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Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by cutebarbie23: 7:17pm On Nov 26, 2018
Sorry someone already asked.

No worries. Thank you ma'am
Health / Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by cutebarbie23: 4:43pm On Nov 26, 2018
Thank you! Don't worry God gat you. It is a manual kit (picture attached). If you stay in Lagos, Isolo, Ago/okota axis to be precise, it will be easier for me cos of cost of transportation.

Hello ma'am, I stay around isolo axis. I am interested ma. I will come pick it up myself, and I'd really appreciate it. God bless you
Health / Re: Doctor In The House:Obstetrics And Gynecology by cutebarbie23: 7:39am On Nov 17, 2018
Egbeda101 is completely right. This dude 2ballz (formerly LuckyG1) is nothing but a scam, he was busted on TTC thread, he is not a doctor. This is someone who wanted to be a MOD on the romance section. Abeg which doctor has time to be a moderator? You all need to be careful of the advice you get from him. Remember, health is priority.

BTW, he ask for private consultation fee of 1000 naira for one hour.... angry

My 2cent.

1 Like

Education / Re: 2018/2019 Admission Process Thread Guide by cutebarbie23: 8:27am On Sep 02, 2018
Pls I need someone help here... My younger choose federal University oye- ekiti to study computer science by didn't merit the cut off make cos he scored 187. Now he's so sad, crying and can't even eat well. Anyone should help with info about schools in south- west ( federal and state schools) that still selling post-utme form so that he will do change of institution ASAP. Help my lil brother out. The guy wan enter school dis year grin

N.B: he doesn't want private schools and also want to study computer science

Hi. My younger bro chose that same school. Is the list out?
Health / Re: Trying To Conceive A Child? TTC by cutebarbie23: 12:06am On May 01, 2018
Pls mommies in d hous, wch 1 is d best 4 hsg btw mecure and clinix?
Health / Re: Trying To Conceive A Child? TTC by cutebarbie23: 9:12pm On Mar 29, 2018

1 Like 1 Share

Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 7:14am On Dec 04, 2017
hello house, is there any lagosian here who did the lasu change of course and has bn admitted? responses highly appreciated, please!
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 12:23pm On Oct 18, 2017
By next week registration will start and all the list will be out this week. So those of you that your name is not yet out, just keep on checking


what's the source of your info please?
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 3:19pm On Oct 17, 2017
Well, I will be going to ojo either today or tomorrow to make some findings abt Admission and the list too

kindly let's us whatever information you find out. thanks
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 3:18pm On Oct 17, 2017
Hello house.

is there anyone here who applied for change of course and has been admitted?
kindly signify, please. God bless you.
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 7:31am On Oct 17, 2017
And what's the fate of indigenes who applied for change of course, but not yet admitted?
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 11:18am On Oct 14, 2017
Has any indigene who recently applied for the change of course bn admitted yet?
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 5:43pm On Oct 11, 2017

The list of provisionally admitted candidates is
being up loaded, please check back soon

thanks, but the change of course ends tomorrow. And knowledge of this admission status is a prerequisite for the change of course.
Education / Re: 2017/2018 Lasu Admission Guide Thread by cutebarbie23: 5:16pm On Oct 11, 2017
hello house. Has anyone bn able to check their admission status on the lasu website?
Education / Re: Unilag 2016 thread by cutebarbie23: 6:48pm On Jun 19, 2017
for the current MIT students that paid in instalments, please how do we go about paying the second instalment? I'd appreciate prompt response.
Fashion / Feather Brows: The Trendiest Eyebrow Ladies Are Rocking! by cutebarbie23: 1:57pm On Apr 15, 2017
Just when we thought there can't be a better eyebrow style than shaping and drawing with a pencil, feather brows reared his head into the beauty world.

So, what does a feather brow look like?

This trending eye brow style (which is most likely bird-inspired),  is actually made to look like a bird's feather. It was invented by Finnish makeup artist Stella Sironen.

Want to get this look?

It's easy. The brows take on a featherlike look from their parted-down-the-middle styling, which requires a glue stick to achieve the affect. Simply put, use glue stick to part the arch's hairs down the middle, giving it a feather-like effect.

While the Internet seems to be freaking out on this brow trend, some ladies are already rocking the feather brow.

Ladies, would you rock the feather brow? Tell us in the comment box!

This post first appeared on this blog - Bae's Diary!

Source: http://www.baesdiary.com.ng/2017/04/feather-brows-trendiest-eyebrow-ladies.html#more

Family / Beautiful! See Rare Picture Of Lovely Twins Enjoying Some Breast Milk by cutebarbie23: 3:07pm On Apr 03, 2017
This is what a new mom, Jasmin Akanni, got to say about her twin babies, her first daughter and their dad. Beautiful! 

"I still get lots of messages about how do I manage breastfeeding twins with a toddler. To be honest I'm not sure. sometimes I said to my husband the other night "we survived today" because my day felt like an extreme battle field. I'm fairly lucky that our little Diva is quite maternal and understands I need to feed the boys so she will just play around me or I have to watch many dance performances. The other thing that makes it possible is Mr Lover, he is constantly bringing me food and drinks, reassures me I'm doing great when I feel like I'm failing. He will keep me company during the night feeds when times get lonely, he cooks dinner every night so I can sit in the couch and get through the cluster feeds. If you want to get through this you need THAT person #andboobiebikkies" - Jasmin Akanni

Source: http://www.baesdiary.com.ng/2017/04/beautiful-see-rare-pictures-of-lovely.html

Cc: lalasticlala

Literature / Re: 'I Wish You Said No' - A Poetry To Single Ladies! by cutebarbie23: 5:36am On Apr 02, 2017
Beg to chip in,can i call you the devil then?
Look what you made them do,drawing them out only to ruin them.Have you ever sat down to discuss so with even your own sister,i plead you refute.
When they walked through thick and thin for you,you now come to stand as holy amidst all the drama.
An adage says #when one finger touches oil,it spreads to the other#
#Remember the soul that sinneth shall die#

You are right.....

This poetry shows that the females are on the receiving end, so they should know how to live their life.

Men shouldn't be left out either....
Romance / Re: What Do You Think About These Birthday Pictures Of A Nigerian Lady? by cutebarbie23: 10:14am On Apr 01, 2017
an indoor birthday party its not an outdoor party.

so, what's your take?
Romance / What Do You Think About These Birthday Pictures Of A Nigerian Lady? by cutebarbie23: 8:48am On Apr 01, 2017
A young Nigerian lady posted these pictures of her birthday celebrations online.

Tongues have been wagging on these pictures.

Describe these pictures in one word?

See more of her pictures here: http://baesdiary..com.ng/2017/04/nigerian-lady-releases-racy-pictures.html#more

Crime / Re: Miraculous Story Of How A Facebook User Was Kidnapped, But Saved From Ritualist by cutebarbie23: 8:42pm On Mar 31, 2017
Crime / Miraculous Story Of How A Facebook User Was Kidnapped, But Saved From Ritualist by cutebarbie23: 8:31pm On Mar 31, 2017
"On her Facebook page, Maranatha Innocent described the horrifying way she was kidnapped by ritualists on the 8th of March, she went missing for 4 days. Here's her survival story:

The 8th of March 2017 will forever remain a day to remember. So I went to the bank to withdraw some money since my mum needed it that evening and I wouldn't be back home until 5pm. Of course banks will be closed by then so I had to withdraw that morning. Like every other day, I left for school after I finished from the bank (cake school). 

Funny enough I closed early that day. Left the bakery, couldn't get a bike, had to walk down the road before I saw an okada. Good afternoon, good afternoon. Behind midway inn (from makurdi club) how much??100 naira. Okay. And off we went. For those of us who are familiar with makurdi, after tito gate, savannah round about, katsina ala street and then still on katsina ala street, by the sharp bend heading to bank road, there`s Word Aflame and then where they dump refuse. 

Na im this oga stop say im won piss. Well of course I have taken bikes before and they have stopped to "piss" and there after, our journey continues. So when this oga stopped, I didn't suspect anything fishy. I backed him while he was doing his business and I stood there "pressing phone". Next thing, a vehicle pulled over in front of me, three guys came down. One from the driver`s seat, and two from the passengers side. Those from the passengers side walked up to me while the other came down and leaned by the door. 

After we exchanged pleasantries, they asked for directions to"Tionsha". I turned to describe the place, and thats all I can remember.

Ghen! Ghen!! It was like I was sleeping and woke up in a certain room. My hands tied behind me, legs tied in front, my mouth was also tied. Three other ladies were there who were also tieds,, we all sat on the floor. The room was painted yellow, it had two doors. One for the toilet and the other led outside. There was a table and a chair, a wall clock, a ceiling fan and it was all ruged. 

I have never been soo scared in my life. You know the feeling of crying over and over again. Confessing your sins over and over and making several promises to God if only He will deliver me and help me leave there alive. The guys came in to keep watch over us wearing masks, there would sit and stare at us while we cry in our hearts since we couldn't cry out. 

Well, that was on a Wednesday. We were there till Saturday without food or water. The only Communication we had was if we wanted to go to toilet. You either nod or shake your head.

So on Saturday, at about past 4pm, a man walked in with something like a walking stick in a white agbada, bare feet and a turban tied around his head. I sat on the floor by the door, he walked pass me and went to the lady at the end of the room. He placed the staff over her head. Nothing happened and then he gave her a dirty slap. He then placed it again and it made a sound of a welding machine. (When two metals are been weld together)My heart was pounding inside my chest, sweating like I have never sweated before. 

The uncle placed it on the head of both the second and third ladie, and it made the same sound effortlessly. And then it was my turn. Still sweating and shaking like a leaf. He then placed it over my head, lo and behold, no sound. And then he gave me the most dirty slap I have ever received. He adjusted it and placed it over my head again. Still no sound. And that was how he ordered that I should be taken out. They quickly blind folded me, raised me and it was like I fell asleep again. And when I woke up, it was night already. I was bare feet. Everything was gone. Looking homeless, scattered, shattered and battered. Extremely weak. 

So, I found myself in front of Loekka International Academy, staggered to the road, sat on the walk ways trying to gather the remaining strength I had. Stopped several bikes but since I looked homeless, they just drove off immediately. I was able to stop one who kept looking at me while I tried to mutter my house address. Well, I got home safe, though extremely traumatized. After the horror movie that kept playing in front me. 

This is my story.

source: http://baesdiary..com.ng/2017/03/here-is-miraculous-story-of-how.html#more

cc: Lalasticlala

Literature / 'I Wish You Said No' - A Poetry To Single Ladies! by cutebarbie23: 6:39pm On Mar 31, 2017
This love poem is deep and really worth reading. Here's what it says:

Men like to chase by nature
We had sex so I conquered
And so I ask "what more"?
I've seen your tears and heard your pleas
I wish you said "no"

You were too emotional and not rational
I can't seem to trust you again, no never
You did it with me, you'd do it with another
I wish you said "no"

Don't call, don't cook, don't text, don't come. Don't reach my friends to get me guilty or get on media to call men "bad"
I watched you dupe your parents for me, inflate your fees and sneak out for a night. You said you did it for me ok, but you'll teach my children same
I wish you said "no"

You can't be their mother, your values are murdered.
I thought you knew that sex at best

is only just an appetite
You chose your path and made your choice to feed my flesh against God's word. Now you wait for me to marry you
I wish you said "no"

You are sassy and savvy
Sexy and slaying
Your meals unmatched, your laundry's the best. But still i'm deep in search my dear but definitely not for you
I wish you said "no"

I am searching for the lady who loves me enough to say "no" at the sight of sin
I search for the lady who is one with God and loves His word more than my words
I know the lady I want to marry, the one my kids will call "mother"

To all my sisters, cousins and nieces
To all the females in the house
Just learn to say "no"
Esteem God's word above their words.
True love always wait.
*Unknown Author*

source: http://www.baesdiary.com.ng/2017/03/i-wish-you-said-no-love-story-to-single.html#more


Romance / 'I Wish You Said No' - A Love Story To Single Ladies! by cutebarbie23: 6:30pm On Mar 31, 2017
This love story is deep and really worth reading. Here's what it says:

Men like to chase by nature
We had sex so I conquered
And so I ask "what more"?
I've seen your tears and heard your pleas
I wish you said "no"

You were too emotional and not rational
I can't seem to trust you again, no never
You did it with me, you'd do it with another
I wish you said "no"

Don't call, don't cook, don't text, don't come. Don't reach my friends to get me guilty
or get on media to call men "bad"
I watched you dupe your parents for me, inflate your fees and sneak out for a night.
You said you did it for me ok, but you'll teach my children same
I wish you said "no"

You can't be their mother, your values are murdered.
I thought you knew that sex at best is only just an appetite
You chose your path and made your choice to feed my flesh against God's word.
Now you wait for me to marry you
I wish you said "no"

You are sassy and savvy
Sexy and slaying
Your meals unmatched, your laundry's the best. But still i'm deep in search my dear but definitely not for you
I wish you said "no"

I am searching for the lady who loves me enough to say "no" at the sight of sin
I search for the lady who is one with God and loves His word more than my words
I know the lady I want to marry, the one my kids will call "mother"

To all my sisters, cousins and nieces
To all the females in the house
Just learn to say "no"
Esteem God's word above their words.
True love always wait.
*Unknown Author*

source: http://baesdiary..com.ng/2017/03/i-wish-you-said-no-love-story-to-single.html#more
Celebrities / Re: 7 Celebrities Who Have Suffered Domestic Violence by cutebarbie23: 11:16pm On Mar 16, 2017
Useless freeze, na only to talk rubbish online u sabi. Face to face u are notin, ur wife batter u, shame on you

Celebrities / 7 Celebrities Who Have Suffered Domestic Violence by cutebarbie23: 7:30pm On Mar 16, 2017
According to Wikipedia, Domestic violence (also named domestic abuse, battering, or family violence) is a pattern of behavior which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic setting, such as in marriage. In other words, it is when people in a marriage use of fists, objects or any other thing to hit, beat, damage, make useless or kill their partners.... (my definition)!

Let's take a look at Nigerian Celebrities that have experienced domestic violence....

1. Chike Ike

The actress claimed she lost her pregnancy and almost lost her life due to the physical and emotional torture by her ex-husband, Mr Tony Eberiri in 2013. 

2. Monalisa Chinda

Monalisa Chinda's first marriage to the Question Mark label boss, Dejo Richards, crashed over claims of domestic violence. 

3. Emma, the wife of Emeka Ike

In her words, “If I was still with him, I may not survive. I was 19-year old when I met him and he was the one who deflowered me. I see no reason I shouldn’t be treated with utmost respect. Due to physical torture, my health has been affected. There was even a time I thought I had breast cancer because I felt a lump on one part of my breast."

4. Tonto Dike

She suffered domestic violence as well. In a video interview, she showed pictures of scars she got when her ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill battered her.

5. Muma Gee

Her ex-husband, Prince Eke, cried out that Muma Gee left her kids at home, to party and frolick with men in Abuja. The actress later put up pictures of herself been battered. She claims her husband has been abusing her through the years.


Men are also victims of abuse. OAP Freeze has been battered by his ex-wife. He posted pictures as claims to attest to the beatings he got from his wife.

7. Ajoke, wife of Foston Utomi (Patoranking’s Record Label Boss)

Recently, a picture of A joke covered in blood surfaced on the Internet. She was reportedly battered by her husband, Foston Utomi, who was Patoranking’s Record Label Boss. During the abuse, he swore that he would “enter Instablog” as the next man who killed his wife. 

The rate at which people are abused in their via domestic violence is alarming. In my opinion, I think stiffer punishment should be given to people who abuse their spouses physically.
Dear BAE'S DIARY Readers, how can the society and Government help in combating domestic violence? Tell us in the comment box!

This post first appeared on this blog - Bae's Diary!

Source: http://baesdiary..com.ng/2017/03/7-celebrities-who-have-suffered.html

Religion / Re: 6 Ways Ministers Of God Can Avoid Scandals by cutebarbie23: 3:37pm On Mar 15, 2017

Let male pastors counsel the men, while the pastor's wife counsels the women. Chikena!

Religion / Re: 6 Ways Ministers Of God Can Avoid Scandals by cutebarbie23: 3:35pm On Mar 15, 2017
Avoid women matters let your wife handle it. Anything that has to do with ladies, married women, single women either in counselling, assisting financial or otherwise, as a man of God your wife must be the one to handle it to avoid stories that touch or do it in such a way that your wife is in the know of every. To avoid their matter is the wisdom to stay off those scandals...

The Bible said get wisdom and in all thy getting get understanding,
It also says wisdom is the principal thing...NOT anointing.

Women are the easiest tool in the hand of the enemy to bring down men of God and destroy great and mighty destinies and that has always been the case right from the garden of Eden. They are usually more than men in the churches, so dealing with them with strict discipline is the best way so as not to give the enemy any opportunity.

More often than not they are very susceptible to the enemy manipulation, that's why many great men of God in Nigeria will never have a lady secretary.Never.in
Some churches, women will not be allowed to even sit in the front row before them begin tempt the pastor while he is preaching by opening leg and cutting eyes or otherwise.

You can never tell when they will become willful tools in the hand of the enemy.

this is beautiful!
Religion / Re: 6 Ways Ministers Of God Can Avoid Scandals by cutebarbie23: 3:29pm On Mar 15, 2017
Joseph Prince's teaching on fleeing sexual immorality will be help for here. According to him, the problem with most of us is that we're not fleeing. Run! Then he went practical. In his ministry, he doesn't encourage male ministers to counsel females since he personally do not do that. They have capable females. Then he gave an example of fleeing, maybe after service you enter your car and about to leave, a very attractive lady comes to you and request for a lift since you're going the same direction. What you need to do is you can compliment her like, you're very beautiful and attractive but I can't afford to give you a ride home. Here's money for your transport. Sometimes it starts from innocent intentions. What if someone take a pics The world won't want to hear. We're all red blooded men. It's no easy but as exalted ministers, they need to take their game to a higher level.

You are right.
Religion / Re: 6 Ways Ministers Of God Can Avoid Scandals by cutebarbie23: 3:27pm On Mar 15, 2017

As beautiful as ur write up looks, I expect U to also know that scandal is an obvious part of any fast growing ministry or Minister.
The fact that there are many fake Prophets all around us can not be over emphasized. But, the fact remains that the taller any "True" Man of God grows in the ministry, the more people U get involved with ( both real and fake followers), then, the more vulnerable the Minister becomes to scandals. Scandal is a huge part of a rapidly growing Church or Minister. Its unavoidable.

That was the reason the article didn't judge anyone. it's just an eye--opener to avoid stuffs like this. Thanks for reading.
Religion / 6 Ways Ministers Of God Can Avoid Scandals by cutebarbie23: 11:32pm On Mar 12, 2017
“An accused individual has the right to be presumed innocent, until proven guilty, according to the law.”– UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHT. This article is not an attempt to accuse or acquit the Minister of God (presently in an alleged sex scandal) or his accuser, but to help ministers avoid grey areas, that might put them in similar complex standing.

Here are the things Men of God should do to have a scandal free reputation, especially with the opposite sex.

1. Men of God should keep their wives in copy of emails, text messages with the opposite sex, whether they are soliciting for help, advice, prayers or greetings. A woman’s instinct can spot a shady move or intention from a mile away, this can help avert impending scandal.

2. It’s advisable to cut off lengthy conversations with the opposite sex if they tend to drag the conversation. If they need counselling, they should be referred to the counselling department.

3. During counselling or prayer sessions, the door should be left open. This reduces the probability of something scandalous to be assumed.

4.  Contacts, such as hugs, if it cannot be avoided, should be kept to the barest minimum. A side hug should be given in place of a full hug. Even if you don’t have a bad intention, the person might assume otherwise. And trust me, that’s where rumors starts spreading.

5. While it is good to give the needy, all forms of assistance, cash or kind, should be handled by the welfare department. It’s hard to misconstrue an assistance given or handled by the department for exchange for personal or emotional gratification.

6.  Social media should not be misused as people tend to be more expressive through these channels than when talking to you in person. An innocent gesture might come off as something more.

How else do you think men of God can avoid scandals? Tell us in the comment box!

This post first appeared on this blog - Bae's Diary.

Source: http://baesdiary..com.ng/2017/03/6-ways-for-ministers-of-god-to-avoid.html#more

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Family / Re: The ‘endure It’ Syndrome…… How It Plays Out! by cutebarbie23: 3:02pm On Mar 12, 2017

Its because men can't be victim, just like how men can't be raped, it's on of those raw deals you get when you become a man, so we suck it up. It only plays out when we act out about it.


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