Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 5:32am On Oct 14, 2021 |
iamkingjudah: Please is anyone having issues with their bank statement for admission into western Illinois university. I have submitted my bank statement (UBA) yet they require a statement that has a bank officer's Name and phone number. The bank has said that they do not give statements like this but the school keeps saying they have received multiple letters with their requested format.
I am seriously confused because the deadline for submission is tomorrow.
Please assist me if you are having same issue. Ask the bank for a letter of reference for the bank statement issued |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 12:03pm On Aug 20, 2021 |
Wow I have been seeing July 2022 upward Thank you so much for your response.
Please when did you input for your start date? maybe you're applying in Lagos. Confirm the embassy that has available dates. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 2:32pm On Aug 19, 2021 |
Lagos or Abuja?? Interview Abuja, Pick up dhl Lagos. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 1:55pm On Aug 19, 2021 |
Gent2nice: Is this from experience?
I will like to know too
Had my interview Monday, got the message yesterday to pick up. Picked up this morning. 1 Like |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 12:17pm On Aug 19, 2021 |
VO: Good morning.
Me: Morning ma'am.
VO: Where're you going?
Me: I'm going to Rutgers University for my masters degree in economics with concentration in econometrics and quantitative economics.
VO: Tell me about econometrics and quantitative econometrics.
Me: Bla Bla Bla . . . I started lecturing her --- she cuts in
VO: What do you do?
Me: I work as a finance associate with a leading fintech company here in Nigeria, **Name of the company**
VO: You've got $118k (she saw that in I-20)
Me: Yes, my uncle is co-sponsoring me with my dad. However personal fund is stated on my I-20 because the money is readily available in my personal bank account. ***She looked straight into my eyeball, I smiled and confidently continued talking. . . What happened was that last year I got this admission and one other admission at the London School of Economics but I had to defer the two admissions due to covid-19, but I intentionally didn't inform my sponsors that I deferred until I got the complete estimated cost of the masters program. *She smiled and cut-in.
VO: You chose Rutgers over LSE??!!
Me: Yes, because I prefer the US over the UK. **she nodded.
VO: What does your dad do?
Me: He's a deputy director at the *** and my uncle is a ***.
She typed for about 1minute, smiled at me but I bone her smile, as I never know wetin wan zup. LOL
VO: I'll be approving your visa, **she handed me the white paper.
Me: Thanks ma'am.
She started talking all those covid-19 stuffs, I no even listen again... Lol
PRAY! PRAY!! & PRAY!!! it's just God's favor
Thanks to everyone here,
I learnt a lot from people's transcript here, I packaged mine and I pleaded to Allah to make it work out for me.
She no even check all the supporting documents I carry along.
Pls how long will it take to get my passport picked at the DHL Office in Muri Okunola (VI)?. Congrats.. 2 working days after the day of the interview. 4 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 5:27pm On Aug 17, 2021 |
Transcript Visa Approved: Aug 16, 2021 at Abuja Embassy 9am appointment First attempt
I give glory to God because he is the one that did it because I blabbed at some point but I was able to recover. The importance of being adequately prepared cannot also be over emphasized but it is God that blesses hard work.
I'll give some backstory and a bit of my profile. I started the process early this year, took the GRE and TOEFL exam. I tried to schedule an appointment in Lagos since June, waited as long as I could and switched to Abuja, early July. Got an emergency appointment date in Abuja which was eventually canceled after I had arrived Abuja and even paid for a hotel which was maddening. I came back, and after sending several mails my appointment was scheduled for the 16th of August. I eventually contacted @nigpatriot a few days to my interview because I wanted to be as prepared as I could. While praying seriously as well. I think I gave equal time to prepping and praying. I am a finance professional with over 3yrs experience and skill in auditing, accounting and finance. I have a degree in accounting and I am also a chartered accountant. Age: 26 Program: M.Sc Computer Science Funding: 8k Deficit: 19k I was interviewed by the white lady. She’s not trying to be funny or having any opinion or assuming things about you. I think she tries to give everyone a fair chance. VO: Good morning Me: Good morning, ma’am. VO: I see you are going for a master's program in computer science Me: Yes, I am VO: What do you do? Me: I work as an auditor at this company where I analyze the company’s financials and provide recommendations to management to aid decision making. I also carry out inventory data analysis to monitor inventory movement... cuts in... VO: What will this course do for you? Me: I will come back to Nigeria to take up a role in financial consulting. (This was where I goofed or thought I goofed because I had a wholesome answer to this question but it ran away at that point even after a lot of practice probably because I was a bit nervous.) I tried to back up the answer with: in the long run, I intend to start up a financial consulting firm that will use technology to carry out financial services. VO: Why this school? Me: I chose this school because they offer courses in data analytics technology and artificial intelligence which i'm interested in learning and this technology is changing the face of my industry. (I used simpler terms like this is how we do it now.) Also, this school awarded me a tuition waiver, I was about to say something else then she cuts in: VO: Who is sponsoring you? Me: My dad will be sponsoring me VO: What does he do? Me: He owns a business that is into the supply of construction materials to some of the top construction companies here in Nigeria. I mentioned the companies Vo: Okay your visa is approved she said something about countries to avoid and other things I didn't quite get. Me: Thank you, ma’am.
I was elated and I’m still very much thankful to God. I will continue to tell everyone about his goodness. 36 Likes 2 Shares |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 2:05pm On Aug 17, 2021 |
How much does he charge? He did not ask me for anything. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 8:44am On Aug 17, 2021 |
Congrats on your visa. Thank you so much!! I want to give a shoutout to @Nigpatriot he's an amazing person, shared his time, adjusted my transcripts, gave me some ideas and was very happy to help, He is also very smart. God bless you! Transcripts coming! |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 9:37am On Aug 12, 2021 |
Approvalll: Visa approved Abuja embassy of you give up Na you Bleep up transcript coming soon thank you Jesus Congratulations!! |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 5:30pm On Aug 11, 2021 |
1Girllykdat: Good evening, fam.
1.I changed my major (initially wrote to my school to not apply the change until I arrived on campus, but they didn't pay attention, I guess). So, I have been issued a new I-20. I mailed the immigration officer in my school about what I could do. she advised I take my most recent I-20 for my interview and that I explain the reason for the change at the visa interview. Do you think this will do? Or do so need to fill a new Ds-160?
2. School resumes on the 18th of August with a self-guided virtual presentation which runs from the 1st to 18th of August. My visa interview date is stated for 23rd August, when classes start. I mailed my school, informing them I will be coming in late and they said it's okay but they didn't give a letter of extension. The school said I wouldn't need one at the interview.
Please are these true? What's your advice? You don't need a letter for the visa interview. You'll only need one after you get the visa. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 2:42pm On Aug 11, 2021 |
JavanElsevier41: Visa Approved
I was interviewed by the white Lady in her early 30's. The man was just dishing out rejection like say e dey share rice. When I realized this, I was just praying that I get interviewed by the woman. And God did it ooo. Interview didn't even last up to 2mins.
*Profile* Masters Degree - Environmental science COA: $55,358 Family funds: $100,500 Location: Abuja
VO: Pass me your documents Me: Here they are Me: Good morning VO: (While recieving the documents) I see you are going to New Jersey institute of technology for a master's degree in environmental science Me: That is correct. With a specialization in environmental...cuts in VO: What do you currently do Me: I work with the freedom Group of companies as a quarry manager and my job description includes managing all activities at the quarry, ensuring that all miners adhere to all precautionary measures at the.....cuts in again (at this time she was just typing seriously. VO: What is your academic qualification Me: I have a bachelor's degree in Geology from the University of Benin where I graduated in 2016. After which I processed....cuts in VO: What are your plans after school Me: At the end of my program,I will be coming back to Nigeria to take up a new role as a senior quarry manager with the freedom Group of companies where I currently work as I will be applying the knowledge and skills acquired from this program in handling the environmental challenges we currently face in the company in our daily activities and in the long run I will be taking up an academic position at the department of Environmental science at the University of Benin where I had my undergraduate degree as I will be applying the research skill acquired from this program in..cuts in VO: Who will be sponsoring you Me: I will be co-funded by my dad and my maternal uncle. My dad, Freeborn Odiboh is a professor of African art history at the University of Benin, with a considerable amount of investments with the University of Benin microfinance bank as well as landed properties with 3 hostels within the University of Benin axis as well as other properties in GRA in Edo State while my uncle Ezeolumba Ndubuisi chinedu is a curator of African art at the new Orleans museum of art... Cuts in VO: I'll be approving your visa.
All the covid-19 and flight restrictions blah blah blah Omo I nor hear again� Congratulations Javan!! |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 10:58am On Aug 10, 2021 |
Hi everyone, (a repeat, I've gotten no response yet)
For someone who has about 26k scholarship from school, then a sister and a friend are sponsoring the remaining $24k ($19 and $5k respectively). When filling DS-160, at the sponsor section, is it possible to reflect the two people (sister and friend)? Because I just filled in sister (other person). Pls help to clarify, I have read some people share having more than one sponsor aside sch scholarship.
I don't quite remember what the form looks like but it's advisable you fill what's stated on your I-20. If your I-20 states family, fill sister. if it's friends and family and there is an option on the Ds-160 for you to fill both of them then fill both. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 9:35am On Aug 10, 2021 |
xoxo701: .. Okay like my own case my initial appointment was December at Lagos consulate before I applied for ER twice this month and was denied when I tried to cancel the appointment the earliest date is July 2022..are you saying i should go ahead and cancel it and I wouldn't have to pay for another MRV fee??Then I should fill another ds160 and re-apply to abuja?? then request for another ER because my resumption date is 25th of August! I think you can try it. A lot of people switched from Lagos to Abuja without paying another mrv fee, Now I don't know if being denied a visa in the past is a factor. But if you can still see the reschedule button on your portal, then I suggest that you give it a try. You can try to find out the current available dates in Abuja. it might be around December/January as well so you may not have anything to lose.. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 5:05pm On Aug 09, 2021 |
Childofthemosth: Thank you. I haven't reschedule or cancelled initial appointment before, on my appointment it says that I have exceeded the number of times I can schedule.
Also, I was denied Visa in July, could this the reason Lagos is yet to respond emergency request?
I don't know if denial has anything to do with it. As long as the appointment where you were denied was not an emergency appointment. I know a few people here that were denied initially and reapplied again and requested for emergency and it was granted. Except things have changed now. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 4:29pm On Aug 09, 2021 |
Viquetohr: Yeah, I just called thru the Lagos Embassy. A fresh EA request transferring to Abuja will attract another MRV fee payment. If you feel you can't wait any longer and can afford to pay another MRV fee, please do. But you have no idea if it's a wise decision for you. I also await an EA approval just like you do. I applied to the Lagos Embassy on the 17th July, and my resumption date is 23rd August. I've waited long enough too, but be wise. If you did not cancel or reschedule your initial appointment, you can cancel your current appointment and switch to Abuja without paying another mrv fee and then request emergency in abuja. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 1:37pm On Aug 09, 2021 |
Vahn: Hello guys.
To be sure please, can i take my uncles company’s statements of account. Or does it have to be his personal one?
I have his company’s account I think you can |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 1:13pm On Aug 09, 2021 |
tstaiwo: Transcript Visa Approved Abuja embassy 9th August 2021 COA - USD 38,513 Family fund - USD 43,700 Out of country tuition waiver - USD 14,500 Female White VO in her late 30's or early 40's
VO - Please place your left, then right four fingers on the biometric scanner ME - I put right fingers first na so V.O give me one stern look like do you know what you are doing lol VO - Pass me your documents (I-20 and passport) I see you are going to Georgia Southern University for your Masters program in Computer science ME - Yes please VO - What will this program do for you ME - On completion of my program, this course will equip me with practical, analytical and problem solving skills through Data driven startegies which will enable me to solve pressing problems which are pivotal to the advancement of the Nigeria economy. I will be great assets to organisations such as ministry of science and technology and ministry of information. On the long run I also plan to establish a firm that will enable me to transfer my technical skills to young graduates here in Nigeria and make them equipped with adequate skills to solve practical problems in industries and in the country. VO - What do you do currently ME - I work as a presales engineer at ××, a leading ICT firm in Lagos. VO - So you plan to work in the government sector ME - Yes please VO - Who will be covering the deficit ME - I have an out of country (VO cuts in) VO - I can see your waiver on your I-20. Who will be covering the deficit. ME - My sponsor is my father, Taiwoxxx. He his an established business man with over 30 years of experience. He is into sales of building materials and a distributor of dangote cement, a top cement brand here in Nigeria. He has apartments for rents in lagos where he collects annual returns. He his also into large scaling farming in the southwest region of the country. VO - I will be approving your visa. Do well to avoid bla balabalabal... TO GOD BE THE GLORY
NB: My interview date fell in between my program start date and start of classes. The VO didn't say anything about it, maybe she didn't notice Congratulations!! |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 12:13pm On Aug 06, 2021 |
Trey195: Hello everyone. My ER in Lagos was just denied. Please has anyone here's F1 visa emergency appointment in Lagos been approved recently? Did you submit SEVIS fee receipt as part of your documents? yes SEVIS fee receipt is mandatory. 2 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 10:28am On Aug 05, 2021 |
[quote author=Missposh post=104448928][/quote]
I'm not quite sure about the conditions for an F2 Visa but you can always tell the V.O that your husband will come to visit from time to time because of his business, not like he's coming to stay there permanently. 1 Like |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 9:46am On Aug 05, 2021 |
fdecisive: Date: 1st June 2021 Status: Approved Funding: Full Ride
Since last week, I have been watching boxing legend Mohammed Ali and his fights with Frazier and Foreman. So today when I was inside the consulate, I began to get a bit nervous. So I began to warm up (subtly though) just like Ali does, from left to right... . Watch him on YouTube, you'd love it. 
While on the queue, I saw several cases being adjudicated. There was a guy who couldn't string two or three sentences without a serious grammatical mistake, he didn't sound like someone who passed English at all. On top of the fact that he was telling obvious lies. But he was speaking forcefully, and in the end, his visa was approved, to everyone's surprise. There was a guy who was practically fidgeting, didn't know where he had worked just a couple of years ago, couldn't say what the degree will do for him. But his visa was approved. In my mind... See grace. There were others who seemingly said everything right, and were calm and confident too, but were still denied. Fear God. It got to my turn.
VO(Caucasian): Good afternoon Me: Good afternoon sir.
VO: So tell me, what are you going to do? Me: I'm going to the university of xxxx to gain knowledge and conduct a research with Dr xxxx and Prof xxxx, on how government policy on internally displaced persons, refugee, and migrants are formed; this study will lead to a masters degree in International Studies, and prepare me to take up a role as Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at xxxx, where I currently work. (I stopped, and VO was still typing and looking through my i-20).
VO: (He kept mute for about 20 seconds. He was checking my I-20 all the while I was speaking and kept typing even after I stopped.) Suddenly, he heaved a sigh, opened his mouth, and said... Alright, I will be giving you this document, and approving your visa. We got a lot of folks in queue and I can see you got a full ride, so let's not waste much time. So here's your i-20, you can pick up your passport from Monday next week at DHL office, VI... Have a wonderful trip to America.
Me: Already smiling. Thank you so much. Have a nice day! The whole process took just over a minute.
First of all, I want to appreciate the Almighty God for this. I return all the glory to God. I will share part of my story below to motivate and inspire someone out there. You can make it, if you will try!
As of August last year, I had no clue and no plan to study abroad. I had different plans for my career, which included doing a Masters at UNILAG . That same August, a friend of mine John (not his real name) who won a commonwealth scholarship to the UK visited me. He had travelled to Lagos in order to process his tuberculosis tests at Ikeja. He shared his story with me and challenged me to apply for Chevening, Commonwealth, and any other scholarships I could find, adding that I had exceptional experiences that will make me stand out. I was inspired because this was a guy who grew up with me in Warri, walked the same streets with me, attended the same fellowship (FECA), he was even my junior throughout our days at UNIBEN, and here was he going to UK on a fully-funded Scholarship. I believed I could do it too. I decided to give my applications my best shot. As God would have it, we were working remotely at my workplace, so I could devote a lot of attention to research online. I made up my mind to apply for UK Chevening and Swedish Institute Scholarship (NOT USA - I did not think I could afford their numerous standardized tests, and other fees, etc). The USA was out of it for me.
From late August to November last year, day after day, night after night, I did meticulous research. I got vital help from John and others too. I tried to string a coherent story from a pretty diverse career story spanning journalism, news broadcasting, community development, refugee support, humanitarian aid, corporate communications, etc. I wanted to develop a solid personal statement from my experiences that will always be convincing. After sleepless nights, and managing my applications with my full-time job, I got admitted to 6 UK schools (Universities of East Anglia, Leicester, Bournemouth, Lancaster, Westminster, & Cardiff). I applied for the Chevening Scholarship. I got favoured by God, and was shortlisted for an interview. Last April I did my interview at the British Consulate, Lagos. It was successful, as the panellists shared their feedback with me that I I was outstanding. I'm confident I will be shortlisted for the award when names will be released this month.
But this is how my US story began. In early February, another younger one of mine from my NCCF (NYSC), with whom I had chatted around Christmas last year, reached out to me. He told me that he was now in the US studying, and told me I could actually apply to schools for PhD and get funding too. I never knew - ignorance ain't good. I immediately modified my personal statement, adjusted my references, and started conducting another massive research on US schools that had my course, and was going to waive the application fee, GRE, TOEFL, etc. I wasn't into these standardized English tests, as my English was excellent as far as I was concerned. But to get the schools that were waiving these was a real work... Night upon night I searched patiently. I was lucky to stumble upon my current school, and applied. I requested that the application fee should be waived, and they did. In fact, at some point it looked as if they were appealing to me to send in my application, after reading my personal statement. Two weeks after applying, I got admitted with full graduate assistantship, health insurance, return flight ticket, tuition and fees waiver. I couldn't believe it! I danced and danced that night, praising God, and I'm sure others in my flat must have heard my loud screams, and tonguings too .
I share all these to inspire someone. I am not from a privileged background. Life has been hard several times. I fought my way through undergraduate studies Uniben. It was hard, but God helped me. Pick yourself up! Don't give up on your dreams to be the best you can be. Always demand the best from yourself. Set the bar high, and aim for it. Wipe the sweat off your face, and persevere. People will misunderstand you, underrate you, discourage you, and even frustrate you, but by the help God, be determined to press on. You will prevail. One day, I know I will do my PhD at a prestigious school as Harvard. I believe it's possible and I'm going to put in the "hard and difficult work" it will take, by the grace of God.
Above all, have a God-given vision to improve human life, your community, and your society. God will always back those who are called according to his purpose. You will never lose energy as your vision will energize you to keep going.
I wish everyone reading this success in their endeavours. God bless you. This is very inspiring, congratulations! makes me want to be better, do better. 7 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 4:30pm On Aug 04, 2021 |
L2000: It shouldn't take more than a week. It took 2 business day to receive in Lagos. I think you should have waited and chose Abuja for pickup. Goodluck!
when did you have your interview? |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 2:40pm On Aug 04, 2021 |
febrythompson: Applied for ea since June 29th. Got denied . Woke up to see approval this morning. That’s Jesus at work !!! Lagos or Abuja? Did you reapply? |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 12:58pm On Aug 04, 2021 |
febrythompson: Good afternoon all. Please my emergency interview was just approved this morning. Earliest date given and I have booked is 26th August 2021.
But my PHD orientation is scheduled for 18th august 2021 (attendance is a must). But resumption is sept 13th . Can I apply for another closer date and how?? Please advice on what to do. no possibility of virtual attendance? suggest to them especially for international students that can't make it on time |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 1:31pm On Aug 02, 2021 |
AirstarKane: Good afternoon everyone, please what advice would you give to someone whose visa appointment was cancelled twice. First on the 16th and 28th. Despite sending mails to the embassy. Should the person get pay for another one or hold on? Also resumption is this fall and has funding. send an email to address it to the first email and put the other 2 in copy stating your case professionally. and pray to God for a quick and favorable response. 2 Likes 2 Shares |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 6:57am On Jul 30, 2021 |
Firstly, I ascribe all the glory to God for His mercies and grace ��. If you believe in God keep believing, trusting and having faith do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Never underestimate the power of prayer and Grace! I'd also like to say a big thank you to this platform for the wealth of information/knowledge herein and also transcripts shared, which I richly benefited from.
1st Attempt: Appointment - 7th June 2021 Consulate - Lagos Window - 5 Status - Denied. It was a day of dishing out blue paper, for every 10-20 people interviewed, only 2 or 3 were approved while I was still there (not exagerating, you can ask those that had their interview on that day). I was interviewed by a dark elderly woman (black American in her 50's). On this day I was just gradually recovering from Malaria, so my voice wasn't as audible as it should.
V.O: Good morning, pass me your i20 and passport. ME: I did. V.O: Why are you going to the States? ME: I'm going for my masters in Architecture with concentration in Sustainable Architecture (types...). V.O: Who is sponsoring? (Glancing at my i20 and then staring at me). ME: My mom (said where she works)...I also have some personal savings which will cater for my living expenses (types...). V.O: Do you have proof to show that? ME: I passed my sponsorship letter (glances through). V.O: switches off mic and says I should give her some time, she went inside with my documents...after 2mins she comes back, types for a while and then reached for the blue paper, returns my documents and passport and says I can try again (putting on a pity face). I was in shock as I didn't see that coming and didn't know what she went inside to confirm.
2nd Attempt: Appointment - 29th July 2021 Time - 7:30am Consulate - Abuja Window - 7 COA - $32k Funding - Nill Status - Approved (8:30am). My interview lasted for about 3mins. Interviewed by a beautiful white lady in her 30's. The two guys before me on the row were denied. Immediately I saw that and I was next to be interviewed, I resumed my words of affirmation, declaring that "my case is different, I shall not return with my passport" ( I was the first to be approved In my qeue).
V.O: Good morning ME: Good morning. V.O: Place your fingers for your biometrics ME: I did. V.O: I can see you're going to BG for your Masters in Architecture (starts typing...). ME: Yes, that's correct...then quickly added with a concentration in Sustainable Architecture (nods head and continues typing...). V.O: Will you be focusing on Green Architecture? ME: Yes, exactly (keeps typing...). V.O: What will this degree do for you? ME: I intend to come back to Nigeria and hope to utilise this specialised knowledge and skill acquired in creating a niche for myself as an Architect, and my company where I currently work, here in Nigeria as I would be one of the pioneers to bring this back home (nods head and continues typing...). V.O: What do you currently do? ME: I'm an Architect in one of the leading real estate/ construction company in Banana Island, Lagos (nods head and continues typing...). V.O: Who is sponsoring this? ME: My mom (said where she works)...I also have some personal savings which will cater for my living expenses (nods head and continues typing...). V.O: What did you go for on your last visit? ME: Vacation. V.O: Congratulations I will be approving your visa. ME: Thank you.
Then she went ahead to talk of the strict Covid-19 protocol and all but I actually didn't hear anything just kept my gaze on her and was smiling behind the mask as I remembered what peeps here always say about "not hearing anything" (facts).
Advice/word of encouragement: DO NOT Giveup on your dreams. Stay focused! A delay/denial isn't the end of Life, Try Again! (Na who giveup carry last). Above all, Trust God! Pray, fast if you can. DO NOT tell Lies. Speak with Confidence, maintain eye contact at all time. God that did it for me will do same for you �� (What God Cannot Do Doesn't Exists) GO GET YOUR VISA's! #Believe.
Congratulations!! I got news that F-1 applicants were not attended to, did you see anything like that? Because it’s obvious there were F-1interviews yesterday. 2 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 4:30pm On Jul 29, 2021 |
HisExcellency21: I prayed that God should give me 'a twinkle of an eye' interview and JESUS did it. All praise and honor to God. I wish to also thank my friend & Boss, the Big Francis for paying my sevis fee from his pocket. My interview didn't even last up to 1 minute. Note: NO FUNDING COA: $42000 Me: good morning Vo: good morning, Vo: fine thank you Vo: pass me your passport and I-20 Me: passes it over to her Vo: I can see you're going to the University of Maryland College Park Me: yes ma'am Vo: What would you do after this master's degree? Me: I will return back to Nigeria to seek reabsorption into my present place of work XXXX as a Senior Mechanical Engineer or take up a lecturing job at my Alma Mata, the University of Nigeria, Nsukka as a senior lecturer. Vo: who is your sponsor? Me: my uncle and his wife Dr. XXXXX Vo: what does your uncle do for a living? Me: my uncle is the Director, XXXX in Texas, while his wife is a Medical Resident at XXXXX . Vo: I will be approving your mindful their are restrictions in London and Bleep. My mind was not there to hear all that as Joy overwhelmed my heart.
Congratulations!! Was this today? 1 Like |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 6:21am On Jul 29, 2021 |
Nope So how did you go about it? And what date did you get? Kindly share to help others. |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 3:49pm On Jul 28, 2021 |
Please is it irrespective of the fact that I have booked for another date? How did you book another date? Did you pay another Mrv fee? |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 6:16am On Jul 28, 2021 |
Well, you either accept the condition or you stop fucking with them. There is nothing you can do about it. You can read all the documents including SEVIS receipts, MRV receipt and the I-20. Nothing guarantees you an interview nor a visa. You can only handle it with patience.
There is a popular nairalander who got his visa after the 9th attempt. Another person’s Passport was seized and accused wrongly. They did nothing but patiently wait to resolve it. You appointment was canceled, you are not the first, and will not be the last. All you can do is to patiently wait for their decisions. I’m sorry if you think it’s aggressive but I dont mean to present it this way from the start Exactly, my intention is for it to be resolved which would definitely be. I’m not saying I would fight or anything but my voice would be heard. You don’t eat shit because you were served shit. You stand up for yourself and do something about it. Nigeria is the way it is because you continue eating shit. You need to change your mindset. 8 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 2:39am On Jul 28, 2021 |
Lol. What agreement do you have with the US and the Embassy?? Again, it is a privilege not a right; that’s why you can’t petition the decision or whatever they do to your application. All you have to do is to be patient and wait until a date creeps in for you. If it doesn’t work for you this Fall, defer your admission to next Spring. Your aggression and rant can only complicate issues for you.
Maybe you didn’t read on their website that paying the MRV does not automatically guarantee an interview or a Visa. Lol..there is no aggression here. And by the special grace of God I will never be desperate about the United States. They no reach. You’re talking about patience, I have been patient. I’m not complaining that I did not get a date. I have waited patiently since June. Finally got a date, travelled from a far distance for you to tell me it’s cancelled. Nonsense. I don’t know about you maybe you have been conditioned to think that you can be treated anyhow just because it’s the American embassy, but definitely not me. I made plans, I have goals to meet, messing it up like that is wrong on every level no matter who is involved. 11 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 6:53pm On Jul 27, 2021 |
Non-immigrant visa including student visa is not anyone’s right but a previledge. There is nothing you can do than to be patient and follow guidelines That is not the argument, we have followed the guidelines. They are not keeping to their end of the agreement. We paid fees, it is not free. The least they could do is to be considerate to people that have followed the so called guidelines. 8 Likes |
Travel / Re: General USA Student Visa Enquiries-part 16 by jojoey: 6:47pm On Jul 27, 2021 |
Non-immigrant visa including student visa is not anyone’s right but a previledge. There is nothing you can do than to be patient and follow guidelines That is not the argument, we have followed the guidelines. They are not keeping to their end of the agreement. We paid fees, it is not free. The least they could do is to act considerately to people that have followed the so called guidelines. 10 Likes |