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NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Greeting in the name of Christ. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help begins on Friday, 18th June. Please, Do well to participate in the Novena which will commence on Friday, 18th and end on Saturday, 26th. (Feast Day: 27th June) Kindly inform your friends and loved ones about the Novena. Novena Link:
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Great Event
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Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to invite you to participate in the Great Novena Prayer (#GreatNovena2021); an annual online event which will commence on Saturday, 15th of May and end on 23rd May, 2021. Theme: "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27. Try as much as possible not to miss out on the Novena. Bring all your intentions to God, especially those that seems to be difficult or hard. Please, kindly inform or invite all your friends and loved ones so that they can be part of this great prayer. You can say the prayer in English, Spanish or French. Simple click on any of the link below to participate: (English) To participate in English, click on: (Spanish) Haga clic aquí para decir la oración en Español:ñol/gran-oración-mariana/Info.html (French) Cliquez ici pour dire la prière en Français:çaise/grande-neuvaine/Info.html Also, the daily devotional for the month of May is available. Please, kindly share this devotional with your friends, families and groups. May Devotional Link: Kindly follow our new Instagram page: You can also install our app (For Android): |
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You are invited to participate in the ongoing world rosary prayer and october devotion, in honour of our Lady of the rosary which will begin on october 1st and end on the 31st. All catholics; familes, groups, marian societies, parishes and dioceses are admonished and encouraged to join in this prayer. A minimum of five (5) decades of the holy rosary should be offered daily for different intentions using the prayer manual. You can download the prayer manual booklet from the link below. Prayer Manual Booklet Download Link: Blessed Pope Piux IX said: “If I had an army to say the rosary, I could conquer the world.” Kindly join in this world rosary prayer because, through it, we shall conquer the world for our Lord Jesus and our blessed Mother. There are various intentions to pray for each day of the month of October. All daily prayers to be said before and after the rosary can be found in the prayer manual, website and app. We kindly appeal to the heads and leaders of all Marian groups and societies such as; The world apostolate of Fatima (Blue Army), Legion of Mary, Militia Immaculata, Marian Movement of Priests, Block Rosary Crusade, Queen of all hearts etc., to participate in this prayer and to carry their members along. We plead that this message be expressly disseminated to as many persons as possible by sharing this post. If you have any questions or are in need of clarity, send an email to If you desire that the prayers for each day be sent to you directly on your email account, click on the link: To pray from the app, click on: Don't forget to share this information
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Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to inform you of the second annual Prayer For Life Partner which will commence on Saturday, 15th of August and end on 23rd August, 2020. This Prayer is a very powerful prayer, that deals with every problem that hinders a child of God from getting married, or having delayed marriage. App Download Link: Kindly inform or share this prayer with all those seeking for life partner. Prayer starts on Saturday, 15th of August. Do not start before the date. The new edition of the prayer is to be used. Both online and offline version of the novena are available in our android app. Click on the link below to download. App Download Link:
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Novena To Our Lady Of Perpetual Help ( Begins: June 18th) Feast Day: June 27th If you don't have the booklet, click on the link below to say the full novena prayers for nine days: Novena Link: 2 Likes |
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Efficacious Novena To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus NOVENA PRAYER (Recite For Nine Consecutive Days) 1. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of... (State your intention here.) Recite the following prayers below... Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be to the Father... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. 2. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, he will give it to you." Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of... (State your intention here.) Recite the following prayers below... Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be to the Father... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. 3. O my Jesus, you have said: "Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away." Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of... (State your intention here.) Recite the following prayers below... Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory Be to the Father... Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender Mother and ours. (Recite the following prayers..) Hail, Holy Queen... St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us. Source: |
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Novena To Saint Anthony Of Padua ( (June 4th - 12th) (Feast: June 13th) Recite these prayers for 9 consecutive days PRAYER O Glorious St Anthony, Charitable Protector of all who call upon you, with filial trust I cast myself on your mercy. Look upon the misery that oppresses me, and by your intercession appease the anger of God, whom I have offended by my sins. Deliver me from the affliction that I may serve Him with a mind of peace. At the same time should this suffering be expedient for my salvation, I desire to be resigned asking you to obtain for me constant patience and entire conformity to the will of Him Who for love of us being Himself innocent gave satisfaction for the guilty. I beseech you not to forsake me in my misfortunes and by you merits our dear Lord may strenghtened us in His service, console us in our afflictions and finally give us grace so to live as to be worthy of life everlasting to praise, bless and love Him in your company for ever and ever. Amen. LITANY OF ST ANTHONY Lord have mercy on us All: Christ have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son Redeemer of the world, Have Mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity One God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Pray for us. Holy Mother of God, Pray for us. Holy Virgin of Virgins, Pray for us. St Joseph, spouse of Mary, Pray for us. St Francis, Patriarch of the poor, Pray for us. St Anthony of Padua, Pray for us. St Anthony, friend of Jesus and Mary, Pray for us. St Anthony, apostolic man, Pray for us. St Anthony, filled with the Spirit of prophecy, Pray for us. St Anthony, sublime doctor of truth, Pray for us. St Anthony, ornament of the seraphic order, Pray for us. St Anthony, light of Holy Church, Pray for us. St Anthony, preacher of grace, Pray for us. St Anthony, trumpet of Gospel, Pray for us. St Anthony, mirror of regular observance, Pray for us. St Anthony, cultivator of a mortified life, Pray for us. St Anthony, medal of abstinence, Pray for us. St Anthony, example of obedience, Pray for us. St Anthony, lover of poverty, Pray for us. St Anthony, lily of chastity, Pray for us. St Anthony, rose of patience, Pray for us. St Anthony, brilliant gem of sanctity, Pray for us. St Anthony, violet of humility, Pray for us. St Anthony, hammer of heresy, Pray for us. St Anthony, fervent in zeal for Divine worship, Pray for us. St Anthony, thirsting for the salvation of souls, Pray for us. St Anthony, Martyr in desire, Pray for us. St Anthony, lover and assiduous imitator of the Redeemer, Pray for us. St Anthony, devout client of the Virgin, Pray for us. Mother of God, Pray for us. St Anthony, emulator of the seraphic Francis, Pray for us. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us O Lord. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us O Lord. Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. DAILY OFFERING TO ST ANTHONY OF PADUA O glorious St Anthony, I choose you for my special patron this day and all the days of my life. Design to place me amoung your chosen servants. During your whole life you were distinguished for your singular love for Mary and your Ardent zeal for Her prerogative. Pray for me that I too may be animated with a genuine love and devotion to our Immaculate Mother. And you, who's intimate love for Jesus merited for you the privilage of beholding and carressing Him in His tender infant form, plead with Him, that I may be truly One with Jesus in time and in eternity. Amen. |
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Novena To The Holy Spirit begins on Friday, 22nd of May 2020. If you want to participate and don't have the prayer booklet, you can pray using the link below: Novena Link: 1 Like 1 Share |
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NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful, and in kindle in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created. R. And thou shall renew the face of the earth. LET US PRAY Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in the same spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our lord. Amen. V. Thou, o lord will open my lips. R. And my tongue shall announce Thy praise. V. Incline unto my aid, o God. R. Oh lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the father, etc. R. As it was in the beginning, etc. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE PSALM 51 Have mercy on me, oh lord for i have sinned. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sins, my offences truly I know them, my sin is always before me, against you, you alone, have I sinned, what is evil in your sight I have done; that you may be justified when you give sentence and be without reproach when you judge, oh see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was I conceived indeed you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom, oh purify me, then I shall be clean, wash me, i shall be whiter than snow, make me hear rejoicing and gladness, that the bones you have crush my trill. From my sins turn away your face, and bloth out all my guilt. A pure heart create for me, oh God, put a steadfast spirit within me, do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit, give me again the joy of your help, with a spirit of favour sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. Oh rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue ring out your goodness. O lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise. For a sacrifice to take no delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn. In your goodness, show favour to zion, Rebuild the wall of jerusalem, then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice (burnt offering wholly consumed) then you will be offered young bull on your altar. Glory to the father, to the son, and to the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL:[url]NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful, and in kindle in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created. R. And thou shall renew the face of the earth. LET US PRAY Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in the same spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our lord. Amen. V. Thou, o lord will open my lips. R. And my tongue shall announce Thy praise. V. Incline unto my aid, o God. R. Oh lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the father, etc. R. As it was in the beginning, etc. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE PSALM 51 Have mercy on me, oh lord for i have sinned. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sins, my offences truly I know them, my sin is always before me, against you, you alone, have I sinned, what is evil in your sight I have done; that you may be justified when you give sentence and be without reproach when you judge, oh see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was I conceived indeed you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom, oh purify me, then I shall be clean, wash me, i shall be whiter than snow, make me hear rejoicing and gladness, that the bones you have crush my trill. From my sins turn away your face, and bloth out all my guilt. A pure heart create for me, oh God, put a steadfast spirit within me, do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit, give me again the joy of your help, with a spirit of favour sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. Oh rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue ring out your goodness. O lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise. For a sacrifice to take no delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn. In your goodness, show favour to zion, Rebuild the wall of jerusalem, then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice (burnt offering wholly consumed) then you will be offered young bull on your altar. Glory to the father, to the son, and to the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL: NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful, and in kindle in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created. R. And thou shall renew the face of the earth. LET US PRAY Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in the same spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our lord. Amen. V. Thou, o lord will open my lips. R. And my tongue shall announce Thy praise. V. Incline unto my aid, o God. R. Oh lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the father, etc. R. As it was in the beginning, etc. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE PSALM 51 Have mercy on me, oh lord for i have sinned. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sins, my offences truly I know them, my sin is always before me, against you, you alone, have I sinned, what is evil in your sight I have done; that you may be justified when you give sentence and be without reproach when you judge, oh see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was I conceived indeed you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom, oh purify me, then I shall be clean, wash me, i shall be whiter than snow, make me hear rejoicing and gladness, that the bones you have crush my trill. From my sins turn away your face, and bloth out all my guilt. A pure heart create for me, oh God, put a steadfast spirit within me, do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit, give me again the joy of your help, with a spirit of favour sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. Oh rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue ring out your goodness. O lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise. For a sacrifice to take no delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn. In your goodness, show favour to zion, Rebuild the wall of jerusalem, then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice (burnt offering wholly consumed) then you will be offered young bull on your altar. Glory to the father, to the son, and to the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL: |
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Novena To St Michael In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of the faithful, and in kindle in them the fire of thy love. V. Send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created. R. And thou shall renew the face of the earth. LET US PRAY Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that in the same spirit we may be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ our lord. Amen. V. Thou, o lord will open my lips. R. And my tongue shall announce Thy praise. V. Incline unto my aid, o God. R. Oh lord, make haste to help me. V. Glory be to the father, etc. R. As it was in the beginning, etc. EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE PSALM 51 Have mercy on me, oh lord for i have sinned. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sins, my offences truly I know them, my sin is always before me, against you, you alone, have I sinned, what is evil in your sight I have done; that you may be justified when you give sentence and be without reproach when you judge, oh see, in guilt I was born, a sinner was I conceived indeed you love truth in the heart, then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom, oh purify me, then I shall be clean, wash me, i shall be whiter than snow, make me hear rejoicing and gladness, that the bones you have crush my trill. From my sins turn away your face, and bloth out all my guilt. A pure heart create for me, oh God, put a steadfast spirit within me, do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit, give me again the joy of your help, with a spirit of favour sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to you. Oh rescue me, God, my helper, and my tongue ring out your goodness. O lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise. For a sacrifice to take no delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit. A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn. In your goodness, show favour to zion, Rebuild the wall of jerusalem, then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice (burnt offering wholly consumed) then you will be offered young bull on your altar. Glory to the father, to the son, and to the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen NOVENA TO ST MICHAEL |
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Enjoy the highest number of free Catholic resources of all time on Mary Our Help app! Click on the link below to download from Google Play store. Link: Novenas, chaplets, litanies, videos, e-books and all you need for Catholic spirituality. Features: Online Perpetual Adoration Perpetual Live streaming of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Adore Jesus wherever you are. Mariology Course Study the theology on Mary the Mother of God (mariology) and get a certificate at the end of your course. Precious Blood Devotion Say all the precious blood devotion prayers from your mobile phone anytime and anywhere. Catholic Novenas There are more than 200 Catholic novenas which you can pray. Catholic Prayers More than 200 Catholic prayers Comprising of Chaplets, Litanies, Traditional Catholic Prayers Etc. Marian Apparitions Watch all Marian Apparition videos Teachings Get enlightened through sound Catholic teachings on Angels, Demons and Spiritual warfare. Catholic Books There are lots of Catholic books available for you to read. You can also request for a book to be made available to you. Devotional Read and meditate on the word of God daily through the devotional that is published every month. Counseling Get free advice and counseling.
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The Devotional contains daily Devotions, Prayers and Meditations. Also contains Novena to St Michael the Archangel and the nine Angelic choirs; for Angelic assistance, intervention and Spiritual Warfare in our life, business, marriage, academics, family etc. Novena begins on Day 20 in the Devotional (Feast of the Angels: September 29) Click here to download: https:///349WoC1 |
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