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Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO - Health - Nairaland

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Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 5:12pm On Jun 21, 2012

Jayne Augoye examines a World Health Organisation’s report classifying Nigerians as major users of skin lightening products

A World Health Organisation report on the danger of mercury in skin lightening soaps and creams has revealed that over 77 per cent of Nigerians use such products on a regular basis. sad

The report, published this month by the organisation on its website, further shows that it is followed by Togo with 59 per cent; South Africa, 35 per cent; and Mali, 25 per cent.

In a similar vein, the organisation has issued a warning against skin lightening soaps, creams and cosmetics like eye makeup, cleansing products and mascara, saying they could be containing mercury.

It cites the adverse effects of inorganic mercury — a common ingredient found in skin lightening soaps and creams. The effects include kidney damage, reduction in the skin resistance to bacterial and fungal infections, anxiety, depression, psychosis and peripheral neuropathy.

Others are skin rashes, swelling of the skin, irritation, seizures, numbness, pain tremors and memory loss. According to WHO, once the chemicals get absorbed into the skin and enter the blood stream, the complications are worse.

Carolyn Vickers of WHO Chemical Safety Department says, “Mercury in soaps and creams eventually enters waste water and then enters the food chain as highly toxic methyl mercury.

“The mercury enters environment, where it becomes methylated, and enters the food chain as highly toxic methylmercury in fish. Pregnant women who consume fish containing methylmercury transfer the mercury to their foetuses that can later result in neurological deficits in children,” the report states.

It adds that lightening soaps and creams are commonly used in some African and Asian nations and dark-skinned populations in Europe and North America. Mercury salts work by inhibiting the formation of melanin, resulting in a lighter skin tone.

It is also reported that some women use these products for as long as 20 years. The number is growing by the day. Ehowhow.com says “ It is generally believed that this practice is influenced by deep racial inferiority, ignorance of identity or a crisis of identity but it is important to note that there is more to it than this. For some of the women, skin lightening satisfies their need for attention, their desire for beauty as seen in magazines where models and celebrities have light colored skin. It can be seen as perpetuating the colonial belief that being lighter is better.”

In many countries, this deadly substance has been banned.

“Some manufacturers are no longer using mercury as a preservative in mascara and eye makeup cleansing products as a result of consumer pressure. However, most jurisdictions still allow the sale of makeup products containing mercury compounds. The soaps contain approximately one to three per cent mercury iodide, and the creams are composed of one to 10 per cent mercury ammonium. It is imperative to check for mercury content on the packaging of the soaps, creams or other cosmetics before getting hooked to them,” the report says.

Part of the consolation, however, is that despite a deliberate ploy by some manufacturers to conceal the presence of mercury in their products, there are a few ways by which consumers can confirm when in doubt.

According to WHO, the amount or concentration of mercury in a product may be labelled on the packaging or in the ingredient list. Names to look for include mercury, Hg, mercuric iodide, mercurous chloride, ammoniated mercury, amide chloride of mercury, quicksilver, cinnabaris, hydrargyri oxydum rubrum (mercury oxide) and mercury iodide.

Skin lightening products are manufactured in many countries like China, the Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, and the USA.

These products come in different forms, including soaps and creams; the soap is often sold as “antiseptic soap”. These products are supposed to be applied to the skin to dry overnight. Women use the soap to wash their hair, arms or face or their entire body. Products with very high levels of mercury contamination look grey or cream coloured.

When the product manual reads, “Directions to avoid contact with silver, gold, rubber, aluminum and jewellery’’, this may indicate the presence of mercury. However, it is important to note that companies selling products that contain mercury do not always list it as an ingredient.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Ejine(m): 5:20pm On Jun 21, 2012
I know for sure Alao-Akala is responsible for 97% of its usage in Nigeria.


Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by aljharem(m): 5:21pm On Jun 21, 2012
Ejiné: I know for sure Alao-Akala is responsible for 97% of its usage in Nigeria.

Your papa grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin *nairaland no go kill pesin*
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by aljharem(m): 5:21pm On Jun 21, 2012
seriously this got me cracking grin grin grin thanks Ejine
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 5:23pm On Jun 21, 2012
Ejiné: I know for sure Alao-Akala is responsible for 97% of its usage in Nigeria.

grin grin grin

Skin Lightening for Newbies

Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by dafman10(m): 5:26pm On Jun 21, 2012
Alao Akala heads d body of bleachers in Nigeria. He just confirmed it.


Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by aljharem(m): 5:28pm On Jun 21, 2012

grin grin grin

Skin Lightening for Newbies


SMH grin grin grin grin
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 5:31pm On Jun 21, 2012

The ting tire me mehn.
So much self-hate in Nigeria and also across Nigerian communities in the diaspora cry
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Kobojunkie: 5:58pm On Jun 21, 2012
Nigeria cannot be tops on that list. What about India?

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Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by aljharem(m): 6:06pm On Jun 21, 2012
eGuerrilla: @Alhaji,

The ting tire me mehn.
So much self-hate in Nigeria and also across Nigerian communities in the diaspora cry

I tell you my brother grin grin grin. the thing be like virus cry cry

Mostly among women who thing Men love light skin women. I personally love women that are of natural beauty and don't even use makeup not to talk of bleaching cream.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:06pm On Jun 21, 2012
Nonsense. I've yet to meet a bleached Nigerian. And the number of bleached Nigerians aren't even that many on Nollywood.

Which Nigerians are able to afford bleaching creams? undecided
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Mrchippychappy(m): 6:07pm On Jun 21, 2012
Another smear campaign on Africa by WHO . How about the Indians ? I read somewhere that the Indians are SOOOO obsessed with being white that indian women bleach their "privates" . grin grin grin grin

Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Kobojunkie: 6:13pm On Jun 21, 2012
Another smear campaign on Africa by WHO . How about the Indians ? I read somewhere that the Indians are SOOOO obsessed with being white that indian women bleach their "privates" . grin grin grin grin


Before you call it a smear campaign, something TYPICAL in the black world, at least gain a deeper understanding of what the message really is.

You are not told that Nigeria is worst in the World. The comparison is made with other African countries. If it had been a world contest, then you can say that India is highest, which I believe the actual WHO report does mention.

Here is the Original report . . . http://www.who.int/ipcs/assessment/public_health/mercury_flyer.pdf
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:15pm On Jun 21, 2012
Nonsense. I've yet to meet a bleached Nigerian. And the number of bleached Nigerians aren't even that many on Nollywood.

Which Nigerians are able to afford bleaching creams? undecided

Let me know if the following article is sufficiently persuasive.

Skin bleaching cream couple fined

A couple believed to have earned £1m selling toxic skin lightening creams were ordered by a court to pay nearly £100,000 in fines and costs.
Yinka and Michael Oluyemi sold banned bleaching concoctions from their two cosmetics shops in south-east London.

They admitted 10 charges of flouting medical and safety regulations between July and December 2005.

Customers who bought the preparations, risked permanent skin and blood vessel damage and even infection.


The illicit products contained banned prescription-only steroids and hydroquinone, a bleaching agent which is dangerous in excessive quantities.

The couple ignored official warnings and even previous convictions to sell banned bleaching cream from their two cosmetics shops.

Their shops, Yinka Bodyline and Beauty Express Cosmetics, were in Peckham, Inner London Crown Court was told.

Judge Nicholas Philpot, sentencing, told the couple they were "hard-nosed business people determined to make money regardless of the danger to public health".

He said while a custodial sentence was justified, exceptional personal circumstances meant he could suspend nine-month prison sentences against each of them.

They were fined £70,000 and ordered to pick up the prosecution's £22,000 legal costs. They were also disqualified from being company directors for five years.

The church-going couple, who lived in a £725,000 house in Sydenham, have three children, including one who is studying law.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:25pm On Jun 21, 2012

Let me know if the following article is sufficiently persuasive.

Skin bleaching cream couple fined


Who were they selling the cream to?

How does this really correlate with my post?
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by edoyad(m): 6:31pm On Jun 21, 2012
I was told that the best way to spot a bleacher is through the joints on the fingers, just below the nails.

1 Like

Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by adeibi: 6:32pm On Jun 21, 2012
Please I really need help on this.
In which other country can I renew my International Passport in the schengen region.
I'm presently in Austria and passports are not issued here.
Where can I get one within a short time.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:37pm On Jun 21, 2012
I can bet that that percentage is damn wrong! angry How did they make the estimates that made them conclude that 77% of the population...?fat lie.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Biggyd2: 6:44pm On Jun 21, 2012

Let me know if the following article is sufficiently persuasive.

Skin bleaching cream couple fined


There is a Yinka Body Line on Awolowo road. Hope it is not the same.

Well the article says it all; it is an inferiority complex issue. People wan become oyibo wannabe!
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:45pm On Jun 21, 2012

Who were they selling the cream to?

How does this really correlate with my post?

If you are aware that economic racism prevents non-Africans from patronizing Nigerian shops, your question is partly answered.
As for a correlation...you need look no further than the appellation bestowed on Peckham several years ago.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Adedayo516(m): 6:46pm On Jun 21, 2012
adeibi: VERY URGENT!!!!
Please I really need help on this.
In which other country can I renew my International Passport in the schengen region.
I'm presently in Austria and passports are not issued here.
Where can I get one within a short time.

Move to the travel section.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by nagoma(m): 6:46pm On Jun 21, 2012
dafman10: Alao Akala heads d body of bleachers in Nigeria. He just confirmed it.
dafman10: Alao Akala heads d body of bleachers in Nigeria. He just confirmed it.

77% of Nigerian population? Definate exaggeration!! Perhaps 7%.

Is Jim Nwobodo no longer in the lead?
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by pufectskin: 6:48pm On Jun 21, 2012
it is the same peeople that own it; just that after the UK incident, they came to naija tp start selling make up. YInka Bodyline is the sole representative for Iman Cosmetics in Nigeria.

There is a Yinka Body Line on Awolowo road. Hope it is not the same.

he the article says it all; it is an inferiority complex issue. People wan become oyibo wannabe!
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Afam4eva(m): 6:49pm On Jun 21, 2012
The statistic is a farce. Haba, 77 percent? Except Alao Akala's generation make up 77 percent of Nigeria.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by ismhab(m): 6:50pm On Jun 21, 2012
They need husband thas why they are using it.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 6:52pm On Jun 21, 2012
grin grin grin grin grin

where is debosky marketer of tura
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Tadup: 6:59pm On Jun 21, 2012
Kobojunkie: Nigeria cannot be tops on that list. What about India?
they are already yellow which is half way of becoming white. Just need small....
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by PrinceDudu(m): 7:01pm On Jun 21, 2012
Our men sef 2 like yellow sisi...
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by otumfour(m): 7:02pm On Jun 21, 2012
grin grin grin grin grin LMAO!!!!!!!!
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by Nobody: 7:04pm On Jun 21, 2012
otumfour: grin grin grin grin grin LMAO!!!!!!!!

Why am I not surprised grin grin
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by badesco(m): 7:04pm On Jun 21, 2012
At last Nigeria top the list.Clap for Naija.
Re: Nigerians, Top Users Of Bleaching Creams — WHO by cowgurl: 7:10pm On Jun 21, 2012
grin Interesting piece! He/she who has eyes, let them read what WHO is saying...A word is enough for the wise!

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