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Religion / Re: The ID2020 Alliance And The Mark Of The Beast by Hermes019: 9:29am On Mar 12, 2020 |
LordReed:. |
Religion / Re: 4 Quick Ways Of Identifying A Dishonest Christian by Hermes019: 9:26am On Mar 12, 2020 |
Did u see my mssg @bacteriologist |
Romance / Re: Many Memes For My Redpill Guys. Get In Here. by Hermes019: 10:58am On Feb 23, 2020 |
Iamgrey5:Does that include ur sisters ? 1 Like |
Romance / Re: Many Memes For My Redpill Guys. Get In Here. by Hermes019: 5:01pm On Feb 20, 2020 |
Woooow I thought u were a reasonable guy since u were an atheist @Martinez So so disappointed Seems a girl broke ur heart |
Religion / Re: God Doesn't Exist Because Anything That Exist Must Have A Creator by Hermes019: 8:21pm On Feb 09, 2020 |
TheExecutioner:Divine wrath u say Smh Why would an omniscient being get angry at the first place I wonder how u people reason The way u people bend logic just to defend ur god amazes me Oga since the slavery in the bible is good why is such form of slavery not being practiced today ? 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Why Is There No Single Objective Proof That God Exists by Hermes019: 7:17am On Feb 08, 2020 |
All they do is talk and talk and talk Where is the evidence that ur god exists ? Leah Sharibu is still in Boko Haram custody and if we are to believe the latest reports she has given birth I don't even have strength for dumb arguments this year Continue carrying religion on ur head,that's the plan of ur slavemasters Shebi Europe has moved on but we African's insist we must continue being stupid 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: Meet The Sexiest Girl In Nigeria (pictures) by Hermes019: 9:05am On Jan 10, 2020 |
I don't know why the reasoning of some people are just so poor
The Op just wants to get more followers on Instagram
e be like say na small children full this forum |
Religion / Re: Countdown Thread To #deactivateyourmoniker by Hermes019: 7:53pm On Jan 04, 2020 |
lmfao I'm just stumbling on this thread after a long while OMG my ribs are cracking Jesusjnr u would be missed,I always loved the guy 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Sports / Re: We Need To Pray - Pep Guardiola by Hermes019: 5:29pm On Jan 01, 2020 |
I'm not sure if he really meant it,I mean the pray part . Last time I checked Pep Guardiola is non religious |
Religion / Re: Re: Here Are 4 Reasons I'm Considering Becoming An Atheist by Hermes019: 1:16pm On Dec 31, 2019 |
TellTheTruth: so that means they would go to hell ? |
Religion / Re: Re: Here Are 4 Reasons I'm Considering Becoming An Atheist by Hermes019: 11:33am On Dec 31, 2019 |
Op what about those who lived and died without hearing the gospel,where are they going to Heaven or hell ? |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 9:05pm On May 13, 2019 |
shadeyinka:It is ridiculous to use the DNA figuratively in this instance,if God doesn't have a DNA why use it to describe him,can u use the human reproductive part to describe any feature of God,the bible doesn't compare Gods spirit to the DNA so how did you come about the idea that Gods spirit can be likened to deoxyribonuceic acid |
Religion / Re: Daddy Freeze Condemns The Pastor Who Rejected Game Of Thrones For Christians by Hermes019: 4:37pm On May 13, 2019 |
Why do u christians like disgracing ourselves,what is my business sef |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 3:54pm On May 13, 2019 |
shadeyinka:Thats is what I'm saying If anyone questions your stance ot becomes misinterpretation You said God put his spirit in man,and you insinuated that Gods spirit is his DNA,at the end of the day you are saying that God has a DNA Everywhere you go DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid so please how did I misinterprete what you said Again I ask,how come God has DNA,how did you come about that In this case DNA is not suitable to be used in the figurative sense,so if you say God has a DNA,i should question that the same way if you say God has a brain I would question that 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Victor Eghan: Watching Game Of Thrones Will Lead You To Hell by Hermes019: 3:48pm On May 13, 2019 |
Philipsevercool:Thanks but I'm not interested 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Victor Eghan: Watching Game Of Thrones Will Lead You To Hell by Hermes019: 5:16pm On May 12, 2019 |
twosquare:And if I don't shush what will happen |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 3:12pm On May 12, 2019 |
shadeyinka:Of course anyone that questions your doctrine is blind |
Religion / Re: Victor Eghan: Watching Game Of Thrones Will Lead You To Hell by Hermes019: 3:07pm On May 12, 2019 |
I find this GOT argument to be an interesting on,I have always said it 90% of people are only religious because it was inmbined in them fur ng childhood,if they were allowed to grow up and make their choice,the number would be far less than what we have today. I'm not a christian,but I can totally relate to christian issues as I have been in such position.I have nothing against GOT,actually I don't even see it,I think series are time consuming,I'm not against anyone seeing it though,but whether you like it or not,whether you choose to believe or not going by the standards in your bible seeing such films has the potential to drive you away from God. If I were a christian,and if I were certain that heaven and hell exists,I would have no business with anything that could potentially drive me away from God. But the thing is most of u like I said are only christians or muslims because u were introduced into the religion not by your own accord but by circumstances of birth and the society you belong in,so this is a scenario where you are grow up and you have to choose to live you life in the way that pleases you or to live it the way the bible stipulates which may mean àvoiding the things you love to do,which of course includes the kind of music you like to listen to and the kind of movies you like to watch. It is obvious to me that most of you christians do not believe in you bible 100% since at the end you end up doing things you want to do even when it is clear that it can potentially hurt your chances of going to heaven. What is my concern sef,please if you are a GOT fan,continue to enjoy the series don't mind my homily |
Religion / Re: Victor Eghan: Watching Game Of Thrones Will Lead You To Hell by Hermes019: 2:47pm On May 12, 2019 |
ikechizoba:When you people say the devil rules the world,does it include the technological advancements we have today in health,engineering,science,biotechnology e.t.c How could we have gotten to this point if the devil was in control,and then you also consider that the people who create all these are not very christian,could it be the work of the devil too ? |
Religion / Re: Victor Eghan: Watching Game Of Thrones Will Lead You To Hell by Hermes019: 2:37pm On May 12, 2019 |
twosquare:All these theories u people come up with. You are not their main audience after all how many if u pay to watch films in the cinema,they are making movies that their primary target audience would enjoy if you do not like the kind of movies they make Mount Zion is always there for you,other christian films are there too,better still open up ur own production firm and make the kind of movies u like. Nigerians like to think they are so special,who gives a Bleep of what u think of gay people,nobody is making movies to convince you of anything you are the one who is expecting them to see things the way you see it 1 Like |
Religion / Re: "Once Saved, Forever Saved": Wrong And Unscriptural! by Hermes019: 2:19pm On May 12, 2019 |
alBHAGDADI: Bad guy, I swear if you be pastor ur female members go dey collect 1 Like |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 3:51pm On May 11, 2019 |
shadeyinka:God has a spiritual DNA,I'm impressed |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 3:48pm On May 11, 2019 |
shadeyinka: Spiritual brouhaha |
Religion / Re: . by Hermes019: 9:54am On May 11, 2019 |
u know the most interesting thing about christianity is the fact that everybody interpretes the bible texts the way he like,the most important thing is that the end of the day their explanation points to the direction that God is always right,it doesn't matter the inconsistencies in their explanations,it doesn't matter the contraductions,it doesn't matter if it us reasonable or not it doesn't matter if it is consistent with what we see in reality, as long as the end product is to confirm the bible as true. Shadeyinka please is the word "DNA" in the bible,where did you get the notion that man had God's DNA ,does God even have a DNA to start with and while you are at that,please is the process of DNA replication in God's DNA the same as in humans,what is the source of the components of God's DNA,where does he get the folic acid,from diet ? 1 Like |
Sports / Re: Ten Highest-paid Footballers In Europe by Hermes019: 8:27pm On May 07, 2019 |
First of all those figures are exaggerated, I think Ronaldo earns around £500,000 per week,that should be £2m per month. Secondly those players are heavily taxed,in Spain non-citizens pay more than 50% of their salary as tax With that being said,they still earn very huge |
Religion / Re: I'm Confused. by Hermes019: 5:48pm On May 06, 2019 |
I have said it before and I would repeat it,if any christian is confident of his faith let us challenge the Op to completely stay off everyother therapy and put complete faith in Yahweh and then let's see the result |
Religion / Re: I'm Confused. by Hermes019: 5:45pm On May 06, 2019 |
The funniest thing is this,the Op didn't tell us that the prayers healed him,from what he said he only feels relief after someone prays with him,how is this evidence that Yahweh exists please ? |
Romance / Re: Haters Of Homosexuals, Why Do You Hate Gay People? Give An Answer. by Hermes019: 1:49pm On May 05, 2019 |
Because I am straight I can relate to people finding homosexuality disgusting,but what I can not relate to is homophobia itself.It is one thing to hate an act or behaviour,we all are human beings and our sentiments would always be there but harming or posing a threat to others because of whatever biases we have is completely wrong. I've been thinking this through,if we can be completely logical,then we should rather appreciate homosexuality with the following reasons If homosexual people are not abused,most people who are gay would identify as such,from a males perspective this would decrease the competition of finding a female partner You are also doing yourself a favour,imagine get married and later finding out your partner is gay,it would destroy the marriage,worse still you may not even know and the person would not be satisfying you sexually,but if gay people were free to identify as such,there won't be such pressure on them and this would be avoided A lot of homosexual people wouldn't have kids and as long as they are okay with this then it shouldn't be a problem but more importantly its a good thing as the population growth would be controlled If you enojoy and feel you have the right to abuse other people,threaten to hurt them,hate them just because of their sexuality which is only but a part of who they are,but at the same time you complain about white folks who are racist then you are disgraceful!! 1 Like |
Religion / Re: I'm Confused. by Hermes019: 11:51am On May 05, 2019 |
Op I'm sorry about ur health condition,I wish u recovery. I don't think think there is anything to be confused about, there are three options you have One,if you think the prayers is working then I would challenge u to stop taking any medications,stop visiting the hospital,believe the bible hook line and sinker and pray earnestly to Yahweh to heal you,come back and give us the testimony if you are alive. Two,if you want to use your brains the logical thing to do is to be committed to your medication,that is the best shot you have to live longer,Stephen Hawkings should come to mind, no matter the prognosis there is always a chance that you would live Three,keep on taking your medications but at the same time engage in prayers,whether earnestly or not.The challenge with this is this,assuming you get better you can never be certain if it was the medication or the prayers.And this is a huge problem we face today,Christians know that medicines are reliable,but they can't vouch for prayers, that is why they would always take medicines when they are sick at the end,God takes the glory for the work of the drug. I would urge u to take either the first or second option,if you take the first option and you get better then you have found the answer you are looking for,provided it is certain that the treatments you have received so far can not provide full remission of the illness.If you take the second options no guarantee you would get better but based on evidence that is the best chance you have and that is why you explored that option at the first place.If you take the third option and eventually get better you would always remain in dilemma,not knowing whether God contributed to your recovery or not. As regards the "feelings" you have after prayers,you should know that every sickness has a psychological component, prayer operates at that level,but when you undergo an examination that is when you can say for sure if there is any positive effect on the sickness or not P.S. christians shouldn't be too excited on this thread,you people should encourage him to stay off his meds and focus solely on God so that when he is healed we would be sure that it is solely Gods intervention,me on the hand I'm encouraging him to focus completely on his meds,depending on the sickness and the quality of healthservice he receives he can get well,but I have a problem with you christians who want him to also be getting medical attention,you obviously do not have full confidence in your remedy system but I'm not surprised of course. |
Celebrities / Re: Adesua Etomi Reacts To Her Vogue Magazine Cover Controversy by Hermes019: 5:22pm On Mar 19, 2019 |
Memphitz537:You cannot talk of Lea seydoux without mentioning " blue is the warmest colour " |
Religion / Re: Will It Be Moral To Make Clones For Organ Harvesting? by Hermes019: 5:12pm On Mar 19, 2019 |
Again, the argument here is; if you were created by something or someone, it appeals to logic that this something or someone has full inalienable right over you, to do with you however it pleases. Similarly like we as humans have over every creations we have made.Johnny u might want to explain the above 1 Like |
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