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Politics / Re: I Have Never Heard A Good News About Peter Obi by Eddygourdo(m): 1:43pm On Jul 24, 2022
Now ASUU has came out to say Mr Obi is the cause of the lingering strike.


If Obi have not achieved anything while as governor, if Obi refused to declare his assets when he became governor, if an international investigative journal in Pandora files said Obi hid money in overseas banks, If Obi was confronted on interview about allegations of investing Anambra money in the family brewery, and is giving fictitious figures of interest, which Soludo countered, why are you supporting a non performer, a man that has not successfully solved any problem or helped his state or nation in any way, he has served as a governor in Anambra and adviser in Obj regime, no impact.
Dundee United. Wetin pass you pass you.
Romance / Re: Asexuality by Eddygourdo(m): 1:42pm On Jul 24, 2022
Are you ace? Have you ever thought you might be ace? Or have you ever met anyone who (you knew) was ace? Share your experiences.
people justifying their early onset of mental disorder with a tag name . Better go for evaluation.

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Politics / Re: Hausa And Yoruba Clash In Ibadan. One Person Feared Dead by Eddygourdo(m): 1:41pm On Jul 24, 2022
The accommodating Yoruba fighting ? I thought it was the igbo who was the problem. Now it is the Hausa. Well maybe with time people will soon wake up to the real problematic people in Nigeria. However they will.be dealt with first at the polls in 2023

95 Likes 6 Shares

Politics / Re: 2023: Why Kwankwaso Cannot Work For Tinubu - Penguin2 by Eddygourdo(m): 1:36pm On Jul 24, 2022

Who's a drug dealer?

Only a fool without brain believe the copy and paste trash which that dumb blogger David hundeyin regurgitated which has been severally debunked before he copied it and rehearsed it once again.

If you've got a brain, you would first engage it and ask why Tinubu wasn't arrested like everyone else caught with drug in abroad? Because Tinubu committed no crime. US don't play with people caught with drug. They're arrested on the spot. They go to court from the prison. Tinubu wasn't arrested because he committed no crime.

If you've got a brain, you would also know what an investment company entails which was what Tinubu was operating as a top accountant. If you've got a brain you would realise that Tinubu was only operating an investment company (compass investment company) which is no different from microfinance banks where people invest their funds in.

Of course some questionable people could have invested their money in it. After these people got arrested, their funds got traced to every banks and investment banks/companies where they saved their money. Their money was eventually siezed. That was all.

It's like calling a bank a drug dealer just because some questionable people saved their money in it. Na ment? Do you have a brain at all?

Anyway, ipob miscreants can't list Peter Obi's achievement till now. All they do is write calumny and untruthful gibberish about Tinubu.
cmon keep quiet. Tinubu will only be the president of NURTW and never Nigeria. We will await your suicide next year when Peter obi is declared president.

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Crime / Re: Terrorists flogs abducted passengers, vows buhari, El-Rufia abduction by Eddygourdo(m): 10:01am On Jul 24, 2022
It must be the igbo or ipob beating them. This must be why kwankwaso said they won't ever vote an igbo man.

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Politics / Re: PO, BAT, ATIKU- Some Of Us Are Undecided. by Eddygourdo(m): 7:43am On Jul 23, 2022

It breaks my heart deeply seeing people who can't stand other people's opinion yet want to force their opinion and candidate on all of us

Are you too blind to see that you are wickedly destroying Peter Obi's future chances by this horrible unforgettable Campaign attacks?!

UK is about to elect new prime minister in September... An Asian decent of a migrant and a Woman British decent are dragging it out, and every of their supporters are well behaved and ready to argue and provide needed information at all times

But look at you Africans, simple debate you can't have it, yet want Democracy

BIG SHAME!!!!!!!

mtcheeew. He is sounding scantimonous. Why are you bothered or complaining if our behaviours hurt obi's chances, wouldn't that please you if his chances are hurt? Don't be a pretender , stand with your position boldly just as we have done for ours.

Anyone not supporting Peter obi with all the issues plaguing our nation needs psychiatric evaluation and provides proof that some Nigerians are mentally challenged. It takes a level of being stupid to not support Peter obi. That I call people out for being stupid makes me a honest and objective person .

It is the mentally challenged people who support tinubu you should.be worried about and not those who are reasonable enough to know that this country will be dead and buried after 2023 if we choose wrongly again.


Politics / Re: PO, BAT, ATIKU- Some Of Us Are Undecided. by Eddygourdo(m): 5:13am On Jul 23, 2022
Looking at the three most popular candidates in the forthcoming election, I can say I've never been more confused.

Was discussing with some of my guys and I won't kid myself, it's a decision for the least evil choice among the three. Sorry to say, if these are the best Nigeria has to offer again (as always), we're still in deep shit.

He's been an active participant in the shit we find ourselves as a country today. When that name is mentioned, what I hear is corruption and the continuation of institutionalized corruption and bad governance. He was once a VP, so he has no point to proof. He created part of the problem we're in.

Too many baggages. The fact that allegations cannot be proven does not mean they are false. It may just mean the perpetrator is to smart to cover his tracks. Plus, this man should just be resting and taking care of his health. Looks too frail. The complexity of our problems require agility. I just don't see how BAT can give even 50% of himself to the job consistently over 4 or 8 years. And I keep hearing about how he looted Lagos state dry.

Looks good on paper but I can't just see any evidence of historical performance except vague statistics. They said he transformed Anambra. If today's Anambra
is the transformed version and the standard for performance, all hope may be lost. And again, I'm weary of the 2015 rhetorics of "never-do-wrong, ultimate solution to all our problems" that made Buhari president. I'm also not just comfortable rooting for the same candidate as IPOBs, their sympathizers and people who didn't wish Nigeria well but all of a sudden are interested in the country. Seem to me there's an ulterior motive (whether PO is aware ot not). I just don't want to help them gain power by contributing my vote- whatever the motive.

Here is my dilemma and some of the real issues to be discussed when campaigning for your candidates instead of the ethno-religious nonsense that is plaguing us as a nation. The standard is so low to the point that our expectations are pathetic. Our best candidates are just a bunch of people from the same stock.
you are undecided because you don't have sufficient mental magma to apply logic or reasoning in an intelligent way. Those of us who are decided didn't need convincing. We listened and our hearts leapt for joy In conviction.

In the heart of the fool, wise words and counsel grinds like stone filled cooked beans. Delete this thread that exposes your limitations as a person.


Politics / Re: Atiku: It Will Be A Miracle For Peter Obi To Win, LP Is Social Media Based by Eddygourdo(m): 10:14am On Jul 22, 2022
He and many others will be shocked in 2023. E go do them like film. Dey have refused to wake up and smell the coffee. Well many of them will start having night seizures when campaign starts in September, they will commit suicide in February.

New Nigeria is here. It is a make or break situation. We will work for what we believe in and naysayers will lament for their unbelief

18 Likes 3 Shares

Politics / Re: Fact Check: Did Tinubu Change His Name From Yekini Amoda Ogunlere? by Eddygourdo(m): 6:13am On Jul 22, 2022
What type of biased fact check is this one. This is a fact check executed by urchins trying to whitewash a dirty cloth. The only proof to counter that should have been his primary and secondary school certificates, or documents he has dating back to the period he was born that has his names.

These urchins think people are as daft as they are or that we take the same type of drugs they peddle about, all he needs to do is go to his school and apply for a new certificate and so long as his records are there, it will be provided. His secondary school should be waec or GCE, those examination bodies are still very much in existence and will gladly help him search for his non existent results grin grin grin

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Politics / Re: CBN Panel Worries Over Nigeria Debt Repayment Capacity by Eddygourdo(m): 11:36am On Jul 21, 2022

Fighting corruption is something I emphasized in my original comment.

Plus if you want subsidy, then don't complain about any government taking loans...to fill the deficit that results in the budget.
fight corruption first and foremost
Politics / Re: CBN Panel Worries Over Nigeria Debt Repayment Capacity by Eddygourdo(m): 9:20am On Jul 21, 2022

You don't want to pay for the work people put into getting power and suchlike...you want things for free and ye don't want to pay tax.

That's not how it works in the real world.

So, sorry, but I think we Nigerians need to remove subsidy on power and petrol, remove corruption (you did not see that bit), and pay more tax...including farmers , herdsmen and beggars.

Unless you know where there is a tree that grows dollars ...so that it can produce enough for all.

Cart before which horse my foot....you don't want to feed the horse, or maintain the cart at sustainable prices....and expect it to run.
even if you remove subsidy and gift Nigeria 2billion dollars daily, we will still be broke because the issue on ground we haven't yet tackled. CORRUPTION. Corruption can only be tackled by strong systems backed by strong judiciaries.

As long as we continue to focus on individuals and not systems backed by strong laws, then anything you are suggesting will fail on arrival. That's my issue. We proffer solutions that further impoverish the people without holding government to account.

Taxes are currently being paid by the masses, where is it. What basic amenity can be ascribed to the "little" taxes we have paid. How can you go to.solution be to give more taxes when the one given has been embezzled. We must start with the government and thier policies or lack thereof. Government should not be given anything more till they are accountable for the little they have been given.

Subsidy has been deemed to be removed before, yet there was still subsidy, more money Will never solve the problem of a kleptomaniac, it will only further fuel his greed and licentiousness.

PS subsidy must continue even if it kills the nation, that is the only benefit Nigerians get from their failed government. Why aren't our refineries working, if they were working, why should local refining or crude be pegged at the dollar. Nobody wants to ask the real questions because they want to make illegal money.
Politics / Re: CBN Panel Worries Over Nigeria Debt Repayment Capacity by Eddygourdo(m): 8:36am On Jul 21, 2022
Removing subsides on petrol and power, and rasing taxation levels, as well as fighting corruption, and cutting down on excess government spending should help with all that.

But then again, 'we are poor' ...so such good suggestions get rejected.
always putting the cart before the horse. Rephrase your suggestion accordingly

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Politics / Tinubu's Political Future Rests In The Hands Of Yoruba Christians by Eddygourdo(m): 7:37am On Jul 21, 2022
There is no point buttressing that Tinubu has already lost Christian votes in other regions. This eventuality is bordered on his lack of respect for the Christian faith as evidenced by the gaffe his team committed yesterday, as well as his insinuation that the Christian is less competent than the Muslim.

I have alot of pity for the old man, his own faith as a Yoruba Muslim was rejected by the north and his hands was forced to pick someone they have promised to back; a Muslim northerner, yet one starts to wonder why the best of the Yoruba at this time wasn't presented and backed for the presidency ; ditto to Prof Osinbanjo (despite his involvement in this current failure of a government, his candidacy would have prevented this muslim muslim quagmire, plus would have also given hope to the masses, where we get to choose between two cerebral candidates from the south). Tinubu should have remained a kingmaker, it is clear that he has tested and proven strategies to be the master kingmaker, but is truly lacking in needed strategic and tactical acumen to be the king.

Yoruba Muslims will vote for him, he ticks all the boxes for them, though they aren't as radical as their northern counterpart, but as evidenced in many parts of the south west, the yoruba Muslims see no qualms in dominating their Christian brothers ( check the lagos state civil service since Tinubu became governor in 1999, for an example of this phenomenon), the question everyone will need an answer to will be how Yoruba Christians will react to Tinubu's candidacy. He is banking on south western block votes, his campaign team has already given hints that he is ready to lose Christian Yoruba votes, by their statement that the south west is 65 percent Muslim. However we know that such an estimate is erroneous. The Christians in Yoruba land , who have dominated the pentecostal and old orthodox space nationally and globally are not 35 percent of the south west.

Every region will be watching to see the reaction, what is of most importance to the Yoruba, would it be religion ? Would it be tribe ? Or would it be competence. Take note that either of these are valid responses. Nobody will blame the Yourba Christian for choosing his tribal affiliation before his religious one. We had our tribe before we had our religion, but would that be equitable to good conscience on competence and fairness ?

Is Tinubu the best candidate the south west could have floated today ? Are his Muslim Muslim antics a representation of greater issues prevalent in the south west ? Could his disregard for Christians at the national level , be representative of what is happening locally in the south west ? Is this equitable or acceptable ? The voice of the south western Christians can only be heard and understood by the direction they will vote come 2023.

It is time for us to be Nigerians, but since religion has being brought Into this political space by the APC, it is time for people of all faith to show allegiance to their faith,to justice, to equity and most especially to the good of Nigeria.

We are all looking at the south west Christians. May the Lord be your guide.

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Crime / Re: Young Man Racially Profiled And Beaten By Police In USA (Graphic Content) by Eddygourdo(m): 7:33pm On Jul 20, 2022
He should have obeyed the officer.

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Politics / Re: Family Disowns Tinubu As Their Member Launches Family Book by Eddygourdo(m): 7:27pm On Jul 20, 2022

Talk to yourself and listen
please tinubu for president. We need a drug baron in office. Weed will be legalised.
Politics / Re: Family Disowns Tinubu As Their Member Launches Family Book by Eddygourdo(m): 4:29pm On Jul 20, 2022
This must be a lie. The igbos have started again with their tales. Leave lagos and go to your poto poto republic. Tinubu is a saint, he is our saviour, he cleared the grass and built lagos. Mind una business


Politics / Re: Reasons Why Peter Obi Must Not Win The 2023 Presidential Election(Opinion) by Eddygourdo(m): 4:26pm On Jul 20, 2022
The Nigerian youths especially the elites and some uniformed have suddenly gone crazy in support of the new entrant in the Presidential race come 2023. They call themselves the OBIdient youths. We are inundated with innovative adverts and branding in support of Mr. Peter Obi.

If you ask any of his supporters why he or she is supporting Obi, the fellow will sheepishly smile and tell that I just like him. Like him for what reasons?

I am pretty sure that majority of Obi supporters on this platform cannot tell you why they are supporting a man without a manifesto. Does he really have one? Tell us if you know. I therefore find most of these OBIdient youths as GULLIBLE youths. May they not labour in vain.

There are reasons why Obi must not win this election. We cannot continue the same old narrative in a vicious cycle. Buhari thought governance was a tea party until he got there.

1. Obi is an inexperienced green horn. He does not understand Nigeria and her challenges. No wonder he was gallivanting around other countries to understudy their developments. He is a school boy. He cannot move this country to the promise Land neither can we gamble with another four years of servitude. We need people who are matured and experienced for this job.

2. Peter Obi will be a good finance Minister and not a President of Nigeria. The reason is because of his prudency. If,he becomes our president, he will not allow the flow of liquidity in the system. The hardship will continue. Some said that he is stingy but I call him prudent Peter.

3. Obi is a tribalist just like an average Igbo man. He cannot run an all inclusive government. That may spell doom for the country because the developers. These developers are known for their trade in stock and will use their nepotic connections to trade in drugs and arms unchecked. That has been the greatest fear of the Northern Bloc.

4. Peter Obi cannot stop the agitation for BIAFRAN nation. He has never spoken against that agitation. Nnamdi Kanu will become a hero and call the shots.

5. He had zero achievements as governor of Anambra State where he cannot win. If he wins Anambra, he has won Nigeria. But that can never happen. The people of Anambra don't like him.

It is time his supporters think twice on the OBIDIENT PROJECT.

If he wins, I will leave this country.

You are very correct. If you purchase flight ticket early, it will be cheaper for you. Check online for prices today, February 2023 may be too late.

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Politics / Re: National Grid Collapses To 40mw Again by Eddygourdo(m): 3:01pm On Jul 20, 2022

I did say let them meter everyone. See my comment.

What annoys you is the fact I said that the discos should set their price.

At the end of the day, cost reflective tarrifs....
The part that everyone should be metered should come first. The discos are making alot of money currently even with the low tariff. They regularly reject load from TCN, but go ahead to bill consumers monthly on their own estimated bills without providing any commensurate power. So surely giving them more money doesn't solve the issue.

Once you meter consumers, if they provide no power, they make absolutely no money, this will start curbing the corruption in the system. they will finally start running a business instead of a scam-empire where they get free money without providing any service.

Nigerians run generator to power their businesses, then take money from same business to pay non-existent power bills.
Politics / Re: National Grid Collapses To 40mw Again by Eddygourdo(m): 2:42pm On Jul 20, 2022

As always, you guys want cheap power, without thinking about how it would be paid for.

Good afternoon. Maybe your Obi or Atiku or Tinubu will pay for your power from their money when they take over in 2023....
At least anyone will know that the equitable thing to do first is to meter everyone, after which you increase tariff to drive profitability in the sector as well as investment. As long as you make people pay for the meters, then it is their property to tamper with. Nobody tampers with the transformer (they are all metered mind you) because individuals dont buy it, and it is assumed to belong to the company providing power (Disco). Metering all customers must be done first before anything can be accomplished in the power sector (the corruption is massive, they want to make money without providing the service, same as its currently applied to the subsidy scam). Now i have put the horse before that cart as opposed to your submission.


Politics / Re: National Grid Collapses To 40mw Again by Eddygourdo(m): 2:33pm On Jul 20, 2022
The solution is simple....LET the discos and gencos set the price, not NBET. Not the government.

Also, let everyone have their meter...and let people that bypass the meter get punished by having no power...

Let every Nigerian pay for the power they use, and not use cutlass to chase disco workers doing their job.


Basically, we have been running NEPA/PHCN/DISCOgenco...at a loss, and the only way to get enough money to fix things...is to run the thing at a profit.
As always you have put the cart before the horse
Politics / Re: Yorubas Are A Liberal People. We Are Actually Open-minded Fools. by Eddygourdo(m): 2:02pm On Jul 20, 2022
your papa chestbeat more that that during fashola period
That man send Igbos back to there backward region.hell no lose
Same way you were dealt with in Kano in 2000
We thought y’all will fight back,but NO
you ran with tails in btw your ass to seek refuge in SW
He go still shock you
Everyone don dey put eye on y’all in SW
Small boy. Person wey dem tell story dey recite am like say him dey there. I have answered you. When you are ready let us know.


Politics / Re: Yorubas Are A Liberal People. We Are Actually Open-minded Fools. by Eddygourdo(m): 1:46pm On Jul 20, 2022
no one takes omo Igbo serious(cowards talking about war whereas hunger killed 3 million Fools,which makes their war lord run with tails in btw his ass to Ivory Coast disquised in his wife attire)
Wanna be ojukwu(kanu) was captured like a cow faraway Kenya �� while ekpa keeps controlling foolish Igbo youth from Finland to burn down alaigbo .

Well ,until okoro or emeka becomes the governor /senator/king or the local language change to Igbo language until then,I go believe Lagos is no man’s land grin
Well we remembered how fashola sent you all packing during his tenure , same fate awaits you all
Remember how y’all cried victimizations in oshogbo recently?
Lagos will be child play
Remember how your eze indigbo was given the best wipe in his ass in akure ;Lagos will be a child play
Remember how y’all cried when MC boys attacked your traders in ladipo
Well same fate await you y’all

Y’all will learn to stay in your backward region by force very soon
I don’t knw wetin they pursue you from your eldorado which makes you litters Ibadan,ogun ,oshogbo ,ekiti like refugee
I have answered you already, anything more you say na you and your keyboard dey discuss am. You personally na keyboard warrior personified, when you are caught and drilled your tears will fill up basins and buckets. When you are ready, come and evict the Igbos if them born una papa and mama well. We are waiting


Politics / Re: Yorubas Are A Liberal People. We Are Actually Open-minded Fools. by Eddygourdo(m): 12:50pm On Jul 20, 2022
Our Elders talk about the man who was planning.to jump into the river. He had only tried putting out one leg when a crocodile jumped out of the water and snapped its mouth at his leg.

I will continue to say these things so it can be drilled into your ears and you won't say you were never told.

The jigsaw gets assembled everyday and it becomes very clear that I am right.

1. ABUJA was completely scratched out of the FOREST.

That place was a FOREST.

The Military Leaders of that Era looked at the Map of Nigeria, circled a place that they fancied as the Center of the Country, a place which conveniently fell into Northern Nigeria, and decided it was going to be the new Federal Capital Territory.

And it became so.

A master plan was designed for the city and money started flowing into the place. The money came mainly from the Oil Wealth of the Niger Delta.

In less than 20years, it was already a mighty and beautiful city, brand new and pride of the Nation.

People started moving there.

The city is now overflowing into nearby Niger and Nassarawa States.

Since that FCT got created till this day, I haven't heard of a Minister of the FCT who wasn't from the NORTH.

Infact, in recent times they have always been NORTHERN MUSLIMS.

The Igbos naturally have a very extensive presence in that city just as much as they have in Lagos and other cities in Nigeria.

The ZIONISTS are also there.

But the ZIONISTS HAVE NEVER DARED to call it a No-Man's Land.

Infact, the EndSars Movement got a rude awakening when it tried to replicate the Lagos show on Abuja.

They were quickly reminded of the OWNERSHIP OF ABUJA.

2. I have been to Kano and Kaduna severally. If you go to the area called Sabon Gari in Kano, you could confuse it for any area in the Lagos Suburbs.

The majority of the population there are Igbos.

The ZIONISTS are also there.

They have NEVER DARED to call Kano or Kaduna a No-Man's Land.

In those areas, right under their noses, the Kano People Instituted Shari'a and Constituted the Hisbah Police to enforce it on the land.

Liberties are limited.

Everybody is gentle.

They don't behave any how and they won't even begin to dream Political dreams there.

You sit gently where they want you to sit!

3. In Enugu, the IGBO man from IMO STATE knows his limits

At some point each of the SE States were flushing out Non-Indigenes from their civil service not minding that they were Igbos from Neighbouring states.

Governor Akeredolu's wife tried to show herself in her home state of Imo. She was quickly educated of the limitations of her Rights.

In Anambra particularly, it was so bad that they wouldn't even allow Bianca, the very wife/widow of Ikemba Emeka Ojukwu any space to excel.

She couldn't contest the Election in Anambra State.

She's from Enugu and had no such previlege in Anambra State.

You can then imagine the fate of a Non-Igbo in the South-East States.


4. But the story has to Change in the SOUTH-WEST, Lagos in particular.

Yorubas are a liberal People. We are actually open-minded fools.

First, Lagos is declared No-Mans Land.

The ZIONISTS have been working tirelessly in the last 40years moving IGBO population strategically into the SW, Lagos State in particular.

That haa gone to very advanced stages now

They have successfully altered the demographics of Lagos.

Now, they have begun to drag the land and Rights of Indigene with you.

They know you are liberal [ Foolish ] People so they will play the EXACT game of Azikiwe

They will tell you it's "One Nigeria",."We are brothers" and that the constition ofcourse guarantees freedom of movement and equal rights for all Citizens.

They will tell you that afterall there is one Kemi contesting in Britain as PM and there is one Chukwuemeka who is Mayor in America.

They will tell you that "afterall we are in Cotonou, Kenya, etc"

They just can't tell you that you can't get the same Things and Rights applied to you in the SE and other regions.

The ZIONISTS are in the race with the Jihadists by the way.

They are actually on the same mission using different routes and methods.

By Adedamola Adetayo.
Lagos is a no man's land. However even you talking, aren't from Lagos. Anyway since you are crying so much, the easterners will like to leave Lagos for you, but you will have to buy back our direct and indirect investments to enable us go and replicate it in the east (remember by quitting so you have your land, nobody should lose no should you inherit what you didn't build). Do you have the money to buy back the south west from the Igbos and any other tribe you want to leave ? Or do you intend that we leave our investments for you and leave the region ? Are you in the mood for a well fought and long WAR ? You fit carry am ?


Politics / Re: How Peter Obi's 61st Birthday Was Celebrated By Nigerians (Photos) by Eddygourdo(m): 12:33pm On Jul 20, 2022

Yes, because it will not happen in 180 yrs time.

By the way, your entire family (pigs) will not live to see Jagaban as the president of Nigeria in 2023. Omo Igbo! Omo Wereh! Omo Ole!

I have already told you as e go be. any ranting you are doing is between you and your keyboard. bye
Politics / Re: How Peter Obi's 61st Birthday Was Celebrated By Nigerians (Photos) by Eddygourdo(m): 11:16am On Jul 20, 2022

cheesy grin grin cheesy
Another lost dreamer here!
You wont live to see it happen unfortunately. Else i would have said watch and see
Politics / Re: How Peter Obi's 61st Birthday Was Celebrated By Nigerians (Photos) by Eddygourdo(m): 9:51am On Jul 20, 2022
The man Ordained by God. He will triumph at the polls in 2023. Amen
Politics / Re: Those Killed On Sunday Were Members Of ESN, Not Wedding Guests – Imo DSS Claims by Eddygourdo(m): 9:44am On Jul 20, 2022
There is serious genocide going on in the whole of south east angry sad shocked

They murder her citizens and tags them ESN miscreants tongue undecided.
Why are you complaining now. didn't we tell you that will be the consequences of an armed struggle promulgated by the IPOB? Now sleep has been murdered in the south east and igbos are complaining ? Day never break


Education / Re: Why A Nigerian University Professor Does Not Deserve More Than 200k A Month by Eddygourdo(m): 5:45am On Jul 20, 2022
in civilized countries the rate at which your students pass out and graduate is testament to how great and efficient you are as a lecturer and so a professor in harvard would say I AM A GREAT LECTURER BECAUSE ALL MY STUDENTS PASSED AND GRADUATED. this is the bragging rights of any professor in civilized countries. Meanwhile this failure of a professor in nigerias bragging right is how many students fail his class and drop out of the department and get kicked out of the university. This is the bragging right of this failure who is too brain dead to understand that if most of your students are failing and being kicked out of the university it is a testament of how bad of a lecturer you are. i hereby henceforth submit that all nigerian lecturers should be put on a salary of 200 thousand a month because that is what they deserve. they dont deserve more than that. until they can make sure that all their students graduate and know what they are doing after they graduate
so when a student submits an empty script with only his name written ,he should also pass. You aren't thinking well sir


Romance / Re: Nigerian Man Marries His Husband In The USA. by Eddygourdo(m): 5:35am On Jul 20, 2022

I don't support homosexuality either. Nevertheless, treat them properly (Matthew 7:12).

You probably encounter gays daily, only you never know. My friend I say was gay brings his lovers into his room and his mum does not suspect a thing. Better read up more.
I don't need to read up anything about them. Those who roll like that have their reasons and its not for me to judge. However I don't want to interact with one on any level. Just as I have respected a gay man's right to exist on his own lane, I also as a straight man want to exist on my own lane. No friendship so long as I know he gay. However if I don't know he gay , what's my business with his sexuality.

Also I must tell you that reading doesn't give all the knowledge one needs to know about matters relating to sexuality. Whatever that is available out there for you to read, is merely a narrative someone is trying to sell and not factual info
Romance / Re: Nigerian Man Marries His Husband In The USA. by Eddygourdo(m): 8:27pm On Jul 19, 2022

Nothing like black or white supremacy here.

There are basically 3 types of gay men.

1. The top
This inserts his manhood into
the anal

2. The bottom is the one that receives the manhood into the anal

3. The versatile
This can do both top and bottom

4. Let me add the reluctant versatile.
If both are tops or both are bottoms, one will reluctantly take a position he is not used to.

I used to be very ignorant about homosexuality until a guy I had known 20 years opened up to me he was gay. I was shocked to the bones and was forced to research on it.

The gay population in Nigeria is actually quite large, only that they are in the closet.

Do you want to meet a gay man? Then go to a gym. Gay men like to look very good for their partners or other men. The reason why is that men are turned by what they see. A large number of gay men aren't effeminate.

Many gay men are married. This is done to deceive society. The same with lesbians. Most often, their spouses don't know.

Many Nigerians stars have been rumored to be gay: Peter Okoye, Ike Ogbonna, Uti Nwachukwu and a host of others

For ladies: Asa, Teni are 2 I am aware of.

I don't want to meet a gay man. I don't hate them, but I don't agree with the lifestyle
Politics / Re: Incorporate Our Interest Or Lose Bloc Votes – Herdsmen To Atiku, Tinubu, Obi by Eddygourdo(m): 4:44pm On Jul 19, 2022
What's the population of Fulani people in Nigeria again? undecided

Cows will be ranched if Peter Obi wins.

Nigeria has to build a sane society!
dont say it loud yet please.
Politics / Re: Happy Birthday To Mr. Peter Obi @61 by Eddygourdo(m): 5:57am On Jul 19, 2022
Happy birthday Mr president.

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