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Mrsmith11's Posts

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Romance / Re: I Am So Unhappy, So Helpless & Confused by mrsmith11(m): 7:26am On Sep 15, 2015
so in ur heart of heart, u mean u cant smell scam in this line of convo?

No scam.

Women worry too much even there is nothing

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Romance / Re: I Am So Unhappy, So Helpless & Confused by mrsmith11(m): 7:24am On Sep 15, 2015
if u want cash money do like monkey........means ure playing a fool to realise ur goals.

You people should stop interpreting what you don't know

they will talking about something and somebody.
We will not know except we have the begining of the conversation

What you showed here is just a fraction of it

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Romance / Re: I Am So Unhappy, So Helpless & Confused by mrsmith11(m): 7:19am On Sep 15, 2015
Point of correction: The Pali refers to his own document.

He was telling his friend about his document and there is not wrong there

The other conversation was just normal guys talk

Treat your husband right and if you are not happy then talk to him or walk out

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Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 6:53pm On Sep 13, 2015
Cute looking boy. I so love the Edo traditional outfit. Esan and Benin. My small town boy grin

Education / Re: Oluchi Saw Her Death Coming –family Of Electrocuted UNILAG Student by mrsmith11(m): 1:06pm On Sep 12, 2015
About 50% of deaths in nigeria would ve been avoided if the Doctors and Nurses knows the meaning of there profession (saving lives by all means with passion)

Why will a doctor or nurse be asking for ID or police report in emergency situation

About 65% of deaths would also been avoided if the hospitals are up to standard.

The government and the people has a long way to go

RIP to dead

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Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 12:53pm On Sep 12, 2015

He will grow up with the fear of the Lord (no womanising)

OMG I love cute babies. The boy is so fine I feel like drawing his chubby cheeks. OP be ready for many girlfriends in the future oh.
Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 12:51pm On Sep 12, 2015
wow he is soo cute. wishn him long life and prosperity



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Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 12:51pm On Sep 12, 2015
his new age is blessed.. he grows in grace, stature and wisdom.

Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 10:02pm On Sep 11, 2015
OP are you Esan? I saw your boy wearing igbulu..the Esan traditional cloth.

The mum is esan

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Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 9:14pm On Sep 11, 2015
Cute, i want to marry him for my future baby girl smiley but please cut his hair he looks like a girl.

Thanks smiley

I will cut the hair by january

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Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 9:11pm On Sep 11, 2015
He looks like a she (your fault)

Why do you plait his hair for him, let him make that choice, when he is old enough.

He looks pretty though. Congratulations.
Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 7:10pm On Sep 11, 2015
Cute boy. OP it looks like you and your madam have good genes. You and your madam shall have more beautiful children..
Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 2:17pm On Sep 11, 2015
Such a darling!!! So sweet, op, u"ve gat a very cute kid sincerly speaking.

Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 2:17pm On Sep 11, 2015
Okay I can see your daughter

Sorry that my BOY
Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 2:01pm On Sep 11, 2015
wow, can I marry him for my unborn daughter? he looks so cute. nice birthday cake, wow, you really are caring for your family. I like such men , keep it up and please try and see him soonest and feel the void of fatherhood in his early life.

cutie cutie he is so cute cheesy, oh I can't wait to see my children o. future husband come and do your work biko, my hand is itching for a baby to cuddle. cheesy

Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 1:59pm On Sep 11, 2015

Family / Re: ac by mrsmith11(m): 1:57pm On Sep 11, 2015
Awwww. So cute.

Why is there alcohol next to his cake though? lipsrsealed

The mother handwork

Is that really alcoholic drink?
Family / ac by mrsmith11(m): 1:49pm On Sep 11, 2015

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Family / Re: My Family Is In Shambles Because Of An Ex-boy Friend by mrsmith11(m): 12:48pm On Sep 07, 2015
When an issue like this becomes difficult for a woman to handle then you know her heart is divided
Romance / Re: . by mrsmith11(m): 1:23pm On Sep 06, 2015
lemme read it,
OK I have read it,
this is unfortunate but I was in ur shoes before, so I know how it hurts, trust me.
well, ur is 4yrs, mine was 11yrs.
I walked out!
Broken relationship is better than a broken marriage.
If u don't walk out, I promise u, the worst is yet to come.
I am not wishing u bad o, but mark my words, he will do it again and again and he will keep apologising again and again.
He wants to eat his cake and have it.
Lastly, there are better men out there, i dont mean boys o, i mean men. Next time, love with ur head and only love with ur heart when ur married and with a child so that the love from ur heart will come for the child.

Y do people like you advice ppl based on ur personal experience wc might not be the case for others

Wht does not worked 4u might work for others so please be careful with wen u advice ppl wit ur experience

I support wen u said she should walk away since he refuse to change and added lying to his xter but you went again to contradict yourself
You said broken relationship is better than broken marriage and she should love with her head and only love with her heart wen she married with a child?

Let assume you both love with your head pending when you have a child and in a situation when the child didn't come on time then the man will use his head to try another and see if there will be a result and if there is.........be sure you will have a broken home/marriage

Finally......when you love with your head you can't give your best and you will continue 2 have problem in ur relationship even wen u r with d right person

You had a failed relationship 2day doesn't mean you will have failed one 2moro wen you love with your heart

Always give your best anytime becos the next person might be the right person

My 10 cent
Family / Re: My Husband Is Killing Me Emotionaly, How Do I Deal With Him by mrsmith11(m): 9:01pm On Sep 04, 2015
Please don't fake any calls oh as some ppl has said.

I think your husband is taking you for granted,he knows you will not leave him becos you are not working and financially incapable of taking care of your self much more the kids

You need to get a job or biz and be less dependent on him financially

Secondly,always look good whether you are at home or not

Thirdly,sex should be done with condom henceforth

It will take awhile but it will get better


Family / Re: Is it right for a man to wash his Wife's Pant? by mrsmith11(m): 1:20pm On Aug 31, 2015
[quote author=QueenEdna post=37524594][/quote]

Uwc smiley
Family / Re: Is it right for a man to wash his Wife's Pant? by mrsmith11(m): 1:05pm On Aug 31, 2015
Theres nothn wrong with dt.

My neighbour does laundry for his Wife every weekend, i have seen him wash her panties/bra's sometimes. I think its so romantic aΩ̴̩̩̩̥d̶̲̥̅̊ speaks of a very caring aΩ̴̩̩̩̥d̶̲̥̅̊ loving husband who takes his wife as equal... I am hoping to meet such man soon.

That serious

Anyway, you really look beautiful/nice....@Dp

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Romance / Re: I am no longer confused,I will break off my friendship with her. by mrsmith11(m): 12:47pm On Aug 31, 2015
please don't date her because I don't think you worth the lady.
All you just care about is how to sleep with her that why you are even friend with her and you sound so desperate and forceful

If you really care about her then be a good friend while from time to time you communicate your feelings and assurance to her if they are really genuine and if she decide to take it to romantic level then fine but if not so stay as a good friend

A relationship ends mostly in sad note but true friendship last for long and has much impact

I advice you be a friend........relationship and sex is not all about life

My 10 cent


Sports / Re: Nigeria’s Female 4 X 400m Relay Team Set New Record In Beijing This Morning by mrsmith11(m): 2:17pm On Aug 29, 2015
I don't have comment but just observation

1st runner is from SE
2nd runner is from SW
3rd runner is from SW
4th runner is from SS

The most honest and competent region is not represented

Buhari must hear this grin


Family / Re: Am I Suffering From Misplaced Priorities? Help ... by mrsmith11(m): 6:26pm On Aug 28, 2015

smiley it was my bad

Atleast you admitted it and even apologise. A xter that is not common wit ppl around here.

Anyway,you look beautiful and I guess you got a beautiful heart as well
Family / Re: Am I Suffering From Misplaced Priorities? Help ... by mrsmith11(m): 1:58pm On Aug 28, 2015

I know that, just fooling around. Sorry.


First time seen a nairalander reply politely without been rude

Thumb up


Romance / Re: Please I Need Matured Advice Only, I Dont Need Anyone To Insult Me!!!urgent by mrsmith11(m): 1:39pm On Aug 28, 2015
I would have advice you to sit and talk with her the reason for her behaviour if only it was just one person she is doing the act with but from your story it seems is just random cheat.

She is cheating with more than one person and am very sure it started why you people were dating and you knew

My advice;if possible you can do a DNA on your daughter then it will be a starting point but if you can't then mayb a genotype/blood goup should be able to give you 50% assurance on the paternity of the child( remember 60% of 1st child outside wedlock are not always for the men)

2ndly;I think you should ask her to remain in her mother house until you come terms on you direction of the relationship

In all....am nore disappointed in your mother (sorry to say) for her to ask you continue with a ransom cheating wife is unheard of

If you end the relationship with your baby Mama and you plan to marry in future then I will advise to leave your daughter with the mother and always show care by visiting and sending money for her upkeep

My 10 cent
Politics / Re: Is The North Just One Geopolitical Zone Now? by mrsmith11(m): 6:35am On Aug 28, 2015
By your analysis the North is made up 3 geo-political zones but why will four (4) appointment comes from the three

SGF....Adamawa state (NE)

COS......Bornon state (NE)

Custom......Kano (NW)

Immigration....nassarawa (NC)

Is this fair with all other appointment from these northern zones
Politics / Re: Efcc Boss Sacked... by mrsmith11(m): 7:52pm On Aug 26, 2015
He has left the scene

All petition dissolve.......

The new chairman takes over saraki wife case
Politics / Re: Fraud: N4 Billion Naira Agriculture Loan Tears Rivers APC Apart by mrsmith11(m): 7:47pm On Aug 26, 2015
Who is deceiving who?

You signed for #134million and got 34million naira...........is either you are biggest fool or you just been economical with the truth

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