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Crime / Re: My Life Is In Danger – NAFDAC DG Cries Out by Oche211(m): 6:44pm On Feb 26
After Dora, This is the best NAFDAC DG so Far

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Crime / Re: My Life Is In Danger – NAFDAC DG Cries Out by Oche211(m): 6:43pm On Feb 26
At last, NAFDAC has woken up to it's responsibility.

This woman must be protected at all cost

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Education / Re: EDITORIAL:UNIZIK, Reconsider That Student's Expulsion by Oche211(m): 6:51am On Feb 15
The person who wrote this editorial dey ment.
How does the lecturer's touch constitute an assault.

The werey even said it's a touch without her consent. Who asked her to use a busy hallway for a Tiktok video shoot without other users' consent.

We are took quick to talk about the western culture. If that lady had done such rubbish in either US, UK or Canada, she will be in court by now.

Imagine her first public statement were lies of sexual assaults against the lecturer. Thank God for video evidences.

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Foreign Affairs / Re: "He’s Got Enough Problems With His Wife" - Trump On Deporting Prince Harry by Oche211(m): 4:42pm On Feb 08
This one gave up everything for a woman…chai
He will regret it later

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Foreign Affairs / Re: "He’s Got Enough Problems With His Wife" - Trump On Deporting Prince Harry by Oche211(m): 4:42pm On Feb 08
As blunt as trump

55 Likes 2 Shares

Politics / Re: Pidom Nigeria Is A Scam, He Has Been Bought By The Government - David Hundeyin by Oche211(m): 11:17pm On Dec 28, 2024

There is no body in Tinubu media team top to bottom that has his integrity so far.. None I challenge you to name a one

Tinubu believes everyone has a price... When he comes across Rich kids who grew up in wealth n are not crazy about money he can't do anything

Leave the guy. He thinks everyone is like Reno or his likes.

There are men who won't sell out, no matter the price tag.


Politics / Re: Pidom Nigeria Is A Scam, He Has Been Bought By The Government - David Hundeyin by Oche211(m): 11:15pm On Dec 28, 2024
Believe me Jagaban have more than enough far better than the asylum seeker on his bench doing warmup cheesy

For your mind. Tinubu and the FG will gladly jump at any offer for a peace talk with David Hundeyin.

21 Likes 2 Shares

Romance / Re: Give Me Your Honest Opinions by Oche211(m): 6:11pm On Nov 28, 2024
@ Lalami3232 hey man. I dont do public view honestly. I take decisions on my own. If you read my post. I always make it clear to her. This marriage thing is not by force. I have given her an open slate to take a decision. But the occurence is becoming too much. Any small argument. Let scatter everything. That got me wondering myself.

Don't wait for her to take the decision, break up with her.

By the way, why are you responsible for 100% of a lady's needs when she's working.

The highest thing a man want from his woman is respect, if she's not giving you that, leave her.

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Romance / Re: Give Me Your Honest Opinions by Oche211(m): 6:08pm On Nov 28, 2024
The signs are obvious. She isn't willing to commit to you.

I will advice you to end the relationship and the marriage. A broken engagement is better than a broken marriage.

That lady has a back up plan and she's definitely cheating on you.

Don't regret later, throw her away now


Politics / Re: Poison Saga...threat Becoming Real by Oche211(m): 6:17am On Sep 02, 2024
You guys are so funny. Sniper has been used by sellers from all ethnic groups to preserve their wares from times in the past.

We had made public outcry on this without the police responding and all of a sudden, you guys wants to turn it to an Igbo Vs Yoruba things?

Even Hausa and Yoruba traders use this sniper. Na only God fit save us in this country as the police and NAFDAC are not doing their job

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Fashion / Re: Mia Le Roux Wins Miss South Africa 2024 Pageant (Photos) by Oche211(m): 10:59am On Aug 11, 2024

LMFAO. You're ranting and all I'm seeing is the pain from the rejection grin.

The lady has every right to win , the same way blacks , coloureds and Indians have won before. They are all citizens of SA.

Chidimma is a foreigner!!

She might have been born in SA but her mother used fraudulent papers to register her. Two foreigners cannot produce a SA citizen and that's the law not sentiments. She is allowed to claim citizenship by naturalisation but not claim nativity of SA.

Lol, I can see clearly that there are many things that are fundamentally wrong with the mindset of an average Black south African.

The apartheid system really did a lot of dirty things on your minds.

You know that there are places and cities in your town that you can't step foot as a black South African. It's designated "white only".

Most of your lands are still with your masters but you rather take out your frustrations on Nigerians.

Imagine being a slave in your own country in this 21st century. 2024 for that matter

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Fashion / Re: Mia Le Roux Wins Miss South Africa 2024 Pageant (Photos) by Oche211(m): 8:32am On Aug 11, 2024

Your hatred's getting the better of you, making you a bit unhinged. You lot are always going on about racism, but you're being racist yourselves! She's a white South African, and if she weren't from South Africa, she wouldn't be eligible to stand.

Meanwhile, Black people are holding top jobs all over the US and other parts of the world, yet hardly anyone cries about it. Should we chuck them out just because they're Black?

It's okay to be white!

It seems you didn't get the gist behind the headline.
A South African who had a Nigerian root who was well positioned to win the contest was actually bullied until she had to drop because south Africans said she's not their citizen. All elements pointed to the fact that she's a south African by birth and had grown there all her life.

Mind you, she was born and raised in south Africa to a south African mother and a Nigerian father. Now they are even saying her mother isn't a south African just to ensure she's disqualified.

Nigerians are mocking them now because after all their dramas to remove a black beauty queen for not been south African enough simply because her father is a Nigerian, they ended up with a white beauty queen.

So the taunts from Nigerians isn't racial at all. It's not directed at the lady who won but at south Africans. So in essence, there's no Zulu lady beautiful enough for the crown.

With the energy that they fought the lady, we all thought a Zulu queen would have been crowned.

16 Likes 6 Shares

Politics / Re: Full Text Of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu's Nationwide Broadcast by Oche211(m): 7:09am On Aug 04, 2024
This is trash... They still think this protest is a child's play.

The simple thing Nigerians want to hear now is that at least 50% subsidy has been returned and measures are in place to strengthen the naira


Travel / Re: Nigerians Help SA Boy Who Walked Home For 8 Hours After Losing Bus Ticket (PICS) by Oche211(m): 6:32am On Jul 26, 2024
You can see there's limited or no commendation for the Nigerians who helped the boy.

Imagine it was for a wrong reason, our ears would have been blocked from the public outcry.

36 Likes 1 Share

Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:51pm On Jul 18, 2024

Her mom already left their father when they were still young, she was brought up by a single mom.

Last year someone told me that while they were still married her mom was bringing small boys into their matrimonial bed to sex, on the day of our traditional marriage, one mama that lives close to where I lives called me to the corner and said she has a lot to tell me, after the traditional marriage I went to see her and she told me that my wife elder sister is doing runs which I I'm very much aware of, because she came to visit me one day, her and my wife that was when she was still my girlfriend, and she was boosting that no boy will and can ever Bleep her for free. Even her post on whatsapp status is all about sex and Bleep, smoke etc.

She told me also that her mom was once bringing young boys into their house while still married that she lived close to her before.

I didn't noticed any of this trait on my wife, "then girlfriend" and I haven't still noticed despite monitoring and cloning her WhatsApp.

You really married into a wrong family. I doubt if her own father can do this.

If you don't instill that fear in her, you may end up raising another man's child. Just make sure you do DNA as soon as possible before you start paying school fees.

I just have to be sincere with you, there's a huge tendency that you wife might go her mother's way.

If you check well, this same manipulation tactics were what her mother did for her father.

If she herself can testify that her mother brings boys to the house, then don't go to sleep.

Be vigilant and alert. Are you on Twitter?


Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:40pm On Jul 18, 2024
You allowed her attend a separate church while she was pregnant, it's only natural that she would want her church to christen the child.

U can take the dedication to your family church.

Ndo, alot of sacrifice for a peaceful marriage.

Which kind yeye sacrifice. His wife is simply manipulating him to always have her way.

Marriages like this don't usually last long. A marriage where a woman always have her ways is a disaster waiting to her.

She will start seeing him as a weak man and gradually she will start misbehaving until she self destroy

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Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:37pm On Jul 18, 2024

We had an argument few weeks ago and she was crying as usual, she was still pregnant then. I told her that she's always using her tears to manipulate me and she swore with the life of the fetus on her womb that she isn't, since then I thought maybe she doesn't know when the tears start flowing and might not be manipulating me, but with what I saw yesterday after the argument, that thought is no longer there, I now fully believe that she's manipulating me with tears at every slight arguments or quarrels.

Regarding her changing her name, this is one thing I have swore never and ever to tell her to do, even though it hurts me to my bone marrow most especially seeing her elder sister on Facebook answering her boyfriend name. I swear that it hurts me so much that she is still answering her father's name but I won't ever confront her about this, common sense is supposed to tell her that immediately after marriage she's supposed to change her surname to my own name, even if it's just her Facebook name for the now. But no, she didn't, she registered for antinental with her surname, and that's why the money I paid for her CS has her name and surname on the receipt.

You see, the issue is that you didn't properly vet her before marrying her.

If you did, you would have seen so many redflags. If you aren't sexually attracted to her so much, why then did you fall for her tears to marry her.

You see this naming ceremony thing now? It's the perfect opportunity for you to stamp your authority.

Sometimes, you don't have to wait for women to make some decisions, you make it for them. Understand that women are not capable of making sound, logic decisions without proper guidance.

You never lead your wife during courtship, you are not leading her now.

My woman can't even use tears to manipulate me, cos my No will still be my No and my yes will still be my yes. If you like cry an ocean of tears.

So since she know this, crying or manipulation is out of it. I am surprised at this your predicament.

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Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:28pm On Jul 18, 2024

This is what I intend doing, thanks for your advise, I will do as you advised as it's the absolutely best thing to do right now. Although I have already given in on letting her pastor officiate the naming because of her CS operation, for her cry not to affect her.

But after everything, she won't go to that church again and I swear to God that if she refused she will pack her load and go, after all the love isn't there and I'm not sexually attracted to her. Same tears she used in manipulating me in getting married to her is same tears she's still using in getting her way after every little misunderstanding. I will stop her from going to that church, I have had enough already.

You still want her to have her way this last time. You are not ready for anything.

If it's me, I will simply tell her I have changed my mind. Let her tell her pastor not to come. That you have made arrangements with your own pastor.
No matter how she disagrees, don't back down. Also, call her father and explain to him and tell him to call both his daughter and their pastor to order.

Tell him your wife has become unreasonable and for all she's done, you aren't comfortable with their pastor coming for the naming.

This is a test to know the family you married into.
Just call her father and tell him to talk to his daughter. In all your discussion with him, insist on not seeing the said pastor in your house on that day.

Again, if it's possible, make sure you take your family far from the church. That's if you can't be firm with this decision

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Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:21pm On Jul 18, 2024

It seems I have been too easy and quiet on her, I will do as you say and ban her from going to that church and if she refused, she should pack her load and go back to her parents house, I have really condole enough of her rubbish and tears at any slight arguments.

I paid 396k for her cs operation, and no where my name or surname appeared on the receipt that was given to me, it's her name and her father's name that was on it. This is because after marriage she has not changed her surname to my name, this hurt me a lot because her elder sister that is just a baby mama to her boyfriend has already changed her Facebook sur name to her boyfriend surname. Whereas my wife is still answering her father's name, I have told myself that if she can't think and do this willingly, I will never and ever confront her concerning this.

I have been allowing her to do whatever she want but this, she has over stepped her boundaries, seems I have been too easy on her.

What am I just reading?

You really started off on the wrong note. That lady doesn't have any regards for you.

I don't want to be an agent of doom but if you don't do something quickly, this marriage is headed for the rock.

You are not in charge of your home. Tell her to either sit up or go back to her father's house.

One, that pastor must never officiate the child naming ceremony
Two, make sure you do a DNA
Three, discreetly monitor your wife, also have a way of reading her chats. I suspect she will be deleting chats. So make sure you have an app that recover her deleted chats
Four, by all means she must not step her feet in that her own church again.
Five, tell her to either do a change of name now or be ready to go back to her father's house.
Be firm and decisive. She's manipulative. She will destroy you if you don't act fast to put her on the right track.

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Family / Re: My Wife Insisting That Her Pastor Must officiate our child naming ceremony. by Oche211(m): 4:10pm On Jul 18, 2024

That's the church she was attending before we got married, so I don't want to stop her in order for it not to seems like I'm wicked and for her not to call me names.

Yesterday she reminded me that after our marriage my family forced her to do thanks giving at our church. She has been saying this for long, but stopped, until yesterday.

I told her that doing thanks giving at our church is now a bad thing or something that's forceful?

She cried a lot yesterday because of our argument of this naming.

Same tears she used in forcing me into getting married to her when I wasn't in anyway ready.

Stamp you feet on the ground and let the worse happen.

If you can successfully have your way now without giving in to her manipulation, she will stop.

Let her call you a wicked man. Also make sure you do everything to stop her from going to that church. Make sure she comes to your own church.

If she doesn't want, let her and the marriage go.

You are playing with a time bomb. If my guess is right, your marriage is still too young.

This is why we always advice against marrying out of pity

52 Likes 4 Shares

Politics / Re: I Have Failed Manhood And I Feel Like Dying by Oche211(m): 11:01pm On Jun 29, 2024
Forget everything you have written there, your ex was cheating on you. She just needed something to trigger a break up.

You messed up by going to beg her and doing all that. But it's fine, seems this is your first major heartbreak.

Follow these steps
1. Block her on all platforms, delete her photos and chats. Make conscious efforts to erase all her memories. Block her now. Facebook, WhatsApp, telegram, normal calls, just block her.

2. Don't enter into any relationship for now.

3. Work on yourself. From tomorrow, go and scout out a gym around your area, pay their subscription form and start right away. Exercise very well, build your body.

4. Eat healthy. Forget about her

5. Channel your energy to your work or hustle. Double your hustle, make money legitimately. You need to make money and gym your topmost priority.

6. If you are in a church, join a work force and be dedicated. Look for an NGO and serve as a volunteer. Channel your energy into something positive.

Do this for the remaining 6 months faithfully. Let's compare the result on December 31st, 2024.

Note: your ex may come back in the near future, make sure you don't take her back. She's lost to you for ever.

When you are ready, a new relationship will come. Your circles will Automatically change, you will meet cleaner, better babes to choose from.

Keep hustling and grinding



Romance / Re: MEN!! Churches Are The WORST PLACES To Get Good Wives In Today's World!! (photo) by Oche211(m): 8:13pm On Jun 09, 2024

Chairman you're right. I see many of them inside the hotel I work, sneaking inside to sleep with the owner of the hotel who is 72 years of age, that have a wife and grown up men and women as children. God knows I am not lying or just trying to castigate women. Some of these girls I know them in a particular church choir, and if you go to their Facebook handle they call themselves daughter of Zion, minister etc. Even today one of them dressed in her choir uniform has come to see my director. I feel bad that these girls don't fear God.

Men should really be careful. When I wasn't working in a hotel I thought these girls are clean. But if you work in a hotel or lodge you will know the truth about Nigerian ladies. 90 percent of them are prostitute in disguise.

As I am here I'm 29 years and I'm currently not dating. I fear for the future of young decent men. One young lady working in the hotel I thought was different since we have had some conversation is only a pretender. She's handling multiple suspicious calls. Because if care is not taken by any disciplined young man you might end up with one of these women.

Then the problem is not just the cheating you're going to face in such marriage, but terrible lies that would break your heart that is already there. Also your daughter is going to be an ashawo, whether you like it or not, it's already in the family line. This is why we need to undercover every of the moves. They are learning new trick everyday. They even preach to people on social media. Don't believe them.

I saw my ex post on her wall talking about the two ladies who were recently killed by a man.
She was castigating them, telling young ladies not to do hook up. Backed it up with plenty bible verses.

I just laughed. This is someone who is into hook up. Even registered on hook up sites self. Someone who sends her nudes to men and was a big time hook up lady. The relationship was a long distance. Thank God I found out on time.

You need to see how simps are on her page praising her for being a virtuous lady. Telling her the man that will marry her will be so lucky.

You can see her level of hypocrisy. Women act holy and all that. Deep inside, they are bags of tr@sh.

The redpill is the saving lifeline for men

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Romance / Re: When She Tells You, No Sex Before Marriage by Oche211(m): 10:46am On May 18, 2024
No marriage till after secx.. Unless you prove to me youre a virgin! Go n prey on someone else...

Even the stage I am in now, even as a virgin, you go drop the sex ooo.

I had fallen for that nonsense of no sex, Omo I discovered she was enjoying it from different guys.

Now, any relationship I enter, whether you are a virgin or not, no sex means no relationship.

I dey make am clear from day one


Romance / Re: My Brother Just Ended His Marriage Of 2years by Oche211(m): 5:29pm On May 14, 2024
He has taken the wisest decision.
That lady slept with the guy more than once.

She cheated more than once


Politics / Re: The Cybercrimes Act 2015 Has Been Repealed & Replaced - Inibehe Effiong by Oche211(m): 6:27am On May 06, 2024

Just imagine.

Is the guy afraid of something that he wants to teach the law enforcers their work

Calm down, a guy made a comment on Twitter yesterday of how corrupt the Nigeria Police is as an organization, the force PPRO said it's cyber bullying and vowed to ensure the guy is prosecuted for that comment.

That's what the Lawyer is pointing out now
Romance / Re: Is My Husband Thinking Of Another Lady Whilst Banging Me?? by Oche211(m): 4:48pm On May 05, 2024
Has Seun started paying for impression on nairaland and we don't know?

The level of clout chasing for engagements and impressions are on another level here


Politics / Re: Sule Lamido To Northern Governors: You are Advancing Our Shame And Embarrassment by Oche211(m): 12:57pm On Apr 28, 2024
Why is it that most out of job politicians always turn out to have sense than when they are in government?

They are trying to patronize the people. Give this same Sule Lamido power again and see how much he will abuse it all over

1 Like

Politics / Re: Sule Lamido To Northern Governors: You are Advancing Our Shame And Embarrassment by Oche211(m): 12:56pm On Apr 28, 2024
See Sule Lamido speaking as if he was anything better when he was in power.

Our Leaders are all wicked and shameless.

The only exception to this still remain His Excellency, Peter Obi.
Food / Re: A Pot Of Soup I Prepared Today (4,900) by Oche211(m): 6:27pm On Apr 25, 2024

grin shocked cool
Just give me an answer because the soup is tempting and inviting.
Na laziness to cook soup dey worry me
Let me run it with semo sharp sharp.
Food / Re: A Pot Of Soup I Prepared Today (4,900) by Oche211(m): 5:35pm On Apr 25, 2024
I couldn't go to work today because I was not feeling fine,however yesterday I bought some items to prepare this;
Stockfish -1500
Dry fish-2000
Pumpkin -200
Fresh pepper-300
Ogbono-left over, crawfish and others I bulk buy
And it came out this way
Fellows please come and join me soon location South east,Dubai of Africa to be precise, I be proud Anambrarian grin grin

How much should I pay to carry the whole pot of soup?

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Food / Re: 'How Tomato Paste Importers Are Killing Nigerians' - Erisco Foods (2015) by Oche211(m): 4:02pm On Mar 28, 2024
Nobody put him in prison ooo...

Did he know how many businesses he tried to pull down.

People's sweat and blood and what they had laboured for years.

No IGP arrested and took him to Abuja

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Food / Re: 'How Tomato Paste Importers Are Killing Nigerians' - Erisco Foods (2015) by Oche211(m): 4:02pm On Mar 28, 2024
Imagine chief Eric was arrested Then.
Will he have laboured 40 years to build a business.

The truth is that majority of us can't take half of what we dish out to others

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