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Does Polytheism Enable Equality? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Does Polytheism Enable Equality? by emofine2(f): 8:46am On Jul 13, 2012
No I am not a catholic. Why are you asking?

Oh don't mind me...I think I read more meaning than intended into your illustration.
Re: Does Polytheism Enable Equality? by Ptolomeus(m): 7:30pm On Jul 13, 2012

Ok now i think I am getting your position somewhat. You are not really talking about secular equality but spiritual equality as evidenced by the roles a priestess might have in a polytheist system.
My answer still remains that it doesn't follow because in Monotheist systems there are also cases of prophetesses who would have spiritual authority over the males in the same way a priestess would.
I compared polytheist priestesses to nuns in the catholic system because for instance a polytheist system would involve a set of women dedicated as priestesses to a particular deity from which one might rise to high priestess.
In the same manner in catholicism; a set of women are dedicated to a patron saint as nuns from which one might rise to supreme mother.

So I don't see how polytheism enables equality as opposed to monotheism.
Excuse you.
But you are talking about equality in a system of "nuns"? That is the most discriminant that can serve as an example!
If we assume that a creed is separate men from women, only on grounds of sex ... this is a religion utterly discriminatory. The priests are preparing for the priesthood, the nuns never be priests say Mass, to communicate ... Why? simply for being women.

It is not here to mark exceptions: cases exepcional but generalities.
Let's see: in Catholicism there is a woman priest? There is the possibility of a female pope?
Beyond that some fools do it is right that there is a woman pastor?
A woman can teach Torah in Jewish worship?
My respects
Re: Does Polytheism Enable Equality? by MrAnony1(m): 7:46pm On Jul 13, 2012
Excuse you.
But you are talking about equality in a system of "nuns"? That is the most discriminant that can serve as an example!
If we assume that a creed is separate men from women, only on grounds of sex ... this is a religion utterly discriminatory. The priests are preparing for the priesthood, the nuns never be priests say Mass, to communicate ... Why? simply for being women.

It is not here to mark exceptions: cases exepcional but generalities.
Let's see: in Catholicism there is a woman priest? There is the possibility of a female pope?
Beyond that some fools do it is right that there is a woman pastor?
A woman can teach Torah in Jewish worship?
My respects

Well, I don't quite think I get where you are getting at but the point I was making to emofine is that the status of women in polytheist societies isn't much different from the status of women in monotheist societies.
I can't see a direct link between the type of theism practiced and gender equality. I am not arguing on whether any type is particularly oppressive to women or not. The example of nuns was used within this context.
Please do well to understand what the talk is about before butting in. Thanks
Re: Does Polytheism Enable Equality? by Ptolomeus(m): 10:40pm On Jul 13, 2012

Well, I don't quite think I get where you are getting at but the point I was making to emofine is that the status of women in polytheist societies isn't much different from the status of women in monotheist societies.
I can't see a direct link between the type of theism practiced and gender equality. I am not arguing on whether any type is particularly oppressive to women or not. The example of nuns was used within this context.
Please do well to understand what the talk is about before butting in. Thanks
Dear friend.
I'm not ramming, if so understood you, I apologize.
I am speaking of religious structures, rather than the social. I do not think the religious structure of society is reflected strongly in the social. For example (and no offense) Islam, Christianity and Judaism are monotheistic, but social structures are very different among the three.
As for what happens in a polytheistic society ... (in terms of social, not religious) is very difficult to assess. I think overall polytheism goddess gives the degree of any woman, and that could have an impact on the social ... but that's part of a course ...
My previous comments concerned the asituaciĆ³n of women from the religious point of view.
I send a warm hug, and I reiterate that I am not butting ....

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