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Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by 9janinja1(f): 11:20pm On Mar 13, 2012
awkward. I pull my shirt up
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by r231(m): 11:22pm On Mar 13, 2012
undecided undecided undecided
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 11:23pm On Mar 13, 2012
@slimyem why i go faint na,abi una breastde emit poisonous gas?
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Idowuogbo(f): 11:27pm On Mar 13, 2012
tiniyata: @slimyem why i go faint na,abi una breastde emit poisonous gas?

U go faint cus d bobbies are extremely united , our barca sef dey scream oh lawd have messi. cheesy cheesy grin
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Chimezie198(m): 11:40pm On Mar 13, 2012
awkward. I pull my my shirt
shocked shocked shocked
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by 3RNEST(m): 11:41pm On Mar 13, 2012
#Ido & #Slim, milk na milk so lonq its has vitamin in it, c'møn show me some brèast & booty..post some pix here lets get on top..
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 11:50pm On Mar 13, 2012
@idowuogbu,how united are your two manchester teams ? are they as firm as an erected pen1s or as weak as dodo
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Idowuogbo(f): 11:58pm On Mar 13, 2012
tiniyata: @idowuogbu,how united are your two manchester teams ? are they as firm as an erected pen1s or as weak as dodo

Ask boneypako to describe dem for u , her face got stuck in dem last . cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 12:16am On Mar 14, 2012
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Skii(m): 12:21am On Mar 14, 2012
@ Idowuogbo, you must really be full of yourself!

I'm really curious to know what you look like besides those "badosky" watching eyes of yours

Slimyem had the courage to put up her pic before but not any longer after a barrage of disses from unappreciative NLs

I challenge you to do likewise if you are "more" than she is rather than picking on her

so lets see what you gat?
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Idowuogbo(f): 12:26am On Mar 14, 2012
Skii: @ Idowuogbo, you must really be full of yourself!

I'm really curious to know what you look like besides those "badosky" watching eyes of yours

Slimyem had the courage to put up her pic before but not any longer after a barrage of disses from unappreciative NLs

I challenge you to do likewise if you are "more" than she is rather than picking on her

so lets see what you gat?
Excuse me!!!!

I see u've refreshed my prof 1millons times hahahahahhahahaha

Have i claimed to be sexy or cute?

Y u all up here sniffing my behind? Boneyemz aint complaning y u getting involved in chick flicks, are u gay? undecided undecided undecided undecided undecided
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Chimezie198(m): 12:27am On Mar 14, 2012
Who said Slimyam isn't beurriful? Its just dat she really need to go see a dentist.
nO ooFFence!
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by MrsChima1(f): 12:28am On Mar 14, 2012
Deolaw: Mrs..Chima: No man even the husband has the right to
look/stare at a woman's bosoms nor butt.

^any reference to that?

What do you mean?
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Idowuogbo(f): 12:35am On Mar 14, 2012
Chimezie198: Who said Slimyam isn't beurriful? Its just dat she really need to go see a dentist.
nO ooFFence!

U are wicked grin grin grin

she make sense o lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Skii(m): 12:38am On Mar 14, 2012
Excuse me!!!!

I see u've refreshed my prof 1millons times hahahahahhahahaha

Have i claimed to be sexy or cute?

Y u all up here sniffing my behind? Boneyemz aint complaning y u getting involved in chick flicks, are u gay? undecided undecided undecided undecided undecided

Just trying to figure out the rationale behind your darts at her?
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Idowuogbo(f): 12:40am On Mar 14, 2012

Just trying to figure out the rationale behind your darts at her?
She nos wassup, not 2 worry we not friends and we not enemies

We jus dere! cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Chimezie198(m): 12:48am On Mar 14, 2012

U are wicked grin grin grin

she make sense o lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
cheesy wink cheesy
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by WebSurfer(m): 1:25am On Mar 14, 2012
crazy girls
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 1:36am On Mar 14, 2012
I feel nothing, I get it way too much to feel flatter or embarrassed.
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by babsjnr(m): 2:30am On Mar 14, 2012
^remove that false wig make we see ur bald head
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 2:37am On Mar 14, 2012
How would guys feel when ladies stare at their pant zippers should be the question!? Women know that their butt and breasts are first things guys look at.
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by MrsChima1(f): 2:42am On Mar 14, 2012
rokiatu: I feel nothing, I get it way too much to feel flatter or embarrassed.

Awww. You too?!! grin grin grin grin
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by babsjnr(m): 2:51am On Mar 14, 2012
Don't be shy
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 5:25am On Mar 14, 2012
babsjnr: ^remove that false wig make we see ur bald head

Who is this ediot talking to? Do you think everyone wear fake hair like ur women? You better run to specsavers fast.

And even if my head was blad, how is that any of your concern, business, or headache?
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by Nobody: 5:26am On Mar 14, 2012

Awww. You too?!! grin grin grin grin

ahahaha wifey how u doing? I have missed you jare. This new nairaland is hurting my head. Still finding my way around it.
Re: Ladies How Do U Feel When A Man Stares At Ur Bobby And Butt? by 3RNEST(m): 8:09am On Mar 14, 2012
ROKIATU, haba dats was harsh na, hope u're nt taking dis tøø personal?

Who is this ediot talking to? Do you think everyone wear fake hair like ur women? You better run to specsavers fast.

And even if my head was blad, how is that any of your concern, business, or headache?

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