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Literature / Re: If I Wasn't Left Behind By Colourless Rose & Just One More Time By Stefano by fortran12: 3:58pm On Dec 15, 2024
Literature / Poetree Awards March 2024 by fortran12: 10:53pm On Mar 31, 2024
Literature / 150 Dollars For 3 Winners In The Poetree Spoken Word Contest by fortran12: 12:31am On Mar 13, 2024
Submit your spoken word poem to www.poetree.ca and have a chance to win !!!
Email info@poetree.ca for any enquiries about the contest.

Literature / Do You Want To Win $50? by fortran12: 9:06am On Dec 17, 2023

Take some time to imagine the classic Simon & Garfunkel song and try to describe the sound of silence. Your descriptive words should paint a vivid picture that will transport the listener to another world. share your thoughts through poem on what silence sounds like.


Use the hashtag "Poetree Prompt" or "sound of silence"
Post the poem on the Poetree website
Submission deadline is 30th December 2023

Events / Poetry Contest by fortran12: 1:57am On Dec 17, 2023

Take some time to imagine the classic Simon & Garfunkel song and try to describe the sound of silence. Your descriptive words should paint a vivid picture that will transport the listener to another world. share your thoughts through poem on what silence sounds like.


Use the hashtag "Poetree Prompt" or "sound of silence"
Post the poem on the Poetree website
Submission deadline is 30th December 2023

Literature / Poetree Spoken Word Contest Winners by fortran12: 2:20am On Sep 26, 2023
Congratulations to the winners of the Poetree Spoken Word Contest! Their poems are a delight to read and you can find them at [www.poetree.ca].
Are you a poet? Register on www.poetree.ca/signup to participate in the next contest.

Poems For Review / Re: Fall by fortran12: 11:19am On Sep 08, 2023
It's a good poetry. Hope that you can share more post like that.
uno online
You can find more on www.poetree.ca
Literature / Re: Poetree The App For Poets And Lovers Of Poetry by fortran12: 10:48am On Aug 17, 2023
I'll check it out.

Let me drop a line of poetry.


Thank you.
Literature / Poetree The App For Poets And Lovers Of Poetry by fortran12: 1:58pm On Aug 15, 2023
Poetree is one of the fastest growing free to use platforms for poets and poetry lovers to share their work and connect with others. It is a community of writers and readers who come together to celebrate the beauty of language and the power of words. Whether you are a seasoned poet or just starting out writing poems, Poetree is the perfect place to share your work, receive feedback from other poets and readers of poetry, and find inspiration.
Source.- https://poetree.ca/about

Literature / C$300 For 3 Winners: Poetree Spoken Word Contest by fortran12: 2:51pm On Dec 11, 2022
The Poetree Poetry Contest is here again, upload /create a spoken word video. Use the hashtag #iwillbeheard to submit your entries. All poems with be judged for quality and views.
Download /update the Poetree app or register at [url]https://www.poetree.ca [/url]to submit your videos.
send an email to info@poetree.ca for enquiries or on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/poetreeofficial

Literature / Poetree App by fortran12: 2:54am On Jul 14, 2022
Download the Poetree App on Google Play.
[url]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.poetree.ca [/url]
Connect with poets, read poems and enter contests to win cash prizes
Literature / Poetree December 2021 Poetry Contest by fortran12: 2:29am On Dec 14, 2021
The December Poetree Poem Contest is here.
Rule#1: Write on any topic of your choice
Rule#2: Multiple entries are allowed
Increase your chance of winning!!!

Literature / Re: N50,000 For 3 Winners To Be Announced Oct 17 2021 by fortran12: 8:13pm On Oct 17, 2021
Winners revealed!

Literature / N50,000 For 3 Winners To Be Announced Oct 17 2021 by fortran12: 6:33pm On Oct 16, 2021
The Poetree Nigeria Independence day contest is over and the winners will be announced tomorrow. Join u son our social media pages to follow!

Literature / Re: N50,000 For 3 Winners In The Poetree Poetry Competition by fortran12: 9:54pm On Sep 19, 2021

Site not working

The site is up now, it was under maintenance yesterday and this morning, its up now, sorry for the inconvenience, any issues, send an email to info@poetree.ca
Literature / Re: N50,000 For 3 Winners In The Poetree Poetry Competition by fortran12: 1:24am On Sep 17, 2021
Website not opening.


its opening.
just register , takes just one minute and submit your post. Thank you
Literature / N50,000 For 3 Winners In The Poetree Poetry Competition by fortran12: 12:26am On Sep 17, 2021
Watch out for the Poetree Nigeria Independence Contest starting this weekend. Register now on https://www.poetree.ca

Literature / Re: Peotree : Social Network + Poetree by fortran12: 12:25am On Sep 17, 2021
Watch out for the Poetree Nigeria Independence Contest starting this weekend. Register now on https://www.poetree.ca

Literature / Peotree : Social Network + Poetree by fortran12: 11:06pm On Sep 07, 2021
Poetree is a website which allows users to sign-up for free profiles to connect with other users, online. It allows users to share poems via text and video with however many people they like.
Create a profile on https://www.poetree.ca and start sharing.

Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:09am On Jan 09, 2021

Cry me a river grin
Run as usual
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 4:04am On Jan 06, 2021

There's nothing to deny here or be partisan about. There is no evidence of fraud, its that simple.

Meanwhile you contradict yourself, you said they were not given a chance to prove fraud but at the same time you are saying they were only indirectly speaking of fraud. That is a contradiction, how can they prove fraud if they were proving something else? And how is it the court's fault if instead of proving fraud they were proving something else?

I did not contradict myself. I said the court did not give them chance to put forward their evidence.
So according to you all the videos and testimonies are false. And also all the forensic experts and data scientists are lying too.
No problem
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 3:59am On Jan 06, 2021
[quote author=naijaman2225 post=97733998][/quote]
He is not racist unlike the younger biden
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 2:36am On Jan 05, 2021

Watching a hearing put on by some Republicans in a committee room isn't doing research yourself. That hearing is inherently biased which you don't seem to grasp. They had witnesses there who weren't under oath. Ask yourself why they didn't put them under oath? What evidence did you see?
Did you do research where that "evidence" came from? Doing your own research is downloading the video and watching it in it's entirety and following up each aspect of it. You know, what trained journalists do. Doing your research is not watching some BS clip on youtube.

Honestly, I think your Nuts. Trump endorsed the Gov. of Georgia before he was Govorner, and when he disagrees with Turmp he's a RINO now? Trump selected Bill Barr as the Attorney General, but when he came out to say there was no fraud he is now a RINO? It's easy to dismiss those who disagree with you.. innit?

As with most Trump supporters, you seem emotionally invested in believing his con. I'm done with this, You should probably visit Parler and socialize with those with like minds.

LOL run when you have no defense, I asked you to show me where I lied about the video. Georgia's governor is a rino, that one is a fact, thats why its considered a swing state despite it having a republican governor.

I ask you again, tell me where I lied about the video and I saw the hearing live, i saw the video the first time it was presented. I have also seen the video at other times.

Some of the people with testimonies did so under oath, so what are you talking about.

Barr showed his true colors when he claimed there was no fraud despite videos and testimonies, it was easy to notice that he knew about Hunter's laptop and kept mum as if nothing happened.

Where is evidence came from is the CCTV at the state farm arena.
I am on the side of truth, show me where I lied about the video if you are so sure of your self.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 12:28am On Jan 05, 2021

You saw a clip of a video that was played for you. Why don't you do your own research, find the whole thing and watch it. I assure you I've watched it and all the stuff you are repeating here are lies.

Here is an investigation which debunks the "alleged fraud". Honestly, you shouldn't outsource your mind to other people.

I assume you're in Nigeria. Why don't you spend your energy working on Naija issues instead of spreading debunked conspiracy theories about US elections?

I dont trust head lines that use terms like "here is what you should know" or "fact checking". I do my research myself. I saw the hearing live on NTD's Youtube channel. I saw as the evidence was presented. I have seen hours of testimonies
the link you sent me is from a news source that leans left, but please tell me which lie I posted about the video.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 12:23am On Jan 05, 2021

Trump is a Republican, the audit was done by Republicans in the state of Georgia. You tell me why Republicans are going to lie about the audit. Your arguments are ridiculous.

They are called RINOs (Republican In Name Only). Georgia gov, is a rino. Not all republicans like the president, he is not your typical politician.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 11:42pm On Jan 04, 2021

Yes and Georgia did a signature audit in one of the contested counties last week. Surprise Surprise... 99.99% accuracy. And the 2 issues. The 2 issues were actual voters who intended to vote. Don't believe me GOOGLE is your friend. Anything else? There comes a point where you have to accept the truth for what it is.
Give me an independent audit not the one performed by the culprits. I sent u the Antrim country audit report. The investigation was allowed by a court both parties and the independent auditors were there present during the audit.
I noticed you are not mentioning the table video. So you believe its true that the act was fraudulent.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 11:19pm On Jan 04, 2021

My man, when I first saw the clip of the video weeks ago, I thought, wow that looks bad. But something was off. This would be MASSIVE fraud if that were the case. Something our FBI would easily be investigating. And why would they be so brazen to do this KNOWING everything in those rooms were being taped. So, off to GOOGLE I went. I found a great article where the Georgia Secretary of State allowed a local news channel to come in and watch the full tape of that day(the tape where that clip came from) with one of the State Investigators. Like all things in life you need perspective. 2 quick things:
1.) Normal procedure was that they put ballots under the table until they are ready to be counted. They are then removed from under the table then removed from the bags and then counted. You can actually see them dragging in the black bag with the room full earlier in the day.
2.) The black bags were actually what ALL the ballots were stored in. They are the OFFICIAL means of keeping those ballots.

So, no fraud found. Just people trying to manipulate people who have less sense. I would post the story, but I'm not going to do the work for you. If you care about your credibility you should Google and see the actual FULL clip(I've given you enough of the key words to search with). I know data is expensive in Nigeria, but you should be careful who distills the information you get.

I dont need Google I saw the hearing live, i watched most of it live. The people lied that counting has ended, I heard the testimonies about that and I saw it on the video too and I saw when they stayed back to start counting unsupervised. That is cheating.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 9:40pm On Jan 04, 2021

Apparently you don't know the meaning of fraud.

deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fraud

Ziccarelli did not allege any such deceit or trickery. Guiliani said specifically "this is not a fraud case" so I ask you what are you on about?

I read the full context of what took place at State Farm and it doesn't reek of any electoral malpractice. It is when you take snippets of the video and begin to draw unreasonable conclusions that it appears to be something sinister.
I saw the hearing live when the video was presented. Did all that happened show how a vote count should look like? It's good to be honest and not allow politics to determine what is true or not.

How can i not know what frauds means? The cases presented by the trump team indirectly point to fraud. Why will they seek ballots removed if fraud did not exist. What about the video from the recount the 2 counters were notifying the. Supervisor of signatures that dont match. Fraud definitely happened in the election. You cannot deny that.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 7:18pm On Jan 04, 2021

The reason I am asking you if you saw how the ballots got there is because if you didn't you'd miss the critical context that those ballots were opened and placed there in full view of everyone.

Trump V Boockvar is the very case Guiliani said it was not a fraud case.

Ziccarelli V Alleghany was also not a fraud case. Ziccarelli alleged that some ballots were irregular and therefore should not be counted, that is not a fraud allegation.

I am still waiting for you to bring up a case of fraud so we can see and discuss it.

Stop speaking English, what claims are they making? Irregular ballots point to fraud. Ballots with same signature are examples of irregular ballots and this points to fraud. You are trying to use technicality to disprove my claims. Leave all the english terms alone. The cases were taken to court cos of somethin was not right , that also points to fraud. Let the courts hear and determine if its fraud or not. Dont dismiss the cases before hearing them.

The ballots were not in the open. They were stacked under a table with black cloth covering them.
Why did they specifically go towards that table after everyone left. Ballots that were counted all day did not come from under the table.
They lied there was a water main break asked everyone to leave that they ended counting for the night even news outlet announced this cos they were present too. Next thing you know they resumed counting without anyone present.
After reading all these you think that does not reek of election malpractice, i have a bridge i want to sell you !
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:47pm On Jan 04, 2021

Did you see how the ballots got under the table?

Which of the dismissed cases was alleging fraud?

Did you see them being ballots and count from the boxes? Did they run them multiple times or not? It's all on video. Were there observers present whn they were counting? Is it possible for them to commit fraud with no one watching? Hope you know there is also a video of the dominion machine being used to change ballots in a demonstration. Hope you know the machines were hacked live at a hearing late December.
Watch and make judgement for yourself.

Court of common pleas buck county, challenge over 2000 mail in ballots, trump vs boockvar , ziccarelli vs alleghany county.
These are some cases denied and they are alleging fraud that's why they went to court in the first place or why did they challenge the results in court?
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:18pm On Jan 04, 2021

Again, you understand that in most a hearing was held, then the case was thrown out, in others, it was just thrown out based on the briefs that were filed. That's the point I am trying to make to you. They did not meet the threshold in the initial hearing or based on the briefs filed(either by law or evidence presented). Here in one incident. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/11/trump-lawyers-suffer-embarrassing-rebukes-judges-over-voter-fraud-claims/ Again, do more research my friend.

And we are talking about the video where they pulled the ballots from under the table right?

Listen, the Dominion stuff is particularly stupid. The election machines are backed up by paper ballots. You vote, you get a paper ballot and you turn it in. The election machines just help tabulate the votes. If the machines were tampered with the paper ballots would not match. They did a hand recount of all the paper ballots in Georgia. The hand recount of the paper ballots matched the count form the machines,

If you count fraudulent ballots you will get the same result. What the trump team are asking for is signature verification. The fraud is not in the counting but in the validity of the individuals who voted, some of them were phantom voters.
So you agree that the suits in some cases were not heard. They should be given their day in court and let them present the evidence.
Did u hear whn judge Roberts was fearing there will be unrest in the streets if they took up the case? The courts have not been fair
Foreign Affairs / Re: Trump Pushed Georgia Officials To "Find Votes" To Tilt Election by fortran12: 6:12pm On Jan 04, 2021

The video was obviously edited because it is not the full video. It doesn't show how the ballots came to be kept under the table for instance.

Of the 3 cases you mentioned 2 have been voluntarily withdrawn by the plaintiffs. The third one was dismissed from the state Court and is on appeal at the Supreme Court. It has no hope of doing anything.

You keep saying there was no chance to present their evidence meanwhile they had a chance in the one case you mentioned but withdrew the case, is it the court's fault? Can you mention any other case that alleges fraud?

So according to the video did they pull boxes from the table or not. Were there people in the room or not? The fraud is them counting ballots whn no one was present and pulling boxes from the table not putting the table there.

What of the other cases that were not withdrawn that the courts dismissed? Were they dismissed cos of evidence?

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