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Politics / Re: Akwa Ibom Women To Protest Unclad, So That God Will Punish FG by Kumalayer(m): 3:19pm On Aug 30, 2016
Why were they expecting after their son blew up the pipelines? Mishap they were expecting the company to give out money....... Silly people.

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Education / Re: Female Students Protest Bra-less In South Africa by Kumalayer(m): 11:07pm On Apr 22, 2016
where are the students that are protesting braless? undecidedwhere are the students that are protesting braless?


Education / Re: 5 Ways Nigerian Universities Defraud Students by Kumalayer(m): 7:36am On Dec 19, 2014
Acceptance fee-40k
school fee-84,200
Imagine for a federal tertiary institution
Politics / Re: The Unforgettable Sins Of Buhari by Kumalayer(m): 9:17am On Dec 17, 2014
what is this idiot saying
Politics / Re: Bomb Blast In FCE Kontagora Niger State by Kumalayer(m): 8:52pm On Nov 12, 2014

So someone can be this silly? not funny at all.
Politics / Re: President Jonathan Visits Oba Of Lagos As He Begins 2015 Campaigns (PHOTOS) by Kumalayer(m): 8:31am On Sep 21, 2014
Don't tell me the eyo festival is ongoing.
Politics / Re: PDP Cancels Presidential Primary by Kumalayer(m): 8:24am On Sep 21, 2014
kimond101: Think adopting GEJ is the right thing for the party (PDP) to do since he is the present president who still has an intention of running another tenure.
If they decide to do another primaries that means they are not satisfied with what GEJ has been doing which would give the other parties an edge over them.
There's something about GEJ that is just likable sha even though I can't figure it out yet.
Once you can't figure it out now,u can't figure it out forever.
Politics / Re: EFCC Arrests Speaker Of Kano House Of Assembly, And 11 Others by Kumalayer(m): 9:03pm On Dec 24, 2013
During oduah's saga d efcc was on strike but they are back at work now....if i have d power i will kill gej,oduah,pej,obj all d state governors....... even if ur father is a councillor i will kill him.

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Jokes Etc / Re: Joke: Jonathan Replies Obasanjo's Letter by Kumalayer(m): 8:10am On Dec 22, 2013
40 days fasting for wat?i know no one is willing to go hungry while u and ur allies spend 3 million per day on feeding.....and dat of d e.f.c.c u said u reformed,yes u have done dat,dat is why dey dont have money in thier account anymore.
Jokes Etc / Re: Joke: Jonathan Replies Obasanjo's Letter by Kumalayer(m): 8:03am On Dec 22, 2013

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Education / Re: Tuition Fees Of Public Universities In Nigeria by Kumalayer(m): 7:23pm On Dec 14, 2013





Can an average Nigerian raised this fees?yet education is cheap,may God help us.
Education / Re: Tuition Fees Of Public Universities In Nigeria by Kumalayer(m): 7:20pm On Dec 14, 2013
Chomzy19: when I said looking for admission I wasn't referring to u, I was refering to any so-called person your post is going to help cos I thought it was going in that direction, now I see the direction u are going, I'll let u know that Education In Nigeria is Cheap, wch country exactly are you comparing it to to call it Expensive? is it Ghana, or Malaysia or Education-giant countries like US, Canada, d Uk, Australia, Germany even France where the Government subsidizes Education, D public universities are still 10 times higher than Nigerian public Universities, Education Is Never Cheap, for now it is still VERY CHEAP in Nigeria becus most Nigerian universities are still substandard, D government cannot do Everything for us, Be4 our Universities get to the level we are clamouring for then u'll see d meaning of Education being Expensive, Half of d federal universities don't Even take up to 50k as their tuition fees, n most states is between 100-200k while d schools u are aiming to be like people spend up to 500-1mil in a years tuition fee. Nigerians want it all, CHEAP SOUND EDUCATION is an OXYMORON
I am sure an average person(financially) in dose countries u listed can send 2 children to d university without problem but here we are where workers cant get #20,000 minimum fee and acceptance fee alone is like #40,000 in some universities,what d hell are u talking about? Smh
Politics / Re: Jonathan Snubbed At Mandela's Memorial by Kumalayer(m): 5:28pm On Dec 10, 2013
So some people still thinks jonathan should be given an audience?,if he were given d chance, i am very sure 94% of d people in d stadium would have slept b4 he finishes his speech and mind u wat does he want to talk about?we need a president in d country not a gloomy man in black dat will always stammer in front of d camera.

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Politics / Re: GEJ- Nissan To Build Cars In Nigeria by Kumalayer(m): 12:10am On Dec 09, 2013

Maybe you should first ask yourself whether like Nigeria, India's total annual power generation is 3,000 MW!

India's total power generation tops 200-GIGA WATTS (Not mega watts!)
Source: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-06-03/news/32006539_1_thermal-power-project-power-exchange-power-generation

Maybe its your turn today to "do the job" here on nairaland so carry-on and try to dispute logic with your asinine comments.
ASUU will soon resume so you can go back to school for more failed education!
I cant even stoop low by exchanging ideas with an imp like you!

WOW!!! U are one of d little sensible people together wit niceeric dat ar in Nairaland,i dont love commenting because i have how some idiots will always find a way to abuse u,Nigeria is going nowhere dis way maybe we should even part our ways 100 years now we are still were we are,we will rise sooner dan later and we will bring dem down from jonathan to obasanjo to atiku......
Foreign Affairs / Re: Nelson Mandela Is Dead by Kumalayer(m): 7:09am On Dec 06, 2013
zicky: Singing dbanj*Dnt tell Ṁ̭̥̈̅̄ε̲̣̣̣̥ nonsense*
Na another country hero ena carry 4 head like gala, shame no dey ena face?
Ena don finish mourn walker, bt wen any Nigerian die na tribal bashing go end d matter. Everybody madiba, Mandela
Dat is wat u get wen a hero dies,everyone forget dier differences and tell me which nigerian leader worth it?is it Obasanjo dat rigged elections for p.d.p d useless old man dat brought all dis rubbish on nigeria,d half human half monkey or is it d jonathan dat is boiling d nation in water?to hell wit all nigerian leaders........RIP MANDELA (in yoruba)odigba ose MANDELA

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Politics / Re: Boko-Haram Attacks Air-Force Base In Maiduguri by Kumalayer(m): 10:28pm On Dec 02, 2013
pneumaticos: @nagoma,i like you talk and construction of your staments,but all thesame,bh is the real islam....anything outside this is not approve by the practitionals of islam.....the good thing is that islam will die a natural death.....the entire north will still be ruled by chritianity
....the blood of dead soul will cry out against injustice and @ the end of the day your name will be changed to najesus....i will post a vid soon of some of this boko guys giving thanks to the demonic allah about their weapons....it a small thing
The romans did more than this but where are they today....thesame will happen in the north.
Do u mean d way d u.s.a is dieing naturally due to d fact dat at least a person dies from gunshot every two minutes in d u.s.a,d first country to use nuclear weapon...nemesis is catching up...cant blame christainity though cause i am not a lunatic.
Politics / Re: Boko-Haram Attacks Air-Force Base In Maiduguri by Kumalayer(m): 10:22pm On Dec 02, 2013
Because they are not gullible, they love life than allah
here is the link and it shows how intolerant the koran want muslims to be.

...wat a foolish comment?s/w muslims love life dan Allah,i am one and i know wat it takes to be a muslim in d southwest,most of u babbling all day are from d s/s or s/e u just like to find a way to cover d deficiencies of d useless f.g and do u no dat it is a sin for a muslim to curse a muslim or non-muslim not to talk of killing so far dere is no war...
Politics / Re: Boko-Haram Attacks Air-Force Base In Maiduguri by Kumalayer(m): 8:48pm On Dec 02, 2013
If u want to go deeper about dies sponsors,u can suspect d northern politicians because dey know dat dey will also get some money if dey can get amnesty but dey wont say it now because d fed. Government cant be trusted,dey may get them down if dey just come out like dat,and also why not suspect jonathan?he may be doing this just to unsettle d north because i dont tink an election can hold dere and dat is his oppositions stronghold, u cant trust politicians dey are devils,well he showed dat sign wen he removed the security agents of amaechi wen he new dat he also wanted to contest for d presidency so asari dokubo will find it easy to kill him.
Politics / Re: Boko-Haram Attacks Air-Force Base In Maiduguri by Kumalayer(m): 8:40pm On Dec 02, 2013
Boko is islam because dey d bombs dey plant in market places only kill christains and leave muslim,the bullets dey use can also differentiate a muslim from a christain,why cant u just tink? Dey kill innocent people everyday,a sect dat can destroy air bases and baracks can attack d senate house,why haven't dey done dat? Bunch of fool,d guys want amnesty too and u must give it to dem because d millitants got diers and then d south west will start diers too,NIGERIA is a joke.may Allah destroy anyone dat just tink killing innocent people is d only tin dey can do on earth
Education / Re: FG Didnt Give ASUU Ultimatum – Jonathan by Kumalayer(m): 8:50am On Dec 01, 2013
Lecturers should go back to class on or before dec 4 or else........Bleep u mr president even d millitary government cant try that or are u a stand up comedian? U cant fool dem any longer why cant d attorney general sign d mou?
Politics / Re: G7 Governors Joins APC by Kumalayer(m): 3:21pm On Nov 27, 2013
Do u people think we are all foolish like u people?so u expected jonathan to have a free ride in 2015 in a country of over 160 million people wit people of conflicting desires,he won in all s/w states bar lagos in 2011 and he has underperformed, we are not fools like u people,although something tells me he will rig and win in 2015 and nigeria will be on fire.......i have alway prayed for dat....tired of this mess called country were someone will steal and some idiots will start protesting dat she should be set free....is dat how usa,uk,qatar,china,s.a,brazil,japan and so on do in dier country,bunch of idiots.
Politics / Re: G7 Governors Joins APC by Kumalayer(m): 10:15am On Nov 27, 2013

Another YORUBA man, u see what I mean....just because agbero tinubu choose to hate GEJ the whole afenifere follows suit, with all d free education by awolowo....or do u guyz call dis yoruba unity....even wen u see d wrong....may God help u
i dont know what is wrong wit u people,d northerners hate u,d yorubas hate u,are u d only set of people in nigeria,it is only a mad man dat tinks everyone hates him,stop being stupid and face d reality dude,i am tired of sharing d same nationality wit people who are mentally derailed like u because of ethnic sentiments.


Politics / Re: G7 Governors Joins APC by Kumalayer(m): 10:10am On Nov 27, 2013
G7 govs joins Apc but d truth is that jonathan will win in 2015 by rigging,but the problem i have with dat is dat d problems of Nigeria will increase to the extent dat it wont be solvable forever,everyone know dat jonathan is an underperformer but our son must do it mentality is affecting many of us...just watching d downfall of nigeria due to d foolishness of its people.
Politics / Re: President Jonathan Remains Hospitalized After Chronic Stomach Pain by Kumalayer(m): 10:56pm On Nov 22, 2013
The useless man uses 3 million to feed per day while people are hungry,may u all die like fowl from the president to the vice president to all those stealing our money,may you all be in great pain before death comes.bunch of theives
Politics / Re: President Jonathan At the Investor’s Meeting After Discharge From Hospital by Kumalayer(m): 10:31pm On Nov 22, 2013
Gej was sick or drank ogogoro whichever he was treated in London but a golden eaglet player had an accident on his way to camp in february but left to die in a Nigeria hospital, nobody seems to care about it,bunch of useless people from d president to d minister of sport to all the goats that are in N.F.F,may u all feel the kind of pain the boy felt before you all die like fowls.
Politics / Re: FG To Sell Four State-owned Refineries Next Year by Kumalayer(m): 4:22pm On Nov 19, 2013
Do u know how much mtn is getting out of we nigerians daily?,all in d name of dis privatisation,yet network problems still persist and hidden charges are countless,i hope dey wont start privatising our houses.
Politics / Re: Anambra Election Declared Inconclusive by Kumalayer(m): 11:19am On Nov 19, 2013
Dont know wat is wrong with d u people,wen Ajimobi contested for guber election under Anpp in 2007,d people of ibadan never said it was a hausa party,AJIMOBI won clearly but pdp did d rigging stuffs and dey won,u people from d southsouth are just too tribalistic,u tink d northerners hate u likewise d yorubas,are u d only set of people in Nigeria,wat u people are doing now is now even making me hate u dan d northerners self,u had better look at ur lives critically
Politics / Re: Picture Of Obasanjo Ibb And Buhari In A Friendly Mood by Kumalayer(m): 7:24pm On Nov 17, 2013
Buhari is a theif,ibb is a looter,GEJ the senseless scamp & d theif of theives. Obasanjo d half monkey half human started it all.
Politics / Re: APGA In Early Lead In Anambra Governorship Election by Kumalayer(m): 3:38pm On Nov 17, 2013
Who told u Gej will win in 2015?,are u d only one that will get him the post?remember d northern people are not smiling,they are really ready to get Gej out,is it a lie?@northerners
Politics / Re: APGA In Early Lead In Anambra Governorship Election by Kumalayer(m): 11:00am On Nov 17, 2013
Nice one@kj...Nigeria is really a sick elephant and people dont seem to bother,the type of relationship between a togolese is far more friendly than d relationship between an igbo and an hausa and we call ourselves brothers,i dont se Nigeria moving foward like dis,i am suggesting Nigeria should even break up peacefully but some people will say united we stand..i am tired o.
kj_hova: Once again, a major topic in Nigeria's development has been reduced to shear ethnicity! Six pages on an NL thread & not a single post concerned about party manifestos or transformational potential of the prospective contestants! It's all about where they are from & who they are allied to!!

It's got to a point in our existence that I believe if I cough in a public bus today, my immediate co-passengers would do a quick examination of my percieved ethnic background before deciding either to say "sorry please" or "suits you right"!
Nice one@kj...Nigeria is really a sick elephant and people dont seem to bother,the type of relationship between a togolese is far more friendly than d relationship between an igbo and an hausa and we call ourselves brothers,i dont se Nigeria moving foward like dis,i am suggesting Nigeria should even break up peacefully but some people will say united we stand..i am tired o.
Politics / Re: APGA In Early Lead In Anambra Governorship Election by Kumalayer(m): 10:57am On Nov 17, 2013
Nice one@kj...Nigeria is really a sick elephant and people dont seem to bother,the type of relationship between a togolese is far more friendly than d relationship between an igbo and an hausa and we call ourselves brothers,i dont se Nigeria moving foward like dis,i am suggesting Nigeria should even break up peacefully but some people will say united we stand..i am tired o.
Politics / Re: APGA In Early Lead In Anambra Governorship Election by Kumalayer(m): 8:00am On Nov 17, 2013
[color=#990000][/color] Ngige wont win,d igbo's are too gulible for him to win,i cant just imagine a situation where voters' card are sold for 2 thousands naira,i thought it was only in d north dat poverty reigns,i never knew it reign in Anambra to,ride on Apga you get the money to spend on voters card......i dont see Nigeria moving foward with people selling voters card like bean cake(AKARA)

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