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Politics / Re: Should East Dam River Niger by deadkamalu: 10:51am On Dec 31, 2021

Not just geography, he need political-economy lessons.

The older generations of igbos understand that they are the greatest beneficiary of Nigeria both in market population and geography. However, it will take a reality shock on this current generation to understand what their grandparents understood long time ago
we too understand but it seems the poorly educated minorities are louder.
Believe aside politics me we are the biggest beneficiaries of the Union.

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Politics / Re: Should East Dam River Niger by deadkamalu: 10:47am On Dec 31, 2021
It is good he opened a thread,he will be more educated after reading the comments.
Actually I have met a supposed educated person who thinks the Niger is a spill over from the sea.

To break it down,all streamlets heads to the stream,stream to the river and rivers to the sea.
And the water movement is downhill,north is up and south is down. You can guess who can dry it up if they want to.

Also to add Nigeria can only claim the land mass equivalent of the sea which without the north our sea water access size will shrink. Seems we need each other in a way.

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Politics / Re: Should East Dam River Niger by deadkamalu: 10:36am On Dec 31, 2021

Yeah missed it, last I checked Ethiopia is daming a river that feeds the Nile river in Egypt and that is a cause for concern as Egypt is even contemplating war since such dam could lead to there demise.
Ethiopia is closer to the Nile source than Egypt in fact 80percent of the Nile originate from Ethiopia,your Niger River in Onitsha can be dried fr up north because it is closer to the Niger River source. Like Nile the Niger is also a well sedimented river carrying a whole lot of loads consequently forming delta at the mouth.
It is safe to say that the resource rich delta can't be without the sediment carried from the upper north.
Whichever way you look at it those at the top owns the river you are claiming at the bottom.

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Politics / Re: Should East Dam River Niger by deadkamalu: 10:27am On Dec 31, 2021
Actually it is the north that can dam the river and yours will dry up,remember water moves downhill and who is up? Like some said you need a good geography lesson.

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Investment / Re: Crypto Currency Investors Thread by deadkamalu: 3:07am On Nov 30, 2021
I can't go past the facial verification phase,someone please put me through

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Politics / Re: Meet Nonye Soludo, The Next Anambra First Lady by deadkamalu: 9:30am On Nov 15, 2021
Soludo means "follow the path of peace"

Chinonye means 'God is with us"

When you allow "God and peace" to rule over your state, Then prosperity is assured.

God bless Anambra and the entire south east states
soludo actually means to respect udo(an ancient diety in the aguata area)
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: NDA Releases List Of Successful Candidates For 73rd Regular Course by deadkamalu: 12:19pm On Oct 11, 2021
What is a tiv boy Joshua dooter ngur from benue doing in abia list?

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Politics / Re: Mogadishu Somalia Looks Beautiful More Than The Niger Delta Region[photos] by deadkamalu: 6:30pm On Aug 06, 2021
If not for the Somalian civil war, lagos and Abuja can't even stand close to mogadishu.
Politics / Re: Can Mixed Fulani And Igbo Children Bring A Solution To The Nigerian Issue by deadkamalu: 2:25pm On Jun 11, 2021
My maternal grandmum is fulani and I am igbo but the murderous fulanis are not my people


Romance / Re: 2 - Deleted by deadkamalu: 1:49am On Apr 01, 2021
A woman's best love letters are always written to the man she is betraying.
this babe don finish me be that ooo


Properties / Re: Oyibo Made Millions Selling Marble To Corrupt Northern Politicians by deadkamalu: 6:15pm On Mar 25, 2021
Insightful piece exposing age long mental inertia of our unfit leaders. unfortunately a member of that clan is still in charge.
Politics / Re: Bandits Are Out-of-control Fulanis ― Governor Bello by deadkamalu: 6:33am On Jan 07, 2021
This is just an economic war between the hausa(other northern groups) and the fulanis. It is too shameful for them to admit because they want you to believe the "one north" slogan.
Romance / Re: Never Forgive A Woman For Cheating. by deadkamalu: 11:02am On Jan 06, 2021
Bleep na play no be war.
Politics / Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by deadkamalu: 4:39pm On Jan 03, 2021

Dear Mktinsight,
Thank you for not responding to the huge insults on you by some people here who are filled with the quantum of hate I have never seen in my life. They must be carrying a big burden. This forum should be a place to exchange different ideas and not to fight. This is why I am very very afraid for the country Biafra whenever it comes. I doubt if Biafrans will tolerate each other. There will be too much bloodshed between illiterates and the educated, extremists and liberals, men and women. I really fear for this generation of Ndigbo
the man is patient,resilient and has a very good submission in most of his argument. Our environment is begging for attention in Nigeria but we are on a wild goose chase with not well thought out phantom projects. Our streets are decayed as they stinks.


Politics / Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by deadkamalu: 1:39pm On Jan 03, 2021
Nigeria, Africa is passing you by. This is Kakamega Town in western kenya the 10th largest town in Kenya. Not 1, 2, or 3 TENTH. Look at the roads and planning.


This is Kisumu, Western Kenya the THIRD largest city in Kenya. Again look at the planning. No dirty markets or 10x10 shops litering the sides of the roads. Parking lanes, pavements, trees, marked roads, no pot holes.

jisieike nwanne.


Politics / Re: Rest In Peace Gana - The Gana We Know by deadkamalu: 2:17am On Sep 10, 2020
Many folks eulogizing this man don't even know the extent of criminality he perpetuated while alive. This nigga buries people alive he is so heartless that he can set a whole family ablaze,I am shocked beyond words that people are rooting for this guy.
Even after the BIRS contract to assaude him he still went beserk killing for no just cause,what manner of a freedom fighter will go to a market and kill defenseless people.
If benue govt wants to be sincere they will tell you gana is the fulani crisis instigator and not a Robinhood,he rustles their cattle and the vengeneful lots attack villages with all ferocity and in all of this he never put up a fight for those villages.
He is a state government sponsored militia leader gone wrong and the reason for this amnesty charade was to bring him back to lead a militia gang against the federal government for not supporting the benue livestock guard and the recent water resource bill.
Why will a state governor not intimate the army regarding amnesty program?something is fishy,gana is a baggage ortom inherited from suswam and he is like a tse tse fly perching on the scrotum.
The army did a good job by eliminating the criminal enough of this political correctness and twisting of naked facts.
nawa oo gana is now a hero to to people he has killed more than anyone else.
As ndigbo will say "Ife ojo gba afo o buru omenani" the fly narrative of gana being a Robinhood goes to show the extent we as a people have been depraved and all shame lost.
It is an insult to the families of his victims and a mockery to the dead. Rip dacor that was killed by ganas rampaging gang and many others who lost their lives to the monster at last this is justice

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Politics / Re: Army Kills Terwase "Gana" Akwaza Hours After Being Granted Amnesty By Benue Govt by deadkamalu: 9:50am On Sep 09, 2020

I didn't want to comment but you forced me to. Why do u guys love to misinform the public with your unfounded and baseless lies?

Mr man, if you did your research well, you would be aware that Gana connived with Fulani herdsmen to wreak havoc on his people. As a matter of fact, ask the average tiv man who has been a victim of the lingering war between Fulani herdsmen and the Tivs, and you will get a first hand knowledge of what truly transpired.

That Gana man killed thousands of Tiv men, snatched their properties, wives, and worked for Ortom, and yet you come to Nairaland to spew thrash on what you know nothing about.

I'm sure with your 400+ likes, you must be feeling like a celebrity for commenting on what you have zero information on.

Lastly, I must say: "Kudos to the Nigerian army for killing him cos we don't need people like that amongst us". That guy was a terrorist who didn't spare his kinsmen and his death is well justified.
I am shocked how they are twisting facts to suit their devilish narrative and agenda,gana is a killer and evil and was never in any occasion fighting for benue people but for selfish politicians and fulani people.
How can he explain Zaki biam yam market massacre killing over 50people and other conutless cases of kidnap and killing of hostages who didn't pay ransom.


Sports / Re: Athletics: Semenya Loses Appeal Against CAS Ruling Over Testosterone Regulations by deadkamalu: 9:41am On Sep 09, 2020
Is this not akin to telling those students with higher IQ to lower their brain power so as not outshine poorer classmates.
This is racism and international quota system

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Politics / Re: Army Kills Terwase "Gana" Akwaza Hours After Being Granted Amnesty By Benue Govt by deadkamalu: 7:39am On Sep 09, 2020

Watch his interview with channels. He has carried out hits for fulanis both within and outside the country.
the guy is just a mercenary,he kills for money.


Politics / Re: Army Kills Terwase "Gana" Akwaza Hours After Being Granted Amnesty By Benue Govt by deadkamalu: 7:20am On Sep 09, 2020

Don't worry Fulani herdsmen ate coming ..plz stay in ur community.. I don't want to see u in any IDP camp....

That is why he is a civilian..f.g pays army for sustainance and food ...he does same thing as army: protecting the people..but no salary....

How does he maintain moral of his boys since he is deem illegal...he kidnaps for Ransome..that is it

The traditional ruler u mentioned..did he kill him..? No!....he only needs maintainace and sustainace.....

Don't worry,Fulani is coming..and more than 500 are going down as usual
it's better to die in the hand of a stranger than in the hand of our brother.
Good riddance to all the criminals and their supporters like you.

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Politics / Re: Army Kills Terwase "Gana" Akwaza Hours After Being Granted Amnesty By Benue Govt by deadkamalu: 6:50am On Sep 09, 2020

Anything people want to say o, oho! All I know is that I personally know a few families who will sleep better tonight knowing that they have found some justice for their lost loved ones.

Shey at least he found out what it felt like to be kidnapped before being summarily executed abi?
Nobody should come and tell me nonsense. All of us na Benue people.
my brother I am with you on this and my heart is filled with joy that alast we have found justice,kudos to the Nigerian army,those people calling gana benue Robinhood have not even set foot in benue.
We are talking of a mass murder and a notorious kidnapper his last victim was even a traditional ruler. For those goading him I hope they train his likes to defend their own communities.
For we the good residents of sankera axis of benue state this is a breath of fresh air we are grateful to the Nigerian army for killing all the bad boys especially gana and joundough


Culture / Re: About The Surnames Of Rivers State Indigenes by deadkamalu: 10:54am On Sep 05, 2020
It's not a slave master thing,for centuries the ijaws traded with Europeans and in turn named their Children European names and those kids are now ancestors passing the name as surnames to people of present.

Say in the next hundred years most of the surnames in southern Nigeria will be Christian and European names because Gabriel,Justine,Caleb of today will be grandfather tommorow and they will pass off this name to their offsprings as surnames,reason why we need to stop giving our kids English name because in the next century our identity will be lost.


Politics / Re: South Africa,ghana,kenya & African Countries Are More Developed Than Nigeria by deadkamalu: 2:30pm On Sep 01, 2020

How is it disgraceful, he just started planting, how do you expect it to look. They haven’t even started watering. And how does that make a country disgraceful if a celebrity cannot take care of his farm, that isn’t even a metric.
a Cutlass and hoe type of farming is disgraceful in 2020 but unfortunately that's the only type of farming Nigerian engage in.
Politics / Re: South Africa,ghana,kenya & African Countries Are More Developed Than Nigeria by deadkamalu: 2:27pm On Sep 01, 2020
Do we even talk about how all Nigerian cities have this unpleasant gutter water odour. It is same from Lagos,ibadan,kano,kaduna,Jos,onitsha,abato any Nigerian city you can think of.
Just small percentage of Nigerians live in decent neighborhood the rest are congregated in smelly slum towns and shanties with umbrella stalls all over the streets.


Politics / Re: Nigeria Loses 6.8m Tonnes Of Yams Annually – Osinbajo by deadkamalu: 6:33am On Jun 10, 2020
Nigerian government and their contractors are big fraud,this project is largely uncompleted and I know millions if not billions is budgeted for it.
No access road to the market,inside the market erosion is carving out one side of the market,no police station as reported,no modern toilet,this people are liars ooo
Properties / Re: Top 13 Oldest Buildings In Nigeria And When They Were Built by deadkamalu: 8:43pm On Apr 27, 2020
Not oldest buildings in Nigeria but oldest European styled buildings.


Education / Re: JAMB UTME: This Is The Physics Score Of My Private Physics Student by deadkamalu: 7:51am On Mar 17, 2020
My younger sister scored 241 and she has been crying since yesterday.
She applied for med and surgery. She is currently doing her pre degree program.
I don't even know what to tell her,it's obvious she will have to try again next year.
Family / Re: do good by deadkamalu: 11:45am On Mar 07, 2020
If he is a titled man call him with his titled name or you call him with his real name.
Business To Business / Re: Truck Owners, Agents, Managers And Others Connect by deadkamalu: 6:40am On Feb 06, 2020
Load available from RC cola company agbara to zaki biam Benue state. 30ton capacity open body or container box body trailer needed. Call 08089361664 for further details
Family / Re: If My Wife Ever Kills Me, She Should Be Allowed To Live And Take Care Of My Chil by deadkamalu: 11:00pm On Jan 28, 2020
If any bitch kills my brother and if the law fails me it is my prerogative to avenge the death of my brother no matter the cost.

I am surprised people are sympathetic to a murderous bitch.
I can't imagine how the family of that young man feels.
Politics / Re: Update on developments in Anambra state-photos by deadkamalu: 11:24am On Jan 17, 2020

Oh I doubt this
that school is the headquarters of darkness,no night classes. I am surprised nothing has changed

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