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Health / Re: I Just Had A Severe Scald From Boiling Water (graphic Images) by nicedas(m): 7:19am On Oct 17, 2024
When people come to platform for solutions, we should know that there financial down. So, if you have best suggestions, don't delayed to give out. MA Sallah.
Education / Re: Ladies Excited As Man Is Allowed Into Their Hostel For The First Time In 26 Yrs by nicedas(m): 5:24pm On Oct 02, 2024
😂 😂

Reminds me of our time in UNN, the Franco area (boys hostels) rarely have female visitors because of the taunts from guys (always screaming tanker when they sight any woman in the hostel cheesy), even though there is one female hostel close by. Guys hostel don't even have gates, so it's always open... 😅 The scream is worse than this one, sometimes it even put fear in the female visitor like an incident that happened during matriculation with a female visitor who was oblivious of situation with guys and was walking magestically in the middle of Mbanefo Hostel (engine boys hostel), guys were initially looking at her like who gave her the guts, mehn, short story, she was traumatized after the screaming to the point of the hall govt coming to her rescue grin grin grin

Although, we guys always visit the female hostels at will especially during the visiting hours from Noon till 10pm (I have once visited in the morning sha but later cautioned by the potter) . I always visited by sisters in their hostels and mehn my eyes saw things some days in those girls hostels grin grin grin...

There was an evening my sister called me to come and get some things she got from the market, I left the library late and went to her hostel, and they was no power supply that evening and it was hot, I kinda sneaked in grin and got what I went there for, on my way out due to the hot weather some babes where standing at the lobby half naked to get some fresh air and there is this one that was even stark naked, she didn't see me initially and fortunately for her I was not even seeing her because it was dark but immediately the school Gen was put on and from her reactions (scampering away) I saw some glimpse but turned away my eyes and left... 😅 😅 😂 It was quite funny though.

I missed the way some of those girls always complement my look whenever I visit my sisters.
Mbanefo hostel is now girls hostel. News from UNN Repair Guy

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Programming / Re: Cyber Security Study Group Abuja by nicedas(m): 11:14am On Jan 13, 2023
Jobs/Vacancies / Please Help. NASIMS Is Suddenly Displaying My Email Is Not Correct. by nicedas(m): 8:56am On Mar 27, 2021
I am only a step away, as it is only the test that's remaining.

Health / Re: 601 New COVID-19 Cases, 882 Discharged And 1 Death On August 22 - (3946 Tested)) by nicedas(m): 12:04am On Aug 23, 2020
the lie don tire me. make Una no dey promote this nonsense na.
Adverts / Re: Opera News Hub: How To Make #50,000 Monthly With Opera News 2020 by nicedas(m): 9:42am On Jul 11, 2020
Webmasters / Re: How Much Should Be The Minimum Earnings Of A Developer? by nicedas(m): 7:02pm On Jun 12, 2020
I want to learn programming, pls. somebody pls r reply me.
NYSC / Re: Corpers Will Enjoy New Minimum Wage - Minister, Sunday Dare by nicedas(m): 11:00am On Oct 24, 2019
More fake certificate loading

+ Backdating of age
grin shocked

# in present tense #
grin angry
how can I backdate my age?
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Liverpool vs Barcelona: UCL Semi-Finals (4 - 0) On 7th May 2019 by nicedas(m): 6:57pm On May 07, 2019
Love u Barcelona
Sports / Re: Why Ronaldo Is Unhappy With The Match In Madrid. by nicedas(m): 1:14am On Feb 21, 2019
Nairaland is shit. So if its not a premier league team that is playing, it won't make front page. Imagine the entertainment in this match.


Webmasters / Re: Bloggers In The House, Pls Help by nicedas(m): 7:32pm On Jan 06, 2019
And when I click on it, this is what shows up next... How do I solve this problem pls.

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Webmasters / Bloggers In The House, Pls Help by nicedas(m): 7:29pm On Jan 06, 2019
This is the message I get when ever I try connecting my blog to my adsense account. Pls assist.

Religion / The Inevitable, Inconsequential Contraception Called Religion by nicedas(m): 2:31pm On Dec 29, 2018
Leaders all over and around the world have been able to manipulate and hoodwink the populace in exchange for power. �


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Politics / The Inconsequential, Contraception Called Religion by nicedas(m): 2:23pm On Dec 29, 2018
Leaders all over and around the world have been able to manipulate and hoodwink the populace in exchange for power. �

Politics / 1 In Every 5 Nigerians Are Mad: How El'rufai Retweeted A Tweet Mocking Buhari by nicedas(m): 3:10pm On Nov 15, 2018
Came across this tweet retweeted by governor Nasiru Elrufai while going through his wall on Twitter and surprisedly, saw him retweeted a supposed tweet ridiculing president Muhammadu buhari

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Celebrities / Re: Davido & His Boo Chioma Pose On The Airstairs Of His New Private Jet (photo) by nicedas(m): 5:56am On Aug 18, 2018
I want to do a little giveaway

Am thinking of giving 10 people 2k each or a bigger amount to fewer number
a unn third year student who is broke... epp brother.. phone number...08028041359... account number 0696854598. Access bank
Education / Re: Jeffrey Lebari-Lube Nwidobie Wins 5 Awards At Tarleton State University by nicedas(m): 10:44am On May 15, 2018
He really deserves some accolades cool

Igbo Amaka

Ogoni Amaka

Nigeria Amaka oh cool
no b only igbo amaka, na igbo chiamaka


Politics / Re: Ben Bruce Reacts To Dino Melaye's Arrest by nicedas(m): 12:05pm On Apr 25, 2018
oga bronze...will u keep quiet
Education / A Brother Needs A Work On National Development Plan by nicedas(m): 9:27am On Feb 24, 2018
Good morning nairalander.
I have problem on my upcoming examination, and I seriously need help in relation to this, A lecturer in the department of political science asked all it's students to go and read on the titles of national development plans of successive administrations, including military and civilian government...

I need any concrete and liable work pls.
Thanks for ur anticipated relies
Romance / Re: Praise Sam Ogan: "I Won’t Dump My Man Because He Can’t Satisfy Me In Bed" by nicedas(m): 4:01pm On Jan 14, 2018
omo this girl na wrestler
European Football (EPL, UEFA, La Liga) / Re: Liverpool Vs Manchester City (4 - 3) On 14th January 2018 by nicedas(m): 4:00pm On Jan 14, 2018
forcabarva,.. it's man city 1 Liverpool 0
Religion / Re: Come To North And Rescue Our Youth; Almustapha To Muoka by nicedas(m): 6:49am On Jan 11, 2018
everything about Christianity is politics, little wonder it's origin was and still connected to the brutal medieval church


Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 7:52am On Jan 04, 2018

u guys love distorting ur own holy book, just to make d inhuman parts look human
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 7:08pm On Jan 03, 2018

When a part of the body is affected the whole is it. When 1% commits a crime the whole are affected. Don't you see people mocking Christians on this forum? Whenever the issue of church is mentioned many Muslims and atheist rush to blast Christians on this forum and even in reality?,why because many pastors had tarnished the image of Christianity. The only different between ours and yours is that we were told in the Bible what will happen. That is why at times I pity some Christians that foolishly and blindly condemn pastors all in the name of claiming right. Many of them don't read their bible again and they claim to know it all.
all we know and practice is hate, no morals, no justice, no equality, no kindness, it's all about personal desires... God help us,.
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 6:55pm On Jan 03, 2018

Like I said from the beginning, it what they saw, perceived that made them behave that way. They persecute because few bad eggs that had tarnished the image of Islam. But there is something you can do. Carry out campaign to sensitize people about Islam. When people mock you,ignore them because with love you can prove a point. If many Muslims go like this, issue of this nature will die naturally.
this is exactly what some of my Christian folks tell me, personally, I feeling accepting such sensitization measures only means accepting these warlords as Muslims, personally I don't c them as Muslims, I will rather disclaim them, as a student, I believe no group or force can be stronger than the state, bokoharam as we know it has everything to do with politics rather than religion
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 3:43pm On Jan 03, 2018
Your religion was made for mockery. Islam is full of absurdity, violence, ignorance and evil.

The Koran actually goes out of its way to insult Christians.

The Koran tells Muslims that it is their religious duty to fight Christians and Jews:

Qur’an 9:29: Fight the Jews and the Christians until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Muhammad even threatened to drive all Jews and Christians out of Arabia even though Christianity and Judaism are older religions than Islam and have been existing in Arabia before even Muhammad was born:

Sahih Muslim 4366—Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”

Christians have no choice other than to regard Islam with suspicion.

lol. I am a student of political science and a fan of history, history has it that before the second world war, Jerusalem and 80percent of palastine was owned and controlled by muslaims and Palestinians, only the Bible says otherwise, this is ridiculously not funny, this expansionist agender need to stop, hitler killed millions of Jews because he saw them as betrayals and tricky... this is history not me
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 3:18pm On Jan 03, 2018
Your religion was made for mockery. Islam is full of absurdity, violence, ignorance and evil.

The Koran actually goes out of its way to insult Christians.

The Koran tells Muslims that it is their religious duty to fight Christians and Jews:

Qur’an 9:29: Fight the Jews and the Christians until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Muhammad even threatened to drive all Jews and Christians out of Arabia even though Christianity and Judaism are older religions than Islam and have been existing in Arabia before even Muhammad was born:

Sahih Muslim 4366—Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”

Christians have no choice other than to regard Islam with suspicion.

this is ur Bible on quote
Deuteronomy 7: 16 uses akal (" consume"wink when saying " You must destroy ( consume) all the peoples the Lord your God gives over to you
don't go searching for any part of d Qur'an that supports yr emotions or trying to cherry pick points...
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 3:08pm On Jan 03, 2018

Don't get me wrong I understand you. I have few Muslims as friend and we live together
u can't have all the Muslims living together with u... I am from kogi state, these Christian walk into ur compound uninformed, especially those houses that are not fenced, which part of this country do u c Muslims doing this same thing, if eventually u react, it becomes the news of d day, we let d Christians dress d way they wish without any tantrum, in return, these Christians won't let u enjoy d same freedom...
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 2:58pm On Jan 03, 2018

True wink but you shouldn't use the word "many", sounds like your still generalizing the whole thing
there are two kind of people all around the globe who consciously or unconsciously believe Islam is a religion of war
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 2:53pm On Jan 03, 2018

That is the way some behave. Behaviour are influenced by certain factors. The reason for such behaviour is as a result of what most muslim brothers and sisters do to tarnish the image of islam.Many of them are violent in nature. Based on that many persons view muslims that way. Although it's not right because they are good Muslims but you just have to deal with it. This can be likened to the way many persons including Muslim faithful view Nigeria pastors. There are good ones but because of the way many had tarnished the image of Christianity, good the ones face the persecution.
less than one percent of the Muslims populations all over d world are into terrorism
Religion / Re: What Is Wrong With Christianity? by nicedas(m): 7:32pm On Jan 02, 2018

I know that you that people doing this things are "Christians" but what I'm saying is that generalizing something because of a few people is the same thing that Christians are doing...How do you feel when people associate violence and terrorism with your religion?
Aren't you doing the same thing right now?... I'm not supporting anybody here cos I couldn't be bothered with religion but I'm just trying to make you understand that you don't act on the stupidity of some certain people and generalize it... Nothing good ever comes out of it

U right... But this matter tire me, wish I can find solution to this madness

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