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Bushdiri's Posts

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European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Manchester United Vs Chelsea (0 - 0) On 26th August 2013 by Bushdiri(m): 1:59pm On Aug 26, 2013
Our CHELSEA which is London, blues be thy name,thy Mourinho come give us these day, our regular win,forgive them their sin and them 3-1, Amen.

Autos / Re: TOkunbo Merc-benz 14 Seater Lhd Bus !! 780K sold by Bushdiri(m): 10:26am On Aug 24, 2013
How much?
Autos / Re: SOLD!!! Pics!! 2007 Factory Pimped GOLF 5 For Quick Sale. 1.7.negotiable. by Bushdiri(m): 10:12am On Aug 24, 2013
1.200m, reply me @ amieyeofori6060@yahoo.com
Autos / Re: SOLD SOLD SOLD 1999model Toyota Corolla American Spec (baby Corolla) @ #920k by Bushdiri(m): 9:03am On Aug 24, 2013
More information pls, mileage, auto or manual, Lagos cleared? And car location pls
Autos / Re: Cummins 135kva Generating Set For Sale by Bushdiri(m): 10:03am On Aug 23, 2013
You need more orientation.
Politics / Re: Amaechi Swears-In New Acting Chief Judge For Rivers by Bushdiri(m): 4:25pm On Aug 22, 2013
practitioner: Section 271(4) of d 1999 constitution,which is applicable here provides as follows" if d office of d chief judge of a state is vacant or if d person holding d office is for any reason unable to perform d functions of d office, then until a person has been appointed to and has assumed the function of that office or until the person holdings d office has resumed those functions,the Governor of d state shall appoint the most senior judge of d High court to perform those functions".Going by d report, d Governor appointed d president of d customary court of appeal as d most senior judge, but d constitution provides that d appointee shall be d most senior judge of the HIGH COURT.Justice Agumagu not being a judge of d high court, is not qualified constitutionally for d appointment. To that extent,Governor Amechi got it wrong.
You will live longer than your enemies, tell them, Bob Marley said THEY KNOW IT BUT THEY CAN'T DO IT, that just the truth.

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Autos / Re: Hyundai Tucson 08/09 4wd/ Fabric/ Used...1.1m now! by Bushdiri(m): 4:31pm On Aug 21, 2013
Milage pls.
Autos / Re: 2005 Kia Rio Up For quick sale now 700k Sold by Bushdiri(m): 2:31pm On Aug 21, 2013
700K serious buyer. (08074441368)text me if its ok.
Autos / Re: Used Ford Escape 2008 by Bushdiri(m): 2:21pm On Aug 21, 2013
How much and mileage?
Politics / Re: Amaechi: Okupe Is President Jonathan’s Worst Enemy by Bushdiri(m): 3:10pm On Aug 19, 2013
In 2011 before the governorship election in River State,Ameachi used the police force to destabilize opposition parties,police even went as far as tearing opposition posters,during the governorship election, Ameachi used the army,navy and police to scare away non PDP members,the also thumb print,write result and announced his victory ,in 2007 Ameachi used the judiciary (juju sharing)to lunch himself into River State Government House without voting or been voted for ,first in history,whereby removing the man we voted for, the God of justice is fighting for the people of River State, he should de camp to APC,and relocate to Lagos State,we don't need him here, Mr Mbu for life, we love him here, REMOVE HIM, and see the good side of Rivers youth


Autos / Re: SOLD!SOLD!!SOLD!!! GULF 4 Tokunbo Very Clean Nd Sharp White by Bushdiri(m): 10:12am On Aug 19, 2013
Can 750K fly this ride, serious buyer,08074441368.
Autos / Re: 2004 Naija Used Nissan Murano Just 4 Mnths Used by Bushdiri(m): 9:51am On Aug 19, 2013
How much foe the ride, you can call me(08074441368)
Politics / Re: Patience Jonathan Arrives In Port-Harcourt Amid Tight Security by Bushdiri(m): 3:23am On Aug 19, 2013
Too bad Nairalanders, you guys can only talk or comment, but you can't stop her from visiting her home State, she knows who Ameachi is and what he can do, you want her to die before her,you guys can go to hell, she will remain your FIRST LADY till 20199999999999999999999.

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Politics / Re: 2015: Buhari, Tambuwal Divide APC by Bushdiri(m): 2:04pm On Aug 18, 2013
I think you are the person that needs education, can't you see what is going on in the north, where muslims are killing non muslims, in the name of boko haram, and you are telling us that Islam is a religion of peace,BIGGEST LIE OF HUMANITY.
Tunde ajani: my brother you need education on a field of islamic knowledge called tafsir..the glorious quran is not your kind of nigerian newspaper you read and end up speculating without a knowledge of the deeper content of facts.i refer you to scholars, islam textbooks,internet(not sites which twists facts to blackmail the religion of peace with negative propangadas) to go and make research why these verses where revealed and their meanings ( other than the one opened to your veiled eyes) BOTTOM LINE;The quran is not macmillian,neither is it a newspaper nor any other books,it is a divine book with contents comprehensible to a sound,non-mischief minded individual with a deep and verse knowledge of the tafsir..good day.God bless you,bless me,bless seun osewa and all nairalanders worldwide and our parents.one love.we are brothers.
Autos / Re: A Nicely Registered 2009 Hyundai I10 For Sale N750k by Bushdiri(m): 5:29pm On Aug 17, 2013
Nice ride, can I have for 600K, location please.
Autos / Re: BUY OR CLEAR YOUR CARS FROM COTONUO AT REASONABLE PRICE*** by Bushdiri(m): 9:13am On Jul 30, 2013
Kaymed:                         I help people buy cars from cotonou cars market and take it down to their door steps

  Do you want to buy a car from Cotonou? What is your favoritez car? These are the simple steps you have to take now
Pls I need 2002 nissan primera or 2001 toyota corola, pls give me the budget for both cars, I will be ready in two weeks time,thanks.

     (1)     Call or drop a comment here   or  Email me now to enquire for your dreamz car.

     (2)    I will give a budget for the car, and the budget will land your car to lagos with all neccessary document

     (3)   You will have to come down to Badagry so that we will visit Cotonou cars market together to buy your car

      (4)   You will pay me my agent fees immediately I hand over your car to you.

NB,  You don't have to come along with cash at hand for security purpose, there are a lots of Nigerian Banks here at Seme border such as GT bank, Oceanic bank, UbA bank, Skye Bank, First bank and so on, after we see the car you want to buy, you can easily branch any of this bank to withdraw your money and make payment for the car.

                                                               HOW IT WORK

                  Cotonou  Car market is a very big market were you can select from thousands of car.

    I stay in Badagry, you will have to come down to Badagry wit 8k which will serve as transportation fees to and fro and 20k deposit which will be made when we see the car we want to buy in market so that the car will not be sold out before we come back for full payment.

We will visit Cotonou cars market together to search for your favorite car, after we see the car you want to settle down for, we will make a deposit of 20k to secure the car down so that it will not be sold out before we come back for full payment, we can make full payment same day or the following day.

There are a lots of Nigerian Banks here at Seme border were you can withdraw your money easily and make payment for the car, for security purpose, it is not advisable for you to carry cash from your place to market.

Your car will arive Lagos MAXIMUM of  2 days after complete payment and additional of 1 days to take it down to your place if you stay outside Lagos.

You can stay in Cotonou or lodge in a hotel here in badagry or stay in my place till your car arrive or go back to your place after the complete payment and I will take your car down to your place when it arrive
                                    Belows are my contacts

     Email               fagliku@yahoo.com

Phone number      08034750652, 07025153788

  Better still you can drop your comment here and I promise you instant reply

Politics / Re: Chidi Lloyd Was Tortured & Blindfolded Back Into Port-Harcourt by Bushdiri(m): 1:31pm On Jul 27, 2013
In Nigeria when a HIV AIDS victim dies,the family member points to one uncle as the killer, even some Nairalanders that can read and write, will also foolishly be pointing fingers to president Janathan, let's be reasonable, Chidi should be jailed.
Autos / Re: Enugu bonanzaMitsubishi L200, 2008 Model , 1.4mil by Bushdiri(m): 5:42pm On Jul 24, 2013
Send pix to my mailbox ( amieyeofori6060@yahoo.com , am waiting.
Politics / Re: Five Governors To Meet IBB, Abdulsalami Today by Bushdiri(m): 9:23pm On Jul 22, 2013
I know IBB, he is a wise man, he will welcome them but he will not dance with them, come 2015 GEJ will win, IBB will support him,because he knows that the north needs our OIL,if GEJ wins one Nigeria,if they stop him or kill him, that's the end of Nigeria.
Politics / Re: Soyinka: The Mad Old Professor (MOP) by Bushdiri(m): 9:09pm On Jul 22, 2013
Sincerely speaking,this your so called prof is sick,by the time Ameachi leave office with disgrace and shame, then you will see him go completely MAD.
Politics / Re: Soyinka On Patience Jonathan & Link With Amaechi by Bushdiri(m): 12:20pm On Jul 22, 2013
Old man, you are to advice and not to insult,believe it or not she is still your First Lady and by God's grace will remain your First Lady till 2015, Woleconfraternity, an illiterate is better than a devil tool like prof.
Politics / Re: Jonathan Running A 'one-man-Show' In PDP - Amaechi by Bushdiri(m): 11:42am On Jul 22, 2013
See the man you call brave and wise governor, granting interview to a London financial organization,even a primary school pupil understands the difference between political crisis and financial or economic crisis, Ameachi is a noise maker.
Politics / Re: Jonathan Running A 'one-man-Show' In PDP - Amaechi by Bushdiri(m): 11:24am On Jul 22, 2013
Ameachi is a noise maker, I don't really blame him but the supreme court that removed the man that we voted for, and installed a man that was in Ghana, against the wish of Rivers people, if you like love him.
erickajay: I really like amechi but I think he talks too much and I don't see him winning this war. My fear is that this man is standing alone he just don't know it yet.
Politics / Re: Buhari Disowns Yinka Odumakin - His Spokesman by Bushdiri(m): 7:10pm On Jul 19, 2013
My fellow Nairalanders,if you will believe me,without putting into consideration your religion,region or political affiliate, then you should know from these day that ACN is far corrupt than PDP, I pray that Nigerians should start seeing things the way they are.
Autos / Re: Golf 5, Nija Used....asking Price 600k by Bushdiri(m): 10:21pm On Jul 18, 2013
Pls confirm gear type, what's your last price, serious buyer.
Politics / Re: Jang Opposes Fashola’s Bid To Withdraw NGF Suit by Bushdiri(m): 6:26pm On Jul 18, 2013
Time will tell, after collecting money from River State pay master, he now wants to run away from what he started, that was the same way he(Fashola) and his corrupt Godfather Tinubu sold out Lagos State to PDP
In 2011, after much noise making,he should finish what he started.
Politics / Re: Jang Opposes Fashola’s Bid To Withdraw NGF Suit by Bushdiri(m): 6:25pm On Jul 18, 2013
Time will tell, after collecting money from River State pay master, he now wants to run away from what he started, that was the same way he(Fashola) and his corrupt Godfather Tinubu sold out Lagos State to. PDP, after much noise making,he should finish what he started.

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Politics / Re: Abacha's Daughter Lash-Out At Wole Soyinka On Twitter by Bushdiri(m): 2:42am On Jul 18, 2013
Motherland or fatherland all what I know is that she has sent a message across.
ilugunboy: Dunderhead and with all the stolen wealth by her parents..she is not educated enough to realise that Nigeria is a fatherland


Autos / Re: Newly Registerd 2003model Lincoln Navigator@1.1m by Bushdiri(m): 3:56pm On Jul 17, 2013
Can I know the reason for sale, any fault, how much last. [color=#990000][/color]
Politics / Re: Northern Governors, Soyinka Stoned At Port-Harcourt Airport by Bushdiri(m): 4:00am On Jul 17, 2013
Na your your Nobel Laurete we God wan punish so,as he think say na for River state he go come collect him retirement benefit

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Politics / Re: Northern Governors, Soyinka Stoned At Port-Harcourt Airport by Bushdiri(m): 3:50am On Jul 17, 2013
Can somebody please tell me where this old gray hair intruder called prof comes from, if our so called prof is now a PDP member why can he settle the problem in Ogun State PDP before coming to River State, back those four northern govfools that left the war in there states to come and settle quarrel,while there region and state is on fire, we should be sincere to our self, this very people are the people misleading Ameachi, I am from Rivers and also a youth, if you like call me a thug I don't care, but what I know is that the northerners and some few westerners should mind their business and leave us alone, but if they insist in coming,then they should come prepared.


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