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Webmasters / Re: Top 14 Web Development Companies In Uyo, Nigeria For The Year 2024 by fasterINCOME(m): 8:26am On Dec 12, 2024
Hey there,
I need a web designer in Uyo to help setup GOOGLE SITES (free blog) for my business.
Let me know if you understand what I mean.

I need the blog fully set up with all necessary SEO. Google sites requires neither domain nor hosting, it's completely free. But for you to be able to monetize it, you need to set it up properly and completely.
Reach me on call or WhatsApp: 08161517039.
Politics / Re: Xenophobia: Makinde Gives N900,000 To 30 Oyo Indigenes by fasterINCOME(m): 3:56pm On Oct 03, 2019
Gov Makinde makes a good start. Sure indicates he knows they have needs. As we are reading this, some other state unfortunate returnees are still listening to their state radios for their governors to hopefully say something about their case weeks after they returned.
Webmasters / Re: PHP Scripts, Bulk Sms, Investment Scripts, School Management Scripts, And Other by fasterINCOME(m): 9:15pm On Sep 24, 2019
Hey, Meen,
I need a classified site just like O'list.com.
Do you know what theme they are using for that site. Can
you get it for me? Can you create one or are you getting a WordPress theme
for me? Hopping to hear from you soon.
+234 816 151 7039,
Send me an SMS or route me a call.
Programming / Re: Do You Need A Classified Ads Website Just Like Jiji? by fasterINCOME(m): 4:32am On Sep 05, 2019
Yes I do. But one I love most is olist.ng.
If you have done one like that before, give me the link.
Here's my e-mail: digitalmedia555@gmail.com
Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:26pm On Feb 18, 2019
Thanks, You've tried, but it remains.
Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 2:00pm On Feb 17, 2019
You guys are great. But take it easy. I may not be a car expert...But I'm not a fraudster either.
i am selling this sweet driving golf on nairaland, ie online...but you'll definitely see the car before you buy.
You'll drive it yourself before you pay. Cars displayed online for sale are not to be payed for and taken online.
For eg, a car that was red when last you knew about it (but now painted black) cannot remain red.
My first car before I got this golf was paid for with thanks and joy. My problem is with the negative Nigerian spirit.
This spirit is largely responsible for mass failures of Nigerians online. Pls take it easy, instead help me find
buyers for the car...bikko. I'll appreciate you. okay?
Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:28am On Feb 16, 2019
This car registered less a year ago, and has no issues at all.
Call me on: +234816 151 7039.
Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:18am On Feb 16, 2019
Only N850 000

Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:16am On Feb 16, 2019
See superb engine

Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:14am On Feb 16, 2019
Clean VW Golf 4

Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:12am On Feb 16, 2019
Very clean VW Golf 4 2002

1 Share

Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:10am On Feb 16, 2019
Very clean Golf 4 2002

Autos / Re: Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:08am On Feb 16, 2019

Autos / Very Clean Accident - Free Golf 4 2002 For Just N850 000 Just Buy N Drive Home by fasterINCOME(m): 5:01am On Feb 16, 2019
Volkswagen Golf 4 2002 for sale, due to urgent need for cash. Very clean, automatic with chilling AC! About a year old as nearly direct tokunbo. Neatly used. Drives smoothly, with extreme comfort… All components are intact with sound engine. First body. Price : N850 000= But negotiable. No issues-just buy and drive home
1. Transmission is Automatic
2. Body type is Sedan
3. Color is Deep Blue
4. 4 Doors
5. Left Hand Drive
6. Drive Type is Front Wheel
7. Engine Size is 2.0
8. Fuel is Petrol
1. Car is first body not painted
2. Chilling Air Conditioning
3. Airbags Intact
4. No Alarm System
5. Glittering Alloy Wheels
6. AM/FM Stereo
7. CD Player
8. Cruise Control
9. DVD Player
10. Electric Mirrors
11. Electric Windows
12. Long Range Fog Lights
13. Power Windows
14. Spotlights
15. Zenon Lights
16. Superb Engine

1 Like

Car Talk / Golf 4 Gear Selection Problems. Pls Help? by fasterINCOME(m): 3:57am On Jan 23, 2019
,Hey guys, My golf 4 automatic refuses to select gears. I just changed the gear oil when I noticed the problem. But I notice that the problem still comes up.
I don't know what to do, please help me out.
Crime / Re: Nairalanders Beware Of This SCAMMER! by fasterINCOME(m): 12:41pm On Dec 28, 2018
Yes the Nigerian government, the Nigerian politicians, and the dwindling economy has made Nigerians to avoid genuine business people to trust scammers.
What you don't know, you don't know.
Crime / Re: Kidnappers And Armed Robbers Terrorizing Adamawa Residents, Arrested. Photos by fasterINCOME(m): 12:33pm On Dec 28, 2018
Hey guys,
My candid advice to Nigerians has always been : Keep clear blood money, stay away from crime money, steer clear of armed robbery.
REMEMBER YOUR FRIEND NEMESIS... It will catch up on you.
But if you can't get enough from your job or your business, try making money online. It's not as hard as you think.
Business / Re: What To Do To Make Money Online? by fasterINCOME(m): 12:23pm On Dec 28, 2018
Hey guys,
I love this post. I personally didn't know that domain business was profitable. But of recent it dawned on me that I should write about it on my blog. As for 3 letter domains, there are plenty of them. But not all are sounding well... It takes pain though but I can get you a domain with three letters...but it will not be a. com domain.

But I can assure you of this : get any of these domains - sda.com, cuf. com , cxx. com or even something like yum. com. If you are in domain business try to sell the above or even try using my examples to craft out your own and you may be supprised as someone from nowhere surfaces to pay for them.
NYSC / Re: Pay Workers The N30 000 Minimum Wage: Even N100 000 Is Payable But … by fasterINCOME(m): 11:19am On Dec 28, 2018
Hey Nigerians. Who is the THIEF AND SCAMMER now?
See? Just too unfortunate that you could not differenciat between a genuine post and a scam, even till now. If you are okay with N30 000, then you can as well join Npower or civil service. But I bate you, neither of them is a walk through. In fact you can be defrauded in an attempt to get through. Be ware.
NYSC / Pay Workers The N30 000 Minimum Wage: Even N100 000 Is Payable But … by fasterINCOME(m): 1:00pm On Dec 27, 2018
This post is to tell Nigerians that any state in Nigeria can pay N30 000 much clamored new proposed minimum wage, and I say even N60 000 is still very possible. You know why? Most Nigerians especially those in government do not place value on our money at all. And I mean what I am saying.

First, let me ask you, what percentage of Nigerians are civil servants? If the percentage of Nigerians on government payroll in each state is up to 12%, it can’t be above 15%. Also in same vein, what % are politicians. Are politicians in government payroll in any state up to 10% of the state population? In most cases no!

Okay, answer me this one: Why are politicians in all the states always happy while civil servants are always sad?

Take it from me over 50% of money that comes into the state is shared by politicians. This is done either directly or indirectly.

Take for example how they share bags of rice… Out 100 bags that government gives to a ministry,
1). Commissioner packs 30,
2). Perm. Sect. carts away 25,
3). Directors share 30.
4). Then a paltry 15 bags will now be tossed to the rest staff of most cases over 200. See that!

Is the distribution above fair? Obviously not.
But I must tell you of a truth, that this is what state governors do with money that comes into their states.

In my own state if you see how public funds are being squandered and shared among politicians you will shed tears about helpless, low income, and in most cases even unemployed Nigerians.

Of all the billions that come to my state every single month, no part of it is put into profitable venture which should have yielded more internally.

All you see are:

- White elephant projects,
- Thoughtless spending,
- Wasteful disbursement of funds,
- Outright non existent projects,
- Controversal investments,

If a truth, if you make civil servants to work, then you pay them correct wages, this country’s economy will experience a total turn around. Let no one deceive you Nigeria is under a severe course arising from the woes our leaders have brought upon our innocent but well-meaning populace. Look, God is watching you all in everything you do.


If you want to understand my standpoint, take the case of a salary earner who takes home N100 000 a month. If this person squanders over N80 000 of this money every month by month for upwards of 5 years …, without embarking on any productive venture, can a man like this make any headway in life? My answer, if you care to know is: No!

Just like many state governors, the man in question can even owe the rent in the house that he is living, since obviously he can’t build his own.

So, let workers be paid the N30 000, it’s even too small self, it should be N60 000. After all what is N30 000?

Before you dive into arguing any of these points with me, ‘cos Nigerians like arguement: See, ordinary Nigerians have discovered secret ways of being paid good wages by foreigners in dollars to perform small small tasks for them. Tasks like designs, typing, excel, writing, even web design etc. And you know what; they are all well paid in $$$ in all cases.

Imagine typing and professionally formatting 20 official letters and being paid $100: and you work from your home. Think about it. As I’m typing this, when I do a job like the above for a client in Nigeria, I’m paid paltry N3000 at most. But if I execute this same little job say, for a student in UK. I am paid cool N36 000. And any business centre can complete such a job within hours.

So, you can see that Nigerian workers are paid pee-nuts
because it’s pee-nuts that’s being passed round.

See I am not saying the above to brag, as am typing this, thousands of Nigerians are smiling to their banks from doing micro jobs for clients online. I have repeatedly told Nigerians to learn how to offer their services online and be paid in dollars, leave Nigerian government with their woes.

If you want to know how to render your services to clients abroad and be paid in good dollars, Follow this rare url to: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com. On getting there, Download an “Award Winning Fiverr Blueprint”. This amazing course will reveal to you step by step, how you can be contacted with jobs you can easily perform, and how you can be paid in hard dollars for them.
So, if you desire to turn your back at the Nigerian civil service for ever, hurry up and check out this life changing guide. You’ll thank me for it later.
But before you leave the blog, click on the micro job link, and the information that will display will blow your mind.
See you when you’re back.
Business / Minimum Wage: Workers Should Demand N100 000 And Not N30 000 by fasterINCOME(m): 12:46pm On Dec 27, 2018
When minimum wage is the matter, I say workers should demand N100 000 and not N30 000. Yes! Any state in Nigeria can pay N30 000 much clamored new proposed minimum wage, and I say even N100 000 is still very possible. Do you know why? Reason is that most Nigerian governments do not place value on our money at all. And I mean what I am saying. If they stop wasting and sharing money our economy will change.

Do you know that successive governments have only been evil all through, invoking woes upon the people?

If you did not know, know it now that our state governments have been neck deep in squandermenia, unproductive investments, and white elephant projects.

Tell me how you can prosper if you waste your God given resources. Whom would you blame for your woes.

If you want to understand my standpoint, take the case of a salary earner who takes home N100 000 a month. If this person squanders over N80 000 of this money every month by month for upwards of 5 years …, without embarking on any productive venture, can a man like this make any headway in life? My answer, if you care to know is: No!

Thank God, there are countries who value their money and their
governments have the needed focus that our governments lack. So that is why people like us who had our eyes opened are educating Nigerians that care to listen thus.

See, ordinary Nigerians have discovered secret ways of being paid good wages by foreigners in dollars to perform small small tasks for them. Tasks like graphic designs, word processing, excel, writing, even web design etc. And you know what; they are all well paid in $$$ in all cases.

Imagine typing and professionally formatting 20 official letters and being paid $100: and you work from your home. Think about it. As I’m typing this, when I do a job like the above for a client in Nigeria, I’m paid a paltry N3000 at most. But if I execute this same little job say, for a student in UK. I am paid cool N36 000. And any business centre can complete such a job within hours.

So, you can see that Nigerian workers are paid pee-nuts
because it’s pee-nuts that’s being passed round.

See I am not saying the above to brag, as am typing this, thousands of Nigerians are smiling to their banks from doing micro jobs for clients online. I have repeatedly told Nigerians to learn how to offer their services online and be paid in dollars, leave Nigerian government with their woes.

If you want to know how to render your services to clients abroad and be paid in good dollars, Follow this rare url to: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com. On getting there, Download an “Award Winning Fiverr Blueprint”.
This amazing course will reveal to you step by step, how you can be contacted with jobs you can easily perform, and how you can be paid in hard dollars for them.
So, if you desire to turn your back at the Nigerian civil service for ever, hurry up and check out this life changing guide. You’ll thank me for it later.
But before you leave the blog, click on the micro job link, and the information that will display will blow your mind.

See you when you’re back.
Career / Re: Should I Drop Out Of School And Concentrate On Business? by fasterINCOME(m): 9:28pm On Dec 25, 2018
Young man, people like you are hard to come by in Nigeria today...Transfer to National Open University
That's your bet bet. Else do what we and my team are doing...Become a FREELANCER. Period!

1 Like

Crime / Re: Two Nigerians Caught With $2.8m Cash At Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu by fasterINCOME(m): 8:45pm On Dec 25, 2018
But what is wrong with Nigerians?
You see this devil called naira? Nigerians will destroy themselves because of money! I have said it repeatedly that even N100 000 minimum wage is quite easy to pay to Nigerian workers…if there’s sincerity in government. After all, how many Nigerians are on government payroll.

Take for example my own state government, despite receiving the largest share
from the federation account, it is still deceiving itself that it is finding it hard to pay salaries.

How many civil servants is the state catering for?

Sadly enough the millions of jobless “army of Nigerians” plus the few civil servants see with their eyes as just a handful of politicians flaunt ill- gotten wealth before their eyes…rolling thick bundles of cash home on a daily basis; Tell me how money crime will not become order of the day for the rest Nigerians.
I have said it over and over PLEASE NIGERIANS, SEARCH ONLINE FOR WHAT YOU CAN DO. Go to freelance sites, register, and try your hands. When you hear me talk of N100 000 a month, you’ll make more than this easily online if you take pains to do whatever you are doing correctly.
I knew how Nigeria was going to be years to come before I put up this blog: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com in 2016 to help poor and helpless Nigerians, have a guide so they can succeed online. Hurry now to the home page and download my award winning free guide that is helping Nigerians mage good cash online. It’s free, clear, straight to the point, and easy to follow. My advice has been that Nigerians should leave politicians and learn new ways of making money especially online.
See, STEER CLEAR FROM BLOOD MONEY, STEER CLEAR FROM CRIME MONEY! Please. See, drop that attitude that the Nigerian education system spoiled you with. Get ready to bend your head down and learn ways of being engaged to work online and be paid in dollars. Think about it : as a graphic designer, a job I beg Nigerians to pay me just N6,000, i.e about less than $16. A typical graphic designer like me from US will happily outsource it to me at N40 000, about $100. See it.
I don’t want to preach this any further.
Crime / Re: Oko Polytechnic Student's Room Burgled By Robbers (Photos) by fasterINCOME(m): 8:33pm On Dec 25, 2018
Fellow Nigerians,
Look, let me tell you this: You see this devil called naira? Nigerians will finish themselves because of money! I have said it repeatedly that even N100 000 minimum wage is quite easy to pay to Nigerian workers…if there’s sincerity in government. After all, how many Nigerians are on government payroll.

Take for example my own state government, despite receiving the largest share
from the federation account, it is still deceiving itself that it is finding it hard to pay salaries.

How many civil servants is the state catering for?

Sadly enough the millions of jobless “army of Nigerians” plus the few civil servants see with their eyes as just a handful of politicians flaunt ill- gotten wealth before their eyes…rolling thick bundles of cash home on a daily basis; Tell me how money crime will not become order of the day for the rest Nigerians.
I have said it over and over PLEASE NIGERIANS, SEARCH ONLINE FOR WHAT YOU CAN DO. Go to freelance sites, register, and try your hands. When you hear me talk of N100 000 a month, you’ll make more than this easily online if you take pains to do whatever you are doing correctly.
I knew how Nigeria was going to be years to come before I put up this blog: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com in 2016 to help poor and helpless Nigerians, have a guide so they can succeed online. Hurry now to the home page and download my award winning free guide that is helping Nigerians mage good cash online. It’s free, clear, straight to the point, and easy to follow. My advice has been that Nigerians should leave politicians and learn new ways of making money especially online.
See, STEER CLEAR FROM BLOOD MONEY, STEER CLEAR FROM CRIME MONEY! Please. See, drop that attitude that the Nigerian education system spoiled you with. Get ready to bend your head down and learn ways of being engaged to work online and be paid in dollars. Think about it : as a graphic designer, a job I beg Nigerians to pay me just N 6,000, i.e about less than $16. A typical graphic designer like me from US will happily outsource it to me at N 40, 000, about $100. See it.
I don’t want to preach this any further.
Crime / Re: Young Robbers Terrorizing Anambra State Arrested By Police Operatives by fasterINCOME(m): 8:28pm On Dec 25, 2018
Fellow Nigerians,
PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: You see this devil called naira? Nigerians will finish themselves because of money! I have said it repeatedly that even N100 000 minimum wage is quite easy to pay to Nigerian workers…if there’s sincerity in government. After all, how many Nigerians are on government payroll.

Take for example my own state government, despite receiving the largest share
from the federation account, it is still deceiving itself that it is finding it hard to pay salaries.

How many civil servants is the state catering for?

Sadly enough the millions of jobless “army of Nigerians” plus the few civil servants see with their eyes as just a handful of politicians flaunt ill- gotten wealth before their eyes…rolling thick bundles of cash home on a daily basis; Tell me how money crime will not become order of the day for the rest Nigerians.
I have said it over and over PLEASE NIGERIANS, SEARCH ONLINE FOR WHAT YOU CAN DO. Go to freelance sites, register, and try your hands. When you hear me talk of N100 000 a month, you’ll make more than this easily online if you take pains to do whatever you are doing correctly.
I knew how Nigeria was going to be years to come before I put up this blog: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com in 2016 to help poor and helpless Nigerians, have a guide so they can succeed online. Hurry now to the home page and download my award winning free guide that is helping Nigerians mage good cash online. It’s free, clear, straight to the point, and easy to follow. My advice has been that Nigerians should leave politicians and learn new ways of making money especially online.
See, STEER CLEAR FROM BLOOD MONEY, STEER CLEAR FROM CRIME MONEY! Please. See, drop that attitude that the Nigerian education system spoiled you with. Get ready to bend your head down and learn ways of being engaged to work online and be paid in dollars. Think about it : as a graphic designer, a job I beg Nigerians to pay me just N6,000, i.e about less than $16. A typical graphic designer like me from US will happily outsource it to me at N40 000, about $100. See it.
I don’t want to preach this any further.
Crime / Re: Girl Used By Yahoo Boy Vomits Money In Warri, Delta State by fasterINCOME(m): 8:25pm On Dec 25, 2018
Fellow Nigerians,
You see this devil called naira? Nigerians will finish themselves because of money! I have said it repeatedly that even N100 000 minimum wage is quite easy to pay to Nigerian workers…if there’s sincerity in government. After all, how many Nigerians are on government payroll.

Take for example my own state government, despite receiving the largest share
from the federation account, it is still deceiving itself that it is finding it hard to pay salaries.

How many civil servants is the state catering for?

Sadly enough the millions of jobless “army of Nigerians” plus the few civil servants see with their eyes as just a handful of politicians flaunt ill- gotten wealth before their eyes…rolling thick bundles of cash home on a daily basis; Tell me how money crime will not become order of the day for the rest Nigerians.
I have said it over and over PLEASE NIGERIANS, SEARCH ONLINE FOR WHAT YOU CAN DO. Go to freelance sites, register, and try your hands. When you hear me talk of N100 000 a month, you’ll make more than this easily online if you take pains to do whatever you are doing correctly.
I knew how Nigeria was going to be years to come before I put up this blog: www.onlinebusinessideasng.com in 2016 to help poor and helpless Nigerians, have a guide so they can succeed online. Hurry now to the home page and download my award winning free guide that is helping Nigerians mage good cash online. It’s free, clear, straight to the point, and easy to follow. My advice has been that Nigerians should leave politicians and learn new ways of making money especially online.
See, STEER CLEAR FROM BLOOD MONEY, STEER CLEAR FROM CRIME MONEY! Please. See, drop that attitude that the Nigerian education system spoiled you with. Get ready to bend your head down and learn ways of being engaged to work online and be paid in dollars. Think about it : as a graphic designer, a job I beg Nigerians to pay me just N6,000, i.e about less than $16. A typical graphic designer like me from US will happily outsource it to me at N40 000, about $100. See it.
I don’t want to preach this any further.
Crime / Re: Young Robbers Terrorizing Anambra State Arrested By Police Operatives by fasterINCOME(m): 7:41pm On Dec 25, 2018
I have warned Nigerian youths before. Crime money is too hot. Blood money will soil your dress. oooo oooo.
Business / Re: Femi Otedola To Sell His Forte Oil Shares by fasterINCOME(m): 5:40pm On Dec 25, 2018
Well, wonders will never end...if giants can be forced down on their knees...where will the
weak appear? Although in Nigeria there are so many mischief makers, one can't say if it is the
man himself that put up this post or whether it is his unfriendly fiends. Who knows?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: See An N-power Applicant's Acceptance Letter by fasterINCOME(m): 6:35pm On Aug 14, 2018
Well, sorry about your reactions to this letter.
Let me react to it my way:
1) That letter is ok. As far as that area is concerned it is ok, period.
2) It's a letter, official letter, written by a legally employed desk officer. Hand written? Yes!
3) It will be accepted ( there) and the recruit is already working.
4) If it pains you go and create liberal employment avenues in your own state. Do you hear me?
5) See, in my own state ( I wont mention), that letter can put the desk officer in trouble.
6) Of a truth, there may be computers lying about in their office but computer operators position may be vacant, waiting to be filled. See it?
7) In this my state can you believe I once paid a government typist N500 to type an official letter on a manual typewriter for me. Truth!
cool Do you know that in my city I am paying close to N5 000 to have a total of less than 3 days electricity in a month? Yes, if you don't pay, they come with well armed mopol to disconnect you. Sure your state/area can be better.
So I repeat, leave that letter alone, leave the desk officer alone, leave that state alone, go to your state and make your bed to be convenient for you and your people to lye.
Quote me some states make things too tight for their unemployed ones while others make it deliberately easy.
My question is : How is that poor unemployed person treated in your own state? I mean even with N-Power?

Thank you.
Career / Top 10 Easiest And Fastest Ways To Earn Money On The Internet TODAY by fasterINCOME(m): 9:35am On Aug 14, 2018

Hey there,
My name is NdukeAbasi, I am about to reveal to you the top 10 easiest ways to earn money on the internet, which I intend you should jump on and succeed big time.

I am an author, a coach and an online marketing professional. I remain the webmaster of www.onlinebusinessideasng.com.

The information I am about to reveal to you here, will enable you make an easy online income fast and you will do so working form the comfort of your own home.

Before I proceed to full details, let me point to you, three (3) most important skills that most newbie online marketers have unknowingly failed to fully embrace, but which have been responsible for most of my great successes since I started my online endeavor over 5 years ago.

Which skills am I referring to? You may ask. Quite simple;
i. Learning from free e-books, and free online courses.
ii. Learning from paid e-books, and paid online courses.
iii. Outsourcing my jobs to expert websites.

That’s all.

Taking online courses as well as downloading e-books, whether they be free or paid is fun, easy and straight forward learning process. Over these past couple of years, I have personally taken not less than 5 free online courses, as well as many more paid ones. I paid for them with my hard earned cash as well as my precious time, I did so to master the skills taught; most of them priceless.

In like manner, this term “outsourcing” is a wonderful term when it comes to online skills. I have had top grade professionals that I only met online handle very complex jobs for me with ease. Could you imagine how I can meet a guy at Fiverr or Freelancer, he charges me half the price that I would have paid for a service elsewhere and yet deliver higher quality jobs? See it? This is the truth.

Learn these 3 cool secrets and you cannot fail to excel online.

Now about myself; while managing my blog and also working at Digital Media 3D Centre, I run the High Impact Digital Marketing Program, with specialization in these following areas:

 Niche Blog Setup - Setting up 10 post blogs for clients.
 Expert Graphic Design Services,
 Professional Freelance Writer,
 Social Media Marketing / Management Service Provider,
 Promotional And Explainer Video Creation
 Virtual Assistant Service Provider.

Now back to my top 10 easiest and fastest ways to earn money on the internet…if you are still here, come with me:

What you will learn in this course:
1. Setting up social media accounts for clients.
2. Setting up niche blogs for clients.
3. Start a proven online business.
4. Make money using Facebook.
5. Creating engaging blog posts.
6. Learn to create stunning graphics.
7. Sell your gigs on freelance sites.
8. Create online videos for cash.
9. Driving targeted traffic to clients’ sites.
10. Start a social media management service
Now can we kick off?

1. Learn To Set Up Social Media Account For Companies.
If you have been online for the past couple of years, you should know that if you learn to set up social media accounts for companies to enable them easily have online presence for their businesses; clients (who will be coming for repeat purchase of your services) are all over the web and will search you out to purchase your services.

Business pages on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube are really hot money makers these days when it comes to driving traffic to websites.

2. Setting Up A Blog
If you mean to learn how to make money on the internet, one of the easiest and fastest ways is learning to set up either Word press blog. Your blog can be free or paid or a totally free one at Blogger.

If you know how to set up a blog, optimize it for search traffic, and post on its pages keyword rich engaging contents such as, pictures, videos, graphics, charts etc; you have what if takes to earn money on the internet without much hassles. All you need is to read my posts on how to market your services online, putting much more of your energy on social media marketing and the cash will start rolling in.

This is a very straight-to-the-point online business idea I am making money from, which you can market as a service online quite easily as well. Create and build your own blog and that qualifies you to create and build for others.

Short and simple!

3. Set Up A Proven Online Business

To make money on the internet you must set up a proven online business that will bring in good income to you for years.

What do I mean by “proven online business?”

By proven, I mean those online businesses that can be referred to as genuine. What is already done and proven to work well. Don’t follow what scammers are doing. Do something genuine.

One easiest and fastest way to earn money on the internet today is for your site or blog is when you execute whatever you have in mind following the way the experts are going about theirs; the way they succeed, you too will succeed.

This is simple straight forward truth.

Take this for example: You start a site or a blog to help you sell your graphic design services to clients online.

For you to succeed, all you need do is search for a term like “graphic design services” on Google.com. The first 10 sites displayed on page one will be all you need to study and follow what they are doing and how they do it, so as for you to succeed. This is not hard at all to do but is a simple process to copy - a proven and genuine online business, if you ask me.

4. Make Money Using Facebook To Promote Affiliate Products And Services.

Without going into building of websites and the rigors that go with it, you can simply make use of Facebook Pages just as you could use websites to showcase your stuff.

In fact you can, (in addition to promoting your own products and services), use Facebook to promote your affiliate products and services too.

This particular aspect does not call for the stress involved in writing articles and link building to drive traffic. Reason is, you have traffic on Facebook already, so all you will need to do is to funnel this traffic to produce sales and profits for you.

Not hard at all, if you ask me, but of course not for unserious folks.

Choose a product or service, and put into practice what you have learned here and success won’t be far from you.

5. Creating Engaging Blog Posts Or Keyword Rich Articles.

The commonest content you are likely to find online will easily be blog posts. Creating a 500 or 700-word blog post is quite simple. I do this for clients every time.

But the other hard part is how to make your posts engaging. What makes a post engaging?

Five things.

i. Make your posts conversational
ii. Make your posts entertaining
iii. Write in an educative manner
iv. Apply multi-media-including graphics, videos, charts, images etc.
v. Apply suspension techniques to compel your readers to read your posts to their ends.

This is just it.

Once you are able to create posts that abide by the above 5 rules, you have a money maker. You can build a highly profitable blog and also sell your writings online.

It doesn’t get any sweeter.

6. Learn To Create Stunning Graphics For Cash.

Creating stunning graphics such as blog images, and feature images is in itself a powerful money maker on the internet.

Creative design services is by itself a valuable skill either online or offline.

I have seen blog posts without even one graphic image in them, but I strongly say this is not good enough.

I know how much money I have been making creating graphics for my clients for years. I also know how much money, my creative artists charge me for jobs they help me tackle when I am overloaded.

So you have enough evidence there to show that if you learn to create graphics clients will seek you out.

But if you cannot still create graphics, go to sites like snappa.com and canva.com, and create graphics with ease and its nearly just free of charge.

7. Sell Your Gig On Freelance Sites
Whether you call them micro job sites or freelance websites, they all offer you a 100% chance of creating your gig and making sales on their site all the year round.

Writers, transcriptionists, traffic experts, video experts etc all set up their accounts, create their gig and sell their services or skills on such sites as:

i. Fiverr
ii. Freelancer
iii. 99 Designs
iv. Upwork
v. People Per Hour
vi. Guru etc.

On these sites you will find thousands of professionals offering all sorts of services at unbelievably low prices.
No race, nationality or language is left out; you have an equal chance to succeed.

Read about how to create you profile on Fiverr in this post and how to create a gig here to get started.

Making money from gigs created on freelance or micro job sites is not hard as you think, so consider starting this business today.

8. Create Online Videos for Cash, Start a YouTube channel.
Many webpreneurs do not know that if you can create online videos, money will be waiting everywhere online for you to make. It is not also long since I realized the potentials I was wasting when I did not start a blog or a forum a lot earlier than now.

Promotional as well as explainer videos are great money makers I know very well of. Take a course at Udemy.com on videos creation, this course can make a great impact on your life and business.

Set up a YouTube channel, and use it to make all the money that video creators worldwide are making.

If you can’t do any of the above, sign a deal with an expert who can help you out.

9. Diving Targeted Traffic To A Website.
Driving targeted traffic, for all I know, is the most wanted skill needed for any website to succeed and make sales.

Believe me, no matter how much you will spend to acquire a skill that will enable you to drive targeted traffic to websites, you can’t lose. To drive targeted traffic to a site is a highly paying and a highly patronized skill online.

Learn SEO and learn ad management to drive qualified traffic to your site or your client’s site and soon you’ll find clients or marketers begging you to take their money.

10. Social Media Management Services.
Here’s another great income earner - social media management services. Do you know that having a presence on a social media platform is very hot these days?

If you didn’t know, know it now. This is the truth.

In this year 2018 alone I have paid for and studied four (4) social media management courses so far.

This is how I personally render the service at Digital Media 3D Centre

i. I create a new account for your company and I am paid for that once - $50.
ii. I manage the account that I created and I’m paid every month - $200 - $350
iii. I pick up an already created account which was not bringing sales for the owner and manage it to bring in sales and chains of profits, and again I’m paid per month for this.- $350 - $500.

The above is simply how anyone can make money from social media management service, that’s it.

But before you go, here is a bonus way to earn money on the internet. I am now referring you to making money while you sleep or making money while you travel the world.

Are these really possible? My answer is yes! Although this concept have been used mostly by scammers to convince their prospects, but it actually works. Here is it.

I have a Philippino and an Indian I met while surfing the web. I don’t know these 2 guys from Adam, I only met them online. I won’t tell you the sites I met them here though.

But you know what? These 2 guys are what I call “wizards”. In fact I don’t know whether they are “real human beings” or whether they are “spirits” honestly I must tell the truth, these guys are experts, they deliver high quality service with the speed of sound, yet charge very low. You see, I engage these guys when I have challenging jobs on my desk.

Honestly speaking any job I outsource to any of these guys is always delivered with a jaw dropping impression.

So what do I mean here? Guess it, whether I’m at home sleeping or on vacation, I can always outsource my clients projects to these kind of online skill wizards, then I later forward what they’ll send to me to my clients. Once my clients pay, I pay them.

So, three of us smile to our banks.

This simple process is the easiest way even you can make money while you sleep.


Dear friend, I encourage you to start considering starting one of the easiest and fastest ways to earn money on the internet.

Start today.

Don’t wait any longer!

Set up an account on social media and sell a service that you perform from a skill you already have. If you think you have no skill to render a service, do a rethink. On the other hand head onto udemy.com pick a course you would love to master, pay for it and study for 30 days, and start to implement what you have studied.

Then head on to Fiverr.com, create an account, create a gig and start to sell; it’s not as hard as you think.

If you have any problem with this, go to my site www.onlinebusinessideasng.com, and signup for my “Award Winning Fiverr Blueprint” and start studying the content right away. It’s completely free. If the link does’nt work, copy it and paste ok.

But just as you are reading any of the ideas above, if you realize I can be of help carrying out any tasks I have laid out above, give me a call on
+234 816 151 7039 or +234 813 315 8191 or rush me an e-mail using digitalmedia555@gmail.com, and I should be able to help.


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