. At about 7pm,I cajoled hubby to follow me on an excruciatingly painful climb up a hill to force labour. After we came back,I went to urinate, and saw my bloody show. I knew my efforts were not in vain. Still,there was no contractions. I settled down for the night,hoping it would begin in the morning. As I lay down to sleep,I had a wet sensation down south. I got up and wham! My water gushed down. I woke hubby up to take me to the hospital. We got there at 11:35pm. I forgot that I was gonna go through another VE. When the night shift midwife came, and led me to the table,my heart did a flip ten times. I was like who sent me to come here now. This particular midwife was extraordinarily rough. No lubrication like the first one,just straight to the business. I screamed the hospital down. My hubby burst in,thinking I was already in active labour. ![]() I was told I was only 4cm gone. Mogbe! Since morning! I spent the whole night climbing ramps and stairs, trying to hasten labour. Also went through three more VE every four hours till 9 am. A line was attached to my vein,ready for drips and whatever at anytime. Still, the whole process was dragging on slowly. The doctor told me that if by 1pm,nothing had changed,he would have to speed things up himself. Come 1pm,there was no one to attend to me. All the staff had gone to their nursing school upstairs for an exam held that day! I had to wait till 2pm when they finished before I was checked again. This time I was only 6cm gone. Ha! I was mad as hell. I told them to do what they could to hasten things up cuz I was tired. No food or water since morning. The doctor led me to the delivery room on the pretext of checking me again. That was the last coherent thought I had for the next thirty minutes. They discussed amongst themselves and came to a conclusion. Me,I was lying down waiting for them to tell me what's up. I didn't know one of the nurses had already injected something into my drip,till I looked up and saw it hanging above my head. The moment the drug hit my veins,I felt it. A coldness started from my hand and spread to my body. Me,that was having one contraction every thirty minutes, had five contractions in quick succession in six minutes. My back was being rubbed by one of the nurses and I was told how to breathe to ease the pain. The doctor told me that I would deliver very soon. I was like how? I just started having serious contractions. Within two minutes, I had the urge to poo. Everyone swung into action. They told me to push when the next contraction comes. When it hit,I pushed but I was snapping my legs shut. Come and see four nurses holding my legs down. They warned me not to try that stunt again. ![]() Next one hit again, but it wasn't enough to push the baby out. The doctor then left his position and came to my belly and started tickling my skin. The next contraction started building up immediately. When it hit, he pushed down on my belly hard while another nurse pushed from head angle. I pushed very hard and poom! My baby came out all at once. I still don't know the speed at which the doctor used to catch her from his position of pushing my belly. I looked down and saw my fair skinned princess. She came out crying and the first thing she did was to suck her slimy fingers. ![]() Placenta was attended to,I was cleaned up and moved to my ward to rest. The total amount of time,starting from when I was led to be checked by the doctor to when I was cleaned up took just approximately 30mins. Everything happened so fast that I was asking myself if I was done with delivery. And all without a single tear... I just thank God for all. I thank all the mamas on this great thread for being there for people like me. I also thank all those who sent their well wishes. I can't begin to mention one by one but you are all special. Lest I forget, I don't know how it happened or when it happened but on one of my numerous scans at 16/17weeks, the fibroids had all disappeared. This is my princess an hour after her birth Cc Rubyzz,Ayauche. BS submitted. Picture taken down. ![]() 82 Likes |
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by joiful(f): 3:36pm On Jun 05, 2018 |
FloraEC: Sorry about the sleepless night |
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