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Religion / Re: . by Eben2: 5:24pm On Nov 25, 2011
Brother, I must thank God on your behave that you desire to live a holy life in this corrupt world.

First, I must tell you that it is very possible for you to live above sin. In fact, that is the purpose for which Jesus came and died “that He might destroy the work of the devil”.

Now, living above sin is not something you can do by yourself. You don’t have the power. There is a nature in man that makes a man to sin even if he doesn’t want to sin. “For that which I do, I allow not: for what I would, that I do not; but what I hate that do I” Rom 7:15. Also, verse 18: “for I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not”. As you can see, what you are going through is not peculiar to you. It is the state of everyman before he knows Christ or become totally hardened.

The Good News is: Jesus Christ was sent to circumcise our heart and take away that nature of sin. But you say: Oh! I know that already and I believe it. Good, but that is where we miss it. There are three big steps to salvation – Hear the Word, believe the gospel and trust in the saving grace of Christ. Now, most people stop at believing. “Believe simply means “giving intellectual assent to a truth”. The Dictionary says, “to consent with the mind.” So, simply believing cannot save nor can it give you victory over sin and self. Even the bible confirms that the demons believe Jesus is the Son of God but it does not change their life and their doom is certain, therefore, they tremble.

Now, my good friend, if you want to be saved from Sin; you must take the third step – “trust Jesus wholly”. When the Phillipian jailer asked the question, “What must I do to be saved?” The answer in The New English Bible is, “Put your trust in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved: (Acts 16: 30 – 31). Again and again instead of “believe” it is “put your faith in” or put your trust in the Lord Jesus” That has nothing whatever to do with intellect; that has to do with the will, and it demands a decision. Multitudes there are who “believe” who has never “trusted”. Brother Kumuyi gave this definition of faith and I love it so much

F – forsaking
A – all
I – I
T – trust
H – Him

Forsaking all, I trust Him.

Trust excludes effort. Maybe you have been trying all along to live a righteous life by yourself. No! it doesn’t work that way. You need to put your trust in the Lord Jesus and let him deal with that sin. It’s like learning to float. If you struggle, you sink, but if you trust that the water is able to carry your weight your float. Please refer to brother OLAADEGBU’s illustration about “trust” in the link below.


Moreover, until I totally put my trust in God, I could not live above sin. I was strongly addicted to sex; I lie with ease. In fact, I could not stay without sex for two days. I had chains of girlfriend and I chase new ones almost every day. Sometimes I took bike from V.I. Lagos to Abule-Egba just to meet some girl. It was so pathetic! Sometimes, I felt so bad for what I was doing but I could not control it. To the glory of God, one day I met Jesus and I totally put my trust in Him and I was given victory over sin and the flesh. To God’s glory I’ve been living a brand new life since then. See my testimony in the link below:

Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:25pm On Nov 23, 2011

The Awful Truth!


whao! this is wonderful, i actually didnt go through this comic until brother 5solas talked about it shocked shocked we need more of this truth. I pray God will give us more grace to speak and live it till He comes for us.

@Olaadegbu, is it possible for me to copy this on Microsoft Word? If yes, how?
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 6:17pm On Nov 22, 2011
My good friend Ogwumgbe,

As much as i dont want to argue with you; i feel a need to explain one or two things to you one more time peharps the Holy Spirit will give you more insight into the word of God.

Now, concerning the 10 virgins; ask yourself: who are they? Are they born-again christians or not? The ten virgins our Lord was talking about is actually the church. Those that have been saved and washed in the blood of the lamb. That was why they were called virgins and they were all going to meet the bridegroom. Now, the five of these ten virgins were foolish - careless; they were not well prepared for the coming of their Lord. They were supposed to work out their salvation (they were already saved) with fear and trembling but they did not. "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; let us WATCH and be SOBER." 1Thess 5: 6.

Here lays the Word of God. You are saved by grace (unmerited favour) “not by works of righteousness which we have done” (Titus 3:5). As a sinner, i was bankrupt with nothing to offer God for the salvation of my soul. It was  not until i realised this that Christ saved my soul. Remember the prodigal son; as long as he believed he had enough to save himself, he was out of the Father's protection but once he realised how poor, filthy and unworthy he was; he was accepted back as a son.

A saved christian has an obligation to watch and pray without ceasing (i.e. work hard) because someone is out there seeking to take away his freedom. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" 1 Pet 5:8. Conversely, an unsaved soul has a need to look unto God for pardon and regeneration with nothing to offer. Christ paid it all!

Religion / Re: The Substitute by Eben2: 7:38am On Nov 22, 2011
Jesus Christ the Son of God hung there that day for you. He took your place, died in your stead became substitute, bore your sins, gave His life that you a poor, lost and guilty sinner might live. What a remedy for man’s ruins?!
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 7:30am On Nov 22, 2011
maybe you should read my third post again. you can only "work out" what God has "worked in"
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 6:17pm On Nov 21, 2011

@ Eben:
Thank you for your contributions.

I am tempted to challange you on many of you assertions, but I think it would be pointless since you and I live in two parrallel universes on religion and faith. So I dont really buy into all that adam's sin thing. If god had figured that adam was a mistake, he should have pushed the reset bottom and corrected the error or simply thrown adam into the dustbin and made another pototype. That would have made more sense than allowing the mistake to multiply into 7billion mistakes today.
Second,Forgiving sins does not allow for correction , learning and responsiblity. The fact the he keeps forgiving our sins is probably why we have not weened ourselves of sin.
Third, the supposed sacrifice of jesus does not make sense. How did the physical blood sacrfice of jesus to god(his father?) rid the world of sin? You have to believe in JUJU and blood rituals to believe that story. I dont believe in blood rituals.
The thrust of your post is similar to image123: That judgement is for non-believers only.
Both of you did not make any good case at all for individual responsiblity and conduct.
If a believer is assured of no judgment for his life, what motivates him to be kind, just, truthfull, charitable or simply put, to lead a virtous life? People cannot obey laws if are there no provisions for punishment.It  is human nature.

I have no need for prayers, just the discussions, I did not call any names,
Like I said, I live in different universe.

Every question you ask  here and again has been answered and they're registered in your mind. The Holy Spirit will use them to save you just as He saved me when i least expected. Amen!

{1:18}" For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. {1:19} For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. {1:20} Where [is] the wise? where [is] the scribe? where [is] the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? {1:21} For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. {1:22} For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: {1:23} But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;" 1 Cor 1:18 – 23

what else can i say?
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 5:35pm On Nov 21, 2011

the questions have been answered.

Sir, i dont think it is a bad thing if someone ask that prayers be offered on behave of someone or a situation. i.chuka did not accuse or call the poster names he only asked he be prayed for. who doesn't need prayers? Someone must have prayed for my salvation before Jesus met my soul and i still need more prayers. Pls offer one on my behave for i need God's help all the time.
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:13pm On Nov 21, 2011

@Eben. I agree with you. Though I hoped you did the right thing afterwards and also confessed your actions to your wife.
Aside from being redeemed, you must leave no room for the enemy to attack in retaliation.

Brother, this is too great to hide! I did not just tell her. I gave my testimony to the whole congregation and I've never stopped given it whenever the opportunity presents itself. My wife has never been happier; there's a peace in my home that i never experience before i got saved.
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:07pm On Nov 21, 2011

Reading your post, I cannot help but sing:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Amazing grace indeed brother. could you believe i sang this song for a long time this morning. I just could not fathom how He could save someone like me. I am just so happy!
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 4:55pm On Nov 21, 2011
Question 3.And lastly, we are also told that in the final day,God will judge our sins and punish us accordingly(eternal hellfire)for the sins of our earthly life.
If so, my questions are:

(A) What? What sins? But Jesus had already wiped our sins away and God had forgiven us for the rest after prayer. What sins are we now going to be judged on ,and why? Would final judgement not be a redudancy considering that we had undergone two stages of forgiveness already? Does it not seem like a betrayal? why accept the sacrifice of jesus and why pray for forgiveness if at the end you are still going to be prosecuted for your sins?


See previous answers. Also note that those that are going to be judged are those who rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. The faithful will be rewarded not judged. If men will not have Jesus as a Saviour, they will be compelled to have Him as a Judge.

Now, “how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation…”? Heb 2: 3. Come to Him today, He’s waiting right outside the door of your heart. Do it and do it NOW!
Religion / Re: The Substitute by Eben2: 4:54pm On Nov 21, 2011
"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation, " Heb 2:3
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 4:53pm On Nov 21, 2011
Question 2.Again we have been made to believe from childhood that the merciful god forgives all our sins, especially when we pray and ask him. If so, then:

(A) What sins are there to forgive since the sacrifice of Jesus automatically wipes away our sins? (B) even if there are leftover or residual sins, and the merciful god forgives us everyday throughout our lives,where lies our responsibility to lve sin-free lives?


Now, part of the answer to these questions has been given under question 1:

When you sincerely comes to Jesus as a sinner for forgiveness; He forgives and regenerates you. And you’re not expected to go back to sin again. “{6:1}What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? {6:2} God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? {6:3} Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? {6:4} Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. {6:5} For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also [in the likeness of his] resurrection: {6:6} Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with [him,] that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” Romans 6: 1 – 6.

Now as a born-again Christian; you may make some honest mistake in the cause of your journey to heaven; once you realize this mistake, you have an advocate in the person of Jesus to plead your cause should the accuser of brethren accuse you before God. Moreover, when such mistake is realized, quickly ask for forgiveness from God and restitute to whosoever such honest mistake is made against. (Please note that deliberate act of sin should not be regarded as honest mistake. It has to be something you had no previous knowledge of to be wrong).
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 4:49pm On Nov 21, 2011
Question 1(B). If my sins(the ones I have commited and the ones am yet to commit) have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, then where lies my responsibility to live a sin-free life?

Please go back to the bible passage I quoted above: 2 Cor 5:17. When you realize your sinful and helpless state and comes to Jesus for salvation, He does not just forgive you your sins; He regenerates you. Your nature of sin is killed (you die) and you’re raised again to a newness of life (born-again) never to sin again. So, your sins were cleansed by the blood of Jesus once and all your pass misdeeds are forgiven and forgotten no matter how terrible they were and you’re given the power to go and “sin no more”. To be born twice is to die once but to be born once is to die twice.

Now where lays the responsibility of a born-again Christian to live a sin-free life?

Philipians 2:12b “… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” But verse 13 says:” For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of [his] good pleasure.” So, at the point of conversion, God “worked in us” he operates on our inside to remove the nature of sin in us. But, the enemy of our soul is still without looking for every opportunity to take us back into captivity; hence, the born-again now has a RESPONSIBILITY to work out his OWN salvation. The salvation has to be yours before you can work it out. Moreover, you can only “work out” what God has “worked in”.
Religion / Re: Of Jesus, God, Forgiveness And Final Judgement by Eben2: 4:46pm On Nov 21, 2011

I sincerely hope that your question is born out of sincere desire to know and not out of a craving to show your vast scientific knowledge or intellect. This is because those that are wise in their own sight will see the mystery of the Kingdom as foolishness but it has pleased God to use the foolish thing of this world to confound the wise. Notwithstanding, the Holy Spirit will help me to give you answers that will point you to the cross as the only answer to man’s state of helplessness.

Question 1(A): Since Jesus died long before I was born, what sin of mine did he die for and what exactly did he save me from?

First, let me refer you to Heb 13:8 – It says: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” It simply means the power He had to forgive sins during His earthly ministry “…son, thy sins be forgiven thee” Mark 2: 5 and during the time of the apostles “…whosover believeth in Him shall receive remission of sins” Acts 10:43; the power is still available to forgive sins today - I am a living witness!

That He died a long time ago does not mean, His saving grace has expired. John 3:16 said: “WHOSOVER believes in Him shall not perish…” it didn’t say: “whosoever believe in Him now” “Whosoever” - black, white, brown, yellow etc; “believes” – now, tomorrow and anytime.

Now, what exactly did He save us from?

In Gen 2: 17b“… for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” Here, God made a law and pronounced the penalty for disobeying that law – death. “For the wages of sin is death” Rom 6:23a. Now, the death that God pronounced as the punishment for disobedience is not just physical but spiritual – it means man would be separated from God and his soul will be condemned to eternal punishment. Alas! This was not known to our first parents (perharps). Hence, the devil came and deceived them. He gave them fruit that was “pleasant to the eyes”, and took from them the power and dominion that God gave them over all the creations of His hand and sold them as slaves to “sin”. Hence, the nature of God and likeness of God – Holiness was taken away from them and another nature – sin was given them.

As a result of this, everyman born of Adam is born with the nature of sin - Adamic nature. Man becomes naturally sinful. We didn’t have to be taught to steal, kill, fornicate, lie etc. Our body of sin does all these without learning it. WE ARE SINNERS NOT BECAUSE WE SIN, BUT WE SIN BECAUSE WE ARE SINNERS.
Now, God was not happy with the situation. He loves us but hates the Sin in us. He sent His prophets to show us the way back to Him but they were not listened to. They were rather beaten, killed and mocked. They were told that what they were saying was ridiculous and did not appeal to common human knowledge (knowledge they got from eating the forbidden fruit) and known science; hence, unacceptable.

At last God provided a lasting solution. “I will send my Son, He will suffer and die for the Sin of the world, and He will be nailed to a cross with the Adamic nature of everyone that trusts in His name. The sins of as many as trust in His saving grace will be washed by His blood”. For “…without shedding of blood is no remission”. Heb 9:22. Jesus Christ the Son of God hung there that day for you. He took your place, died in your stead became substitute, bore your sins, gave His life that you a poor, lost and guilty sinner might live. What a remedy for man’s ruins?!

Hence, Jesus Christ died to save us from the nature of sin; to reconcile us back to God, give us back the dominion that the devil took away from us at Eden, to deliver us from the penalty of sin – eternal death and to give us everlasting life that we lost at Eden. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly”. John 10:10. The old nature is taken away and you’re given a new one. “Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. 2 cor 5:17
Religion / Re: The Substitute by Eben2: 5:38pm On Nov 18, 2011
If you are lost, it will not be because of your sins. it will be because you will not accept the pardon that God offers you through His Son Jesus Christ. sad sad
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:34pm On Nov 18, 2011
Multitudes think they are saved by their good works.

They practice penance and self-denial. They give alms and say prayers. They visit the sick and imprisoned and perform numerous long pilgrimages and afflict their bodies. And thus they expect to get to Heaven.

They work “for” salvation, whereas God tells them to work “out” their salvation. Maybe this is where the poster got it all wrong!? You can only “work out” what God has “worked in”! Salvation must be theirs first; then they can work it or live it out. The student must first enroll before he can work out his university career. You must first receive Christ and be saved; you must get salvation if you are to work it out.

What did the dying thief do to be saved? Work he could not, for his hands were nailed to a cross. He did nothing, yet Jesus saved him.
Mans’ plan of salvation emphasizes the word “do”. God’s speaks of “done”. Man insists on doing something, paying something. He wants to merit salvation. God says it is done. There is nothing to do. Jesus did it all.

Salvation, my friend, is a gift. “The gift of God is Eternal Life” (Rom 6:23). What can you do to earn a gift? If you work for it you have right to it, so then again, it is not a gift. A gift is free, and so is salvation.

What did the prodigal son pay? When you tell me how much he paid I will tell you how much you must pay. But you know he paid nothing, for he had nothing. He was bankrupt and so are you. Salvation my friend, is without money and without price. It cannot be bought!

“not by works of righteousness which we have done” (Titus 3:5)

“but to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. God imputeth righteousness without works” (Rom 4: 5 – 6)

“worketh not” and “not of works”. How definite! No work of yours, no deeds of merit, nothing that you can do will avail in the least. It is Christ and Christ alone who saves. Oh that you would come to Him, and rely on His finished work on Calvary, trust Him this moment and be saved!

[center]‘Twas not my works that saved my soul
Not yet my zeal, my prayers, my tears,
‘Twas Jesus Christ, the Son of God
He bore my sins he calmed my fears.[/center]
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:30pm On Nov 18, 2011
Now, salvation by faith! hmn… let me start by giving you the testimony of how I got saved.

On that wonderful and unforgettable day – December 5 of a certain year, the Lord met and saved my condemned soul! Before that day, I was a terrible sinner though I was born and breed up in a Christian family, go to church regularly, pay my offering and sometimes my tithes. I have a very beautiful wife at home but I had chains of girlfriend all around, a terrible liar; I was filthy in every sense of it! Most times when we closed from church service on Sunday, I dropped off my family at home and went out fornicating. I was going about with loads of sin and guilt and had no one to help me. I was constantly hearing the word of God but it did not mix with faith in my heart.

A day before this wondrous day, December 5, I had just met two new girls and I made arrangement with each of them against the next day. So, there was I on the pew waiting for the pastor to finish whatever he had to say so I could have my way with my new catches. Suddenly (I don’t know how) through the middle of the message, the word crept into my heart and I saw how filthy and helpless I was; my heart of stone was made soft and I cried for mercy. I went on my knees there and then earnestly asked for forgiveness and I was saved! By the time I stood up from my knees, my heart was full of Joy, I felt light! The load of sin and guilt was lifted off my neck and I was set free! And what work did I do? Nothing! I heard the word and I trusted (believe/have faith) in the word and I was saved!
“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works. Lest any man should boast” (Eph 2: 8 – 9) Do you pay for gifts? No! for if you pay for a gift; it is no longer a gift. If our work can save us then the sacrifice of Christ on the cross will not be necessary. “… and without shedding of blood is no remission” Heb 9:22.
Religion / Re: There Is No Salvation By Faith Without Works--femi Aribisala by Eben2: 5:14pm On Nov 18, 2011
@ poster,
{1:18} For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. {1:19} For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. {1:20} Where [is] the wise? where [is] the scribe? where [is] the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? {1:21} For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. {1:22} For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: {1:23} But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 1 Cor 1:18 – 23
Anyone who tries to explain the word of the Kingdom with the wisdom and knowledge of the world will always see it as foolish and unreasonable. Please come with me with an open mind and let me explain the mystery of salvation by faith to you.
First, let me explain your quotation: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven" (Mt 7:21)
The writer of this article would have understood what our Lord was saying if he/she had asked a simple question: what is the will of His father? The will of our Father which is in heaven is for us to trust the redemptive work of His Son on Calvary Mat 17:5“While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” Jesus was saying, I did not come to create a religion, hence, you might be a pastor, a church worker, a morally sound person, a faithful tithe payer, one that calls him Lord, Lord yet you’ll still miss heaven. The only thing that can save is for you to trust (have faith) in my death and blood; for I’ve been offered up as sacrifice in your place. “except” He says “a man be born-again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.”
Religion / Re: Am A Very Religious 45 Year Old Women by Eben2: 7:52am On Nov 18, 2011

My dear sister, please note that religion has never and will never save anyone. In fact, Jesus did not come to this world to create a religion but to reconcile man back to God.

The only thing that saves is faith in the redemptive blood of Christ that was shed on Calvary for my sins and yours. Being a pastor, church worker, regular tithe payer and a morally sound person will never save you. You must be born-again to be saved! You must come to Calvary and be regenerated. the Adamic nature - nature of sin must be put to death in your life; your sins washed in His blood and your name written in the Lamb's book of life.

If this has happened in your life, i congratulate you and i will like to tell you that you have nothing to worry about for non shall be barren in the land. the bible says: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. Heb 10: 35 - 36.

Religion / Re: Divorce Is Scriptural by Eben2: 6:39pm On Nov 17, 2011
@ poster,

It is true that Jesus said that one can divorce his wife because of fornication but if you read the passage further Mat 19:9; He said that if you divorce your wife because of fornication, you must not marry another woman and the woman so divorced must not be married by another man.

This point was further butressed by Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 7: 10 - 11; " And unto the married i command, yet not I but the Lord, Let not wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her REMAIN UNMARRIED, or be RECONCILED to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife"

So, in earnest, the Lord was preaching forgiveness rather than divorce. A christian that want to divorce his wife will have to think twice cos you're not allowed to re-marry once your wife is still alive; so, it'll be better to forgive and reconcile with your spouse than living alone for the rest of your life. If Christ can forgive us all our evil atrocities, why will Christians find it difficult to forgive their neighbour? If your spouse exhibits bad and unchristian behaviour, prayerfully bring her to the Lord, who knows, you just might save her soul from hell.

Religion / The Substitute by Eben2: 5:43pm On Nov 17, 2011
On a memorable afternoon in Palestine, four thousand years ago, two travelers might have been seen, slowly tailing up the side of Mount Moriah father and son, Abraham and Isaac.

“Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? Inquires the son.

“My son,” answers the Spirit-inspired father, “God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering.”

And now the altar has been erected and Isaac is laid upon it. Abraham grasps the knife and with arm uplifted, prepares to plunge it into the heart of his son, when, suddenly, a voice from above cries out:

“Abraham, Abraham… lay not thine hand upon the lad… And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in thicket by his horns; and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.”

“In the stead of his son.” And hundreds of years after, God Himself provided a lamb, His own well-beloved Son, to die “in the stead of” sinful, guilty man. But when He hung on the cross, there was no voice from Heaven, for there was no other who could take His place. And so he died. Jesus Christ, a substitute for you and for me.

This, then, is the ground of Salvation. Christ’s work is the only true foundation, and every other is sinking sand. Hence, salvation is “not of works”. Christ did the work on Calvary’s cross nineteen hundred years ago.

If Calvary teaches anything at all, it teaches substitution. Such is the plain and unmistakable interpretation of Abraham’s sacrifice of ram, which, we are told, he offered up “in stead of” Isaac his son. God took your sin and mine and laid it on His Son, Jesus Christ, who bore it, and died in our stead. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” John 1:29

In the awful hour when darkness covered Golgotha, and at the moment when the Lord Jesus Christ sent out that piercing, never-to-be-forgotten cry; “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!” then it was that the foul thing called sin, yours and mine, was laid upon Him. So terrible was the experience that even God Himself had to turn away His face – Jesus was compelled to bear it all alone.

He has paid for your sins; you don’t have to pay for it anymore. He’s knocking at the door of your heart; won’t you open to Him today and let Him come in? The work of your salvation has been finished on Calvary; you don’t have to be a slave to sin and devil anymore. Surrender to Him and trust Him. Do it and do it NOW!
Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:45pm On Nov 17, 2011

What are these heavenly riches?

Brother, I must say, I never expected that question from you.

Anyway, I am serving God because of the hope of leaving this sinful and corrupt world to reign with Christ in heaven where there will be no sorrow, death, tears, accident, war, darkness, sin, devil, sickness, ritual killings, hatred, lies, bad roads and all others vices. But, a city where Christ reigns as King and Prince of Peace. A city decorated with priceless stones that even the richest man in the world cannot buy. A city where i would not have to buy generator or beg NEPA or what not before i could use light - for Christ shall be the light of it. Please read Rev 21:9 - 27; 22:1 - 5 "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof" Rev 21:23. "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life". Rev 21:27.

Is your name written there?

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Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 7:55am On Nov 17, 2011

Firstly to understand that passage, Jesus was not spiritually poor. He was full of the spirit without measure. He had the fullness of yhe Godhead terbsnacled in him. So he wasnt spiritually poor at all. His poverty has to do with material . Remember Paul made reference to this scripture while teaching people howv
to give .so he was talking about material supply. I agree that the use of the word "rich" may not be material in every scripture but in the passage , it's material riches. Look at the Greek meaning below.From strong concordance .

g4147. πλουτέω plouteō; from 4148 ; to be (or become) wealthy (literally or figuratively): — be increased with goods, (be made, wax) rich. AV (12) - be rich 7, be made rich 2, rich 1, wax rich 1, be increased with goods 1;

Brother, i dont really like to argue notwithstanding, i will try one more time to say something about that passage maybe it'll help you understand.
The passage is very simple and straight forward. Now, let’s start from: “…though he was rich, ” was Jesus ever a rich man here on earth? So, that simply tells you and I that the riches the passage was talking about was not worldly. Yes, he was rich in the fullness of God and the Spirit but he left His glory in heaven (when we get to heaven, you’ll see and understand that riches) and was made low and subjected to ridicule just for you to be saved.
The primary reason Christ came to this lowly earth is to give us heavenly riches and not perishable riches.
Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 7:44am On Nov 17, 2011
Brother Joagbaje,

I am very glad that you agreed with me on a point. Wellbeing, materialism and having in order to bless others just like brother Gaius. Now, having fleet of cars (remember you cant drive more than one car at a time), landed properties, houses in exortic places and private jets with billions in your privates accounts, will you categorise this as materialism, wellbeing or having in order to bless others? Remember there are christians who are earnestly seeking for someone to lend them just N50,000 to start a business. Let's remember what happened with the true christians of the Acts of apostles - as many as a rich (without being sweet-tougued), sold what they have and shared things among themselves and it was recorded that non lack among them.

So a true christian who has more than he NEEDS will be happy and glad to share with his/her brethren. Let's ask ourselves this question: If death comes today, how many of all these will go with us to our destination (hell or heaven)? A true christian never built his treasure on earth where moths dot corrupt. Perharps riches increase, he will not set his heart on it

Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:46pm On Nov 16, 2011
To my friends frosbel, abiamahart & co,

I want to thank God for your life and I agree with you that heresy and money worshipping should be rebuked in the church of God. In this generation, the only thing that easily competes with God in our life is MONEY.

Notwithstanding, calling these so-called Mogs names will never solve any problem neither will it cost the devil to relax his grip on them.


1. The Lord never condemns anyone; He died so that the world might be saved. Therefore, we should pray for their conversion and/or restoration.

2. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. They are not the one working or deceiving the Christians, it is the devil
through them. So, let’s rebuke the devil by praying in season and out of season.

3. Fighting and debating on NL will solve little of the problems we’re talking about as not enough people visit the religion section of NL as compared to the
number of people God wants us to reach out to. Hence, lets’ lovingly expose the Word of God to everyone around us so that the truth might set them
free for faith cometh by hearing and hearing by God’s word. Remember the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few!

Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:38pm On Nov 16, 2011
3 John 1:2
2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

Brethren, the 3rd John was written to Gaius, a well-to-do born-again Christian who was faithfully using his money to help the less privileged brethren and strangers alike. He was faithfully helping preachers who were doing the work of God “after a godly sort,… taking nothing of the Gentiles” 3 John 6, 7.
So, going by what people reported of brother Gaius, Paul prayed for him that he “may proper and be in health, even as THY SOUL PROSPERS” Hence, his earthly prosperity is in response to the prosperity of the SOUL! No wonder the Lord saith: “seek ye first the Kingdom of God and ALL its righteousness and all other things will be added unto you”.

You should also note that in verse 7 it was reported that the pastors and preachers that Brother Gaius was ministering to financially took “nothing of the gentiles” They were faithfully discharging their duties without demanding for tithes and offering and seeds of faith. Their focus was on winning souls through preaching and not through costly seminars and symposiums. They were committed to increasing their heavenly riches and crowns rather than increasing perishable earthly riches.

We should also note that not all riches come from God as brother Joagbaje would have us believe; the owner of this sinful world is the devil; he controls the wealth of the world and he will give you riches beyond your wildest dreams (for a little while) if that will make him have your soul and peace for eternity. Adam and Eve have sold the world to the devil and this world will soon pass away and the riches therein.

But, the good news is: Jesus has come to deliver as many as would accept Him from the bondage of the devil and sin and He’s able to bless His own children with all they NEED and not what their flesh want. Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your NEED according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”. Also from brother wordtalk: Acts 28:10 “Who also honored us with many honors; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were NECESSARY!”

From the above therefore brethren, the Lord has not called the apostles to make MERCHANDISE of both saved and unsaved souls through their sugar-quoted orations but to work tirelessly to decongest hell and bring souls to the kingdom of God through preaching of the gospel of salvation by the precious blood of Jesus and prayers.

They should look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor 4: 18. Colossians 3:1 – 3
Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:34pm On Nov 16, 2011
2 Corinthians 8:9
9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.
First, I’ll love to correct one impression: whenever we see “rich” in the bible, it doesn’t necessarily connote earthly material possession.

Here the bible was not talking about earthly possessions; Christ was rich in heavenly glory as the very Son of the Most High God. He left those riches and glory was made sooooooo low and poor as to come in human flesh so that you and I can be joint heirs with Him and be partakers of His heavenly riches.

Our Lord was never interested in this sinful earthly wealth; that was why He could easily overcome the prince of this evil world when he (devil) tempted Him and promised to give Him the riches of this filthy world if only our Lord could bow down for him. Mat 4:8, 9.
Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:34pm On Nov 16, 2011
To my friends Joagbaje, wordtalk & co,

I believe you’re Christians and when I say “Christian” I don’t mean someone born into a Christian family, church “goer”, pastor, or church worker but someone who has seen his sinful and condemned state and has come to Jesus for atonement and whose name has been written in the book of life.

If the above is true, then you must totally trust and rely on the word of God for direction. Now, has there been anywhere in the Bible where Jesus or any of the apostles supported the idea of pastors gathering wealth for earthly consumption?

Don’t let us answer yet. Let’s go to the word. Some NLs have sited some wonderful scriptures to support their assertions but I will love to start with quotations from brother Joagbaje:
Religion / Re: Major False Prophets In Nigeria - Must Watch Video added to last page of article by Eben2: 4:33pm On Nov 16, 2011
Hi brethren,

I have gone through some of the comments on this post and I must confess I’ve learnt a lot. I will like to say one or two things and I pray the Holy Spirit will teach me what to say in accordance to the will and Word of God.

First, I will not call anybody (pastors, reverend, prophets etc) false prophets cause that will mean to ME, passing judgment on them. Notwithstanding, I will not shy away from declaring the truth as contained in God’s word.
Religion / Re: Deeper Life Lost Most Of Her Pastor From Steven Akinola To Olu Itiola. Tell What by Eben2: 6:16pm On Nov 15, 2011
@ poster,

How prepared are you for the coming of our Lord and how will the above questions help you or any true christian prepare for His coming? Lets use the little time we have here to harvest and prepare souls for the kingdom of God; that is the mandate of every true christian.


Religion / Re: Many Men Of God Have Deviated From The Truth by Eben2: 6:46pm On Nov 14, 2011

Wow, very comprehensive. So we are of like minds. The time is up for revolution. We can not all be fool, we can not all be wise, but gradually the truth shall prevail. Pastors this days are glutions, they give themselves title to command money from people pocket with fake prophesies and miracle. Well, thanks for your message. To all, warn your pastor

What the church needs is not revolution but revival.


I am realy troubled by dese words especialy d last point mentiond. Dou som of d points u av mention i av also thot abt dem. I went a mog who told me, your salvation is d most important thing irrespective of d church u atend as there is no church u wnt find one or two faults wit
i want 2 serve God bt im confused. And i just cnt stop goin 2 church, my dilema wil wosen. Wen u said change your pastor or church, hw are u sure u are nt movin 4rm fry pan 2 fire.

My brother, pls note that Christ did not come to create a church or religion for that matter. He came to redeem the sinful world and reconcile us back to God. The church is meant to prepare us for His coming but alas, satan is seriously fighting against it, but, he will not prevail.

To grow as a born-again christian, you need to fellowship with saved souls - souls that are thirsting for the coming of the Lord. Find such around you and fellowship with them; they are very few, but they're still out there. Go go a bible believing church andd learn the word of God. Buy christian books written by true children of God and these will help you. remeber, you'll have no excuse on the judgement day. "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling". Phil 2:12
Religion / Re: Are You Born Again, Then You Are Righteous, Justified. by Eben2: 5:45pm On Oct 10, 2011
Dear friends,

When as a sinner you come to the throne of grace to obtain mercy for your sins, God forgives and the (undeserved) righteousness of God is imputed unto you. There and then, the burden of sin is lifted off you shoulder and mercy, grace and righteousness of God is given in return.

Notwithstanding, that does not give you and automatic passport to heaven! Jesus and the entire bible never for once thaught that when you're saved, you're forever saved irrespective of whether u go back to ur vomit or not. Now take for exampel: Judas Iscariot, he was saved but he later fell for the devil and his salvation was taken from him. What about Ananias and his wife Acts 5:5-10, they were born-again but they lost that rightness with God when they backslided. What about Demas, he was a confirmed born-again child of God in Colosians 4:14; but in 2Tim4:9, he forsook the way of the Lord, having loved the presence world.

If a christian is saved once and for all, then, there wont be need for us to "flee all youthful lusts" there wont be need for Jesus to tell us to "fast and pray so you dont fall into temptation" there wont be need for Paul to tell us to "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling".

When you're saved, Christ gives you the power to go and sin no more. But, you must deligently use that grace and run from every appearance of evil. Remember, it is only those who endures to the end that will be saved and faith without WORK is dead!

Dont be the five foolish virgins

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