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Religion / Re: Are Humans Spirit? by dearone: 3:41pm On Sep 26, 2007
A world in which success is measured, not by degree of virtue, selflessness, compassion, and grace, but by power over others and material acquisitions can never produce the just and peaceful world that would represent a spiritually elevated human collective.

That is well said, I wonder if you have read one of the book I give out to visitors of my website, A book that is changing more lifes than I ever before.

Below is something from the book.

A noble and Godlike character is not a thing of favour or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking, the effect of long-cherished association with Godlike thoughts. An ignoble and bestial character, by the same process, is the result of the continued harbouring of grovelling thoughts.

Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of
joy and strength and peace.

By the right choice and true application of thought, man ascends to the Divine Perfection; by the abuse and wrong application of thought, he descends below the level of the beast. Between these two extremes are all the grades of character, and man is their maker and master.

If you would like to recieve the book just send email to team1eng2@yahoo dot com, .

Religion / Re: Are Humans Spirit? by dearone: 7:58pm On Sep 24, 2007
The question is "Are Humans spirit" if yes please explain what you understand by spirit, if no explain why you think humans are not spirit.

Without limiting words, humans are spirit, but I think being spirits most of the Human Race are not operating at the full spiritual awareness. I understand that there exisit one great spirit where everything proceeded, and this great spirit "God" has not changed and will never change. Humans live with all the ability of God, that is humans are part of God and not God, (God created humans in God's image and likeness), ,

Then, why are humans living with all sort of limitations. Can this problem be solved, is there any road map that will help this clarity of living like spirits that we are.
Religion / Re: Are Humans Spirit? by dearone: 1:32pm On Sep 21, 2007

That is very wonderful, you explained it so well and I so much believe in what they said in another place called spirit millionaires. They said that "humans are still spirit" (see spiritmillionaires . com ), and therefore humans are suppose to be wealthy.

I think that as spirits we are not meant to get stuck about things of life, we are very much equiped to handle everything that comes our way, the only problem I think is that we have not really awaken to the conscious knowing of us being spirits.
Religion / Are Humans Spirit? by dearone: 6:00pm On Sep 20, 2007
Are humans really spirit?
Culture / Re: What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 11:24pm On Sep 18, 2007
So this is all you can do for Nigeria. I wonder what this country is turning to, if we can't do anything for the country. keep on sending your comments.
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 11:16pm On Sep 18, 2007
I hope you have enjoyed the book so far, I have been sending the book to those that requested the book and I will send it to you as you request it. I will be offline for some time so just send a request email to me.

To your success.
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 8:06pm On Sep 10, 2007
[b]Gen. 1:24-31. And God said, Let the earth bring forth
living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping
things, and beasts of the earth after their kind: and it
was so. And God made the beasts of the earth after their
kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that
creepeth upon the ground after its kind: and God saw that
it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image,
after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the
fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God
created man in his own image, in the image of God created
he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed
them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the
heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the
earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb
yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and
every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;
to you it shall be for food: and to every beast of the
earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to everything
that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have
given every green herb for food: and it was so. And God saw
everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.[/b]

The sixth step in creation is the bringing forth of ideas
after their kind. When man approaches the creative level in
his thought, he is getting close to God in his
consciousness, and then the realization that he is the very
image and likeness of his Creator dawns on him. This is the
consciousness in man of Christ.

On the sixth day of creation ideas of life are set into activity. "Cattle" represent ideas of strength established in substance. "Creeping things" represent ideas of life that are more subtle in their expression, approaching closer to the realm of sense. They are the micro-organisms. The "beasts" stand for the free energies of life that relate themselves to sensation. Divine ideas are always instantly set into activity: "and it was so."

Underlying all these ideas related to sensation, which in their original purity are simply ideas of life functioning in substance, is the divine idea of life. When life is expressed in divine order it is pronounced good. What is termed "sense consciousness" in man is not to be condemned but lifted up to its rightful place.

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whosoever believeth may in him have eternal life." When the ideas of life are properly related to love and wisdom, man will find in them eternal satisfaction instead of sense pleasure.

Wisdom and love are the two qualities of Being that, communing together, declare, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." This is the mental image of man that in Truth we call the Christ. The Christ man has dominion over every idea emanating from Divine Mind.

The creation described in these six days or six "steps" or stages of God-Mind is wholly spiritual and should not be confounded with the manifestation that is described in the succeeding chapters. God is mind, and all His works are created in mind as perfect ideas.

This statement of man's creation, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness," has always been a puzzle to people who read the Scriptures literally. The apparent man is so at variance with the description that they cannot reconcile them. Theologians began first to admit that the Garden of Eden story was an allegory, and now they are including the whole of Genesis.

But this is more than an allegory; it is a description of the ideal creation. In their calculations engineers often use mathematical symbols, like the letters x, y, and z, to represent quantities not yet given precise determination but carried along for development at the proper time. Involved in these symbols are ideas that are to be brought out in their proper order and made visible when the engineer's plans are objectified. So man plans in his mind that which he proposes to build. First the idea, then the visible. This is the process through which all creation passes. God makes all things in His mind first, which is involution; then they are made into form and shape, and this is evolution.

In some such way then we can think of man as represented by an x in God's plan or calculations. God is carrying man along in His mind as an ideal quantity, the image-and-likeness man of His creation, and His divine plan is dependent for its success on the manifestation by man of this idea. The divine plan is furthered by the constant idealism that keeps man moving forward to higher and higher achievements. The image-and-likeness man pours into "mankind" a perpetual stream of ideas that the individual man arranges as thoughts and forms as substance and life. While this evolutionary process is going on there seem to be two men, one ideal and spiritual and the other intellectual and material, which are united at the consummation, the ideal man, Christ.

When the mind attains an understanding of certain creative facts, of man's creative powers, it has established a directive, intelligent center that harmonizes these two men (ideal and spiritual vs. intellectual and material). This directive center may be named the I AM. It is something more than the human I. Yet when this human I has made union with the image-and-likeness I, the true I AM comes into action, and this is the Christ Jesus, the Son of God, evolved and made visible in creation according to divine law.

God ideated two universal planes of consciousness, "the heavens and the earth." One is the realm of pure ideas, the other of thought forms. God does not create the visible universe directly, as a man makes a concrete pavement, but He creates the ideas that are used by His intelligent "image and likeness" to make the universe. Thus God's creations are always spiritual. Man's creations are both material and spiritual, according to his understanding.

Mental activity in Divine Mind represents two phases: first, conception of the idea; and secondly, expression of the idea. In every idea conceived in mind there is first the quickening spirit of life, followed by the increase of the idea in substance. Wisdom is the "male" or expressive side of Being, while love is the "female" or receptive side of Being. Wisdom is the father quality of God and love is the mother quality. In every idea there exist these two qualities of mind, which unite in order to increase and bring forth under divine law.

Divine Mind blessed the union of wisdom and love and pronounced on them the increase of Spirit. When wisdom and love are unified in the individual consciousness, man is a master of ideas and brings forth under the original creative law.

"Seed" represents fundamental ideas having within themselves reproductive capacity. Every idea is a seed that, sown in the substance of mind, becomes the real food on which man is nourished. Man has access to the seed ideas of Divine Mind, and through prayer and meditation he quickens and appropriates the substance of those ideas, which were originally planted in his I AM by the parent mind.

Provision is made for the sustenance of all the ideas emanating from Divine Mind. The primitive forms of life are fed on "herbs"; they have a sustaining force that is food to them, even as the appropriation of divine ideas is food to man.

Divine Mind, being All-Good itself, sees only its own creation as good. As man co-operates more fully with Divine Mind, imaging only that which is good, he too beholds his production with the "single" eye, sees them only as good. The sixth step in creation is the concentration, in man, of all the ideas of Divine Mind. Man is given authority and dominion over all ideas. Thus is completed another step in mind unfoldment.

In the six mental steps or "mind movements," called days, Elohim God creates the spiritual universe and spiritual man. He then rests. He has created the ideas or patterns of the formed universe that is to follow.

In the next chapter we shall find Jehovah God executing what Elohim God created or ideated. In the Hebrew the name Jehovah means "I am." We identify Jehovah as the I AM, the spiritual man, the image and likeness of Elohim God. But Jehovah, spiritual man, must be made manifest, so He forms a man called Adam.
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 4:28pm On Sep 07, 2007
Gen. 1:20-23. And God said, Let the waters swarm with
swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the
earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created the
great sea-monsters, and every living creature that moveth,
wherewith the waters swarmed, after their kind, and every
winged bird after its kind: and God saw that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on
the earth. And there was evening and there was morning, a
fifth day.

The fifth step in creation is the bringing forth of sensation and discrimination. The "creatures" are thoughts. The "birds . . . in the open firmament of heaven" are ideas approaching spiritual understanding.

"Water" represents the unformed substance of life, always present as a fecundating element in which ideas ("living creatures"wink increase and multiply, just as the earth produces a crop when sown with seed. The "birds" represent the liberated thoughts or ideas of mind (heavens).

In connection with the body, "water" represents the fluids of the organism. The "sea-monsters" are life ideas that swarm in these fluids. Here is pictured Divine Mind creating the original body idea, as imaged in the 20th verse. In the 2d chapter of Genesis we shall read of the manifestation of this idea. Idea, expression, and manifestation are the steps involved in bringing anything forth under divine law. The stamp of good is placed upon divine ideas and their activity in substance.

In the fifth day's creation ideas of discrimination and judgment are developed. The fishes and fowls represent ideas of life working in mind, but they must be properly related to the unformed (seas) and the formed (earth) worlds of mind. When an individual is well balanced in mind and body, there is an equalizing force flowing in the consciousness, and harmony is in evidence.

Another orderly degree of mind unfoldment is fulfilled. Another step in spiritual growth is worked out in consciousness when the individual enters into the quickening of his judgment and seeks to conform his ideas to those of Divine Mind.
Culture / Re: What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 3:53pm On Sep 07, 2007
So what do you want Nigeria to do for you? And please define who Nigeria is and what you want Nigeria to do for you.

Maybe we have to start from that
Religion / Re: Jesus Christ Heals! by dearone: 2:18pm On Sep 06, 2007
Chapter I

Be Thou Made Whole

JESUS SAW in Himself the perfect pattern of the God-Mind. He lived so close to that pattern that He became its perfect expression. As He continued to live closer and ever closer to God He beheld all men as living inventions of God, and through His spiritualized mentality awakened the image of the perfect pattern of the God-Mind in those who came to Him for help. Thus by arousing their souls' energy to such an extent that the physical became immersed in the healing life He enabled the perfect man to come into manifestation.

For example, when Jesus said in a loud voice to the spiritual man in the sleeping Lazarus who had been in the tomb four days, "Lazarus, come forth," the power of the Word in His voice aroused the spiritual man in Lazarus, who in turn awakened his soul to activity. Then the soul life in Lazarus resurrected and restored the seeming dead body, and Lazarus arose and walked out of the tomb.

The more enlightened man becomes the greater is his desire for perfect health. This is logical, for to be healthy is natural. It is a state of being sound or whole in mind, body, and soul. To heal then is to bring forth the perfect Christ man that exists within each of us.

There is quite a bit of misunderstanding on the part of both Christians and non-Christians with regard to the meaning of the words Christ and Jesus, and their use as applied to Jesus of Nazareth. Christ, meaning "messiah" or "anointed," designates one who had received a spiritual quickening from God, while Jesus is the name of the personality. To the metaphysical Christian--that is, to him who studies the spiritual man--Christ is the name of the supermind and Jesus is the name of the personal consciousness. The spiritual man is God's Son; the personal man is man's son. In the unregenerate God's Son is a mere potentiality. But in those who have begun the regenerative process Jesus, the Son of man, is in a state of becoming the Son of God; that is, man is being born again. At the time Jesus told Nicodemus, "Except one be born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God," He Himself was undergoing that mysterious unfoldment of the soul called the "new birth." He promised great power to those who followed Him in soul development. "Ye who have followed me, in the regeneration . . . shall sit upon twelve thrones."

The Christ or Son-of-God evolution of man's soul is plainly taught in the New Testament as the supreme attainment of every man. "For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God."

Without some evidence in us of the Christ man we are little better than animals. When through faith in the reality of things spiritual we begin soul evolution there is great rejoicing; "we rejoice in hope of the glory of God."

Christ existed long before Jesus. It was the Christ Mind in Jesus that exclaimed, "And now, Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was."

We should clearly understand that the Christ, the spiritual man, spoke often through Jesus, the natural man; and then again the natural man, Jesus, spoke on His own account. Spiritual understanding reveals to us when it was that Christ spoke and when it was that Jesus spoke. We know that Christ, the spiritual man, could not have experienced death, burial, and resurrection. The experiences were possible only to the mortal man, who was passing from the natural to the spiritual plane of consciousness. The Christ was present with Jesus, quickening and healing His body and finally raising it to the ethereal realm, where He exists to this day.

As Christ the Son of God became manifest in Jesus so He becomes manifest in us when we follow Him in the regeneration. "The Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead . . . shall give life also to your mortal bodies."

But we must have faith in Spirit and through our thinking build it into our consciousness; then our bodies will be restored to harmony, health, and eternal life.

Jesus still lives in the spiritual ethers of this world and is in constant contact with those who raise their thoughts to Him in prayer. The promise was not an idle one that He would be with those who have faith in Him. "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you."
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 2:00pm On Sep 06, 2007
Gen. 1:14-19. And God said, Let there be lights in the
firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night; and
let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and
years: and let them be for lights in the firmament of
heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God
made the two great lights; the greater light to rule the
day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the
stars also. And God set them in the firmament of heaven to
give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and
over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness:
and God saw that it was good. And there was evening and
there was morning, a fourth day.

The fourth step in creation is the development of the "two great lights," the will and the understanding, or the sun (the spiritual I AM) and the moon (the intellect). These are but reflectors of the true light; for God had said, "Let there be light: and there was light"--before the sun and the moon were created.

The "firmament of heaven" is the consciousness of Truth that has been formulated and established.

In the second day's creation a firmament was established in heaven (realm of divine ideas). This firmament divides the day (illumined consciousness) from the night (unillumined consciousness). Through faith the "lights" are established; that is, understanding begins to unfold. The "signs," "seasons," and "days and years" represent different stages of unfoldment. We gain understanding by degrees.

The "earth" represents the more external processes through which an idea passes, and corresponds to the activity of an idea in mind. In man the "earth" is the body consciousness, which in its real nature is a harmonious expression of ideas established in faith-substance. "And it was so"; that is, an idea from divine consciousness is instantly fulfilled.

The "greater light," in mind, is understanding and the "lesser light" is the will. The greater light rules "the day," that realm of consciousness which has been illumined by Spirit. The lesser light rules "the night," that is, the will; which has no illumination ("light" or "day"wink but whose office is to execute the demands of understanding. The will does not reason, but in its harmonious relation acts easily and naturally upon the inspiration of Spirit. Divine will expresses itself as the I AM in man.

The "stars" represent man's perceptive faculties, including his ability to perceive weight, size, color, sound, and the like. Through concentrating any of the faculties ("stars"wink at its focalizing point one may come into an understanding of its action.

Divine Mind first images the idea, then perceives its fulfillment. Man, acting in co-operation with Divine Mind, places himself under this same creative law and thus brings his ideas into manifestation.

The idea is the directing and controlling power. Every idea has a specific function to perform. When our ideas are constructive and harmonious we see that they are good and realize that their power to rule is dominant in consciousness.

"Evening" stands for the fulfillment of an idea and marks another "day" or step or degree of unfoldment in consciousness.

Again referring to Fenton's translation of the 1st chapter of Genesis, "By periods God created that which produced the solar systems; then that which produced the earth," we see that God did not create the worlds directly; He created that which produced or evolved them. Then God said, "Let there be light." The Hebrew word for light is owr, meaning "luminosity" either literally or metaphysically. On the fourth day God said, "Let reflectors appear in the expanse of the heavens." Then God made two large "luminaries." The Hebrew word here used to express light is maowr, "a luminous body." The author of Genesis made a distinction between the source of light and how it was to be bodily manifested. But both were concepts in Divine Mind.

Our modern dynamos produce luminosity out of the ether equal to sunlight. The earth whirling on its axis generates electricity. Modern scientists are accepting analogy then, holding that bodies in motion generate energy that under certain conditions becomes luminous, and the conclusion is that the primal force that produces light existed before its manifestation through matter. This conclusion is in harmony with the symbolic story of creation as found in Genesis.

Modern critics have questioned the accuracy of Scripture on these points. Robert Ingersoll in his book "Some Mistakes of Moses" calls attention to the creation of light before the sources of light, the sun and the stars, were created, as evidence of the ignorance and inaccuracy of Moses. But scientific research and study of the original Hebrew reveals their harmony.

If you miss any part just request for the entire book.
It would be better if you reflect more on what the book is helping us understand. It is not about the word but the manifestation of what is written, in our life. If you read about how snake decieved Eve and wonder how that is possible you might just be reading only letters and not reflecting on how it affects you.

You well know that there is deception even within your own mind and you can live better as you understand the book of Genesis beyond the letters.

Keep on reading.

More blessings to you.
Culture / Re: What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 3:03pm On Sep 05, 2007
For the most part, fear is nothing but an illusion.
When you share it with someone else, it tends to disappear.

Marilyn C. Barrick

We can help each other to a greater height.

It starts here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/consciousnigeria/join
Religion / Jesus Christ Heals! by dearone: 2:40pm On Sep 05, 2007
Hello Friends,

This is another book from Charles Fillmore titled "Jesus Christ Heals". For clarity, this book is written by charles fillmore and I am posting here for you to review and see if it can help you in anyway in the journey of life. I always look at anything I read as "how does this relate to my own present life", not just reading and being a master in words, I prefer to do with the little I know, than to know more than I can do.

I welcome your opinion. THE BOOK STARTS BELOW THIS LINE

Much has been written and said about the healing methods that Jesus used in His very striking cures of physical ills. The generally accepted theory is that they were miracles, but to this there have been many objections, among them Jesus' promise "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." So many millions have claimed that they believed on Jesus, yet not only have they failed to heal others but they have gloried in sickness and finally death under the assumption that it was the will of God.

Few have dared even to suggest that Jesus applied universal law in His restorative methods; for on the one hand it would annul the miracle theory and on the other it would be sacrilegious to inquire into the miracles of God. So it has been generally accepted that Jesus' great works were miracles and that the power to do miracles was delegated to His immediate followers only. But in recent years a considerable number of Jesus' followers have had the temerity to inquire into His healing methods, and they have found that they were based on universal mental and spiritual laws that anyone can utilize who will comply with the conditions involved in these laws. This inquiry has led to the conclusion that man and the universe are founded on mind and that all changes for good or ill are changes of mind.

Ages of thought upon the reality and solidarity of things have evolved a mental atmosphere that has produced the present material universe. These and millions of other concepts are the work of men and not God, as is popularly supposed. However they all rest on the original God-Mind and can be restored to the perfect law and order of that Mind by those who free themselves from their mental entanglements with materiality and identify their thinking with that of the Mind that is Spirit. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

It is taught in the Bible that Jesus was born into the human family to save its people from extinction; that, according to Paul, as in Adam all died so in Christ shall all be made alive. A psychological study of the whole situation proves this to be virtually true. Millions have accepted Christianity on faith and have found peace of mind and spiritual satisfaction without understanding the fundamental mind principles on which the redemptive system rests. This is proof that there is more to Christianity than the surface acceptation of Jesus as mediator between God and man.

We are all in mind related to a great creative Spirit that infuses its very life into our minds and bodies when we turn our attention to it. We have mentally wandered away from this creative Spirit or Father-Mind and lost contact with its life-giving currents. Jesus made connection for us, and through Him we again begin to draw vitality from the great fountainhead.

Ability to pick up the life current and through it perpetually to vitalize the body is based on the right relation of ideas, thoughts, and words. These mental impulses start currents of energy that form and also stimulate molecules and cells already formed, producing life, strength, and animation where inertia and impotence was the dominant appearance. This was and is the healing method of Jesus.

Although the Bible repeatedly refers to the creative power of the Word, men have not dared to think that the creative law is universal and could be taught to any man who would discipline his thoughts and words and center them on God-Mind. Jesus gave His whole attention to God, so much so that He claimed He did not even originate the words that He spoke: they came from the Father. By careful thinking and wholehearted concentration on God, Jesus made such complete union with creative Mind that His body was transformed in the presence of His disciples. He taught that men would eventually reap the reward of every word they uttered. "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Perfect health is natural, and the work of the spiritual healer is to restore this perfect health, which is innate and can be spoken into expression. Our ills are the result of our sins or failure to adjust our minds to Divine Mind. "Man hath authority on earth to forgive sins." When the sinning state of mind is forgiven and the right state of mind established, man is restored to his primal and natural wholeness. This is wholly a mental process, and so all conditions of man are the result of his thinking. "As he [man] thinketh in his heart, so is he."

No book, not even the Bible, covers all phases of human thought. Therefore the mental panacea for every ill is beyond the description of words, but Jesus Christ epitomized in His own consciousness all the thought processes necessary to man's complete restoration. So it is taught that Jesus Christ is the Word or Divine Logos in which is contained all the original creative essence.

The truth that divine man is manifest God is the great mystery hid for ages and generations and now revealed in Jesus Christ.

Get the entire book content by sending email to "team1eng2 at yahoo dot com" with the subject "Jesus Christ Heals"
Culture / Re: What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 8:14pm On Sep 04, 2007
Well it is very neccessary that we have vision for ourselves, My question "what can you do for Nigeria" Is really what can you do for humanity, what can you do for yourself, what can you do for the people you meet everyday.

Many people do not understand that this is the great vision of life. You are part of Nigeria and part of this great universe, is there anything you do that is not for yourself.

Even if its creating a business that will sell, what you are doing is solving problem that exist and through it you are making yourself and other people around you happier.

Just think about the person that is baking bread, and the other person that is distributing the bread and the other next person that has noticed that you don't need to travel far to buy the bread and decided to sell it in the neigborhood.

Anyways, what you can do for Nigeria is just more than you think.

We can all help each other to make things happen, maybe the next person can help you get your dream alive, or you might be the person that can just offer an advice that will help the person to a successful living.

Do you know that a lot of people are just looking and waiting for somebody to acknowledge them and tell them to keep on moving.

Some people feel they are in the wilderness and have no courage to speak to anybody because of fear of ridicule.

That is why I created this Yahoo group.

you can join today http://groups.yahoo.com/group/consciousnigeria/join
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 7:40pm On Sep 04, 2007
Gen. 1:9-13. And God said, Let the waters under the heavens
be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land
appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth;
and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas:
and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth put forth
grass, herbs yielding seed, and fruit-trees bearing fruit
after their kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon the
earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass,
herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing
fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after their kind: and
God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there
was morning, a third day.

The third step in creation is the beginning of the formative activity of the mind called imagination. This gathers "the waters . . . together unto one place" so that the "dry land" appears. Then the imagination begins a great multiplication of forms and shapes in the mind.

The first day's creation reveals the light or inspiration of Spirit. The second day establishes faith in our possibilities to bring forth the invisible. The third day's creation or third movement of Divine Mind pictures the activity of ideas in mind. This is called expression. The formative power of mind is the imagination, whose work is here represented by the dry land. There is much unformed thought in mind ("the heavens"wink that must be separated from the formed.

In this proclamation "earth" is the mental image of formed thought and does not refer to the manifest world. God is Divine Mind and deals directly with ideas. "Seas" represents the unformed state of mind. We say that a man is "at sea" when he is in doubt in his mental processes. In other words he has not established his thoughts in line with the principle involved. The sea is capable of production, but must come under the dominion of the imagination.

Divine Mind images its ideas definitely and in every detail. The idea precedes the fulfillment. "Let there be" represents the perfect confidence necessary to demonstration.

Ideas are productive and bring forth after their kind. They express themselves under the law of divine imagery. The seed is within the thought and is reproduced through thought activity until thought habits are formed. Thoughts become fixed in the earth or formed consciousness. In Divine Mind all is good.

Again a definite degree of mind unfoldment has been attained. Man, in forming his world, goes through the same mental process, working under divine law. Jesus said, "The seed is the word of God."

You can get the entire content of this book, just send email to "team1eng2 at yahoo dot com" with the subject Genesis
Webmasters / Re: Please Whats Wrong With Yahoomail? by dearone: 5:08pm On Sep 04, 2007
Go to tools on your browser menu, click internet option, then delete cookies and delet files, close the browser and check back.

I believe you email will be ok.
Business / Shopping With Your Atm Card Online: Is It Possible In Nigeria? by dearone: 3:39pm On Sep 04, 2007
Can you shop with your ATM card on the internet, paying for goods or service provided by a Nigerian.

Give reasons why you can or can not.
Webmasters / Re: A Web Developer: Are You Really A Web Developer. by dearone: 3:06pm On Sep 04, 2007
The domain is ready, the name has been registered the platform is ready, every business is waiting for the product, now the challenge is on you the web developer.

Are you ready to partner with me to bring www.bargainmasterng.com alive.

Only partners please. send mail to info@bargainmasterng.com or call 08055403390.

I would prefer those in lagos, because we have to meet and talk more on this product.
Business / Dealing With Anger by dearone: 2:37pm On Sep 04, 2007
Anger can cause you alot in business, but you can handle it with this piece of advise.

Dealing with Anger, September 3, 2007

There may be greater or lesser intensity to anger, yet anger is anger. Something makes your blood boil. Even though you well know that anger is not worth its salt, you still have it. First there is upset, and then upset bares its teeth and becomes downright anger. Odds are the anger seems to be caused by a relationship, some kind of communication barrier. You do not feel you are being heard. Whether the apparent cause is an insensitive customer service representative, your wife, an employee, a traffic jam, or obtuse bureaucracy, you feel stymied, as if you are up against a stone wall. You do not know how to make yourself heard. At these times, you are forgetting yourself, beloveds.

Whether you simply feel the rushing anger in your physiology, or you grit your teeth and clench your fists and keep silent, or you explode, the damage is done. There is no anger without damage. Leashed or let loose, your sense of anger has gone out into the environment. A message has been sent. It is a message that says war is justified. It doesn't matter if it is a war only between you and one other individual -- it is still war.

You may think there is a righteous cause for your pure anger. The ultimate cause is that you do not love yourself enough. The situation becomes a federal case because you are not being heard, and, therefore, by, your interpretation, not being valued. Because you do not yet value yourself, you have not yet learned to shrug your shoulders and put out the fire of anger. Talk to yourself a different way before anger begins. Give yourself reasons not to be possessed by anger rather than all the justification for anger. .

Naturally, you do not want to feel angry. You never did.

When you feel love and loved, you think someone caused you to feel love. Someone or something stirred the love that is already yours. Just so with anger. Your anger was already there within you waiting to burst forth, beloveds. You are the source of your own anger.

Anger has to do with control. Anger gets you by the throat and brings out the beast in you. I said beast not best. You become a haughty boss of life because you do not know your true power, and you feel helpless, and so you feel angry.

Do not think I am oversimplifying. If you loved yourself enough, you would not feel the need to react.

I know a lot is said in the world about how you must express your anger. But here's the rub:

No matter what a nice person you are, no matter your usual way of operating, when you become angry, you start operating in a bully mode. You feel forced to control. You are going to make something happen. You are going to change things. You become selfish, and so you yell. In one way or another, and you want to beat up on the seeming cause of your anger. Bullying was never honorable, beloveds. Saying what you feel is one thing, bullying another. Anger does not give you the right to bully one other Human Being.

When you feel yourself getting angry and justified for your anger, stop right then. Say, "Whoa."

When anger overrides you, find a way to get rid of it that does not hurt you or another. Pound nails, run two miles, play squash ball. Write a nasty letter, if you must, and tear it up. Find a way that works for you. Have a plan for when you become angry. Get the anger out of your system as quickly as possible without taking out your anger on those around you.

You do not have to vent your anger. You do have to get rid of it.

It is never all right for you to yell or scream at anyone. Yes, of course, you will kiss and make up. Kiss and make up now, and leave out the yelling.

Exepect success
Business / Re: Is Your Brain Still Working: by dearone: 1:59pm On Sep 04, 2007
Are you using your brain better now. Do you know that you have one time or the other thought about some Idea that is making money for other people, but not for you.

I only wanted to bring to your notice that your brain have to really be working to bring success to you. When I say your brain should be working I do not mean random thinking, your vain imagination. I mean thought that energize you to take action.

Thought that help you move to a productive direction. A direction that move you to that Aha! moment.

Well keep on reading this tread and I will be telling you how you can activate that sleeping cells in your brain to achieve more.
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 8:23pm On Sep 03, 2007
Gen. 1:6-8. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the
midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the
waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters
which were under the firmament from the waters which were
above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the
firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was
morning, a second day.

The second step in creation is the development of faith or the "firmament." The "waters" represent the unestablished elements of the mind.

The second day's creation is the second movement of Divine Mind. The central idea in this day's creation is the establishment of a firmament in the "midst of the waters" dividing the "waters from the waters." "Waters" represent unexpressed possibilities in mind. There must be a "firm" starting point or foundation established. This foundation or "firmament" is faith "moving upon" the unformed capacities of Spirit consciousness. The divine Logos--God as creative power--gives forth the edict "Let there be a firmament." The first step or "day" in creation involves "light" or understanding, and the second step, faith in the knowing quality of mind.

The word is instantly fulfilled in Spirit. "And God made the firmament." This does not refer to the visible realm of forms but to the mental image in Divine Mind, which deals only with ideas. In every mental state we have an "above" and a "below." Above the firmament are the unexpressed capacities ("waters"wink of the conscious mind resting in faith in Divine Mind. Below the firmament are the unexpressed capacities ("waters"wink of the subconscious mind.

The word "Heaven" is capitalized in this passage because it relates directly to Divine Mind. Faith ("firmament"wink established in consciousness is a state of perfect harmony, therefore "Heaven." Another degree of mind unfoldment has been attained. "And there was evening and there was morning, a second day." "Evening" represents completion, and the "morning" following represents activity of ideas.


Sorry, if you are getting all this wrong, there is no problem about it. Charles fillmore is telling us how What is written in Genesis can be related to our own life and help us live a greater life.

Not history, or word translation.

Thank you all!
Culture / Re: What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 8:12pm On Sep 03, 2007
Lets all discuss what we can do for Nigeria, and see how we can all help each other achieve more.

Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 3:37pm On Sep 01, 2007
Well said by Pilgrim, Genesis is not the source of our spiritual unfoldment, but it records the beginning of our existence.

That is correct, it is a record and in it is found our spiritual unfoldment in our creator God.

And charles fillmore, I think is correct when he wrote this:

The student of history finds the Bible interesting if not wholly accurate; the faithful good man finds in it that which strengthens his righteousness, and the overcomer with Christ finds it to be the greatest of all books as a guide to his spiritual unfoldment. But it must be read in the spirit if the reader is to get the lesson it teaches. The key to its spiritual meaning is that back of every mentioned thing is an idea.

You can chose what you prefer.

With gratitude and blessing.
Culture / What Can You Do For Nigeria. by dearone: 3:06pm On Sep 01, 2007
Hello friends,

What if our country can really be good again, what if we can in a few years from now live like the days where tribe and religion where never a barrier to our success.

Here is a yahoo group that is set to bring Nigerians together to discuss all about it .

Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 2:15pm On Sep 01, 2007
Pilgrim, "I love how you but it, In the beginning is not the same thing as In the source", I think we are talking about semantics here.

I am aware that Charles fillmore did not start the book with In the source, He said that the word Genesis means "the source" or origin".

He did not say that the bible started with "In the source", I trust you will check the post again.

The Bible started with "In the beginning" Charles Fillmore, I think is saying that the book of Genesis is the source or the orgin of our spiritual unfoldment. (Not that the bible started with "In the beginning").

To your success!
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 1:09pm On Sep 01, 2007
batu, I'm glad you understand hebrew language and english, when you say the beginning, the source, or the origin, help me please, what is problem in them saying the same thing.

I checkt out Bere'shit', and it is actually the first word that started the book of Genesis, here is it.

1:1 Bere'shit' bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha'arets. (In the beginning God created heaven and earth. ).

This is only for clarity.

I do not think that Charles Fillmore set out to contradict the bible or to say that what is written in the bible is not true, what I got from the book is that, humanity can live better if we can relate what is written in the bible to our own unfoldment and successful living.

That as we understand that we are all from the same source and can live together in love and in understanding. So sect, religion, group those not take us anywhere.

I strongly trust that love is the highest religion for us all.

Thank you for your explanation and may your heart lead you always.

To your success!
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 3:12pm On Aug 31, 2007
The student of history finds the Bible interesting if not wholly accurate; the faithful good man finds in it that which strengthens his righteousness, and the overcomer with Christ finds it to be the greatest of all books as a guide to his spiritual unfoldment. But it must be read in the spirit if the reader is to get the lesson it teaches. The key to its spiritual meaning is that back of every mentioned thing is an idea.

The above statment is my understanding. Thank you.

Believing what somebody says and understanding what the person is saying is a great thing in life.

Thank you again.

With gratitude and blessing.
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 1:02pm On Aug 30, 2007
Chapter I

Spiritual Man

Genesis 1

THE WORD genesis means "source" or "origin." It points to new birth and to the perfection of man in the regeneration. The law of generation is undoubtedly one of the mysteries in human consciousness. Men have probed with more or less success nearly every secret of nature, but of the origin of life they know comparatively nothing. In the matter of life we discover that the clues given us by our own experience point to intelligence as well as force. In other words, life falls short of its mission if it is not balanced by intelligence.

Man is constantly seeking to know the origin of both the universe and himself. But nearly all his research of a scientific nature has been on the material plane. As a rule, he has ascribed the beginning to matter, to atoms and cells, but much has eluded his grasp because their action is invisible to the eye of sense. Now we are beginning in the realm of mind a scientific search for the origin of all things. We say "scientific" because the discoveries that come from a right understanding of mind and its potentialities can be arranged in an orderly way and because they prove themselves by the application of their laws.

What is stated in the Book of Genesis in the form of allegory can be reduced to ideas, and these ideas can be worked out by the guidance of mental laws.

Thus a right understanding of mind, and especially of Divine Mind, is the one and only logical key to an understanding of the beginnings of man and the universe. In this book we have many symbols explained and their meaning interpreted, so that anyone who sets himself the task can understand and also apply to his own development the rules and laws by which ideas are related to one another and discover how they are incorporated into man's consciousness, thus giving him the key to the unfoldment of the primal ideas implanted in him from the beginning.

It is found that what is true in the creation of the universe (as allegorically stated in Genesis) is equally true in the unfoldment of man's mind and body, because man is the microcosmic copy of the "Grand Man" of the universe.

The Bible is the history of man. In its sixty-six books it describes in allegory, prophecy, epistle, parable, and poem, man's generation, degeneration, and regeneration. It has been preserved and prized beyond all other books because it teaches man how to develop the highest principle of his being, the spirit. As man is a threefold being, spirit, soul, and body, so the Bible is a trinity in unity. It is body as a book of history; soul as a teacher of morals; and spirit as a teacher of the mysteries of being.

The student of history finds the Bible interesting if not wholly accurate; the faithful good man finds in it that which strengthens his righteousness, and the overcomer with Christ finds it to be the greatest of all books as a guide to his spiritual unfoldment. But it must be read in the spirit if the reader is to get the lesson it teaches. The key to its spiritual meaning is that back of every mentioned thing is an idea.

The Bible will be more readily understood if the fact is kept in mind that the words used have both an inner and an outer significance. Studied historically and intellectually, the external only is discerned and the living inner reality is overlooked. In these lessons we shall seek to understand and to reveal the within, and trace the lawful and orderly connection between the within and the without.

Genesis, historically considered, falls into three parts: first, the period from the creation to the Flood; secondly, the period from the Flood to the call of Abraham; and thirdly, the period from the call of Abraham to the death of Joseph.

The 1st chapter describes creation as accomplished in six days, and refers to a seventh day of rest. There is no reason to believe that these days were twenty-four hours in length. "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." They simply represent periods of development or degrees of mind unfoldment.

Numbers are used throughout the Bible in connection with faculties or ideas in Divine Mind. There are twelve divine faculties. They are symbolized in the Old Testament by the twelve sons of Jacob and in the New Testament by the twelve apostles of Jesus. All of these have a threefold character: first, as absolute ideas in Divine Mind; secondly, as thoughts, which are ideas in expression but not manifest; and thirdly, as manifestations of thoughts, which we call things. In man this threefold character is known as spirit, soul, and body. Therefore in studying man as the offspring of God it is necessary to distinguish between the faculties as they exist in the body. We find heaven to be the orderly arrangement of divine ideas within man's true being. Earth is the outer manifestation of those ideas, this manifestation being man's body.

In the 1st chapter of Genesis it is the great creative Mind that is at work. The record portrays just how divine ideas were brought into expression. As man must have an idea before he can bring an idea into manifestation, so it is with the creations of God. When a man builds a house he builds it first in his mind. He has the idea of a house, he completes the plan in his mind, and then he works it out in manifestation. Thus God created the universe. The 1st chapter of Genesis describes the ideal creation.

The 1st chapter shows two parts of the Trinity: mind, and idea in mind. In the 2d chapter we have the third part, manifestation. In this illustration all theological mystery about the Trinity is cleared away, for we see that it is simply mind, idea in mind, and manifestation of idea. Since man is the offspring of God, made in the image and likeness of Divine Mind, he must express himself under the laws of this great creative Mind. The law of manifestation for man is the law of thought. God ideates: man thinks. One is the completion of the other in mind.

The man that God created in His own image and likeness and pronounced good and very good is spiritual man. This man is the direct offspring of Divine Mind, God's idea of perfect man. This is the only-begotten Son, the Christ, the Lord God, the Jehovah, the I AM. In the 2d chapter this Jehovah or divine idea of perfect man forms the manifest man and calls his name Adam.

The whole of the 1st chapter is a supermental statement of the ideas on which evolution is based. Mind projects its ideas into universal substance, and evolution is the manifestation of the ideas thus projected. The whole Genesiac record is an allegory explaining just what takes place in the mind of each individual in his unfoldment from the idea to the manifest. God, the great universal Mind, brought forth an idea, a man, perfect like Himself, and that perfect man is potentially in every individual, working himself into manifestation in compliance with law.

Continue from the my first post.

I can send you the whole book at your request: email "team1eng2 at yahoo dot com"   

Subject: Genesis
Religion / Re: The Hidden Truth About Genesis Revealed: How It Is The Power To Unlock Yourself by dearone: 12:47pm On Aug 30, 2007
God is not different from anything, but your awareness and your personal attribute can be magnified through your own mind and thought, that does not make God any big nor less in any place or any moment. Remember God is omnipresence.

God is all and God's manifestation is observed by us in stages! so lets see what this book is still saying.

And thank you for pointing out what you percieved as error in this book!

Thank you
Business / Re: Is Your Brain Still Working: by dearone: 11:54am On Aug 29, 2007
King-jaja thank you very much for that question, yes I own a business venture in Nigeria.

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