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Romance / Re: Is It OK For A Lady To Propose Marriage To A Man Man by Pervert1(m): 3:36pm On Oct 22, 2014

But it does not augur well cos I believe its the responsibility of the man to approach the lady and tell her his mind.
what i meant to say is that it should be the other way round. The man should be the one proposing...you can't be heard to say thata wife should be the head of the family! ...it can't be Mother,child and father,but...father,mother and child. Have you seen a couple addressed as Mrs&Mr.....its Mr and Mrs.
Romance / Re: Worst Rejection You've Ever Recieved by Pervert1(m): 3:22pm On Oct 22, 2014
gud advice... But right now i rily am not chasing any girl , wana use this period of time to get up, do smth significant, get a job, grow in wisdom and strength...in money likewise..den i beleive d girls would be troopin in like a swarm of bees
ah....now here is a MAN!

With that mentality,...you are headed for the top! Stay blessed.
Romance / Re: I Need Your Help! MizMyColi, TheCongo & Other Most Influencial Niralanders by Pervert1(m): 3:19pm On Oct 22, 2014
I admit,some people don't have the strong mental ability to deal with some serious shit...but come to think of it @Op,you depend solely on an online therapy to mend your problem.
I think you have some other deep issues,apart from what you mentioned here,you seem to have trouble "GROWING UP". I don't think being a man is only when you can do stuffs or handle pressure by yourself,but admitting that you have a problem! You did admit you have a problem,but this is barely the way to solve them. I'm quite certain that majority of the issues that are being brought to Nairaland Romance section(for one) are fictions,and some of them only have onet motive: TO GET SOME ATTENTION.
I'm also certain that among the majority of topics that are real,only few takes the advice of respectable NLders who take their time to type what they assume is going to help! I'm not saying that your topic is a lie,what i'm actually saying is...if it is true,find physical help(therapy)...i don't think people listens to the advice of someone they can't see. Secondly,like someone said in this thread:there are shorter ways to get an information across than an epistle,lol....well,here is me keeping it short...HOW OLD ARE YOU SEF?

HBD....long life and P

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Romance / Re: Worst Rejection You've Ever Recieved by Pervert1(m): 2:59pm On Oct 22, 2014
am too tired of being nice...i now set boundaries, tell them the truth as i see it witout mincing words....
if i had a dollar for every gal that says "not interested"..GOD knows!
Well,i hv had my own shares of 'No',but it doesn't deter me,i have had more yes than No though,i mean...much more yes! When a "NO" comes(in what ever way it does)...i take it as a bad day and move on! If you keep this things in mind,it kills your confidence.

.i'm not a Keeper! So,i barely get hurt.
Romance / Re: Worst Rejection You've Ever Recieved by Pervert1(m): 2:53pm On Oct 22, 2014
Well,everybody gets kinda rejected,but i'm not that blunt in approach(i'm kinda a patient bird of prey),not too patient,but PATIENT....so i barely get rejected,and when i do...it's not that bad!
But the closest came when a girl told me,''I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR GAME,I'VE BEEN TOLD...AND YOU ARE NOT SEEING MY PANTS'' ....have others,but this is the one that really got me.
Romance / Re: Worst Rejection You've Ever Recieved by Pervert1(m): 2:47pm On Oct 22, 2014
Ur a nice guy and i see u as a friend....na so my head begin to dey bust..be like say mk i shoot myself.....buh hell no, i must break a girl's heart for that....i must pay bak for wad dey hav done to me
forget that bro...don't think like that.
Romance / Re: Who Should Be Taller - The Man Or The Woman by Pervert1(m): 2:42pm On Oct 22, 2014

Check my profile.
hmm..ok..i just hope you are really tall cos i will trace you and then...maybe if you are really a virgin,you might have a chance with me
Romance / Re: Why Do Guys Get Offended When Their Friend Woo Or Is In Love With Their Sister by Pervert1(m): 2:37pm On Oct 22, 2014
what do u think of then?
it's sometimes kind of a pride thing....an as*shole will always stick it to your face one way or the other that he is dating your sister! Secondly,i won't tell u to imagine if you were a guy,but i'm going to contradict myself: it will feel extremely awkward hanging out with a friend you know might be having s*x with your sister.
It all depends on the mindset shaa.
Romance / Re: Why Do Guys Get Offended When Their Friend Woo Or Is In Love With Their Sister by Pervert1(m): 2:32pm On Oct 22, 2014
hmmmm...to me
1.its kinda inappropriate especially if shes hes kid sister.....
2.because guys dosnt want their sisters to experience/go through what other girls face in their hands...
3.because they know their friends well enough to know that they're not good for his sister(s) (ie if his friend has a nasty behaviour)
your number is one of the reasons,but i don't think it's because of what she might go through,i mean,one can't expect to go through life protecting her sister from birds of prey.....so better one you know than others.
Romance / Re: Why Do Guys Get Offended When Their Friend Woo Or Is In Love With Their Sister by Pervert1(m): 2:28pm On Oct 22, 2014
They know what they do to other girls and they won't want a reciprocal result
....that's not what most of us thinks shaa..
Romance / Re: Is It OK For A Lady To Propose Marriage To A Man Man by Pervert1(m): 2:27pm On Oct 22, 2014
Romance / Re: How Do I Get This Guy? by Pervert1(m): 2:25pm On Oct 22, 2014

..Approaching a guy is not always the best thing to do......So many things is always at stake..Her self-esteem, her pride as a woman, it might soil her personality etc....

...African guys have this silly mentality when a girl approaches them.....They believe they are desperate, they believe she s cheap and so should not be appreciated......They believe a hard-earned gf should be respected and appreciated....Makes me remember a certain yoruba proverb wc says, 'Oogun taba fowora, eeyin aaro loun gbe'..

..In her case, there s enough competition already....This nigga has lots and lots of admirers.....She only has a slim chance of getting his attention....

..I dont understand why some babes wont allow things to flow naturally....If he is gonna be urs, he is gonna ask you out or seek for your attention instead...
hey lady,no offense,but if you keep portraying Africans in this negative way,then i don't think we have any hope of growth....MENTALLY!

I'd like to think that in your mind you are not generalizing! Also,i should think that as an African(i'm assuming you are one) and one that believes we have a very poor mentality,you include yourself as one! Come to think of it,what makes you think that the guy in question don't think Africans have poor mentality and hence doesn't think in such way!
My dear(don't mind me) ,i'm not trying to attack you or your opinions,because as this is a forum,but i just think you are wrong about that "MENTALITY" stuff. Every African is not the same,some of us tend to grow in mentality,some of us are naturally grown in that aspect....! Thank you. CHEERS.

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Romance / Re: How Do I Get This Guy? by Pervert1(m): 2:13pm On Oct 22, 2014
This Op sef,how can you get him...and suddenly you just want to be friends...lol! You don't know what you want,i suggest you find a guy that thinks like you before this so called hot guy devours ur heart.
Romance / Re: 9 Ways To Fraustrate Your EX And Make Them Regret Leaving You by Pervert1(m): 2:07pm On Oct 22, 2014
More like how to keep living in the past! What if your ex adopts the same method...u two will look like a couple of ediots who never stopped loving each other.


Romance / Re: Slim Girls Are Smarter Than Fat Girls. I Go For Slim Girls. by Pervert1(m): 2:03pm On Oct 22, 2014
Ok! fine!...can you now concentrate on your choice and let us make our own choice! The opposite of slim is not fat in this context right? What of the girls in between?
Romance / Re: Depressed!!! by Pervert1(m): 2:00pm On Oct 22, 2014
Look my friend,i'm not going to criticize you,because some of us are kinda fragile in this love issue,you just have to try and get back on your feet,but No matter how much of a cliché u think this is,it's the truth: MOVE ON!
Romance / Re: 13 Things Girls Don't Believe Thier Boyfriends And Brothers Do by Pervert1(m): 9:03pm On Oct 20, 2014
So dey even jerk off wiv detergent? Wonderful!!!
Romance / Re: Realizing your mistakes by Pervert1(m): 7:06pm On Oct 20, 2014

Like seriously? undecided
kidding! He needs help....research shows that people like this are bound to put their sick thoughts into effect in their mid tweenties or early thirties! Quick help.

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Romance / Re: Ok Ladies, Juss Incase You Didn't Know.. by Pervert1(m): 6:44pm On Oct 20, 2014
I dey kum,mk i wipe nyassh
Romance / Re: Realizing your mistakes by Pervert1(m): 6:42pm On Oct 20, 2014
Too much detective novels and american movies...this guy should be hanged b4 he kills someone.

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Romance / Re: Ladies: How To Get The Man U Want To Marry You by Pervert1(m): 6:40pm On Oct 20, 2014
This technique sucks.....too long for a desperate lady!
Romance / Re: 13 Things Girls Don't Believe Thier Boyfriends And Brothers Do by Pervert1(m): 6:36pm On Oct 20, 2014
If gals do believe that,what we would have is lots of boys jerking off at the nearest sight of water and soap,detergent or vaseline,and if boys believe all these,we would have a high rate of lesbianism and dil*do sale.
Romance / Re: . by Pervert1(m): 6:30pm On Oct 20, 2014
If she is not very taller than Chinedu ikediezie....big turn off
Romance / Re: Your Boo Or 15 Million Naira? by Pervert1(m): 6:27pm On Oct 20, 2014
I would like to think my boo would be worth more than that....i'm single right now,so i'll keep that thought till then.
Romance / Re: Should I Dump My Girlfriend Of Two Years? by Pervert1(m): 6:22pm On Oct 20, 2014
Oh man...u r quite fragile! 2years and you are just gonna give up like this? IMO..u r making a mistake,but maybd you should dump her,who knows..she myt hv found someone else when you were in school and decided to keep you for supplies. But then again,u r a student,u no get.
Romance / Re: Guys, How Long Can You Wait For A Lady You Ask Out To Make Her Decision? by Pervert1(m): 1:11pm On Oct 19, 2014
Nairaland / General / Re: This Is The Nairaland Babe With The Longest Hair by Pervert1(m): 1:10pm On Oct 19, 2014
Romance / Re: Why Do Men Like Bitches? by Pervert1(m): 1:06pm On Oct 19, 2014
Now another guy who wants to believe what he thinks! Phewww! Bitches..lol,i like that word.
Romance / Re: Who Should Be more Happier On Wedding Day; Bride Or Groom? by Pervert1(m): 8:57pm On Oct 18, 2014
the wife, we men are doing women a favour by marrying them..., a favour with benefits wink
lmao very funny! U no dey do anybody favours o,unless say u marry an over aged woman.

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