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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 12:00pm On Feb 10, 2021

The art of spiritual warfare will be completed this weekend by the grace of God.
it's really nice seeing you here. I'm patiently awaiting your book. God bless.

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Crime / Re: We Must Avoid Any Protest At All Costs by JourneytoEL(f): 7:06am On Feb 10, 2021
what you saw is true and is already an open secret amongst deeply spiritual christians. That is one of the reasons rccg and many churcjes have been declaring prayers and fasting for Nigeria. But, there's no point praying for it to be averted because it can't be averted it has been stamped to occur spiritually. What we're praying for is for the days to be shortened and for the blood shed to be reduced. It's sad because the violence will have to occur for the new Nigeria to gradually erupt. It won't take up to 10yrs though. If you have southern relations up north now is the time to seal their destiny with midnight prayers and fasting, if you can save money,save, if you can buy foodstuffs in bulk, buy, endsars brouhaha is child's play compared to what is coming. it will start mildly and take the shape of an ethno-religious crisis mixed with frustration. Even politicians will be killed.
Religion / Re: Who is the true head of the home? by JourneytoEL(f): 7:34am On Feb 07, 2021
May this week be filled with joy, laughter and multiple breakthroughs to all reading this quote.
Family / Re: Mother In Law Won't Allow Me To Meet My Twins Babies by JourneytoEL(f): 10:03am On Feb 02, 2021

This story get as e be but in the mean time let say this.

Did you pay your wife dowry?
Why will they hold your children? I think reporting them to the police or human rights as you said will be better. Unless you didn't pay her dowry complete if not they will hold your children because that how some custom do.

Imagine how one prophet have cause calamity here? Probably he's enjoying at home now. A prophet is not sent to cause problems but to bring break through and warn people going astray to align/amend in God's way. Also you reason why I always stand on the discerning spirit as Christians.. You can't have this spirit and be mislead by all this gullible so called prophet.
this is Nigeria, you don't expect anyone to tell you they went to a herbalist. Whenever people here go to consult herbalists, mediums, covens ,alfas, wolis etc. They round it up as they went to visit a "prophet" for acceptability. It is when you ask for details of the "prophet" they will begin to unravel mysteriesgrin

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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 8:32am On Feb 02, 2021

@JourneytoEl, thank you very much for digesting this mystery for me. More blessings. smiley
u are always welcome

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Religion / Re: Confused.. Should I Go For Spiritual Cleansing Or Advance My Career by JourneytoEL(f): 7:41pm On Jan 31, 2021
if you really want to be cleansed, become born again and live a life of prayer and fasting. Anything short of that is not from God. p.s anyone who asks for money for prayers is not a pastor, you can call him a spiritualist or herbalist. What is he using the money to buy candle or goat for God or to bribe him? undecided

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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 8:34am On Jan 30, 2021

I thank God indeed for everyone of you. Happy New Year. I honor God The Almighty God of Israel, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Very Precious Spirit of the Living God. Wow...Look how far the God-head has brought us. I celebrate the live of our very own CharylG1 the OP, I honor the elders Nnamdi, madprophet, Anas08, Noble007, nuttyhnchic, dazzle and others like dadrenaline, journeytoEL, nuttela and changedinChrist. I send my love to all others called and chosen by our God. You are all my family. Distance is not a barrier!

I came across a puzzling scriptures. Any breakdowns on that will help me a lot and I'm sure others with qualms on it as well.

1John 5:16-17

If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is a sin not leading to death. There is a sin leading to death. I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not leading to death.'

How does one deduce a sin that leads to death and that which does not. Your sound revelations will help me a lot. Thanks.

May God keep on enriching us all. Amen.
to the best of my knowledge, sins that lead ro death means obstinency in sin, meaning consciously committing a sin and refusing to quit. E.g someone who claims to be a born again commiting fornication with his girlfriend. The person can be in church singing on the outside, but in the inside he is planning on the best condoms to buy when he meets his girlfriend that evening. Sexual immorality isn't only the one on that list but i used it as an example because it is the most common in our days, same goes to all sorts of sins as far as it is was premeditated and worse if it is repeated like stealing or aiding and supporting crimes like yahoo, abortion, murder, lying, homosexuality, unforgiveness etc. Worst is when you twist the scriptures to defend such acts or conform to the fake version of the "doctrine of grace" to defend yourself. Then it leads to apostasy which can be said to be the grandest of them all.
The ones that don't lead to hell are the ones you find yourself committing out of carelessness from your human nature. e.g you didn't plan to tell a lie, but somehow you ended up telling one. immediately you got hold of yourself you felt remorseful and began to plead to God for forgiveness and pray for His Grace not to commit it again.


Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 7:09am On Jan 27, 2021

Wonderful reply @bolded. I used to try to explain everything from a perspective of human logic and wisdom and that kept me faithless and caged.
To follow God, you have to throw away human logic and perspective. You have to become a babe again and start learning afresh. Forget everything you think you've known about God and sincerely ask Him to come into your life and become your Lord and Savior. Ask Him to help you and guide you into His Truth cos He is Truth. Also, you have to start filtering what you take in into your subconscious. Knowledge is the food the mind feeds on. However, bad knowledge like bad food will not only harm you, but can potentially kill you. For a start in bringing your soul back into harmony, I'll ask you to refrain from reading any book or listening to any pastor for now. Get yourself a Bible and start reading the Gospels. Start from John's Gospel. Start a life of daily prayer. As you do these, I know that the Holy Ghost will start His work of reinvention in you. May God direct your path to Himself. Amen!
truly, you need to throw away human knowledge to follow God. However, about the sermons and books, please never discourage anyone from them, you don't know their journey. I didn't have a good background, as at when i received the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, i thought speaking in tongues was demonic, i was even struggling hard to stop it, because whenever i wanted to pray in english, tongues will just come out of my mouth. So, i felt it was the devil trying to stop me from praying. There was no one to talk to, i was even scared of praying in front of my family, so that it won't happen in their presence. You might not believe it but it was strictly the Holy Spirit thay directed me to sermons and books. I didn't even know such things existed. I didn't even know such pastors existed. I just found myself downloading sermons on the Holy Spirit by Selman one day and Kenneth Hagin books online. The funniest was whenever i was reading them or listening to the sermons my heart will be burning. It will stop whenever i stopped. That was where i learnt many things like what tongues are, scriptures backing them, how is the Holy Spirit, how to study the Bible and basically almost everything that formed the foundation of my faith. The church i attend offline no one talks about such things. Before, then i was hearing even audible voices from the Spirit and bearing burdens but i thought it was demonic because it was telling me to delete all the worldly songs in my phone grin grin, which i felt was impossible. I didn't even know that part of the Christian journey includes studying the Word, it was the sermons and books that taught me that. Yea, i started out with the Gospel of John by the prompting of the Spirit, and for the first time in my life, reading the Bible felt different, it began to feel real like 3D instead of 2D I've always known. I was constantly checking the back of the Bible to be sure i was reading the same Bible i have always had. Anyways, that was months ago, I'm almost done with the new testament but i had to stop because the Spirit has placed a burden of studying the books of the prophets (Ezekiel, Daniel, Haggai, Zachariah etc). Now, Bible studying is different to the Glory of God. I can spend hours reading just one chapter because i always refer to my amplified, Bible concordance, online interpretations and listen to any hidden insight the Spirit wants to reveal to me. Thanks, but never advise anyone to refrain from books and sermons. The Holy Spirit teaches each one of us in unique ways.


Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 10:27am On Jan 26, 2021
now occultism in bad reference could be termed spiritualism(not spirituality!), juju, diabolism, voodoo, spiritism, practise that are fetish and involves sacrifices.
now d good reference of occultism wich i do talked abt encompasses new-age philosophy, new-thought(christian science) knowledge, and metaphysics.
this practises has nothing against xtian sacrileges. google search any of them to counter me.
this is d aspect dat most ppl subscribe to in nairaland yet we count them evil.. dnt judge a book by its cover!
to b cont...
as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The Bible is very clear about it, Deuteronomy 18:10-12, says
There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord; and because of these detestable things the Lord your God will drive them out before you.

To the Glory of God i've passed the realm of arguing with people that new age is from the devil, however you can check up testimonials on youtube of those who have gone deep into new age before converting to christianity. But, don't expect me to spend precious time trying to convince you, because i have passed that stage.


Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 8:07pm On Jan 25, 2021
In a vision last night, I saw I was in a very tall multi storey building filled with people, and someone took me to the topmost part of that building and there I saw different fiery animals like lion, leopard and hyenna I was a bit scared and then he showed me a particular room where there was someone orchestrating wickedness, all of a sudden my accomplice told me to run, immediately I started running, running down to get out of that building, surprisingly I was not the only one running, everyone in that building was running to get out of that building (you can imagine thousands of people running and trying to get out of a building, I went to the escalator but it was not working, and so I continued my running down the stairs with thousands of people trying to get out of it, and finally I got out and I saw a roller coaster bus that manage to get some people out of the building and sped off.

I really quite don't understand what the vision is but I believe whatever it may be God will protect his own people and safe them from every form of evil in the world, Amen.

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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 7:51pm On Jan 25, 2021
pls house, i need spiritual encounter.
i have been suffering from irritable bowel syndrome(ibs) since 2018. it is medically incurable(google search 2 confirm). it is characterised by stooling at least 3ce a day and having continous stomach pain. i've used drug like any other thing yet no change. my last 3 years were miserable and fill with agony from d disease.
i av tried my best in prayer yet no change.
i cant do any job due to this sickness, so i jst av to stay wit my parent. am just hopeless of d future. all is just a gloom and doom.
i knw that it can only take a divine encounter to get rid of this. but the ques is "where is the divine encounter".
pls dnt recommend drug or diet for me, they dnt wrk for me.
all i ever needed is divine encounter.
pls help a bro.
i dnt want to b like dz til my old age . pls
apart frm dz disease, i hardly fall sick. i dnt knw how it came.
CharlyG1, PLS HELP!
as someone who came from an orthodox home, i can easily relate for your quest for an encounter. Mine was worse as i spent many years not knowing anything about the Power of the Holy Spirit, deliverance, healing etc. But today, i have encountered them. I only knew prophecies still existed in 2019 when my friend referred me to a genuine minister that operates under the office of prophecy and his words from God really edified me. That was when my quest for God began. I got my deliverance and healing from a guest minister in my church. I don't even know his full name, i would have directed you to my ministry but i don't know where you live.
Anybody that is telling you to pray your way out at first is saying so because they had a better spiritual upbringing. I didn't even know healings still exist till it happened to me during a deliverance session. So, i will advise you to go to a Spirit filled church to know where to start from.
But, there are many fakes out there, so you have to be very, very ,careful. Ignorance is not an excuse in the spirit realm oo. That you didn't know that a minister or book is from the marine doesn't mean it won't affect you. You didn't mention where you live, but you can look up Apostle Arome Osayi healing service on youtube for a start. From my experience, the key is to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and every other thing will be added to you. Don't go to God because you are looking for the supernatural, go to him because you sincerely want to know him, then he will give you the supernatural most likely when you least expect. You see spirits( both the Holy Spirit and demonic spirits) cannot be deceived by words they can easily know your intention and can smell fear or deceit from a mile. They know if you are the real deal or not. So let your intention be genuine (very important).

I don't know your location, so i will advise you to google search Apostle Joshua Selman's protocol of an encounter sermon. Download it and listen to it. He preached the truth about how to get an encounter from the Lord.

Try this, at midnight,
1. Praise God with songs,
2. Confess all your sins (mention them specifically) and repent of them all. Confess those occultic books you have read(super important).
3. If you have ever fornicated, call the names of your partners individually, pray to God to forgive those sins and say, i break the soul tie i formed with (e.g Agatha) through fornication in the name of Jesus.
4. If you've ever given anyone money for abortion or supported it, please mention it, porn, masturbation, lies mention them all.
5. Ask for forgiveness from ancestral sins from your maternal and paternal lineage.
6. Thank God for removing all the legal rights of demons in your life. Pray for the Holy Spirit to direct you and teach you how to pray to the Father, because you cannot pray on your own.
7. Next, declare your faith in God. You can say something like this, i decree that there is Only one true God, my Jehovah Rapha, the God of Moses, Elijah, David etc. I believe that God exalted Jesus and at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee in the kingdom of darkness, in the waters, below and above the earth must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. I believe in the Holy Spirit, my Counsellor, helper, intercessor, advocate, Strenghthener and Standby. He that teaches me how to pray and performs miracles in my life. Read Col 2:14-16 ,out loud and with total faith.
8. Then use Matt 18:18 to bind every demonic spirit afflicting you and cast them out of your life.
(You might find yourself falling down, belching, coughing or vomiting at this point, but don't be discouraged if you don't fall or manifest)
9. Thank God for setting you free.
10. Cry to God from the depth of your heart to fill you with his Holy Spirit. You can say, Father you say said in your words that if we mortal men can give good things to our children, what more our Heavenly Father who is good and perfect and will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask of it. Be very ,very sincere as you cry to God for His Spirit.
11. Pledge to love Him, rededicate your life to him and declare that you will worship him as long as you live. Then pray for healing.
12. Sing praises to God for healing and delivering you and thank Him for answered prayers.

Day by day watch and see how the Holy Spirit will transform and renew your mind until you are mature enough for an encounter.

Many pastors in the world preach like motivational speakers with no Power of the Spirit .But there are few right here in Nigeria that have paid the price and preach with the Spirit and Power. Examples are Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Osayi Arome, Apostle Gideon Odoma, Apostle Orokpo etc. You can start by downloading their sermons on the Holy Spirit or another topic as the Spirit leads you. God has used their sermons to transform my life. You can also try Dr D.K Olukoya messages and books as well as Pastor Kumuyi. Please don't allow the flame that God has lighted in your life to burn down. I wish you God's Grace.
NOTE: It is very, very, very important to be filled with the Holy Spirit before you seek for an encounter. The devil can disguise like an angel of light. It is only through the Power of the Holy Spirit that you can discern the source of what you encountered. E.g Mohammed said he encountered angel gabriel, truly he might have encountered something, but, it was a demon under disguise. Or, the 3 children that claimed to receive apparitions from virgin mary, truly they did encounter something, but they were kids who cannot discern if what they encountered was from God or something else. Same way, some pastors begin to claim they saw Jesus and he told them to marry 10 wives and sleep with all the girls in the church. They might not be lying 100%, it is possible they encountered demons in disguise. That is why it is extremely important to know the Word of God. Spend time studying the Bible before you seek for personal encounters like visions. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you read the Bible to unlock hidden mysteries. Seeking for encounters without knowing the Word of God and how he operates is like attempting to drive a plane without going for training anything you see you take. That is why many people with genuine calling have ended up becoming fake pastors. I wish you God's Grace once again.


Religion / Re: Sights And Sounds Of 2021 by JourneytoEL(f): 11:11am On Jan 24, 2021

Religion / Re: This Is What To Do To Be Born Again by JourneytoEL(f): 10:32am On Jan 24, 2021
Well, maybe not what it "means" but what it is like for those who are born of the Spirit of God. John 3 vs 7-8.
i asked for means not like
Religion / Re: This Is What To Do To Be Born Again by JourneytoEL(f): 10:10am On Jan 24, 2021
You ignored the very verse where Jesus Christ in fact explained what it means to be born again..
okay, we learn everyday, pls post the verse so i can learn
Religion / Re: This Is What To Do To Be Born Again by JourneytoEL(f): 9:22am On Jan 24, 2021
Jesus clearly stated what it means to be born agin in John 3:3-5, he said to Nicodemus “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.a”

4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of Water and the Spirit

Please don't stop at water baptism, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to complete the rite of been born again. Read the book of Acts to see how the Apostles converted unbelievers.
That was why Peter told the unbelievers who wanted to become Born again Christians in Acts 2:38, to "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Religion / Sights And Sounds Of 2021 by JourneytoEL(f): 6:44am On Jan 24, 2021
Join RCN sights and wonders 2021, to worship, pray, have divine encounters and divine healing. Today is the last day. Time is 4 p.m. How to join: Go to YouTube and search Apostle Arome Osayi, and watch the live stream. Or open mixlr.com/remnant-christian-network with your browser. Remain blessed.
Religion / Re: 3 Lessons To Learn From Mary And Martha by JourneytoEL(f): 6:42am On Jan 24, 2021
Happy Sunday
Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 6:32am On Jan 24, 2021
Join RCN sights and wonders 2021, to worship, pray, have divine encounters and divine healing. Today is the last day. Time is 9 a.m and 4 p.m. How to join: Go to YouTube and search Apostle Arome Osayi, and watch the live stream. Or open mixlr.com/remnant-christian-network with your browser. Remain blessed.

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Religion / Re: Tales Of Nigerian Pastors Who Shamelessly Gave FAKE PROPHECIES About Trump by JourneytoEL(f): 7:56am On Jan 21, 2021
shat about the numerous that prophesied that Biden will win? Even here on nairaland, someone prophesied it months before the election
Religion / Re: A Thread For Those Who Want To Draw Close To God. by JourneytoEL(f): 7:05am On Jan 18, 2021
Well done sis. Please keep it up


Religion / Re: 3 Lessons To Learn From Mary And Martha by JourneytoEL(f): 7:02am On Jan 17, 2021
Almighty Father, Creator and giver of all that is good. We thank you for this lovely sunday you have made and beg of you to forgive our shortcomings. Father, direct all who need to learn this lessons to this thread and open their understanding, likewise, forgive those who will come here with the intent of derailing in the Mighty and unchallenged name of Jesus, the true and faithful witness. Amen

27 Likes 3 Shares

Religion / Re: 3 Lessons To Learn From Mary And Martha by JourneytoEL(f): 6:59am On Jan 17, 2021
A man came visiting a family with two sisters. One of the sisters, Martha, was busy in the kitchen, preparing meals and cleaning while the other one, Mary, was "idling" away at his feet, gisting with him. Based on world standards, Martha, was right. She is an epitome of a responsible woman. 100yards wife material. Most likely a first daughter, but in the eyes of the Heaven, she was wrong. While, her sister, who the world would declare as lazy and irresponsible was right in the eyes of Heaven. The standard of judgement of the world is most times contrary to the standard of judgement of Heaven. What men judge as right might be wrong in heaven. And, those who the earth see as wrong maybe right in the eyes of God.

3 lessons to learn.

1. Never judge anyone in his walk with God.
Your standards and those of God aren't the same. Do not judge that you won't be judged (Luke 6:37a). Stop calling people sister mary, holy holy, you don't know if their dressing patterns were strictly designed for them from God. Stop calling people prostitutes because of the way they dress to church you don't know God's plan for their lives. In Jer 17:10, the Lord said, I , the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

2. The busy bee may be the farthest from God.
Nothing beats personal intimacy with God. Many people believe been a good Christian is about taking up positions in church. They are chapter presidents, unit leaders, lead singers etc. While it is good and profitable to work for God, it shouldn't take the place of fellowship with him. Avoid any position that will keep you too busy to personally commune with him through prayers. If you are been led to work for God and it's your day, choose a time of the night to meet him in prayers. It could be midnight, 3 a.m, 5a.m etc. The same way God desired to interact with Adam (Gen 3:8 ) is still how he longs to commune with Christians today. Don't say no to him because you are too busy (naked) (Gen 3:10).

3. Always seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit
Yes, you heard you have been called to God. The next thing for you is to enrol in a Bible school based and buy shiny suits based on the world's standard, but the Holy Spirit might be telling you to pray at midnight, fast 3 times a week and sweep the church every saturday. Whatever, you do as a Christian, always seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit and obey him. It isn't about what you think and feel is right, it is about what the Spirit of God says is right. As Apostle Paul puts it beautifully in his letter to the Romans in Rom 8:14, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Been a son of God, is not based on your strength but rather on your willingness to be led by the Spirit of God.
Always remember to commune with the Holy Spirit in all matters as Apostle Paul will say in 2 Cor 13:14, The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Communion ( fellowship, intimacy, koinonia, sharing together) in the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. The Holy Spirit is here to teach us the post-ascension believers and we can always trust him to bring us to all truth. For it is written, However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.( John 16:13). Nothing beats having a personal relationship with God, like Mary, it is one thing no one can take away from you (Luke 10:42b). Praise God.

Did you learn anything feom this scripture, please share with us.

35 Likes 7 Shares

Religion / 3 Lessons To Learn From Mary And Martha by JourneytoEL(f): 6:58am On Jan 17, 2021
Luke 10:38-42

38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 12:38pm On Jan 15, 2021

All gospel music copied the "world" music system except you are singing in the spirit/tongues while praying which most times has no known musical pattern. Let's stop over analyzing certain things because there is always something to see.

Tell me one gospel artiste you love and I will tell you the origin of his/her genre rooted in world music.
lol, have you tried Theophilus Sunday, you can download his songs especially Holy Fire, Salem, You reign forever, Ancient Zion King. Others are, David Dam- Ebenezer, William McDowell- Witholding nothing


Romance / Re: Lady Who Knelt Down To Accept Boyfriend's Proposal Finally Weds Him (Photos) by JourneytoEL(f): 8:17pm On Jan 14, 2021


Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 4:27pm On Jan 12, 2021

Very true. Some gospel songs are not inspired by the Holy Spirit. There are even some gospel artists who already sold their soul(s) to the devil. One of them in Nigeria came out to confess. Name withheld. And there are many of them in the States.
You have to be discerning in these times oo. These are terrible days.

When i listen to gospel music, it has to stirr my spirit man up from within to dance or sing or remember God's goodness in my life and glorify Him. I should feel something joyous within me and connect to the Spirit.

I actually don't believe in gospel rap. Maybe it inspires some, i don't know. But it doesn't do that to me. It's just copying the world's music system and converting it into Gospel music and then pushing it into the church. Very funny. What rap does is raise up false confidence within a person. A worldly kind of confidence that only glorifies self.

Let's be frank. When we get to heaven, we won't be rapping. Instead, we will bow down before the Lord in worship and praise like the 24 Elders and the angels do. Revelation 4.

I've seen some people even dancing the same old worldly dance moves (shoki, alanta etc.) in the church. And they claim it's dancing unto God. It's wrong! It's for the world not for God. And it does not glorify God at all. Many people dance like that for showman business, so that everyone can notice them.

Many so-called believers are denying the truth and they are headed for hell. May God help us and may He reveal more to us. Amen

God bless you for bringing up this topic. More grace.
So true, God bless you too. Amen
Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 8:00am On Jan 12, 2021
General characteristics of agents
1. They hate with great disdain any revelation about the kingdom and works of darkness THROUGH THE CHRISTIAN POINT OF VIEW. (Note, some innocent people genuinely think this way too).

2. While they can withstand short prayers, they can rarely withstand long prayers like 10hrs of very hot warfare prayers. Such prayers will break their yoke and send them running.

3. They really can't pretend for too long. If you observe them closely, you must spot the signs. Their character always betrays them.

4. They try their best to discourage long prayers and fasting. Una pray pray too much for this church oo, is their normal lingo. They also love sharing ideas on color of clothes and events to celebrate in the church.

5. They generally love to share the doctrine of one god. It is very common to hear them say, we are all worshipping the same god and creator as the traditionalist and unbelievers. This is no surprise as the concept of one religion is from their father, the devil.

6. To any believer sensitive to the Spirit, your peace must leave you, or you will feel burdened when they are ministering or you are around them.

7. They love attention and places of honor with passion. As for the ones on this thread, starve them of attention by not quoting them and keep sharing the Word, and they will fizzle out gradually.

8. They're working hard to make people look at churches and pastors with fear as evil and cruel crooks instead of a place and people of hope through God.

9. They love prying into the private lives of people. The devil is not omnipresent or omniscient, only God is. So they still need these agents to know what is going on in the lives of believers.

10. Not all agents even know they are agents. If the Holy Spirit reveals such to you them you should pray for their repentance as 2 Tim 2:26 says , and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

11. They're generally highly possessed with spirits of lusts and seduction, hence no matter how ugly and dirty-looking they appear, they have what people call "sex appeal".

Share your contributions if the Holy Spirit has ever revealed any to you.

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Family / Re: Some Damaging Words My Wife Said During A Quarrel by JourneytoEL(f): 7:16am On Jan 11, 2021
Let me first tell you my kind of character. For you to make me angry, you have to repeat an offense more than 30 to 40 times. After each offence, I would only give you facial expression that will let you know that you offended me. And I would ensure you get the message.

So wife kept repeating same offence. I told her I don't like what she was doing. She said she would adjust, but kept repeating the same thing. When I got fed up, I tried to retaliate. My only retaliation is that I stopped being around in the house. I would leave the house very early in the morning and return late at night. I would go for business in another town and return 4 days later. She knows nothing stops me from coming home everyday from the other town because I have means of transportation. She flared up. Started calling relatives that I'm maltreating her. They asked her to say which ways I have been maltreating her...she said I'm avoiding our home. Relatives asked if I'm beating or starving her. She said no.

I know why it pained her very well. If she wants to go and urinate outside, I would go and drop her there. When she is through, she would call me and I would go and pick her up again.

She's a woman that's always settling fights for couples in the street. So, she never wanted it to be heard anywhere that we are quarelling in our home. She won't want anybody to come to our house to settle disputes. So this prolongs our fights always.


Let me disect those words in capital letters for you. I have a disability, but you can't notice it easily until you start talking to me. She said I have to bear the consequences of my actions towards her... looking back, I have done unimaginable things to make her happy. I even saved her life when she didn't want blood transfusion from unknown persons as a result of her Christian belief not to contract demons from the blood of unknown person. Fortunately, my blood group is that of a universal donor. That means I can donate blood for anybody. Note that she had never done any noteworthy thing for me apart from giving birth to our babies. About being a juju man, I will tell you how she arrived at this: somebody was about to give birth from her family side and the baby was in breech position. She asked for advice and I told her that if I take the woman to the village my uncle will give the woman a concoction to reverse it. Her faith is against it, but because someone from her side just gave birth through CS, which almost led to the death of mother and baby, she asked me to take the woman to the village. The breech position was reversed. I'm surprised she now labelled me a juju man.

Instead of me to take her message personal, I urged her to please herself. This infuriated her the more. Instead of leaving me, she invited someone to intervene, tracked me to the second town, and it was settled there.

My problem now is that those words are still ringing in my head... someone I thought was a lover said she married me out of piety.
forgive your wife. most marriages have their ups and downs. The text indeed is damaging but don't forget you tortured her emotionally by avoiding your home.


Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 1:14am On Jan 11, 2021

Very true. Very true.
Please we're waiting for the part 2 ooh cheesy

God bless you for sharing
God bless you too, i will also appreciate if you can also add your experiences as our oga here
Religion / Re: How To Pray With The Bible by JourneytoEL(f): 7:26pm On Jan 10, 2021

Good, I like ur attitude. First, the Bible from the old testament to the new testament, emphasised that 'anybody that calls on the name of God will be saved'. Jesus further, said in his prayers that he has made God's name known.
Now, this is the part you really need to know. Most prayers that are recorded in many Bible translations are almost always addressed to 'LORD'. Now those lords in capital letters are actually originally Yahweh/Jehovah. It's an unbliblical tradition that arose that made translators blot out God's name.
This is unfair and even satanic. Imagine taking the name of an author off his book. Worse, the Bible curses anybody that removes as much as a dot from Gods word.
To get the perspective of this evil, God's name originally appear more than 7000 times in the Bible. But now, you see it on average 2 times in most translations.
The Bible discourages the abuse of God's name but encourages it's use.
okay, i will study more about your revelation.

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Religion / Re: Seeing Demons, Angels, Fallen Angels, Spirits.. - Hsp's by JourneytoEL(f): 7:22pm On Jan 10, 2021
The advanced tactics works in two ways:
1. New converts from darkness
2. False men of God

New converts from darkness
This occurs mostly in small, growing ministries and evangelical teams. They enter the church one day with claims they are now born again due to an altar call or they strategically place themselves in the streets waiting to be preached to, immediately the evangelical team preaches to them, they claim to repent and want to serve God without hesitation. They come with claims of been former prostitutes, marine agents, occultists, herbalists etc. They will claim to be anything just to bring attention to their conversion claims and make their story grand.
The members of the ministry, mostly due to inexperience, become excited, feeling they have achieved a major milestone with their evangelism. Out of excitement, they ignore major signs e.g has he burnt his demonic properties? (Acts 19:19) Has he/she undergone deliverance? Has he/she been baptized? (Acts 2:38) Infact, they jump major steps and begin to lay hands on them to receive the Holy Spirit. Then these agents begin to speak with demonic tongues while the believers will think they are speaking in tongues of the Holy Spirit. These agents are usually sorcerers or enchanters. Next step is to immediately join the worship unit or pastoral team. The head minister(if he is blind) becomes carefree and would want to show his new convert to the world. Then he allows them to stand on the altar and minister. (P.s ministers should be very wary of who they allow to stand on their altars). From here they send incantations to hold destinies, cause strong lustful feelings, rebellion and hate for the pastor, financial struggles for the members etc. The females among them especially those who claim to be ex prostitutes, will always want to get close to the head minister (if he's male). They begin by seeking private consultations and asking questions like, does Jesus really love me? Can i really be saved after all my escapades? The minister, thinking he is saving a soul begins to give her special attention and counselling, whereas she is busy sending spirits of lust through her thought while he is ministering to her. It is only a matter of time before you begin to hear of marital conflict in the minister's home.
The male agents work hard to join the evangelical team and start instigating the junior ministers to rebel and form their groups. Una dey try for here oo, is this how the pastor speaks to you? Does he know how many hours you spend in growing his ministry. Why is the minister taking all the glory? This minister is stingy, he can't even share things to others. You are hardworking oo, Do you know if you form your own grouo today, you will be more powerful and successful than pastor? These are samples of the numerous things they say to plant seeds of rebellion.

False men of God
These are very advanced agents. They can quote the Bible cover to cover, page to page. (This shouldn't surprise anyone as their father the devil also quotes the Bible flawlessly), plus google search is always there to make things easier. They always claim to go to the best seminary and bible schools. They can boast of their certifications in theology from spain and how they have mixed with "white intellectuals". Some very advanced ones, can seemingly prophecy using the spirit of divination or can perform the demonic version of falling under the anointing. Their aim is simple, become an assistant minister in your church, cause a lot of problems while painting the genuine minister as the devil, brainwash a huge part of the congregation and take them away to form a new church. Their long term plan is to make people frightened when they hear the titles pastor, evangelist or apostle. The media is solidly behind them, observe how a thread about a false pastor caught in sin doesn't waste time in gathering comments and how the news will kee emphasizing the name pastor even more than the crime. They are not always too difficult to spot, they're usually badly mannered with little or no sign of holiness. If you pay close attention to their teaching, you must hear traces of falsehood and beliefs. They work with deceiving spirits hence there is always share a lot of demonic beliefs not rooted in the scripture. They can claim we are all worshipping the same God with the buddhist and muslims. They can be proud or have a false sense of humility. They always love to brag of their human wisdom and how "sense" should be applied in everything.

Hot warfare prayers targeted at them and been very cautious of who you allow to mount your altar can chase them away. Every minister should always seek the COUNSEL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT in all matters. No matter is too small to ask.

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