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Investment / Re: Is Ether-coin.org A Scam Site by CryptoCoinr(f): 2:05am On Aug 31, 2017
I just opened an account there, but I want ascertain it veracity before I put ethereum there, so as to be on the safe side.

From the looks of it, yes.

They claim "ETHER COIN is the world’s most popular ethereum wallet. We are on a mission to build a more open, accessible, and fair financial future, one piece of software at a time". That's false; MEW is.

They claim Emily Wilson of NYT said "ETHER COIN Wallet...could allow billions of people currently excluded from banking systems to directly send and receive money electronically". Also false. The original quote is "bitcoin...could allow billions of people currently excluded from banking systems to directly send and receive money electronically" from a WSJ article.

It's also missing from every coin related site I know of. CoinDesk has no article on it, same thing with CoinTelegraph, BitcoinNews etc. I also asked a bunch of people that have been in this way before me and their advice is as expected: "stay away from it, just use myetherwallet".
Investment / Re: How My First Profit On Trade Coin Gave Me $17500 Which Is 6.1m by CryptoCoinr(f): 9:44pm On Aug 30, 2017
Been meaning to post this so here it is. I can vouch for him or at least the accuracy of his claim that he made ₦6.1M from that thread.

Let me reiterate: assuming he bought 50 Eth on March 27, 2017 and sold on June 12, 2017 when 1 Eth was ~$350 then yes, he did make ₦6.1M.

However, his price of ₦20K is steep. Sure, it's most likely due to how much he spent when learning but it's nonetheless outrageous. I can do pretty much the same for much less. This thread might be of interest to you.
Programming / Re: What You Should Know About Google (great Or Scary?) by CryptoCoinr(f): 5:45pm On Aug 30, 2017

Google is great
1. They know your facial identity(facebook too...theirs is in a wicked way...facebook can scan and recognise the faces of each member of your family - such a way you'll not know if to grin or scream)
2. They know your full real name
3. They know your address
4. They know your personality (internet personality / real life personality)
5. They know what you are upto...where you are...what you are doing.
6. If you use blogger, they already know your writing skills
7. The way you construct your search keywords also tell about your intelligence, somehow.

For me, they don't. I mean, sure, they could guesstimate my identity and link multiple accounts together, but, the last time I used my personal details online was about a decade ago on FB and that account has since been deleted. As far as knowing my address goes, mhmm, IP tracking is a thing.

Some people may not know it but Google keeps a record of (if you're logged in to your account):

- every search you've ever made using their search engine
- every app Android device has, when you use them (right down to the second) and how many times you use them
- every video you've ever watched on YouTube
- every location you've ever searched for on Google Maps
Investment / nee by CryptoCoinr(f): 6:13pm On Aug 28, 2017
Investment / Re: MMM Vs A True Investment At A Glance by CryptoCoinr(f): 2:48pm On Aug 27, 2017

1 Like 2 Shares

Investment / Re: MMM Vs A True Investment At A Glance by CryptoCoinr(f): 3:25am On Aug 27, 2017

Seeing as I've never been into MMM and clarified twice to you that I wasn't speaking in favor of MMM, you should really try finding an English class, with an emphasis on comprehension. It'll help prevent you further embarrassing yourself in the future.

Investment / Re: Bitcoin Is The Future Currency. Learn How To Invest Bitcoins by CryptoCoinr(f): 11:50am On Aug 23, 2017

Fair enough - 2 weeks ago:
1 BTC: $2703,89
1 SAFEX: BTC 0,00000240

1 BTC: $4138,42 (+153%)
1 SAFEX: BTC 0,00000476 (+198%)

So where has this gotten me?

I see the math or English is hard for you and you'd rather try your hand at being disingenuous. Let me help you, using your timeline.

Two weeks ago (starting from the day of your adorable post)
1 BTC: $2,703.89
1 SAFEX: $0.006489336

Today (again, the day you posted that adorable post):
1 BTC: $4,138.42
1 SAFEX: $0.0201748792

-> 1 BTC: $4,138.42 - $2,703.89 = $1,434.53
-> 1 SAFEX: $0.0201748792 - $0.006489336 = $0.0136855432

So in two weeks you'd have $1,434.53 extra if you were holding 1 BTC and $0.0136855432 extra if you were holding 1 SAFEX. Makes sense, it's almost up to 10 cents wink

Yesterday around [--snip--]

Google "red herring".

You keep referring to 'your post', but your post tells nothing interesting to me; its really boring, mate.

I'm not responsible for your inability to comprehend it, sorry.

1 Like

Programming / Re: Tell Us How You Became A Programmer & is there any other prog. In your family? by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:52pm On Aug 15, 2017

Same here.

Have you checked your email?
Investment / Re: Bitcoin Is The Future Currency. Learn How To Invest Bitcoins by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:09pm On Aug 15, 2017
More realistic would be to see where 1 BTC has brought you over the past 11 months versus the equivalent of 1 BTC in SAFEX in the same period.

Au contraire, the more reasonable calculation would be looking at where 1 BTC has gotten you over the past 2 - 4 weeks compared to 1 SAFEX. Go ahead, I'm sure the math isn't too hard.

And oh, don't forget to take BCH into consideration.

So to return the question: Lets see if BTC hits $78,825.70 in the next "11 months

You really should try to read my post not what you think is in there or at least brush up on your comprehension.

Yeah that's what a friend said as well, when I told him to look for BTC when they were under $50...

Adorable story.

Call me when any of them (bar SAFEX) reach 10,000 - 100,000 satoshis within the next "11 months".
Investment / Re: Where Can I Buy Bitcoin by CryptoCoinr(f): 2:34pm On Aug 14, 2017
Localbitcoins is the best I know of and you can see trusted, verified buyers with hundreds of successful transactions. Also, if the person fails to deliver you get your funds back. You can sign up here.
Investment / Re: Bitcoin Is The Future Currency. Learn How To Invest Bitcoins by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:52pm On Aug 14, 2017

At first they aren't recommendations, as I mentioned this clearly in my post.

Arguing semantics, great move.

Secondly I can, with a lot of certainty, say that you have not done your 'due diligence' on the list provided

Presumptuous much? I didn't quote myself from the ether.

and third, as per my given info in earlier post: If one, for example, would have invested $100 in SAFEX, one would sit on $13,047.- today (SAFEX: $0,024137 at time of writing). That's 130 times your initial investment. Not too bad for a 11 month period sitting on a 'strange' investment. Definitely can't say that about BTC over the past 11 months...

A nice attempt at extrapolation. You should try reading my post again, actually read it this time and pay particular attention to the dates. Call me when any of them (bar SAFEX) reach 10,000 - 100,000 satoshis within the next "11 months".
Programming / Re: Javascript Programmers??? by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:12am On Aug 14, 2017
Based on the missing post I'm assuming you've been banned again. Check your email.
Religion / Re: Earliest Method Of Birth Control Spotted In The Bible (Cum on ground) by CryptoCoinr(f): 5:01pm On Aug 13, 2017
For the ignoramus, abiodunalasa, making inane claims about Communist China's demented one-child policy, read.
Programming / Re: Tell Us How You Became A Programmer & is there any other prog. In your family? by CryptoCoinr(f): 2:52pm On Aug 13, 2017
Not sure. I've always been a computer freak so I can't remember any one thing that made me go into programming.

I remember dabbling into VB and thinking "meh, too easy" and when I couldn't understand what Dim was I moved into HTML/CSS. Back and forth for a few years especially because I didn't have my own PC so it was only when the PC I was using was within reach that I could program.

I also remember the PC I was using was formatted and I lost GTA: VC. A few years of wondering how to get it back and when I finally did I was unsatisfied with its graphics. I honestly felt I could do a better job. Fast forward and I'm learning C++, how to build game engines and OSes with AI. Couldn't quite get C++ classes, especially :: constructors and the PC I was using wasn't beefy enough for any game engine I could get my hands on. Unity was also a paid product by this time and I moved back to HTML/CSS.

My interest waned, CSS floats were quite irritating and I started C#. That's the only other language other than JS I have any sort of considerable knowledge about. I got stuck at delegates, prototypes and ever so slightly, inheritance and had a renewed interest in web development particularly because of money so I went back to HTML/CSS and JS this time... the present.

There's no other programmer in the house or anyone who comes close to my interest in tech. When I get a suitable PC then I can and will start backtracking my dreams.


Investment / Re: Help Me Please With My Blockchain by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:59pm On Aug 13, 2017
Hello. I have my chrome on auto save of password, so I wanted to login to my blockchain but saw that the audience paasword didn't input my password. I don't have my 12 word passcode and I can't log in. How do I reset my password?

You can't especially given the fact that you also forgot your seed. I lost my waveswallet too when my phone was stolen and kissed my alts goodbye.

Relevant article:
Unfortunately, we're unable to help you re-gain access to your wallet if you've lost or forgotten your password. This is because we don't have access to your wallet or your wallet password.
Programming / Re: Advantages Of The Linux OS Over The Windows OS by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:33am On Aug 13, 2017
I realized most programmers and developers prefer the Linux operating system I.e ubuntu and the likes over the windows operating system Any reasons for these, if you use Linus you can educate on the advantages as well

Cc pcguru1

I'm a Windows guy. As far as web dev goes, it's MacOS not Linux that the tutors prefer. You can spend hours trying to set up your system just to match a tutorial, I know I have.
Programming / Re: Advantages Of The Linux OS Over The Windows OS by CryptoCoinr(f): 1:31am On Aug 13, 2017
I am a windows person for now. I just settled with it cos it was 'cheap' and available when I started.

Strange. I've never had to buy an OS in and of itself.

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