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Celebrities / Re: Funke Akindele (Jenifa) Climbing A Palmtree On Set Of A Movie by KingPradas(m): 12:39am On Jul 06, 2013
Kaine Yuzedo: My fada gurl.... mehn how time flies, wen she use to do med for my deddi... she deosnt bruch tooth... yuck!!

Retard park well my friend. There are to many yuzedo on this forum, yuzedo junior, mrs yuzedo it's getting really annoying find something else.


Art, Graphics & Video / Re: Blurry Videos After Editing by KingPradas(m): 7:41pm On Jul 05, 2013
It's from your editing software.
Phones / Re: MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 9:13am On Jul 03, 2013
gulfer: Ok, but is it specific to any plan?

Nope, any plan can work.
Phones / Re: MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 8:07am On Jul 03, 2013
gulfer: MTN did not give me oh, even after loading N200 that I don't need right now. angry angry angry angry

Spend 100 naira on it. Then check again.
Phones / Re: MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 10:19pm On Jul 02, 2013
Adeniyi A.:
Which package are you on?

MTN Ipulse.
Phones / Re: MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 9:58pm On Jul 02, 2013
physise: wat if i load 4h card?

It would work.
Phones / Re: MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 9:58pm On Jul 02, 2013
abrahym: they gave me too but when the 1gb go expire?

Honestly I don't know yet.
Phones / MTN Is Giving Free 1GB DATA by KingPradas(m): 8:38pm On Jul 02, 2013
I just checked my phone, and MTN gave me 1Gb totally free, dial *559# to see if MTN has rewarded you with the free 1GB, if not load 100 naira recharge card and finish it then dial *559# to see if MTN has rewarded you with the free DATA. Make sure your line is registered.

Technology Market / Re: UK Used Blackberry Mobile Phones by KingPradas(m): 4:39am On May 26, 2013

UK used BB 9800 goes for N25,000

oga check your email.
Family / Re: I Must Marry This Year! From Desire To Desperation ! Please Learn From This by KingPradas(m): 4:35am On May 26, 2013
[size=13pt]Na by force to get married ?[/size]


Politics / Re: The Rising International Profile Of Lagos (pics) by KingPradas(m): 4:30am On May 26, 2013
Politics / Do You Think Nigeria Would Ever Be Corruption Free ? by KingPradas(m): 11:16pm On May 25, 2013
It seem in Nigeria corruption keep increasing day by day, even the bodies created by Obasanjo to fight corruption such as EFCC. EFCC has now become political body, they arrest any body that doesn't support the government, where the likes of Femi Otedola and co are roaming free in this country.

The question remains do you think nigeria would ever be corruption free ?

Or must they be civil war just like libya to curb corruption out of this country ?
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:12pm On May 25, 2013

uh uh!! not so fast!


over 80 million blacks were and still ARE captured/enslaved by arabized africans and arabs.

this your lie of "80million" is a combust lie.

Can you find over 80 million black in arabs countries.
Technology Market / Re: UK Used Blackberry Mobile Phones by KingPradas(m): 1:08pm On May 25, 2013
OGA tell me the price of Nokia e6, I want to buy it
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 4:24am On May 25, 2013
Refreshing your dumb memory on ur quote " This is bad......BUT why are people shocked? Seriously? The US and UK
cannot start a war, put soliders in someone else's land kill thousands
of innocent people and don't think someone won't retaliate to that

Okay Mr.Dumb, who told you they don't have relationships in those countries ?. Didn't the british invade african to steal our resources and sell us as cheap labours, no wonder africa is a place full of shits today.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 3:37am On May 25, 2013
Ur post is getting dumber, you implied that. BtW, I mentioned Afghanistan N Naija, why did u ignore that dumbassd? Now , have British forces occupied London where these guys were born?

Same as your post, it's just dumb. what does british forces have to do with london ?
Fashion / Re: Christian Louboutin Spiked Cluch; Fashion Accessory Or Weapon by KingPradas(m): 3:21am On May 25, 2013
this one na weapon oh, if person go place to stomach na confirm die.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 3:05am On May 25, 2013
ok lets continue...

Ohh look it's aisha and who might the old perv be?

Oh so the healing is a lie :O [img]http://4.bp..com/-gIWZbwQ8wr8/T7D53nuxVtI/AAAAAAAADEA/kUddV6FwWZE/s1600/reverend+fun+healing+services+cancelled.gif[/img]

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Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:56am On May 25, 2013

so mohammed likes to smell bleeding kuntz?

Where did i mention that ? I said its between the bound of a woman & man.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:56am On May 25, 2013

that will be suicide for the would be jihadist.

i will break every single bone in your islamic dated skull and break off every single ligaments.
I will deliberately keep you alive for as long as I can; resuscitating you back to life to continue torturing your miserable existence. If you happen to phucking die on me, I will kill KingPradas and transplant his heart into you and start over again by pulling every single one of your fingernails with a pair rusty pliers. I will then go back upstairs and post pictures of your tortured mangled jihad body on 4chan.

Don't ever threaten me.

Lol, Am i suppose to be threaten over the internet, Keyboard warrior much ?. Stop saying your fantasies online go write them down on a book.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:52am On May 25, 2013


Lol for, i know you to would like a man to smell your woman body to ?, So whats wrong with that.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:42am On May 25, 2013

i hope you bleed out slowly and die from gangrene of the d1ck.


Ignorance is an incurable disease.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:41am On May 25, 2013

your prophet loved to smell aisha's smelly crusty bleeding c.u.n.t.

Bukhari (6:298)
Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298:
Narrated 'Aisha:

The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to handle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).

why won't you smell your wife ?, Don't you eat your girlfriend/wife pus.s.y?

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Business / Re: Is Nigeria Untapped And Ready For Outsourcing? by KingPradas(m): 2:38am On May 25, 2013

Most Nigerian youth, even college graduates, cannot speak English fluent enough for the business setting.

No, except maybe in scams and frauds.

Maybe by goldmine you mean a bottomless pit where you'll never see your money again.

Look at your self, how is nigeria ever going to improved if the citizens of the country keep blaming the youths. isn't the government faults that they didn't had good education, and why wouldn't them engage themselves in scams and frauds if they can't get jobs ?

And i would like to see how Ghana is more superior to Nigeria. (Ghana Must Go)
Fashion / Re: Yvonne Nelson In Yellow Outfit, With Sneakers. (hit Or Miss) by KingPradas(m): 2:35am On May 25, 2013
The outfit is Doppee...

I like it.

Emelia would look better in it tho.

true talk.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:33am On May 25, 2013

I see you just made use of that great Jewish invention called Google!

Oh, as if you don't use Google to.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:30am On May 25, 2013

I hv read it word 4 word! N dnt google sh*t ignoramus

Bros, leave this Gen.Buttnaked didn't you know during the liberian war he ate human beings and fought naked, Doesn't that shows you he has psychological problems. Somebody should take him back to liberia not come on nairaland saying some ulter ribberish.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:16am On May 25, 2013

The brainwashed nairalander are so blind folded with bias thats why anything useless makes the front page, none of them cuntss would take time to watch the video because of their data plan they rather stick on their suke computer/tecno phone typing bullshhit on internet.

don't mind them, they can't think for themselves, you think a person using 10mb plan on techno phone would watch a video.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:14am On May 25, 2013

do your own google

"witnesses say they heard the pair chanting "Allahu akbar" ..." -Don't there isn't a video or audio recording to prove that, so that mean you believed every news on the media.
Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:05am On May 25, 2013

you are a liar and you know it.

I said show me the video of him saying Allahu Akabar, and now you're calling me a liar ?

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Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:03am On May 25, 2013

You are desperately trying to politicize this killing in the hope of diluting the secular angle.

Well You are going to have to lie harder because your Jihad boy made it obviously clear in the video that he was religiously motivated to kill to avenge "innocent" muslims as dictated in the Koran Terror Manual.

A 75 year old Pakistani man was stabbed multiple times with a machete in broad daylight by a white man in Birmingham just this week, racially motivated, very little media coverage, A 10 year old Afghan boy was stabbed in the heart by a British soldier for requesting some chocolate, same again. It's completely messed up, but I feel it was the nature of the attack and the fact he had a motive which was political and designed to promote fear;

“We must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

“I apologise that women have had to witness this today, but in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don’t care about you.

“You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns? You think politicians are going to die? No it’s going to be the average guy, like you, and your children.

“So get rid of them. Tell them to bring our troops back so can all live in peace.”

I am conflicted because although I agree with the essence of what the man is saying and the injustice that Muslims have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of Western government and corporate owned media, that is absolutely no way to make a point or get people on side. It is no way to bring attention to an issue and it will, indeed it has already brought back revenge attacks by Nationalist right-wing, racist shits on mosques etc. which is extremely counter-productive in my eyes.

75 years old pakistani man killed in birmingham visit http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/02/birmingham-murder-racially-motivated-police

10 years old boy stabbed http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069492/British-soldier-Daniel-Crook-stabs-Afghan-boy-bayonet-vodka-drinking-session.html


Foreign Affairs / Re: How Michael Adebolajo Became Radicalized From Schoolboy To Jihadist by KingPradas(m): 2:00am On May 25, 2013
About the horrific public beheading of a British soldier on a London Street to the shouts of “Allahu Akbar” by 2 Muslim men, Ahmed Jama (26), a Muslim, said: "Screaming ‘Allah-hu-Akbar’ and killing innocent people is nothing to do with Islam." Similarly, the Muslim Council of Britain that represents Britain’s 2.5 million Muslims, said in a statement that it was “a barbaric act that has no basis in Islam.” So said David Cameron, Britain’s Prime Minister: “There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

But if Islam’s sacred scriptures and its 1400-year-old history are to be given any credence, then the religion of Islam has everything to do with this horrific murder.

These two Muslims just followed the teachings of the Quran and the Sunna of Prophet Muhammad. The Quran orders Muslims: “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the infidels wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go]…”

Prophet Muhammad used to give similar command for unconditional killing of the non-Muslims of his time. As per such commands of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad, we know of a Jewish merchant of Medina, named Sunayna, who had fallen on the path of Muhammad’s disciple named Muhayyisa, and Muhayyisa fell upon him and claimed his life. Here is the story from Ibn Ishaq’s biography of Muhammad (The Life of Muhammad, Karachi, p. 369):


The apostle said, 'Kill any Jew that falls into your power.' Thereupon Muhayyisa b. Mas'vid leapt upon Ibn Sunayna (579), a Jewish merchant with whom they had social and business relations, and killed him. Huway-yisa was not a Muslim at the time though he was the elder brother. When Muhayyisa killed him Huwayyisa began to beat him, saying, 'You enemy of God, did you kill him when much of the fat on your belly comes from his wealth?'

Muhayyisa answered, 'Had the one who ordered me to kill him ordered me to kill you I would have cut your head off.' He said that this was the beginning of Huwayyisa's acceptance of Islam. The other replied, 'By God, if Muhammad had ordered you to kill me would you have killed me?' He said, 'Yes, by God, had he ordered me to cut off your head I would have done so.' He exclaimed, 'By God, a religion which can bring you to this is marvellous!' and he became a Muslim….

Muhayyisa composed the following lines on the subject:

My mother's son blames me because if I were ordered to kill him

I would smite his nape with a sharp sword,

A blade white as salt from polishing.

My downward stroke never misses its mark.

It would not please me to kill you voluntarily

Though we owned all Arabia from north to south.

Apart from this, Prophet Muhammad himself had socked his hands with the blood of thousands of non-Muslims of Arabia. He used to attack the non-Muslim communities of the Arab Peninsula that refused to embrace his religion and leadership. And on many occasions, he used to kill them en masse – for example, the mass killing of the males of the Banu Quraiza, Banu Mustaliq and Banu Nadir (at Khaybar) tribes. On each of these occasions, Muhammad had publicly beheaded hundreds of people, 600-900 in the case of Banu Quraiza (see Ibn Ishaq, p. 461-470, 490-493, 510-519). The Prophet had initiated the mass slaughter of Banu Quraiza men by beheading two of the chieftains with his own hands.

In condemning the barbaric murder, MCB further said, “No cause justifies this murder”, adding that the “vast majority of British Muslims acknowledge the armed forces for the work they do.”

Minister Cameron added: “This view is shared by every community in our country. This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life; it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country.”

It is not the Muslim thugs who betrayed Islam, but it is the politicians like Prime Minister Cameron, who are betraying the British people, because this beheading was not a betrayal of Islam, but is perfectly in sync with its teachings as illustrated above. Beheading, even mass murder, of the infidels is commanded by the Quran, which is also a Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam.

The only statement of truth regarding this horrific murder comes from the mouth of one of the very murderers, who in a recorded video said:

"But we are forced by the Qur'an, in Sura At-Tawba, through many ayah in the Qu'ran, we must fight them as they fight us. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

Maybe Prime Minister Cameron should consult following passages from the Quran to make an educated assessment about how Islamic this murder is, and how correct the murderer was in claiming the same:

5:33 “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution (by beheading), or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;”
8:12 “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
47:4 “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
9:123 "Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you.”
2:191 “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”
5: 45 “We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear. Toth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.”
2:193 “Fight them on until there is no more tumult and religion becomes that of Allah”
9:29 "Fight those who do not believe in God and the last day... and fight People of the Book, (Christian and Jews) who do not accept the religion of truth (Islam) until they pay tribute (Zizziya tax) by hand, being inferior.”
8:17 "It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah is a real merciful indeed!)
Islamic scriptures as well as history tell us that this murder is in perfect synchrony with the teachings of Islam and instances of the Prophet. Prophet Muhammad was the first savage of Islam, who patronized such murders, albeit on a larger scale. Until our leaders recognize and acknowledge this fact, instead of shamelessly lying for the sake of exonerating Islam from its complicity in such barbaric acts, they will keep betray the people and those victims. And such Halal Islamic barbarism will continue haunting the infidels of the world.

1) Did you hear them saying Allahu Akbar in the video ?
2) Show me where they said there were follow the teaching of Quran ?
3) these verses that you mention are not in the quran, anyone can put up verses of the quran on the internet


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