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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 9:53am On Feb 15, 2020
Anyone with HR connect should help us confirm if expectations should still be on the notification for today and Monday or not!

I tink its over. Remember interview invite for 9000 persons came within 5 hours, let alone that for just 1050? I didnt get but I take solace that we now have closure.

Congrats once again to all successful GT's.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 7:43pm On Feb 14, 2020

Bro, what's your state and discipline pls?

Edo state. Computer Science

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 7:31pm On Feb 14, 2020
The race is not for the swift neither is the battle for the strong but the lord that shows mercy. Congrats to all the successful GT's. I didn't get the Apl but we move. Its hurts though but we have to pick ourselves up and try again. Suffer get expiring date.

I will miss nairaland tho!! Peace out


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 5:38pm On Feb 14, 2020
shey make we conclude say all ye guys wey don receive so far na engineers...

No. A frd of mine studied computer Science and he has been notified.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 5:14pm On Feb 14, 2020
Congrats to all those that have gotten notification. As for the rest of us we wait.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 5:06pm On Feb 12, 2020

Me preparing thunder for the person that will quote this whole long post. As for you that made such long unnecessary post, I have nothing to say to you. This frustration of waiting for APL is really making people do crazy things on Nairaland o.

I beg to differ. I didnt see it as unnecessary. Atleast I got to knw about some of the Job roles in NNPC.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 7:11am On Feb 10, 2020
I don dey on brace mode since the last two weeks, APL must show this very week else what happened in 1963 will happen again.

What happened in 1963 �?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 8:11pm On Feb 07, 2020
It is 5.22 p.m. Friday, 7th February 2020 and yet no APL. With the power bestowed on me, I hereby decree that Jarus is no longer an authentic source as regards NNPC recruitment. Any expectation, based on whatever else he says here, is at your own peril. Let us now focus on our daily lives and let APL come in its due time. Thank you. wink

I only liked this post coz of the meme. U are not feeling fine

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 8:14pm On Feb 05, 2020
Sorry for this, but I read this and decided to share. The state of nepotism in the country. I really hope and pray this recruitment doesn't go the same way.

Sad. This is Nigeria.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 9:41pm On Feb 04, 2020

Good point, however it is what we have reduced Christianity into, the Ethiopean eunuch who was in charge of all the treasury of the candace queen of ethiopia at that time, still needed a philip's explanation of scriptures. It is a big error to reduce Christianity to getting things. Jesus' birth in itself is a lesson, born in a manger, son of a carpenter, his goal wasn't to overthrow the jewish government at that time, the rich and noble was in his audience but he never gave them preference, he came solely for the problem of sin ( this has singular application to the rich or poor, elite or ignorant, civilised or uncivilized). If you like, live in atlanta Georgia for 40 years, you won't outgrow sin, you won't outgrow the supernatural. After the draugth peter caught, jesus told him "follow me" (theres something more important than catching fishes i want to show you), catching men! (the sin problem). Christainity is "man focused" not "things focused" (you don't need, love, patience, gentleness, temperance, meekness for things but men). God's will for you is not to become the Richest man alive(an atheist can become that) but that you grow selfless enough to lay down your life for the salvation of another (the sin problem). Its good to have money and the good things of life, but it shouldn't be priority, "the things of earth stood next to him, like a candle to the sun" (hillsong). Don't reduce Christianity to solely getting things men can get by alternatives. Its far far beyond... I will stop here. (Forgive my long post)

This is one of the best post I have read on this thread. Thank you GeniusOla. Apl fall on u.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 6:47am On Feb 04, 2020
For the first time since this recruitment started, I dreamt about being at the NNPC tower. My guy who works with NLNG even came to pay me a courtesy visit to congratulate me.

Oh God of mysterious wonders, I have no one but you, let your will be done in Jesus name. Amen.


You are really feeling fine �. Congratulations

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 1:05pm On Jan 31, 2020
As we are bracing up for impact like this, me I'm just reflecting on the day of my interview......na that day i discover say i be STAMMERER cry cry....before i face my panel, i bin go toilet like two times. My name was second on the list, as the first guy comot frown face, i say : haaaaa e don be oo.......as i enter the interview room, the first question na: We have seen the address on you C.V., so, you are coming from Lagos? In my mind, i say: noooo, na Malawi i dey come from. Me wey tension wan kill me, you dey ask me that kind kweshion. As dey start dey ask me kweshions lydis, everything just dey sound like chinese for my ear. Me wey don go cram NNPC subsidiaries, what are you people asking me like this tori olohun cry. All the kweshions wey dem ask me, na one fine woman wey dey my panel i just face, i dey look her dey answer the kweshions. She just dey nod head and i dey happy....Panel leader ask me if i get kweshion, i say nooooo i no get. me wey just wan comot for that room.....All my hope now be say, that fine woman go just reason say i be fine boy too, she go just follow them reason say make dem gimme better mark embarassed embarassed embarassed. ...You people should help me pray lemme get this APL oooh, i don't want to join AMOTEKUN oooh grin grin grin

When I read the last sentence and saw this 'AMOTEKUN' I laughed so loud that my boss walked me out of his office. Nairaland nor go kill person.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 2:16pm On Jan 29, 2020

Thank you, boss..........make better impact hit me ooh. I no wan apply for AMOTEKUN oh grin grin angry

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 8:37am On Jan 27, 2020
My phones are fully charged. Refreshing my email every 2 minutes. Anticipating calls like thrle second coming of christ. This feels more like the story of the 7 virgins. I nor wan hear story that touch. Good morning.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 2:23pm On Jan 25, 2020

Lol, from all you said, I can deduce that it was your first or at least your first major interview, it is safe to say you are the first child and you don't keep older and more experienced friends.

Am I right?

Not really bro. Its actually my third and I didnt use this method for my previous interviews. The fact that it's a naija Company made me sceptical. U knw some persons there arent professional and may just dislike u for no reason. I was just playing safe. That aside, ur submission is totally wrong.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 2:08pm On Jan 25, 2020

Lol. Not a threat. How did they perform at the interview? How good was I? Will a civil engineer be replaced by chemical engineer?
Look I have a guy from my village, not LGA oh, -LGA is still big- village! He came out with a first class too... 4.7 thereabouts. He did EEE, lemme not add the other feats. Oga, it's either I get, or him get, or both of us get (per merit), in Jesus name, AMEN! grin grin

Brother I don't knw if ppl included their CGPA's in the CVs but for me fear nor let me. I was even scared to wear my Hugo boss perfume to the interview. Everytin I did that day was just normal. I didnt even wear my best suit and shoe. I only made sure I appeared clean. I nor fit price myself comort for the Job coz I need help. My village ppl must not succed oo. Did anyone do same?


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 12:26pm On Jan 23, 2020
I have an info but if i say it, it will look like i have taken cocaine again.

I was informed that some people have started work.

@NwanyiOkpa plz go and eat Okpa.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 9:20am On Jan 21, 2020
GMD doesn't in anyway disclose APL release date and/or given range for which APL will be Released but "SOON", am 100% sure if APL will be out this week, I will be informed too even b4 some NL here get it. remember when I released scheduled of GMD's son wedding 28 Dec 2019, it was not made public until after several weeks, his son directly told me on his wedding schedule.

on the news on APL to be out this week, I cannot against it as I asked PA he don't know exact time. I tried Groom line but couldn't reached him as he currently spending honeymoon in Spain.

Tasteless sauce. Next!!

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 3:20pm On Jan 19, 2020

You will be amongst the chosen ones

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 3:16pm On Jan 19, 2020

Can you send to me too please
Thanks a lot

Alryt. Check your mail
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 3:14pm On Jan 19, 2020

Bro you are the IT guy that was told by his panel chairman during the interview that you will get the job because of a particular skill/experience you have?

Yes, but what do I knw. I can only put my trust in God


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 1:35pm On Jan 19, 2020
I just imagine the celebration that will be on this page when Jarus or panalyst mistakenly types
" APL is coming On Wednesday"

grin grin grin grin

My broda I can imagine. Even if I end up not getting APL, aleast we would get the closure we seek and some persons here will be better placed at the end of the day.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 8:05am On Jan 19, 2020
Tbh many hopefuls on this thread are not fit to be NNPC staff because a simple wait of less than a year they cannot. What of the quality of ability to manage stress, work under pressure?

I am pretty sure u have a good paying Job atm thats why u are so insensitive. I am sorry to say but you don't have sense. Receive sense IJN.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 7:31pm On Jan 17, 2020

boboladele7899@gmail.com thanks in anticipation

Sent. Kindly check ur mail. Good luck.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 7:09pm On Jan 17, 2020

Can anyone help me with KPMG aptitude test past questions, please

Drop ur email
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 12:48pm On Jan 16, 2020
You will receive your NNPC APL hail and hearty in Jesus name; and no negative issue(s) will happen to you when your APL is released to you in Jesus name.. Amen

May we all be persistent in our goal pursuit as hooha IJN. Amen

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 2:23pm On Jan 12, 2020
Pls I need the opinion of the house most especially those experienced in recruitment procedure. Can two months more then the stipulated age disqualify a candidate from being employed.

For instance, nnpc said not more than 28yrs by 31st of dec and the candidate clocked 28 at 30th of oct.

No you won't be disqualified. People born January 1st 1990 are qualified because as at 31th December 2018 they were still 28. Cheers


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 8:47am On Jan 06, 2020

For this full forum na you jobless pass. And anybody that reads this your epistle is next.

I think u are not feeling fine. Over maturity Kill u there.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 10:02pm On Jan 03, 2020
You are not feeling fine.

Mad ooo. This one off me

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 5:45pm On Jan 01, 2020
2020 the year of appointments and disappointments grin cheesy

In spite of this, it's my year of productivity. Whatever the outcome we will all succeed.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Apply For 2019 NNPC Graduate Trainee And Experience Hire by Andre92(m): 1:19pm On Dec 31, 2019

Thanks for the correction, didn't see that.

Well, Jesus is the custodian of my APL, emmm... OOE, don't know what it's called now.


Even on the last day of the year, we still came to have a taste of the sweet sauce.

May our expectations never be cut short IJN.

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