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Nairaland / General / mmm by EmperorHarry: 8:07pm On Feb 15, 2024
Religion / Re: Did The Mind Evolve From Chemistry, Matter And Energy? by EmperorHarry: 2:34pm On Jun 05, 2023
Let's adopt the definition that the mind is the part of us consisting of the union of our
Will = ability to choose amongst options
Emotion = ability to feel non physical feeling deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
Intellect. = ability to store information, process information and derive meaningful course of action from such available information

If according to a vast majority of Atheists, EVERYTHING real is a product of Physics and Chemistry, the Question I'll like to ask is
1. Is the mind of a human being REAL or imaginary?
2. Is the MIND of a person a product of Physics and Chemistry?
3. If it is, how can we objectively prove that our memory and intelligence is a real? Are their any physical quantities to use in measuring the mind?
By observation, the brain is the channel for all conciousness,cognition,actions and information processing and storage. Any impediments to it's full functionality is consequential. The brain upon dissection comprises of neurons,neural links,grey and white matter. So essentially matter. If the brain is damaged,proper functioning of the human affected is impossible,therefore if brain on which all concious processes depends on is majorly composed of matter,the mind a phenomenon dependent on brain activity must be physical(occam's razor). We don't just currently have the entire blueprint for how the mind is a product of the material brain.
A simple analogy to clarify, Humans are beings that exist on a planet called earth,products of years of evolution. How then did this thing called human come to be? We have different theories but it's illogical to dispute whether not the human is a product of the observable material universe because the human existence is predicated on the existence of the universe.
Romance / Re: Africans Are USELESS by EmperorHarry: 11:21am On Nov 02, 2022

Who is this? cheesy


After fifty years, lmao.
Lol. Well I saw two different post condemning and ridiculing africans which are sometimes valid but mostly misguided,and although I've decided to refrain from indulging in pointless discussions on NL,I deemed this necessary.

You better just leave me. Lmao
Romance / Re: Africans Are USELESS by EmperorHarry: 10:58am On Nov 02, 2022


White man is far more superior
Far more advanced
Than all you church going religious idiots that can never invent or add values to the world.

Let me tell you a secret.
No White person respects an African.
Deep down they know you all are only good at carrying religion for head and making babies up and down despite huge poverty.

See how far and technologically advanced white people are..
Until we as a continent start to think outside the box.
Drop religion and focus on innovation.
That is when Africa will advance.

Everything from the phone you are using to the tv, car, all made by white people

What have we Africans contributed to the world
You've certainly made some valid points in your rather disparaging criticism of your kind and Africans. I'd like to think that the foundations of your logic are mostly a resulting mix of observation,frustration, ignorance and inferiority complex(which is inevitably immanent in this White dominated and controlled world). Anyways I'll highlight a few things which may help you in acquiring better insight into all of it.
1. Africans are descendants of early humans that were conservative and change averse. They stayed on in the cradle as opposed to those who were adventurous and curious enough to wander into the great unknown regions of earth. This differently evolved ancestry is why I suppose "white people" are often seen and ridiculed by "black people" for their radical adventurous spirit and curiosity even at risk of their own detriment or demise.
Innovation and progress are dependent majorly on these seemingly "white inclined" qualities.
2. African had civilizations on par or greater than the rest of the world. At a time Egypt was considered one of the greatest civilizations and was a hub for science,architecture,aesthetics,literature etc. We still are,after so many years,unable to grasp the unprecedented advancements of prime Egypt. How the pyramids were consturcted still baffles till today. We also have other lesser known civilizations like the Benin empire whose rich history is mostly lost to the sands of time. The point is that Africa wasn't always this retrogressive and pathetic. We as Africans are mostly directly or indirectly ignorant of our history due to factors I won't get into.
3. I earlier mentioned that we are descendants of conservative humans. Well it's consequences are numerous and one is evidnet in the evolution of the highly adaptive ability of black people. We can be seen to pride ourselves in possessing this trait when we can continue to thrive and even prosper in adverse conditions without really changing or inventing solutions to the problem. We just easily adapt which is a inherently human quality but we are more inclined to it. So this in effect causes us to be content or suffer unfavourable conditions as opposed to taking radical steps to change those conditions be it through invention or rebellion.
4. Curiousity as I've mentioned isn't our forte and as such the zest for learning new things doesn't come quite easily to the majority. We have a rather dependent tendency and are liable to dogma and conformity. So critical thinking skills and inclination for independent thought is overshadowed by vehemence and piety to orthodixically established doctrines, systems and authority. All these are part of human nature but we seem to carry it on our heads the most.

There's still a lot to highlight and it's more complicated and nuanced than I make it out to be and some you most likely already know. In summary there are a lot of factors that caused this seemingly huge disparity between white people and black people but a lot of it is caused by nature,nuture and concious effort to keep the African ignorant and redundant.

This is not to undermine or ignore the obvious facts that we are certainly in need of radical changes and fall significantly short of the standards of the modern world through our own collective involvement as well. The modern world is mostly a result of "white people(if you misguidedly include the asians as well) and a lot of comforts and advamcements we enjoy as a result BUT in the face of global chaos and climate doom,created by the never ending zest for curiousity,rapid advamcement and progress,need to solve problems whose solutions become a problem in itself,to be solved etc,it sometimes makes me wonder AT WHAT COST?


Religion / Gott Ist Tot by EmperorHarry: 5:43pm On Apr 10, 2022
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?

A statement by German Philosoper Friedrich Nietzsche highlighting the rapid decline of the dominant influence of religion and the Christian god in 19th century Europe. As is with all societies facing this reality, there's a need to create a new form of ideological compass to govern aspects of the human society in the stead of the religious system. There's a need to reanalyze and re-examine the state of the ideological foundations that have pushed or unhindered the decline of this civilization to the crisis point it is at today, if there is to be any hope for the future.

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Romance / Re: I Lose Confidence Whenever I'm Complimented About My Looks by EmperorHarry: 1:02pm On Feb 10, 2022
Who looks epp? As I handsome reach I'm still depressed.
People see me and assume I live a very happy and sweet life, when in truth, my world is dark and gloomy
Ain't no right way, just the wrong way I know
I problem-solve with Styrofoam
My world revolves around a black hole
The same black hole that's in place of my soul, uh
Empty, I feel so goddamn empty
I may go rogue
Don't tempt me, big bullet holes
Tote semi-autos
Religion / Re: Out Of the Options, Pick One That You Believe Explains The Universe Creation by EmperorHarry: 1:39pm On Jan 06, 2022

You have to understand that everybody's philosophy differs and philosophy can only provide the questions but it cannot provide a definite answer.
Philosophy can infact provide definite answers,when said answers are proven to be true.
Since, we cannot wait forever, we can think of a logical answer ourselves. Yes, I believe God did it, can my belief hurt a fly. God is the source of my happiness, what is wrong with being happy? Do what makes you happy and stop trying to put sand in my own food.
I totally understand where these sentiments are coming from and I'm liberal minded enough to agree with some points made here. There is however a major flaw in this perspective. There is currently objectively no problem,until proven otherwise,in believing the universe has a creator in order to make sense of the reality you find yourself in but when this belief gets mixed up with religion and human influence, it morphs (with pros and cons) significantly and can evidently create chaos much greater than just "hurting a fly". So if your belief is a source of happiness for you but also chaotic and problematic,then it is valid to question it's utility to the collective. It is also valid to question and point out it's flaws. There shouldn't be absolutes except empirically proven and stands the test of time. So because it makes you happy or it's appealing to you subjectively doesn't make it objectively true.

Ignorance is lack of knowledge or information. If I still wait on science or philosophy, it means I am ignorant. I am wise enough to know that science and philosophy will never provide the answer so why will I keeping forever. A lot of my ancestors met philosophy and science but still today, they have not concluded.
So here's the thing, science isn't perfect or absolute. Philosophy doesn't claim to have all the answers. They both provide existentially fundamental tools by which humans or conscious beings can navigate,control and understand the universe and everything within it. Just because we don't know it all now doesn't mean we won't. I totally understand your frustration and it's fine if you have little faith in them for reasons which I may or may not be aware of but the bottomline is that regardless of how seemingly inconclusive the answers they provide are currently(to certain questions), it doesn't mean they are not pretty much the most objectively pragmatic methods to figuring everything out especially Science when used in principle.

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Religion / Re: Out Of the Options, Pick One That You Believe Explains The Universe Creation by EmperorHarry: 3:50pm On Jan 05, 2022

Thanks for participating.
I created this thread to share my knowledge and also learn. I only shared what I know, I feel it is either something is created or it has always existed. If you know other options, please share. Share your own philosophy.
"I don't know" or "I don't know,yet" should be equally valid responses to your shared knowledge.Anyways, here's a few other options that don't quite fit into your model of what's possible or not.
1.This universe is a result of the destruction of a previous universe?
2.This universe is a result of the destruction or death of a higher dimension or being?
3.This universe is the byproduct of things happening in a higher dimension?

All these would be seemingly closer to your option 2,but not quite because these options propose that our universe was not directly created nor create itself like options 2&3 and did not always exist like in option 1.

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Religion / Re: Out Of the Options, Pick One That You Believe Explains The Universe Creation by EmperorHarry: 2:33pm On Jan 05, 2022
These are the only possible options
A. The universe does not need to be created because it has always existed.
B. The universe created itself.
C. The universe must have a creator because it cannot create itself.
If these are the only options then please quit dragging philosophy into it. The very essence of philosophy is born out of curiosity and a desire to find answers to major existential questions and dilemmas,keeping bias to a bare minimum. So,if you created this thread to actually "learn", then these shouldn't be the only options.
Education / Re: All About Science: Key Facts, Researches, And Discoveries In Physics by EmperorHarry: 5:01pm On Jan 03, 2022

Yes, but I'm always willing to learn more. What are those applications and effects?
Well it's mostly when you try to understand theory of relativity on Earth or on planet surfaces. Matter or energy distorts space-time and that as a result creates paths(geodesics) that other masses follow when within the range of distorted space-time by the greater mass or energy. So I have some questions from the perspective of our home planet
1. How does geodesics account for objects thrown up in the air and it falls down in a straight line? Do we have straight line geodesics in distorted space-time?
2.How do planets stay in orbit if they are constantly falling towards the "well" created by the sun? Is it because they have velocities?
I only recently tried to really understand general theory of relativity beyond surface knowledge and time dilations. So I not quite certain about the terms I used but I'd like to understand it sufficiently
Education / Re: All About Science: Key Facts, Researches, And Discoveries In Physics by EmperorHarry: 4:24pm On Jan 03, 2022
This is quite easily one of the the best threads on NL imo. Awesome work man! It's pleasantly surprising and refreshing to see this level of enthusiam and dedication to science and astronomy especially here in Nigeria. I haven't quite been active on NL for sometime but I wonder why I've not stumbled upon this gem. Anyways,I'm currently following. Premium memes btw,I already had some of them in storage but still highlights the quality of the meme theme.

Random question tho,have you been to able to fully understand Eisteins "General theory of Relativity"?. Just theoretically. I have a few applications and effects that I'm curious about especially those that newtonian gravity could quite easily explain.

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Religion / Re: Why Are Most Atheist Single? by EmperorHarry: 8:47pm On Dec 23, 2021

You have elaborated quite beautifully on the point I was trying to make. Wishing you the best in your relationship.
Thanks! grin
Religion / Re: Why Are Most Atheist Single? by EmperorHarry: 5:40pm On Dec 22, 2021
Most atheist are single and unmarried. Why? most of you if not all of you. The only one I know who is married is married is LordReed and even he got married as a Christian (Maybe he would have been a bachelor) if he had been an atheist at an early age.

I am just curious to know don't take it personal because I for one do not even fancy the idea of marriage. I have seen so many and I can't pinpoint one and say I'll like this type for myself. But is it that you guys have lost the capacity to love? Because they say God is love and you people say there is no God. If you say there is no God then there can be no love and when there is no love. How can you love your partner and family?

So why are most of you within marriageable age still single? You haven't found atheist like yourselves or what?
Well this is from my own experience.I'm Agnostic and irreligious but I'm currently in a relationship with an atheist that's antireligious. Before I met her, I was def single af and it wasn't cos I couldn't get in a relationship but because of the standards I had set to even consider being in one. In my opinion,they were very reasonable standards but somehow most females I met fell short of them. I resolved that I'd rather stay single than be a relationship where I'm misunderstood and having to constantly change or hide parts of my ideals and beliefs just to make it work. Sure there are people with opposing beliefs who are liberal and open minded enough to make relationships work and that's a good option too but it's rare,especially with the prevailing mentality of the majority in this part of world. I'd rather die alone than to be in a trap and call it a relationship just so I score points off the societally defined "timelines".Anyways it has been worth it cos she surpassed most of them(standards) mentally,intellectually and has an rich sense of humour. Most of these qualities are definitely not dependent of one's beliefs and ideals. I'm not a fan of dogma,conformity,lack of curiosity,inabililty to have independent thought processes etc. I do not want to be forced or coaxed into doing what I have no interest in just so the other party is happy or at least satisfied. So being able to have really deep conversations and talk about stuffs(science,philosophy,art,thought experiements etc) that most people who aren't open minded enough due to "beliefs" cannot entertain or being able to exchange memes that religious folks would get butt hurt over is just a glimpse of perks that come with this relationship and I know what that feels like and I'm never settling for less! wink

Anyways,that's just a subjective example that would hopefully highlight some of the reasons why I would have been def single and still be very fine with my life if I wasn't in a relationship as an irreligious agnostic.
So OP, from an objective sense,your question is pretty much biased and myopic, because it seems you based your question on the data you may to have gotten, from what I'm assuming you felt was a subjectively dependent pattern,noted on a microscale(nairaland or people you may or may not know) and then generalized in an attempt to maybe prove a point?. Just assuming here. Truth is people can be single for subjective or external reasons. I've stated my reasons,in my case. So yes,not everyone lives by conventions or is fated to be single because of their beliefs. Some people just know what they want and won't let anything change or have people influence it unlike some normies we have in our society. Also considering the part of the world we live in,it becomes much more complicated to find people liberal and open minded enough to look beyond belief or lack of belief in what seems to have a huge influence in our society i.e religion and God. So yeah, your question is like someone asking why christians are single in a population with predominantly 90-95% mulisms. Would they still be "single" if they moved to a population where they are amongst the majority?

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Phones / Re: Which Other Chat App Can Conveniently Replace Whatsapp by EmperorHarry: 10:05am On Oct 05, 2021

Who cares about interface, abi Functionality??
Performance over Aesthetics.

Besides, the interface is very okay. With the way it is designed, you don't have to let people have your number, just your @ or Moniker, can be enough.
Privacy, security, efficient, Fast, you can transfer all manner of Files and sizes.
Telegram is where I get music from, 100% effective (even iphone users can get music for free easily with Telegram)
I'm wondering how ignorant and unadventorous one would have to be to not see that Telegram has no rival once you know how to use it's features besides chatting. If you use Telegram for just chatting,then you're doing the app a great disservice.


Education / Re: General Thread For All Lovers Of Astronomy And Space by EmperorHarry: 12:15pm On Jan 19, 2021

I never said the Earth is flat!!!!!!!!
I didn't quote you before,so I don't know why you'd assume I was talking to you. Reread the from the post you first mentioned before you respond next time
Education / Re: General Thread For All Lovers Of Astronomy And Space by EmperorHarry: 10:06pm On Jan 18, 2021
This was mentioned before but just wanted to add this

Education / Re: General Thread For All Lovers Of Astronomy And Space by EmperorHarry: 8:58pm On Jan 18, 2021

Well, the Earth is not a perfect sphere.
In fact, the changes that take place across the Earth causes it to have a structure that is not fixed.
In other words, the way it is now is not exactly the way it was millions of years ago.
The way it will be in a million years from now won't be exactly how it is now.
Whatever shape that is ascribed to the Earth remains an approximation.
I know that(don't necessarily entirely agree) but with the overwhelming amount of evidence both observable and data based ,pointing to any shape that is not flat in any way,it's ludicrous to believe in flat earth literally. I find flat earth jokes hilarious,infact I feel they make the best space jokes,but then it started becoming a little too real as the exchanges progressed,so I had to ask cos flat earthers in Nigeria is like people who believe in big foot here in Nigeria. Too much evidence that refutes it and there's an obscure community of people that support or are enthusiastic about astronomy in general,let alone,flat earth.

Apparently I'm wrong in my conjectures as I've painfully had to scroll through vehemently regressive arguments,that have been significantly settled well after the dark ages,but I still find them clouding useful information provided here. It's shocking tbh. If you don't have useful and enlightneing information, don't post abeg. Don't ruin something so rare cos of your regressive ideological perspectives.You have groups with millions of people for and against your perspective to argue with,not here. angry
Education / Re: General Thread For All Lovers Of Astronomy And Space by EmperorHarry: 6:39pm On Jan 18, 2021

Ships seems to disappear because they have gone beyond our line of vision. When the ship disappears, use a binoculars and you'll see the ship is still there. This has been proven severally and there are documented videos showing this fact on YouTube.
All lens created are called fish eye lens, from airplane windows to cameras and drones, check them, they all have fish lens (concave on one side) this will always produce a circular feedback.

The earth is not just hanging in space, it's fixed. It has foundations that are immovable and because the sun isn't bigger than the earth like we think, the sun actually moves from the east to west and back in a circular motion.
That's why we have different time zones.

The Earth having a round impression of the Moon is nothing but an illusion. We can attest to the fact that the very best way to ascertain the real picture of anything is through the use of a lens.
Take for example, we always tend to see a road filled with water when looking at a tiled road from a far distance. However,this doesn't mean the road is filled with water as we do see.
Is this just overzealous sarcasm or just pure ignorance? Cos it's hilarious how you take flat earth idiocy and humour to new heights.

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Politics / Re: Nigeria Can Not Be Reformed by EmperorHarry: 4:52pm On Oct 10, 2020
Nigeria's problem has always been Nigerians.I only hope this rather trifle protests would spark a revolution that would significantly and fundamentally change the direction this country is heading towards.We have turned a blind eye to the problems that are pushing this country farther away from redemption for generations,so if this is the part in the Nigerias history that would be referenced when all these issues are nonexistent then that'd be great..If this is just a one time thing,then you guys shouldn't bother.You don't cut off a branch and think you've killed the tree,it just shoots out another,which could prolly be more problematic than the former.

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Religion / Re: My Proof That Time Is Illusion by EmperorHarry: 8:29pm On Jul 09, 2020
How true is this post of yours? Cos I'd really like know the veracity of such a claim about experiencing a rare and probable phenomenon such as time travel...I mean there's a chance that during the process of travelling through/experiencing alternate realities in your sleep,that you come across almost identical realities as ours in the past,present or future but it's pretty damn rare that you end up in the same timeline as the one your currently existing in..And all this is still kinda hypothetical.
Religion / Re: This "Prophet" Warned But Did We Listen? by EmperorHarry: 3:48pm On Mar 22, 2020

You gats open your eyes bro
I am.Hbu?
Religion / Re: This "Prophet" Warned But Did We Listen? by EmperorHarry: 3:39pm On Mar 22, 2020
He's never a prophet, he just hints the world on their next agenda and even made a movie CONTAGION about it but many didn't took him serious or even know about it. I myself didn't know until now but I am well familiar on all his moves to depopulate the world.

Their target is Africa that's why they were surprised that the virus is slow in spreading in Africa. Y'all just need to wake up.
Lmao...Think before you talk.That's my solid piece advice to you wink

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Religion / Re: Countdown Thread To #deactivateyourmoniker by EmperorHarry: 8:02am On Jan 01, 2020
And there goes another entertaining act.

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Religion / Re: If You Had The Opportunity To Meet Someone In The Bible, Who Would It Be? by EmperorHarry: 12:39pm On Dec 18, 2019
It has to be Moses..All other biblical characters are dependent on what he wrote.[true or false]
Religion / Re: Kanye West Gets $68M Tax Refund After Becoming Born Again by EmperorHarry: 9:36pm On Oct 31, 2019
Please dont take the fake prophet any serious.
Why doesnt the self-proclaimed prophet acknowledge that Kanye said, stop disrespecting gay people, because they're human beings just like everybody else, erhn?

When Kanye was asked whether the presidency is in the pipeline or in his sight, he smiled and kept mute, without answering the question. lol
Lol! grin

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Religion / Re: Kanye West Gets $68M Tax Refund After Becoming Born Again by EmperorHarry: 7:19pm On Oct 31, 2019
Of course, Kanye’s massive IRS refund has absolutely nothing to do with God. Rather, he’s simply reaping the benefits of the massive tax break bestowed upon the ultra-wealthy by his good friend Donald Trump. It also helps that he now finds himself at the head of a church likely exempt from paying taxes.

But we forgive Kanye for not fully grasping America’s tax policy… it’s not like he’s planning to run for president in 2024 or anything.
Lmao..Was about saying this but you've already done that. Muttleylaff please tell you find it hilarious that jesusjnr is actually acknowledging Kanye,just like Olaadegbu has done even tho he's pretty much an uncertified source for reference.I mean I'm all for Kanye's new found faith in God(whatever rocks his boat) and all but don't you think peeps shouldn't be swayed into irrationality just cos it all seems too good to be true?..Cos it seems to me that folks would eat up whatever Kanye says/does cos he dropped a Gospel album..Lol.
Car Talk / Re: 5 Terrifying Facts About Car Pollution That Everyone Should Know by EmperorHarry: 7:04pm On Oct 31, 2019

You can know the future of a people by their habits now. Important things do not interest most nigerians.
Do they even know what's actually important? We're sitting ducks when it comes to what's important..Some just try more than others to keep up with what's up..Those who know,most times choose not talk cos their opinions wouldn't even count over the empty barrels that fill the NCA.
Car Talk / Re: 5 Terrifying Facts About Car Pollution That Everyone Should Know by EmperorHarry: 6:58pm On Oct 31, 2019
It's rather funny that by now, first page is still open for comment.
It speaks volume tbh..I'm actually shocked it made front page and I wasn't disappointed by the Nl commenters association either..We'll get there someday..Hopefully it wouldn't be too late.

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Religion / Re: From Kanye West To Hillary Clinton: Jezebel Is In The News by EmperorHarry: 7:44pm On Oct 28, 2019
Whats so funny and a good one nwanne?
Well theories based on archaic characters and the "spirit of Jezebel" (I seriously thought this was an African thing) is ridiculous. The thing that got me most tho is how Kanye suddenly became a 21st century Prophet of some sort...I mean,it's friggin Kanye ffs
Religion / Re: From Kanye West To Hillary Clinton: Jezebel Is In The News by EmperorHarry: 6:53pm On Oct 28, 2019
Lmao! Good one..

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Religion / Re: Your Own Gods by EmperorHarry: 3:29pm On Oct 27, 2019
I totally dig these pieces mahn!

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