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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 3:55am On Jan 18, 2024
Ibadan is a multicultural city. Yoruba , igbo, edo, hausa, nupe, fulani, isoko etc dey there. Posts like these should be ignored or reported

The poster is supposed to be fished out and arrested

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Politics / Re: Ibadan Explosion Is An Attack On Biafra Dominated Area In Yorubaland - IPOB by Omoawoke2(m): 1:11am On Jan 18, 2024
Your link does not open.

Besides, Ekpa could be trying hard to be noticed. Somehow, you guys look for anybody, no matter how isolated the person is, to reflect the views of the generality of Easterners

Dmerciful, there’s no way you can tell people to shut up and pretend this things don’t exist. I know you are trying really hard but it’s not possible that people will not react.

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Politics / Re: I Met A Guinean That Holds A Nigerian Passport by Omoawoke2(m): 1:07am On Jan 18, 2024
I met a student in his mid twenties in Canada. I approached him to say hi because of his Nigerian accent. He looks like a Northern Nigerian but told me he was from Guinea and grew up in Ibadan. He understood Yoruba clearly.

We had a chat for some time. He later told me he was an international student and holds a Nigerian passport. He concluded that his dad owns a mining business in Ibadan.

How did a Guinean get a Nigerian passport. I later met a Yoruba boy who grew up in Togo but holds a Togolese passport. His family was a Nigerian family that migrated to Togo and not the indigenous Yoruba in Togo

You can hold the passport of a foreign country if you fulfill the requirements.


Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 10:17pm On Jan 17, 2024

U are a chief tribalist.

Do I care how u feel.

I wasn’t expecting you to care in anyway. And the feeling is mutual, I don’t give a shit about you.
All I know is, Peter obi will never ever be president of Nigeria. The packaged fraud and failure will never ever be president and no amount of votes from Southeast can change that

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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 9:28pm On Jan 17, 2024
Seun Mynd44 Nlfpmod Mukina2 Dominique rule 2. How you guys still allows this bigot to roam around nairaland freely is a mystery.

It’s time nairaland creates a new rule for calling names of MOD in vain.

Which person una be, are you devoid of common sense?

What rule did he break exactly?? Stop creating nuisance please

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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:57pm On Jan 17, 2024

Where is the tribalism?

The thing shock me oo

We are talking of someone celebrating a disaster because of politics. He dey shout triablism

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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:53pm On Jan 17, 2024

Do you wanna end tribalism on nairaland or should we return to the trenches?

Mention just one thing that qualify this thread as tribalistic. Please just one!

Let me help you call them louder

Seun x 2
Mynd44 x 2
Etc x 2

Please come and ban me for 20 years.

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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:42pm On Jan 17, 2024

Take this nonsense off here.

Wahala man...amebo.

Discuss it with ur village people.


Seun should please come to this thread and tell me how this thread is being tribal? And if you don’t want us to discuss politics again, tell us. We can change nairaland to childrenLand

This is a political issue, a case of someone agitating over a lost election?

What exactly is the color of your madness?

24 Likes 2 Shares

Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:39pm On Jan 17, 2024

Shut up tat rubbish hole on your face undecided So you think you're the only tribally bigoted hatefilled fella,una plenty wella.
Shameless tribalist, at this age all your existence is about is doing tribal hate banters on nairaland,your existence is a maximum nonentity to mankind.
Them suppose pack you and your co tribalist from whatever Tribe go dump for sambisa forest.

The way the conscience is pricking you is interesting.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m calling out an animal over political issue, please what has tribe got to do with it? Tell me

25 Likes 2 Shares

Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:37pm On Jan 17, 2024

Take this nonsense off here.

Wahala man...amebo.

Discuss it with ur village people.


You are calling me the tribalist.

The incident in Ibadan didn’t identify any tribe or religion. It took out humans. But I’m the tribalist for getting pissed off over a very insensitive post by someone agitated over an election result

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Politics / Re: Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:26pm On Jan 17, 2024
Oga keep quiet and stop trying to import toxicity from twitter into nairaland. I know you miss it, but this forum is passed that.

Cc; Seun, Dominique, Mynd44, Fergie001 nlfpmod

You can’t shut everyone up, this is a forum and open to discussion. As far as I’m concerned , this post did not break any rule.
You are fighting my freedom of expression but don’t have problem with someone celebrating disaster

What you should do is go and press report button on twitter or call the dog to order

47 Likes 12 Shares

Politics / Ibadan: The Toxicity Is Real by Omoawoke2(m): 8:18pm On Jan 17, 2024
Believe me, there are some beings whose soul are darker than darkness itself, they are dangerous to humanity.
They want chaos and evil to prevail, that’s the only thing that gives them fulfillment.

It’s no longer a news that some elements are excited about the Ibadan incident. Seriously, freedom of speech has a limit and people like this should be fished out and taught lessons.

Why would you celebrate the death of innocent people because your candidate lost an election?

32 Likes 6 Shares

Politics / Re: Ibadan Explosion: Foreign Illegal Miners Ran Out Of The House Before Explosion — by Omoawoke2(m): 8:01pm On Jan 17, 2024

You people sha want this to be called a terrorist attack badly so you can be happy that Yoruba people are going through this and find a way to link it to them voting against Obi.

Lot of people like you are on Twitter running around sad because it was not a terrorists attack.

One would think if Obi suddenly becomes the president, that no disaster will
Ever happen in Nigeria again and everyone will suddenly become immortal.

The thing is shocking.

And funny enough, igbos plenty for that same Ibadan
TV/Movies / Re: Why I Left ‘The Johnsons’ TV Drama – Samuel ‘Spiff’ Ajibola by Omoawoke2(m): 3:38am On Jan 17, 2024
You spent 9 year investing in somebody's dream? What an ungrateful being you are. What about the things you learnt while part of the program? Who were you 10 years ago?

When people leave the stage, they start showing their true colours. From the way you have spoken, you are truly imbecilic inside

Will you mind the stupid boy, if not for Johnson show, who knows him?
He invested in someone’s dream or that helped him achieve his dreams


Travel / Re: Tremor In Ibadan, Oyo State; Residents Run For Cover by Omoawoke2(m): 9:26pm On Jan 16, 2024
I just hope it’s not too bad, may our friends and Ibadan be safe


Politics / Re: Ebonyi Gov. Nwifuru Displays Amazing Dance Moves To Celebrate Victory (Video) by Omoawoke2(m): 7:26pm On Jan 16, 2024

Agbada style
is not Yoruba clothing.
Yorubas just call it sgbada

Tell me one valid reason what Yoruba has to do with this? Come straight and tell me, don’t be afraid. What exactly has Yoruba got to do with my comment ??
Politics / Re: I Was Rejected, Humiliated And Denied Because I Am From Ebonyi State by Omoawoke2(m): 5:29pm On Jan 16, 2024

The op is not igbo and is lying to you . Stop feeding this madness

The OP did not claim to be Igbo, the op mentioned she/he copied the story from Facebook and gave the link
Politics / Re: Ebonyi Gov. Nwifuru Displays Amazing Dance Moves To Celebrate Victory (Video) by Omoawoke2(m): 4:37pm On Jan 16, 2024
Dancing in yellow Agbada grin


Sports / Re: Mali Vs South Africa: AFCON 2023 (2 - 0) On 16th January 2024 by Omoawoke2(m): 4:27pm On Jan 16, 2024
I wish Mail all the best


Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 2:22pm On Jan 16, 2024
Can we now discount how Mohammed raped kids as young as 6?
Channel this energy to something productive pls.

Do you know Muslims will kill you for talking against their Mohammed? Do you know the Mohammed you insult is seen as the most important thing that ever happened to humanity by billions of Muslims. Now you accuse them of being deluded but you are here defending another prophet called TB Joshua.
You are not different, you only believe in different versions
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 2:20pm On Jan 16, 2024
And who are you to judge?
Are you sin free?
Even yesterday you sin against God.

Yes I can judge.
So if someone rape your wife, you will say you are not to judge because the person call himself a man of God. Do you have a functioning brain? I’d advise you not to procreate because you will born down-syndrome
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 2:18pm On Jan 16, 2024

That's where you're mind is fixated.
My point still remains that wherever you think you have attained in life, it doesn't authorize you to address anyone as "poor". Stop hiding your insolent in the "abroad" thing. It's not the subject of all this discussion.
Learn manners and respect. If you have grown, it should reflect in your manners.

I’m sure you got my message loud and clear
Politics / Re: I Was Rejected, Humiliated And Denied Because I Am From Ebonyi State by Omoawoke2(m): 2:15pm On Jan 16, 2024
why do reasonable Yoruba men hate marrying Yoruba women

How many non Yoruba first ladies do you have today . In SW almost all of them are non Yoruba

Mention one southwest governor today whose First Lady is non Yoruba. Just one

Your statement said almost all, so you should be able to mention like 4

And the topic is about Ebonyi and Enugu beef, must you bring Yoruba to everything?

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Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 4:02am On Jan 16, 2024

So, what's next?

What’s next is for you to know how to keep your mouth shut especially on public forums. When next you have the urge to beat your chest and boast you aren’t in Nigeria and living the best life, always remember there’s nothing special about you and you are just an average person living life. The people you are bragging to don’t give a fvk, they are not surprised and it’s nothing new to them. They are probably far ahead of you. So keep your mouth shut and be humble.
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 3:56am On Jan 16, 2024

Naso, abeg can I get $100k from you my Rich friend? Atleast help a broke friend.
Abi is it too much to ask from a friend?
Having a Morgage equivalent to N1B+ is not a child's play. Bro, if you see anyone having morgage abroad, respect them. They are not your mate.
It doesn't mean I am struggling. For one to even qualify for a morgage abroad means that he/she earns a descent wage.

I think you are the first man to know how mortgage works?? Lol
You need to learn to eat the humility pie because there’s nothing new and special about all you are saying. You see why I categorize you as mentally poor? You suffer a real poverty of the mind with a loose mouth. Eager to beat your drum. Already, we know you live abroad and have a mortgage, can you give drop more beats for us and let us know you drive the latest car. Poverty is a terrible thing and you need to evolve. I’m sure you should know by now that nobody gives a shit about you outside the country, everyone is living their lives and you can’t oppress anyone with the change you have like you do in Africa.
When you get back to Nigeria, you can dethrone your village king but back in the western world, nobody gives a shit.
And boy, I repeat, you are a nobody, when you grow in your network, you will realize that these things shacking you won’t matter anymore.
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 3:46am On Jan 16, 2024

Hahahahh. Local man has spoken.
For your mind, " you served a tea."
Man servant. My point is that you shouldn't address anyone as "poor."
I didn't say anything to deserved your insults. Although, it doesn't mean anything to me because I know how frustrated you are.
Keep ranting like your two dogs in the public.

I will address people with no sense as poor.

I’m very serious with you that you are mentally poor and it’s a pity you don’t know this.

And you deserve insult the moment you started your “I’m not in Nigeria” bullshit. Who cares really?
I’m sure you use that to brag to your village girls but hey man, let it end there. Not everyone is an uncivilized local ape like you
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 2:45am On Jan 16, 2024

I am not a noise maker. You believe everyone that is a believer is poor, and that's why you mentioned me to be a poor church person.
You're probably looking for a poor guy to mess with his emotions.
Be kind to people, whether rich or poor.
I am not bragging about where God had brought me to, but to let you understand that you shouldn't address me as a poor person. Atleast, I can feed you and your entire household all the days of your life.

You can never ever and will never be able to feed my two dogs at home.
You are just a stupid empty fool.
And yes you are so poor in mind. You are poor upstairs and I will mock you for it. I don’t pity people who lack senses. And I repeat, you are a bloody nobody other than a salvage immigrant hiding in whatever country you are! You are a damn nobody!! You are not special but an ordinary boy looking for means to survive.
Who started bragging, you thought you have seen one local boy to oppress with “I’m not even in Nigeria” you jammed a wrong person bro.
Hope you work your miserable emptiness to vanity. Gerrout of here Mehn! Mr “I’m not even in Nigeria”
First man to live outside the country. Sorry oo, hope I can serve you tea, your majesty! Mr Diaspora
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 11:31pm On Jan 15, 2024

You said you became a member since 90's. I was born mid 90's and i want to neglect your age and call you a FOOL because you lack wisdom. You are an idiot and mentally challenged. Please cry me a river, i will never reply you again ancestor.

Some people old for here and yet no get sense. Imagine what that one is saying. Lol. Old ancestor whey never get sense

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Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 11:28pm On Jan 15, 2024

Brother. I am NOT broke. As a matter of fact, i am not even in Nigeria at the moment. I am sure you understand what I am talking about.
Please, don't allow your personal grievance push you to mislead others. Be kind enough to be truthful to yourself and others. Don't slander someone who has done nothing to you.

All this people with I’m not even in Nigeria at the moment.

You are not in Nigeria, so you are now the king in diaspora we should bow down to worship your feet.
Who cares whereever you are? I see people that talk like this as the most uncivilized individuals that managed to cross borders. Please grow up and wake up. There’s nothing special about not being in Nigeria.
You should go to your village and entice them with Johnny just come from abroad, maybe your villagers will welcome your with drums and trumpets.
You are a nobody!
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 10:24pm On Jan 15, 2024

Which fake miracle?

You're insane for saying this. Millions of people knows many people personally that have received diverse miracles.
Go to the church today and see for yourself. If you still spewing that TB Joshua is fake, go and check his wife.
Come and also tell us she's fake.
Something is fundamentally wrong with people like you.
I am not sure if you have conscience at all.
You come out and lie to the whole world, say things you Obviously knows is a lie and still comfortably go to bed.
You better seek for a redress from God.

Go and see for yourself if you're a Thomas. Stop speculating lies.

They are doing miracles and you are still broke??

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Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 6:20pm On Jan 15, 2024

God will Judge you for fighting against his prophet. Since you declared war against God, it will never be well with you and your entire generation

You and your entire lineage will never find peace on this earth and the hereafter.
You will remain wretched and useless for the remaining part of your life. Don’t forget the date 15/8/25
Religion / Re: T.B Joshua Saga: Wiseman Daniel Speaks About How Trouble Started In Synagogue by Omoawoke2(m): 5:35pm On Jan 15, 2024

I think T.B Joshua has been maligned unjustly.

This clarification provides the needed answer to the question of when and what went wrong.

May his soul rest in peace 🕊️.

His soul and the soul of every con artist out there will never rest in peace.

Funny thing is that this pastors with their fake miracles confuse the gullible to abandon medication and their case get worse or they even die while they and their family have access to one of the best medical services in the world


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