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Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancy: Male Assistant Customer Care by FreshGreen: 10:02am On Jul 18, 2024

AGE: Between 18 and 22 years old.


Sound in English Language: in speaking and writing.

EXPERIENCE: Good and fast typing on the phone, and well familiar with social media.

SALARY: N70,000

Applicants must be living close to Jabi/Utako Motor Park.

Send your CV and application letter on whatsapp to 0803 924 9751
Religion / Satan Cannot Stop You! by FreshGreen: 8:50am On Apr 17, 2024

Bible Verse: Thessalonians 2:18
"Therefore we wanted to come to you—even I, Paul, time and again—but Satan hindered us. "

Yes, it is possible that Satan want to hinder us from moving forward, that is the reason we must not be ignorant of Satan's devices. Satan can use people and situation to hinder us.

Now, we need to get something clear here. We need to get something very, very clear here. That we should not overestimate Satan or his power. we should not think Satan is powerful over us. As children of God, we need to know that Satan can only hinder, but he cannot stop. there is difference between "hindering" and "stopping" Paul did not say Satan stopped him. As children of the Most High God, We are unstoppable. No Satan can stop us.

What does it mean to hinder according to dictionary? It is to make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen. So when Paul said, "Satan hindered me" he actually meant Satan made it difficult for him, but that does not mean he stopped him from doing it. Satan will always want to make things or people difficult for children of God. Satan can even make your children to be difficult, he can make your spouse to become very difficult to deal with, he can make praying very difficult for you, he can make doing the work of God or doing the will of God very difficult for you, but he cannot go beyond that, he cannot stop you.

So what do we do?
When Satan makes things difficult for us, we must also make things difficult for Satan! When Satan hinders you, you must also hinder Satan. And how do we do that?

1 Peter 5:9, "Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world" Here are the secrets of making things difficult for Satan:

1, by resisting Satan behind the difficulties we are facing.
2, by being steadfast in faith.

if you want to make things difficult for Satan, you need to be steadfast, and that can only happen by faith, not by feeling. You cannot be steadfast by feeling, by emotion, by thinking, by worrying, by calculating, by your own thinking, but only by faith.

What does it mean to be steadfast? It means to be UNMOVABLE. Don't be moved. If Satan is making things difficult for you, don't be moved. If Satan is making your children difficult, don't be moved. If Satan is making life, marriage, ministry, business or job to be difficult, DON'T BE MOVED. See, if you don't move, Satan will move away. But If you move, you are a loser.

So after resisting the devil, the second means of making life difficult for Satan is by being steadfast, being UNMOVABLE.


When Satan brings a bad dream, terrible dreams? Say I AM NOT MOVED!

Religion / Is Masturbation A Sin? by FreshGreen: 4:27am On Apr 15, 2024
IS MASTURBATION A SIN?......Please read this!
To start with, masturbation is self service by which one derives pleasure; it's a sexual stimulation of the genitals, usually to the point of orgasm, it's usually performed using the hands, fingers, everyday objects, or dedicated intimacy gadgets. So the question: Is it sinful for a child of God to masturbate? The sincere and simple answer is that, it is biblically sinful based on these three points:

Pastors and preachers who claim that masturbation is not a sin are the same people who say a godly woman can dress any how; their base is that God's is not concern about what you do with your body, watch out! Such people believe God is only after your mind or your heart, and your body is none of His business, you can dress half naked as a woman, you can wear earrings as a man, perm your hair like woman; you can smoke, drink, it is your body, normal habit, and none of God's business.

Such teaching of your body is not God's business is satanic and unbiblical. God is interested in your body as well as your soul, God wants you to keep your heart holy as well as your body. Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." Your heart is the throne of God, and your body is His temple; when you defile God's temple - your body - with masturbation or any uncleanness, you expose yourself to God's destruction.

1 Corinthians 3: 16, 17, "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."

Any action by which one derives sexual pleasure - orgasm - apart from, between husband and wife, such is sexual immorality. There are several sexual immoralities like fornication, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. Those who involve in masturbation before or after marriage are immoral people before God. 1 Corinthians 5:9, "I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people."

You can't have fellow children of God in the same room and you begin to masturbate. You can sleep or snore while people are around, but you can't masturbate while good and godly people are around.

You can't finish masturbate and you feel free in God's presence, your conscience will tell you something is wrong, that you are defiled. If you now feel no quilt in masturbating, it means you have silenced or killed your conscience, since the Spirit of God will not continue to strive with a man, but you know it wasn't like that at the initial.

Masturbation is satanic anchor by which he uses to grip souls under his bondage. The solution is not to say it is not a sin, the solution is not marriage or attractive spouse, that never solve problem of lust.
The solutions are (i) You repent and rededicate your life to Jesus by admitting it as a sin against God and ready to forsake it. (ii) You watch out against it, you detach yourself from immoral materials, movies, music and thoughts. Resist the devil when he brings the pressure on you to masturbate; just hold the feeling and resist the devil, he can't stay long, he will flee. It will come over you as if you can't resist it, but that is not true, you just hold it, don't torch and don't think about. It is a sin and you don't want to bring yourself under the bondage anymore. The more you resist and overcome the feeling, the more you are strong, keep watching, he can go and come after some months, don't relax but resist. (iii) Pray about it. You must take it to God in your daily prayer to conquer the sinful notion and nature; pray for grace and strength to resist, to discipline your body and keep it under the Spirit of God.

1 Corinthians 9:27
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
This message is from Revelation of Truth, RTEM, if you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link

Religion / Are We Prepared? by FreshGreen: 3:32am On Apr 11, 2024
A wonderful Christian brother called me on phone yesterday morning (April 11th 2021) and I asked how he was doing and his Christian life, he answered he was doing fine. Then he said he remembered that he owed me N5000 long time ago and he was ready to make the payment immediately then. I told him I couldn’t remember about the money and he should forget about it as ai gave it to him. He appreciated it and thanked me.

That was his last call, according to his younger brother, he died same yesterday evening after a minor sick as he was rushed to hospital. What a glorious exit to heaven!

Maybe that was the only matter remaining for him to settle before he could enter heaven, maybe his last restitution. And he didn’t delay nor postpone; obeyed promptly and went to rest some hours later.

Brethren, are we also prepared to meet the Lord? Are we not delaying our salvation, restitution and confessing to one another?

Today is the day of our salvation!
Today is the day of rededication
Today is the day of settling debts and matters with God and men.

Repent, confess your sins and ask Jesus Christ to forgive and save you!

Religion / Way Out Of Masturbation by FreshGreen: 12:32pm On Feb 06, 2024
I have received calls and messages for counsels and prayer on the issue of masturbation than many others, and Satan is using this on many youth and even older Christians, making them to remain stagnant in their spiritual growth and exposing them to evil forces.

You can't finish masturbate and you feel free in God's presence, your conscience will tell you something is wrong, that you are defiled. If you now feel no quilt in masturbating, it means you have silenced or killed your conscience, since the Spirit of God will not continue to strive with a man, but you know it wasn't like that at the initial.

Masturbation is satanic anchor by which he uses to grip souls under his bondage. The solution is not to argue it is not a sin, the solution is not marriage or attractive spouse, that will never solve problem of lust.

The solutions are:
(i) You repent and rededicate your life to Jesus by admitting it as a sin against God and ready to forsake all your sins, not only masturbation.

(ii) You watch out against it. You detach yourself from immoral materials, movies, music and thoughts. Resist the devil when he brings the pressure on you to masturbate; just hold the feeling and resist the devil, it will seems you can't survive or resist it when the temptation overwhelm you.

Behind masturbation is an immoral demon, I have been in such situation before, but he can't stay long, he will flee because your strength is in Jesus Christ, not your power, you should always remember that when it comes. It will come over you as if you can't resist it, but that is not true, you just hold it, don't torch, don't play along with the feeling, and don't think about. It is a sin and you don't want to bring yourself under the bondage anymore. The more you resist and overcome the feeling, the more you are strong, keep watching, it can go and come after some months, don't relax but guard to resist.

(iii) Pray about it. You must take it to God in your daily prayer to conquer the sinful notion and nature; pray for grace and strength to resist, to discipline your body and keep it under the Spirit of God.

What many Christians do not know is that new life in Jesus is a war between God and Satan, between flesh and Spirit of God, and your heart is the battle ground. You must see masturbation as war and ready to stand and subdue your flesh. It is applicable to all children of God, not you alone. Flesh will come, but don't let it overcome you again.

Apostle Paul, after many years of his salvation in Christ, he said, "But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:27.

We must continuously discipline our body - tongue, feelings, legs, hands, eyes, ears, etc. no matter how long you have been saved or how genuine your salvation is.

What many Christians do not understand is that after their souls are saved in Christ, the flesh is not saved. Your body is Satan's device to war against your saved soul, so you must discipline your body and subdue it to the Spirit of God by the Word of God, by watchfulness and daily prayer. This is the reason why many Christians fall back into sins, because they are ignorant of this, but we must not be ignorant of devices of Satan.

If you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link

Religion / Who Is Really Saved Before God? by FreshGreen: 7:27pm On Jan 21, 2024
Mathew 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

If I should ask you, who is a person who is saved in Christ? Now, There are.many errors and human doctrines about genuine salvation. There are many heresies about who is saved.

Who is the person who is saved in Christ? What is Genuine salvation?

When I was in Deeper Life Bible Church, we had that notion that if you can recite the date or year you were saved, it means you are really genuinely saved but that is not so before God.

Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

Now, listen, you can truly surrender your life to Jesus.

You can truly repent from your sins

You can truly even forsake your sin

You can truly start a new life in Jesus

You can truly be sanctified

You can truly be baptised with Holy Spirit

You can truly have a personal encounter with Jesus at a particular time of your life but all these don't really matter before Jesus.

All these experiences only qualified you to be calling Jesus, "LORD, LORD"

It take salvation experience to be calling Jesus, "LORD", and it takes second touch experience of sanctification to be calling Jesus LORD second time, "LORD, LORD"

Jesus did not say, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, But he who remember the date he was saved" NO

Also, He did not say, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who remember the date he was sanctified " NO

He did not say “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, But he who is baptised with the Holy Spirit" NO

Now, here is the serious point

Jesus said in John 3:3 That except a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God but then Jesus did not say, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, But he who is born again" NO

You can truly be born again and not enter the kingdom of God. Being born again can only make us to SEE the Kingdom of God. To ENTER the Kingdom of God, we MUST DO WILL OF GOD.

So how do you know you are saved?

It is if you are DOING THE WILL OF GOD, not if you DID.

DOING - is a present tense!

Not what you did in the past. Listen, In the past you surrendered your life to Jesus.

In the past, you confessed your sins.
In the past you repented and cried.

All these are what you did in the past but Jesus did not say, "he who did the will of My Father in the past" but he who DOES the will of My Father.


1. Your attitudes
2. Your actions
3.Your integrity
3. Your ways of dressing
4. Your ways of talking
5. Your ways of forgiving others.

NOW, LISTEN, On the other hand,
You said you are born again, but you did bad things, you lied or fell into sin. Now, it is not about what you did in the past, If we confess our sins and repent, Christ will forgive us and cleanse us.

We can't continue to dwell in the sin we fell into. All the wrongs you are doing can be reversed If you confess, repent and start to DO the right things.

Don't nail yourself to the sin of your past, God is more interested in your present not the past.

Don't proud yourself of your righteousness of the past. Don't pity yourself of your unrighteousness of the past.

What matters is what we start DOING now.




The Bible says "Examine yourself"

2 Corinthians 13:5
Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you are disqualified.

How do we examine ourselves?

One of the ways to examine ourselves is by asking ourselves before we do anything, "Is this the will of God?"

Before we talk, ask, IS THIS THE WILL OF GOD?

Before you wear that cloth, ask IS THIS THE WILL OF GOD?


Before you deal with money, ask, WILL THIS PLEASE GOD?

Before you make a promise, ask, is it true?

What matters is not what others are doing or 2hat pleases people but what will please God.

Autos / Picnic Car For Sale At Abuja by FreshGreen: 7:56pm On Dec 23, 2023
A 1999 Toyota Picnic, working well with air conditioner.

Price: N1900,000

Location: Utako, Abuja.

Jobs/Vacancies / Cosmetics Street Marketers With Salary N120,000 - Abuja, Lagos And Ibadan by FreshGreen: 10:06am On Nov 23, 2023

Pishon Beauty Care, a Cosmetics Company needs Street Marketer with the monthly salary of N120,000. 

NATURE OF THE JOB: Going out individually to sell the Company’s skincare products - Soap, Body lotion, etc.

NO ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION, as long you can communicate in English Language. 

CLOSING TIME: At your own time, as soon as you sell daily target 20 pieces of products, you can close for the day.

COMPANY’S OFFICES: Pishon General Care Limited

ABUJA: Suite A3 Rukayyat Plaza by Jabi Motor Park, Utako Abuja. 

LAGOS: C21/22 Humaani Complex, Oregun, Ikeja.

IBADAN: Sales Representative at New Garage.

SALARY: N120,000


DAILY SALES TARGET: 20 pieces of product - Soap or Body lotion on promo prices

For more information about our products, please go through our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pishonbeautycare

CALL 08039249751 or email freshgreenafrica@gmail.com
Jobs/Vacancies / Job Opportunity In Abuja With Free Accommodation by FreshGreen: 9:33am On Nov 04, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, Rukayyat Plaza Utako by Jabi Park, Producers of Turmeric Soap and Body lotion is employing STREET MARKETERS.

NATURE OF THE JOB: Marketing Skincare products - Soap and body lotions to individuals, shops, cosmetics stores, offices, market places, group marketing on the street, etc.

FREE ACCOMMODATION: The company will provide free accommodation for group of 4 people after 1 week of working, and then after 6 months of working if you want to have your private accommodation, you can collect loan from the company.

FREE TRANSPORTATION: The company provides free transportation with company's staff buses to and from from Sunnyvale Junction/Galadimawa roundabout, Lugbe, Mpape, Kubwa, Mararaba/Nyanya, etc.

SALARY: N60,000 with daily commission.

HOW TO APPLY: Call 08039249751 and you will be asked to come for interview.
Jobs/Vacancies / Street Marketers Needed In Abuja by FreshGreen: 2:06pm On Nov 01, 2023
Pishon Turmeric Skincare Products Companyin Abuja needs male and female Street Marketers in her company.

NATURE OF THE JOB: Marketing the company's Soap and Body lotions to individuals, shops, cosmtics stores, Phamarcy stores, offices and Market places.

FREE TRANSPORTATION: To and fro free transportation with company's staff bus from your location to office and from office for daily marketing. (To and fro transportation with company's staff bus at Lugbe/Airport Junction, Sunnyvale Junction/Galadimawa, Mpape, Maraba/Nyanya, kubwa).

SALARY: N60,000 with daily commission.

COMPANY'S LOCATION: Suite A3 Rukayyat Plaza, by Jabi Motor Park, Abuja.

INTERVIEW ON Saturday, 11am 4th of November.

CALL 08039249751
Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancy In Abuja: Street Marketers by FreshGreen: 8:18pm On Oct 23, 2023

A Skincare Company located in Jabi Abuja, needs Street Marketer with monthly salary and daily commission.



Interested applicants should send their application letter and CV as WhatsApp message to 09094939393
Religion / Boundless Fellowship, Abuja by FreshGreen: 9:36am On Aug 27, 2023
A Non-denominational Fellowship of Children of God from different churches

Personal encounter with God in Genuine Salvation and Holiness.

Growing in the knowledge of God in sound doctrines and teachings.

Discovering God’s purpose and ministry for your life and fulfill it.

True Fellowship of brethren as of old in love and sharing.

Empowering Marriage, business and career by the word of God and Prayer.

Miracles and Healing in God’s Presence.

God is raising end time ministers with pastoral calling who will start Bible churches, with evangelical callings in Music ministries, Drama ministries, Youth ministries, children ministries, missionaries, teaching ministries and others through Boundless Fellowship, free of denominational bondages and boundaries.

Every Sunday Evening 4:30pm
Suite A3 Rukayyat Plaza by Jabi Motor Park Utako Abuja Nigeria

Free pickup from Berger Bus Stop and Airport Junction Lifecamp.

.....experience God’s Word that works!

Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancy In Lagos And Abuja: Male Errant Staff by FreshGreen: 10:09pm On Jun 16, 2023
Nature of the Job: running errands for the company, taking products to customers within the town through public transport.

Salary: N60,000

Lagos office: Humaani Complex Kudirat Abiola Way, Oregun Ikeja Lagos

Abuja office: Rukayyat Plaza, by Jabi Motor Park Abuja.

Academic Qualification: SSCE.

Age: Between 18 to 22 years old (If you are above 22 years old, please dont apply.)

Other Requirements:
(I) Good communication in English.
(2) Must be living close to the office.

Send your CV and application letter as WhatsApp to 08039249751 (Please do not call the number)
Religion / What Does It Mean To Watch And Pray? by FreshGreen: 9:02pm On Jun 04, 2023
“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36

Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray always as the secret of a successful Christian journey to heaven. The warning and command to watch and pray is not meant for everybody, it is not for those who have not experienced genuine salvation, but it is for disciples of Jesus, those who have been saved through Jesus Christ. You need to be washed by the Blood of the Lamb before you can start to watch and pray.

After our salvation in Jesus Christ, after we start a new life in Jesus Christ, what we need to make it to heaven, to overcome sin, satan and self, to overcome every temptation on our ways is to watch and pray. To be counted worthy for heaven after salvation, to escape every temptation and trial, the secret is by watching and praying. Sometimes, we wonder how are we going to escape all the temptations and trials in this life and to make it to heaven on this difficult narrow road, but Jesus has told us the secret, the simple means and method. In Luke 21:36, Jesus said, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

So we can see here that Christian life becomes so, so simple, and making heaven becomes so, so certain and Christian journey comes so easy when we watch and pray.

So what does it mean to watch and pray? It means to keep checking our own life against any sinful nature that we discover in our life through the word of God, and we don’t need to struggle with it, but we take it to God in prayer to destroy them in our life and give us grace and inner strength to overcome it. Simple.

Sometimes, along our Christian journey, we will discover some strange ungodly and sinful nature coming up again, sinful feeling, lustful notion or desire, cares of this world. To watch means to be at alert against imminent danger. It could be anger building up, bitterness, lust, desire for things of this world, pride of life. All these are not ordinary, they are satanic arrows being shot into the life of a Christian, that is the reason Jesus said we must be watchful. We must watch to check our lives against any sudden, strange nature, feeling, passion, desires or lust.

And what do we do when we discover such sinful longing, feeling or desire or nature? We must not struggle with them, we must not see them as normal, we must not overlook them, we must not blame ourselves or question our Christian life. Satan will whisper to you, “Can you see that you are not really born again, or how do you explain this feeling or notion in the life of a child of God? Just take a look at yourself, see the terrible anger, lust, pride or desire? Go for it. You don’t need to deceive yourself, you are not saved, you are not a child of God. You need to quit and face reality”

In such a situation, Jesus direct us to pray about them. That is what it means to watch and pray.

Let me give you an example here. As a child of God, you recently discover that you easily get angry and speak with anger, or you begin to lust after sinful things, or desire for money and cares of life just begin to grow up in you, or the love of old sinful lifestyle and habits begin to stream back into your mind. In such case, you don’t begin to doubt your salvation, you don’t hide it and struggle with it. What you need to do is to take it to God in pray, you will pray, “Lord Jesus, I see that I recently get angry and upset easily, this strong anger in me coming up again, I need your help, Lord, please destroy this sinful nature in me, sanctify me, renew my mind. Give me the grace to overcome this ungodly nature. Feel me with Your Spirit Lord.” Amen

As you pray this prayer, you will feel relieved, refreshed and gain inner strength to calm the storms. That is the reason He said, “pray always” There is always something to settle in prayer as we watch our Christian life. Time of prayer is to settle matter with our God, either spiritual or physical matters, we take them to God in prayer to settle and get strength. Then you keep praying it daily and watch against the sinful nature, habit or feeling. It will die away. And that means you have overcome Satan on that matter.

Then we keep watching, being at alert, because our adversary Satan will still come with another sinful arrows and passion. Then we do the same thing over and over. Watch to discover any satanic work against your life and take it to God in prayer.

Why many Christians backslide and fall into such satanic arrows is either they don’t watch or they don’t pray. We must be watchful over our own life to discover when sinful habit or desire or feeling begin to form in our lives so we can pray against them before they come to reality.

Do not struggle with sinful habit of feeling, take it straight to the Lord in prayer. Don’t manage sinful notion or desire, take it to the Lord in prayer. Take your weakness to the Lord in prayer, take even your prayerlessness to the Lord in prayer. God is always there for us to help us and give us strength and grace. When you are battling with lust, with anger, bitterness, God knows and understand our situation, He is waiting for us to help as we take everything to Him in prayer.

Watch and pray!


Message from Boundless Whatsapp Online Fellowship
By Gideon Akande

Do you want to grow and go better in your Christian life and ministry? Join Boundless Online Fellowship, a Whatsapp fellowship where we share God's Word togetehr and pray for one another. We meet online on Sunday evening and Wednesday for Prayer and Testimonies. To join this fellowship, send your full name, gender, location as Whatsapp message to +2348167093467
Religion / The Dead Church by FreshGreen: 7:44pm On May 31, 2023
Revelation 3:1, ““And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, ‘These things says He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.”

Jesus Christ described one of the 7 churches here as a dead church. Even though they still claim to be a church of God, redeemed by Jesus Christ, and may be growing in population and physically expanding, but spiritually they are dead church. To be dead means there was life before it was lost of given up. A dead church means it was alive and living before, but along the way it becomes dead. Jesus Christ, the Lord and Master of the church described the church of Sardis as a dead church.

When a church is born and established by the power of Holy Spirit in salvation and transformation of life and the members are regenerated and living in the newness of life, that is the beginning of a living church, starting in the Spirit and walking in the Spirit.

The priority of a living church is salvation of souls, righteousness and love of God and turning people from the kingdom of darkness to the light of Jesus Christ. The Sardis church was walking in the Spirit, preaching life given messages that established people in the Spirit and bearing the fruit of the Spirit. But along the way this church grew into complacency and turned into something else.

Dead Church
Jesus Christ said to the Sardis Church, “I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” That is the sign of a dead church, a dead ministry or a dead minister, pursue after a name, making a name in the world. One of the focuses of dead church or dead minister is how to make a name in the world and not in heaven, how to become popular, how to become known to the world, how to have more members and more population. If the focus of your church is making name, your church is a dead church. If the focus or purpose of your ministry is to make a name, to make a population or popularity, then your ministry is a dead ministry. If your purpose as a minister of the gospel is to be trending and become a popular name, you are spiritually dead.

“I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead.” This church still boasts of their beginning and yesterday’s glory, they still claim the name of the past, their pastors and members still rely on their past lively history but at the present they are dead. Let me tell you something, a spiritual dead church is not a church that closes down physically. A spiritually dead church will still be bumbling and growing physically, a spiritually dead church will still be making names, expanding and building more churches and branches; in fact a spiritually dead church can still be witnessing miracles, prosperity and popularity and more members every day. What made Jesus declared Sardis church dead was not because the church closed down physically or fold up, it was not because the church was not increasing in population or because the church was not making more money.

What Makes A Church DEAD?
What makes a church dead is when the church becomes worldly, when the church begins to conform with the world instead of conforming with the nature of Christ, when she cares for the things of the world than heavenly thing, then she is dead, when she focusses on physical growth than spiritual growth, she is dead. When she centers her attention on making names all over the world than making name in heaven, she is a dead church. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:6, “But she who lives in pleasure is dead while she lives” though she is still living physically, she is still increasing branches and running different special programs but she is spiritually dead.

When a church begins to compromise God’s word to please the people of the world, that church is a dead church. When a church allows worldly dressings, different satanic makeup, that church is dead. When a church begins to give special honor to the rich members and ordaining them as ministers, that church is spiritually dead. When a church ordains ministers by their finances or level of education instead of their calling, that church is spiritually dead. A church that focusses more on physical building project than building people is a complete dead church. A church that spends more on building new and more auditoriums than providing for the needs of her members is a dead church. A church that invites comedians for her program is a dead church. A church that has millions or billions in her bank account and yet members are suffering in poverty is a dead church. A church whose General Overseer is flying with private jet without a free primary school or a primary healthcare is a complete dead church.

Listen to me, a church that has private primary school, secondary school or university and an average members of the same church cannot afford the school fees is a dead and satanic church. When your Federal Government is subsidizing their universities with tax money but your church is using tithe money to subsidize your daddy G.O’s private jet’s fuel, it simply means your church is a dead church. A church that runs expensive private school more than Federal Government school is a dead church.

Listen to me, when your church preaches more about prosperity than purity of heart, your church is a confirmed dead church. When your church prays “fall down and die prayers” and prays more that the witches in your family should die than it prays that the sinners in your family should be saves, your church is a dead church. When your church uses offerings to measure seriousness of members, it shows that your church is a dead church. When your church talks about grace without godliness, your church is a dead church. When your church preaches and prays more about financial breakthrough, blessings than fruit of the Spirit, it shows your church is a dead church. When your church cares more about sudden miracles than second coming of Jesus, your church is a dead church. A church that does not believe and teach restitution is a dead church. A church that care less about the rapture but repeatedly talk about robust harvest of abundance is a dead church. When your church emphasizes about praises without purity, giving without godliness, sowing seeds without sanctification, that your church is a living dead church. If your church emphasizes more about speaking in tongues than speaking the truth, your church is a dead church. A church that talks more about prophecy than the Holy Scripture is a living dead church.

Jesus Christ gave Himself for the church, “that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” Ephesians 5:26, 27. But when a church is living in all uncleanness and worldliness and still continue to claim grace without work of righteousness, such a church is a dead church.

Many churches today are dead churches but they are still busy with different activities, boasting fire and thunder. But you need to know this, that in Christianity, it is not all about what you claim to be that really matters but what Jesus declare about you. A pastor or church can claim or even proof to Jesus that “We prophesied in Your name, we cast out demons in Your name, and we did so many signs and wonders in Your name” Yet, Jesus will declare to them, “I never knew you, depart from Me, you workers of iniquities.” That is in Matthew 7:22,23.

If you or your church is worldly and polluted with the things of this world, and yet you keep on speaking in tongues, doing miracles, prophesying and doing many wonders, as that is the focus and priority of many churches and ministers today, if your church continues to focus on physical expansion and you people continue building gigantic buildings here and there, Jesus will not deny that you do all that in His name but He will dash you to hell with all your claiming and blasting in tongue.

Run For Your Life!
If your church cannot change you, change your church. If your church cannot change you to become more like Jesus, don’t let your church change you to become like the world. If will be foolish for you to perish with your church in hell. Christian race is individual race, not collective responsibility. Because your church is doing it or allowing it does not make is right before God. Because your pastor’s wife or your bishop’s wife is wearing worldly dresses and makeup and down does not make it good, because your pastor is telling little lies and turning worldly, and committing sins, that will not make is right before God, and if you join your church’s worldly and sinful lifestyle, it only means you are going to perish with your church. That your daddy G.O is doing is will not justify it. That your GS is doing it will not make is right before God. God cannot change His standard of holiness because of your church’s compromise but you are the one who will run for your life.

Call To Repentance
A dead church can still be revived back to life, no matter how worst or how long they have gone with the world and Satan, all they need to do is to repent and turn back to God. Jesus called the dead church of Sardies to repent, and He is calling you into repentance also, He said, “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.” Revelation 3:3.

God is calling individuals into repentance, remember how you started with God when you first gave your life to Jesus Christ, remember your old love and simplicity and contentment, and also remember how you were carried away with strange doctrines and worldly ambitions, remember how you joined the modern worldly church and forfeited all your old time faith and virtues, remember how you fell away to permissiveness and perversion in your ministry and now center on prophesies and prosperity instead of preparation of the coming of Jesus Christ, remember how you changed your soul winning to churching winning. Repent today before it is too late.

Jesus is coming for a pure and blameless church, not a mansion-building church, not a 10-services in a Sunday church; pure church, not populated and polluted church. Repent and return to Bethel where you met Jesus, to your faith as old without compromise.

if you would like to know how to experience genuine salvation that gives victory over sin, Satan and self, please click on this link and read https://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252

Join children of God from different parts of the world on online fellowship where we share Bible together and join our faith to pray for one another and miracles happen.
Click on this link to join https://www./174693088889402/?ref=share

God bless you.

Gideon Akande
Jobs/Vacancies / Female Sales Marketers/merchandiser Inside Major Supermarkets In Lagos And Abuja by FreshGreen: 5:31pm On May 31, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, Producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotion needs Female Sales Marketers/ Merchandisers who will be marketing and selling the products inside major supermarkets to customers coming for shopping. The company will place you with major supermarkets close to your location.

Must have good looking skin and face.
Must have good communication skills
Must have previous years of experience in marketing or good skills in marketing.
AGE: Between 21-40 years old.
Academic qualification: SSCE OND, HND, BSC.
Must be living in Lagos or Abuja.

SALARY: N100,000 – N120,000.

Interested applicants should send their Application letters and CV to freshgreenafrica@gmail.com

ABUJA: Rukayyat Plaza, Utako Abuja
LAGOS: Humaani Complex Oregun Ikeja
Jobs/Vacancies / SALES MERCHANDISERS INSIDE SUPERMARKETS LAGOS AND ABUJA by FreshGreen: 3:29pm On May 29, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, Producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotion needs Female Sales Marketers/ Merchandisers who will be marketing and selling the products inside major supermarkets to customers coming for shopping. The company will place you with major supermarkets close to your location.

Must have good looking skin and face.
Must have good communication skills
Must have previous years of experience in marketing or good skills in marketing.
AGE: Between 21-40 years old.
Academic qualification: SSCE OND, HND, BSC.
Must be living in Lagos or Abuja.

SALARY: N100,000 – N120,000.

Interested applicants should send their Application letters and CV to freshgreenafrica@gmail.com

ABUJA: Rukayyat Plaza, Utako Abuja
LAGOS: Humaani Complex Oregun Ikeja
Religion / Bible Teaching On Godly Dress by FreshGreen: 8:49pm On May 23, 2023
This study clarifies what and how godly woman should dress; the biblical perspectives of godly dress.

As people who have been enlightened by the light of the true Word of God, we will teach on this. There are several wrong perceptions and teachings about Christian clothing and dressing, and it is better to mention some of them before we share the 4 Biblical Perspectives of Godly Dressing.

Avoiding Bible Standard on Godly Dress.
Some Pastors and churches say they don’t have to emphasize on Christian dress or preach against worldly dressing because Jesus didn’t mention anything about it. This assumption and conclusion is erroneous and a deceptive excuse, because Jesus didn’t mention everything during His earthly ministration because His disciples could not understand everything then so He committed the disciples unto the Holy Spirit who would teach them “all things”. So it was the same Spirit of Jesus Christ that inspired the Apostles who unequivocally taught against worldliness and on how Christians should dress. Romans 12:1, 1 Timothy 2:9, 10, 1 Peter 3:3, 4.

While some preachers and churches are trying to avoid the teaching of godly dress style, some others say anything goes. These type of preachers from America to Africa say your outward look and dressing does not matter to God. They say it is your heart that matters to God not your body or what you wear. This is a pure satanic, destructive doctrine. The Bible states it clear from Old Testament that God is not delighted in His children exposing their unclothedness. From Genesis, God made the first clothing for humanity after they fell into sin and were sent out of the Garden of Eden. The LORD God made the clothing from animal skin for a purpose - to cover their unclothedness. So from here the primary purpose of clothing, of dressing, is to cover our unclothedness. All senses will agree with this, spiritually, physically, philosophically and mentally; that we wear clothes primarily to cover our unclothedness. So when a person wears clothes and the unclothedness is not properly covered, the person is not just being fashionable but working against God’s natural purpose; that is ungodly and out of sense. If being half Unclad is the latest fashions, then animals are more fashionable, and humanity has descended below animal.

When a Christian who has the knowledge of the Almighty God claims that she is dressing not to cover her body but for fashion, that Christian is both spiritually and naturally insane. The Bible admonishes us in Romans 12:1, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. What does that means? God is interested in how you present your body as well your heart. God will not accept half Unclad presented body. How you present your body is more important to God than the sacrifice you present. He told Moses that the children of Israel should be careful so that their unclothedness is not exposed, because that might attracts God’s wrath. Exodus 20:26

Any pastor or church that ignores to teach you biblical ways and manner of proper and godly dressing is an ungodly pastor and church. The deception of the devil to lure many women and even men to hell through worldly dressings are now accepted in many churches, they don't see anything wrong with how you dress, it doesn't matter how you present your body. The kind of wears women can’t wear to night parties about 20 years ago because of natural sense of decency are what our Christian women are wearing to churches today with confidence. The same women are pastor's wives, deaconesses and workers; the same women can speak in tongues of angels and men, they can pray with thunders. Such women are operating under the spirit of Jezebel. At the same time you see Christian brothers doing jerry curls, inordinate hair-do, using earrings and so on.

While some churches and their pastors declare anything goes-style of dressing, another side also goes extreme in legalistically dressing. They claim to be conservative and then go extreme. This other side speaks against women wearing “ready-made” clothes, buttons down shirts and they narrow them down to some specific styles they can wear; some even oppose women using hats and so on. Going extreme cannot bring godliness, it will only bring hypocrisy; such denominations have double standards, their standards of godly dress in Africa is different from what they have in the Western countries. If it is true that wearing trouser, buttons down shirts, using hats and so on are sins, then it should be sins everywhere, every time and at every situation.

The truth about sin is that sin is sin universally and at every condition. Then why do we see the same denominational women wearing hats, button down shirts and suits in Western countries? Why do we see the pictures of their women on their websites and on Facebook wearing suits, button-down shirts and even trousers in some occasions in western nations? Some excuse it is because of the weather there and I do wonder, “Is it possible for something that is sin in a particular country not to be sin in another country?” If women wearing suits, trousers, not covering their heads are sins in Africa or Asia, then they are sins in America and everywhere, irrespective of the weather, condition, country or the profession.

Some Christians are now teaching that a Christian woman cannot weave her hair naturally, use wool or rubber to plate. All these are extremism which does not last. For many years in Christianity in Africa women have been moderately weave, use wool and rubber until some people came with visions. Such is nothing but misleading extremism. A Christian woman can moderately weave her hair, use wool or rubber without going against God’s will.

The standard of the Bible is not anything goes permissive styles neither is it conservative legalism, Bible standard is MODERATION! One of the attributes of Christianity is moderation. Moderation in everything: how you live, what you say, what you eat, what you drink, how you dress, what you wear, car you ride, house you live in, what you use and so on. When you are in Christ, you don’t show off yourself, because your self is death, you don’t show your body, your riches, your pride; you show Christ and Him alone. Anything that will share or take glory from Christ you don't get involves.

So what are the Biblical standards for dressing for godly women? The answer is that a godly, regenerated woman can wear anything as long as it goes along with these four biblical perspectives:

(1) WELL COVERED: When you give your life to Jesus and living a new life in Him, you are not controlled by the world fashion's sense, you are not dressing to belong or please yourself, you dress primarily to cover your body as a living sacrifice to God. Because you realize your body is a temple of Holy Spirit. Anything you wear must cover you well. How? Your skirts must reach below your knees; your shirts must well cover your chest; any tops, gowns, etc. Your wears on top must not show the trace of your breasts if you bend down and your underwear must be under, not over. That is the meaning of well-covered dress.

Wearing shirt or top that shows your cleavage as a woman is sign of satanic influence on your soul. If a Christian woman wears a cloths that doesn't cover her knees, that the trace of her breasts can be seen, that people can see any of her under-wears outside, she does not present her body as a holy temple of God, she is defiling God’s temple since she claims to be a child of God, and the punishment is serious.

NOTE: Any dress you wear as a woman, on the top, that reveals your cleavage is the most sinful and ungodly dress of all. Those Christian women who wear such are under the trap of Satan, they are satanic agents of pollution, and the bad news is majority of Christian women are victims.

(2) NO TRANSPARENCY: Any clothing you wear as a godly woman must not be transparent or evaporated that your underwear will be seen. Since the purpose of wearing clothes is the cover your unclothedness, wearing transparent or evaporated clothes has defeated that God’s purpose in such woman's life. Wearing transparent, evaporated clothes is an indirect unclothedness and disobedience to God; it is as bad as half Unclad. As a Christian, godly woman, you are watchful of what you wear and how you wear them so that you are not disqualified by God just because of your dress-style.

If you don't wear trouser as a woman but you wear cut-and-sow or ready-made clothing that reveal your cleavage, then you are walking in the better trap of Satan.

(3) NO TIGHT: If you are wearing skirts, gowns, shirts, native dress, self-made, uniforms, sport wears, whatever, where ever, it must not be tight. Wearing tight clothes that shows the shape and anatomy of your body to the world is also an indirect unclothedness. You wear clothes to cover your body not to show your body shape. When the motive is to show the shape of your body then something it wrong, it is called inordinate motive. A godly woman does not dress to show the shape of her body, so body hugs and all sorts of tight clothing are ungodly and can lead to damnation and condemnation of one’s soul at the end.

(4) NOT EXPENSIVE: Either a woman or a man, as a child of God, Bible directly warns us not to buy, wear expensive clothing, not because you can’t afford it but because you are a Christian, modest. Christianity is all about modesty, meaning showing little about yourself, your financial capacity. You don’t buy clothes by the reason of your financial capacity; you buy clothes by the reason of modesty. Wasting money on expensive clothing and accessories is un-biblical. Our modern preachers can tell you opposite but here is what the Bible says, “in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing,” 1 Timothy 2:9.

Costly clothing is unbecoming for a heavenly conscious woman or man. Then how can we measure costly clothing and every other thing we buy? Simply apply the principle of moderation: (I) ask yourself why you want to buy it for that price, are you buying it for its quality, for ego, to class and prove your financial level? Or because it is the reigning fashion and you want to belong? (II) Ask yourself if you can get another clothing of same quality with lesser price. Then let the Spirit of God guide you. God knows our intentions and thoughts, so we can’t deceive Him.

Some women claim that they wear any clothes with pure motive, without any bad motive to seduce. If you have a pure motive and you don’t care about the manner you express that motive, it is a sin. If your pure motive is generating un-pure thoughts from those who see you then you have become the source and cause of un-pure thoughts. When you are a child of God, you show God’s glory, people see you and see Christ not otherwise.

Some say they wear what they want to wear, and if it affects any man, such man should close his eyes. Such statement should not be from a regenerated person who is a child of God, because (1) closing eyes will only lead the world into darkness, but a child of God is a source of light, to help open the eyes of the people in darkness, it is not to close the eyes of people into deeper darkness. (2) A child of God dresses to edify not to instigate lust or shows self.

Also, using makeup, artificials, weave-on, fixing nails, painting lips or nails; bleaching, toning or lightening skin; blowing hair, using expensive perfume and jewelries, and all that are evidences of worldliness and ungodliness.

May the Lord give us understanding of the truth, and may we take to necessary correction but it gets too late.

if you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link

Do you want to grow in the grace and word of God and be equipped for the word of God? Do you need fellowship of children God from different parts of the world where we share the word of God together and pray for one a other without denominational barriers? Then join JESUS IS THE ANSWER group and be daily blessed!

Click on this link to join https://www./174693088889402/?ref=share
Religion / What Happens After Rapture: The Great Tribulation by FreshGreen: 10:12am On May 21, 2023
Do you realize we are in the very end time and this world will soon come to an end? As the Biblical prophesies of the end time are fulfilling right in our eyes and the love of many are becoming cold by the cares and deceptions of the world; the next event we are waiting for is the Rapture, which is the catching away of the saints. As Jesus Christ said, “I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. 36 Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.” Luke 17:34, 35. This event may happen any moment from now.

The big questions are: What happens after the Rapture? What will happen to the unbelievers and careless Christians who miss the Rapture? The Great Tribulation! While the raptured saints will be celebrating the Marriage of the Lord’s Supper with Jesus Christ, and receive rewards over there, the Left-behinds will be suffering Great Tribulation here on earth with Satan. It will be a terrific period of pain and panic that has never existed before. “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. “Matthew 24:20-22

The Great Tribulation will start by the reign of Anti-Christ, a satanic powered personality who will rule the whole world with his evil mark of the beast, 666. “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16, 17. Those who refuse the mark will be tormented to death, it will be a horrible period which will be hard to resist, but those who make their stands for Jesus and refuse the mark will make it to heaven after their death. Rev. 7:9, 14. The people that receive the mark will automatically become the enemies of God, they will be given temporal freedom to buy and sell but they are doomed forever.

The better questions to ask are: when will you surrender your life to Jesus? When will you totally rededicate your life to Jesus and settle EVERYTHING with Him? When will you make your way right with God and stand for righteousness in the midst of this unrighteous generation? The answer should be NOW, or never! If you have not genuinely accepted Jesus into your life by becoming a new creature and living above sin, if you are a worldly, careless or modern Christian, if you are afraid or not certain about your eternity, this moment is a greatest time for you to settle everything with Jesus NOW! You are the luckiest person if you are reading this message before the rapture; it means you are still alive; the deaths have no such opportunity, because after death is the judgment. You can’t wait for the Great tribulation, you may die before then, you may not survive it, now is the best and certain time to settle your eternity with God.

You are a Christian? But are you living in line with God's word or in line with the words of modern pastors? Have you settled all and made everything clear before God or there are still some no-go-areas in your life? Any unconfessed sin or unsettled restitution? Any worldliness or compromise? Those Christians who leave some aspects of their live behind unsettled will be left behind on the rapture day.

Your greatest privilege of being alive today is not to make more money but to make your way right with God for genuine salvation of your soul. So what are you waiting for? Repent, rededicate your life to Jesus, restore, recommit, and renew your relationship with the Savior, and be sure of your life after here before it is too late!

Blow the trumpet in Zion,
And sound an alarm in My holy mountain!
Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble;
For the day of the LORD is coming,
For it is at hand:
2 A day of darkness and gloominess,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,
Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains.
A people come, great and strong,
The like of whom has never been;
Nor will there ever be any such after them,
Even for many successive generations………
“Now, therefore,” says the LORD,
“Turn to Me with all your heart,
With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
13 So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the LORD your God,
For He is gracious and merciful. . .
Joel 2:1-2, 12, 13.

If you will like to totally surrender your life to Jesus Christ and experience total freedom, please click on this link, read and pray as directed https://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-to-be-saved-and-start-a-new-life-in-jesus/270674586372252
Religion / By Purposeful Determination by FreshGreen: 7:35pm On Apr 23, 2023
Are you finding yourself falling into repeated sin or into one addicted sin or the other, and yet you have genuinely rededicated your life to Jesus and have determined not to go back into such sin and but still you do. It’s either your re-dedication is not genuine or your determination is not strong enough. You know what it means to rededicate your life to Jesus? It means to repent and re-confess all your sins and forsake them and determine to serve God without looking back.

Now, why do we look back into the sin again after a genuine repentance? It’s because our determination to serve God is not strong ENOUGH. You want to know how I make that conclusion? Now, let’s look at it this way: For example, you have been falling back into masturbation now and then. Now if you see about 10 Christians who have committed masturbation and drop dead immediately and you are told that anyone who by chance or by mistake masturbates will die immediately, please will you still commit the masturbation? No matter the feeling and the pressure, will you? That is what the Bible says in Hebrews 12:4, “You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin.” The New Life Version says, “In your fight against sin, you have not yet had to stand against sin with your blood.” That is what it means, “You have not yet resisted or fight against sin” with strong determine of life or dead, that is the reason you still fall back into that sin after several confessions and repentance.

Until you make a strong determination of life or death, you will still be falling back into that sin no matter who pray for you, how many time you confess or repent.

RTEM: www.rtemoutreach.org
Religion / Don't Be Moved! by FreshGreen: 10:34pm On Apr 16, 2023
"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58

What does it mean to be steadfast? It means to be UNMOVABLE. Don't be moved. If Satan is making things difficult for you, don't be moved. If Satan is making your children difficult, don't be moved. If Satan is making life, marriage, ministry, business or job to be difficult, DON'T BE MOVED. See, if you don't move, Satan will move away. But If you move, you are a loser.

So after resisting the devil, the second means of making life difficult for Satan is by being steadfast, being UNMOVABLE. Say I AM NOT MOVED!

When Satan brings a bad dream, terrible dreams? Say I AM NOT MOVED!

Things remain difficult and not changing after praying and fasting? say I AM NOT MOVED.

Things remain difficult and not changing after praying and fasting, say I AM NOT MOVED!

Satan makes your marriage turn difficult and hard, say I AM NOT MOVED!

Satan brings terrible medical reports; say I AM NOT MOVED!

Things are getting delayed and delayed, say I AM NOT MOVED!

Listen, till today Satan does not know what he will with a Christian that is UNMOVABLE. No matter what happens, be unmovable.

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Religion / Don't Be Another Judas Iscariot! by FreshGreen: 8:49pm On Apr 15, 2023
(You can't outsmart Satan, but you can only overcome him through Christ Jesus.)

Luke 22:3, “Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.”

It is not possible for you, as a person, to outsmart Satan; you can only overcome him through Christ Jesus, but you cannot play game with Satan and outsmart him. That was what Judas Iscariot did, and he regretted it. Judas needed money, and he wanted to have it by all means, and so he thought he could play game with Satan and get the money from him. Judas thought he could get the money from Satan and then run away with the money to Jesus, since Jesus would always be there to forgive and help, and Satan is always there to offer the money; so he thought he could play a smart game on Satan by collecting the money and then run to Jesus.

But the true is that, it doesn't work that way, because we can’t mock God by willingly going against His word, and we can’t make fool of Satan by playing game with Him. Judas decided to sell Jesus and get the money, hoping that they would not be able to arrest Jesus, and he would have gotten the money from them; he believed the priests and Pharisees would be the looser, and he would get the money and still have Jesus Christ. He might have thought, “It’s absolutely impossible for them to arrest Jesus, never possible. Jesus who performed a lot of mighty miracles, who walked away several times they attempted to kill Him? Oh never, they can’t arrest Him. Since our agreement would just be for me to betray Jesus, and it is left to them to arrest Him; if they fail to, that is their problem, but then I would have gotten the money in my account. This is a golden chance for me to make money and get my dreamed properties and materials.”

But things didn't work out as he planned and played it. He lost Jesus, he lost the money, he lost his position in the ministry, he lost God’s purpose for his life and he lost eternal life, everything! Matthew 27:3-5, “Then Judas, His betrayer, seeing that He had been condemned, was remorseful and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”And they said, “What is that to us? You see to it!” 5 Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.”

The same trick Satan used to deceive and destroy Judas Iscariot, he is using with so many followers of Jesus today. You need money, you need car, you need house, or you need a job, a position or promotion; you need admission, traveling documents or contracts; you need marital partner or children, whatever you need, Satan knows them. As you are trusting God for everything, then Satan would bring sinful suggestions and ungodly opportunities to you, that, “You can get the money, though in a sinful or satanic way, but after you get the money all you need to do is to run back to Jesus for forgiveness, God is always merciful, He will forgive you and you will retain the money.” Does that not sound beautiful for many people to consider? But it is a trick from the pit of hell.

He will also suggest that you can give the sinful demand to get the job, contracts, admission or documents, “just for you to get what you want and after that you go back to Jesus for forgiveness. Is it not just for a day or once? And you get what you need for life and go back to Jesus? You better be wise. The Bible says wisdom is profitable to direct, be wise!”

Satan may also suggests that you can marry the person, though not genuinely saved, but “after you get married, he or she will be saved, you can help her or him to be saved and then you serve God together” Satan will also tell you that you can give premarital sex so that you don’t loose the person. “No one will know, and after that you ask God to forgive you and get married. You have nothing to loose as long you are wise.”

The secret is that, every suggestion that you should commit sin or compromise your faith to get what you want, and after all ask God to forgive you, such suggestion is originated from Satan to deceive you and ruin you, he is trying to make another Judas Iscariot out of you. It was Satan who deceived Judas to do what he did. Luke 22:3, “Then Satan entered Judas, surnamed Iscariot, who was numbered among the twelve.”

You cannot eat your cake and have it at the same time, you cannot mock God and make it, and you cannot play game with Satan and outsmart him. Judas Iscariot tried it, and he could not retrieve his way back, he lost everything. You must be wise to be warned not to become another Judas Iscariot of this generation, by thinking you can quickly get something in a sinful or satanic way and quickly get back to Jesus; you may never find your way back again, Judas could not make it back even though he cried and was remorse.

This trick of Satan of “Go Against God And Go back To Him After you Get What You Want” is an old trick and so deceptive; he even attempted to use it against Jesus Christ. In the wilderness, he came to tempt Jesus Christ, that Jesus should fall down, and God would be there to go Him. Luke 4:9-12.

The suggestion of Satan that you can quickly fall and God is there to raise you up is an act of tempting God, and you must not turn to such so that you will not be turned to pieces.

After you are saved, never attempt to succumb to satanic suggestion to play game with your soul; never think of going quickly into sin to get back to God; that will be a dangerous trip. “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” Hebrews 10:26, 27.

Wait upon the Lord for what you need, and be content with what you have. Never yield to the trick of Satan to take a short trip to sin to trap you. Do not be another Judas Iscariot, and do not become another Esau.

“Lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears.” Hebrews 12:16, 17.

If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ and become an OVERCOMER, please click on this link and read http://www.facebook.com/notes/revelation-of-truth-evangelical-ministries-rtem/how-can-i-be-saved/270674586372252

If you need biblical and godly counsel, please contact us:
Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries (RTEM)
Tel: (+234) (0)803 924 9751
Website: rtemoutreach.org

You can also contact us if you have issues, restitution to make, confession or burden in your mind and you need Biblical counseling and prayer without any church attachment.
Religion / 3 Steps To Take For New Life In Jesus by FreshGreen: 9:54pm On Apr 14, 2023
1. Repent – realize and ready to forsake every form of sin and unrighteousness in your life; surrender your sinful life to God and ask Him to forgive and cleanse you.

2. Pray – Right now you need to pray to God from your heart, confess all your sins and surrender all. Tell Jesus Christ to forgive you, cleanse you and save you. You can pray the prayer for the next few minute now, as Jesus is right beside you. 1 John 1:9. “If we confess our’sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

After you have prayed and experienced salvation, then you follow JESUS without looking back.

Mark 8:34, "When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."

3. Follow – To follow Jesus Christ is to forsake your old lifestyles and follow Jesus in new life guided by His word and Holy Spirit. You cannot continue in the old sinful lifestyle anymore, you cannot follow the direction of this sinful world anymore, you cannot follow the dictates of Satan anymore, and you will not follow the desire of yourself, only the word and will of Jesus Christ, since He has become the Lord of your life.

To continuously follow Jesus, you need to daily fellowship with Him. It’s not possible to keep following Jesus Christ without fellowship with Him. Christians who fall back into sinful lifestyles are those who fail to keep their daily fellowship with Jesus through Bible reading and prayer. Fellowship here is not about going to church but having daily Bible reading and prayer time with Jesus where we receive grace and strength of God. Without the grace and strength Jesus Christ, you cannot successfully follow Him.

Following Jesus Christ is also to guard against sinful tendencies and temptations, and to do the will of God; but without Jesus empowerment, it not possible to do all these. "....for without Me you can do nothing." John 15:5.

Are you ready for new life in Jesus? Then pray it into your life right now and proceed in the new life, no turning back, no falling down. Forward ever in Jesus name.

For prayer and counseling, send whatsapp message to +2347042000424

God bless you
Gideon Akande, the Evangelist
Religion / Building Projects – Our Great Commission From The Devil by FreshGreen: 9:13am On Apr 08, 2023

The devil has given the church another great commission in this end time, both old time believing churches and the modern mega church are so busy carrying out the great commission as if it is the only work of God left for us to do this time. God gave the church the great commission of evangelism – preaching the gospel to sinners and establishing the believers, we are to channel all our resources to this course, but the case is the otherwise when churches including evangelical outreach ministries are busy building ultra-modern multi-million or multi-billion auditorium.

When these building projects started more than 20 years ago in many churches, Christians were happy that they were making progress. I remember anout 21 years ago, in the year 2001 when I was in a church – Deeper Life Bible Church, when one ICC projects started, we were happy that our church was moving forward physically, but you know the terrific funny thing about building projects in the church today? It never ends, it will always goes from one building projects to another, from local building project, to regional, to state, to national, to new projects to another, you know? Distraction of Satan never ends except you determine to end it.

Incessant building project is a manipulation of the devil against the church in this end time.

Any denominational church that spends more on building projects than for the work of evangelism is a distracted church. Any church that spends more on building projects than building people into the kingdom of God, supporting believers to grow by providing free Christian materials, free Bible to those who can’t afford it, supporting missionaries and their mission works, providing free education, primary healthcare for the needy believers, but rather jumping from one building project to another, you don’t need to speak in tongues before you know that such a church is under the influence of satanic distraction. All we need do is to look into the Bible.

Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus Christ spent no time on building project and He never prepared us for such. The apostles had about 3000 new converts added to the church like every day so they were not in a small numbers; they never carried out a single building project but they had several projects even with committees – they had daily distribution project, they had missionary projects, they had sharing to the needy project, they had daily evangelism projects – these were the projects the early church spent the offerings and church money for, not the multi-billion building projects of today’s church. Do you think the early church had no money to build a magnificent church auditorium in Jerusalem? They had, because people were donating generously to the Apostles. Imagine disciples selling their lands and houses and giving it to the Apostles, how many people do they need to sell their lands to raise enough money? They did not need so many. They had the money, but they were sharing the money for the needs of e every member on daily distribution, they were using the money to build people not houses. Acts 2:44-47.

Do you know there was no single building project in Christianity, among the early church for about 300 years until inception of Catholic Church by Roman Empire when they brought different Babylonian idolatry systems and ideas into Christianity?

When we are wasting millions of dollars to build church auditorium as if this world is our permanent residency and we ignore spreading the church to villages, distributing free Christian materials to support them, meeting the needs of our members, then we are distracted from the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1998, as a young believer, I had great passion for evangelism, my church then – Deeper Life Bible Church, had to sell tracts to do evangelism for their members, even the tracts were not available in the local church to buy, I would need to go far to church secretariat, sometimes trekking half way, just to buy church tracts for personal evangelism. The end time church of today sells almost every to their members – the Sunday booklet, tracts, church tapes, hymn books at profit making margin, and the major focus of the church today is building projects. We need to repent and go back to the old path before we can experience revival in our church.

As a Christian, if you spend more on earthly things than the work of evangelism, things like your personal building project, buying latest phone, electronics, sending your kids to expensive schools, buying expensive cars, then you need not to look far, your treasures are saved in this perishing world, and where you treasure is saved is where your heart is, it means you are a worldly minded Christian, who is not fitted for heaven.

If you, as a born again Christian, spend your money more on earthly stuffs than spending on personal evangelism, printing tracts, distributing Bible to people, buying and distributing Christian movies to people, giving financial supports to people in your family, church and generally, then you are also among the worldly Christians of this end time.

Spending for the work of God is more important than any projects in your life or family. The work of God here is not contributing to building project in your church or sowing seed, the work of God is your personal evangelism, distributing Christian materials and supporting the needy financially. Without these works in your life, you are either a worldly Christian, whose mind is on this passing world or you are an empty Christian who is set to meet His Lord empty handed on the last day.

Where more of your money goes is where your heart is, either earthly stuffs or heavenly things. Being a heavenly minded Christian is not just by preaching or professing, it is also by spending. When your personal building project, business project, academic project – professional programs, further academic program, fancy project such as buying new car, latest phone, electronics, among others takes priority of your life, it means your mind is set on the things of this world, not on heaven.

Either as a church or individual, we are called to repent from the care and focus of this world and be heavenly focused. We must do the work of God now when it is day because night is coming when we cannot work.

Matthew 6:20, 21, “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

If you will like to surrender your life to Jesus, rededicate your life to Jesus, please click the link
Jobs/Vacancies / Executive Cosmetics Sales Marketer - Lagos by FreshGreen: 8:53pm On Apr 03, 2023
Company Name: Pishon General Care Limited


Job Field: Marketing / Sales / Business Development / Merchandiser ,

Qualification: OND,

Employment Type: full-time

Location: LAGOS Lagos,

Country: Nigeria

Experience: 2 - 10

Salary: 200000 - 250000

Job Description:
Pishon General Care Limited, producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotions located at Ikeja Lagos and Jabi Abuja, is hiring for the following position: EXECUTIVE SALES MARKETER.

Minimum of 2 years experience in marketing cosmetics or skincare products and you must have existing connections to major stores and cosmetics dealers in Nigeria.

Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Raising junior marketers that will be going on the street to sell daily.
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N200,000 – N250,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N700,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Method of Application:

Application Email:
Jobs/Vacancies / Job Opportunities In Lagos/abuja by FreshGreen: 9:57am On Mar 28, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotions located at Ikeja Lagos and Jabi Abuja, is hiring for the following positions:

Academic qualification: HND, BSC….
Minimum of 2 years experience in marketing cosmetics or skincare products and having connections to major stores and cosmetics dealers in Nigeria.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Raising junior marketers that will be going on the street to sell daily.
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N200,000 – N250,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N700,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: OND, HND, BSC….
Experienced in marketing work, able to meet sales targets.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Selling to individuals
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N120,000 – N150,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N500,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: SSCE, OND…
Good in marketing and able to sell to both individuals and shops
Job description:
(i) Selling to individuals and shops
(ii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N80,000 – N100,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
N250,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Interested applicants should send their CV with application letters to care@pishonbeauty.com and copy freshgreenafrica@gmail.com
Jobs/Vacancies / Job Opportunities In Lagos And Abuja by FreshGreen: 10:09pm On Mar 26, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotions located at Ikeja Lagos and Jabi Abuja, is hiring for the following positions:

Academic qualification: HND, BSC….
Minimum of 2 years experience in marketing cosmetics or skincare products and having connections to major stores and cosmetics dealers in Nigeria.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Raising junior marketers that will be going on the street to sell daily.
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N200,000 – N250,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N700,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: OND, HND, BSC….
Experienced in marketing work, able to meet sales targets.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Selling to individuals
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N120,000 – N150,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N500,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: SSCE, OND…
Good in marketing and able to sell to both individuals and shops
Job description:
(i) Selling to individuals and shops
(ii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N80,000 – N100,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
N250,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Interested applicants should send their CV with application letters to care@pishonbeauty.com and copy freshgreenafrica@gmail.com
Religion / Confess Your Trespasses To One Another by FreshGreen: 9:27pm On Mar 24, 2023
- What Does it Mean?

This Bible verse is not for unbelievers, sinners or people who do not know the Lord, but to the children of God who are saved and born again in Jesus Christ.

After you give your life to Jesus, after you become born again, after you realize the wrong you have done and after you have confessed to God, the Bible says, “Confess your trespasses to one another” From this Bible passage, we can see that there are two sets of people we must confess to after we have confessed to God, Bible says, “Confess your trespasses to one another” One first, then the other. So who are the one the other?

The One – People you Directly offended.
Before you gave your life to Jesus or before you rededicated your life to Jesus, you have sinned against God and men. So now, after you have confessed to God and asked for His forgiveness, you need to confess to people you offended directly, the people you cheated, the people lied to, the people you fought without cause, the people you stole from and others - you must make your way right with them. Some of these people may be your senior, your boss, your parents, your pastors and some may be your junior, your staff, your worker, your church members, even your children; some of them may not even know you offended them but since you have given your life to Jesus, you need to go and confess to them and ask for forgiveness. This is a practical evidence of your genuine salvation or rededication to Jesus.

If you have worked anywhere and you cheated, stole or dealt unfaithfully, you need to communicate with them and confess the wrong things you did, because if you don’t confess them and apologize, apart from the problem of making heaven it poses, it will also hinder you from making progress in life. That is the reason the Bible says we should confess to one another. So many Christians are ignorant of this Bible truth, they think their past is gone and gone forever and no need to confess to one another, and the devil is using this against their destinies, their blessings, their progress in life and he will also use it against their making heaven.

When the Bible says we should confess to one another, but you say you have confessed to God so no need to confess to one another, you are in direct disobedience to the word of God, no matter your sacrifices to God, your labor, your offerings, your tithes, your commitments to the work of God, you are working against the word of God. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience to the simple word of God which says, “Confess your trespasses to one another” determines he rest of your relationship with God and the certainty of your making heaven.

The Another – People You indirectly offended
When the Bible says, “Confess your trespasses to one another” the “one” there are the people you directly offended, and the “another” are the people you offended indirectly. Who are the people you offend indirectly? They are people you betray their trust in you. Let me give you an example. A pastor who went into sin of adultery, after realizing his sin and confessing to God for forgiveness, he must confess to his wife, because he has offended his wife directly and he must confess to his church, because he has offended his church indirectly. Failure to confess to one and another will bring attack of the enemies and judgment of God.

Some people say there is no need to confess to one another, since it is God they sin against, they will just confess to God and that settles it. Some say when David committed sins, he just confessed to God alone and not to men. And my question is that, if David only confessed to God and he did not let any man know, how did you know? You know what? You are in serious danger if you refuse to confess your trespasses to one another after you are saved.

When you obey this Bible verse and you take the step of obedience to confess to one another, you will experience healing of God in every area of your life beyond your imagination.


Gideon Akande, the Evangelist
Jobs/Vacancies / Job Vacancies In Lagos And Abuja by FreshGreen: 10:15am On Mar 17, 2023
Pishon General Care Limited, producers of Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotions located at Ikeja Lagos and Jabi Abuja, is hiring for the following positions:

Academic qualification: HND, BSC….
Minimum of 2 years experience in marketing cosmetics or skincare products and having connections to major stores and cosmetics dealers in Nigeria.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Raising junior marketers that will be going on the street to sell daily.
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N200,000 – N250,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N700,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: OND, HND, BSC….
Experienced in marketing work, able to meet sales targets.
Job description:
(i) Supplying the products to shops, stores, supermarkets, pharmacy stores.
(ii) Selling to individuals
(iii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N120,000 – N150,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
Private car: This will be converted to car loan.
N500,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Academic qualification: SSCE, OND…
Good in marketing and able to sell to both individuals and shops
Job description:
(i) Selling to individuals and shops
(ii) Meeting weekly targets.

Monthly Salary: N80,000 – N100,000

After 3 months of probation, other benefits include:
Comprehensive health care: That covers husband, wife and 4 children.
N250,000 housing accommodation: After 1 year of confirmation.
Daily Lunch: After 3 month’s probationary period.

Interested applicants should send their CV with application letters to care@pishonbeauty.com and copy freshgreenafrica@gmail.com
Religion / Why You Need To Forgive! by FreshGreen: 8:53am On Mar 10, 2023
As I was reading this Bible passage in the Book of Matthew, the Lord opened my eyes to see some in-depths and to understand it better than before. In the Book of Matthew chapter 18 from verse 21:

“ Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven. 23 Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24 And when he had begun to settle accounts, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. 25 But as he was not able to pay, his master commanded that he be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made. “

My first thought within me was, “Why would the King command the servant to be sold with his wife and children? What kind of command is that? How much are we talking about here?” But it was later the Lord helped me to realize that the debt of Ten thousand Talents was a big debt, and still a big debt for any servant or civil servant of this present generation to ever pay, in fact selling the servant, with his wife and his children would never pay 10% of the debt, what?

Let’s check the other part of the Bible passage from verse 26, “The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, ‘Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ 27 Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt.” We can see here that the Master is a compassionate person, he knew it was not possible for the servant to pay back that debt of Ten thousand, so he forgave him.

But then let’s see what the forgiven servant did thereafter from verse 28, “But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, ‘Pay me what you owe!’ 29 So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ 30 And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt.”

Here we can see that after this servant was forgiven a huge debt of Ten Talents, he went and meet a fellow servant owed him a sum of D100, One hundred denarii, and he would not take no for an answer, he would not take patience for payment, he would not take sorry for debt settlement, so he threw his debtor into prison until he could pay his debt.

Now, the action taken on the matter of money shows how big the amount of the money is. For this servant to throw his fellow servant into prison shows the money is not a small amount also. You cannot jail somebody because of $10 or less.

One hundred Denarii was not small money and not even a small money till today, this is an amount that can pay for 4 months salary of an average man. How do I know? The Bible made me understand in the Book of Matthew 20 about a landowner who hired laborers for his vineyards, it says in verse 2, “Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.” So we can see that a denarius is a day's pay for an adult. Denarius is a singular and Denarii are a plural form of the same currency. So 100 Denarii can pay 100 workers per day or it can pay 4 months’ salary of a worker.

As of March 2, 2023, the average annual pay for a farm worker in the United States is $32,277 a year, meaning $2,689 per month. So if we want to calculate the worth of One hundred denarii today, it is about $10,700. That is not small money, and that was the reason the servant threw the guy owing him to prison. And that is the reason many of us are throwing people who offend us into the prison of our hearts, into the dark prison of unforgiveness, because the offense they committed against us was not a small one, the disappointment, the betrayal, the pain, the loss and the wickedness. But we need to realize that God has forgiven us much more than one hundred denarii, we need to realize that we have sinned against God, we have done wickedness against God much more than what anyone can ever do against us, and God forgives us. God has forgiven us Ten Thousand Talents!

As I was reading my Bible few days ago and I got to realize the worth or value of Ten Thousands Talents, I began to cry, I began to ask God for mercy, I began to think of those who offended me that I needed to forgive, because I realized I owe God Ten Thousand Talent, because I realized that God has forgiven me sins worth more than Ten Thousands Talents.

A single Talent is equivalent to 6000 Denarii. A single Talent is a 20 years’ salary of an average worker. That was the reason the Master forgave the servant owing him Ten Thousand Talents, because he knew he would never be able to pay back the debt. To pay one out of the 10,000 Talents debt, you would need to work for 20 good years, 6 days in a week. So to pay back Ten Thousands Talents, it means you would need to work hard for 200,000 years, which is not possible for any human being. We all owe God a debt not possible for us to pay back; we have all sinned against God and come short of His glory. It is impossible for anyone to pay the debt of his sins, and God cannot behold sin, that was the reason He sent His only begotten Son to come to the world and pay for the debt of our sins by dying on the Cross.

The Bible says, “Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt.” God does not imprison us for our sins when we ask for forgiveness, but rather, He releases us and forgives us. What a wonderful Savior!

Listen, the least anyone can owe God is Ten Thousand Talents, and the most our fellow human being can owe us is 100 denarii and Ten thousand Talents is equal to 60,000,000 Denarii. So if God could forgive us 60,000,000 Denarii worth of sins, why are we not going to forgive our fellow human beings 100 Denarii worth of offences? When we realize how much we have offended God, we will reason how less people have offended us. When we know how much God has forgiven us, it will not be a problem to forgive our fellow “servants” their offenses.

My fellow servants, let’s open the prisons and release those we have jailed because of one hundred denarii, no matter how much that means to us, as God opens heaven to release His blessings upon us.


As you are blessed by this message, you are free to share, preach, print or publish it without referring to the writer. It is free for all to preach.

God bless you.
Religion / All Churches Running Expensive Schools Are Not Sent By God! by FreshGreen: 10:44pm On Mar 02, 2023
Baptist Church, Apostolic Faith, RCCG, Deeper Life Church, etc. running expensive nursery and primary schools, secondary schools and universities, more expensive than Federal Government's schools or more expensive that an average member of the same church cannot afford, they are not sent by God, they sent themselves.

I heard about a school founded by a man of God, Gbele Akanni, a school totally free of charge for all the students. This is a man who does not run church, who does not collect tithes and offerings, yet runs free of charge school and the school is progressing and well taken care of by God. And your church, collecting tithes and offerings, using church's land and money, members' donation to build the school and the school is so expensive that an average member of the same church cannot afford to send their children to their church's school, is this not wickedness and ungodliness? Is your church carrying this money to heaven? Is your church running the Gospel of Mammon or Gospel of Christ?

Ask yourself, If Jesus were to start a private school in your country, would He be charging such school fees your church is charging now? Is your church Christ-like or a business venture?

One of the wickedness of this generation's church is starting private schools with church's contributions and making the same school unaffordable to an average member of the church. This is barbaric, not biblical!

I am saying this not just to correct these churches but to warn the upcoming generation of young men and women of God not to follow the footsteps of heresy and love of money.

The funny and filthy excuse many churches give is that it is an expensive running school. Now let me help relieve you of that excuse: there is no clear difference between the school fees of private individuals and church's schools, so an individual who collected bank loan to build school without church money or church's land and with only the school fees he collects from his private school, he pays his loan, maintains school and makes profit and your church is collecting similar school fees for her secondary school or university, and you say it is not easy to maintain school?

The satanic aspect there is that the church's school built by church money with church's land is charging similar school fees with private individuals and making profit on his church members and doesn't care about his church members who can't afford it, is that not satanic?

If the Federal Government is subsidizing their school fees with tax money, why can't our churches subsidize their university's school fees with tithe money? For how long are we going to be defending what is not defendable before God and keep playing religion on our common senses?

Education was brought to Africa, not by our Governments or by Colonial Governments, but by the church, the selfless Christian missionaries. But after the missionaries gave us the gospel and we have known even more than the missionaries, we now have our churches in Africa, the same African churches are so rich to afford building multi-million church auditoriums more beautiful than what the missionaries built for us and so rich to buy private jets for our Bishops and Papas, but unfortunately these African churches cannot afford free education which the missionaries brought to Africa with the gospel.

Tell your church to repent before it is too late for them because judgment will start from the house of God.

Gideon Akande, the Evangelist.
Jobs/Vacancies / Marketing Job In Abuja With Accommodation by FreshGreen: 11:13am On Mar 02, 2023

Get a marketing job in Abuja with accommodation

Pishon General Care Limited, producers of NAFDAC approved Pishon Turmerich Soap and Body lotion in Abuja has marketing job opportunities in Abuja with accommodation.


1. Applicants must first find where to stay for the first week of the job to prove they can meet the marketing standards and targets.

2. After one week, applicants who meet the marketing sales targets will be provided joint accommodation in the surrounding villages in Abuja.

3. After 3 months of probationary period: marketers who perform well and want to have their own private accommodation will be given accommodation loans for their private accommodation.

4. One year after your job confirmation, you will be given accommodation allowance based on your job level as stated in job description below.

5. The company will provide free transportation for Marketers from their locations to office and from office back.


Salary: N80,000
Age: 18-25 years old.
Academic Qualifications: SSCE, STUDENTS.
Nature of the Job: marketing and selling to individuals, shops, supermarkets, pharmacy stores with daily target sales.

Salary: N100,000 - N150,000.
Age: 18-27 years old.
Academic qualifications: OND, HND, BSC...
Nature of the Job: marketing and selling to individuals, shops, supermarkets, pharmacy stores with daily target sales.

After working for one month, joint accommodation will be provided for effective Marketers who have problems with accommodation or those coming from outside Abuja, in villages within the city.

After 3 months probation, apart from monthly salary, there is going to be other benefits:

1. Annual Housing Allowance:
Junior Marketers N120,000.
Senior Marketers N200,000.

2. Health Insurance with hospital of your choice which covers all medical cares and antenatal and childbirth for women.

3. Daily Lunch.

1. Write a letter of application and indicate which of the sales marketing you are applying for. Send it with your CV on pdf format to care@pishonbeauty.com
or WhatsApp 08039249751.

2. Submit your application letter and CV in person to :
Pishon General Care Limited
Suite A3 Rukayyat Plaza Jabi, by Jabi Motor Park Abuja.

If you are a job agent or consultant and you can provide the company with good Marketers, you will make N10,000 on each successful Marketer you bring for their 3 months probationary period. For more details, call the company on 08039249751.

Pishon General Care Limited
Suite A3, Rukayyat Plaza, opposite Zenith Bank, Obafemi Way by Jabi Motor Park

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