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Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 4:56pm On May 19, 2015
Lindyque...........any one with her email address here?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 9:28pm On May 13, 2015
Lindyque........................Can you copy?
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 10:05pm On Apr 15, 2015

Pls are u here I want to ask u some questions concerning bank draft.
Ask away sir
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 10:21pm On Apr 10, 2015
Has anyone sent passport via courier to canadian visa application centre here? Thank you
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 11:38am On Apr 10, 2015
I heard about a devaluation rumor where one dollar will be equal to 220/224.....how soon or how plausible is this? Experienced forex analyst....please say something....maybe I should keep my 9,000usd......if I sell at 200 now, I will be losing 8naira on one dollar.....someone should please advise cryI heard about a devaluation rumor where one dollar will be equal to 220/224.....how soon or how plausible is this? Experienced forex analyst....please say something....maybe I should keep my 9,000usd......if I sell at 200 now, I will be losing 8naira on one dollar.....someone should please advise
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 11:25am On Apr 10, 2015
If you have dollar to sell contact me at the r at e of 201\USD.
Where is your location? I have 9000usd for sale
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 7:06pm On Apr 08, 2015
@jodeci aboki said 195today. Please do you know the procedure for someone with an ordinary dorm account to effect the conversion in the bank? I don't have a naira account at all. Thank you
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 11:47pm On Apr 07, 2015

Could you tell us the abokis agenda...
Some people like taking urubebesin table o. False accusation...

Swerve abeg! Maintain your lane. Thank you!
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 11:12am On Apr 07, 2015
178per dollar today @ab0ki.. fallen big time
I don't believe ds price. Like I said earlier ds aboki have agenda honestly. One called me now he wants to buy from me at 190. I told him I'm yet to withdraw and he even asked when I'm going to withdraw!!!!.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 9:35am On Apr 06, 2015
Av u picked up ur passport?
I haven't. I sent it true courier on thursday. I got final decision application approved on friday. I'm yet to be notified by either cic or the courier. Thanks
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 9:31am On Apr 06, 2015

Did u get any email frm cic that there's been no update on ur account, thanks for ur patience..... before your medical mail came up?
Yes that dia has been no update came up exactly a month and two days after submission. then I got an update mail(medicals) 9days after. But some didn't get any update mail at all before getting medical mails. The wait is almost over sis.....victory is nigh!!!


Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 9:28am On Apr 06, 2015

Congrats dear
thank you so much baby....I remembered when you helped me in searching for suitable schools. I'm so grateful.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 9:22am On Apr 06, 2015
Hapi easter house, am kinda worried cos on the 2nd of this month makes it a month I submitted my application to CIC and I haven't gotten a msg thanking me for my patience. I realised the recent pple dat was called for medicals got a mail like dat a month and few days after submission. Pls if there is anyone here that has been called for medicals and didn't get such notification pls lemme me knw before I pass out. sad . @ornaments,kepner,john4afilliate,macdonald2003 somebody, anybody help ooo
I think online route takes about 5weeks recently....so by next week you should be called for medicals. Mine was 5weeks and 4days


Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 10:39pm On Apr 04, 2015
I called a aboki few minutes ago....he's selling for 195 and buying at 190. Infact the guy is even suspiciously pressuring me to bring my dollar so he can buy.....I'm suspecting hidden agenda of sort......okay let's see what happens on thursday....I can't afford to loose so much on that money
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 10:36pm On Apr 04, 2015
I would rather go to bank and sell it at the official rate of 197

I have 9000usd too....are you sure bank can buy from it customer?....if you are certain, I will be the first customer to get to the bank on tuesday morning
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 4:32pm On Apr 02, 2015
How to submit your passport:

Once you receive notification from the Government of Canada requesting your passport, you can submit the passport and that request letter:
1.In person/ through an authorised representative at the CVAC. Or
2.By courier/mail to the CVAC address mentioned on the ”Contact Us” page.
a.Kindly note: The service charge mentioned for passport transmission can be paid at any GTBank counter, The Account name and number : CANADA VALUE ADDED SERVICE COLLECTION ACCOUNT (a/c no 0109515451)

Please refer to http://www.vfsglobal.ca/canada/nigeria/servicechargeschedule.html for charges.
b.The applicant will be responsible for his/ her passport/ documents if sending or receiving via courier or using the transmission services.

Note: If you are sending your passport to the same visa application centre as where you provided your biometric information, you are not required to pay for passport transmission charges

To retrieve your passport, you have the choice of;
1.Picking up the passport in person or through an authorised representative from the CVAC or;
2.Sending a prepaid self-addressed courier return envelope along with your passport and request letter

(Kindly note: The applicant has to enclose the proof of payment for passport transmission along with the passport, The passport will be forwarded to The Deputy High Commission of Canada, Lagos once the proof of payment is received)

The Passport Transmission Services offered by the VACs will enable you to;
1.Get your passport delivered to the CVO Lagos (Canadian Visa Office, Lagos ) in a timely and safe manner.
2.Track the status of your passport by using the Tracking tool on the CVAC website

Thanks bro

1 Like

Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 1:16pm On Apr 02, 2015

Hello, how can I reach you via PM?.. I need your help with a part of my SOP.. Unfortunately I don't have the email I registered NL with...I can drop my email if u dont mind
Drop your mail sir.
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 11:49am On Apr 02, 2015

Someone should please put me through on passport request process by courier. Thanks
someone should answer me now embarassed

Someone should please put me through on passport request process by courier. Thanks
someone should answer me now
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 10:42am On Apr 02, 2015

Someone should please put me through on passport request process by courier. Thanks
Politics / Re: Jega's Announcement Of Presidential Election Results 2015: Part 4 by Ornaments(f): 4:51pm On Mar 31, 2015
What's the latest Good people no light here
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 1:01pm On Mar 31, 2015
Sir,in other to avoid repitition,kindly go back like 10-15 pages,people just smacked TRV with this your exact condition. One of the name u should look out for is jengbetiele and one other lady. Read up on their post carefully,it will be of great help. Wish you the best
Kindly pm me, you have your trv already atleast 70 percent by God's special grace
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 3:17pm On Mar 28, 2015
Alright, thanks for the info-- I have dormicillary account but it operates in USD, my question now is if the foreign bank draft is in USD, will I be able to change it easily to canadian dollars when I get to Canada.
Pls ur response is highly needed.
Why not? That is why it is called a foreign draft!
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 10:03am On Mar 27, 2015

Congrats to you and Jengbetiele, Kindly expanciate on the bolded,
I'm sure it will be useful to someone.
A bank draft in a convertible currency is one of the listed doc for proof of finance on cic website. The good thing about ds is you don't need a proof of funds like fixed deposit. This is how to go about it. Go to your bank prefarably the modern banks. Open a dorm account. Deposit the amount you wanna use in dollars. Then instruct your bank to draw a draft in your name. E.g I went to my bank,opened a dorm account, deposited the dollars into the account, then I requested for a foreign draft.

1 Like

Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 11:06pm On Mar 25, 2015
Goodnews flying here and there! All glory to almighty God for his favour. Today, I got my medical call. I am so happy. The road has been full of suspense,fears and intrigues but its worth it at last. Before I list my doc according to tradition, I must sincerely express my profound gratitude to prof jijola, who put me through the whole process, my one and only Linda, slimdel, optimall, realone, oga justwise, oga siga, oga onyeoma, anugoson and everyother persin wey I no remember. I am so grateful. Words are not enough to express my gratitude. God bless you all for me

Doc submitted
Sop, Loa with full scholarship, 2 reference letters, B.sc result, NYSC result, transcripts, 1 academic journal in related areas delf exam result A1 and A2, certification exams

Proof of finance doc
A well written sponsors letter of support,
Sponsor soa 200k+ opening balance and 1.5m closing balance(5 months)
A bankdraft of 9,000USD( Jijola's idea)
Fees schedule
Letter of conscent from my mum.
Landed properties of my dad and mum
Fasting and prayer

I didn't take anything to court, nothing was notarized. I give all the glory to God.
Thank you everyone! All the medical awaitees, heaven will smile on you soonest in the mighty name of jesus mr jengbetiele, hesque, congrats to us!!!!!!

11 Likes 2 Shares

Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 11:16am On Mar 18, 2015
See wetin cic send me this morning after 4weeks (online)of waiting ehhhh. Brethren, as I see dem email address ontop my phone like ds, na so I close my eyes begin dey skebosh casting and binding every evil arrow
Na so I summon courage open the mail o see wetin I see.................

There have been no updates to your application (S*********) since you last checked your MyCIC account. Thank you for your patience.

This message is intended for the following e-mail address: ************@gmail.com. If this message is not for you, please delete it.

If I be persin wey get high bp ni na hospital I for land as I finish reading wey I don think say na medical call chai! Dia ris godu o!!!! After four weeks....of submitting via usain bolt route (online) na thank you for ya patience dem send gimme

Hello,please reply your pm
Business / Re: How Much Did You Exchange The Dollar For Today? by Ornaments(f): 12:02pm On Jan 23, 2015
Any Seller here? I need 10,000. Cheapest rate Please
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Join Me Thank God, I Just Got A New Job. by Ornaments(f): 2:11pm On Jan 19, 2015
congrats, this is an encouragement!

I just moved to Lag yesterday for Job search.
it is well....
Politics / Re: BREAKING NEWS: Boko Haram Again! Damaturu Under Terror Siege!!! by Ornaments(f): 9:59pm On Jan 09, 2015
40 days to presidential elections. If you're voting
remember this factors;
1. The chibok Girls
2. NNPC Scam
3. Police pension fund
4. Missing 20Billion
5. $9million Arms deal
6. Bomb Blasts
7. Immigration job scam
8. Petroleum pump price
9. Devaluation of Naira
10. Oil theft
11. Pow embarasseder outage
12. Selling of Nepa
13. Selling of Refineries
14. Skyrocketed Nepa Bills
15. ASUU & poly Strike
16. Doctors Strike
17. National Assembly tragedy
19. Stella's oduah Aviation Scam
20. Kerosene subsidy
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for Ebola,
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for dilapidated hospitals,
They Did't raise 21Billion for Military Weapons against
Boko Haram,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for flood Victims,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for children dying of Vaccine
preventable disease,
They didn't raise 21Billion for the homeless.
BUT they all gathered to raise 21Billion for another 4

note: am not a politician and I don't belong to any political party all I want is CHANGE

53 Likes 15 Shares

Politics / Re: Meet The Nigerian Female Billionaire That Gave Jonathan 5 Billion Naira! by Ornaments(f): 9:49pm On Jan 09, 2015
40 days to presidential elections. If you're voting
remember this factors;
1. The chibok Girls
2. NNPC Scam
3. Police pension fund
4. Missing 20Billion
5. $9million Arms deal
6. Bomb Blasts
7. Immigration job scam
8. Petroleum pump price
9. Devaluation of Naira
10. Oil theft
11. Power outage
12. Selling of Nepa
13. Selling of Refineries
14. Skyrocketed Nepa Bills
15. ASUU & poly Strike
16. Doctors Strike
17. National Assembly tragedy
19. Stella's oduah Aviation Scam
20. Kerosene subsidy
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for Ebola,
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for dilapidated hospitals,
They Did't raise 21Billion for Military Weapons against
Boko Haram,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for flood Victims,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for children dying of Vaccine
preventable disease,
They didn't raise 21Billion for the homeless.
BUT they all gathered to raise 21Billion for another 4

note: am not a politician and I don't belong to any political party all I want is CHANGE
Politics / Re: PDP Enugu Rally: President Goodluck Jonathan In Enugu;blast Buhari - Read Quote by Ornaments(f): 9:46pm On Jan 09, 2015
40 days to presidential elections. If you're voting
remember this factors;
1. The chibok Girls
2. NNPC Scam
3. Police pension fund
4. Missing 20Billion
5. $9million Arms deal
6. Bomb Blasts
7. Immigration job scam
8. Petroleum pump price
9. Devaluation of Naira
10. Oil theft
11. Power outage
12. Selling of Nepa
13. Selling of Refineries
14. Skyrocketed Nepa Bills
15. ASUU & poly Strike
16. Doctors Strike
17. National Assembly tragedy
19. Stella's oduah Aviation Scam
20. Kerosene subsidy
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for Ebola,
They Didn't Raise 21Billion for dilapidated hospitals,
They Did't raise 21Billion for Military Weapons against
Boko Haram,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for flood Victims,
They Didn't raise 21Billion for children dying of Vaccine
preventable disease,
They didn't raise 21Billion for the homeless.
BUT they all gathered to raise 21Billion for another 4

note: am not a politician and I don't belong to any political party all I want is CHANGE

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Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 7 by Ornaments(f): 10:11pm On Jan 08, 2015
onyeoma3 you have a pm. Thank you
Travel / Re: Travelling To Canada Part 6 by Ornaments(f): 1:22am On Nov 28, 2014

I will advice the person not to put employment details since she just finish NYSC but she should ensure he have strong home ties to Nigeria ( Just my opinion)

Bonne Chance

Thank you sir. But how can someone who is still single, who neither has any kid yet nor any landed properties have strong hone ties? How can this gap be breached? Thanks

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