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Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by dotcomnamename: 1:03pm On Jul 08, 2012
Why do women LOVE money so much?

Well the majority, I would say only about 25% of them truly don't care about money and just want love. But the other 75% LOVE money and material things value people by the size of their wallets, never considering their hearts of who they maybe.

I was recently talking to a girl and asked, if she would rather go with a man that's broke but will do anything for and truly cares for you or man that will give you everything and use you as his slave.

You know what she said, she would rather have the man with the money because he could provide for her and in her eyes the man with the heart of gold means little.

Note, a day before I asked if she would have a rich man or a poor man with her in a relationship and she quickly jumped to the poor man. Its the same thing with choose a nice guy over a bad guy, when in reality all women choose the bad ones because apparently its more "fun".

Now before you jump on me, let me make my point. Yes, men love women who are attractive, and we don't like large, ugly women. I suppose you can call that "shallow" but to me IT IS NOT, because you are still attracted TO THE PERSON, not something the person POSSESSES.

Let's put it another way. Which one of these sounds worse:

A) "Amanda, I love you because you're gorgeous"

B) "Mike, I love you because you have a lot of money"

I just wanna know why, like why is a guy riding a scooter so unattractive compared to the guy in a new Mercedes? Sure we all like nice things but you would hardly ever catch a guy wanting to date a woman just because she has a BMW. I dont think men even care about the kinda car a woman drive, we just dont look at that since we know its just a piece of metal that she may be in debt for. But how come women dont see this? There is a guy on campus with one of the new cameros and ALL the women gossip about how cute he is and how much swag he has. Funny thing is when he had his civic no one gave an eff about him.
So are women so dumb that they actually think he got rich overnight and bought the camero cash? Why would someone possibly think he is rich and didnt just take a loan to buy the car? The average man knows this but it seems like the female brain cant process that thought. Kinda like how my ferret sees my shiny keys and run towards it without thinking first.

Anyway it just seems like women want the easy way out. I have only met five women who didn't care what I was driving and only liked me because I was a decent guy and into my academics like they were. ONLY 5, the other thousands could care less about me since I didn't have a fancy car or expensive clothing. So in their minds I couldn't do anything for them so I wasn't worth dating; so is that what dating is about now?

I dont wanna say women are dumb but they are not all that smart. I would admit they have a lot of book sense and excel in school but when it comes to common sense they fail. Women seem to live for the moment and not plan ahead. Sure I could use my grad school savings and down pay on a BMW but thats not smart, I would never spend my money to impress a woman anyway.
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by cog1: 2:28pm On Jul 08, 2012
Hi. I beg to differ on some of your points.
First off,your topic should have been why do MOST women love money so much,since you already
Acknowledged in the 2nd line or thereabout that 25% are not money conscious.
2ndly,what makes you feel that women would not know that a car could be
Obtained by loan? Please,is there an official secrecy act on car hire,car loan,and things like that?!
Prolly they are obviously enthralled by the fact that if he could buy a new ride
Either by loan or full cash payment,he definitely is deemed creditworthy in the financial circles,
Another wrong assertion is that men only care about looks!!!!
How so dead wrong thwt is!!!! Look below you at some of the related threads,are
Those not guys looking for SUGAR MUMMIES? I bet they are looking for
Them to compliment them on how gorgeously old they look,abi?!!!!!!!
In short,your thread is filled with too many hasty generalizations that
I want to stop here,but I could go on.
I want to say that its better to go after those who show interest in you,
And leave those squarely alone who don't,so you don't have lamentations like these ones.
There are good,simple girls all over the place who are not looking for mmoney.
And need a good guy in their life. Not all girls like to be with a bad guy.
What's the fun in potential heartbreak,if you ask me.
Blessed evening.
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by dotcomnamename: 3:26pm On Jul 08, 2012
cog1: Hi. I beg to differ on some of your points.
First off,your topic should have been why do MOST women love money so much,since you already
Acknowledged in the 2nd line or thereabout that 25% are not money conscious.
2ndly,what makes you feel that women would not know that a car could be
Obtained by loan? Please,is there an official secrecy act on car hire,car loan,and things like that?!
Prolly they are obviously enthralled by the fact that if he could buy a new ride
Either by loan or full cash payment,he definitely is deemed creditworthy in the financial circles,
Another wrong assertion is that men only care about looks!!!!
How so dead wrong thwt is!!!! Look below you at some of the related threads,are
Those not guys looking for SUGAR MUMMIES? I bet they are looking for
Them to compliment them on how gorgeously old they look,abi?!!!!!!!
In short,your thread is filled with too many hasty generalizations that
I want to stop here,but I could go on.
I want to say that its better to go after those who show interest in you,
And leave those squarely alone who don't,so you don't have lamentations like these ones.
There are good,simple girls all over the place who are not looking for mmoney.
And need a good guy in their life. Not all girls like to be with a bad guy.
What's the fun in potential heartbreak,if you ask me.
Blessed evening.

I guess u're a female? If yes, i'll say 'No wonder'
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by Rocktation(f): 3:37pm On Jul 08, 2012
Cog 1, you get time oo. Na everything person de answer?
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by dotcomnamename: 4:19pm On Jul 08, 2012
Rocktation: Cog 1, you get time oo. Na everything person de answer?

Rocktation, i wonder O! No be by force person dey answer O! grin
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by cog1: 6:10pm On Jul 08, 2012
*walks to another sensible thread*
Re: Why Do Some Women Love Money So Much ? by dotcomnamename: 6:30pm On Jul 08, 2012
cog1: Mtcheww
*walks to another sensible thread*

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