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I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 4:52pm On Mar 23, 2012
I’ve observed Nigerians are incredibly arrogant and I’m often left wondering what makes this conceited posturing justifiable. I was reading a thread yesterday enquiring as to why South Africans and Ghanaians hate Nigerians and the predictable response from several delusional people was the usual rhetoric about how everyone envies us and what not. I think many of us have to start appreciating a few home truths:
1) Nigeria is one of the most impoverished nations on the planet and ranks extremely low on every single index measuring standard of living and development. We generally only out-perform war-torn or drought ravaged countries like Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea etc.
2) No foreigner who appreciates order and security would love to come to a country like Nigeria. Expatriates in this country are some of the highest paid in the world because of the adverse, hazardous working conditions.
3) Being an overpopulated, lumbering, befuddled giant doesn’t make us the “giant of Africa”. I don’t see why any sensible person should brag about our population as some kind of virtue – else we may as well claim to be greater than every country in Europe simply cos we pop out kids like rabbits putting greater strain on scarce resources. What makes this line of reasoning even worse is that we are a contrived product of our colonial masters who have left us with a big socio-political challenge to surmount. Our size is probably more an inhibitive hindrance than an advantage to thump our chests about.
4) We’re not smarter or richer or better looking than the countries we flood with all our vices. It’s hilarious, pretentious, delusional, wishful thinking. Little separates the average Southern Nigerian from the average Ghanaian or Cameroonian or Ivorian or the average Northern Nigerian from the average Nigerien or Senegalese or Sudanese etc. Any pretentions to the contrary is just subscribing to the delusion that makes us loathed outside these shores.
5) We’re a society as mediocre as they come and applaud mediocrity from the banal music of D’banj to our embarrassing movie industry to the mediocre politicians we love to cheer for the most mundane accomplishments.

Basically, there’s absolutely nothing spectacular about us and our insufferable arrogance is totally unjustified and contributes to why citizens of many other countries find us totally contemptible. When you think of France, you think of well aged Bordeaux wine, high fashion and couture, romance, beautiful cities etc; when you think of Italy, you’re thinking of great cuisine, beautiful ancient cities of Venice, Florence, Rome, great art, opera etc; when Nigeria is heard around the world, people think of scammers and frauds, drug pushers, venal, avaricious politicians, exported prostitutes etc.

That’s why we’re blacklisted from utilizing certain web services, that’s why we’re humiliated and rejected in every embassy. I never subscribe to stereotype and judge everyone on their merits as individuals but I’d like to see a little humility and acknowledgement of our failures as a nation rather than the rabid chest thumping. It’s the first step to making progress.

And for the record, I’m a full-blooded Anambrarian pointing out some plain facts rather than a foreigner on the attack. Personal/national pride is one thing (however misguided); unbridled arrogance and hubris is on a whole different scale.

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 4:59pm On Mar 23, 2012
Sniff sniff, do you want a tissue incase you burst out crying?

Get over it!!!!

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by chillbabe(f): 5:00pm On Mar 23, 2012
I love this.preach on preacher.truth hurts but must be said

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 5:04pm On Mar 23, 2012
olayinka1987: Sniff sniff, do you want a tissue incase you burst out crying?

Get over it!!!!

You're actually one of those whose silly comments I read on that thread yesterday spewing complete drivel. Like I said, embrace a little humility - it doesn't hurt.

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 5:27pm On Mar 23, 2012

You're actually one of those whose silly comments I read on that thread yesterday spewing complete drivel. Like I said, embrace a little humility - it doesn't hurt.

Then they should also embrace humility. If you come onto a Nigerian website and attack Nigerians I will attack you back. Why should Nigerians bend over and take it in the ass? I'm tired of bottom sniffing "Nigerians" that will defend every other African country before they defend Nigeria. Is Nigeria the only country that has fraudsters and drug dealers? Is the rest of Africa a bed of roses like certain people try too make out? Why is it okay for others to bad mouth Nigerians but when we do the same, we're automatically in the wrong? South Africans and Ghanaians were saying negative things about Nigerians so I replied undecided. Does that make me arrogant for telling a few home truths? Am I the bad guy for that? No way.

I'm not one too chest beat but I tell it like it is. Nigeria IS the powerhouse of West Africa. If not us, who would it be? Ghana? Please!!! Ghana is doing well for herself at the moment but rich Nigerians living Ghana contribute greatly to their economy, this cannot be overlooked. Ghana is a small country with a small population. There is almost as much money in the city of Lagos than there is in the entire country of Ghana. Now is that me hating or am I telling the truth? You only have too look it up on Google. Numbers don't lie. Who else is the powerhouse in West Africa if not us? Ivory Coast, Gambia, Liberia? not a chance. It's Nigeria. The only problem is we suffer from a disease called the Government. They're the ones stealing all the money. Nigeria has helped many countries in West Africa. Imagine all the money we have given Ghana over the years. When countries need help in West Africa they come too Nigeria. Fact. Call me arrogant all you want. I'm simply stating facts.

I'm humble but I'm not a doormat. Respect me and I will respect you. It's that simple.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by 9janinja1(f): 5:27pm On Mar 23, 2012
i assume (correct me if i'm wrong) you'r nigerian because you use 'we'r'.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 5:31pm On Mar 23, 2012
chillbabe: I love this.preach on preacher.truth hurts but must be said

I'm glad you can see the truth.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 5:33pm On Mar 23, 2012
i assume (correct me if i'm wrong) you'r nigerian because you use 'we'r'.

Like I said in the article, I'm from Anambra so I'm Nigerian. Just calling out some arrogant Nigerians who sully our name with their arrogance.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by 9janinja1(f): 5:41pm On Mar 23, 2012

Like I said in the article, I'm from Anambra so I'm Nigerian. Just calling out some arrogant Nigerians who sully our name with their arrogance.

i dont think we are arrogant .. its more of pride... proud of where we are from and who we are... if we dont lift that which is ours who will.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 5:42pm On Mar 23, 2012

Then they should also embrace humility. If you come onto a Nigerian website and attack Nigerians I will attack you back. Why should Nigerians bend over and take it in the ass? I'm tired of bottom sniffing "Nigerians" that will defend every other African country before they defend Nigeria. Is Nigeria the only country that has fraudsters and drug dealers? Is the rest of Africa a bed of roses like certain people try too make out? Why is it okay for others to bad mouth Nigerians but when we do the same, we're automatically in the wrong? South Africans and Ghanaians were saying negative things about Nigerians so I replied undecided. Does that make me arrogant for telling a few home truths? Am I the bad guy for that? No way.

I'm not one too chest beat but I tell it like it is. Nigeria IS the powerhouse of West Africa. If not us, who would it be? Ghana? Please!!! Ghana is doing well for herself at the moment but rich Nigerians living Ghana contribute greatly to their economy, this cannot be overlooked. Ghana is a small country with a small population. There is almost as much money in the city of Lagos than there is in the entire country of Ghana. Now is that me hating or am I telling the truth? You only have too look it up on Google. Numbers don't lie. Who else is the powerhouse in West Africa if not us? Ivory Coast, Gambia, Liberia? not a chance. It's Nigeria. The only problem is we suffer from a disease called the Government. They're the ones stealing all the money. Nigeria has helped many countries in West Africa. Imagine all the money we have given Ghana over the years. When countries need help in West Africa they come too Nigeria. Fact. Call me arrogant all you want. I'm simply stating facts.

I'm humble but I'm not a doormat. Respect me and I will respect you. It's that simple.

You've just come down to all I've alluded to. A lot of your comments are factually incorrect and display the unjustified arrogance I'm talking about. Ghana being smaller doesn't make them inferior. Switzerland, Sweden, Deenmark, Norway, Finland, Holland etc are small countries, yet they're light years ahead of us. Ghana may be a smaller country but it's a better one. Many Nigerians are flocking there to exploit their institutions and infrastructure and security and stability. If Nigeria is the giant of Africa simply cos the British lumped some tribes together in an ill-fated contraption, then we're a big joke. Numbers count for little if you're seemingly impervious to progress.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 5:48pm On Mar 23, 2012

i dont think we are arrogant .. its more of pride... proud of where we are from and who we are... if we dont lift that which is ours who will.

Interacting with a lot of Nigerians indicate otherwise whether on this forum or in the streets. They hold themselves to be somehow superior to other Africans which is a little ignorant and borderline racist.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 5:54pm On Mar 23, 2012

You've just come down to all I've alluded to. A lot of your comments are factually incorrect and display the unjustified arrogance I'm talking about. Ghana being smaller doesn't make them inferior. Switzerland, Sweden, Deenmark, Norway, Finland, Holland etc are small countries, yet they're light years ahead of us. Ghana may be a smaller country but it's a better one. Many Nigerians are flocking there to exploit their institutions and infrastructure and security and stability. If Nigeria is the giant of Africa simply cos the British lumped some tribes together in an ill-fated contraption, then we're a big joke. Numbers count for little if you're seemingly impervious to progress.

Show me where I was "factually incorrect" and show me where I said Ghana was "Inferior". I said nothing of the sort. Stop putting words into my mouth.

Mexico has many problems from gang warfare, government corruption, and rampant drug dealings. Yet, that doesn't stop the fact that Mexico is most definitely the powerhouse of South America (long with Brazil).
Nigeria has her problems like every other African country but again.. that doesn't stop Nigeria from being the powerhouse of West Africa. That's not a boast. That's a fact. Ghana is not the powerhouse of West Africa. I suppose that makes me arrogant chest beater right? Lol, what joke!!!


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 5:54pm On Mar 23, 2012

Interacting with a lot of Nigerians indicate otherwise whether on this forum or in the streets. They hold themselves to be somehow superior to other Africans which is a little ignorant and borderline racist.

Who's "They"? Are you not Nigerian yourself?
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by omosexy1: 6:01pm On Mar 23, 2012
This is simply the truth, told in a raw but harsh way. Ghana of yesterday is the fastest growing economy in sub-saharan Africa. I do not understand why a visitor would go to another man's house, rather than comport himself, he begins to struggle his wife and land from him. I read a news on a website about drug mobsters and gangsterism being instigated in Italy by Nigerians; they shoot italian mobsters for a share of drugs. In South-Africa, an average Nigerian is seen as a drug lord. Our president is busy forming committee upon committee, while corruption and indiscipline are being perpetrated in all aspects of our personal lives. The things that happen in this country cannot be found elsewhere in the world e.g. How can we live side by side with terrorists and we pretend that everything is alright, our president is even calling on foreign investors to come and invest; how can you explain a young man without any education, travels abroad and within a month or two begins to send vehicles back to the country and when he returns he comes with loads of cash, rather than ask where did you get this money, chieftaincy title is bestowed on him; how can one explain to the world what's a permanent secretary or a governor doing with loads of cash while traveling. We see these things we keep quiet and move on with life.

Visit any embassy and see how Nigerians sit on the floor or being harassed by security operatives all in the name of Visa. Then we travel out, we infiltrate these countries with our vices, we rob them, we kill them, we sell them drugs, we play on the intelligence of their women, men and financial institutions. Then you think these countries will be happy with us and want to have future dealings with us. They don't envy us, they despise us with passion. Check our Nigeria's ranking on transparency.org and see our Corruption Perception Index, check CBN website and see our GDP and Inflation rate, or rather check FIFA.com and see our football ranking. What is good about this country?

Please Nigerians lets wake up from our fantasies, we are no Giant of Africa, we are a poor nation and very egotistic. We go at any length to inflict pains to the lives of other humans and even to ourselves, just because our cultural values has been aligned to the amount of wealth one can possess.

Yes we have the resources and the ability to play a vital role in Africa but we are not there yet, we are not even close, our leaders are still dancing with the masquerades and still keeping us in deception.


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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 6:03pm On Mar 23, 2012

Show me where I was "factually incorrect" and show me where I said Ghana was "Inferior". I said nothing of the sort. Stop putting words into my mouth.

Mexico has many problems from gang warfare, government corruption, and rampant drug dealings. Yet, that doesn't stop the fact that Mexico is most definitely the powerhouse of South America (long with Brazil).
Nigeria has her problems like every other African country but again.. that doesn't stop Nigeria from being the powerhouse of West Africa. That's not a boast. That's a fact. Ghana is not the powerhouse of West Africa. I suppose that makes me arrogant chest beater right? Lol, what joke!!!

Making all the claims about the contributions of Nigerians to Ghana and the "help we offer" alludes to some kind of superiority on our part when the reality is we're only looking to exploit the better conditions in Ghana. I never told you they were the powerhouse of Africa, I simply said they're better at the moment than Nigeria who can only brag about a large population.

And Mexico isn't in South America but that's a diversion from the theme of the article.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 6:07pm On Mar 23, 2012
omosexy1: This is simply the truth, told in a raw but harsh way. Ghana of yesterday is the fastest growing economy in sub-saharan Africa. I do not understand why a visitor would go to another man's house, rather than comport himself, he begins to struggle his wife and land from him. I read a news on a website about drug mobsters and gangsterism being instigated in Italy by Nigerians; they shoot italian mobsters for a share of drugs. In South-Africa, an average Nigerian is seen as a drug lord. Our president is busy forming committee upon committee, while corruption and indiscipline are being perpetrated in all aspects of our personal lives. The things that happen in this country cannot be found elsewhere in the world e.g. How can we live side by side with terrorists and we pretend that everything is alright, our president is even calling on foreign investors to come and invest; how can you explain a young man without any education, travels abroad and within a month or two begins to send vehicles back to the country and when he returns he comes with loads of cash, rather than ask where did you get this money, chieftaincy title is bestowed on him; how can one explain to the world what's a permanent secretary or a governor doing with loads of cash while traveling. We see these things we keep quiet and move on with life.

Visit any embassy and see how Nigerians sit on the floor or being harassed by security operatives all in the name of Visa. Then we travel out, we infiltrate these countries with our vices, we rob them, we kill them, we sell them drugs, we play on the intelligence of their women, men and financial institutions. Then you think these countries will be happy with you and want to have future dealings with us. They don't envy us, they despise us with passion. Check our Nigeria's ranking on transparency.org and see our Corruption Perception Index, check CBN website and see our GDP and Inflation rate, or rather check FIFA.com and see our football ranking. What is good about this country?

Please Nigerians lets wake up from our fantasies, we are no Giant of Africa, we are a poor nation and very egotistic. We go at any length to inflict pains to the lives of other humans and even to ourselves, just because our cultural values has been aligned to the amount of wealth one can possess.

Yes we have the resources and the ability to play a vital role in Africa but we are not there yet, we are not even close, our leaders are still dancing with the masquerades and still keeping us in deception.


Perfectly put. Some people are totally oblivious to the horrible name we have outside this country. Despised everywhere from Asia to the Europe to South Africa to America.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Jiah011(f): 6:07pm On Mar 23, 2012
@ OP: I fully agree! I don't understand boasting in something that is not that great. Nigeria has a lot of potential, but essentially, it remains in a constant state of stagnation that the government and people refuse to take seriously. I don't know what it will take to fix Nigeria, but I think it will start when Nigerians take a good look around and realize the reality of things. This delusion of grandeur needs to end so that Nigeria can truly become grand by addressing the issues in a tangible way.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 6:09pm On Mar 23, 2012

Making all the claims about the contributions of Nigerians to Ghana and the "help we offer" alludes to some kind of superiority on our part when the reality is we're only looking to exploit the better conditions in Ghana. I never told you they were the powerhouse of Africa, I simply said they're better at the moment than Nigeria who can only brag about a large population.

And Mexico isn't in South America but that's a diversion from the theme of the article.

No it doesn't. Like I said, I'm just stating facts. It has nothing to do with feeling superior. Am I not allowed to mention the fact Nigeria has helped Ghana financially? Will that bring out some sort of inferiority complex in Ghanaians or something?

I also said that Ghana is doing well at the moment but it cannot be denied that there are ALOT of rich Nigerians over there contributing to the Ghanaian economy. There's nothing wrong with me saying that is there? Because if there is, sue me!!!

You are right about Mexico not being in South America. I should have said Latin America. Congrats!
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by omosexy1: 6:24pm On Mar 23, 2012

You're actually one of those whose silly comments I read on that thread yesterday spewing complete drivel. Like I said, embrace a little humility - it doesn't hurt.
. I wish to address this issue of Nigeria being a Powerhouse in West Africa or even Sub-Saharan Africa. Please this is totally incorrect. Anyways Olayinka has probably answered it, if the Government/Politicians steals the country's resources, does it make make the country a power house? A country can only boast of improved economy if only is it producing and also exporting its excess goods or services to the rest of the world. Now tell me what is Nigeria producing? Even if we are, it is at a marginal rate. The cost of production is so high in the country, that even our Nigeria manufacturing companies have to ship off to Ghana to operate. Do you know what that does to Ghana? These companies pay the Ghanian Government taxes, these Nigerian companies must employ local labour, these nigerian companies must engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility and these same Nigeria companies will export to Nigeria and we pay high price for these goods.

We Nigerians must learn to humble ourselves when we travel to other country even if that country is as impoverish as us. We have nothing to be boastful of. We are still in the dark age. And Olayinka, to answer to your question, the Government is not our problem, we are our own problem.

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Arosa(m): 6:39pm On Mar 23, 2012
I like naija's boldness; I like the fact that we are proud, even if some peeps mistake it for arrogance. I wouldn't wish to be from another African country.

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by olayinka1987: 6:41pm On Mar 23, 2012
omosexy1: . I wish to address this issue of Nigeria being a Powerhouse in West Africa or even Sub-Saharan Africa. Please this is totally incorrect. Anyways Olayinka has probably answered it, if the Government/Politicians steals the country's resources, does it make make the country a power house? A country can only boast of improved economy if only is it producing and also exporting its excess goods or services to the rest of the world. Now tell me what is Nigeria producing? Even if we are, it is at a marginal rate. The cost of production is so high in the country, that even our Nigeria manufacturing companies have to ship off to Ghana to operate. Do you know what that does to Ghana? These companies pay the Ghanian Government taxes, these Nigerian companies must employ local labour, these nigerian companies must engaged in Corporate Social Responsibility and these same Nigeria companies will export to Nigeria and we pay high price for these goods.

[b]We Nigerians must learn to humble ourselves when we travel to other country [/b]even if that country is as impoverish as us. We have nothing to be boastful of. We are still in the dark age. And Olayinka, to answer to your question, the Government is not our problem, we are our own problem.

I'm humble wherever I go. I'm living in London at the moment. There are plenty of Nigerians here. All we do is work hard and stay within our community. These English people assume that I'm a normal person that works hard for everything I own. I'm not one of these that are embarrassed too say I'm Nigerian. When i tell them I'm Nigerian they usually say "Oh really, what's like over there?". They don't just assume that I'm some scammer or drug lord. That's useless talk. There's no "chest beating" or "arrogance" about it. These Europeans and Americans look at AFRICA as a bad place, not simply Nigeria. They don't say "Oh, Botswana is a well run country" or "Ghana is doing well". They have one image of Africa and that's starving Ethiopian children and aids infested South Africans. It's not just about Nigeria out here.

What do you mean "We" are our own problem? Who's "We"? I haven't done anything wrong so I am no-ones problem. Maybe YOU are a problem to yourself but I am not. Don't lump me into your group.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by omosexy1: 6:58pm On Mar 23, 2012
@olayinka I am happy you conduct yourself in a civilized manner and you are humble to your neighbors. The WE is a collective thing, the actions perpetrated by other brothers and sisters in other countries which affects us directly or indirectly. However, I implore you read comments and get their literary meaning before you pounce on your keyboard to respond. I observed from your previous comments on this thread, some errors on your part.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Nobody: 7:17pm On Mar 23, 2012
Obi1kenobi: I’ve observed Nigerians are incredibly arrogant and I’m often left wondering what makes this conceited posturing justifiable. I was reading a thread yesterday enquiring as to why South Africans and Ghanaians hate Nigerians and the predictable response from several delusional people was the usual rhetoric about how everyone envies us and what not. I think many of us have to start appreciating a few home truths:
1) Nigeria is one of the most impoverished nations on the planet and ranks extremely low on every single index measuring standard of living and development. We generally only out-perform war-torn or drought ravaged countries like Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea etc.
2) No foreigner who appreciates order and security would love to come to a country like Nigeria. Expatriates in this country are some of the highest paid in the world because of the adverse, hazardous working conditions.
3) Being an overpopulated, lumbering, befuddled giant doesn’t make us the “giant of Africa”. I don’t see why any sensible person should brag about our population as some kind of virtue – else we may as well claim to be greater than every country in Europe simply cos we pop out kids like rabbits putting greater strain on scarce resources. What makes this line of reasoning even worse is that we are a contrived product of our colonial masters who have left us with a big socio-political challenge to surmount. Our size is probably more an inhibitive hindrance than an advantage to thump our chests about.
4) We’re not smarter or richer or better looking than the countries we flood with all our vices. It’s hilarious, pretentious, delusional, wishful thinking. Little separates the average Southern Nigerian from the average Ghanaian or Cameroonian or Ivorian or the average Northern Nigerian from the average Nigerien or Senegalese or Sudanese etc. Any pretentions to the contrary is just subscribing to the delusion that makes us loathed outside these shores.
5) We’re a society as mediocre as they come and applaud mediocrity from the banal music of D’banj to our embarrassing movie industry to the mediocre politicians we love to cheer for the most mundane accomplishments.

Basically, there’s absolutely nothing spectacular about us and our insufferable arrogance is totally unjustified and contributes to why citizens of many other countries find us totally contemptible. When you think of France, you think of well aged Bordeaux wine, high fashion and couture, romance, beautiful cities etc; when you think of Italy, you’re thinking of great cuisine, beautiful ancient cities of Venice, Florence, Rome, great art, opera etc; when Nigeria is heard around the world, people think of scammers and frauds, drug pushers, venal, avaricious politicians, exported prostitutes etc.

That’s why we’re blacklisted from utilizing certain web services, that’s why we’re humiliated and rejected in every embassy. I never subscribe to stereotype and judge everyone on their merits as individuals but I’d like to see a little humility and acknowledgement of our failures as a nation rather than the rabid chest thumping. It’s the first step to making progress.

And for the record, I’m a full-blooded Anambrarian pointing out some plain facts rather than a foreigner on the attack. Personal/national pride is one thing (however misguided); unbridled arrogance and hubris is on a whole different scale.

Guy don't be silly angry

A little re-education on ur path will do you a lot of good. What is over population? Who told you Nigeria is overpopulated? Please do a joint study on Nigeria's population and its resources.

As concerned drug pushing, who keep the drug business going? Is it Nigerians? From economics, it can be inferred that the consumers are the major factor that maintain the steady supply of a commodity. Who are worse: the drug mules or final consumers?

You talk about scamming? Hahahaha! The westerners are the biggest scammers when it comes to 419. Nigerians run scamming on a small scale while these guys are worse. Examples are Shell oil, Phyzer, Bernie Madoff (Ponzi scheme), IMF. Go and do ur study on how these corporations have crippled countless countries and people.

My guy, shine ur eye. The media is a political tool used by many to blip out messages to the world. Nigeria and Nigerians are saints compared to what some others perpetrate. Do your study dude.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by DRANOEL(m): 7:38pm On Mar 23, 2012

to add to what you posted, i find it quite shocking when i hear so called educated nigerians saying if MTN leaves nigeria the south-african economy will collapse! how?

a message to nigerians, we are not the giant of africa. we are the backwater of africa,a true definition of everything "failed". whereas those who want to be regional powers sell themselves positively,we in nigeria sell our selves negatively. america movies protray america as a country that works and can defend its self against any agressor. our movies (the quality says it all) protray nigerians as desperados,ritualist,drug stars,scammers and what have you.


Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Nobody: 7:39pm On Mar 23, 2012
@OP- from your above rantings, it's clear you are not a student of history. All the mess that is befalling Africa is a process known as 'The Shaping of a Perfect Tomorrow'.

You praise America, Britain, Holland, Australia, China, etc. Those countries went through worse corruption and ills than Nigerians are presently experiencing.

Do you think Nigeria is corrupt? Go and do a study of Britain from the dark ages to the 1800s.

Do you think Nigerians are scammers? Go and study slave trade and all the going-ons at that period.

You think Nigeria is bad? Go and do a study on the Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish empires. Then you will see that Boko Haram are just a bunch of boy's scout with firecrackers.

You think we are record breakers when it comes to drug trafficking? Go to America or Europe and study the rate of narcotic consumption coupled with its high demand in kids and adult.

Every country has its problems. Africa is presently in the process of trying to get things right. Every single country needs to pass through this stage and the major factor which brings success is PATRIOTISM.

If we as Nigerians are proud, then let us be Proud. It is the only thing we have and we will hold onto it with our last breath. It is something in these dark times when there is hardly anything to hold onto.



Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Obi1kenobi(m): 8:34pm On Mar 23, 2012
pDude: @OP- from your above rantings, it's clear you are not a student of history. All the mess that is befalling Africa is a process known as 'The Shaping of a Perfect Tomorrow'.

You praise America, Britain, Holland, Australia, China, etc. Those countries went through worse corruption and ills than Nigerians are presently experiencing.

Do you think Nigeria is corrupt? Go and do a study of Britain from the dark ages to the 1800s.

Do you think Nigerians are scammers? Go and study slave trade and all the going-ons at that period.

You think Nigeria is bad? Go and do a study on the Dutch, French, Portuguese, Spanish empires. Then you will see that Boko Haram are just a bunch of boy's scout with firecrackers.

You think we are record breakers when it comes to drug trafficking? Go to America or Europe and study the rate of narcotic consumption coupled with its high demand in kids and adult.

Every country has its problems. Africa is presently in the process of trying to get things right. Every single country needs to pass through this stage and the major factor which brings success is PATRIOTISM.

If we as Nigerians are proud, then let us be Proud. It is the only thing we have and we will hold onto it with our last breath. It is something in these dark times when there is hardly anything to hold onto.


I know my history very well, thank you. The countries you're talking of have had their challenges in the past but if you're claiming they currently trump us in the corruption stakes and all those other little comparisons, I can only say it's a spurious claim to make. And Western society has a long history of dissent that holds their leaders to account unlike our docile response here to the impunity of government. I never tried to portray other socities as perfect, I'm simply questioning the rather unique arrogance of our Nigerian brethren. Many are generally brash and abrasive in their smug posturing and in foreign climes, it isn't taken very well. I know for a fact it doesn't matter what African country you go to - Nigerians are the foreigners they hate most.

Even in western countries, Nigeria is probably more famous for internet scams than any nation on earth. If you get a fraudulent e-mail, you just know it's likely to be a Nigerian. I've commented on online forums like BBC where on identifying myself as Nigerian, someone makes a ccheeky, snide remark about his account details or credit card. It's usually in jest but it just shows you what we're notorious for.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Nnenna1(f): 8:50pm On Mar 23, 2012
^^Obi1kenobi - all countries are corrupt. Some are much more sophisticated in their corrupt acts and can exploit all of the grey areas to create an element of ambiguity.

But they are ALL corrupt. Without question.

It's funny that you call Nigerians arrogant - I find that Nigerians (out of everyone else) tend to disparage and insult their country in front of other Africans. This is something I have seen quite a bit. I have NEVER seen others criticize, downgrade and generalize themselves the way Nigerians do their own country. And horrible as the Nigerian state is I can think of a few places who are worse off but are much more patriotic.

You had also better believe that others hate and insult us even more than we do them and it's the honest truth.

If Nigerians find their country worthy of saving through their actions (being good citizens agitating for change AND being good promoters of their home) then maybe it would stand a chance.

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Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Arosa(m): 8:59pm On Mar 23, 2012
DRANOEL: @poster

to add to what you posted, i find it quite shocking when i hear so called educated nigerians saying if MTN leaves nigeria the south-african economy will collapse! how?

a message to nigerians, we are not the giant of africa. we are the backwater of africa,a true definition of everything "failed". whereas those who want to be regional powers sell themselves positively,we in nigeria sell our selves negatively. america movies protray america as a country that works and can defend its self against any agressor. our movies (the quality says it all) protray nigerians as desperados,ritualist,drug stars,scammers and what have you.

You should listen to yourself,(we in nigeria sell our selves negatively)are you selling naija positively right now?
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by edoyad(m): 9:33pm On Mar 23, 2012
The OPs argument is flawed cos if there is country in the world whose citizens are known for taking sh¡t and still behaving nicely afterwards, it's definitely Nigeria. If the people from your locality and environs are known for the negative attributes you highlighted, mine aren't.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by DRANOEL(m): 10:13pm On Mar 23, 2012

You should listen to yourself,(we in nigeria sell our selves negatively)are you selling naija positively right now?

if you don't know who you are,how can you aspire to be something greater?
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by omosexy1: 10:28pm On Mar 23, 2012
What are these nonsenses I am reading. Now do we justify our crimes. Do you have a bad son and compare him to a neighbor's bad son and say oh my son isn't that bad. Is that what we are up to now. Like I said the Government isn't our problem, we are our own problem. The moment we have a paradigm shift about crimes and corruption we would never grow. Yes the West had worst crimes, what did they do - they set up the justice system, equipped their police force, set-up specialized unit within the police and prosecute corrupt politicians. Are we even doing that? It is a shame someone is justifying the selling of drugs because there is a demand for it, that is why our brothers would import fake drugs and sell them to us, without any sense of humanity, all in the name of MONEY. Lets be realistic for once, a sense of pride to the crimes we perpetrate within and outside the shores of this country will only have long term repercussion for us all.
Re: I Hate The Arrogance Of Nigerians!!! by Beaf: 10:34pm On Mar 23, 2012
It is ok to beat our chests in the presence of foreigners, but only for the sake of our pride.
When we at home or in each others company, we must admit the bitter truth to ourselves.

Sometimes I see Nigerians making derogatory remarks about Zimbabwe, but they do not realise that Zimbabwe is far better than Nigeria in almost every developmental index. They have a 90% litteracy rate, manufacturing contributes to 10% of their GDP (projected to rise to 30% in the next two years. They have one of the best road networks in Africa and just like in Europe, if you break down there are phone numbers you can call and somebody will come out to help you. There are very few armed robberies and power cuts.

We should at least strive to be like Zimbabwe before insulting that country in public for no other reason than, we think we are some phucking giant of Africa. What sort of giant cannot manufacture a phucking pin? angry


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