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Adediamond07's Posts

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Romance / Re: 14 Differences Between The Girl You Date And The Woman You Marry by adediamond07(m): 6:42am On Aug 28, 2014
fightforchange1: I'm the marrying material!!!
*does victory dance*
I possess all dose characteristics.
and I damn proud of it

like seriously.....................
are you sure?
Romance / Re: 14 Differences Between The Girl You Date And The Woman You Marry by adediamond07(m): 6:40am On Aug 28, 2014
The reasons that make dating relationship a scam
Phones / Re: MTN Customer Care Thread by adediamond07(m): 9:55pm On Aug 27, 2014

Hi adediamond07, the Sm@rt Mini S620 costs N8,000 while Sm@rt S720i costs N10,000. You can only purchase them at the nearest MTN Walk-in centre. Regards

Politics / Re: Chibok Girls Abduction Is A Scam: Opinion by adediamond07(m): 7:38am On Aug 26, 2014
Truth as it may on the case of BH and purported abduction will always be regarded as conspiracy theory by larger populace in Nigeria.
Only divine intervention can clear the chaos...
Phones / Re: MTN Customer Care Thread by adediamond07(m): 9:23pm On Aug 25, 2014
Thanks for helping us out
Pls. How much is that smart 720i and is it restricted to mtn outlets/store only?
Travel / Re: 17 Rare Photos Of The Titanic. by adediamond07(m): 9:11pm On Aug 24, 2014
...hmmmm, world of travails and it's counterpart.
even the youngest of the survivor died almost 4 years ago
Romance / Re: Should A Woman Have A Side Guy In Case Of Disappointment By Her Main Man? by adediamond07(m): 6:36pm On Aug 23, 2014
for every "side guy" you have there'll be "side kick" to your relationship and beyond.

...or are you prepared to have "side man" in your marriage......... believe it or leave it most of the so called "side guy" will still be there to /explore/ you after you are married.


Culture / Re: Must See - African Bravery In Pictures! by adediamond07(m): 4:40pm On Aug 23, 2014
These people adrenaline is not of this planet.
what a risk!!!

1 Like

Foreign Affairs / Re: Islamic Militants BEHEADED U.S Journalist On Video!!! by adediamond07(m): 2:45pm On Aug 20, 2014

"I have met with these brave fighters, and they are not Al-Qaeda. To the contrary: They are Libyan patriots who want to liberate their nation. We should help them do it." -Senator John McCain in Benghazi, Libya April 22, 2011 - as an Al- Qaeda flag was hoisted over a Benghazi courthouse......

“Of course they are Muslims, but they are moderates. I guarantee you that they are moderates — I know them, and I have been with them.” - Senator John McCain, speaking on "Syria rebels", Washington, September 3, 2013

“Not true, not true! Frankly, I just disagree… There’s about 70 percent still who are Free Syrian Army.” - Senator John McCain, Washington, September 18, 2013

Open your eyes, people! The neocons and corrupt elite that run the United States of America will use any means possible (Including violent, extremist elements) to achieve their aims...
The obvious but bitterly truth the masses failed to comprehend.

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Health / Re: Good News!! Four More Ebola Patients Discharged – Health Minister by adediamond07(m): 11:27am On Aug 19, 2014
Glory be to God!!!
we are reaching there
Sports / Re: Mikel Winning AFOTY Award Will Be An Insult To African Football by adediamond07(m): 11:15am On Jan 05, 2014
This country of ours is surely sick from the infection of ill-bred citizen.
Cheat their fellow countrymen, nothing do you. Favour their fellow brethren, he doesn't deserve it.
What a people!!!

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Phones / Re: BBM for iPhone and Android is officially available by adediamond07(m): 4:28pm On Oct 22, 2013
SO all una love pinging Na BBP dey scare u away
grin grin grin
Phones / Re: BBM for iPhone and Android is officially available by adediamond07(m): 4:26pm On Oct 22, 2013
Can't believe ds thread enter 9th page within 24hrs.
Travel / Re: A Nairalander's Tale On His West African Tour by adediamond07(m): 4:15pm On Oct 19, 2013
henrimoto: Nne, thanks a bunch! how about you being my french lectural...? lolzzz.. seriouly.. na you i want! lolzzzz
................ should have seen it coming.
Anyway cutejay, être prudent avec votre étudiant
Travel / Re: A Nairalander's Tale On His West African Tour by adediamond07(m): 11:01pm On Oct 15, 2013
joyeux anniversaire, longue durée de vie dans la prospérité et de nombreux retours joyeuses
Islam for Muslims / Re: Live Updates Of Our Sallah Day. Every Muslim Is Welcome by adediamond07(m): 10:45am On Oct 15, 2013
Alhamdlillah, it's first Sallah after service year, away from home and in the northern part of Nairaland.
God bless Muslim Ummah
God bless Nigeria.
Computers / Re: PPT PRESENTATION FOR SALE by adediamond07(m): 3:16pm On Oct 14, 2013

1) The Op created his account just yesterday and has already created 3 topics.. Guess what? All were on free stuffs!! And to imagine, you have to pay to get them grin grin grin.. This guys sef. If it were free browsing, why charge you to get it? Why not create a thread and call it payed browsing? Thieves angry angry angry

2) Forget about the pictures of his inbox that he pasted above. This OP is a good scammer and is good at what he does. I keep on telling people that to be successful in scamming, it doesnt take any sophistication. It just takes being smart and clever. How was the op able to pull that picture of?

(a) Through the use of multiple sim cards. First of all, let me mention that if you want to check your data balance on MTN, you will simply compose a message, type "2" in it and send it to "131". The OP being smart and clever, will get sim 1, save the number as 131 on sim 2, then use sim 2 to send "2" to sim 1 which is saved as "131" on his phone. He will now compose a criminal sms suppossedly from MTN on sim 1, then send it to sim 2. Because the number is saved as "131" on his phone, the phone will now read "Message from 131". But that is him sending both messages with two phones and two sim cards. He will now use the phone with sim 2 to grab the screenshots of his inbox and use it to scam people... Unlimited ke? cheesy cheesy cheesy? Thieves.

(b) Another way of pulling the above pictures off is through the use of web sms. There are so many websites offering cheap sms in Nigeria. They even allow you to customise it to your taste. Thats why atimes, you see a message pop up on your phone as GTbank... Please, do not fall for it if it looks fishy. It may be a secondary school dude in his room, using a blackberry to broadcast a message as GTbank! So, what the OP does in this scenario is to visit one of this websites, compose a message and add "131" as the sender and then, send it to his phone! He will now snap the screen shots and post it here! That simple huh? wink wink wink

THANKS TO #Nairalandpolice. Una head dey dia gidigba.
Travel / Re: A Nairalander's Tale On His West African Tour by adediamond07(m): 2:29pm On Oct 14, 2013
Sir Tony, nous sommes toujours en attente de la deuxième et de la troisième mise à jour. plus d'encre de votre stylo, plus ion de votre batterie et plus «dollar» à votre porte-monnaie.

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Phones / Re: How To Root Your Tecno N3 Using Poot And Minstro II by adediamond07(m): 5:34pm On Oct 07, 2013
Pls. Op I'm missing something here, u ask us to remove the memory card, and after we on it back, move d file to the internal memory. From where?
Travel / Re: A Nairalander's Tale On His West African Tour by adediamond07(m): 6:47pm On Oct 06, 2013
Tony where are you?! shocked shocked shocked
You are keeping guys waiting angry undecided
Hope ink isn't dry in your pen or ion from your battery wink
Car Talk / Re: Road Trip On A Motorcycle From Lagos To Accra & Back To Lagos. by adediamond07(m): 12:50pm On Oct 06, 2013
What a trip!
what a fun!
What a fun-trip!!!
kiss kiss kiss
Phones / Re: Smart Data Subscription For Your Android Devices. by adediamond07(m): 3:29pm On Oct 04, 2013
networkgenuis: Honestly our people pay exorbitant and unrealistic price for internet service. I know that our infrastructure (power supply) is abysmal, but that doesn't justify the huge amount of money charged by these telecom guys and come to think of the poor service delivery.
angry undecided
Welcome back, Network lord
E be like say MTN has filled all the loopholes that's allowing tweaks.
Science/Technology / Re: Just 34 Lions Are Left In Nigeria As West African Lion Population Declines by adediamond07(m): 11:39pm On Sep 23, 2013
If I hear undecided
[b][/b] U SABI LIE O.
Wen dia r abt 4 nd 6 in better by far nd UI respectively.
What of Yankari GR nd Obudu CR.?
Phones / Re: Tecno Phantom N9 (Tab) discussion thread by adediamond07(m): 12:03am On Sep 22, 2013
Anthony5745: nt sucks bt drinks
More than that, it gulp data bundles

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Education / Re: Nigerian University That Deserves To Be Among World's Top 100 Universities? by adediamond07(m): 12:35pm On Sep 18, 2013
If there will be a Nigerian University on d list, first of all it'll be d first in Africa.

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Phones / Re: MTN BIS No Longer Work On Android? by adediamond07(m): 11:55pm On Sep 15, 2013
Pls guys Wc android os doesn't need rooting for vpns
Phones / Re: Tecno Phantom N9 (Tab) discussion thread by adediamond07(m): 10:32pm On Sep 14, 2013
You can gt Mtn 4.5gb for that same amount. Just that when u exhaust the 1.5gb ontop the remaining 3gb is a night plan.

If airtel network is OK in ur area, y can't go for *440*016# @ 6gb for #3000.
+ it extends true 3 months
Religion / Re: Nigerian Naira Is Full Of Masonic Symbols by adediamond07(m): 4:38pm On Sep 10, 2013
End time tns, abi?


Phones / Re: Airtel Bb Plan On Android by adediamond07(m): 9:14am On Sep 08, 2013
Buchukwu: Please help me, I subscribed before to the 200 240mbplan but now I wanted to subscribe again but it's telling me "Your request was not successful because you can only subscribe once to this offer". Please help me, Wat do I do?
Send deactivate to 440 b4 resubscription if d current one has not expired.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Crowds Visit Lagos Mosque For Apparitions Of Clerics by adediamond07(m): 3:57pm On Sep 06, 2013
Deen4me: @ OP

I don't understand Man's incessant need to associate Divinity to anything and everything.

The Basic message of all Abrahamic religion is worship God and God Alone !!!!

Everyone will follow what you used to worship on the day of Judgement be it the Sun,Jesus,Muhammad(PBUT),Rock etc

Ascribing divinity to Idols,the Sun or Moon,water or thunder or even Man is absolute Shirk.

Men that have passed away and are in their graves, awaiting Allah's judgement

There has been people who are better and more righteous that have come and gone.

Muhammad is not but a messenger. [Other] messengers have passed on before him.
So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]?
And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful.

May Allah keep us on the straight path

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