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TV/Movies / Re: Jenifa the. blockbuster by nanayisha: 4:49am On Feb 20, 2009
very funny movie. Part one was better than two, but it was still a good movie. 8/10.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Son Of Hamas Leader Turns To Christ by nanayisha: 4:29pm On Jan 17, 2009

watch the clips,the guy became a Chrtistian in Palestine.
Millions of Africans leave Islam in Africa alone
It's nothing new
Go to Yoruba land and see what I mean

I did watch a clip on the guy. I watch many clips actually. I went to youtube and other sights (you see I am the kind of person that like to do my own investgation, and not just listen to hear say).
I dont care were and when this guy converts to christianity. That is really none of my business, that is between him and his creator.
What I am saying is that we need to start reading between the line. How did a so called terriorist get entry into the U.S. with all of their security. Somene from Ramallah who is related to hamas members, and now he is a spoke person for the anti-hamas movement.
wake up people.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Son Of Hamas Leader Turns To Christ by nanayisha: 11:36am On Jan 16, 2009
People we are all being blind sighted. We are not asking our selfs the correct questions.

How in the world would a man in the sight of American Government a "Terrorist" enter the country in the first place.
A Man who spent time in an Isreali Prision with other "harded Terriorists" be given a Visa, and now live and work in America. Then after entering America profuses his love for christianity.

We need to start reading between the lines, instead of debating about his conversion to christianity which in my opinion is questionable.
Romance / Re: Dedicated to the one i love by nanayisha: 7:07pm On Jan 15, 2009
we it official, make it legal, make it last. Marry Her.

One Love.
Islam for Muslims / Re: The Ignorance Of Muslims by nanayisha: 2:27pm On Jan 15, 2009

Only muslim and fake/non christian Yorubas entertain polygamy. undecided

Jesus said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (the Old Testament) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (the Old Testament) until everything is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)"

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons, "

There are a lot more verses from the Old Testament that allow polygamy, but I think that the above are sufficient.
Foreign Affairs / Re: Damn! Israel Just Killed 3 Hamas Generals. by nanayisha: 2:13pm On Jan 15, 2009

nanayisha sorry to burst ur bubble but from time immemorial, Isreal and jews have been referred to as Zionists

where do u think Ahmedinejad was referring to when he said he'll like to wipe the zionist state off the map? (in not so many words)

I don't think you understood me well. What I said was that not all Jewish People are Zionist. If there were, you wouldn't find Jewish communities all over the world who have no intention for moving to the so called Jewish state, which in reality is an Apartheid state. There are Jewish people who do not believe in what we know as Israel.
Those people do believe in a promise land, but they believe in a Messiah that will come and show them the promise Land, where ever it may be.
Now doesn,t that sound more logically to you?, oppose to the stealing of the land of a group of people and continous oppressing placed on them.

My dear you need more exposure, believe it is better than the lies you have been feed.

So what did Ahmedinejad exactly say?
Here is a quote of what he exactly said in Farsi:
Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

The word “rezhim-e” means Regime. In the Farsi quote, it is noticed that Ahmedinejad did not even mention the word “Israel”. He meant the Israeli regime. Actually what he said was,”rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods” (regime occupying Jerusalem).
The full quote translated directly to English:

“The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time”.
Word by word translation:
It was not the western media that twisted and mistranslated the quote.
It was The Islamic Republic News Agency, that used this phrasing in the English version of some of their news releases covering the World. And of course all international media used this to make great copy, without even trying to verify what was actually said. Iran`s Foreign Minister tried afterwards to clarify the statement but what is done is done. Nothing would change what has been said Media used this awfully. Unfortuantely media is misleading when it comes to this statement. Even after the truth was found out, media still uses this mistranslated statement every now and then
Foreign Affairs / Re: Damn! Israel Just Killed 3 Hamas Generals. by nanayisha: 11:53am On Jan 12, 2009
@ Davidylan

Your Ignorance is so painful for me to read. You Know nothing. Just don't give up the day job.

Muslim do not hate Jews.
Muslims do not like Zionist. I can even say that some Muslims hate Zionist, which would be rightly justified.

Let me educate you: There is a distinction between Jewish people and Zionist. Not all Jews are Zionist.
Zionism is not an Abrahamic tradition. It is a relatively new ideology, thus not all Jews believe and follow this new innovation.

Judism is very similar to Islam, thus we do not hate Jews.
Naturally,  any sane person will despise anyone who territories them from my land, Kills my mother, wives, daughters and children in the name of an Aparthied state. But I will never hate someone who believes in live and Let live.
Foreign Affairs / Educate Yourself: Know The Real Truth About The Gaza Holocust by nanayisha: 11:23am On Jan 12, 2009
A four-month ceasefire (which suppose to run for six) between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza was in jeopardy today after Israeli troops killed six Hamas gunmen in a raid into the territory.
Hamas responded by firing a wave of rockets into southern Israel, although no one was injured. The violence represented the most serious break in a ceasefire agreed in mid-June, yet both sides suggested they wanted to return to atmosphere of calm.
Israeli troops crossed into the Gaza Strip late last night near the town of Deir al-Balah. One Hamas gunman was killed and Palestinians launched a volley of mortars at the Israeli military. An Israeli air strike then killed five more Hamas fighters. In response, Hamas launched 35 rockets into southern Israel, one reaching the city of Ashkelon.
" In Gaza, a Hamas spokesman, Fawzi Barhoum, said the group had fired rockets out of Gaza as a "response to Israel's massive breach of the truce".
"The Israelis began this tension and they must pay an expensive price. They cannot leave us drowning in blood while they sleep soundly in their beds," he said.

Source: Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem ,guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 5 November 2008 14.32 GMT
Islam for Muslims / Re: Muslim! It's Scary How Little Many Muslims Know! by nanayisha: 10:30pm On Jan 06, 2009
I definitely have to agree with you on this one. Islam is not just about Jummah people.
The more one get closers to ones deen, the more fulfilment and contentment one will acquire. Please let us get out of the dark where shaytan wants us to be and get on the straight path.
Islam for Muslims / Re: The Ignorance Of Muslims by nanayisha: 9:59am On Dec 30, 2008
Yet you have displayed another form of ignorance which I posted in my original post "The Ignorance of Christians", plagiarism.
Religion / Re: The Igorance Of Christians by nanayisha: 7:26pm On Nov 06, 2008
So far I have really enjoyed reading the responses of the Post. I commend all the constructive responses, it has shown the ability to hold sensible dialogue with some posters (most consistent so far being from cayon).
To the not so constructive responses, I think you have only confirmed the inital post. I did not want to mention names, and it looks like I didn't have to. I guess it is true that a Leopard can not change its spots.
Religion / The Igorance Of Christians by nanayisha: 2:30pm On Nov 03, 2008
When ever I come to nairaland I usually come to the religion forum. I like the debates and the topics, I try to contribute whenever I feel I have something significant to say. I try as best as possible not insult anybody because I believe it achieves nothing.
Unfortunately, I can not say the same for a lot of people, especially Christians.
If I have ever come across a group of people who do not have good etiquette's when holding a debate, I would have to say it is the Christians on the site. I don't know wether, it stems from insecurity, or inferiority complex, I feel the only method they use to get there point across is to relegate others. Unfortunately this problem seems to be consistent with some particular groups of Christians (no names are necessary, i am sure you know who you are ).
It leave me to think, that there is still so much that your religion does not teach you, besides  material prosperity.
You always talk about Jesus Christ, but I put it to you that a lot of you do not exemplify his teachings. I believe a lot of you need to go back to the drawing board.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Somali Rape Victim, 13, Stoned To Death by nanayisha: 1:56pm On Nov 03, 2008
As a Muslim I have to be careful of my response with this post. firstly, I would like to say that I do not have full knowledge on this story, thus I can not give an opinion regarding the story. We always have to keep in mind  that there is always two sides to a story. We only of one side which is based on according to.
secondly, I do belief this post belongs here. it is more suitable for the political forum, because this story has nothing to do with Islam. I don't know what the posters intention was, but i have to disagree with the post being here. Somalia as we all know, and I quote " is among the world's  most violent and impoverished countries". There is no real leadership in Somalia. All Institutions have broken down and the country I believe resembles a country of lawlessness.  I believe the Rape and the stoning if this events did occur is a symptom of the problems that is going on in Somalia. It is not natural for gang rape to occur in an organised Islam society, and then for jungle justice to be carried out (like the jungle justice that is often carried out when people shout out thief, without evidence in Lagos, Nigeria. I rarely see Amnesty International reporting on that one)  is even more un-Islamic.
Thirdly, People who have real Knowledge of Islamic Law and Justice will know that such sentence can not be passed if events occurred as reported. There is either more to the story that we are unaware of,  the people who ordered and carried out the stoning where totally wrong and there will have to answer to Allah, or the story was a fabrication 
I reserve judgment and comment because I don't want to speak out of ignorance, please let us all try a little bit of that.
Religion / Re: My Friend Hates God. Don't Know What To Do. Advice by nanayisha: 2:25pm On Aug 12, 2008
In my opinion, humans fear what they don't understand. Instead of researching and finding answers to lifes questions and misteries, we choose to fold our arms and attribute everything to GOd. Left to religion alone, man would never have gone to space, researched fire, techologies would be non-existent, malaria would be a terminal disease, a fracture would be treated by amputation.

I like your line of debate. It is a very Islamic way of arugment. You should always question what you don not understand. Allah in Quran urges us to question, challenge, pursue, research and solve the unknown. It shows in the history of the Islamic Renaissance which is traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 13th century, but has been extended to the 15th and 16th centuries by recent scholarship. During this period, engineers, scholars and traders in the Islamic world contributed to the arts, agriculture, economics, industry, law, literature, navigation, philosophy, sciences, and technology, both by preserving and building upon earlier traditions and by adding inventions and innovations of their own.[5] Howard R. Turner writes: "Muslim artists and scientists, princes and labourers together made a unique culture that has directly and indirectly influenced societies on every continent."

One must not be content with the thought of it is from GOD, thus we must not question it. They is no progressiveness in that. And why would you even want to follow such doctrine.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Why Are Yoruba Moslems Considered Inferior To Hausa Moslems? by nanayisha: 8:09pm On Aug 02, 2008
I definitely would not use the word inferior. I think that is just people's perception. I think it is culture thing. Hausa culture and Islam is almost synonymous in Nigeria. People will automatically think you are a Muslim if you are Hausa, Fulani, or from the north. That is the benefit they have over the Yoruba Muslims.

Also Islam among the Yoruba's as been regenerating in last three decades. Specially after decolonization. Islam is be practiced quite well among them now, not the kind of Islam that was mixed with the oracle of the Yorubalands.
I am not insinuating that Islam praticed by the Hausa's(Northerners) is better, on the Contracy. A lot of them still need Real Islamic education. But they have the ethos of it down.

To conclude, in Islam there is no superiority or inferiority, this is man made. Allah looks at the person's sincerity and piety.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Hausa/fulani Ladies by nanayisha: 11:30pm On Jul 29, 2008
do not be a greedy man.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Al-fitra. So What More Do You Need? by nanayisha: 11:06pm On Jul 29, 2008
Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim.

Asalam Aliakum Waramatullah Wabarakatu.

First of all I have to thank You all for this wonderful forum, and all your contributions, Particularly Olabowale. May Allah increase all our knowledge. Amin.

Secondly, Pastor I would like to commend you in your efforts to research and understand Islam. May God continue to lead and increase your efforts and knowledge.

I just have a few things I would like to contribute to in this forum from my perspective regarding the issues of the 5 pillars of Islam.
To my understanding a pillar is the thing that upholds a structure. Thus, it is the support to the framework, without these pillars the framework would not be in existence or would be very weak.

Shahadah. Naturally the first Pillar and the most important, is the testament other beliefs and practices in Islam. It must be sincere, and the ultimate guidance for ones way of life. The belief and fear of one God, and that Muhammad (SAW) is his Messenger. You must be conscious of that fact all the time, thus guiding the decisions you make in your life.

Salah. Salah is intended to focus the mind on Allah; it is a personal communication with Allah, expressing gratitude and worship. According to the Qur'an, the benefit of prayer "restrains [one] from shameful and evil deeds".[Qur'an 29:40][5]. Salah is one of the physical acts of worship, and ones salah should in theory help to develop a good character.

Sawn- This is the Month that Allah as prescribed for very Muslim, regardless wether some are doing it involuntarily or not. During the month of Ramadan Muslims must abstain from food, drink, and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk during this month, and are to be especially mindful of other sins. The fast is meant to allow Muslims to seek nearness to Allah, to express their gratitude to and dependence on him, to atone for their past sins, and to remind them of the needy. During Ramadan, Muslims are also expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam by refraining from violence, anger, envy, greed, lust, harsh language, gossip and to try to get along with each other better than normal. The lesson that should be learnt here, is if one can keep away from all of the above for , then it is possible to incorporate the lessons of the month into ones life on a permant basis. So it is far more than just avoiding food and drink.

Zakah. This is in essence for the Muslim who have been able to accumulate wealth. It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for others and eliminate inequality. it consists of spending a fixed portion of one's wealth for the benefit of the poor or needy, including slaves, debtors and travellers.

Hajj. Every able-bodied Muslim is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime if they can afford it. The Hajj should be an expression of devotion to Allah, not a means to gain social standing. The believer should be self-aware and examine their intentions in performing the pilgrimage. This should lead to constant striving for self-improvement.
Millions of so called hajjis in Nigeria will enter hell fire, because of their intentions and their actions after the hajj. They have not embodied the goal of what the hajj is suppose to be for them. Mere calling someone Alhaji or Alhaja does not mean anything. You need to look at the persons deeds and the sincerity to Islam. Allah know best.

Each Pillar in combination molds us towards salvation through fear of the one God and the goodness we have to humanity. If you study the old scriptures (Bible) all these acts where prescribed individually to different prophets. So they are not new acts of worship to God. It was at the time of the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) that God consolidated them.

So we as Muslims are just following what was set by God for humanity from the beginning of time.
Islam for Muslims / Re: Urgent Answer Plssss! by nanayisha: 9:30pm On Jul 29, 2008
Bismillah ir- Rahman ir- Rahim.

Firstly, according to fiqh-us-sunnah, the Holy Prophet (SAW) describes water as pure substance, therefore, whatever it is applied to the purness of the water has naturally neutralized the impurity.

Secondly, washing the affected area is enough, the cloth does not have to be dry.
Therefore your action was correct at the time; even if you had not noticed the sperm stain, and discovered it later when it is dried, mere scratching it off would have been sufficient to pray. Allah knows best.

Please my brother get one figh-us-sunna in english translation for further reading on Tahara-cleaness.

Religion / Re: Intelligent People 'less Likely To Believe In God' by nanayisha: 3:23pm On Jun 15, 2008
God created man to be intelligent. By far the most intelligent of all of His creation. But, like everything else, if not applied sensibly that intelligent is just another tool for self destruction. God has given us the knowledge to build great skyscrapers, fly planes, sail ships, go to space, IV treatments and countless technologies and sciences that we apply in our life's every day.
The problem is that human beings become arrogant. They feel confident in what they think is intelligence. So we begin by discounting god in our lives, then we challenge the exist of god, then we deny God completely.
We create sciences and technologies that allows lesbians to have babies without a father, we clone living things, and we also make designer babies. however, what we fail to realize is the possible limitations of intelligence. we never think of the fact that we know all we know because God as allowed it. what about the things we have no knowledge of?

moreover, what is the measure of intelligence? is it mathematics, Sciences, economics, literature? these are only subjects studied by people in institutions. Are we to discount the intelligence of the people that did not go to university, but believe in god? what about the basic exists of humans. They are still people in parts of the world that life in jungles, that are self efficient, that use technology and logical intelligence on a daily basis, are we to discount their believes because they can not read or write, but they know about which leaves to use for medicines, which animal is dangerous and basic survival intelligence.

I my self do not consider myself to me intelligence, I consider myself to be clever and logical. I went to university, got and HND, got a Degree, and I thank God everyday for life and the knowledge and opportunities of knowledge he has given me. So which category do I fall under?
Romance / Re: A Married Man I'm In Love With Has Proposed To Me by nanayisha: 11:54am On Feb 27, 2008

The poster asked for advice, and not insults.

There are question you need to ask him and yourself.

What are his intention with you and his current wive? His he planning to leave her for you? does he what to be in a polygamous religion? Can you be in a polygamous relationship? Does his wife know of you? does he have children? His he sincere with you? can you trust him? why is he discontent with his first wife? what makes you and this relationship difference? will there be a third, fourth, fifth, etc?
what will your family and friends think, or say? is this the right man for you.? can you get better? do you love him?

I put love last because i think it should be the last thing you think of. all the other question will be your tool to know whether this will be a succesful relationship. people can fall in and out of love so easily, so dont be fooled by it. Love is like a drug, it has its highs and its lows. You have to make sure you still wanna be him this person even when you feel the love you have for him is at its low, that will guarantee a successful relationship.
Religion / Re: Some Interesting Sites About Mus-lim Apostates by nanayisha: 4:32pm On Feb 25, 2008
What I found most despicable is that you people can not have a discussion without slander and fabrication and misrepresentation. It really shows the level of your intellect. Does your religion not teach you etiquettes. If you want to have debate with some one, you can do it without losing your respect or dignity. You make your argument in a respectful away.

I guess you still have alot to learn, especially from Is'lam and the prophet Mo'Hammed.

Because of your blind and misguided hate, you are missing the most important messages, which obivously is abstain from your religious teachings.

I beg go and get some etiquette lessons. And also how to speak the truth (especially for you Sysuser).
Religion / Re: Does This Make Me An Unbeliever? by nanayisha: 4:01pm On Feb 25, 2008
I am definitely at a lost with this one. If any argue is unconsistent, this is the one.
First it is said that no soul shall carry the burdens of another, then it is said that Jesus died for the Sins of Man.
Please can we go back to logical. I don't understand the ethos of this ideology. If Jesus died for the sins of Man, why do we need to be good. Why do we need to live clean lives.

If anything should come from a religion, it should be consistency.
Religion / Re: Olabowale, 4 U by nanayisha: 3:46pm On Feb 25, 2008

I too have to agree with this poster, you have a very nice and elegant way of answering and responsing to questions and ignorant attacks on is'am. I have really enjoyed reading your post. I look forward to reading more from you. Jarzak Allah Klair.
Religion / Re: Islam - A Religion Of Terror? Exploring The Myth. by nanayisha: 9:20pm On Feb 22, 2008
I would definetly confirm it, it is indeed a Myth. Ignorance, and misconception have helped this myth flourish. People need to seek the truth, and come out of the dark.
In England there use to be this debate that if you only look for black thieves, that is all you will find. While at the same time all the White thieve get away freely. If you look at something from a narrow point of view, you do not get the full picture, thus the ignorance will prevail.
Islam is not a religion of terror, it as never been, and will never be. Islam is the contrast of that.
Terror comes from warfare, political struggles and economic injustice that is happening in the world we live. People will not continue to be oppressed and made a fool of. They will want to fight for there right. We have to remember, that Nelson Mandela was once called a terrorist because he stood up to his oppressers. He fought for what he believed in with what he had. I ask you, didnt he laugh the last laugh?
if you want to know what to know what is happening in the world today, you need to look at the whole story. This story started way before 9/11. Understand the dynamic of the political stuggles of colonization, imperialisation and the injustice to face in the world.

We need to stop focusing so heavly on the problem of terrorist and start focusing on the causes of the problem. that is the only way we can rectify the problem. Myths do nothing but help the flame grow stronger. it time to kill the fire. Lets us let the truth free, and put the devil to shame.
Religion / Re: Which Religion Produces More "area Boys" (tout) In Nigeria. by nanayisha: 8:09pm On Feb 19, 2008
I do not think any religion creates area boys. I would argue that the opposite is to the effect. It is lack of religion, or even ignorance of ones religion, and a lack of civic education create a manifestion of hooliganism.

Hope that has answered your question.

Religion / Re: Scared! I Don't Believe In God, And You People Scare Me by nanayisha: 6:11pm On Feb 19, 2008
Good day. How are you.

I just finishing reading your comments, and the first thing I must say to you is congraulations. I am so happy for you. Because by God's grace this is the begining for you. Please I do not want you to misunderstand me. I am a believer of God. I am  GOD fearing person, and I aspire to being a better human being to seek the happiness and mercy of th Lord that I serve.
The reason why i congraulated you want because I am a firm believer in logical thinking, especially when it comes to a matter of faith. Just because You have faith in something, does not mean you should not be logical. being logical means that you need to ask painful questions. questions that need to be answered. For this reason I commend. This are signs of grow in faith.
I myself, I am a practicing muslim. I choose to be praticing muslim because i believe Islam answers all the questions I have. I believe in doing something for sake of faith, but also logical. it needs to make sense to you. You need to belive with your heart as well as your brain for doing what you are doing.

The only advice i have for you is to stop looking for a particular religion. Get the answers to all your questions. Not by looking into Christianity or Islam, but by looking for God. Be sincere in your heart. Ask God for guidance. Throw away all your pre-conceived notions about any religion and just seek for your creator. If you are truly sincere in your heart God will come running to you as you go walking to him. You have nothing to lose, so try it.

You are in my prayers and thoughts.

Peace be on to you.

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