Religion / Re: How To Pray by ifenes(m): 10:28pm On Jun 30, 2023 |
Kobojunkie: All of the above amounts to meaninglessness when put against the standard that is Jesus Christ though. You would need to have your own ability to create in order to manifest all of that of your own power You create your reality, even the reality that Jesus is superior to you. As you wish the universe will give to you. |
Religion / How To Pray by ifenes(m): 10:20pm On Jun 30, 2023 |
You don’t want to drop on your knees crying, wish and begging. You don’t want to be throwing money in donation plate. You are not doing that because that low frequency, low power.
How you pray is this. You command everything you want into existence because everything in the universe is inside your body. So you command it!
I command healing over my life
I command that I get this car or house that I need
I command that this opportunity works out in my favour
That is exactly how you do it. High frequency is knowing you have the power inside you. |
Religion / Re: The Most Powerful Prayer A Christian Could Ever Pray by ifenes(m): 8:53am On Jun 18, 2023 |
Manifest! Don’t pray to no one |
Religion / Re: Why You Should Never Pray by ifenes(m): 6:22pm On Jun 11, 2023 |
NNTR: Luke 18:1 Now Jesus was telling the disciples a parable to make the point that at all times they ought to pray and not give up and lose heart,
PRAY, as evident here on this thread, especially the original post, is sometimes confused with prey, when in actual fact, to pray, has nothing, whatsoever to do with predatory, as, pray, in effects, stands for Praise, Repent, Ask and Yield.
Prayer is so much more than bringing selfish needs
The meaning of PRAY is to beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something, even is to ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something. It often operates as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea.
For illustrative examples: Matthew 26:39 'And after going a little farther, He fell face down and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible [that is, consistent with Your will], let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will.”'
Matthew 26:42 He went away a second time and prayed, saying, “My Father, if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.”
Prayer is a two-way spiritual relationship, that involves giving our attention to God by talking to God or communicating with Him and at same time, also listen out and listen to Him
The devil is widely recognised to be an incognito predator lusting after souls. From the very beginning to date, the devil has been greatly at work in this world, going after your soul, you, being that you are soul and vice versa.
The devil's plan for you, your soul, is degradation, despoliation, devastation and damnation. On the other hand, God's plan is salvation (i.e. literally, throw a lifeline)
Not all followers of YHWH, aka Yahweh are man of God, woman of God, son of God, daughter of God or child of God, but all man of God, woman of God, son of God, daughter of God or child of God, are a follower of God, who essentially are operating and executing a law that isnt just only superior and stronger but in addition, is actually wielding a law, that is, more powerful that all the 10 commandments rolled in one
You missed the memo, that we are in the dispensation of grace and liberty, meaning, we are no longer operating under the law (i.e. the 10 commandments). We've since moved on to following the royal law. Love really conquers all
God is incorporeal, significantly meaning that God is a Spirit, and so, by default, and relatively speaking can be connected to by similar means, which is, the frequencies, oscillations and vibrations rates of your spirit man
The higher and longer your frequencies, oscillations and vibrations level dictates and determines how well you function in your connection with and/or to God
The Spirit of God is omniscient, as in, it is, omni know all things.
Demonic spirits, on the contrary, and admittedly, might not necessarily know what £20 is
This here, following, is what Jeremiah 29:11, says about God concerning His own For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,” says Yahweh, “thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you hope and a future.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I SAID, YOU ARE GODS? [human judges representing God, not divine beings]’?
Please dont get it twisted and all crooked up
The context of Psalm 82:6, mirrored and echoed by John 10:34, simply is talking about the ability, capability to made sound judgment, make correct and good decisions, arriving at correct and good conclusion
Personal text: Jesus is not a theologian. He is God who told stories. I hear you. Religion and the New Testament especially is a soul trap keeping you from advancing and evolving 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Christianity Is Not By Force by ifenes(m): 1:03pm On Jun 11, 2023 |
YinkaOlusesi16: The Gospel must be preached throughout the corners of the world. Like it or not. Real knowledge is not forced 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Our Christianity Today by ifenes(m): 1:00pm On Jun 11, 2023 |
paxonel: What is the sole purpose of Christianity?
You know, when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is... To control the masses, real knowledge is hidden and studied in secret. Christianity takes your freedom away but real knowledge frees your mind. |
Religion / Jesus Was A Fraud. by ifenes(m): 2:25pm On May 28, 2023 |
Jesus was married, never got crucified. As a matter of fact the Sinai bible which predates the king James's version of the bible proves there was never a crucifixions. It was added to the bible by the Romans as they added their Pagan and non pagans holidays and everything else into one book and decided to get people under one roof in order to keep then united rather than fight them. Then they can take their money every week and make them pay taxes.
Jesus was married and had kids and stories to the east recounts Jesus was a student of mystery schools ands upon leaving, he travelled to Tibet where he learned healing and meditation. This is coming out of ancient texts that predates the bible.
Jesus was literally mimicking what he learned from the book of Thoth. Thoth who predates Jesus was known as the wisdom keeper. Thoth's spiritual teachings included baptism is in the Emerald tablet. He talked about being baptised via elevated consciousness. It had nothing to do with splashing water and dumping your head into the pool.
If you put the Atlanteans words side by side with the bible you will see that Jesus is simply mimicking what he learn from the ancient mystery schools which he learned directly from the Egyptian mystery schools, from THOTH. Jesus was basically saying nothing new in the new testament. All those information spoken by him were information that he was taught. 5 Likes |
Religion / Re: Who Was God Referring To, When He Said Come Let's Make Man In Our Own Image? by ifenes(m): 10:52am On Dec 06, 2020 |
His fellow Extraterrestrials 4 Likes 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Is Your Name In The Book Of Life? by ifenes(m): 8:16am On Sep 20, 2020 |
It’s only a book and can be cancelled 11 Likes 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Why I Will Not Leave This Religion Section And The Forum In General by ifenes(m): 6:21pm On Sep 19, 2020 |
OpenYourEyes4: Because the word of GOD has not been rejected. I believe the Word of GOD is changing alot lives here(from bad to > sober > good) , from what I have seen. I will never abandon them unless the Word of GOD has been rejected. I believe it has not been rejected.
I will keep preaching the whole truth. More People will be saved GOD willing. <This is what is important Only if you knew what god is |
Religion / Re: Why Do People Fear Celestial Church People by ifenes(m): 11:58am On Feb 12, 2020 |
Although, I've not had the opportunity to have a one-on-one interaction with Ifenes. One thing is sure though, he is definitely not an atheist. The fact that he doesn't believe in the conventional religious system does not make him one. An atheist believes solely in the material world, and sees anything extraterrestrial as made-up nonsense.
But if you follow his comments deeply, he's someone with some deeper esoteric knowledge. Ifenes, is it okay if I resend you a mail? Will really love to have a discussion with you on some spiritual topics. Spot on! Mine is filling the vacuum between The Atheist and Religionists who happen to be the two sides of a coin. As for the religionists who feel a god is responsible for humans and needs constant praises, I see it as a misunderstanding of who and what a God is. For atheists who only see the material world as an island on its on must also understand that the physical is a result of the mental world. Yes do resend the email please. 2 Likes |
Religion / Re: I Saw A Mermaid And Merman Having Sex by ifenes(m): 11:33am On Jan 19, 2020 |
Mer- people do exist along with other unusual beings. We share the planet with animals that look totally different or similar us. Why should mermaids be different. In the water body alone resides the octopus with several brains, different varieties of life forms exist and should never be a surprise. 7 Likes |
Religion / Re: Merry Christmas Nairalanders by ifenes(m): 11:59am On Dec 25, 2019 |
Pls try reduce the way u dey smoke your weed.. Too much of it no good Apparently we smoke the same weed. |
Religion / Re: Reasons Some Churches Don't Celebrate Christmas by ifenes(m): 2:55am On Dec 25, 2019 |
Worshipping Jesus the SUN is the same thing as celebrating Christmas, which is about celebrating the movement of the Sun. |
Religion / Re: Merry Christmas Nairalanders by ifenes(m): 2:47am On Dec 25, 2019 |
Religion / Re: Knowing God Intimately by ifenes(m): 11:36pm On Nov 06, 2019 |
Means knowing yourself. God is your true form which is beyond our physical body. There is no God outside of you. 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Why Nobody Wants To DIE But Everybody Wants to Go To HEAVEN. by ifenes(m): 11:14am On Jun 07, 2019 |
Heaven is not a place but a state you allow yourself to be. You can experience joy, peace of mind, happiness while the guy sitting next to you is in a state of sadness, fear - that’s two people physically in the same location experience different state of being. You see heaven is not a place you go when you die but where you can be right now.
And if you can remove the fear of death, life will be seen in a different light. We have all died a billion times, why fear what you do all the time ? 4 Likes |
Religion / Re: Nairaland And Islam Section by ifenes(m): 9:16am On Jun 07, 2019 |
AdoOloro: Before access is granted, I have to make proclaimations. Christianity section is free to enter. What is happening or what do you think? They have the freedom to be the way they want to be and you should let them be as long as they ain’t bothering you. Your bible said follow peace with all men right ? Simply let them be. I notice they don’t bother themselves with what Christians do, which to me you should learn from. |
Religion / Re: Esoteric Paths by ifenes(m): 9:14am On Jun 07, 2019 |
Hello bro,
we have not read from you here in ages. Most of the great people here have left, or contribute no more. The place has lost interesting comments and perspective, especially with respect to spiritual issues.
How are your businesses booming? Hello my bro! I kinda lost interest but then again these are my people and I had to check in again to see how things are. Sometimes it’s good to go away for a bit. Business is fine and I was in Germany for a Fibo event. I didn’t have your number, I would I have holla at you. How is your side ? |
Religion / Re: We Become What We Say by ifenes(m): 3:31pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
First is to say it, but believing and acting it out is more important 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Debt Is A Spirit. by ifenes(m): 3:29pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
Debt is a vibration you find yourself in. You can change it if you want, it’s only a matter of choice. 1 Like |
Religion / Re: Esoteric Paths by ifenes(m): 9:00pm On Jun 03, 2019 |
LoJ: The western mystery schools such as the ones I have mentioned are usually rigid and structured teaching ancient philosophical and esoteric understanding of god, living beings and the cosmos. They usually claim to be heirs of great mystical circles traced to ancient Egypt. This claim is difficult to ascertain, but my personal opinion is that it is more of a spiritual and intellectual filiation than a factual inheritance.
I will start with the Rosicrucian circles (Amorc and lectorium Rosicrucianum).
Whoever has read or seen the Harry Potter books and movies should be already acquainted with Rosicrucian thought. Much of the series are clearly inspired by the founding work of rosicrucian thought. It is not my intention to say what they teach there or not but at least we can get a glimpse into their philosophy.
The idea of a rose on a cross is not that new. Even in Buddhism that idea is present with the Lotus. It simply symbolizes at fundamental level the human material nature which is fully developed (body) and the non material side of man which is dormant and must be developped (flower). This process is said to be the real reason of existence of humans and failure to do that results in death, the elimination of our self, and the microcosm must reincarnate to start all Over again. This is no easy feat and only the most dedicated disciplined and detached of the men can achieve that.
These schools therefore upgrades the men to become a better version of themselves. At least in theory.
Amorc (ancient mystical order of the Rosy cross) is in my opinion less religious than its counterpart. In Amorc students attempt to learn somewhat objectively the laws and principles of nature across all the planes of existence.
The lectorium rosicrucianum (golden rosy cross) is a bit different. Their core belief is that man has a divine atom in him, a divine spark that must be revived by exposure to light.
They sound more religious to me. They have this exclusivist belief that only "they" have the "right" light that can achieve this. They also forbid their members to belong to any other religious organisation and perform any other spiritual exercise except theirs.
Well, different strokes for different folks. interesting |
Religion / Re: Esoteric Paths by ifenes(m): 8:55pm On Jun 03, 2019 |
merahki: Dear Loj I always had the impression you were female? From far back when I encountered you, Sarassin and others? From your posts I felt Anas was female, Ifenes male, Sarassin male and Loj female? I am probably wrong?
Then, do you know that out of body transcendental blissful experience you described? I experienced it very recently I was not doing yoga, any tantric stuff, not speaking in tongues or any thing like that I was having a post -surgery drug experience on the table
I know drugs give euphoria, and these experiences are subjective However I asked, filled with love and light “am I smiling?” Then was told yes I said it was because I was in heaven It was the most intense thing that has ever happened to me (not to trivialize the many great things that have happened to me, but a million multiple orgasms pale in comparison, and that was not my first experience with such drugs) The geometric vision, the light and colours and beings? All point to the words transcendence/glorious pure bliss
Afterwards the doctor didn’t even want to tell me any thing but “apparently you have seen God” In a somewhat baffled way because he knows me as someone who does not like going to church, (hardly ever go), who has been promoting African beliefs or philosophies etc. On my part, I am also a bit baffled because I am a lazy human. I just know there is God, who I know doesn’t reside in any religion, who I have an intuitive feel of, which I cannot argue for in any way. The tenets that I am drawn to are those New Age LoA teachings mixed with snippets of Christianinty(Golden Rule), surely some Buddhist ones, nature love and Omenani (Igbo) worship- God is Love , we are God, stay on your lane etc Basically free styling my way with God. And I feel good (I’m carnal too, never feel having sex with someone I love is sinful even outside marriage) so you see why I am baffled? I wonder why I had that experience The hugest experience I ever had. I keep trying to make myself relive it. I get a foamy feel (can’t explain, like I am ascending/walking upwards through colorful foamy planes/hazes. Then I can’t delve on/proceed/ go further The sights, sounds, colours, feelings I experienced on that table? Can never be put into words. But, I am most grateful for it. I feel lame to have attempted. Well there, silly merahki thoughts eh? I don’t even care 
I identify as a male till further notice  2 Likes 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Statue In Africa(Ghana) Shows That God Is White And Satan Is Black by ifenes(m): 8:24pm On Apr 26, 2019 |
Racist to the core. 2 Likes |
Religion / Re: Nairaland Christians Please Explain These Images. Don't Run Away. by ifenes(m): 4:45pm On Apr 22, 2019 |
Those are the Christian gods. The ones who will return to those who believe in it. |
Religion / Re: Even If God Decides To Destroy All Human Beings Right Now, He'd Still Be Perfect by ifenes(m): 10:34pm On Mar 18, 2019 |
Op you are right. A creator can destroy his/her creation as he/ her so wishes. But fortunately we are not the creation of the dude you call god. |
Religion / Re: Pastor Adeboye: "God Drank Tea With Me". Daddy Freeze Reacts by ifenes(m): 5:07pm On Mar 04, 2019 |
kkins25: MuttleyLaff, CAPSLOCKED, budaatum, lordreed, ifenes, no comments?? It shows how guilible is audience. You can tell Kidd such lies but the confidence to tell it to adults is remarkable. 1 Like 1 Share |
Religion / Re: Is There Any Sin Been Unpardonable by ifenes(m): 2:08pm On Mar 03, 2019 |
UceeGod: The only unpardonable sin is denying Jesus Christ is the Lord. As long as you remain in that state of unbelief, there is no chance for forgiveness until you accept Him. I will be glad to win everyday then. |
Religion / Re: Pastor E.A. Adeboye Tells The Story Of How He Once Drank Tea With God by ifenes(m): 2:06pm On Mar 03, 2019 |
1 Like |
Religion / Re: Why Do People Fear Celestial Church People by ifenes(m): 5:04pm On Dec 17, 2018 |
Hello ifenes,
Good day to you. Just stumbled on this thread, and I must confess that your comments really resonated with me. They are esoterically deep. Can I send you a DM sir? Yes that’s fine and thanks |
Religion / Re: Is Pastor Kumuyi A Thief by ifenes(m): 9:05pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
iramure: Honestly I love this thread, am a member! I needed a church where the undiluted word is preached, luckily I joined this church. But the most annoying this is the way the pastor in charge of my distinct sees members. He talks arrogantly, makes us believes he is the only heaven candidate among us, any little thing, he threatens with hell fire, if you don't pay your tithe, another hell fire. He announces one contribution from headquarters almost every time, intact am tired Am leaving I was a (reluctant) member till the age of 15. Kumuyi sees himself as the law and order of that cult. He forces his dull and frugal approach to life on his miserable members. It is either his way or the highway. He is always right and you are always wrong, you either accept his caveman philosophy or be condemned you to hell. For the past 40 years he has feed his sheep loads of virus infested ideas with a iron hand in his mornachy system of govt. How can it be possible to listen to him twist the bible for decades without fresh ideas from a much younger pastors(s) ? This old man got to be the wealthiest Nigerian alive. If he says driving a car is evil, so be it by his millions of sheeples. How dare U question him or you are questioning the holy spirit The way he has managed to have total control over his sheeples for decades is got to be a unique method of mind control that needs to be a study case in universities. Kumuyi is lowkey a god to many. He is a typical example of how to make people work for you. He encouraged less spending by his members and more offering because his kingdom on earth is all he cared about. To many who thinks Jesus is coming soon, we’ll think again and you will wonder how it makes sense to build mega structures if indeed kumuyi really feels Jesus is coming soon. 10 Likes 2 Shares |
Religion / Re: Is Pastor Kumuyi A Thief by ifenes(m): 11:19pm On Dec 13, 2018 |
And note that Deeper Life is one of the people who hammered so much on people not living lavish lifestyles because Jesus is coming soon. Why do you think the people dress so poorly? They are told to eschew worldly possessions meanwhile their church corporation builds massive structures. Hoodwinking at its finest. If they spend lavishly there won’t be much to give th church. The church knows exactly what it’s doing. 2 Likes |