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Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 11:59pm On Jun 04, 2013

Dude am not Hausa.An Igbo by tribe.And if u wanna sleep I can sing for you a lullaby wink
I cant sleep.. i am working.... but a lullaby would be nice... i would send you message so we talk
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 11:42pm On Jun 04, 2013

It means God forbid in Hausa.

ook you Hausa.. i am from north london... so how do they say.... isnt it way pass your bed time in hausa
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 11:28pm On Jun 04, 2013

Having xxxx at all shud improve ones experience. smileyAs long as one is indulging when the need arises there should be so much to learn. tongue
Exactly my point ..... SO where abouts are you from miss Allah kiahi!!!!
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 10:37pm On Jun 04, 2013

So in your IMO,ladies who are into open relationships are good in bed? Darling, you are funny yet again

well lets just say they should have more practice and therefore more experience....or would say having a open relationship has not improved your experience
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 10:34pm On Jun 04, 2013

Have always wanted three.Two boys and a gurl.Then the last wud be adopted.So four altogether.Just three from my womb

I didnt know that womb has limit... just pray that you dont end up with one of those heavy weights that would give you triplets in the first try and qudriplets on the next try....lol
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 9:49pm On Jun 04, 2013

Yes...but I didn't do enough.
well i am fine with having a lady that is into opening relationship... i would rather go out with someone that is a freak in the sheets ....than someone that doesnt really know what they are doing...
Romance / Re: What Made You Cheat On You Partner For The First Time? by bejo2k: 7:43pm On Jun 04, 2013

Seriously,is there anything like that?if there is then I seriously wud never do that!Open marriage ke? grin.

Open relationship is mostly sexual,same for closed too

If a relationship starts open .. why wont the marriage also be open .... becuase you might end up with one person prepared to close the relationship and the other person wants to keep the relationship open ....
Investment / Re: Presco Vs Okomu Oil Shares by bejo2k: 6:47pm On May 29, 2013
Omexonomy: Follow this link you might get what you want https://www.nairaland.com/1302983/shares-okomu-start-off-loading
you dont need typed out figures... we need profit and loss account.... and balance sheet...if you are a share holder you can take a pic and upload one .... btw check out the previous post made by this guy... he is just a stock broker...

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Investment / Re: Presco Vs Okomu Oil Shares by bejo2k: 2:11pm On May 29, 2013
YH you right about past performance and capabilities are good but all those factors are not quantifiable going forward .....becuase companies can uses impressive figure to hide their liability and current financial status ... the must important thing is to find out the companies liabilities and try to figure out why the company haa a sudden jump in return on total asset of 12.9percent...... if you know these facts then you can be able to check and make adqueate investment but i dont think the person that made this post can bring the...... profit and loss account or the balance sheets.. becuase most of these figures are made up figures.... to get people interested

Thanks for shedding further light on this.
Hopefully the poster can provide the two documents for both companies and you can provide some of the ratios subsequently.
However one must note that ratios, while they are very good reliable tools, talk about past performance and current capability and may not also show FUTURE prospects, which is what an investor SHOULD BE really concerned about.

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Investment / Re: Presco Vs Okomu Oil Shares by bejo2k: 1:34pm On May 29, 2013
Elai147: Agriculture is the main point of national transformation agenda. It’s also a major rallying point at the stock market. Okomu Oil Palm Plc and Presco Plc are the two dominant stocks in the agriculture sector. With market capitalisation of about N72 billion, the two stocks account for some 90 per cent of total market capitalisation of the five stocks listed under the agriculture sector. With hectares of palm oil plantations, they represented the vast agriculture potential of Nigeria. Both Okomu Oil Palm and Presco are integrated agricultural companies with oil palm plantations, palm oil mills, crushing plants and oil refining plants. They engage in cultivation of oil palm and extraction and refining of palm oil into finished products. They are major suppliers of specialty fats and oils to several large and medium companies. Besides similarity of business operations, the two companies shared several similarities including the location of their farms in Edo State and substantial foreign shareholdings. They are also companies of nearly the same size and run the same business year.
Okomu Oil Palm, the older and the larger of the two companies, was incorporated in 1979 and listed its shares on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) in 1991, the same year Presco was incorporated. Okomu Oil Palm opened yesterday with a market capitalisation of N46.26 billion, nearly twice the market value of Presco Plc, which opened at N25.38 billion. Besides, Okomu Oil Palm has a larger balance sheet; including total assets and net assets.
Presco became a public limited liability company and listed its shares on the NSE in 2002. With total assets of N28 billion and net assets of N17.1 billion, Presco still boasts of substantial capacity in the largely small-sized operations that dominate the agriculture sector.
But though they share several similarities, latest fundamentals of Presco and Okomu Oil appear to be illustrating the proverbial rain that showers on sugarcane and bitter leaves farms. While the audited reports for 2011 had shown striking fundamental similarities with all key indices of the two agricultural stocks jumping to new highs, latest audited reports and accounts for the year ended December 31, 2012 show striking fundamental dissimilarities.
From turnover to profit and returns, Presco extracted itself as the better of the two companies, and with sustained growths, assumed the leadership of the industry in terms of turnover and profitability. Both actual and underlying profit and loss measures placed Presco ahead with its real operational profit twice that of Okomu Oil. Okomu Oil failed to sustain its growth momentum as decline in sales coloured the bottom-line negative. With the bumper harvest in 2012, Presco now outpaces competition in all key averages, setting long stride that will require equally jumpy growth by the competing stocks to catch up.

Sales Generation
Okomu Oil Palm could not sustain its previous jumpy sales growth as sales revenue dropped by 8.8 per cent in 2012 as against impressive growth of 82.7 per cent. Average sales growth in the past two years thus stood at 36.95 per cent. The top-line performance in 2012 was the poorest in recent years. It had increased sales by 52 per cent in 2010.
Presco grew its turnover by nearly a third, sustaining year-on-year impressive growth in sales that had seen the top-line expanding annually by an average of 45 per cent in recent years. Presco’s gross incomes rose by 32 per cent in 2012 compared with increase of 58.5 per cent and 35 per cent in 2011 and 2010 .

Both actual and underlying profitability indices of the companies showed the same colouration as the top-line. Presco consolidated its profitability and leveraged on higher sales and increasingly efficient cost management to displace Okomu Oil Palm as the highest-profitable agric stock. Okomu Oil Palm’s actual pre and post tax profits dropped marginally, although the underlying profit-making capacity remained steadied.
Presco was clearly in better grip of cost management and profitability. Gross profit doubled by 107 per cent in 2012 as against increase of 84 per cent in 2011. Profit before tax leapt by 229.8 per cent in 2012, consolidating 93 per cent recorded in 2011. After taxes, net profit jumped by 378 per cent in 2012 as against 55 per cent in 2011.
On the other hand, Okomu Oil Palm recorded a decline of 6.7 per cent in profit before tax, a reversal from impressive growth of 136 per cent recorded in 2011. Net profit after tax also reversed with a negative of 8.5 per cent in 2012 as against growth of 141 per cent in 2011.
On the average, Presco significantly outperformed its competitor with average pre-tax profit growth of 162 per cent as against Okomu Oil Palm’s 65 per cent. Presco’s average net profit growth in recent years stood at 216 per cent compared with 66 per cent recorded by Okomu Oil Palm.
Besides, there was significant improvement in the profit-making capacity of Presco compared with almost flat position of its peer. Presco’s gross profit margin improved from 47.5 per cent in 2011 to 74.3 per cent in 2012, indicating average margin of about 61 per cent. Pre-tax profit margin also more than doubled from 32 per cent to about 80 per cent, representing average pre-tax profit margin of about 56 per cent. Okomu Oil Palm’s average profit margin has steadied at 42.35 per cent in recent years, hovering between 41.9 per cent in 2011 and 42.8 per cent in 2012.

Actual Returns
Returns to shareholders and other stakeholders also showed similar patterns to profit and sale trends. While Presco improved underlying returns considerably, Okomu Oil Palm’s returns dwindled to their recent lows. Presco returned 32 per cent on average assets in 2012 as against 10.9 per cent in 2011, indicating average return on total assets of 21.5 per cent over the years. Return on equity-to shareholders who provided the equity funds, also improved from 9.6 per cent to 50 per cent. This indicates average return on equity of about 30 per cent.
Okomu Oil Palm’s returns generally fell below average in 2012 with average returns of 14 per cent and 14.1 per cent on total assets and equity funds respectively. Returns on total assets and equity funds had stood at 20 per cent and 21 per cent respectively in 2011. Average returns on assets and equity thus stood at about 17 per cent and 17.4 per cent.

The Bottom-line
There is no doubt about the immediate, medium and future prospects of the agriculture sector. In spite of the pervasive influence of crude oil on national income, agriculture remains the dominant sector of the Nigerian economy. With estimated land area of 910,768 square kilometres out of a total area of 923,768 square kilometres, Nigeria is largely an agrarian economy with agriculture the largest sector and biggest employer. Nigeria’s arable land use stands at more than 33 per cent. From the North to the South, from West to East, Nigeria’s climate and terrain are suitable to cultivation and breeding. Notable agriculture produce across the regions include Cocoa, Peanuts, Palm oil, Corn, Rice, Millet, Cassava, Sorghum, Yams, Rubber, Cattle Sheep, Goats, Timber, Fish among others.
Over the years, agriculture has shown considerable resilience and it has increasingly become a major catalyst for Nigeria’s growing Gross Domestic Products (GDP). Government’s fiscal policy measures aimed at encouraging domestic agricultural companies also appeared to be impacting positively on the sector. The Federal Government has granted several incentives to agriculture sector including a zero duty on agricultural machinery and equipment with effect from January 31, 2012. Besides, many agricultural companies had benefitted from financial incentives from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), which helped to reduce financial leverage and pressure on the bottom-line. More than before, there is a strong linkage between the central government and the private agric operators, which enabled Nigerian farmers to make input and directly benefit from government’s policies.
The performance of Presco and Okomu Oil reflected the differing potential of each operator, although the macroeconomic environment generally remains positive. The difference appears to lie in the growth and investment plans of the companies. Presco has maintained a meticulous investment programme which included planting and replanting of new and existing plantations and expansion of processing capacity.

Source: http://thenationonlineng.net/new/business/presco-vs-okomu-oil-same-weather-different-planters/

THis post just comprises of alot of percentages but no real analysitical analysis of both companies balance sheet or profit and loss account .. to a lame man these looks very impressive but in actual fact its not ..... you can not analyses a company's profitability based solely alone on its turn over or return on total asset........... but rather it should be done based on the ratios.... return on capital emplied(ROCE)..... the company with the highest turn over or profit after tax doesnt nessecarily mean its the best investment... it has to be judge based on the capital employed by both companies<>>>>> i can give you an example if the capital employed by a company is N100,000(net fixed asset and current) and it has a profit after tax of N20,000...while a company that employes N10,000 has a profit of N8000... although N20,000 is higher,..... the second company is more profitable..... also an important reason of using the net fixed asset and current(Assets minus liability) is becuase although a company has a high turnover it can also have a very high labilities.. So your analysis doesnt provide the full picture..... if you want a proper analysis upload the two companies last balance sheet as well as profit and loss account for year 2012


Music/Radio / Mi New Song Ashes.... In Respect To The Aluu4 by bejo2k: 6:41pm On Oct 30, 2012
Music/Radio / Re: May D - 'Ile Ijo' (Official Video) by bejo2k: 11:54pm On Jul 07, 2012
Dygeasy: now clap for yourself..kpa kpa kpa kpa kpa
Why you go do this kind thing...na me supose to reply that post lol grin grin grin grin
Celebrities / Dbanj Perfomers In Bbc Music Festival In London (hackney Weekend) by bejo2k: 11:45pm On Jun 23, 2012


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CzU0RLj9l_8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CzU0RLj9l_8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Celebrities / Re: Dbanj And Don Jazzy Have Broken Up!!!!! (confirmation From Don Jazzy's Twitter ) by bejo2k: 9:44pm On Mar 18, 2012
Unfortunatley thos storry is true its even on donjazzy's facebook account http://www.facebook.com/pages/Don-Jazzy/45534307247
Celebrities / Dbanj And Don Jazzy Have Broken Up!!!!! (confirmation From Don Jazzy's Twitter ) by bejo2k: 9:43pm On Mar 18, 2012
Celebrities / Dbanj's Interview On Why He Didnt Occupy Nigeria & Others Issues by bejo2k: 1:49am On Feb 19, 2012
For the first time a Nigeria celebrity has been humbled in an interview !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anchored by Chika Odua, below are extracts from the interview:

Chika: Did you ever dream of being this big in music?

D’banj: I dreamt about this…(Jokes: I’ve a dream!) God is using us to take our message across from Africa to here.

Chika: You are the face of African Pop music don’t you feel a lot of pressure?

D’banj: Yes a lot of pressure but I have nothing to be scared of. I have much responsibility.

Chika: There are rumors that you are dating Genevieve Nnaji how true is that?

D’banj: No! We are not dating.

Chika: What is your status?

D’banj: I’m very single. I like Rihanna, I’m interested in her.

Chika: Will you Americanize your music now that you are working mostly in America…, (D’banj cuts in)

D’banj: What do you mean by Americanize?

Chika: I mean you use a lot of pidgin and yoruba in your music will you still do that?

D’banj: Yes I’ll, did you hear scapegoat? fall in love or oliver twist? I do music depending on the message and who I want it to suite.

Chika: So will you maintain the identity?

D’banj: I think American music is universal so I’ve a lot of work to do.

Chika: Ok, now on your interview with the President of Nigeria, there are talks that you collected money from him to sing and interview him.

D’banj: I didn’t collect money from the President. It wasn’t an interview it was a request, watch the interview I asked the President and I can remember the statements “What are your plans for the Nigerian youth?” because I dedicated a track to him so I wanted the people to know why I said I was going to vote for him, I wanted them to know his plans.

Chika: We understand you run a foundation and you were appointed as the United Nations youth ambassador for peace, with your position what are your responsibilities and what have you done with you position?

D’banj: I have much responsibility. I represent Africa, I represent Nigeria…do your research.

Chika: What was your take on the Occupy Nigeria and the fuel subsidy removal?

D’banj: 1st of all, lets take a minute silence for those who lost their lives during this period

Chika: Ok D’banj we really appreciate that, so carry on.

D’banj: I did not know anything that was happening [in Nigeria during protests] because I was working on my album in the UK.

Chika: But there was a protest in London why didn’t you participate?

D’banj: I didn’t know anything that was happening in London about the feul protest because I was working… I am not a politician! And everyone that knows me well knows I don’t like cold, so I couldn’t go outside.

Chika: So what do you have to say?

D’banj: I don’t have anything to say, I wasn’t in the country when it was happening.

Chika: But I wasn’t in the country also.

D’banj: I’ve told you I don’t want to say anything about that topic, I don’t say what I don’t know anything about, If you know me very well I speak about what I know. I will not speak on something that I don’t know about. You will not get me to speak about what I don’t know. I wish my publicist told me that this was a political interview… (Chika cuts in)

Chika: So who operates your twitter handle?

D’banj: I operate it but I’m not always online, I’m on twitter when I want to pass an information not when you want me to.

Chika: There has been increase in poverty in Nigeria what do you have to say about this?

D’banj:  Yes I know, but poverty has always been in Nigeria. Let us focus on what we have,why are you hammering on negativity? I’ll speak from the angle that I know well which is the entertainment, that is what I know we can export, we should invest our talents to escape from poverty. I’ve a concert tomorrow, I need to practice and prepare well so I can represent Africa well.

Chika: Thank you very much D’banj. We appreciate the time you spent with us, we wish you all the best in your concert tomorrow.

Well that was gist of the discussion with the KokoMaster.
Crime / Re: Top Online 419 Country Ranking For 2011 by bejo2k: 12:22pm On Feb 01, 2012
i think they rigg the election!!!!!!!!!! i want a recount yahoo boys say something now!!!!!!!!
Career / Re: Chemical & Process Engineers Forum by bejo2k: 10:52am On Jan 27, 2012
@sparkle-baby matlab is pretty relevant, but it depends on what type of calculations you doing because there are somethings that you can represent in matlab that you can not easily represent in excel and besides no knowledge is lost so if you have the opportunity to learn it, learn it
Jokes Etc / Re: An Arab Man Got Interviewed At Us Embassy Consulate by bejo2k: 9:15am On Jan 19, 2012
thats so funny , i wish i could post this on my fb, but if my Arab friends see this they would kill me
Forum Games / Re: Will You Marry The Person Above You? by bejo2k: 8:57am On Jan 19, 2012
I think when two people decide to get married, then they form a union and no one is above or below each other, what should exist is harmony
Nairaland / General / Re: What Is Man's Greatest Invention? by bejo2k: 8:51am On Jan 19, 2012
Well i think a man's greatest invention is his kids, i don't really have any yet, but when i do they would be my best work ever
Romance / Re: What Are Your Age Restrictions? by bejo2k: 8:48am On Jan 19, 2012
well i think love is an expression of something that is deep, and not just numerical, so if you happen to fall for someone older or younger than you it doesn't matter as long as there is love there
Health / Re: My Brain Is Not Shoting Down At Night Pls Help. by bejo2k: 9:35pm On Jan 18, 2012
@horny4u, you need to teach me this Japanese meditation technique, as for the other one, i think i have mastered the art already, lol
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Hey Rokki: I Am Looking For Someone :) by bejo2k: 9:31am On Jan 17, 2012
@flash, this is what happens when there is subsidy
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: Hey Rokki: I Am Looking For Someone :) by bejo2k: 4:42am On Jan 17, 2012
@hotie Tima, what if ZION KING , doesnt come on NL anymore, how long will you wait for, you have to keep your options open sometimes, dont you think because you never know what a new day brings
Culture / Re: Best Wedding Pics, (urhobo Guy Vs Caribbean Model) by bejo2k: 4:09am On Jan 17, 2012
@Ada, sp are you hoping to marry an urhobo man now
Phones / Re: Bbm Group For Nigerians In North America by bejo2k: 4:07am On Jan 17, 2012
hey Atlgal, so what part of new york city are you from
Phones / Re: Bbm Group For Nigerians In North America by bejo2k: 4:06am On Jan 17, 2012
hey Atlgal, so what part of new york city are you from
Business / Re: Bisnness Advice Needed On Internationl Financing by bejo2k: 2:46am On Jan 17, 2012
I think the state is being fair , in the sense that they are providing solid equity(land ) , and land combined with basic amenities are a vital part of your business plan, so they deserve a say as one of the board of directors , but if this is a genuine multinational deal you and your colleagues should be able to drum up, enough liquid capital to buy the 60 hectares of land with out the state intervention, or am i getting something wrong yeah
Properties / Re: Brand New Fully Serviced Flats To Let In Ikoyi,lagos. by bejo2k: 1:56am On Jan 17, 2012
do you know the price of that flat cost the same amount of money to rent a 2 bed flat  in the most expensive part of london ( chelsea and fulham) , £2333.33  a month!!! thats too high,   (i think we need subsidy in that price)
Dating And Meet-up Zone / Re: I Am Looking For A Girl For Serious Relationship Preferably In The Uk by bejo2k: 3:00am On Jan 16, 2012
@any female that is interested am 26 ,  staying in north london my pic is on my profile but to confirm if i am real or not you can add me on facebook,  samuel_timo@yahoo.co.uk

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